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What is the overall opinion on the game?
How does it compare to other JRPG's
Dropped it pretty fast, not worth playing/10
It's an arpg. It's better than Tales. 2 or 3 are the best ones. If you're a low IQ storyfag you may end up raging.
Were some of the first games to have meaningful achievements that unlocked difficulties.
thinking of picking this up but doesn't look that great story wise which is what I'm after at the moment
it's crazy how times change. it used to be virtually everyone in these kinds of spaces would've played this already.
I find it hard to replay a game for the 3d time, honestly.
>star ocean second story R
awful game. Play Star Ocean 6 instead and thank me later
I just can't. The faces of the characters look too uncanny.
none of the Star Ocean games have good characters or plots, so don't expect that from the series. But they excel at giving that simple, fun, jrpg experience of killing monsters, getting stronger, exploring and making items. Great pacing, constant progression, and you always see something new every 30 minutes.
Star Ocean 2 is the definition of an 8/10 game. solidly fun and enjoyable, but lacking any real depth that would make it stand out from other games.
I couldn't stomach playing through the demo.
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It's one of the only remakes of a game I actually thought was an overall improvement. They somehow managed to not fuck it up.
Can't wist for the Denuvo to be removed. SE always takes it off 6-8 months after release.
how fun you will find it probably depends on how much you enjoy doing stupid shit to completely break the game, like crafting weapons better than anything you can buy until the end of the game immediately, destroying the in-game economy, becoming outright invincible, etc. Ignoring these its a pretty alright action rpg but ignoring your ability to break it, the combat turns into zerg rushes at the end to the point you constantly will be getting one-shot if you don't do cheesy shit and that kills a lot of the fun.
Which version of 2 is the best one?
The new one by far
It's garbage
Welch Vineyard likes showing off her crotch a lot.
she has a nice one
It's the only RPG from the last 10 years I've enjoyed. Some of the crafting type stuff was annoying though.
I wouldn't say it was super story-heavy, but I like that. It's somewhat difficult, and takes some grinding. It was a fun time, I thought it looked great too.
>It's the only RPG from the last 10 years I've enjoyed
Same, can't tell if nostalgiagoggles or if it's just genuinely a good modernization of a classic game.
It's the best star ocean but the bar isn't particularly high
Anyone play the new content from the patch? Worth going back for?
It's an action rpg, so it's not compared to jrpg.
So second story R means it's a sequel right? If so Is the first one on pc too? If so I'll give them a go.
It's hard to recommend desu. Story is really basic, combat is a bit of a mess. There's a good bit of replayability as certain characters joining you lock other ones out, but ultimately it doesn't change a great deal.
bumping to let you know it's your time, Denuvo is off the game

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