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Are there certain in-game organizations or structures that you find very cozy? I really like the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout games, and it gives me the same feeling as the Jedi Temple in Knights of the Old Republic games. I also like the Heroes Guild in Fable. What similar thing do you like in other games?
yeah, i like the KYS and stop making these awful threads where you get people to tell you how to make games
Kuldahar in Icewind Dale 1, the backgrounds are gorgeous and cozy and the music that plays there is amazingly evocative too.
Shut the fuck up
Why are varpigs so autistically opposed to making threads? This board is fucking dead. At least OP is trying FFS.
>Heroes Guild in Fable
Very cozy. Married a fellow apprentice there.

Based IWD fan.

For me tho it's Targos in II. Probably because that's the area I've spent the most time in over the years.

The atmosphere is just so thick and the music is kino. You can really feel the sense that your band of adventurers are just starting out on a very bleak adventure. But it's somehow still very cozy.
>Married a fellow apprentice there.
Mages Guild in Oblivion. I played without fast travel, so the recommendation quests at every city felt like a comfy pilgrimage. Every guild hall is unique with unique NPCs, a selection of spells, trainers and potions. I always stopped by to use their services and spent the night there when in town. Then of course there's the arcane university, which is awesome.

Fighters Guild guild halls were comfy too.
I liked setting myself up in Balmora mage guild or in Caius Cosades' house. I could just drag stuff out of my inventory into the environment to decorate, felt really nice. Also the teleportation between all those other areas. very comfy
>I played without fast travel, so the recommendation quests at every city felt like a comfy pilgrimage
Based walking chad, Todd should have never added teleportation to his games.
I've always loved vault city
full of interesting shops and comfy architecture
helps that all clear signal is easily the best song in the series
I can't even believe Todd's first idea was to blow it all up for seemingly no reason
shady sands isn't vault city??
if anything i hope VC shows up in S2 as a vault tec stronghold over the region after the NCR leaves a power vacuum
>shady sands isn't vault city??
It's not. Shady Sands is the NCR capital city.
Then VC isn't blown up tf you talkin about
are you just randomly dunking on the show?
I'm not the anon you were responding to. I haven't watched the show and will not do so.
Shame it's actually quite good, more brutal than the last decade of todd games
idk you kinda have to be kind of retarded to get so autistic about lore that you can't enjoy something
lore drift started with fallout 2 afterall
but if you don't like it bc it's a drama that's fine everything wants to be GOT i swear to fuck
I dislike television in general as a medium, (((modern television))) especially so. Yeah, "muh lore" already went to shit couple of decades ago as you pointed out, but what little I've seen of the show does look like typical subversive woke garbage. I got burned hard by giving The Witcher a chance.
Pretty much all the organizations in Gothic I and II. My first Gothic 1 run I joined the cult, and honestly I find the whole swamp camp very comfy, but Old Camp is peak nostalgia
Not an organization specifically, but the wilderness of Gothic 2's first area, especially paired with that music.
I'm watching it, like most things now they going to push the propaganda as hard as they can and it sucks. I don't want to see skinny scarecrow cunt with a mustache while the Brotherhood falls over itself to use her "correct" they pronouns, white girl black guy love interests are tiresome, gimpy white inbreds are tiresome, and from racist cuckold hollyjews but what can you do. My boycott doesn't matter, and I get bored a lot so I'll watch it since post apoc settings can have some irreducibly kino qualities to them. There won't be a better production quality one than Fallout in my lifetime probably, which was the original and best post-apoc setting to my gamer sensibilities anyway. Mad Max, Escape from NY, and Deathlands novels notwithstanding. Maybe the breathless 'diversity and inclusion' token millennial in the writing team will get outwritten by AI soon, who knows, I have better shit to get work on than trying to get the left to see sanity anymore.

It's ok. I can't imagine what kind of troons actually ever gave a fuck about fallout 'lore'. Even skyrim had more to care about lorewise.
GOT stopped wanting to be GOT after they had little girls (no not even the mystical assassin trained one, she had a legitimate backstory) kill giants.
I'm talking about the one you would expect to see being obnoxious at chuck e cheese at her 6th birthday party while all the savage beheading barbarians that flayed the skin off men simped for her.
Since that fat pedo Martin got his lifetime applebee's contract from the left and sold out the whole series to write in bullshit like that.

Suddenly it went from gritty medieval inspired fantasy to Yet Another Propaganda Piece.
It's just fucking tiresome. I'm tired.
>b..but the show is sooo good!
Fuck off. Not even the most diehard Fallout fans here wish to watch your irradiated feces montage
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Crosbell. Home.

Idk why but generally groups that live underground are cozy for me like the new vegas brotherhood or south gate station from underrail
I really need to try out those Gothic games
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like 80% of skyrim locations are comfy as fuck.
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Unironically, Balamb Garden
I don't know who at Bethesda is responsible for the creating their worlds, interiors, exteriors, assets and their designs, item placement, but they do an amazing job. Skyrim might be their masterpiece.

Few games have me stopping to really take in the surroundings so often. Exploring ruins with a torch in hand, the aurora borealis and floating torchbugs when traveling the roads at night, or listening to a song about Alduin's defeat at a tavern by the fire. I can't believe they made a huge world feel so hand-crafted, like every location was specifically created to be a promotional picture lol.

Hard to name a game that's more pleasing to eyes and ears than Skyrim, really.
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>Crosbell. Home.
Fake state for faggots with no culture who think they deserve the luxurious benefits of fence sitting between two superpowers but aren't willing to pay their taxes for that right. Escalated a cold war because of their hubris. Had to be annexed so the imperials could purge the corruption. Fuck em
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I really think you should kill yourself.
>Learning skills that will carry you through life as a merc
>The prize winning hot dogs at lunch time
>Learning to drive
>Playing chicken with that fucking giant chicken lizard in the training ground
>Finding love at the Garden Festival
>Starting a student petition to retract the Random rule from your region

Man those were the days
Gold Saucer!!
Erebonia got cucked lmao
And their games suck!
You have your head so far up your own ass you'll complain no matter what threads are made.
TES' Dark Brotherhoods, specially oblivion's
god I was first playing IWD1 during a snow holiday from the school. I still remember everything that was on my desk at the time, when the music hits, the snowy landscapes, snow outside RL, no school, really into R.A Salvatore books at the time... damn, how can one know such joy anymore? I am at the end of my wits. Nothing makes me happy. Nothing keeps my attention more than a couple of days. how to get better anons?

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