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i have beaten fallout 1 more times than i can count.

i almost always quit fallout 2 by SAD/Reno/SF. I just lose interest knowing how much more game there is. why
OP, judging from your post, it appears that you prefer shorter games over longer games. I hope this revelation helps you.
i like long games plenty. i just think in particular the pacing of fallout 2 is quite bad and the quests are often unintuitive. even as a kid i never used a guide for fallout 1, but with 2 i find myself having to consult ancient gamefaqs for guides because if you don't click a dialogue tree the exact perfect way, you'll lose out on major quests forever (the entire jet plotline). not really that fun to me. The thought of going through the SAD all over again makes me want to go do the dishes instead.

that being said, what do you think of Fallout: Sonora?
Zoomer brain is just fried to no recover. I had rerun recently F1, F2, F1.5, nevada, sonora and now playing olympus
I have fun, otherwise would ditch it
The general tone of the game pulls me out, it feels like it's trying to be a "super" version of Fallout, way too over the top, no point in playing it if I can just replay the original without the wacky references.
You are not obligated to like any game, even the genre classics.
You cannot be "wrong" in liking or not liking something.
The possible merits or lack thereof of a certain game is a possible topic for discussion though, but your thread opening doesn't really offer much for that.
Also taking time off from a game and coming back to it later with fresher eyes can enable you to "get it" better. Or not.

t. boomer who likes most of the classics (f2 included) but not all of them and also likes many newer titles
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>i don't like fallout 2. why
well youre a fallgot (faggot in fallout lore) thats why, homo
Lots of bad combat, lots of reloading saves
you don't need to savescum, you choose to savescum by refusing to get good at the game
the writing is less good
Instant death crit that bypasses all armor get
Fallout tactics tried to rationalize fallout ruleset to make a strategy game and the first thing they did was remove the armor bypass because it is fundamentally atactical, and was meant just as a way to make combat funnier in fallout 1
But fallout 2 didn't understand it was a joke because it was made by interplay usurpers
instant death crit are only possible with Better Criticals perk that NPCs don't have
both games are shit and boil down to meaningless conversations inbetween hordes of bad combat that has zero tactics behind it
overrated garbage games
i'm not sure why either anon, but i also greatly prefer Fallout to Fallout 2. something about the original just scratches the right itch for me, favorite game in the franchise.
fo2 is like one of those pokemon HARD MODE rom hacks with shitloads of trainer battles

after a point it's not even hard just a slog of monotonous battles and pop culture references

ya can't even get out of the temple of trials before that tribal fuck starts spouting DUNE lines, literally one of many reasons tim cain left fo2
Perhaps you just enjoy playing good games instead
This. They'd be forgotten games if Bethesda didn't revive them and that's a fact. Beamdog probably wouldn't have even bothered to remaster them due to a lack of interest.
Lot of zoomers insecure about liking FO3 in this thread.
The original games are overrated dog shit. I don't like the Bethesda games either but it's undeniable that they revived a series that would have soon been forgotten. I don't blame zoomers for not wanting to suffer through the terrible combat and shitty writing of the original two games.
Any burst or heavy weapon can easily do instant kill damage with a bypass crit
Because it is a comedy death generator, not a legit combat system
>Zoomer brain
He's playing classic fallout lol
I find by the time I get to SF, I am super OP and progression becomes mostly pointless, so I care less about the quests. I have quit at that point quite a few times. There are some cool and fun fights in 2 though, even if the combat isn't great. The fight in Vault 15 is a highlight for me. I like both games.
>without the wacky references.

Fucking hang yourself you tourist.
He's right, though.
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You must be 18 years old to browse 4chan.
They're right except for the fact that Fallout 3 is also shitty but for different reasons.
F2 was rushed into production bc of the unexpected hit of F1. i've always wondered what it would've been like had black isle had another year to polish the storyline and gameplay. i know ppl have attempted to do just that.
I wonder how things would be if the original devs didn't leave during FO2. It's the reason why I don't lament the cancellation of Van Buren, I believe it would've been even worse than FO2.
For me it's because I find tribals to be the least interesting people in the Fallout universe and you play as a tribal. It's the same reason why I always skip Honest Hearts when doing a New Vegas run. I just don't care about tribals at all.
I hate it as well. I feel like the problem is lack of appeal. In klamath you do side quests to free sulik and then in the den you do side quests to free vic. Also to save ghost farm you have to travel all the way back to the den to talk to one guy at a bar you could easily miss and that journey isn't short at all. it's only until you reach vault city do you encounter anything new and interesting.
fuck off zoomers
pacing is an important part of a game and fallout 2 has long ass sections where you go back and forth between 2 locations to figure out something broke because the developers were given lesd then a year to make the game because Brian Fargo is a hack who caused the man who made fallout 1 a success leave.
When did Beamdog remaster Fallout?
Tim Cain was a complete failure of a dev, check Troika's track record. His words should be taken with a grain of salt
Dev is different from business and management, you dumb.
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Dude even in power armor being within six squares of a mini gun is an instant game over.

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