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How the hell do you beat the dark aeons? Do the sphere grids even have enough stats for you to survive one or two of their attacks? I have everyone's celestial weapon except Tidus, and Dark Bahamut is blocking the way. Also Dark Valefor is blocking the last primer and jecht sphere I need. What is the best order to do Omega Ruins, Monster Arena, and Dark Aeons? I beat a few arena bosses mainly by spamming overdrive aeons. I read about a trick to farm AP from a tonberry, what's a good point to do that without making the rest of the game too easy?
just filling the sphere grid isn't enough, you also have to delete the spheres that give you shit stats, replace the deleted spheres using items that give you a +4, and get those instead.
>what's a good point to do that without making the rest of the game too easy?
Make a save before the no return point, beat the came and come back to that save
Can't you just Yojimbo all of them? I guess that's not very satisfying though
Omega Ruins normal clear -> capture 10 of everything -> Dark Valefor -> easy fights in Monster Arena -> Dark Ifrit/Ixion/Shiva -> start statmaxxing (don't need perfect stats yet) -> Dark Yojimbo (unless you want to keep him alive for Dark Matter farming, which imo is a waste of time) -> harder fights of Monster Arena -> Dark Anima -> Dark Bahamut -> Dark Magus Sisters -> Penance

Having done the statmaxxing more than once, just do >>3462518
It's a massive waste of time and the fights aren't that interesting if you're not working it out for yourself. Catching 10 of every monster to unlock all the arena rewards is tedious, farming luck/fortune spheres is tedious, and rebuilding the grid with clear spheres is tedious. You'll wish you didn't bother and just used Zanmato.
FFX has the most, and worst, endgame of any FF. Problem is that all the interesting abilities and equipment are pretty much locked until then
Thanks, this is what I was looking for. I emulated it like 10 years ago and I remember beating all the dark aeons, I must have used the don tonberry trick to fill out the sphere grids and then used zanmato on penance. I was trying to get 10 of every enemy but this is kind of annoying in sin, so I'll head over to omega ruins like you say. and I think Ill zanmato all the dark aeons. I just realized you can zoom out on sphere grids and holy shit hardly anything is filled out overall on anyone. shit, actually even the harder monster arenas are really high level, I'm thinking of just calling it quits after omega ruins.
The Dark Aeons are for people who have already beaten the game before and want to see the limit of the game's systems. You can't beat them and also have a hard time with the final boss on the same playthrough. If you can beat the Aeons, you can probably 2 shot the final boss.

You don't need to max out the grid to be good enough to beat the Dark Aeons. Tonberry trick -> weapons that convert overdrive gage to AP is the best way to farm enough AP and it doesn't take long to get strong enough for the Aeons. Most of beating the tough bosses come down to having ENOUGH stats and having the right equipment and strategy.

Also how the fuck did you get Lulu's Celestial Weapon and not Tidus'? You should really try to get Tidus'
>Also how the fuck did you get Lulu's Celestial Weapon and not Tidus'? You should really try to get Tidus'
This. Lulu is one of the only ones I never got because I'm not gonna sit and dodge lightning strikes for hours and be bored out of my mind. Tidus's is actually pretty easy. 1 shot it when doing a replay recently.
There's a video that shows that you can run back and forth in a specific place in Thunder Plains where if you run back and forth the lightning flash will occur at the same moment every time. I did it on my first try, where previously I had a record of maybe 5. And I didn't get Tidus because I missed it before Dark Bahamut showed up.
That sounds so grindy aka a fucking JOB. I should be paid for doing this.
I loved FFX, but one look at a guide explaining the bonus content and I stopped entertaining the idea. Replayed the game instead.

It was funny to accidentally encounter one of those superbosses, who promptly threw my party into space in a 30 minute battle scene and instakilled them.
>delete the spheres that give you shit stats
Do you retain the stats from deleted spheres?
never played ffx, so quick question:
pal ps2 version or ps4 version?
PS2 International.
so pal version, because pal version is based on the international one?
>tfw when kh2 released I asked in a random forum about who auron is
>anon spoils me the entire backstory of him beeing the dad of tidus and shit
>to this day I still remember it
Should I still play this game?
Either you're misremembering or that guy was lying and you weren't spoiled on anything.
>Either you're misremembering
wait really? Damn now I am really interested in playing the game. But I want to ask the same as the anon >>3465200
remaster or international / pal version? Does remaster contribute anything substantial except the faces looking shit?
Is this a troll? No he's not Tidus's dad. You know for the whole game that Jecht is his dad and there's no twist or anything in that regard. Auron watched over Tidus for part of his life, but that's also not a spoiler.
I'm gonna agree with that other guy that you should play the PS2 version. The remaster doesn't change anything except the graphics and having built-in cheats.
what about the ost? Isn't midi worse than orchestra?
Oh right, they changed the music too. I wouldn't say the HD music has improved quality, it just sounds rearranged and different, and you could argue it sounds worse depending on the song. Personally I just like the original tracks better. That said, the PS4 (and I think PC) version lets you choose which soundtrack you want to use.

you know what anon idc, I wanted to play the remaster but now I started it on my macbook with an emulator and I like the faces so I will just stick with this one. If I like it, I will play it again on ps4 and x-2 will be played as remaster either way.
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What even are the strategies for the monster arena besides be a high enough level and spam aeon overdrives? Malboro Menace I guess you need to either get initiative or confuse proof. Gattos and Don Tonberry are just attack, revive, repeat.
Depends, for tracks like fight with seymour I like the original better since I feel the track has a SNES era FF vibe but Jecht's theme (the flashback blues one) benefits from a real guitar track.
Then don't, just finish the story and move on. It's for Japanese children to play after they do their homework.
call it nostalgia, but original definitely have a better arrangement. you can tell there's some serious work and study behind the original ones, meanwhile hd version feel quite rushed.
Is the difference between the pal version and the US version just in terms of the soundtrack or are there substantial differences?
Dark aeons are dead last. If u dont even know the tonberry thing you aren't ready. There is a gamefaqs guide to follow for endgame. Youre basically going to unlock omega ruins, then do monster arena. To do monster arena u will actually farm the bosses for blank gear. And items to enchant the gear. Eventually u will have auto haste auto pheonix acessories. And u will need to make sets for specific bosses. Its very fun. So yeah do that and fill out the sphere grids eventually u do the dark aeons near the end.
It has the best endgame of any ff it goes on forever and there are tons of bosses. Just admit jrpgs arent for you.
Ive done it 3 times and its really not that hard
Pal version has the expert sphere grid. The only reason to play the remasters is hd graphics but an emulator does that too. Plus of u emulate its easy to use slo mo for kimari butterfly bullshit
>Do the sphere grids even have enough stats for you to survive one or two of their attacks?
There are very few attacks in FFX that cannot be brought below 9999 damage, and the ones that do are meant to be instant kills via sheer damage. In all honesty all you need is strength and agility, the strength formula is cubic, meaning the difference between 100->101 is far smaller than 200->201

I've killed all enemies without having to do sphere wiping. There are plenty of blank slots on the grid.
I see. Thank you, Mr. Anon. I suppose I'll play the pal version then
It doesn't "go on forever", it has a dozen extra bosses and that's it. It's not good because the entire endgame boils down to sphere grid grinding or Mix cheesing.
PAL has black bars and runs slower.
International is a Japanese re-release of PAL. But I can’t recall right now if PAL has Dark Aeons, Penance, etc. or just Expert Grid. At any rate, NTSC-J international has all that and can be configured to play in English when creating a new save file. There are three questions asked in Japanese and you need to select the right answers for sphere grid, audio, and subtitle language. You can look up the choices to choose on GameFAQs etc.
I'm sorry but I can't stand to hear this bullshit again. FFX was released in 2001 you were suppoosed to be able to play that single FF game for almost the entirety of the wait for the next one. The only way to get that is optional endgame.

FFX is so far ahead of its time. You got blank gear, farmed bosses to craft affixes, and slowly moved up the ranking until the final boss. Yes, it's hours of pressing X. That's what I'm fucking here for. How do you faggots talk about your time being wasted when that is the entire god damn point. Fucking contrarian faggots.

If you don't like FFX endgame you don't deserve it. It's the definitive FF game for a reason. I don't understand how people talk about FF12 hunts like those are so great. You don't even make your own gear. THere is no agency. You are just unlocking shit. FFX actually requires thought, research, and planning to hit the (true) final boss in under 300 hours. How dare you fake fans talk about FFX as if it isn't the single best JRPG ever made. Fucking faggots, I swear.

I LOVE the arena. I LOVE killing 10 of each monster in the entire game. I love fighting RNG for gear upgrades. I love a static list of bosses to be taken out in order. Fuck you "people" don't deserve RPGS.

What this anon >>3462322 said. Also you can tank attacks by using summons as meat shields.
so I am just playing pal version right now, because I want to play it in german. Game is good, I reached now the place right after you can ride the chocobo the first time.

I am interested in how it goes further, but some moments are weird. The german subtitles are much more different than the eng dub, the animations feel more stiff than KH1 (which released 1 year later) and Tidus somehow acts weird.
I saw the laugh-scene and thought it was weird, funny, cringe and cute
Only region outside of Japan that got the International re-release version were the EU since they waited to get the game, which also uses PAL standards(50-Hz). Its been over 20 years now so there's probably a fan translation of the Japanese version.
Thank you both. I'll probably end up playing the ntsc-j version then if there are english subs. I can handle a little japanese, so I think I'll be able to answer the questions asked in the beginning
>play games until the sequel is released
Literally nobody ever. Why are zoomers so fucking retarded? Most good games last 30-100 hours.
>release date 2001
Wtf anon?
literal retard. Why are you on an rpg forum when you don't like rpgs? FFX is THE rpg. There is no criticism to give other than nitpicking
Pump str, pump agility, do yuna first and use 3 sisters to annihilate things. Then it comes down to haste and quick attacks and then you summon an aeon to eat the boss attacks. I grinded like hell to realize you just need STR ag and then like 150 luck.
Fuck that. All you need is luck spheres.
Your items need the auto revive ability]
>"it's good because it wastes your time"
mental illness
Imagine not wanting to have extra content to play in a game. Oh no, let's just replay the mid 25 hour story 100x instead. You fucking retard
The translation is different because Ger sub follows the Jap script, not Eng dub. People were angry how the translated text wrote "I like you" when Yuna said "I love you". It's ironic in hindisght.
I can usually appreciate alternate tracks, but some of these really rub me the wrong way. Muddling up a song with distortion guitar just gives those amateurish (metal cover) vibes. Even comparing the ones that are more faithful to the originsl, the Midi ones sound more clear with more intent.
I'd rather just play the fun part of the game and then move on to something new instead of playing the pointless filler they only added to pad the game out.
XII also wastes your time. Getting the best weapons is much worse than in FFX, and arguably the only actual fun flying in blind is finding Gilgamesh
Lol you hurt the Mod's feefees.
that anon is correct. Why do people deny this? Fucking amateur gamedevs itt want to talk about mechanics but seriously the games were meant to have fun fulfilling filler.

Numbers go up, you unlock more abilities, gear, sphere grids, spells, summons, attributes, weapons. The list of shit you can CRAFT in a game released in 2001 is fucking insane. Most people never even played the endgame much less completed it. ffx is more complete than any game since. It is the pinnacle of JRPG. I'm tired of people pretending what are in depth progression mechanics are merely some kind of filler content.

Fucking retards. That content is not for journalists its for the true hardcore gamer. If you didn't 100% FFX you don't get to talk about it. And playing the game for any reason other than love of the format just makes you a poser.
>If you didn't 100% FFX you don't get to talk about it
What are you gonna do about it, pussy?
>Huffing your own farts this much
Something about rpgs seems to attract the kind of person that enjoys the smell of their own farts.
Probably something about grinding a jrpg 100% being their only accomplishment in life propping up their inflated self-worth lol
>Does something that literally takes 300 hours
>Retards comment why it was a waste of time
>It must be their only accomplishment

Nah I just expected more autism from this board. kind of a letdown. At least there are some real autists in the mon thread.
I frankly think FFXII had better endgame.
I agree. XII had a enough content spread out across the entire level range that you can do everything and smoothly go from level 1 to 99 without needing to grind excessively. Even if you want to grind (I farmed money for 2 or 3 hours at one point to buy some bazaar weapons) the gambit system means you can mostly automate it. The only times I ever did anything particularly tedious in my 100% playthrough of vanilla XII is was that stupid fishing minigame, and that's pure autism since the reward for it isn't anything important.

X nearly requires you spend several hours doing multiple stupid minigames to get everyone's ultimate weapons, multiple more hours capturing monsters, and then multiple hours more farming materials to max out your stats and customize armor before you can even start fighting half the endgame bosses.
No way, I completed all the hunts and was only at level 70 by the ridorana lighthouse. Going from 70-99 is an insane grind even on 4x speed with the exp doubling accessory
>4x speed
play an unbotched version of the game.
Are you saying that you were level 70 when you first arrived at the Pharos of Ridorana for the storyline? Because 70 is a kind of high for that point, and there's still tons content to take you from 70 to 99 without grinding, which was the point of that post. You don't need to grind to level 99 first before you start doing anything in XII's endgame.
X was a better collectathon. It feels good to unlock new things as you progress. Getting auto haste on all accessories and going back to bosses is such a huge moment in that game.

I've played 12 3 times and always just got bored and stopped before the final main story arc. But I agree the hunt system and LP farming is fantastic. It feels just as good to farm at lvl 1 as it does at lvl 20.
FFX is my second favorite FF, but the post-game sucks.

Even if you discount the dark aeons+penance it's a damned chore to catch 10 of each monster since they won't always appear and you could be stuck waiting for that monster to appear. And SCREW LUCK SPHERES. That chocobo eater reskin can eat my ass. It always has to counter and you waste time watching the animation and YOU MIGHT NOT EVEN GET A SPHERE AT THE END OF IT.

The sphere grid was fantastic and kept each character unique in the main game enough to you can either keep on that character's path or divert them to a new path to give them more variety (I make Auron go Tidus' path for speed, Rikku towards Auron for more power) But Post-game? Every character becomes the same cause you'll max it out.

Also fuck the FAQ who suggested Tidus Wakka and Rikku only because there's one superboss in the arena who is underwater, but one of these three can easily solo it. Among them I'd say only Rikku is mandatory. People will say Wakka cause of his second overdrive is needed for the multi-hit on a certain boss, but in the pal version Yuna can do that with Anima which is great cause you don't have to grind blitzball for Wakka's ultimate weapon.

I don't mind the arena superbosses, they are tough and don't overstay their welcome but at this point combat is literally just spamming quick hit and counting turns incase the superboss has an ultimate you need to autolife. Dark aeons are more or less the same, and Penance is the worst among all of it.

Honestly.... I think X-2's post-game was better. Via Infinito was annoying with the mega tonberries but at least the gameplay loop allowed for more brain stimulation. Can't say the same about the addons of the tourney including that new superboss that is literally impossible unless you A) cheese it or B) use the new monster taming mechanic which breaks the game and makes it easy.
good points on ffx. I never got Wakka's ultimate weapon, I would craft him something. I also never thought Rikku was very strong.

Every character being the same by the end was kinda lame. But at least you got to use whoever you wanted except Kimari.

>I think X-2's post-game was better
I was unironically filtered by the combat system in that game. I've hesitated to try it again after getting destroyed on ps2 at the first boss. Pretty shocking since I had just completed FFX like a week before.

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