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>he hoards his consumable items because "what if I need them later"?
>finishes the game without ever using them
I hoard my consumables out of pure miserliness.
It just feels inefficient to use something finite (or much worse, something you have to farm) to accomplish an objective you can accomplish by using an infinite resource.
I only use consumable when the alternative is wasting irl time. But if making me use them is a central game mechanic I'm gonna loathe the game.
Best way to make people use consumables is capping the amount you can hold at any given time, so "I might need it later" becomes "I might find one later and not have the space to collect it".
it's the game's fault if I can just get by without using consumables
Then make the fucking game harder
I do this
That's usually only for first playthroughts for most people. If they replay the game, they can know when to ease up on using items like that, now that they know what's coming.
Doesn't matter, some player will simply refuse to use consumeables no matter what. I think a short tutorial or game design trick to show the player that using items is adventageous would be better.
Sounds like a you-problem, buddy.
Depends on if I needed it. I generally just hoard consumables if I need them at some point, but if I can just grind past an encounter, or brute force it, why bother wasting extra time going into my inventory, grabbing the consumable, activating it, and then exiting my inventory?

I save them less as a precaution for the future, and simply out of pure laziness. I don't want to fiddle with fucking menus for half an hour, I want to play the game.
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>hoard low-level consumables so you can use them instead of the better ones that eventually show up
>rinse and repeat
If you can hoard consumables without losing the game didn't balance them in a worthwhile way
What if the game allows you to craft two low level consumables into one higher tier consumable?
Cyberpunk had this “feature” at launch and you could break down items into crafting materials and then merge them into better materials. Iirc it took something like 200,000 clicks to produce one of the top material.
Kind of a moot point. If the game is only beatable by using consumables, /vrpg/ would never stop bitching about it and call it bad design.

Consumables are there to help the player, nothing more. Beat the game without them? Great. Having a hard time at a boss? That what potions and defense/damage buffs are there for.
>he hoards his items
>and then feels like he needs to grind
>and then calls the game bad because it's grindy
>when he could've just used his items
>has x99 of every consumable
>refuses to use a single one of them
>gets mad when he can't pick up more
Menu navigation IS part of the game more often than not.
Maybe you'd enjoy action games more like DMC or God of War to RPGs.
Unlimited inventory space is to blame.
Players dont feel pressured to use their items as accumulating shit has no effect on their ability to get New things.
So things Go unused, you eventually even forget about them, a cycle that repeats until the end of the game.
Games being easy are to blame as well.
I've seen that with people playing FF7 Remake and Rebirth. In every zone the item vending machines will have a small selection of items for vastly reduced prices and people compulsively buy them without ever using them. Like they don't even think about not buying them. What's the point?
>Dark souls games
>have no idea what an item does or how to use it
>there are 1-3 in the entire game, finding 1 in regular playthrough

Can anyone explain this to me?
Souls games are for "special" people, don't feel bad.
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>Unlimited inventory space is to blame.
Not necessarily, it could also be the game is genuinely too easy. For example Suikoden series has rather limited party and personal inventory, but games are easy enough you barely end up using items.
Agreed, easy games dont demand a good use of items.
>he plays a game the way he wants
The horror
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People are just fucking hoarders. I remember the Vagrant Story whining about M-MUH RISK, if you chained too many attacks Risk would go up and you'd miss more often, but those very same people would also just refuse to use Vera items which were there to reduce Risk. You were meant to use them or game because very difficult to manage unless you know what you're doing.
>"what if I need them later"?
I mean, yeah. I've had thoughts like "damn, I wish I hadn't wasted that one item earlier", but never "damn, I wish I hadn't hoarded all of this stuff".
>>finishes the game without ever using them
I blow through all of them if I'm reasonably certain it's the last boss, second forms be damned.
Every problem is a you problem, retard.
The cure for hoarding is to play roguelikes or ironman. You have to value your life and time over material goods. Good lesson in general.
Not the problem of entropy, that is completely out of my hands. So fuck you.
>implying washing your hands of a problem isn't a way to deal with it
You better fucking believe that entropy is still a you problem.
Entropy isn't a problem at all, seeing it as such is a you problem.
>only find myself using items like elixirs if there's some easy way to farm them, even if it's grindy
Until then, I will keep just using basic potions and ethers.
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>game has craftable consumables
>you only need to craft them once, they replenish over time after that
Name a game where you really do need to use consumables. Only one I can think of is the SMT series on harder difficulties.
Crafting shit like potions and oils in Witcher 3 worked similarly. They had to be crafted once involving all the ingredients, but could subsequently be replenished by just using a base (alcohol with potions). It's a streamlined solution, but also means gathering shit was eventually rendered pointless.
>means gathering shit was eventually rendered pointless
thank god
>items are super good at the start of the game
>become useless as spells from characters take over in every aspect

Based or bad?
>lust provoking image
>time wasting thread
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>Game lets me create consumables.
>They cost xp and gold in a finite setting so everytime I use such a consumable I'm making my character weaker and reliant on more consumables.
>The consumable itself is finite or even unique so using it properly is 1. softlock-gambling, 2. meta gaming or 3. pointless because all content can be cleared without it in order to prevent 1.
>Devs expect me to not instantly drop that part of the game.

Witcher 1 (didnt play the others) was the one RPG I remember playing that had both made consumables meaningful and not metagaming shit.
not a rpg but i remember refusing using the magnum in resident evil 2 even during the last boss... KEK
>collect every unique weapon and armor, potion and spell scroll
>sort them in separate containers, never sell them
>By act 3 of the game there is so much inventory micromanagement that i haven't touched the game for 3+ months
Thanks BallsHurts Gay 3
Back in 2009 or so my buddy and I were playing Deus Ex on his PS2 and he was so extremely stingy with ammo, he basically just allowed me to play with the pistol from the beginning of the game all the way until the end, even when we found other weapons like shotguns and SMGs and shit. By the end, out of pure desperation, I got really good at headshotting people with the pistol.
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Just play a game where nearly every item is a consumable
>that guy who hoards all his consumable itens so that he can sell to the town's merchant
Which one?
Menu navigation is to sort out all of the complex systems, and is merely a necessary evil. When you play a TTRPG, then it's part of the game, but part of the reason you play digital RPG's is because it is supposed to automate that shit. Menu-fags in RPG's are fucking god damn insufferable, and even games from the 80's relied less on them than a lot of niche fucking shit-fuck RPG's in the indie/Double A communities these days.

Go play a real RPG kiddo, like Gothic 2, or Ultima, to learn what a real RPG should be like.

Not a good RPG.
>consumables have an expiration date

There, I fixed it.
It's objectively better than whatever menu-slop visual novel garbage you've been playing.
Meant to reply to
>Menu navigation IS part of the game more often than not.
Tell me you're a jarpiggie without telling me you're a jarpiggie.
Dark Souls 1 fixed this with estus, just make all consumables like that, IE a infinite resource with finite uses until you rest. Do that and everyone will use their consumables.

Its the Megalixer you in that chest on the 8th floor of that dungeon that you're like " I have no idea if I'm ever going to get another one of these so I should only use it when I absolutely need to" but that moment never comes because you have no many other resources to spend before you'll resport to using your Megalixer, and hell some people might use their Megalixer and then feel so bad that they "wasted it" that they'll reload a save and do the fight again to conserve it.
>consumables have an expiration date
This should be a thing.
1. It's "jaypiggy" and no I'm not.
2. Like CRPGs don't have menus.
>the guy who sits on max gold without ever purchasing anything
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>Ultima didn't have menus
Are you being daft on purpose?
>they cost xp

Stopped reading right there. I thought we had finally moved on from losing progress in RPGs?
Because I don't want to
Didn't Dragon's Dogma have food that expired?
I beat Nioh 2 without using ANY consumable playing like this
You can never be sure there isn't a phase 2 or another "final final boss" after him.
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Soma my beloved. You and repel phys/mag damage are my world.
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I simply cannot help myself
Uhm... so that just happened.
Yeah, and there were certain items or quests you could only obtain/complete by allowing food to spoil to a certain degree. There were also containers you could get to preserve food.
One of the main ones I remember was a guy that asked for lizard meat in a specific condition and it was hard to get done unless you had one of those containers on you because it would slip past the prime point pretty quickly.
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Retard-kun, you need to push one of the buttons on your gamepad and it will tell you what an item does.
It's called having soul
that's how you unironically "git gud"
Dialog, combat, and bartering/trading does not constitute "menu navigation" in the sense I was talking about you pedantic cunt. If you could see what I was talking about, in that I was discussing rummaging through arrays of menus outside the primary content driving the game, then you would've realized that. To clarify, I was referring to:
>inventory management
>weapon/spell loadouts
>party structure

This does NOT constitute half the game, you autist, since this is all streamlined in CRPG's and takes seconds, at most minutes, because everything is either hot-linked to a specific keyboard button, or you simply use a mouse to achieve it in moments. In JRPG's, it constitutes half the fucking game because the player doesn't have access to a mouse or a keyboard. Thank you for wasting my time with your low IQ reading comprehension. Perhaps Rule the Waves or Aurora 4X is more your speed if you think that's actually fun?
>>inventory management
ultima 6 and 7 had the worst inventory management.
It was extremely simple and easy. What was bad about it?
How about a game with no menu? Small inventory. Everything is done in game.
They buy in case they need, but never do.
You can't be serious. Ultima 7 has a horrid inventory management problem that sprung from a desire to make things less menu driven and "realistic". It's almost a universal complaint among non-fanboys.
You're dumb...
And you're a tranny.
Depends on the game, really. Some games are designed around using consumables. In some games like Skyrim or you just don't use them because you get so stupidly OP so fast you don't even need them. In some they are utterly useless or just not useful for my playstyle, but I will still keep them for whatever reason, even if to sell them if I need money.
I didn't mind it but I played it as a kid just got inured to it I reckon. Except unless you do not have the keyring then you are turbofuct.
consumables are either annoying as fuck to make (and completely trivialize the game), or easy as fuck to make (and still completely trivialize the game).
devs aren't able to design around them because they are usually unwilling to make a boss assuming the player has 99 health potions and 99 poison tonics. just make something that refills somehow (like on a long rest equivalent, bonfire, interacting with alchemist... etc) and it'll be 100% better for the player and 100% better for overall game balance.
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>game has guaranteed reward out of a pool but the reward it you actually get is random
>if you already have something at max stacks it will simply reward something else
>if you hoard every single useless item reward in your inventory you can manipulate what you get to make quests requiring certain items in that pool much easier
keyring was serpent's isle only, though i guess a lot of people play with the keyring mod or exult nowadays.
>hoard your early game items so when Cierra joins, she can get extra stat ups when she trains.
That can make item managing tighter for 2 chapters.
>add cute animations when I use consumables
i will now chug ur cum chalice
Because this attitude has made me so good at these games in general that I either forget I have those extra things or I realize that I would win too easily.
And obsessing over them will never get you a trans girlfriend.
I don't see why you dislike menus so fundamentally. Resource management is core to most RPGs, and you need menus to deal with that. Are you really mad that games are more than just constantly pressing buttons with immediate gratification?
Exactly, you'd think they'd get the point eventually but no.
>flexes her muscles
>doesn't actually have muscles
Skyrim has the problem that you can just spam potions in a fight all the time. They really need to add a cooldown or soft limit like max. 5 potions in a row, otherwise you get a no-brainer spamfest and combat becomes just a function of quantity of aid items.
no it's JARPIG because JRPG you fucking ugly tranny.
I'm married, so thanks for the invitation, but I'm taken.
I need a link to this kino now, or ur gay.
That's just Estus from Darks Souls thoughever.
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here you go fag, worst version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_pDE36LP7s

Asterix Conquers America
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_pDE36LP7s [Embed]
feels like a meatcanyon parody ngl
The solution for this is to sell everything and at the end of the game buy a million potions.
>Enemies / random events have a chance of giving you a permanent debuff
>you can just load an earlier save
No one in their right mind would keep playing the same save file when they get a permanent debuff
Etrian Odyssey games are the ones that broke me out of the habit of hoarding irreplaceable consumables. Bosses are hard enough that your choice is between dying for the 15th time in a row against the third boss of the game or using a few consumables and finally beating the fucker. The games are also pretty good about drip-feeding you rare consumables in chests between bosses and gradually creeping the power of purchasable ones so even if you run out completely you'll have a few more for the next boss.
Wizardry. Though in 6 and 8 you end up hoarding them for completely different reasons. In 6 if you're playing to transfer characters into 7 since Resurrection Potions can be transferred freely into 7 and then sold for cash, bypassing the gold transferal limit. In 8 you just hoard potions for alchemy so you can make infinite money and buy all the hyper-expensive equipment.
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Have you heard of the concept of "challenge"?
>obsesses over trannies

Every single time. Are you an egg?
Never played DS, do they have an infinite amount with a cooldown or can you stack them to the hundreds and spam them in a row?
You can only carry so many at a time, and drinking one requires a short but vulnerable animation. They replenish back to full when you rest at a bonfire
I feel like if I depend too much on consumables I'm not playing good or muy build is weak
I like to collect every weapon and armor if the game has a base of sorts to store them.
>ultima 6
>buy bags
>store different types of items on different bags
>spread said bags through your party members
simple as
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i'm just lazya nd forfrgettful by the time i realize i have it i've beaten the game or ragequit
i hate having to sit there and read each item descripiton to memorize the shite and when t use it
also it just feels really weak desu every fight should feel like life or death no crutches like boosts or meds
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You have 5 heals, which are replenished at any checkpoint. You need to make those 5 heals last through the challenges on the way to the next checkpoint.

If you run out of heals, you may return to the previous checkpoint to refill heals, but doing so also respawns all enemies, effectively restarting the area.

There's more to it than that, but that's the basic idea.
Skyrim is a game that greatly benefits from simply not using healing spells or potions. A different game when you gotta use all the other options, actually focus on the game. Healing spells especially is like baby mode difficulty.
I noticed my enjoyment of RPGs improved significantly once I just started to freely use consumables and items with charges without giving a fuck about hoarding them.

You sometimes get access to more gameplay mechanics and features you'd miss otherwise in the case of potions with cool effects or items with cool charges, you don't have to waste time juggling inventory slots and trying to work out a way to fit everything you weren't planning on using anyways, because you burned through it, and if you could've gone through the whole game hoarding every single consumable item and not needing to save it for some crucial point anyways then you're not going to miss them being gone.
DeS had infinite health items that could be farmed, you could carry 99x of each herb (equivalent to light, medium, heavy heal potions in other games). No cooldown and you could spam them as fast as you wanted.

DS introduced estus, you could carry 5 or 10 of them, using them plays an animation thats quite slow, locks you in place, can be interrupted, and if you run out you only get more by visiting a bonfire, but that respawns all killed enemies, so you couldn't cheese by clearing shit out, getting more potions, then running back. However there were still consumable items you could use to full heal that could be farmed and stacked. But much more rare.

DS2/DS3 had estus, as well as more frequent and common healing consumables that could be bought/farmed/stacked.
>You sometimes get access to more gameplay mechanics and features
Rikku in FFX is a benchwarmer or the best character, depending on how much of a hoarder the player is.
All the PSX era RE games
I've always been an advocate of either drinking/using animations (so you can't spam 100 in a row, you have to wait inbetwedn animations) or diminishing returns where if you use too many potions in a row their effect weakens (with a debuff that lasts until end of combat).
YOLO runs exist, where people purposefully do not reload and live with the consequences.
I accept your consession.
>Nigger devs add retard mechanics like addiction, reduced effects unless meeting conditions, scaling to current status, scaling to current stats, inversed scaling for healing item, potions of health harm bad people
>Why haven't you touched your cursed potion of health anon?
Sounds kino. Consequences add fun to decision making.
>player will simply refuse to use consumeables no matter what.
That's me. Consumables are money makers to buy items that make my character better without consumables.
Damn, the respawning shit sounds harsh. I guess that's where the game gets its reputation jxyd
You could infinitely farm humanity in Dark Souls 1 from the rats to have a 99 stack of healing items that are better than estus, it's not just limited to DaS2 and 3. Not to mention that miracles can be used to get healing spells that scale with Faith.
You can kindle bonfires to get 10 estus from resting instead of the usual 5, and later 20 estus with upgrades.
But generally, running out of healing items is not the reason for death in Dark Souls, rather it's just the high amount of damage that enemies can do. Most deaths happen with some estus remaining simply because you won't always get the opportunity to heal up in combat.
But you probably didn't "just get by", you probably grinded up 5 levels more than you needed.
>t. Someone who broke the hoarding habit and now consistently completes RPGs roughly ~5 levels lower than the internet reports is the recommended average cause I'm not afraid to use mega elixers at level 12.
No, it's still purely hoarding. If you don't intend to use them, you could sell them for items you do want/need.
It's been literally ages since I've played, but I can't remember, don't rats and other enemies only drop soft humanities? I could be misremembering but I thought the only humanity items were the static placed items around the world and enemies just increased your humanity counter.
I don't play jarpigs so I don't "grind"
Most enemies can only drop soft humanities but rats, for some reason, drop hard humanities.
Then you just admitted you have no useful input on the topic? Congrats, you played yourself.
Wrong, I hoard them and then use them all during the final boss to trivialize it.
>hoard stimpacks
>never use them because i nearly always run 70+ survival and just cram 4-5 different foods in my face and become unkillable
Who the fuck uses kuromimi?
>He sells every useless inventory destroying consumable niche future use case as soon as he gets them, converting them into immediate raw gear upgrades and skill training through the power of Capital Investment.
Good old morrowind approach. Too bad most games won't let me buy exp.
How did it take this long for someone to post the obvious solution to too many consumables?
At least you can always get the best possible armor available from merchants earlier. Unless merchants don’t sell anything good - in which case the game economy is already just bad and broken and you shouldn’t feel bad about wasting anything.
I've taken to simply playing RPGs without a healer whenever possible
this often results in a nice loop where I'm constantly short on consumables and gold has to be spent buying more
Literally the best way to make the game more challenging and interesting.
Maybe the devs should give us more than 3 or 4 copies of the good ones for the entire game.
>Final Fantasy II
>elixirs are 50,000 gil? Ethers are 5,000? I can't buy these I need to save for the next town so I can buy the new weapon.
>Oh there is no new town with no new weapons? Its been 20 hours?
>Oh here it is, the new town has weapons I already have and they are extremely cheap
>Maybe I should have spent my money
Then the game is easy
That's me, but with shitty crafting materials I won't use.
It can be a self imposed challenge.

More importantly you can flex on boss or superboss when you finally use the 99 megaelixers or whatever you have been carrying.
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how do i free myself from this habit? i only have it because when i was a kid i would waste all my shit and get stuck
>reach the end
>use my consumable items
>still lose the final fight
As another anon said earlier in the thread, play Ironman/permadeath and stop savescumming.

I like the way cosmic star heroine approached this problem: just don't jave consumables at all. every item is permanent but can only be used once per battle.
Just use your Elixir already.
I'm going to use Hide in Shadows on this thread, retard.
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for me it's lampooning this habit ingame
>he sells consumable items because he doesn't need them
oh yeah and also this is the opposite problem in chrono trigger because mid potions are ridiculously good until the ocean palace. any other rpg where this is the case? i guess the paper mario trilogy since you can't really hoard with the limited inventory and barely any party healing, but you can put them in the shop storage so idk if that counts.
If I didn't use it then I didn't need it.
>He doesn't hoard items so he knows how many there are total in the game at a glance.
Sounds like scrub behavior to me.
Sigma male mindset. gmi.
Completely false. Limited inventory only results in you debating what you should waste or destroy if you find something arguably better. Has never once influenced frequency of item use. (unless you count guzzling all your low level potions when you are already max health because you found a medium level potion etc.)

It's rather the opposite as someone else pointed out. Make healing potion have infinite refills without a resource cost like the estus in darksouls and people use it all the time.
limited inventory space plus reasonably high difficulty (eg etrian) gets me to spend the resources.
Witcher 3 solved this
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Seen but also it's concession
>uses items
You didn't beat the game
Consume being saved and eventually not used is the result of critical thinking achieving a better/best outcome of a predicament, and saving it for a harder encounter, meaning that you played something that was basically easy for you.

In layman terms, the unused consume is thereto allow people of lesser IQ to also complete the game.
As for this potentially leading into overleveling... its really just redundant.
You're trading one easy mode for another easy mode.
Most of these problems are game dev related problems.
If you have an issue with it just enforce your own rules on your gameplay and be an ACTUAL gamer.
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>always use items as I go through the stories because they are there
>except for the special mechanic fillers (e.g. limit breaks)
>get to final boss
>have epic final fight of special moves one after the other, specifically waste a turn to fill gauge to kill boss with anime finisher

I might be slightly chuuni, even try to sync to the music.

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