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Is TTW the best or the worst way to play Fallout 3?
I wanted to play FO3 as it was, so mods were out of question
why is wandering around fo3 so much more fun
FNV have better weapons, so it would be an improvement from that point of view. But from what I read, they messed with skills and perks in this one, to "balance" it. Ignoring that people would prefer to just have bonuses from both games stack, making an all 10 character, maxed out skill, with more hp from even higher level, and even more perk bonuses. One big issue though, that the plot of 3 starts with your characters birth, so you'd be kind of forced to start with 3, thus making access to New Vegas weapons redundant. Other big change would be having the New Vegas followers in 3, but again, timeline issue.

Anyways I might be willing to give this a chance, if it's avaible outside of any registration locked website, and would come with a simple installer.
Enjoy the constant crashes, then.
everything is a lot more wrecked up.
It feels like there's been a war instead of just a desert.
>I wanted to play FO3 as it was
God, why? Even when FO3 was new I used mods since the game was such a broken mess without them.
a huge flaw in new vegas is that there are no random encounters in the world other than the low reputation ncr/legion hit squads
So I could evaluate it properly. It's a Fallout that made the jump to 3D, a product of its time. I wanted to experience it.

Also I don't really know if any mod could've made it better. It was great already.
Unless you're playing version 1.0 you're not experiencing it properly as a product of its time.
What's different in later patches?
I didn't have him as a follower, so no matter
Its just not at all. This is just bullshit. It annoys me when ignorant people say this shit. Funny enough Ive experienced countless more crashes in NV and none in Fallout 3.
TTW is a terrible way to play Fallout 3.
I mean the TTW mod makes the bobbleheads pointless, it's trash.
No one would play TTW if Fallout 3 was easy to get working.
Fallout 3 is designed for random, aimless exploration. New Vegas isn't.
Fallout 3 has plenty of great dungeons, interesting towns and stories spread across the map.
>New Vegas only have a handful of real dungeons (Vaults 22, 34, and 11 + the H&H tools company)
>Those dungeons are all horribly designed and really fucking annoying.
>Most side locations in New Vegas are for high leveled characters. Even ones not far from Primm and the Mojave Outpost.
>Most non-quest important locations in New Vegas are one room areas with no loot except a star bottle cap.
>There are very few random encounters to spice up travelling on foot.
>The game is poorly optimized and will crash if the player goes too long without fast travelling.
I wish I could delete the intro+main quest from fallout 3 and just treat it as a post apocalypse wander game.
Also personally I'd delete oasis because its stupid.
And I'd make the standard BoS armor be the fallout 1 inspired design and not the fo3 one.
I wish I could mod.
Id get rid of voice acting too
I'd compress this bitch of a game to 1.5gb or less
Unironically, if you shot the guy who came up with voice acting being the new gimmick for Oblivion the moment he thought of it, then beat Emil to death (if they're not the same retard) I think we'd have a much healthier gaming culture and far more good RPGs, FPSes, and fantasy games.
I used to always want a game where Obsidian did the story, overworld and major side quests, and Bethesda came in after to add some mindless fun afterwards with dungeons and setpieces and little rewards for exploring.

Now neither company is what they used to be, and I'd rather just play with mods.
so the thing to do is play TTW, start in FO3, run around the whole map and explore everything, do the DLCs (except Broken Steel),and then take the tram to new vegas and play an actual decent story?
I tried the naive approach of just deleting all the voice files in the install folder but that broke the quest scripting
Voice acting was such a waste of fucking time and resources
Bethesdrone, you're too obvious.
Boy have I got a mod for you
I already tried this several times, but all it did is make full VO pop up somewhere else and then spread to RPGs anyway. Full VO is and always was inevitable.
>Full VO is and always was inevitable.
Which is funny when some argue against it.
>adding sound? that just complicates movie production
>films should never progressed to having color
>what is this high definition, i can see just fine!
>sigh imagine all the silent movies we could've had by now
>why can't things just stay the same, as it was when i was a youngin
yeah, and look where that attitude lead american films nowadays
>mod manager
its over
Well I do like Bethesda games.
But for the record I do prefer New Vegas.
I like how New Vegas focuses on questing and characters, and I think that more than makes up for how it isn't as good of an aimless exploration game.
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That really depends on how agreeable you find super mutants being made beefy as fuck by the change of DR/DT mechanics in New Vegas vs how they were in 3.
dude i just dont care for it or need it. i dont get why youre trying to turn my words into some big overarching thing. im just talking for myself here. im objectively not wrong by saying doing voice acting takes time and money away from doing other things. but if you think voice acting is the future and has to exist then im not arguing against you its just
ah fuck it this is so tedious youre just going to say im a luddite or some stupid shit and not actually try to talk to me
>doing voice acting takes time and money away from doing other things
So do other things, like visuals.

Or so does the lack of voice acting, if it results in poorer sales and reception.

Not doing voice acting isn't the silver bullet that results in good RPGs.

I don't mind not having voice acting, I just don't lament the fact that games have progressed, nor do I expect them to regress.

I might even prefer a more silent indie RPG, but for some reason there isn't many good ones around for my tastes, even though many save money by not doing voice acting.
Fallout 3 crashes less than New Vegas
They should've kept the original ending. Dying in the radiation chamber was kino.
This. Fallout 3 is basically an Elder Scrolls game. Even the main questline is the plot of an Elder Scrolls game: you can't side with Dagoth Ur or Molag Bal in Morrowind or Oblivion respectively, just like you can't side with the Enclave. It makes up for this with its side quests and dungeons (also one of the strengths of TES).
So? Just use MO2.
There is no good way to play F3, it's irredeemable garbage
Well you can't side with The Master (outside of a false ending) or the Enclave in Fallout 2.
The standard that Fallout should have factions for the ending wasn't set until New Vegas and 4.

Personally I think Fallout 3 is still more in line with 1 or 2 than TES, since TES quests tend not to have alternative outcomes, instead they are just questlines you do.
Fallout is more about varied-outcome quests specific to each location.
If you get it set up well it basically never crashes.
Granted, New Vegas can also be stable if you use the right mods
>Well you can't side with The Master (outside of a false ending) or the Enclave in Fallout 2.
>The standard that Fallout should have factions for the ending wasn't set until New Vegas and 4.
True, a lot of people (myself included) forget that that's a New Vegas innovation. I need to replay it more thoroughly.
No it isn't. When was the last time you played the game?
It’s sort of upsetting how much better the world spaces of 3 and 76 are compared to 4 lmao. I feel like I’m actually able to explore instead of searching the only enterable building on the street for some tape and nothing else
Fallout 3 outright didn’t work on windows for a while. If your system was configured a certain way, the game could not launch. Instability doesn’t matter if you compare it to a game that can’t launch
fallout 3's level design was informed from the failures of oblivion
fallout NV wasn't
>how can your enemy launch his missiles if you disable his hand
>Fallout 3 outright didn’t work on windows for a while.
Confirming this. I bought it for PC, game crashed after exiting the vault, every time. I went and bought the xbox version.
Just pirate the Fallout 3 GoG version from somewhere, works super easily.
>The H&H tools company is a very tiny location, barely a match for a single floor of a vault.
The side locations in New Vegas are easy too, it's just you are being railroaded with a soft wall of deathclaws and cazadores to avoid a specific direction, deathclaws can be wiped out easily, if you pick the "Hunter" perk (level 2), and scale walls and buildings, so deathclaws can't attack you, bring plenty of ammo, and crouch (sneak) while firing onto them, criticals decimate them, even an unique varmint rifle (Ratslayer) can wipe them out, anything with an actual punch which uses ".308" ammo make it even easier, 3-10 shots per kill, using AP rounds even easier than that, "Paciencia" (unique hunting rifle, with bonus on criticals, and bonus on critical chance) can kill a deathclaw in 3 shots, or less if the sneak criticals are really high rolls.
>"The game is poorly optimized and will crash if the player goes too long without fast travelling."
That only became in issue during Honest Hearts in my most recent playthrough. Which does suck, because if you reload, creatures respawn, and otherwise you could just run though and explore the whole area in a few hours.
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It really isn't
Everything is infested by the same enemies and traveling the metro or the closed off small city areas is such a bore
At least there is more combat which is really not the strength of the games
It's the too frequent super mutants, and too frequent "wildlife" that are suck as enemies in that game. Super mutants were limited to a few locations in earlier titles, and were pretty much late game enemies, not something you'd just bump into frequently, aside from specific coastal region, where you were not supposed to go early on. And being open world, spamming an apex predator bear, or giant insect, or deathclaw at you every few steps doesn't make sense. In earlier titles most of those creatures were limited to random encounters, spread out on a way larger map (not town map, but world map) not to break immersion. In Bethesda Fallout slop every deadly creature is piling on each other, with no room to spare, but somehow it should make sense that they only turned aggro once your character shown up. E.g in 3, somehow a deathclaw wonders (spawns) into the city, and fights Brotherhood of Steel patrols (yay free laser rifle, and power armor you can't wear yet), half a street down a pack of mirelurks next to the river, beyond the corner a supermutant camp, under the bridge a merchant vendor that somehow survived for this long, but only to get killed via random spawns. It doesn't even make sense for anyone to be alive outside of walled settlements, because of how frequent creature spawns are. How the fuck would a water beggar survive in front of settlements? A crap lousy protectron won't be able to protect them from creatures. How would caravans survive between Megaton and Rivet City?

The good way to run the game, if each creatures would get their fixed caves, hunting areas around caves, and no random spawns, you could actually exterminate species from the area, and they would have long respawn times. Maybe have a capture the area type creature system, each creature would have a starting spot, each would try to spread and multiply, so they are randomly wandering into adjecent areas when the player would be near them (only then, to prevent rushing the player).
Each cave would have an environmental classificiation, which would limit the type of creatures that are interested in it, but aside from that, there would be no limit that what creature can take it. Creatures would have a spawn rate in the locations they hold, but it would be kept track of by the game engine, and if there are too many there, they'd try to capture an adjacent area for themself, or if none hospitable, stop breeding. If all the creatures would be wiped out, some other random creature could wander in from the edge of map, to claim a cave, but with extremely long (re)spawn time, as in a month in game time. Maybe raiders would spread the same way too, and would have the same spawn rate. And there would be unique creatures, and lorewise infertile creatures, that would not respawn, nor spread, e.g. ghouls.

Maybe a player faction could claim all the locations as well, but each location would be resource capped, and would have to fend off spreading creatures from adjecent tiles. And when the growth rate in your settlements outpace the resources, some would turn into raiders, and try to invade an adjacent location, if successful turning it into a raider location, and when they will want to spread, they might invade the location of their origin, from the randomly picked hospitable adjecent locations. Maybe have civilisation building perks, and traits for your character, aside from combat traits, that would influence what kind of settlements you'd build, militaristic, industrious, agricultural, mercantile, hunter gatherer, ranchers, trappers, fisherman, either like the "SPECIAL" skills, just with a new name for civilisation building, or have sliders with opposite focuses, and player could nodge them to a direction of specialisation (e.g.: racist vs tolerant, sexist vs feminist, pious vs hedonist, militarsitic vs pacifist, rancher vs hunter, agricultural vs gatherer, industrious vs scavenger, trapper vs fisher, mercantile vs raider, clean vs druggies).
You two just made me wonder if the need to criticize stems from a lack of creativity/creative endeavors in your life.

As in, if you worked on your own game, you'd get the satisfaction of making things your own way, and you'd be less inclined to simply judge games by others.

And that picking apart games is just a dumb, unproductive way to waste the creative urge. Would be better to direct it at something you can change.
Each type of settlement trade would have it's benefits and drawbacks. E.g. if hedonist, would require more goods, maybe less productive, but raiders would be less interested in attacking them, but if pious, would be more productive, and require less good, but raider would consider them more important target (creatures would attack either all the same). Mercantile plus hedonist combos might make it so that place can have prostitutes, and then raiders would not attack them at all, but instead bring in their raided goods for sex. Mercantile plus druggies specification could bring in trade from raiders too, but druggies too would lower general productivity. Rancher would have more meat than hunters, but would invite more raids, same with agricultural over gatherer. Clean would be more productive than druggies, but also aggro raiders more. Racist would lower trade, but tolerant would lower productivity. Sexist would increase settlement growth, and combat strength, but would make it more likely that when settlement gets full, it's the females that would run off to be raiders, while feminist would highly increase trade, but lower productivity, lower population growth, and lower combat strength, and make it more likely that the men run off to be raiders. Pacifist would increase trade, but lower combat strength, while militaristic might scare off some trade, but increase combat strength. Industrious would increase productivity, but could only get some things with trade, while scavengers would have lower productivity, but would find rare stuff outside of trade. Mercantile would focus on trade, raider would focus on taking stuff by force, from their proximity.
"Just have a multi million dollar company, with hundreds of employees, and millions of workhours to make a game bro"
Both of those posts who you replied to were mine, but the anime image post to which I replied to is an other person. I write out my ideas, because if they are popular they might spread.
>I write out my ideas, because if they are popular they might spread.
Don't get your hopes up, idea guy. Creative people capable of creating rarely suffer from lack of ideas, they suffer from everyone and their mom telling them theirs. Unproven ideas are dime a dozen, often clearly flawed, often worthless. I didn't read yours.

I'd encourage you to try being creative.
To be more specific, when raider focus for player settlement as opposed to mercantile, I mean combat looters. The players raiding settlement would still fight generic raider settlements. But if mercantile focus, and other focus combos, than would be able to avoid conflicts with generic raider settlements, but those other focuses would lower the general strength, that is also needed to fend off creatures, because those attack regardless of ideology. Hunter settlement should get a bonus when fighting creatures. For a player that would wipe out all the adjecent creatures himself, could leave a mercantile settlement mostly unattended, since no raider theat either. And for highly militaristic, and productive combos, would rarely need help at all, just would generate lower revenue for the player. Also for the scavanger focus, player settlements could do the looting of sites that the player character cleared from enemies, as in carrying home all the scrap so that the player character don't need to bother with it, while the industrious would just produce more food, and some craftable items from what is avaible to them as local resource or trade, but does not bother to pick up the player characters leftovers.
This thread is about a franchise that suffers from plenty of shitty ideas, especially since Bethesda brought them. Bethesdas creatives are gay retards that should be shot for their shitty ideas.
I'm sure things would turn around if they just got one more idea guy in there.
I'm getting to the end of NV and I feel that it really falls apart. The choices are good, however there really are too many branching options which interfere in ways that aren't clear to the player. A lot of the quests depend on you partially having to complete other questlines up to a certain point, but to know where to stop without really being hinted at how they might interact with each other or prevent you from doing the next thing in the questline you've chosen. The narrative just entirely falls apart.

Before you get inside the strip proper and have spoken to Benny and Yes Man, you're unearthing locations, investigating vaults, doing bounties and making choices. By the time Benny has run off, you're not hunting down the man that wronged you for revenge; now playing a game where you're just deciding who is going to be the best corporate management for a gambling city and running and quick travelling back and forth between NPCs half a map away from each other without any actual gameplay - just hoping you haven't accidentally soft-locked yourself by speaking to an NPC 3 minutes before the quest designer wanted you to.
>now playing a game where you're just deciding who is going to be the best corporate management for a gambling city
Yeah, I always had a hard time roleplaying past the Benny stuff. Doesn't help that every faction just seems to be jacking off in their bases, waiting for an outsider errand boy to win the war for them. "Uh thanks dude for helping us win, here's some armor and a safehouse"

Is there a quest where you're not doing things by yourself in behalf of an army?
Fallout 3 vanilla is shit not only because of the horrible story but also because of retarded scaling making late game enemies being bullet sponges which easily eat ~100-200 shots from any normal weapon since the players dmg simply is not synced with enemy hp and dmg reduction (while late game enemies simply ignore all dr and have set dmg values so a shirtless guy with a badly maintained 10mm rifle is almost oneshotting a player in power armor who dumps seven full assault rifle mags in his ass to get him to 50%) repeating the oblivion problem plus having retarded maintenance balance and actually good weapons mostly walled behind ammo and repair mechanics making them de facto non existing.
This leads to you dragging around 4000 rounds of ammo and ten rifles that you will burn trough in a simple exploration run. Also whoever had the brilliant idea to make high end weapons, armor and some ammo a finite resource in a sandboxy thempark with respawn mechanics needs to be shot.
Not even talking about how absolutely atrocious the gunplay is. Bulletsponges are worse enough but then the shooting isnt even fun. There is no motherfucking iron sight. You outright shoot all weapons from the fucking hip, there is nearly no sense of recoil or any weapon movement and enemies simply ignore being shot until they drop dead. All that can be negated by TTW even though the creators are also massive fags who simultaneously force another 200 pure taste gameplay changes onto you which they deem "important because like always autists cant handle others playing in a way they didnt sanction.
It's tacky. Just play one at a time, you fucking hedonist. They're completely different vibes.
Agreed. I went from being really engaged, to kind of frustrated at the fact I was just teleporting back and forth between faction leaders, engaging in one or two dialogue options, finding another NPC that maybe tells me something new to tell a faction leader, then teleporting back and forth. I can't remember the last time I actually used any of my gear, or even my stats.
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Fallout 3 just flat out has a better designed map for exploration. New Vegas just feels like one big circle where everything interesting is just found on its circumference, but if you try straying anywhere beyond that line, you won't find much of interest. On top of that, a huge chunk of New Vegas' map is dedicated to The Strip and its neighboring locations like Freeside which are all a fucking slog to traverse. 3 just has a much more open ended map where things of interest are dotted around its entirety, and while areas like DC have their issues, I don't think they're anywhere near as shit locations like Freeside are where you're just walking back and forth between quest givers in a dull as fuck location with multiple loading screens.
Playing all the dlc? That'll be two playthroughs please
Also this, add this to my previous criticism about teleporting about between faction leaders - often you're wandering through 3 or 4 loading screens to talk to someone, to just go back to talk to that first person, and over and over.

NV is my favourite of the 3d Fallouts, but some players really have the nostalgia goggles on
>teleporting back and forth
Doesn't help that Mojave might be the worst open world ever. I don't think I ever considered playing without fast travel, even though it usually harms the experience.
I prefer New Vegas, but I don't consider it that much better than 3 despite how many anons screech about the two games. They're mechanically similar in a lot of areas, and no adding iron sights doesn't make your gunplay. ADS is cancer and didn't need to be forced in so many games.
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The random encounters and the more open level design is what makes Fallout 3's map so fun to explore. The buildings and locations are spaced far enough apart to not feel especially dense out in the countryside, but not too far apart to be a chore to walk to and from. Add to that a yao guai encounter or some sort of NPC scavenger to trade with, and you have some down time, an encounter, more down time, then your destination. It's predictable, but it keeps a tedious task like walking from getting too stale.

I wouldn't go so far to say that, FNV's open world is better designed for its narrative as opposed to the wandering F3 wants you to do. That's why FNV emphasizes roads so much and has functionally every starting quest a straight line from one settlement to another with a road following it.

What's interesting is that FNV kind of does what I described with Fallout 3's rhythm of encounters while walking, but they're all static. Going from Goodsprings to Primm, first powder ganger camp and Barton Thorn which accomplishes the same thing, but if you kill either, they completely vanish. Primm to Mojave Outpost, Viper encampment in the highway patrol station, also static. By the time you get to Novac, you have functionally exhausted most of the southern portion of the map for content besides one or two locations with loot. And then when you do go back for quest reasons or hunting uniques, they're empty. Then when you get to the northern half of the map, the game switches into faction quest stuff and drops this rhythm, excepting NCR/legion hit squads.
There's plenty of enemies, for a game of its time - especially a non-fantasy game, there's good enemy variety.

You have raiders, supermutants, feral ghouls, mirelurks, robots, giant ants, radscorpions, mole rats, occasional death claws and yao gaui, sometimes there's event spawned enemies like hitmen or Talon company soldiers.
How is New Vegas more fun though? There are less interesting locations, locations which do have content are usually gated off by quest, rewards aren't found in dungeons but quests, so you don't get anything useful, and all the small areas are less memorable.
People aren't going to find the Sniper's nest, or Coyote Den as interesting as the Dunnich building or Evergreen Mills.
I hate the late game enemies introduced in Broken Steel.
I play Fallout 3 with Broken Steel uninstalled until I want to finish the main quest, then I install it.

Because I fucking hate going through a dungeon which normally has mutant brutes and maybe one or two masters, suddenly have like fucking eight overlords with tri-beam lasers which kill everything they touch.
The feral ghoul reavers suck too. I don't mind the albino scorpions as much, though.
People don't give Bethesda credit for genuinely being good at world design and crafting dungeons.
When you compare locations, dungeons from Fallout 2 and 4 to the few dungeons in New Vegas, there's no comparison. Bethesda designs locations with multiple exits and entrances, sometimes unique enemy ai allowing for different options to take to fight the enemies there, and they are almost always easy to navigate and not get lost in.

Vaults like 34 and 22 are uniquely fucking terribly for their lay out. It took me many playthroughs to get a loose mental map of 34 (because there's this really dumb part where the whole extra half of the dungeons is hidden in a corner of a room past a pile of garbage, making it look like that's the end of the hallway.) And I never bother doing 22 without repairing the elevator anymore, it's too annoying to figure out otherwise.

I still love New Vegas, but fuck. They are good writers, poor level designers.
Playing New Vegas on PC without mods outright requires fast travel, otherwise the game will load too much and crash. As the game only unloads chunks after you fast travel or enter specific interiors
I'd prefer way sparser enemy placement, to avoid breaking immersion, but higher enemy concentration in places where there are enemies. Also less frequent respawn.

>Evergreen Mills
I hate those giant supermutants, absolutely immersion breaking, it's just simply not possible to increase a humans size that much, no matter the FEV technobabble. When I seen the first in front of Galaxy News Radio, I got immensly disappointed in my decision to buy a new laptop to run the game, back when it came out.
>Dunnich building
Which one was that, the out of place horror? Or the zombie sob story? Wasn't memorable enough for me to be sure, despite completing the game several times, while also collecting all bobbleheads (which were also lame way to increase skill).

I agree that FNV locations were lacking in depth, and only had a few enemies, barely any fighting, way too much walking and talking, but F3 was all that too, just in worse setting, and worse athmosphere, with breaking game lore.
>inb4 ghouls in tunnels
It became a tiresome chore real soon, there's only so many time you can hear the zombie noises in that game, before you get annoyed by them. FNV was better with that, only a few feral ghoul concentrated spots. With FNV the issue was too frequent enemy respawn rate (if you reloaded the game, most enemies not close to you respawn). After a while shooting powder gangers get tiresome, and pest control near roads is boring from the start.

>locations with multiple exits and entrances
Redding, "clear the wannamingo (alien) mines" in F2.
>sometimes unique enemy ai allowing for different options to take to fight the enemies there
Aside from boatflies diving and flying sideways, every other enemy just charges at you (which have legs).
This mostly happened in Honest Hearts for me, not in the base game.
You have to balance a lack of enemies in every direction with also not just holding down W in the direction of a quest marker for three plus minutes at a time, especially given the 'shrunken down world' aesthetic Bethesda games tend to operate in. The respawn thing only really becomes an issue in the late game when you can't sneeze in the countryside without an albino radscorpion coming from out of nowhere and costing a few dozen shotgun shells or a hundred rounds of 5.56mm. That busts my balls.
Personally, I don't like it. I think it's a lot of work to set up and it makes the game too easy. I've played these two games since release, so I can immediately spot anything way too over powered.
It changes a lot of stuff:
>everything in New Vegas is now in Fallout 3
>big guns and small guns got combined into guns
>added survival skill
>bobbleheads no longer give SPECIAL bonuses. Now it gives perks like +10% damage with guns
>end-game perks had their level requirement increased
>any perks that only added +5 to a skill were removed. They now give you OP bonuses such as increasing your speed, making barter 1:1, and chems last +10% longer
>the grim reaper's spirit perk acts like how it does in New Vegas, but the second rank restores all AP just like in Fallout 3
>Fallout 3 companions give unique perks
>schematics are craftable recipes
>cut weapons, armors, and perks have been implemented into the game
>all sim weapons and armor can now be obtained after completing Operation Anchorage, including the combat armor, general's uniform, and chinese general hat
>after beating Fallout 3, you can travel to New Vegas and start that game's plot with the same character
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It's worth mentioning that the level cap is 60 in TTW. Your character gets ludicrously busted by the end of a TTW run, quite literally nothing poses a challenge to you. I purposefully did Courier's Mile with no gear but a 10mm pistol and completed it within three attempts.

Granted, if you play F3 and FNV as a completionist, you'll have put in 120 hours by the end of Lonesome Road (assuming you play it last) so a ludicrously busted character isn't unjustified by then. It might have also been the difficulty mod I was using, but the beginning of Fallout 3 is way, way more difficult than vanilla. Even with Vault 101 gear, the Sprinvale Raiders will fuck you up, and Super Mutants are hard-hitting bullet sponges you're encouraged to run away from. So it balances out in a way.
For me it's,
>AWoP revised TTW edition
>Hitman animations suite
>Stewie's Tweaks
>More Perks
>Restored ammo recipes
>Hardcore mode (Perk every other level)
>Rougelite one life mechanic
Few other mods to tweak the experience that Stewie's doesn't cover. Best way to play both personally.
>I hate those giant supermutants, absolutely immersion breaking, it's just simply not possible to increase a humans size that much, no matter the FEV technobabble.
The radscorpions are enlarged even more outrageously than humans to behemoths, and no one complains about them despite the fact that insects by biology cannot exist at that size.
And how can you accept zombies, giant bugs, dinosaurs, and ogres but not bigger ogres? It's an odd place to draw the line.
>fallout 3 was to much walking and talking too
Fallout 3 has more walking than New Vegas, and that's a good thing. It's a post apocalypse it should feel that there is a real, empty wasteland.
And most locations in 3 were combat encounters. You're completely wrong here.
>Fallout 3 has worse atmosphere
what are you smoking?
>Fallout 2 had dungeons with multiple exits too
Did I say it didn't?
>Every enemy just charges at the player
That's how it is in New Vegas and 1 and 2 as well.
It wasn't until 4 and 76 when there started to be more unique enemy AI
New Vegas' lack of huge dungeons is a bonus, not a malus. There's only so many broken down office buildings full of mutants/ghouls/raiders I can take
Given that New Vegas is so similar to Fallout 3 in gameplay, the fact that it doesn't focus on the same things does make it play different, which helps them be more distinct.
If you just want to fix bugs, I assume that both Fallout 3 and NV have a comprehensive unofficial patch? I know NV also needs Sawyer's "mod" because suits demanded the retail version be nerfed.
i could never get fo3 to run on pc so i've had to play TTW for a while
it's kinda goofy that the best version of base fallout 3 is probably series x backwards compatibility
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Fallout 3 used a system called Games For Windows Live (GFWL) which connected your PC to your Xbox account. Since GFWL was discontinued, it broke every game it ran on. Bethesda literally didn't fix Fallout 3 until 2021 when they removed GFWL.
>I hate those giant supermutants, absolutely immersion breaking, it's just simply not possible to increase a humans size that much, no matter the FEV technobabble.
There is a lore explanation. The FEV in super mutants actually makes them keep growing. Young mutants are small, and older ones are large. Super Mutant Overlords are the oldest non-behemoths but you see how similar they look to behemoths.
Great bait you got replies.
i removed gfwl a few times but i couldn't get through the first metro it kept crashing at that one ghoul cage area
I completely blocked this from my memory. Holy shit it sucked. Had to deal with it and Dawn of War 2. Last time I played FO3 was whenever it came out, never finished it or felt a desire to replay it.
The chance to use NV's better weapons.
In defense of new vegas it has some really cool unique locations like Helios 1 or vault 34. However sometimes it's just "Shack in the middle of nowhere". Or like some tiny cave.
Fo3 is Skyrim with guns. NV is Fo1 but without overworld map.
I hope AI will replace pre-recorded VO. I don't really care about quality because I skip to next line as soon as I finish reading captions.

The optimal way is what mainstream JRPGs do to this day. Few important moments are fully voiced and all other dialogues only have few voiced barks "Hello", "hm?", "really...", "let's move on".
Bump I guess.
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no. the thing to do is to beat 3 and then stop playing. nv is just not worth it after the first playthough.
Ive removed that stupid thing multiple times in the last 20yrs. stupid ass bethesda putting that in and only fixing it a few years ago. But than again bethesda has really fallen off lately due to starfield and people seeing just how shit a company they have become under microsoft.
It's got some. But those are generally led to by quests or are placed right on the roads the game tells you to follow.

With the exception of like, Vault 11 and 19, there aren't quests or really cool dungeons which are found and enjoyed best through exploration rather than questing
It only crashed a few times for me
Wait, the game was still easy even with a difficulty mod stacked on top of it? Are you implying its even easier without difficulty mods added on it?

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