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Any RPGs that deal with racism?
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Like half of the Tales games if we’re being real
Final Fantasy X handled the subject very well, meaning it was funny.
fallout 3 had the all time most realistic depiction of race relations in a mainstream game
>survivors live in gated community for shelter from wasteland shit
>ghouls hate smoothskins but will do anything to live with them
>senile boomer leader lets them in for shekels
>kill everybody including the people who accepted them
>if you avenge them, (((three dog))) uses the media to spin the story against you
and there was a funny part in fallout 4 where the ghoul farmer bitches about getting kicked out of diamond city for being a mutant and five seconds later he tells you to go kill some super mutants down the road.
Ghouls in fallout aren't blacks or hispanics or whatever. They are hyper-boomers. Many are stright up pre-war.
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Rebirth (furry racism), Symphonia & Phanstasia (half-elf racism), Eternia (planetary racism), Legendia (mermaid racism) are there any other racisms I should know about?
Ghouls probably smell so fucking awful dude I dont blame anyone for not letting them stay around
They also attract flies. It's a pretty high price for immortality.
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I actually find the concept of racism in these types of things very odd. Not the idea of people making judgements based on others race, ethnicity, culture whatever. That makes sense. No I mean the idea of RACISM in the word and thoughts of itself. Like that was just kind of the norm for so long. The word itself didn't even exist till the early 20th century. It's frankly a very modern way of looking at things. At least the way you look at it compared to how things might have been in a more fantastical setting where depending on the setting itself is largely a result of many external factors, and can be viewed more as a safety mechanism than anything as malicious as people think. How you looked at other lands and cultures was often rooted in a harsher reality and while it was always the case that certain people would let these notions color their opinion, nobody was really going MAN WHAT A RACIST. They might point out he has a unnatural dislike for whatever he's pointing at. Elves and Dwarves famously resented each other. But again just the way it's written often has a weird modern approach.

As an example of what I mean, there's this one game I remember playing on steam, Mercenaries Blaze. It's shit. But the plot deals with a lot of race and culture issues and there's a point where someone point blank asks your MC "You're not racist are you" or some such. I immediately stopped playing the game here. Because in a medieval war torn setting literally nobody would ever talk like this. And I'm not asking for a bunch of THEES and FOR SOOTHS but seriously now. You can be a bit better about your writing than that.
othello 1600s
Witcher series, one of the setting's running themes is prejudice against elves.
I've always loved those illustrations. Wish I could find them in decent resolution.

I would seriously go to town on one of those she dwarves or gnomes.
Destiny 1+2 (sky people racism), Xillia (magic processing racism), Zestiria + Berseria (nature spirit racism but on like 3 levels if you go into the lore), Arise (literally a fucking slave revolt)

And even for the ones where it's not as forefront, there's still usually a little bit of it around - like with the Children of the Moon in Vesperia or the replicated people in Abyss.

I'm unfamiliar with Innocence and Hearts so there could be racism in those as well.
Not defending bad writing (I think all westoids should be killed the moment they pick up a pen) but

1) Humans use stories to tell us about ourselves. Of course stories are going to reflect our modern understandings. A real race between a tortoise and hair wouldn't turn out like that, a real scorpion would kill the frog long before getting to the pond, etc. Stories are only written and then interpreted through our frame of reference.

2) "Racism" is essentially a colonial invention. Of course animosity between different groups existed, but the idea that racism in the medieval period looked analogous to racism today is just as fantastical and ahistorical as the idea that anti-racism looked analogous.
>hey rikku how come you speak al bhed?
>yuna is half WHAT
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In the worst way possible of course
>Tenpenny residents don't like the ghouls and refuse to let them in
>Convince them to let them in
>Come back later and the ghouls have murdered all the residents
>You get evil karma for killing Roy and the rest of the ghouls, but good karma for killing the residents despite the fact they've not actually done anything wrong
"Racism" was invented by bolshevik jews as a catchall term to honk like a boat horn to rile up the subhuman races against the jew's rival, the caucasian
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it was invented by bolshevik jews to create a society where their kind can blend into the crowd
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>boo fuckin hoo wont anyone think of da racists?

oh so you're a racist. pathetic anon. just pathetic.
It's always a damn shame when a game adds a really cute and sweet gnome or dwarf character that's really cool and just around wholesome and pleasant to be around but you can't romance them because of their race. The dev is too scared how they would be perceived.
Name 5 times this happens
baldur's gate 1 2 and 3
dragon age
final fantasy
one of the tales games
Also dwarf companion from NVN first expansion was kinda cute.
Specifics, give the characters, and if there's not selectable romance options then it doesn't count
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Mazzy for one was a qt3.14
I see you mr.
>Give me a list of sexy shortstacks I can r34 later
Well I ain't falling for it
Tell me about it. It's so odd too. Like, why do people think 'child' when they see a short woman? It's so strange.

Not him but Mazzy, Harding and Linzi come to mind instantly.

>shorties in jrpg's
Would be interested in more info anon!
Racism existed ever since Greeks, Romans and the Chinese came up with the idea of the barbarian. The caste system in India is a form of racism. Even Islam, nominal egalitarian aside, had less than pleasant opinions of people south of Egypt.

Racism has always been a thing throughout human history.
It was literally invented by Lev Bronstein in the 1920s. It’s a rhetorical device, invented by the group with the highest in-group preference, to make other groups feel ashamed of their own in-group preference.
Midwit eunuch.

Enlightened patrician.
There are a number of them.
It's usually a subject in any large RPG. Final Fantasy XII for example has humans look down on the half rabbits (driving them from their lands)
In any RPG, usually the monsters and demons are discriminated against heavily. (kill on sight procedures, etc.)
On human level, its mostly beast tribes or elves are victims of racism.
In some games its culture. Breath of Fire III shows the protagonist being from a tribe the gods are discriminating against to the point his kind is nearly extinct and he needs to find allies.
Anyway, it's hard to find one that doesn't discriminate against something. It's a common subject I guess.

What kind of racism are you looking for?
Racism is just victimhood, or more specifically perceived victimhood or perceived expectation of victimhood.
There is no racism if there is no deep insecurity and mistrust due to victimhood.

If people think they are victims, they often also become entitled, strongly entitled. They demand better treatment, etc.
Using their victimhood, they feel its okay, justified, for the sake of good, etc. to do the worst to people.
So you see all the traits of narcissism essentially.

You're split up, either you're with them or against them.
They weaponize their insecurity and sense of helplessness to socially demonize you. (or you're the one doing that to others).

In actuality, racism is discrimination.
You expect them to be a problem, so you lock them up before they can even do anything for example, or you keep them out of your bar or you perceive them as an infection or whatever. And it comes down to victim mentalities of a group.

Generation after generation, people do not forgive what happened to them, their parents, grandparents etc. It blinds them, demonizing others.

In the modern day and age, racism works like that. In a fantasy setting, you'd need to create a history like that to have actual racism the way we have it.
imagine bumping a retarded thread 4 days after it got its last post just to shitpost
Racism as we know it today is a modern invention inextricably linked to legal fictions invented by European elites to bypass anti slavery laws, while prejudice has always existed, the concept of whole groups of people being immutably less human than others down to their flesh and blood instead of an inferior culture would be somewhat alien. Furthermore these prejudices were often more linguistically derived than from physical distinctions. That's part of how modern Racism was a pseudoscientific scheme that leaned heavily on scientism by attributing bespoke racial qualities to genetic differences. Ancient prejudice had no such language available and so distaste for outsiders, organic or propagandized, was expressed along grounds of observable realities like language or custom.
It was an American soldier and cultural imperialist actually...


No one wants to learn about their country anymore :/

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