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/vrpg/ - Video Games/RPG

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Why does this game keep giving me a billion quests to collect sea shells and "rabbit diodes"? This is seriously mind boggling. You're just given a dotted line to follow and a billion lazily written quests from generic NPCs like "help me make an omelette" and "I lost my car keys" and then you walk to the next cutscene while mowing over glowing orbs and exclamation points. The quests even just automatically complete, you don't even turn them in. I'm struggling to see why this world is so praised when every aspect of it is completely phoned in, and graphically it doesn't look much better or different from the background of a super monkey ball level. And as for the main NPCs, well one has died within the first 20 minutes of the game and serves as the catalyst for the protagonist's entire quest even though they had about 15 seconds worth of dialogue, and I'm struggling to care about these vapid brits constantly quipping at each other and little else. As for the combat, I really don't know what to say, you just spam break and topple over and over on cooldown, most of the enemies you can run straight past. Like there was some robot attack on the main character's town and I just ran right past them all to the next cutscene, the game even gave me a tutorial message saying this is how the game was meant to be played. Each enemy drops an individual chest full of garbage, and often times looting takes longer than the battle itself. How is any of this okay? This is seriously the worst jrpg I have ever played.
No sane person over the age of 12 likes xenoblade. In fact, I'd reckon the vast majority of people here did not play it, which is why nintendrones praise it so brazenly.
go back to dragon quest then.
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do it for her
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Yeah that's where (You) belong.
Man that sounds like the most shit RPG ever, what could possibly...

>insectoid RPG

Ahhhhhhhh. Well there is the problem. You are playing a game for the bug people market.
Way too old.
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I don't think so, gaylord.
I know games get shit on a lot here, but this is one of the few games that deserves it.
>I'm too stupid to avoid generic quests
imagine being too dumb for a tendie RPG
>just run straight to the next cutscene
Wooow no way
why not? you signed up for a jrpg. The game has plenty of optional exploration anyway.
I'm playing it alongside kiseki and they are polar opposites. Genre has nothing to do with it. Do you think kiseki would have fetch quests where you just run around picking apples off the ground and you just get a generic message saying you completed the quest? Oh and apparently if you pick a generic item off the ground for a *future* quest the protagonist uses his doctor who powers to display a cinematic and tell you it's for a future quest, best not throw that pigshit you just picked up away, youll need it later. This shit is atrocious. Just did another boss where you do break and topple then win. This whole game is full of weird metagamey stuff that takes you out of the game and unimmerses you, like challenge quests that change your level, it makes no sense. It's exactly like an mmo.
I have never been recommended a good game by someone who thinks the switch is a good console.
Nintendrones play like 1% of what comes out, they are the ultimate normalfags nowadays and don't know any better.
Imagine even knowing what this is
lol, i just clicked on this thread and was wondering what it was. guess it's some console garbage.
oh shit, what an awful ui.
I remember being friends ages ago with a guy who would adamantly claim that the xenoblade series was the greatest game of all time, underappreciated sleeper hit, yada yada yada, guy could talk for hours about it.

Finally caved in and said what the hell, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, his taste isn't always that shit so maybe he's right and appearances aren't everything. Put 10 honest hours into xenoblade 2 in case it turns around after the beginning, just complete and utter dogshit all the way through.

Go to ask him about it
>oh yeah well the game doesn't really get good until you're 20 or so hours in

I'm more than 100% sure all xenoblade players are just subject to an extremely shitty form of stockholm syndrome where they've invested so much time into a garbage series that they can't just admit it's bad even if they have otherwise good taste in other regards. And their entire gaming existence revolves around roping other people into their crab bucket with them.
>Do you think kiseki would have fetch quests where you just run around picking apples off the ground and you just get a generic message saying you completed the quest?
then how about her?
Unfortunately, the mysterious alien robot race that's been genociding everyone also has snarky British accents. This boss was housed in a mine level, which involved standing around on moving platformers and elevators for 10 minutes to reach the bottom.

I've hooked my switch to my monitor (i do not own a tv) so I can run it in docked, because quite frankly this game looks like someone smeared vaseline all over it in handheld mode and the screenshot function upscales it to 720p while it runs at a dynamic 540p-720p (lol) in handheld mode but this probably isn't going to look much better.
>Do you think kiseki would have fetch quests where you just run around picking apples off the ground and you just get a generic message saying you completed the quest?
Considering this is literally in the games, yes absolutely. The hell are you even saying with this?
>I'm playing it alongside kiseki and they are polar opposites.
lol, what a faggot. you really don't value your time.
>I'm playing it alongside kiseki and they are polar opposites
Yeah, Kiseki is shit and Xenoblade is good.
Why are you samefagging
Yeah I blew 30 h in this, until the first villain dies. I felt that even NW1 campaign story was less predictable than this.You also have a sort of colony to complete with more fetch quests and the gem minigame to play!

I tried really hard understanding why this was popular and I don't know. I drank water with more spice than this. Just drop it anon.
why are you farquaad
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>why didn't these American hicks like Fran in FFXII
>We will try to appeal to them more
feels like also ran territory to me
After the elevator dungeon, the protagonist has another schizo vision which means it's time to ascend the titan and meet an ancient race of super humans to be crowned the true successor of Excalibur or whatever. I'm noticing a pattern here. There really isn't a coherent plot or anything. You're sort of just lazily dragged along from one loosely connected scenario to the next by a series of hallucinations and given a lore dump, and it's becoming more and more obvious. Like absolutely nothing feels like a coherent adventure put together by a competent writer, things just simply happen. Anyways, this next main storyline quest leads us to a poison swamp, which we must slowly walk through to gather several random items to start up another elevator, but as a shocking twist the elevator doesn't work anyways so we just climb up the wall.
This sounds like absolute torture.
you won't last long enough to get the answers, don't bother
you need to get that autism checked out.
>I drank water with more spice than this.
Is this a dogwhistle for being a POC? Real people don’t talk like that
why are you judging the coherence of a plot at this point? the visions all have meaning, including being strung along
Why is the UI so crisp and the graphics so blurry and pixelated?
tendie hardware
People pay for that shit? Wouldn't it be better to just emulate it?
>the visions all have meaning
That doesn't really redeem the narrative, the experience should be interesting throughout, not a M. Night Shyamalan twist at the end. That's not good writing.
Docked switch runs at 720p but the game still renders at 540p even then. Its hideous.
>That doesn't really redeem the narrative, the experience should be interesting throughout, not a M. Night Shyamalan twist at the end. That's not good writing.
All of the visions have intrigue because of their mysteriousness, I don't really see how that's bad writing
>All of the visions have intrigue because of their mysteriousness
Wow, why do people bother writing anything when they can just be vague? Absolutely genius.
>Wow, why do people bother writing anything when they can just be vague?
If all they were was just vague, they wouldn't be interesting. They despite the visions being mostly out of context they're all connected to the main plot and let the player know they don't have all of the clues to get the full picture. They're teasing things around the next corner constantly. And it's all literally answered by the game in the end
>If all they were was just vague
But they're all literally just vague and related to the very next step. Like we need to go see the people at the top of the titan so we're given a vision that says to go to the top of the titan. There's no foreshadowing there, all motivation is entirely tied to chasing around visions. This isn't something that can be debated, its literally a series of extremely lazy asspulls supposedly strung together at the very end and its objectively terrible writing.
Games like these are useful because when you see a reviewer praise them you can just ignore that reviewer forever.
What sucks is that skipping quests locks you put of a lot of Shulk's Monado skills.
>Wouldn't it be better to just emulate it?
yes, it emulates flawlessly at 4k60 with better textures and anti-aliasing.
>intrigue because of mysteriousness
lmao come on man
OP is a braindead Falcom slop eater btw
is your argument here that stories shouldn't have mysteries or introduce plot elements that aren't instantly answered?
Where did he say anything like that? Do you have brain damage?
Literally all of OP's posts are effectively this
Normal games:
It's hot out so let's go for ice cream.
I had a vision.... I saw myself at dairy queen.... we have to go there to defeat zanzibart....
how would you structure the story considering the monado and it's future sight is the core element of the plot? You can answer this when you finish the game.
>how would you structure the story considering the monado and it's future sight is the core element of the plot
Simple, I would not do that as it does not make any sense.
>Plays a genre full of fictional made-up bullshit
>Complains about things "not making sense"
>How does Link carry all that STUFF?!
Stick to documentaries, attention whore.
Link literally has a limited usable inventory.
so you don't know
Dude, Takahashi is famous for this pseudointellectual Eva bullshit that never goes anywhere worthwhile because the games are designed for 6 year olds.

Wow so fucking deep and mature. This is what the kind of person that doesn't "get" kiseki enjoys. Guess what? Xenogears wasn't good either.
>Eva bullshit
Secondary "Mecha" fag detected, watch more anime and try again
>Another thread of Kisekiniggers shitting on other games while propping their shit for the same exact things they criticize other games
Getting real tired of this shit
>It's everyone else's fault I like garbage I can't defend.
>I don't like X
>It's actually fine when Kiseki does it thoughlbeit!
You niggers are really trying your best to make everyone else hate you
Of course its Kisekifag lmao. It's all starting to come together.
Why are you still samefagging? You've been doing this all thread. This isn't going to go away. You can't win like this. Try playing video games.
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You really should take your own damn advice Kisekinigger
You are literally (You)ing yourself in your screenshot. You messed up.
Not surprising the entire nintendrone fanbase is one mentally ill retard.
>alongside kiseki and they are polar opposites
holy shit I may give trails a chance if this is true.
XB1 was so damn bad when I tried to get into it.
The only redeeming quality was that one guy saying "WHAT A JOKAH" after battle
Not sure if stupid or new, probably both
You embarrassed yourself.
Is this real? Adult humans play games like this?
Does your mom think you're funny?
>there's no foreshadowing there
there's a fuck ton of foreshadowing in xenoblade, you just haven't realized it yet. A lot of scenes have secondary meanings on repeat playthroughs
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>alongside kiseki and they are polar opposites
uh villains in kiseki show up, have a meaningless monologue, then teleport away. This has been happening for over 10 games, visions in xenoblade are answered before you even finish the first game. TitS1 in particular has nothing happening until the very end.
Schizophrenic Kiseki fag?
If it's not clear, the mentality of OP has already decided that the game is bad because it's not Kiseki, to top it all off they are willing to excuse the shitty writing of their own game because they have a tribalism mindset about stuff instead of just being able to like things like a normal fucking human. I
Imagine how much brain damage someone would need to have in order to enjoy something like this.
I'm surprised that someone dumb enough to buy a Switch wouldn't enjoy basically anything.
I know, who the fuck can enjoy Kiseki games?
Xenoblade is pretty garbage and no actual human touches this anime trash hack I hear Xenoblade 2 is battle harem so its even worse.
>Yeah, Kiseki is good and Xenoblade is shit.
>Yeah, Kiseki is shit and Xenoblade is shit
fixed MK. II

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