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Check out jam games made by anons:

It has been 3 months since the last jam. Are we dead or just taking a break? Should we make another? If so, when and what theme? Discuss the future of (You) jams.
Just make a jam with whatever theme you want dude
>get ojo, retina, gobbo, and mink
>lock them in a room for a month
>game appears
it's that simple.
who the fuck is mink
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This is Mink. He made the first RPGmaker game.
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This is Gobbo. He made the second RPGmaker game.
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This is Retina. He made the third RPGmaker game.
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This is Ojo. He made the fourth RPGmaker game.
theme: abandoned
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>no jam inside
Why must the jams have a theme? VIPRPG has no theme.
'cuz it's fun.
Optional btw!
summer because summer starts tomorrow
Nothing because noone will upload anything anyways no matter what the theme is.
it's been 12 hours. are you gonna make one or nah?
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>all these people asking for a jam but not making it themselves
Then, I guess it is up to me to fix this!

Let's jam, everybody!
Lame theme.
Based but also cringe
I usually don't like such open-ended themes for game jams, but I joined anyway. Already started working on it! LET'S GO!
Theme should be hidden until the jam starts or people can cheat and start making their game early before the start date.
troon theme
>The Start Date for the jam is merely a SUGGESTION as well, you can start working on your cute girls game at any point
>4 joined
lol 2 finished "games" incoming
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thread theme: https://youtu.be/DhKTnTMX-aA
feels good to be home
>cute girls
it's over....
>thread theme
More like this: https://youtube.com/watch?v=15ENTdUgBYY
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For me it's Naoko and Seiko (especially Naoko and her snaggletooth)
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It would feel rude submit the project I'm working on to a jam that just now started, so maybe I'll make a standard "hero saves the princess" story.
Oh, come on brother, you know we don't care about that.
can I give up yet? I don't want to reuse gameplay element.
just make a game without gameplay bro
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for me it's https://youtu.be/AqUN5quiUeY
After the end of the last RPGM thread, I'm curious about jammers' unfinished or abandoned projects that didn't stick for one reason or another. Anyone feel like sharing?
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It would take very, very long for me to type up everything about it, but I worked on a game about aliens for 2 years. I'll finish it one day, but lore has changed.
A lot of the graphics and characters have been reused in my jam games.
It also elaborates on what certain aliens actually want with the humans.
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This one was "Woman Moment: The Game"
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This one was for the Isekai jam but I never finished it and I'm glad I didn't.
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I lost a Spongebob game I was working on when I formatted my computer and forgot to back it up. It had the best pixel art I've ever made, before or since, and it genuinely makes me sad that I probably don't have it in me to even attempt to remake it. All that's left is the early version with a single screen. It was gonna have a bunch of Santo & Johnny music (specifically from their 1961 Hawaii album).
I remember this and the aborted fetuses Plankton was cooking.
I wish mine has half of soul as this
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I had lots of them, most of them were abandoned after making 1 or 2 rooms or even earlier so I'm not sure if you'd care to hear about those. But let me tell about the project I was working on for the Self-Indulgent jam.

Originally, it was called "If I was Summoned to Another World", it was a self-insert game about being summoned to another world, given a Royal Armament (literally just Teigu from Akame ga Kill) and being asked by the emperor to perform a few quests, with 3 different endings depending on the choices you made during those quests. Here's a video of the scene where you would choose your Royal Armament which I still have saved (don't ask why the emperor is a cute girl):

It didn't took long for me to realized that the way I originally designed it wasn't very fun. I still wanted to do a self-insert game about being summoned to another world though, so I decided to change the name to "If I was Reincarnated in Another World" and I changed the story so that a goddess sends me to that world after I died. The story for this version was that there were two neighboring kingdoms which were at war over which are better, 12 years old girls or 18 years old girls and by the end I would convince them all that old hags are the preferable choice and I would be made king of the world for my supreme wisdom.

Eventually, I realized I didn't quite like how this version was going so I changed it. Now, the goddess accidentally used the wrong coordinates when she used the /tp command to send me to the other world and got me stuck in a cave without any equipment. I also decided I needed a sidekick so after getting out of the caves you meet the girl in pic related who's picture I randomly found on the internet, and since she kinda looks like the girl I had a crush on at the time I decided to add her in. The story of this version was just a generic isekai about defeating the demon lord.
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I eventually decided I didn't quite like how this was going either so I decided the player wouldn't start in a cave anymore and you met the sidekick at the adventurers guild instead. I also decided to stop making maps for every town and building and instead made it all just simple menus with pictures and the story changed to be just an adventure slice of life (I also made the adventurers guild be the country's heavily corrupt government). Later, I went back to starting out in the cave. Then, I changed my mind about that again. Then I changed my mind again. At some point I tried to fit Royal Armaments from the original version into this vision but that didn't quite work out.

Eventually, I realized there was only a month left for the jam and not even 25% of the game was done so I decided I will just make a short, linear story about defeating the demon lord (again). Long story short, I got to about 45% completion and then the jam ended.

And so I thought "Hey, since there's no time limit anymore, and I'm already self-inserting so much why not just make it full-on wish-fulfillment stuff?" so I decided I would reincarnate as a toddler and the game would be a full-on open-world fantasy life simulation. Needless to say, I quickly gave up on that and went back to the previous idea but, while I was finally able to decide on the game being a semi-open world but still linear adventure slice-of-life about surviving a harsh world, I couldn't decide on anything else. How should I balance the combat? Should I use the default combat anyway? The towns and buildings are already simple menus with pictures, should I do the overworld and dungeons the same? Should I add more characters for the "harem wish-fulfillment fantasy" or keep it a buddy comedy? Should I do that? Should I do this? Should I then? Should I here? And so on...

The game still sits at ~35-45% completion btw. I figured out exactly what I want from it tho so I'd like to finish it one day, but in Godot instead.
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I have a bunch of them like everyone else, but the only one that went beyond a few maps was one called imperial cornibus, which basically was a medieval version of naruto where the mc would conquer the world, I planned to use that game to enter the patreon porn game ecosystem, but the game files got corrupted and I lost a bunch of progress so I dropped it.
This is all super interesting, thank you lads for sharing!
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What if i make a game about ugly ugly ugly guys will my submission get deleted for offtopic.
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what will your game be about?
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>It started last month when I was just about to kill myself
I'm committing sudoku instead of sokoban this time.
This was supposed to be my submission to the self-indulgence jam, but I saw just how incomplete it was and held off on releasing it. Since then, it's just been sitting in my 2003 folder, waiting to be completed... I took most of the gameplay ideas from the game DUNGEON ENCOUNTERS. A few things I had planned for it:
>riddles, perhaps math related, that would grant you unique equipment
>100 floors of bullshit
>fire emblem-esque supports for all the party members
>side quest chains for each character
I figured someone might find it interesting, so I'll just post a link to it here: https://files.catbox.moe/0diwln.zip
You might need to install the fonts inside the Font folder if the game looks messed up.
Will you ever continue it? Looks incredible. What are Canto and Dicanto? Some sort of singing spell?
>riddles, perhaps math related, that would grant you unique equipment
>100 floors of bullshit
You sold me on these.
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And some other projects that I've started but didn't make much progress on:
>1st image
A Princess Maker clone. I was making this back when I didn't know Maniacs existed and was still using 2000. I made a custom naming screen for the game which involved the very tedious process of storing every character in your daughter's name into an individual actor so her name could be displayed on the main screen at all times. Thank god for Maniacs!
>2nd image
Originally planned for the Valentine's jam; you play as a delinquent shota in a boys' gang who beats up hobos, law enforcement, and other members of your gang in order to woo the girl you like. The battle system was taken from my mecha game, which I later reused in Lotus Eater.
>3rd image
The 3D remake of Sleepless, with more girls, more dungeon crawling, and a custom battle system. Might be something I work on over the years.
>4th image
Adventure horror game with adults who are dressed up as high schoolers and also a conspiracy story. I wrote down some of the story while I was at work and made CGs + sprites, but that's about it.

Thank you anon. Canto and Dicanto are both magic-damage spells. In the context of the game, everyone has a physical defense and magical defense stat that wears down when you attack them with the corresponding skill type. Once you get either their physical or magical defense down to 0, you can start lowering their HP to actually kill them. The battle system sounds simple, but I think it's fun because it's so simple.

I'd like to continue working on it since I already have put a good amount of work into it. I'm currently working on fixing up one of my older games that's related to it, so there's definitely a chance that I'll work on it if I'm not working on anything else.
Thank you for sharing, looks very cool.
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Guess it's the turn of goburinbro then.
>1 simple crawler that was meant to be a 30 minute hard time limit quick run game
>1 not as simple crawler that is meant to be nearer to Etrian
>VIPRPG Kotobattle parody game
>Amagami-like 恋愛ゲーム, the last time I bothered opening it I was writing a custom event interpreter that could execute commands directly from text files since it is much easier to edit VN style games that way rather than manually putting it all into the editor
and many more... but this is all I felt like putting here.
I also have multiple translation projects literally sitting at 99% which require me to muster up the remaining 1% of effort to do final playthroughs/editing passes on, but just haven't felt like it. And a couple sitting nearer 80% for reasons (for one in particular, the pain of manually having to edit all the text/reinsert it by hand turned out to be more taxing than I'd realized, and I haven't touched it in weeks because while doing text alone and having an automated dump/insert is quick and fine, doing it one by one is LOL)
I'm working on a Dragon Quest game for the Jam.
The theme is 'Cute Cute Cute Girls,' so the party will consist entirely of girls.
I also wanted to incorporate a summer theme somehow, so I initially based the story on Demeter, Persephone, and Hades. However, as I expanded the story today, it evolved into something completely different. I'm not sure what I'll end up with.
I started a couple of hours ago and have already added a title screen, a save system that welcomes you back when you load the save like in the official Dragon Quest games, and a text system with features like bold/colored/transparent text, pauses, and more.
Next up's the menu.
Is this maniacs? Can you share how you did your text system?
Nope, for this I went with RPG Maker 2000. It's a 'one final project' kind of deal before I move on to something else. I saw the Jam earlier and decided to join and try my luck.
Text is stored in Comments, then the Comments are exported, and converted from ASCII-Code to Variables. e.g. A = 1, B = 2, etc.
Then just play it back via copying letters from an off-screen Sprite Sheet that contains the entire font onto an empty picture or just split your Sprite Sheet into lots of pictures and let the Maker play it back.
looking good. keep at it bro.
i'm always amazed at how ambitious you guys go for your jam stuff... that's seriously crazy. yeah i know it didn't end up getting finished but god i wouldn't even know where to start lol

looking great!
>all of the CHADdevs use 2000 or 2k3
vx ace bros.... are we even a dev compared to them...?
>RPG Maker 2000
I kneel.
bottom jammer bro...
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I'm gonna be honest and admit that that sounds like 16th century alchemy to me. Might as well be mixing elements while reciting incantations when Mercury and Taurus are in retrograde or something. You guys are RPGMaker wizards...
I want to remind you that doing custom stuff in 2k/3 is basically just pseudo-programming and you could do the same things in VXAce too if you are really good at Ruby.
name one of jam submission that actually uses ruby
i am the flop jammer. i and no one else. i WILL flop
Honestly, the more amazing part of it (at least to me) is that he's doing it in 2k which lacks a lot of tools that would make that process much much easier.
not a thing in bone stock 2k
>variable picture layer
also not a thing in stock 2k, which would be incredibly useful since otherwise you would literally need to have an individual set of all possible letter pic events for each individual layer that could possibly be used.
Also not sure how he's exporting the comments unless he's manually copying+pasting them to the converted variable values. I'm not aware of any tools that do this for you (unless he has written his own).
Even then, I question just what he's using/how he is doing this with any sort of speed since you need to generate (number of total glyphs per text window) variables each time so you could paste them into your event prior to calling whatever parses it and displays it.
tl;dr I'm extremely skeptical that he's using 2k and that he's just pulling your leg.
The rest of making custom text display routines is pretty easy.
Saphidoll wrote Node's combat logic as a Ruby script, I'm pretty sure his other games also use it to some extend. Pokemon Emsey also uses a custom Ruby script for the monster capturing mechanic.
Sure, they're not great but that just means they didn't reach "really good at Ruby" status yet but no 2k3 wizard's first few games were SISTER either.
>dropping a jam right after SMT Vengeance's release
just curious but what's the etiquette with assets in a jam, not this one but in general ? Are you allowed to come with folders of assets your prepared ahead of time, or is that against the spirit of the thing ?
Depends on the jam. Some allow previously made assets, some only allow assets made during the jam period, most of them also allow using other people's assets as long as you have the right to use them. There are even jams where you are encouraged to just work on an already existing game as opposed to making a new one.
Generally, you are meant to read the rules of the jams you join to see their stance on it.
How will anyone know unless you tell everyone?
Just do it and pretend you made them in the jam.
>Node's combat logic as a Ruby script,
you can do that with eventing.
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Starting a bit late today, but I'm ready to tackle day two!
I've started adding more keys to the game. Now I essentially have an SNES controller with four buttons (A, Y, X, C), L/R (S, D), and Start (Q) and Select (W).
Next, I'll begin working on the menu. Will post an WEBM of it later.
Thanks! I appreciate the kind words.
I get you. kek
When I first started using RPG Maker in 2000, a lot of things looked complex to me, too, especially when games like Velsarbor started coming out. It motivated me to learn more about the engine. Over the years, I've made lots of things: Tales of Phantasia/Eternia clones, Pokémon clones, Lufia clones, Terranigma clones, and more. I basically learned how to remake all of my favorite games in RM2K.
And don't worry, it may sound like a lot, but everything's automated. The only difference for me is using the Comment Command instead of the Message Command to add messages to the game.
Sure, it doesn't matter what you use, but how you use it. You got this, mane.
Done for today.
I added Formulas for EXP and all of the Stats.
I added Vocations, which all have their own unique Stat Growth multipliers.
Started adding the Main Menu, which doesn't break the game if you open it at the same time as you talk to NPCs or do other stuff.
I didn't get as far as I wanted, but there are still 34 days left.

How are your games coming along, frens?
Looks great, I can't wait to play it!

>How are your games coming along, frens?
I prototyped a few things but I have a hard time deciding on what I should go with.
it's over for me. I haven't even make a new project file.
is that outline part of the font ?
I am already cringing at what I created.
You'll get used to the feeling.
>mere 15 downloads yet some anon broke my game the very first day.
What is it about versions 2000 and 2003 that you all use them?
It's fun.
It sparks creativity.
>you can't blindly throw plugins at your problems and instead must rely on your own skill and wits to solve them and create things; even if you could copy-pasta someone's eventing/event code into your own project, the likelihood of it just working is slim and would require such knowledge of how it was made in the first place that you could have written it from scratch just as quickly
>graphical level is low enough that it's not too difficult to make what you need, but high enough that you're still in the 2D golden age aesthetically
>everything is snappy and responsive unless you design it like shit, compared to XP/VX/VXa/MV/MZ which all run like shit right out of the box
>once you get decent at it, you can make some pretty cool shit that has a more "handcrafted feel" than what a lot of newer makers turn out (because most people using 2k/3 ARE making all their cool systems by hand, while most users of newer makers are dropping someone else's plugins in and hoping for the best)
IMO it is far easier to get a 2k/3 game to shake the worst parts of the "Made in RPG Maker™" feeling associated with each respective maker, and the "tech" for it is constantly improving to this day since there are many people using it who are at least decent. Compare a bone stock 2k battle...
...to something fully customized that someone would mistake for a hack rom instead if they didn't pay too much attention to the 2k/3 screen shake.
Is 2k/3 the maker I would recommend to most people? No.
Is 2k/3 better than people give it credit for? Yes.
the only real arguement here is performance
the rest is just assumptions about the community / devs being shit
how long can you endure playing jam game? mine probably requires few hours of grinding to finish, is that okay?
If the game is good I can endure an hour or too to grind, otherwise not much.
Depends on how fun your battle system is.
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>I prototyped a few things but I have a hard time deciding on what I should go with.
I feel that. My Story is all over the place at the moment.
You still have 33 days. If I can do it, so can you!
Yup, but I can load as many fonts as I want. Right now, I'm only working with the ones I need for the text, menus, HUDs, and battle. I'm thinking about adding a runic alphabet so players can decipher text like in Pokémon R/S/E. It could make for a fun treasure hunt side quest.
Come on now, it can't be that bad.

Well, it's time to tackle day 3!
I had submitted many entries and all of them were literally last minute works.
>jam thread appears when my neetdom is about to end
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>open rpgm
>place 1 tile on a map
>watch youtube videos
>browse 4chan
>"that's enough work for today"
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Damn that looks pretty clean, do you have higher resolution art of the bunnygirls?
>How are your games coming along, frens?
I have been slacking off but battles have a start and end. Need to figure out what I'm gonna do with exp because the last game I made I did manual upgrades and it was extremely busted. I have fun with stuff like that but maybe I should try to be more traditional.
Hey, if it works, it works.
Thanks, and I've seen that project of yours in other Dev Threads before. Looks pretty damn good, too.
I feel you on the EXP thingamajig. I had a tough time deciding how to make growth rates work and how strong a fully leveled character should be. After all, it's a Game Jam game, not a 100-hour adventure.
And no, I haven't drawn anything yet. I plan to start drawing once I'm done with all the technical stuff.
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Tiny update. I spent a lot of time reworking Stat and EXP Formulas, so I have nothing too fancy to show, BUT I finished the Character Status Windows for the Main Menu.
It's the same character 4 times because I don't have any other characters, yet. It's still WIP.
Gotta rework a couple more Stats and Vocations now, and once I'm done with that I'll start adding the Party System, which will also FINALLY add Gold/Money to the game.
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is it possible to make this kind of popup number with maniax?
>you can do anything with eventing
do it with EASE
I'm not a wizard but this doesn't sound hard.
>have a variable PictureID set to whatever number you want
>when you interact with an object, create a show string picture and make it's number be the variable PictureID
>use move picture to make the picture with number PictureID move up
>increase PictureID by 1
>make it so after PictureID becomes any number of your choosing it wraps back to the starting value
Just make sure you don't have another picture with the same id as PictureID anywhere.
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I finally decided on what I want to make. And it's a Ys clone.
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I'd do something like this.
The PictureID is the value of the picture not the number displayed in the context of 2k3. I'm a codelet so I don't know if it is different for a real coding language.
In string pictures you display numbers by typing in the textbox in the bottom right corner.
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Sorry, I didn't understand you meant multiple pictures. This works for me. Adjust the speed as you please because this is very fast.
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i haven't even started...
Don't get intimidated by the thread's turbo-autists. Just make the stock rpgm game of your dream. Everyone has to start somewhere.
NTA but I have multiple jam entries and still couldn't start any project
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What happens if I participate with a game that has shit to do with the theme, but is otherwise decent enough?
Your game will be removed from the jam and you will be banned from particopating in any future jams.
Stick to the theme or gtfo.
I'll pat my belly like I just ate something real good and say "nice game" out loud.
>The theme is merely a SUGGESTION, you can make a game about anything even if it doesn't involve cute cute cute girls! Ignoring it does not mean you appreciate cute girls any less.
I was planning a game of cute boys, oh well.
>oh well
What do you mean by "oh well"? I literally just confirmed you that you are allowed to make a cute boys jam.
>still can't come up with a story
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Another day, another Dev Session!
To-Do Quests for today:
>Finish the new Stat & Vocation System
I finished most of it yesterday, so there isn't much left. It costs more Variables than I'd like, but it's pretty versatile, almost completely automated, and will make my life easier later, so I'm happy with it.
>Add Party System.
Pretty much just a System that checks Gold, Casino Tokens, Party Size, Party Level/EXP, etc. Shouldn't take too long to implement.
>Finish the Menu
It's mostly just Lists, Status Menus, etc. The most annoying part is probably going to be the Bag Menu, since every character has their own inventory, but even then it's just moving numbers from one set of variables to another.
>Maybe start the Battle System
It'd be cool to finish the day with a working Battle System. Going to bust my ass off to get to this today.

Hey, you still have over 30 days, fren. That's more than enough time to create something. Good luck and have fun, mane.
What helped me was looking into Mythology, fairy tales, or folklore that revolve around summer. The theme is cute girls, yeah, but I got that covered by only having cute girls as party members, so I wanted something that is at least a bit summer-themed.
The story of Demeter, Persephone, and Hades is pretty fun and inspired me the most, but there's also Amaterasu, The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, Ra from Egyptian Mythology, etc.
Wishin' you only the best, mate. Hope you find something that inspires you.
>Hey, you still have over 30 days, fren. That's more than enough time to create something.
There's never enough time. Even if you plan everything "hey I'm sure I can finish this in a week!" Very soon you will encounter "Hmm... I don't like this part, let's redo it." and so on until you're on the very last day and have to beg for extension
The trick to making it in the jams is to never redo anything and just allow your shit be shit, no matter how much it might hurt.
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My eventing requires extremely tedious but detailed movement of variables and switches and I think I'm going to gouge my brain out if I have to do anymore work today...
*coughs blood*
Help me anons...
For me it's
>porting parts of a previously developed system from 1 project to a new one
>discovered multiple soft locking bugs in the code that were literally only not occurring in the original because of pure luck
Same, just without the brain gouge part.
Hang in there, fren. You got this!
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>porting parts of a previously developed system from 1 project to a new one
Brutal. I only tried that once and it was such a nightmare I decided to "re-invent the wheel" if you know what I mean. That equally sucks though if you take a break for a few months and forget how RPGMaker works.
Thanks anon. I'm going to work on art stuff instead for awhile.
>Thanks anon. I'm going to work on art stuff instead for awhile.
Hey, no problem, man. What are you going to draw?
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Opening cutscene. Arnold is back.
That looks rad. Keep up the good work!
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Finished the party system, so I finally have some proper party members and gold!
Now it's time to finish the rest of the field menu.
>bnuuy girl in party
good shit
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which one?
Rpg In A Box
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post progress
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Didn't get as far as I wanted to yesterday, and had to work longer hours today, but I'm back at it again. Slowly but surely, I'm making my way through all the menus. Right now, I'm just testing if the game can properly read characters' inventories before integrating it into the field menu.
Once this is done, it's mostly copy-paste, except for the party talk and miscellaneous menu.
that looks like it would be a nightmare to code in 2000
Not really, at least not in my opinion. If you make it in a way that automates everything, you only have to load variables like Item-IDs, for example, into template variables.
Also, I made some progress. All that's left now are controls and animations for the cursor.
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holy sovl
>open rpgm
>stare at screen for hours
>close rpgm
>go to sleep
it's over bros
>tfw 1 map per day
mapping is truly the worst part of rpgming. i could finish a game a month if i didn't have to make maps.
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I've been working on a lot of stuff, mostly boring and not worth showing stuff.

If you dont follow the theme i will remove your game from the jam and you will be banned from any future jams.

If you dont make your game in Rpgmaker i will remove your game from the jam and you will be banned from any future jams.

If you dont make your own completely original assets made within the jam time i will remove your game from the jam and you will be banned from any future jams.(Including art,music and custom combat)

If your games jokes are unfunny i will remove your game from the jam and you will be banned from any future jams.

If your jumpscares arent scary enought i will remove your game from the jam and you will be banned from any future jams.

If i dont like your art or music i will remove your game from the jam and you will be banned from any future jams.

If i dont like your gameplay or your game is too hard for me to complete i will remove your game from the jam and you will be banned from any future jams.

If its too easy and i get bored your game will also be removed from the jam and you will be banned from any future jams.

If your cutscenes are laggy i will remove your game from the jam and you will be banned from any future jams .

If i do not like you as a person i will remove your game from the jam and you will be banned from any future jams.

If your story is boring and predictable or cringy i will remove your game from the jam and you will be banned from any future jams.

If your game is under 30 hours in playtime i will remove your game from the jam and you will be banned from any future jams.

If your game contains any hatespeech such as antisemitism,racist,transphobia i will remove your game from the jam and you will be banned from any future jams

These are the rules of (You) jams and by joining the jam you agree to these terms and conditions any violations of these rules will be met in your game getting removed and you being banned from participating in any future jams for life.
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That's not very cute girly of you, anon.
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no games then
>Midori-chan is playable
Just came by to let you know I'm stoked for this bro, good luck!
I'll allow it
Jokes on you, I have a wig for exactly that case.
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huh? they are still updating 2003? what about vxace or mv?
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2003 is the only one that matters
Enjoy your piece of shit jam and dead thread.
you better submit the next undertale with that kind of favouritism.
It's a trollpost, newfag-tan.
girl that was a jokepost
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Just got home, so I'll continue working on the game. I'm still making my way through the menus. I added the cursor animations I mentioned earlier and updated the item descriptions.
I like the art and the font. Keep up the good work, mane.
Thanks a lot, I appreciate the kind words.
I can't wait to get to the mapping. I have some ideas for some mean dungeons.
I need to hear this with sound, sounds in nice looking menus are my fetish.
Thinking about throwing myself out of a fucking window—I forgot to darken the unused menu windows this entire time, so I just spent the past couple of minutes fixing that.
Now I can finally continue. I'm going to add the Use, Equip, Transfer, and Discard commands next.
>I need to hear this with sound, sounds in nice looking menus are my fetish.
Oh, and here's the sound version you asked for. I only have three simple sound effects in my folder at the moment. I'll make more as I progress.
good shit bro.
Looks awesome.
The fairies are a bit hectic thoughever.
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Instead of making dev progress... Been making backups/archiving/documenting the games and resources on Clone Game Party (Japanese FF/DQ/SaGa/etc clone game/fan game site) because the creator apparently received a notice regarding his site and obliterated all of the links in response. Thankfully, Archive's wayback machine seems to have some usable versions of the pages with functional links, though it may be out of date/missing certain games and patches due to the age of the page snapshots.
That's cool. How far along into this project are you currently?
I'm stopped in my tracks. I had downloaded just about all of the Dragon Quest ones, but as I started on the Final Fantasy based games it seems that the person in charge of the site has indeed nuked all of the MEGA links.
The only hope at this point is for the archive links that hosted downloads directly from the site still work, which is a huge fucking crapshoot.
It can safely be said that many of these games should now be considered lost media.
That said, not all of them are entirely lost - I had a LOT of these games already on my machine because I played them and had even translated a few, but there will forever be those that I simply did not have downloaded.
Time to start reaching out to japan bros and lurking some forums to see if anyone else has some of these.
Damn, godspeed
my game's scope is getting out of control, do I really need 10+ fully fleshed NPC with custom graphic for a game jam's submission?
I just remembered Final Fantasy 2 and I feel tempted to make a clone of it.
But perhaps for the next jam.
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Not much to show. I'm still working through the Item Menu. I finished the Discard command and am moving on to Transfer/Use/Equip/Unequip.
How it feels to work on a game for a jam with 28 days left
Yeah, I feel that. I hope there aren't any emergencies so I can finish all the technical stuff this weekend.
How's your game coming along?
alright I give up. It's pure madness trying to compete with reccetear, plus shop management game effectively requires additional mechanic/gameplay to keep it fresh.
I hope you reconsider, mate. It will be tough, but you can do something cool in 4 weeks.
Good luck with whatever project you'll tackle next.
probably because even though I had multiple entries I never once submitted a pure straight RPG.
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It's coming... I'm trying to finish it within the time limit but I also don't want to cut corners like I had to for my older jam games. I worked on sprites today but I don't want to show too much before I finish the game. Somehow it motivates me to show very little.
Hey, I'm sure whatever you'll release will be great.
That's good to hear, and I feel the same about not cutting corners. I've had plenty of moments where I could've taken the easy route but chose the harder one to create a better "product", I guess?
I'm sharing a lot now because it's just the technical stuff. Once I get to the graphics, mapping, and overall progression, I'll probably be quiet until the deadline.
Surely I will finish my game this time...
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>1 week into jam
>nothing to show
it's over for me
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I give up.
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It's never too late anons

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