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This image frightens and enrages the pseud.
vanilla LOD isnt that good
this is modded
the glorious imperial city with 3 houses per section and 15 inhabitants
Its honestly more alive than any city in Skyrim honestly
what is it?
i'll admit. this pile of shit has more glitter than the other pile of shit
>bro your photo to demonstrate a point on my Cambodian Alpaca shearing forum has mods
The Imperial City has over 100 inhabitants. You have a valid point, just don't be a fag about it.
Low effort bait
your wrong
It's my favorite city. Too bad it had to be separated into different cells. Loved robbing the city in my thief playthrough.
It's a sad parody of what might have been, but it was still my first TES game and I will always have fond memories of it.
I think i prefer it this way to a realistic thousands of NPCs with no purpose and just "Hello" dialogues.
>its bad because... uh... its not a jungle!
Yes, that is a valid reason why it's bad.
Since there are no games that allow you to enter every interior in a city and have every NPC named without having any randomly generated shit other than TES I'd say its the 2nd biggest city in gaming, after Vivec. Add in the fact that every NPC also has an eating/shopping/sleeping schedule and you'll realise it heavily mogs every game ever made.
>Cambodian Alpaca shearing forum
I prefer Albanian human trafficking forum
When I played Oblivion I thought there was something wrong with my computer, like maybe the game ''de-maked'' itself because my videocard was shit, instead it actually looks that disgusting, it was such a downgrade visually from even Morrowind. Not that it matters, the game was ass in general, not just graphically
For me, it’s Dagon Fel
>When I played Oblivion I thought there was something wrong with my computer, like maybe the game ''de-maked'' itself because my videocard was shit, instead it actually looks that disgusting, it was such a downgrade visually from even Morrowind. Not that it matters, the game was ass in general, not just graphically

game looks good, especially at night

you are just a fag
Jesus, Bethesda haters have finally lost their fucking minds.
>game looks good, especially at night
I prefer dawn and dusk. Although cities at night are comfy. Honestly I was impressed replaying it, I didn't remember it looking so good at times.
Maybe there was something wrong with your computer. Vanilla Oblivion looked great at the time and certainly better than vanilla Morrowind
It was an abomination full of bloom, look at that image in OP, sparse trees just popping on a featureless land, Morrowind looked WAY better and had an actual coherent art style unlike Oblivion
Still mogs Vivec
Stop trying to reason with that Anon. He unironically expects a larger-than Daggerfall city with one to two thousand named NPCs. Just ignore the faggot.
>retcons the lore for Morrowind
>fallout retcons the vault experiments
>retcons Cyrodill to be an environment more suited to the world and game design
Unironic tranny behavior
This gave me cancer
Deviantart moment
Why do elder scrolls faggots all type like moronic underage sharty posters
Besides, there many other Troika/jpigger threads to post in
Go jack yourself off there
>featureless land
>Morrowind looked WAY better
I will remind this anon that Morrowind did not even draw distant terrain. See how he will now cope by saying
>um actually it's better that you don't see the world around you
He’s mentally ill. He’s completely mentally ill. I don’t say that lightly or to be cute. That anon is brain damaged.
Skyrim had superior atmosphere. (The only good thing in TES games)
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Imagine the type of idiot that has been jerking off over elder scrolls every single day for the last 2 decades. Imagine the kind of person that can't move on from such awful games and hasn't found something more appealing by now.
I recently replayed Skyrim, and while in some ways it has a better atmosphere. It takes itself more seriously, and the minimalist approach to the UI did quite a bit for theme.
Oblivion, however, is much more comfy atmosphere and did Medieval styling more accurately. Really in atmosphere it's a matter of preference, but Skyrim's game play is just...just awful
>doesn't name a more appealing game
They're out there, but you're scared to out your dogshit taste
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I like these games
Well the even more pathetic thing is that no other company has been able to reach higher peaks. All we get now is games that have one little corner carved out well. Like Helldivers 2 is a top tier game. Amazing gameplay. But it’s only online, same missions again and again. And it’s so damn exciting you can play for 100 hours and be happy. But it’s just one little slice of a game. BG has a lot of story choices apparently. But I don’t think it has 1/10th of the overall feautures of Skyrim. I haven’t played but I assume it’s a piece of shit.
>Well the even more pathetic thing is that no other company has been able to reach higher peaks
I don't know bro, did you try fortnite
>puzzle quest
>fucking sekiro
You can't make this shit up
Baldurs Gate 3 is shit in every aspect except for tactical combat.
It's pure high school theater fodder and nothing more.
Even if you dislike the game, you have truly shit taste if you can't appreciate the music.
>puzzle quest
>getting filtered by the only good game ever made in australia
>Baldurs Gate 3 is shit in every aspect except for tactical combat
How are the maps in bg3 bad, what elder scrolls city is better than act 3 in that game
>you don't like it ergo you must have been filtered
Motherfucker I've beaten many games that I think are terrible, not least Wolfenstein 2.
>Act 3, the worst part of the game
>bro, best map!
Kirkwall proves you a hippocryte, just like all the other citycucks in games discussion
>but-but this CITY is smaller than my local PARK
>game devs make a game with a realistic city so that the entire play area is dedicated to it
>it isn't big enough still, I want a CONCRETE ORGY NOW WAAAAHHHHH WAAAHHHHHHH
>the big city felt suffocating, and frankly, there was just too much focus on city life instead of big adventure.
Schrodingers Balmorra
>Motherfucker I've beaten many games that I think are terrible
What's wrong with it
The concept or the example?
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What is wrong with puzzle quest since you have supposedly played it
What's this map?
Now post pictures of the Khajit and the mages guild from arena and tell us how bad the changes to the series have been.
Concept art from the days of Elder Scrolls 1-3, though really it only applied at all to Arena. What these niggers won't tell you is that half of the map was covered with dog shit names like Moria or Erebor.

The reality is that scaling schizos can't appreciate smaller settings because they aren't truly immersed in the setting itself, only enjoyment of it.
To explain, Star Wars is often seen in two ways, one that sees the galaxy as filled with millions and millions of Imperial ships and trillions of stormtroopers to crew them. Some others see the setting as more reserved, with ships in the tens of thousands and settled planets in an even smaller range. People often like the escapism of larger scaled settings because they lower immediate stakes and allow for more things to happen I. E. The empire losing 1000 ships in a battle, as opposed to losing 10 being a big deal in the more conservative approach. They can't appreciate the latter because they view things in terms of the collective, empathizing more with the Empire than the people thereof. People who appreciate smaller settings value individual connections and characters more, for instance, one who realizes how massive a star destroyer is and how many lives are tied to it is fine with a smaller (and sometimes) more grounded setting.

But, these same Codexcucks will say Vaardenfell is great despite its small size in Morrowind, and then immediately demand the later games have randomly generated ferns covering the surface of Jupiter in the same breath.

It's personal preference, but I prefer a shrunken and fully explorable Tamriel to a large and No Man's Sky Tamriel, as we see in practice how that theory works.
Nothing on its own, but claiming that Tetris is a masterpiece compared to Crusader Kings is sort of a nonsequitur.
Apples to oranges and such.
Besides, a shitty match game from a mostly desert penal colony what I'd put on my top games list, as a man of taste
You're not listing anything, you didn't play it.
>value individual connections and characters more
Yeah, for me bigger means less meaningful. RTS is more exciting when a single unit can make a difference.
TES 3-5 strike a good balance, all things and limitations considered.
>TES 3-5 strike a good balance, all things and limitations considered.
Not at all, there's nothing there.
Kek I'm sorry you feel that way, anon.
It's not a feeling, there's literally nothing there.
I know how you feel, Fallout 3 is my favorite Fallout and while it has its flaws it's obvious that most of the people who hate it download their opinions and want to be Real Gamers who prefer New Vegas.
You little sneedcuck. I didn't list anything because I said it was fine. I actually like the diagonal hexagon bullshit a lot.
>character attributes and races affecting ai is nothing
>daily routines being influenced by coded personality values, which can then be altered by the player
>for instance, causing someone to be frenzied, so they are then killed by guards
>nothing there
>decisions that visually impact the world outside of ending slideshows (i.e. Morrowind faction quests)
>nothing there
>simulation elements lacking in most crpgs
>nothing there
>Integration of a fully intractable physics engine in which even forks are full items to the player
but hey they aren't trannycore so I understand why you see them as shit
>the Duck Tales is a CRPG schizo strikes again
>character attributes and races affecting ai is nothing
>minor disposition change based on race
do nothing to AI don't lie
>daily routines being influenced by coded personality values, which can then be altered by the player
they CAN be "coded" but they weren't, if you actually go and look at the npc ai for 99% of cases they have almost nothing beyond "sleep at X time, go to job, eat"
>for instance, causing someone to be frenzied, so they are then killed by guards
now offer a second instance beyond the ONE thing you could think of the player being able to influence
>decisions that visually impact the world outside of ending slideshows
wow a nothing statue in the IC
remind me what the morrowind faction quest you mean was
>simulation elements lacking in most crpgs
such as?
>Integration of a fully intractable physics engine in which even forks are full items to the player
fucking lmao, the physics engine in tes games is beyond fucking jank
paintbrush staircases
horrific item placement
>physics engine
Crazy how much more fun the game is when you're ragdolling enemies all over the place with fireballs.
Peak Oblivion was coming from Morrowind and launching fireballs at bowls full of apples
In Skyrim my belligerent drunken Nord fus ro dahs the belongings of filthy elves and orcs
>fireballs at bowls full of apples
Yeah that shit was impressive back then. I specifically remember holding up a dead mudcrab. It was cool to experience the world at that level.

I guess the next big step from that was VR
Is this shit where people pretend oblivion isn't terrible and never stop talking about it the zoomer version of a manchild playing mario for the rest of his life? I was like 5 when this game came out too, so I can understand why you faggots have nostalgia for it, but god damn this game is awful and everyone knows it. I wanna say like 80% of the quests are located in a city or next to one so you can literally do everything of consequence just by fast traveling to all of the cities in a day. Also has the same retarded thing skyrim has where no guild actually cares about you doing what the guild does at all. Also decided to replace every interesting creature they had ever thought of with goblins, unicorns and fuckin MINOTAURS. You are all just contrarian retards I hate you
Imagine being mad about games from when you were 5 years old. Fuck man. I was playing like Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Chill out and have a beer bro (if you’re even old enough holy shit I was in college when oblivion came out)
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I'm mad about faggots like you mostly and am already drinking a beer

Go do something useful with your life btw you are 45 playing video games and posting on 4chan
a bloo bloo bloo
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>I'm mad
Yes, and if you were less of a turbocumguzzler then it wouldn't be so bad. But here we are
I guess I can't figure out why you are this assmad about a game from your childhood. I have nothing but fond memories of games I played when I was a little kid. I don't even give a shit about Oblivion or have any strong feelings about it either way, I've played it twice in 20 years and it's OK but not great. It's just a game that did some cool stuff for the time and also some retarded stuff. Why are you so mad about it? You sound rather unhinged, anon.
I guess I can't figure out why you like to blow niggers desu
>What game did at that time? Uh... well... uhm...
Oblivion is kino. It's comfy. The quests are fun. I enjoy it. SIMPLE as.
>Vanilla oblivion at launch looked disgusting
Please, please stop roleplaying. We get it, morrowboomers have made plenty of autistic video essays and all consumers must follow them slavishly, but now we're just getting silly. You wanna talk about the combat/scaling being shit? Fair. You wanna convince me oblivion looked like shit AT LAUNCH? No, you're roleplaying.
>Skyrim's game play is just...just awful
That implies the gameplay of any other TES game is any good. It's all braindead right from Arena.
It looked fucking awful drenched in bloom, maybe you don't have any taste, the models looked derpy as hell, the buildings looked like a disneyland version of medieval Europe, for fuck's sake look at that image in OP, it looks horrendous, the sparse trees, the featureless land, the static water with no smooth transition with the terrain, it looks amateurish as hell, the water in Morrowind was way better. Don't get me wrong Morrowind was a shit game gameplay-wise too, but it looked better than Oblivion. Oblivion came out in what 2006? Shortly after Crysis came out lol, it's abysmal even for open-world standards of the era
girl you a graphics ho
I wish this was bait, but sadly there are people this up themselves
Morrowind did NOT look better.The draw distance makes Stevie Wonder look like the Hubble Telescope, the animations are terrible, and the FUCKING COLOR.
Regardless, you're the same type of cunt that will defend a bumfuck crpg for having zero graphical effort and cancer combat because "muh writing".
Oblivion obviously didn't pour money into graphics, despite still looking pretty good for its scope at the time. You know that crysis had its budget specifically focused on graphics damn well. Developing an fps is a whole different animal.
Oblivion mogs games like Mount and Blade that came out half a decade later.
But that's irrelevant. Oblivion revolutionized AI for the entire hobby, created the most sophisticated open world (at the time), and managed to pull rpgs a little further out of irrelevancy. Did you ever stop gooning to Dagoth long enough to realize that shitty Troika cyoa books and Wizardry no effort slop is the reason no one gave a fuck when most rpg devs went under?
You say Morrowind has bad gameplay. I HATE that games autistic community, but even I acknowledge that outside of hit chance (cope) and the fucking gorilla glued snail movement speed that it's pretty good.
Take meds and shut the fuck up.
>It's ugly if you compare it to crysis!
Yeah so was almost every game at that time when compared to crysis, picking one of the literal best looking games to make your point is so fucking stupid.
Ok scratch Crysis then, compare it to Stalker that came out shortly after, there's no contest. Hell, compare it to Gothic II that came out 4 years before Obloomvion and it's almost embarrassing how much better Gothic II looks
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You realize the OP pic isn't something you're supposed to see in game right? Fly up into the skybox and stretch the render distance beyond what it's supposed to show from an angle you're not supposed to see and wow - wacky! It looks silly! Meanwhile, huge portions of the game actually still look great even today.

I'll grant you the NPCs have potato faces, nobody would dispute that, but oblivion still looks great.
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Now I see what people mean, GOD what a fucking gross and ugly game, I can't even imagine looking at this on purpose for longer than 3 seconds... I'm gonna go VOMIT now, it's so UGLY!
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God just LOOK at this interior - I think I need to watch a 12 hour video essay about how ugly it is, there's simply no other way I can cope with how immediately and obviously off putting it is
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Man I see what people mean now, look at how disgusting and cartoonish these buildings are... is that snow? Dude, snow isn't even real, bethesda fucking made it up... Im gonna be SICK
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I take one look at THIS and I think - holy fuck, I wish I was playing MORROWIND!
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Bro is that... is that... a literal pile of poop? That's what I think it looks like to me! How GROSS!!
Eww, i bet those textures aren't even 2k...
Yep it looks gross, thanks for proving my point. Look at all that disgusting bloom and those oversaturated colors, the world is empty as hell too, c'mon it's a shit rpg you look back fondly on just because you were a child with an underdeveloped brain at the time.
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Bros I was out just running around and looked up and it just... it just hit me how ugly it is. I screamed so loud my wife's son started to hit me, but I couldn't stop, this isn't morrowind, where's my MORROWIND????????
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No, dude, I'm AGREEING with you - just look at this SHIT! I can't even tell what I'm looking at, I've been vomiting so hard I can't even think straight anymore
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omg... as if I needed more proof, just look at this... a black ball? The only black balls I greedily covet belong to my wife's boyfriend, and that's all there is to it! God, what I wouldn't do to be back in Vivec...
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Hey this one... this one kind of reminds me of morr- ER I MEAN UH NO, THE YOUTUBERS TOLD ME I HAVE TO HATE IT, I MUST! ITS SO GROSS AND DISGUSTING!
>Buy shivering isles
>Get more vomit
Morrowsissies, I'm about to break my nintendo switch if this doesn't STOP RIGHT NOW!!!
>just look at this... a black ball? The only black balls I greedily covet
What is this... vines growing up the stonework of affluent vineyards? More like, peepeepoopoo! 0/10, would vomit again
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Wow sorry I thought I was still in my anatomy class, thought I was looking at the interiors of an unwashed COLON not the interiors of CASTLES! Morrowind would never have done this to me... never...!
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Do I even have to say it? V O M I T!
No, no no no no NO! NO! NO! I'm sorry, brothers, sisters, friends... I can't do it to myself anymore. Oblivion is simply too ugly. I cannot bear it. Not even the sweet sounds of my wife making love to a black man in the next room can distract me from the horrors that lie before me. WHO allowed for this? This... HIDEOUS... THING???
Not even this sullen ogre, who's form and intelligence remind me of the bull I cherish in real life, could ever make me stomach another moment of this.
Whats... this...? A pair of beautiful white breasts? But... this can't be, there's not a single black man in sight! MORROWTRANNIES, WE MUST RISE UP AND END THIS! AAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
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Project Tamriel Mod for Morrowind.
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I forgot the picture but you'll have to excuse me, the subject matter just enraged me so THOROUGHLY! I wish I could walk up to an NPC and have them deliver the entirety of the game's lore to me in wikipedia format so I could calm down, because what I'm seeing just doesn't make any sense...
the imperial city has 6 districts, several dozen buildings, an extensive network of sewers, and something like 190 to 200 named NPCs.
Alright Im done, I'll stop shitposting now. Don't want to hear any more retard shit about how ugly oblivion is. The characters are, but like I said earlier, everything else looks fucking great even today. Aged a lot better than most games of its time, which is saying a lot given the scale of oblivion as a game.
>incel gets a nibble and can't stop xirself from shitposting
many such cases!
asides from Deus Ex, there isn't a single rpg in that list that is better than Morrowind let alone TR
Oblivion would been better if it took place entirely in the Imperial City plus outskirts on the shore of Lake Rumare
With the Main and Guild Quest very occasionally taking place in select self contained levels (like Kvatch, Cloud Ruler Temple, the Painted World, etc.)

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