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"HE OPENED THE Total War: Attila Thread,




The day of reckoning has come.
>install Europa Perdita + Fall of the Eagle revised
>ERE economy is literally 8k on the negative because of building maintenace

What should i use instead? Just FOTS? I don't think you can remove the faggot's "revised" edition without breaking the mods.
New hot mod. 901 Anno Domini, with a revamped Charlemagne campaign that allows us as to play as the main character (the Roman Empire) trying to reconquer Italy and expel muslims from Sicily.
Let's delay the end times here. The Huns haven't arrived here yet.
The last one went on for almost 6 months. It was kino af thread though.
So should I go through Charlemagne campaign or just download 1212A.D?
There is the new 901 Anno Domini mod too.
Last time I played 1212 on legendary the imbalance was absolutely atrocious, even worse than vanilla attila. Once my heavy shock cav broke fighting crossbowmen. I think it's really only playable on hard, it's not balanced for higher difficulties.
barely functionable meme mod
Attila threads last 6-7 months give or take. This might still be up by Christmas.
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>install attilla against my better judgement
>start game
>gpu fans go into overdrive
>1500 fps
You paid for all of your memory so you're going to use all of your memory.
This is an Attila board.
How to avoid this? I've been messing with settings but my fans sound like a Harrier. Also installed that mod that tweaks LOD distance in the battlefield but nothing works
In Rome II I can play with 40 units per army without my fans overloading but not in ATTILA.
I remember when Atilla came out and all the youtubers at the time were shitting on it, meanwhile i was having the most fun with gaming since middle school.
Pretty sure it was almost necessary to set a fps max.

Pisses me off desu. Rome 2 got deservedly shat on and CA but a ton of effort into it leaving a flawed game that too many recommend but shitters can't comprehend Attila and it got left at the wayside.
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Attila is half a game and half a survival experience.
It's the closest I've ever come in gaming to how the original Rome Total War felt since Europa Barbarorum. Like the part of your brain that craves history and acting out the past getting finally satisfied in a way you didn't even fully understand your hunger for. From the moment I heard the menu music and saw the silhouettes riding by I was in that zone again.
Attila is optimised for future hardware, please come back in 50 years.
So, you're telling me there's a chance it will get another update again?

It is truly the survival of players who carry on.
I prefer Age of Charlemagne.
I actually had a pretty good go at winning WRE on the hardest difficult before they nerfed corruption. I believe I got bored though bapping the infinite hun armies though not being able to get Attila to battle. Even now though I think if I go back and play it there are some better ways to do it. By far the best method though is knocking out the Africans and the brit small powers since they can summon up so many armies that way you can lock down the west to turn a profit and keep the peace without needing roaming armies.
Attila's fanbase is fanatical.

It has one of the most active modding community per playerbase, which means players still work miracles in this engine. This game is just so special.
Cant blame them, if you ignore the poor optimization its the best historical title CA has put out in nearly a decade
so does it run better now? Since CA removed chat and we all know that chat was the thing really keeping the frames down
You sure? I thought it was the inability to count automatically the number of threads of your processor located in a textfile?
>so does it run better now?
>so does it run better now?
>so does it run better now?
I don’t know

My GTX 760 literally runs the game flawlessly.

You need period correct hardware. New systems swallow razor blades when attempting to understand how to run atilla while my 2012 windows 8 pc just goes
>”lol ok here”
>Slavic Paganism: the 5th century solution to 21st century problems?
>Have you tried using the ashes and burned remains of the conquered? It brings new life according to Mokosh!
Wait a bit, I'm trying to build up a new PC. If everything goes right, I might test it.
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Playing Anno Domini: 919 AOC Overhaul rn. its seems fun
Set your GPU max frame limit to whatever your screen refresh rate is
Boom, never have the issue ever again for any game in the history of mankind
>ryzen 5600x
>rtx 4070
>30 fps in battles and on campaign map
This game is a fucking joke.
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I kind of prefer Age of Vikings, but do enjoy the Hungarians just spawning armies across the map according with historical events, actually makes you keep a force or two in your interior in case any Magyars are breaking through. Age of Vikings is also fun, i guess it can be a bridge between AoC and 919AD
So, is there a decent mod manager that works?
Nta, yes that usually works, but not with Attila in my case. Maybe it's my potato but this game is taxing and I can't tell why. It doesn't even look better than Shogun 2.
Will we ever get a great historical Total War again?
Three Kingdoms (Record mode counts) got shitted on by crazy bad DLC practices and abandoing the game before it was fully done.
Seems like they're just gonna focus on Warhammer and other PopCulture IPs since that's what all the Twitch babies love.
It’s time for Rome to become more German.

True roman oppose the false government and join the Germans.

The true soul of Rome never fell, it simply became more German and Celtic etc.
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We're back
the spirit of germanicus spits in your face
the g*rms killed rome and wore its skin in pretend for a thousand years afterwards
Is this really the best TW? Does it still run like complete shit?
>building slots
>retarded provinces system
nah, it's trash
>Is this really the best TW?
no, Medieval 2 is imo, but holy shit this game is punishing as hell so there's that. but I'm not into having my soul drained for the next 50 hours
>Does it still run like complete shit?
yes even with the britbong law chat removal/performance update. hey at least they at some point fixed the bug I originally had where unit cards and ability descriptions turned into black boxes for me
God I hate Attila so fucking much, I don't even know how I managed to get 100 hours in this game, I must have hated every second of it and every couple of years I go back and waste another day trying to get into this, honestly, WORST Total War game. I could have had fun playing quite literally ANY other TW (not counting Warhammer 3, ToB, Chinks and Troy, because I didn't play those and don't intend to, ever).
Wow you sound just like a retarded bitch. Oh well, not like anyone gives a shit about you.
Did this every get optimized better? Like for example Warhammer 2 runs on PC at least ok, but Attila sadly ran poorly last time I pirated it to test it out.
No. I am desperate. End turn times last for around 1 min and 30 secs and I don't know what to do with this gargabe "game".
That's at fast speed and ignoring all the shenanigans that would affect you?
Have you tried lowering the shadow and water textures? And also setting your threads on your CPU in the appropriate textfile?
Attila is white. Attila is nothing like the mongol horde.

They’re like Magyar, Bulgarians, Ukrainians.
What the Deutsch did was comparable to Dixie killing Biden.

Rome was corrupt. What the Deutsch did was a liberation to all true Roman.

Europe consistently thrives ESPECIALLY because of what the Deutsch did.

Our civilization is COMMUNITY, not gladiators and entire generations being killed in wars that never should’ve happened.

Blessings to the mass migration of 36 million Ukrainians liberating all.

Utopia and divinity.
Ukrainians love peace and are utmost impressive fighters. They will be good immigrants, especially for white counties that want real society and sanity.
>turkic mongoloid monolids are white.
nope, the huns were from near mongolia, and they caused the white indo-european aryans to flee the steppes, causing the migration period.
>Attila is white. Attila is nothing like the mongol horde.
He was unironically a Turk
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My favourite unit just saying
Any good shock cavalry is good enough to trample.
I wish the balance in this game wasn't all over the place. I also enjoyed the game more before the DLC factions came out.
I think especially the WICKED deserve mercy... dunno, just mho.
Currently downloading the game for the first time in a couple of years. What should I play? I was originally intending a chill ERE campaign but the more I think about it the more I'm feeling like some meme migration like Vandal Egypt or the eternal Alan road trip. I've never really played the Scandinavians, are they any fun?
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Scandis have good heavy infantry, only problem is you will likely be fighting celts which look awful after the DLC update.
>a chill ERE campaign
checked but no such thing
>Is this really the best TW
It's not even in the top 5. The real reason why Attila got memed into "so good and awesome" was because how horrid the launch state of Rome 2 was. But unlike with Attila, CA worked on R2 to fix it, and eventually you have dolled-up R2 and still as-it-was Attila, that's now just utter fucking trash, lacking the springboard of R2 launch state to look better
>Does it still run like complete shit?
Yes. In fact, it works even worse, since modern hardware struggles with that game twice as such, as it was still written in 32 bit and with different chipsets in mind. So a PC circa 2013 will have hick-ups with it, but a PC circa this quarter is going to just set itself on fire.
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He wasn't an Armenoid-Anatolian rapebaby
Atilla is literally little father in turkish. He was likely a mongoloid-goth mutt anyways, and had been romanized by his time in the west
Alright, so is that what they do then mostly, go over and fuck up Brittania? And look awful how, visually or mechanically?

Relatively to the west though? It's been years since I've played
It's little father in Gothic. Nobody has a clue what Attila was because the Hunnic empire included everybody on the steppe. But the Huns started as a sintashta/proto-turk mix.
It will run like shit even on a new computer.
>I'm a mediocre narcissist who measures their self worth based on their performance in video games, but I don't know if I want to continue

People like you ruined Rome in real history, it is not surprising more men like you can't even go through the hassle of trying to save Rome in a video game.
Did they fix this game yet? Last time I tried playing it it ran like absolute dogshit. Even Warhammer 2 runs better than Attila does.
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>1. Download the ToB data packs and overwrite the vanilla ones
>2. Follow the 'Unlocking your Potential' part of this guide
>3. Download these mods
This game's too hard
Just pirated the game and I get btfo in every battle
What am I doing wrong?
Thats why you get a mod that turns off Climate change so it can be a full strategy experience :^)
I love playing as the western romans, fleeing the continent and turtling in Britannia!
The game's too easy
i like the vibes in this game but the battles are way too fast and hard, it's the only tw game were i really struggle on the highest difficulty even on the easier campaigns
It's too hard without scovt eqvites.
It's too easy with scovt eqvites.
It has the best battle AI of TW games. Play on easy
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The only provinces that are acceptable to retreat from are Pannonia, Dalmatia & Noricum, and even then that's a fighting retreat.
Eat a dick unimaginative negro
Romano-Britain, the island fortress, and bastion of classical civilization in the norf is kino
Nigger that's just big wales
Saying that shows you know nothing about Medieval wales
They were more like Anglo-Saxon England than the romans
What's the quickest way to revert to Paganism as the WRE? I destroyed all the churches asp and its been a solid 30 turns.
build theatres
but it will take 20turns minimum to revert because of christian events
also it might not even be doable unless you abandon everything but italy/carthage
How do i install mods if i pirated the game?
Fuck, I'm too stubborn to abandon the Empire. Will the East get pissy about me abandoning Christ?
I see this is on sale and I've seen Attila threads last for so long on this board, so I'm curious. What makes Attila worth playing? How is it different than Rome 2? Or Barbarian Invasion for Rome 1 for that matter?
>How is it different than Rome 2
follows the same formula but adds some new things like religion, migrations, fertility, and razing settlements
better battles, cavalry is actually dangerous AS IT SHOULD BE
someone claimed it has the best battle AI of all total war games, I personally think it isn't stellar but it's not incompetent either
>or Barbarian Invasion
actual horde mechanics, and non-infuriating pathfinding
but both rome2 and attila lack population like rome1 and BI, and add a tech tree that you have to research to unlock new units and buildings, compared to just completing building chains from rtw1
imho it's tied with shogun for best game in the series
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>turtling in Britannia
I suck at real time games, should I play on easy? And what is a good starting nation ?
>what is a good starting nation

The only two valid nations are the Eastern Roman Empire and Western Roman Empire.

If you want to play a satanic easy faction, just play as the Sassanid Empire. If you can beat the horsefuckers from the steppes, you can fight a legendary war with the Eastern Roman Empire.
>Should I play on easy?
Why? On easy, the AI is braindead, you get bonuses not found in other difficulties and you will most of the time capture the short victory objectives and then have to wait until the required year passes.

>What is a good starting nation?
What kind of start you want?

>I like starting stable and strong

>I like to develop my empire from scratch
Sclavenian, Aksum, Himyar

>I want to try being a Romaboo on easy mode
Play WRE, send all your armies back to Italy and abandon all settlements outside of Italy, Sicily, Sardenia, Corsica and the Balearic islands. Defend and develop the area at all cost until the Huns are gone.

>What if I want to be Greek[Roman]?
Play ERE, destroy the Churches, make trade deals, don't build anything for 10-15 turns. Then watch as you print money without having inflation issues.
I played FOTE+EP once and the bodyguards were invincible and literally noone could put up any resistance. And the huns spluttered out and died.
Cope faggot
My campaigns > your campaigns
Ok so i got 1212 mod to work.
Which faction should i play as
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That depends? What type of army composition do you prefer? What are your favorite tactics and strategies to use? Do you prefer to build tall or wide?
I just one that it isn't one of the big guys like France or England. Someone small that can grow.
You're best bet would be one of the Republics of Italy for best results, or maybe Trier or one of the Crusader States.
empire of nicea, of course
go forth and restore the glory of rome!
God I wish their new map gets released as soon as possible. The mod is amazing but my autism keeps pointing me to the fact that many cities and borders are all wrong
Is this a bot?
Changing religion won't affect that much your relations with the East. Public order, on the other hand...
I never used scout equites because their model is ugly. Get good.

Everyone else might as well be called a barbarian faction.
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>play head to head campaign against guy
>turn 3 an ERE stack attacks both of his hordes
>play as ERE, win
>he gets wiped
>get pic related
>won a campaign after one battle
tell me more about it
does it have lechina empire?
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You 2 are niggers and should move back to whatever palm you fell down from
>Capture tower with elite unit
>It explodes like it's packed with dynamite and destroys elite unit
I use nvidia panel to cap FPS on my PC to 60 fps. So, it's no problem to me.
based machine gun tower killing even in death
Lakhmids are fun
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>He doesn't mass abandon everything ovtside modern Italy and bvnker down for the 50+ tvrns of vnending civil wars that forge yovr men into demigods of war...


>Roma, Roma, O Roma!

>Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
>Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!

>Verti est sva aeterni
>Corda nostra solvm tibi
>Verti est sva aeterni
>Vita nostra solvm tibi

>Roma, Roma, O Roma!
>Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
>Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
>Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
>Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!

>A ferventi aestvosa Libya
>Volat aqvila legionvm
>Svpra terra Britannorvm
>Volat aqvila legionvm

>Roma, Roma, O Roma!
>Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
>Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
>Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
>Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!

>Sit italica sva vis
>Nostrvm mvnvs patri Marti
>Sit italica sva vis
>Nostrvm mvnvs patri Marti

>Roma, Roma, O Roma!
>Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
>Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
>Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
>Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!

>Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
>Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!
>Legio, aeterna, aeterna victrix!

Omnis homo svper terram
Mors est primvm avt sero.
Et qvomodo potest mori melivs homo
Qvam adversvs odds timens,
Nam cinerem patres ejvs,
Et templa Deorvm ejvs.

Dvlce et decorvm,
Pro Patria Mori
You end up fighting more rebel armies that all other factions present in the game has, every 2 turns that are full of elite Roman troops. Its is the ultimate backfoot starting position.
>You are broke
>Every army is perpetually mauled
Despite being in a turtle situation you are actually constantly putting out a thousand fires.
>play ERE
>turtle in starting lands
>only expand towards Sassanids and a little into Hungary
>let my funds go out of control with interest
>subsidize WRE armies with tens of thousands of gold in gifts every turn
>babysit them by sending 1 or 2 legions to support them
>help them reclaim all of their land
This is my favorite way to play the game and I dont know why
It is realistic.
havent played in a while, what are the good mods now? Last time I played FotE + Europa Perdita were the popular ones, but Europa Perdita was cringe
is it possible to create a full cavalry army as the ERE? at least 5 spear cavalry, 5 sword cavalry (the general included), and 10 bow cavalry?
yes. I use full cav armies when I babysit the WRE so I can quickly stop cities from being sieged
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Wake up anon, time to convert to Minor Religions.
What AI mod should I use for Vanilla?
Finally got it the other day, first campaign as Aksum was going well until I realized that I killed every faction outside of the ERE or Sassanid sphere
how do you even convert to minor religions? colonize parts of africa?
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Oh you're the autist who posts this retarded quote. I wondered if you were still around. There's zero linguistic, genetic, archeological, cultural, or orthographic support for this theory.
Lagerbring was writing in a time when people took shit like lost tribes of israel seriously, he doesn't hold up to serious historical scrutiny.
>lost tribes of Israel seriously
all true
I think there is a good presence of minor religions in Sarmatia Asiatica too. But Africa and Palestine have gems that you need for your temples

Anyway, I feel like playing some Medieval TW. Should I play M2TW modded, the MK1212 Mod for Attila or something else?
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med 1
Cool. Never played it, but it does look pretty fun. Also does it have reemerging factions?
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>Also does it have reemerging factions?
if any male children survive it can reemerge after faction is destroyed
it also have some smaller factions appearing later plus mongol invasion
also you have 3 eras to choose from
Awesome, thanks. I heard that M1's combat is very good
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its fine
How good is Medieval Kingdoms for historical autism? I am eyeing that mod for a while because I love the 13th century, but I am also fairly autistic about accuracy and similar stuff.
Still runs like shit, still just Rome 2 with a better campaign and terrible battle mechanics.
I'm too busy to test, but I bet Ashilla still runs bad on my old PC...
I had a miracle of sorts happen when Bannerlord close after release ran very poorly for me, but it seems they optimized it and not it runs fairly great.
I doubt that any optimization was done for Ashilla, but maybe there are mods?
Georgia was actually really fun campaign for me, interesting start and good roster of unique units. Picking a small European state is hard because everyone's part of the HRE and allied with each other so its difficult to expand anywhere.
Also mod the fuck out of it, I have buildings giving better bonuses and reducing squalor and improving the economy, because the base stats are retarded.
Med 1 had some really good battle and campaign mechanics, but the controls and UI are so clunky now. The campaign feels hard though, you really have to plan and think about how and where you build up because a lot of your provinces start empty. Viking invasion expansion was really good to, I was gutted when Thrones of Britannia turned out to be shit.
The towers are fucking gay bullshit, who the fuck thought that was a good idea. Fair enough that the tower crumbles, but it killing you whole unit just because is retarded.
it have like 2 problems, peasant and ballista spam that poor AI sometimes do
they are some things you can do with options and ToB files
>Playing as Eastern Roman Empire on normal difficulty
>Some revolts here and there but manage to beat them
>Kill off migrating tribes on the danube frontier
>Earning 10k per turn

I thought it was supposed to be diffcult when playing as Rome
Yeah, as West Rome
rome is in italy, not syria
When people talk about playing as Rome in this game, they mean WRE. ERE is easy mode.
WRE is pretty easy once you blow up the churches due to the maintenance costs. Just selectively lose ground only to re-consolidate. After that its ez mode.
Sure, it's ez mode until you make about 4 or 5 mistakes then you try recovering from near collapse, afraid that the next mistake is game over.

>t. plays legendary WRE, turn 130
>They’re like Magyar, Bulgarians, Ukrainians.
Not a single one of whom were originally white, well played.
ERE is pretty comfy, their start is just a little chaotic because of your huge front, and because the Visigoths have two fairly competent full stacks on your doorstep. Once you get over that hoop you'll coast through the game.
I heard they recompiled the game does it actually run better now?
I have 4070ti but it still stutterred a bit last time I checked
ignorant germoid-fetishiser
End turn times are just too much for me. In Rome II was like 30 seconds, but in this one it goes up to 50 secs.
¿How to shorten end turn times? There are some turns that go even for 1 min and I'm too anxious/nervous to just wait looking at the screen.
In Rome II even with 100 factions (or so) ALWAYS runs smooth and end turn times never reach more than 40 secs.
I've tried deleting agents for AI, deleting separatist roman factions from the start_pos and a lot of things, but this game just runs too slow for me. I can't cope with the fact that I have to wait too much time until is my turn.
Let's suppose that you just already built all you wanted in your tanukhid horde, but you need about 15 turns more to grow up more to the nex building slot expansion. I need to wait for 15 turns wich are 1 min OR MORE each one until I can build some stupi next level armory.
Man, I've started and deleted/abandoned so many campaigns because of this. I can't play this game past turn 30. 30 turns are like ONE HOUR in real life, whereas in Rome II are like 15 mins.
Anyway, game runs smoothly in battles and I can run it perfectly fine without bugs or lag. It's just the fucking end turn times the thing that keep making me go back to Rome II or Thrones or Britannia. At least there I can PLAY and not look at the screen for ONE minute straight until it's my turn again.
Almost there, anon.
>reddit spacing
>actual subhuman
suicide. now.
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There is no such thing as Reddit spacing. It's a fake meme cooked up by an antifa turkish 8cuck janny, you should go back there.
End turn times bloat not because of performance issues (while the game runs like ass, the actual AI processing isn't part of the problem) but because the game forces certain animations to play out in full even when you the player can't see them. The main culprit are agents, which Attila's AI tends to spam much more than Rome 2's. Download a mod that disables all agents or just AI agents and you'll boost end turn times considerably.

The other is razing. When an AI burns a settlement there's a lengthy animation that plays no matter where on the map it happened Unfortunately there's no real fix for this, since razing is literally how the huns work, but you can trim down the amount that happens on the map (and thus the frequency of long animations you can't even see) with a mod that restricts razing to nomad factions. This has the added bonus of helping AI factions expand because they're more likely to actually occupy territory they capture instead of randomly torching it.
I've tried it and everything is still the same. I deleted agents in fame_tables and edited razing policy only for nomads and tried a new game until turn 68.
It takes around 1 min and 2 secs every turn. It has to be something else, maybe a script or something the computer checks every turn. I don't think it's part of the animations, as I've tried reducing max number of armies per imperium too.
There's something that the machine checks after you hit end turn buttom and it's repetitive.
he was germanic turk so maybe
If it works on my GTX 1050, you should be fine on your 4070.
Convert back to Paganism and demolish all churches.
The slight dip you get in public order is compensated by surplus cash that you get from demolishing them across the empire.
WRE will remain friendly to you anyways, if it survives.
Also Fireforged Empire is coming out in January and it is essentially DeI for Attila TW.
Attila refuses to run on my 3060. Game's dead on newer machines.
Have you tried optimizing the game so it doesn't crash? Like the the ToB files to swap, the number of threads to set in the text files and changing your in-game parameters to lower quality? Those tools helped me have a game running at least.

>ToB file swap:
>Other things to consider for better performance, read the comments:
>had ancient rx 580
>my games run better than on some monster modern pc
clown world
>Fireforged Empire is coming out in January and it is essentially DeI for Attila TW

I dunno. I don't think DEI is that great for Rome 2. Is it more DEI as the overhaul quantity and details or more on the sense as impact as a mod on the game?
can't wait
We're in the Advent time, now...
Attila is immortal, the first and only /vst/ meme and obsession.
Maybe not the first and only (CHADdiminas, Lithuanian Cucker King comes in mind) but clearly the obsession is there to stay.
Just a few weeks lefts.
Time to encamp. Winter has now begun.
Thoughts on Cohors?
Comitatenses spears is better
What are you? Some kind of Greek?
The Hoplite days are far behind us... grab a sword and shield and praise God
attila bros are there mods that make the game more like a normal sandbox?

like disabling the huns full stack recovery or delaying it with a number of turns

also im gona finally buy it after years of pirating
You can just put it on Casual difficulty. Might as well do it at this point.
Don't pretend that having to fight the same armies over and over again is good gameplay.
Upgrade them to Legio Comitatenses and you got a good anvil once in testudo mode.

If you want something that can kill, upgrade the palatina to Armigeri Defensores or to Elite Palatina to get some proper offensive infantry.
> installed Classical Empires
> crash 30 or so turns in
Seems to be triggered by AI besieging one of my towns in Hispania.
Shame, I've been enjoying this more then DeI.
there is this horde tribe I forgot the name of, starts in modern crimea, alaric perhaps? They start with the best cav, right of the bat, capable of matching attila's devils (balanced). Contrary to what everybody say, you go further north, towards attila. Instead of fighting the guy, you give him monies, and convert to slavic religion. Slavic religion has some insane (balanced) fertility bonus buildings, which pretty much negates the fertility hit everyone else is taking. You just won the game, regardless of what you do afterwards.
Alans are the trve aryans, gotta destroy in detail though or it won't work as well.
but why cant they make games that work?
What things?

Fireforged Empire with amazing Valentinian campaign is great.
It came out? Is it stable?
Yes, it is great. Check it out.

You can play as Valentinian / Valens during the time of the Great Conspiracy, where all barbarians united to invade Britain.
Amazing. It is the best mod ever
Is this game actually good or are these threads spammed by one autist? I have it in my library but I've never played it. I feel like playing total war but I'd rather play pharaoh or warhammer or something with a more interesting time period.
People are finally recognizing how good Attila is.
Just play it but get a mod that turns off climate change
Might as well play it on casual mode if you turn off climate change. Why don't you also set a billion turns per year and cancel Atilla's invasion? The entire climate change thing is made to force you to migrate, you know, like the actual barbarians of the time.

While at it, why don't you just quit and go play Rome 2?
It creates a campaign thats more of a horror survival than an empire building game. Some people may prefer that and thats fine, but its not what I play TW for. Climate change makes the entire map infertile except for Italy late game, its a mechanic I wish CA let be optional.





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is this for real? i've only played one campaign as ere and i had to transition from farms to pastures and fisheries at some point but i didn't have to migrate anywhere. does life in the northern parts of the map actually become impossible after a point?
yes and thats the reason Attila is one of the best. The campaign map actually matters more than just being a place to recruit and wait for money to tick up. There is actually challenge
You can check fertility of each province in the game and by the end of the campaign the entire map is infertile except for Italy. Factions like the romans have buildings that can circumvent this but some factions can just get fucked from it.
I get that, and I can enjoy the occasional campaign with it on. Like I said, some people really like the campaign this way, and thats fine. I just prefer something a little different.
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I need help with this campaign. It's the year 418, I know Attila is about to start his shit, but I don't have enough to prepare. I'm quelling rebellious tendencies in newly conquered Britain, which completely rebelled from Roman control. I want to expand as I'm making 300 per turn now with army upkeep, but I have to keep all my armies where they are for now. Where should I expand that will be worth it? I'm not sure if I'm ready to face Rome.
>slavic kolovrat
what in retardation is this mod
Fall of the Eagles.
actual good and reasonable mod for attila: remove the public order penalty for....farm/pasture
why the fuck does it give negative public order to begin with?
"WAAAAH, WE GOT MORE FOOD IM MAD!" in this fucking era of war and famine?
bitch wtf. in older games food are a good thing that make people happy
I think the idea is meant to be that you're centralizing farmland in to the hands of less people to increase output. Basically creating a system of serfdom where less people own their own land.
no surprise desu
How you cope with long ass end turn times? They take almost 60 secs or more.
alt tab and do something else
this thread is still alive after 6 months?
"This was the abode of Attila, the king of all the barbarian world; and he preferred this as a dwelling to the cities he captured.”
-Jordanes, Roman historian (c. 550 AD), describing Attila's Court located at /vst/
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For those playing Fireforged Empire how are things? Anyone playing WRE and survived? I am having difficulties.
It is very hard, but not unfair. Playing the ERE and the Sassanids hit like a truck. Have to keep most legions busy and sacking stuff or otherwise the soldiers grow unruly.

The battles are epic and massive, though.

Coolest mod ever
What does fireforged empires even do
It is a very historical mod that takes you back to the times of the great conspiracy and the battle of Adrianople, following events until the fall of Rome.

It is very historical and hard, but not unfair.
None of that worked. Apparently it's a Windows 11 issue.
love fireforged empires so much
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I should've instantly rebelled instead of waiting for the midgame, huh?
I started playing as vandals and I'm just really confused. I sacked and razed the starting settlement because I thought the barbarian playstyle would be cool, but now I'm not really sure what to do? should I continue moving from city to city raping, occasionally pausing to camp and replenish my numbers? Seems like a terrible way to play since sieges suck in total war, also unsustainable because it costs so much to maintain my armies. The alternative would be to capture settlements and blob like the traditional total war playstyle, but I thought attila was supposed to spice things up and present alternative playstyles.
>plays as vandals
>doesn't want to VANDALIZE
basically as you said, go from town to town, sack everything, pick your battles and when you feel like it settle wherever you want
maybe pick a province with your preferred religion
>sieges suck in total war
skill issue, but towns without walls shouldn't pose a problem
just bumrush the garrison and they're done in a minute
not if you pillage the romans hard enough
build a couple of economy buildings in your hordes to supplement your income, and don't forget to use the raid stance from time to time
>The alternative would be to capture settlements and blob
that is your campaign goal though, to mimick the historical vandals, but you don't really have to
playing as a horde is perfectly viable, but the huns are more enjoyable than german tribes simply due to having better horde buildings
vandals are migrators after all, their horde era isn't supposed to last forever (but it's perfectly possible to pull off)
It'll get harder. Eventually you'll have to settle. But yes, part of the barbarian ticket is just going around raping and burning, as it is in the nature of the R1a germanic haplogroup.
I remember the first ever thread about this game going to 8 months. Crazy huh?
Attila threads will last ten thousand years
>Beautifully crafted models, but the campaign is not quite there yet. Borken AI, script reliant history, etc. Would only recommend if you wanna fuck around in custom battle.
>Anno Domini 919
>The lackluster unit roster reminds me of Shogun 2.
>FotE + EP revised
>Can't understand people praising it for being "Dei for Attila". The level of depth is not there. Too many sword units to be remotely historcally accurate.
>Fireforged Empire
>This mod should be considered "Dei for Attila" instead for its meticulously well researched and implemented historical & realistic battle mechanics and unit roster. Except this one feels more like a railroaded RPG instead of an actual Total War game.
>Dark Age
It looks like the modders simply edited the map but made no changes to the economy or unit rosters.
So, which one do you prefer/recommend?
none, mods are gay
Mk1212 tickles the right parts of my brain even though it's not complete. The medieval 2 soundtrack does a lot of heavy lifting though. Warscape still cannot do satisfying collision so cav charges just feel off.
For they are faithful
The righteous
The strong
Tried Attila again(slavs this time) and I am not impressed
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Raiding sucks unless you hit the big trade routes in italy and to a lesser extent the sassanids. Sometimes ill put 2 armys in raid stance there to pull in 5-6k a turn. But encamping is the way to go for hordes. Growth is key and 25% more monies from buildings usually are better than raiding some dirt farmers
spam poison arrows
and don't forget, slavs play the long game
once climate change kicks in, while attila and romans are busy massacring one another, that's when you blob the hardest
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>Playing WRE on Legendary
>Finally get out of a war against the Ostrogoths
>Immediately get dragged back in the the ERE
Uh does this game have really bad collision and impact on charges and shit or is that all older warscape total war games? I've played some warhammer 3 and cav charging into shit looked like it at least had some impact whereas I'm trying Attila for the first time and my cav just like...charge into shit and stop while looking all janky. Is that normal or is my game bugged?
I ran it with a 1050ti and 8gb ram on ultra without problems, what kind of a potato are you trying to play it on?
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Speaking of which, Med 3 and Medieval Remastered never ever? It's over
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As soon as I get the entire kit complete I should take a picture while playing Attila.

I do have a simple civilian kit already but it would be more fun to see a guy in armour playing it right?
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>food shortage
>every fucking turn
yeah nice game bro very cool
>inb4 "it's supposed to be like that"
Are you playing the long night? What difficulty?
It is supposed to be like that. The game needs to keep you edge. If you don't want any of that, just play the sassanids.
What were you expecting from a game based on the collapse of Antiquity?
>Let me build a civilization from the ashes of everyone else
>Let me keep a strong empire
>Romans but enjoyable
The enjoyment is that the suffering will pay off.
He wants to play Rome 2 with an Attila skin. Many such cases. There are mods which can do that, such as disabling climate change, 6 million turns per year, disabling anything that requires skill, and such.
It takes 5 days for a thread get pushed out of the board here
I'm planning on getting this game but heard about a late game family tree bug that crashes your game, ending your playthrough. Does this have a fix/workaround?
Attila gives you a big blob and says survive.
How do I survive as WRE with Fall of the Eagles + Perdida mods? First turn, my income is -8000. I don't even know how to climb out of a deficit that bad.
Never saw this happen, probably false or fixed around release. Attila has performance problems because it was made as a relic for future generations, but no such game breaking issue.
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I finally got Attila and I'm so sad I haven't played it earlier. I don't even care about the anti-player bias, cheats and obsolete buildings. I'm just happy to finally be challenged and have the tools to deal with that challenge on the battlefield.
and by tools you mean SQUIT EQVITES, of course
no sorry, but it's trash. like all nu-tw
garrison battles: the game
oh you find these village watchtowers annoying?
better get used to it, this is 99% of the battles you're gonna experience (unless you autoresolve everything like most people)
also better get used to the ingenious nu-TW™ mechanics, such as 1 general per army limitation, army skill tree buffs that persist even after the army getting annihilated, 4 buildings per settlement (better betray your ally if you ever want food in this province!), poison arrows that deal magical DPS and a fantastical ice age because their history department hired browns
Medieval 2 was my favourite total war so it's nice to have OP cavalry again.
Is Ancient Empires a dead mod or does it still work?
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I tried Sassanids with Fall of the Eagles and Europa Perdida, and my income after I tried playing Rome, or Sassanids is in the deep negatives. I don't know what to do about this. It's maintenance that's absolutely destroying my income. And I don't see any way to recover it.
I really wish this game had the banner type unit icons in battle like rome 2 and previous history games did, instead of the future warhammer style of just a square with a weapon symbol in it. I wasn't able to find a mod that would do this either.
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Finished western Rome on legendary last night lads. I never want to do that again.
If you only do garrison battles, you are playing it wrong. This game punishes you for needing garrison battles since having your settlement surrounded necessarily damages it.

Darkness and despair bros, we won another one.
Congrats, looks really awful.

A man who takes Germania and abandons Iberia clearly had enough
Garrison battles are fun in moderation since you get to enjoy the fun of suicide charging units into enemy flanks with none of the consequences.
/mu/ to listen while fighting Huns?
don't play mods with shit unbalanced economies that only affect you and not the ai
>1212AD modders discover how to edit the map
>1 year later we still have these shitty vanilla borders
Wasn't it the Dawnless Days team, the LOTR mod. They actually have a really early map for their campaign already done as of a few months ago, but they aren't ready to release it yet.
That being said, 1212AD has a much much bigger problem in the passive AI. The map would be fine, but the campaign is unplayable because the AI is just far too passive.
I've never tried 1212 until recently and a lot of factions are declaring war on eachother already. Do they just not end up actually attacking eachother? I'm only 20 turns in though.
>>Fireforged Empire
>>This mod should be considered "Dei for Attila" instead for its meticulously well researched and implemented historical & realistic battle mechanics and unit roster. Except this one feels more like a railroaded RPG instead of an actual Total War game.
Treating Noticia Dignitatum like the Bible doesn't make this mod well researched, especially when every non-Roman faction is completely sidelined and filled with absurd things like all-female Celtic units. FoTE shits all over it even though it was never meant it to be a DEI-tier overhaul.
I haven't played in 6+ months. Maybe they patched the AI to work. The problem when I played was the AI simply refusing to attack a settlement I had an army in.
They just parked their army in the province, fortified and didn't move for 25+ turns before I quit the game.
I wish that climate change wasn't just a penalty to fertility and extra snow every chapter. It'd be cool if there were some years where the climate returned to normal and some years where it'd be even worse.
It's not just a penalty to fertility. In mid to late game half of Europe becomes attrition territory for half the time.
Yeah I think that's still a thing because i noticed it. I was gonna get some submods for more aggressive ai but something got updated and half the 1212 submods cause the game to not even launch anymore.
The Last Roman trailer is pretty kino, underrated trailer.
1212 updated after 3 years if behind the scenes work. They still haven't finished the new map though.
Armies garrisoned in cities have double upkeep or something iirc
It was ok-ish but felt like something was missing. There was no plot or quests. It was just like here’s the map go have fun. Where was the history? The dates? The things happening? Like an offmap Muslim fleet or volcano
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Btw I was playing MK1212 and some M2TW today, and couldn't shake the feeling that despite the campaign map being much bigger in Attila, Medieval 2's map "felt" larger for some reason. Maybe it's the huge cities introduced by Rome 2?
Maybe army movement range is shorter in Medieval 2? As for 1212, I tried the "bran campaign AI" mod and was not impressed. The AI was aggressive sure, but it was sending 6 unit armies after my settlements that had a full army garrisoned in them. Not only that but the diplomacy felt really fucked where I couldn't get a trade agreement with a faction that had +80 friendly relations with me, even if I was willing to pay them my whole treasury.
What logical reasoning is there for untaxed provinces not requiring any food at all to the extent they don't even consume your global pool?
For Roman, Sassanid and Eastern factions that use dedicated military buildings, if you get a province with Iron, you can turn it into a military province that can built every unit available. The Iron is used to make the blacksmith line that increase recruitment slots and reduce recruitment costs. You'd just need to worry about sanitation and public order(Which is easily done as most sanitation buildings also give some public order).

The other reason I can think of is you've captured a settlement/province that consumes too much food. You'd untax that place temporarily until your issues with it are done.
Yeah, the units are amazing, but the campaign is still very beta. I don't think they'll finish it before the next medieval tw game. Unfortunately.
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I guess it's supposed to represent the peasants focussing on subsistence farming thus being able to get by with overall less food production.
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What's the best TW title or mod to play as the HRE?
Do you put in the effort to play doomed settlement defence battles when there is a chance for your cavalry to pick off some archers and/or artillery?
Yes, because even if I know I will lose I could possibly weaken the enemy army enough to save the nearby settlements for a few more turns. If I just let it autoresolve because there is no hope of victory, they will take like 10 losses and just move onto the next town no issue.
Vsync to limit framerate
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Just noticed this
>ERE has none of those OP ramming ships
>all factions have access to Greek Fire ships
Seriously what the actual fuck
This game hits the broad strokes of historical accuracy but misses tons of smaller details like that.
Favourite nation in Attila?
Yeah. I never cared much for naval combat in Attila, but those little details kinda triggered me

ERE so I can exploit the interest rate, snowball to absurd amounts of money, and gift the WRE hundreds of thousands of money every turn to fund their survival
The problem with the Eastern Roman Empire is that I wouldn't know how to manage my finances in the early game. I would struggle to determine the point at which I should just bank my treasury instead of investing in buildings and armies.
Just build agricultural stuff, especially cattle or sheep, in the most fertile places in the empire and avoid famine. Also invest in sanitation; the minor cities' bathhouses consume food and generate money
Get rid of churches on turn 1 until your income is positive. Just spent less than your income every turn and it will be fine
>>install Europa Perdita + Fall of the Eagle revised
I wanted to like this, but when I go to recruit some infantry and have 40 fucking variations of the same unit but with different names (in latin) and color schemes I lost my mind and uninstalled
There's a mod for english unit names rather than native language names. Personally I like that the mod gives the less popular factions some unit variety.
Firstly, I really like defending chokepoints with pikemen.
Secondly, does anyone know the reply limit for vst? We are at 302 replies as of this post.
500 until it no longer receives bumps. But even then it is a slow enough board so it can last weeks after reaching 500 posts
Do you ever play the Last Roman or Age of Charlemagne campaigns?
I did play as belisarius, it was ok.
Attila is the most beloved Total War in /vst/. There shall be no bump limit, only darkness and despair.
Nah the bumb limit still effects it but Attila always returns from the grave.
Attila appeals to our modern times. It is almost a commentary on our modern days.
Which nation do you keep coming back to?
WRE, unsurprisingly
Never really got into Attila until I stuck with them for a while. Conversely they are also the faction I tire of more easily, turns can get really tedious with them.
Sassanid because i like cataphract.
Having to deal with cataclysms every turn would certainly takes its toll.

Cataphracts are kind of like Knights from the Medieval Era but slower and can't see anything. I still wouldn't like to fight against them.
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>*record scratch*
Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got there...
>play as the huns for the first time
>not even 10 turns, vassal declare war
>being chase around by a faction from caucasus from bosphoran to germania
>constantly outnumbered because there's no vassal
>AI agent spam every turns
I'm already have enough, on battle it's pretty good since I'll have to relied on feigned then routing them, i just never expect that scare effect is just so good combine with the huns' trait it's pretty big morale debuff.
True, but it just so satisfying to zoom in and see that your cataphract do a frontal charge even on braced unit they tend to decimated shit.
Eastern Roman Empire. Nice variety of persians, kangz, g*rms and horssefuckers to fight.
Any of the slavs because not having to worry about settlement defense is nice.
>not having to worry about settlement defense
Wait wut? What's going on with them.
>t. never touched slavs
poison archers are so broken that you can essentially afk defend any settlement due to the exhaustion effect they provide.
Slavs are the meme faction.
Tanukhids because I love pikes and being able to settle wherever you want is great
Do any of you actually play Attila in your own time or do you just talk about it?
I start up a new ERE campaign once a year or so. Never actually finish them though. Sometimes I get bored, other times the game has some bug that makes it unplayable. But I still come crawling back
Of course. I realy appreciate how attila handled many things. It's a shame Rome 2 managed to get so big instead.

Same but with WRE. Garrison battles can get tedious but when I return to the save after a break I'm always at a loss as to what I was doing.

>game has some bug that makes it unplayable
Me with Roma Surrectum 3
Sometimes. I have R2, Attila, M2, Empire and Napoleon installed. I'm thinking of choosing a faction in Rome and play with it and its "descendents" in all games
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Do you guys have any favorite mods?
Currently doing a new playthrough with Roman Rebirth 2 to try it out again.
Pic unrelated.
Do you ever think that Attila should have been an expansion for Rome 2 instead of a standalone game?

I have never played any mods but I saw that a Lord of the Rings mod was coming out sometime soon. Anything cool about Roman Rebirth 2?
>Lord of the Rings mod was coming out sometime soon.
Woah, would have expected that one to still take a few more years for the campaign

>Anything cool about Roman Rebirth 2?
Basically a hyper, giga, mega larp mod, giving both romes extra paths depending on their religion.
The mod is old and the dev is chinese, I think, which gives a good impression as to the lack of expertise he has when it comes to european history. So instead he just goes full on ham in the cliches.
Also does some extra stuff to buildings like >50% giving acess to churches that grant sanitation or others that consume food but grant cash, many of which also require other buildings in a province.

Paths are:
>Pagan WRE
Basically returning to the roots of the empire of August's
>Christian WRE
Full on deus vult templar holy empire larp
>Pagan ERE
SPQR larp with marian legions
>Christian ERE
Proto-byzantium of the middle ages with some acess to stuff from the augustinian empire
>Legio IX
Some special path if both greco-roman paganism and christianity are <50% and the other rome is gone.
I play Attila whenever I fall into depression. Something about feeling hopeless, miserable and overwhelmed near the end times makes this game fix naturally into your brain.

When my dad died, the insurance company didn't pay us, and I was working and studying to keep my sister, myself and my mentally ill mom from starving, Attila was everything I was playing when I was under ritalin and caffeine due to being overworked, grieving, unable to sleep and having to overcome the odds despite being depressed.

I was feeling like shit once we turned things around and had to do withdrawals, but Attila remained my forever favorite game. I seem to relate more to this game the worse I feel about myself and my future. We all can find some roman empires we must save.
Do you have any favourite faction mechanics in Attila?
The Desert Kangz have nice mechanics. Same goes for the great migrators.
Last Roman or Age of Charlemagne?
LR is just more of the old same Attila put in a smaller space, and the while Charlemagne has a completely different coat of paint over it, it's pretty barebones.
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Last night I modded some files to give Persian Mounted Bowmen and Equites Sagitarii the Parthian shot ability and removed Fire Ships from all barbarian rosters.
Nothing personal barbars, it's history.
Turn off unlimited video memory if you want the stutters to stop. I also have a 4070ti and am saddened that after returning to this game after not touching it for over half a decade that the strategic map still runs like ass. I'll deal with it for access to an apparently still active historical TW game that doesn't have dogshit sieges.
Adding towers to minor settlement battles was quite a decision. They are so damn powerful.
>They are so damn powerful.
they used to be, but they're fine now
Do you like using pikemen? I find them really valuable for sieges when dealing with chokepoints. Just don't let them get shot.

The Huns becoming the Roman Expeditionary and the barbarian kings needing to survive an onslaught is a genius concept. Also, the idea of playing a general in a campaign needing to please the many factions at home and in your conquered lands is really sweet. Sadly, it is not as fleshed out as it could have been.
Not in Attila. Pikes are too vulnerable to missile fire and not very maneuverable
Did you complete the prologue campaign and ensure a future for the Visigothic people?
Doing my first run as the Vandals, currently in Gaul sacking everything in sight. God willing, we’ll be banging tanned Roman/punic/berber whores on the African shore soon.
Also while the bonus missions add a nice amount of flavor to the game, the ones that demand you “maintain a military presence in provinces X Y and Z” are really stupid for a faction that starts out as a horde.
I’m out here in southwest Gaul and you want me to keep an army present in GERMANIA? Hell no, I’ve got places to be and cities to pillage, I can’t hang around the boonies that long.
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>first time playing
>keep pushing huns shit thinking I can kill baby Hitler before he takes over
>huns at rank 38 asking for peace
>kill what I thought was the last stack they have left
>have one of the agents little further down the map
>game just drops 2 more 20/20 stacks right on top of him with huns back at rank 4
Who were you playing? It sounds like you are doing quite a good job if you are pushing that far.
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WRE as God intended.
Gotta give special props to this coliseum completely crippling every invasion that came though it and port Camulodunum for withstanding an enormous amount of assrape before being taken over by brit rebels. Which completely stopped geats and jutes raids, so I still let them keep it.
I don't think I've had a single open field battle that was went much better than autoresolve though.
>going down the WRE tech tree makes aqueducts obsolete giving you more shitty churches instead
ebin, guess I'll just pray the shit away
It is a little off-putting that going further down your tech tree actually takes away some of your inventions. An interesting system... but maybe not an ideal one.
Yeah you wanna try and make all the aqueducts you can before that point.
They kinda try to make the tech tree for both Romes feel like your empire is still irrevocably changed by the events of the campaign, even if you survive. For the WRE you begin to become more of an early medieval feudal state dominated by the church, whereas the ERE suffers the more agonizing fate of becoming Greek.
Aqueducts are super expensive and generally, if you are suffering a crisis,

It shows how technology is lost in the real world. Very advanced and beautiful technology is replaced by cheaper less sophisticated alternative that gets the job done.

You can keep building aqueducts., but the cheap alternatives take less time and money to build.

Of course, if you play on suepr easy modes or any of the braindead mods that turn off anything difficult, you won't understand this.


This game was trying
>It shows how technology is lost in the real world.
no, just no. it's not how it went down and it's a mechanic that is punitive for no other reason other that attila tw must be a convoluted game
>You can keep building aqueducts., but the cheap alternatives take less time and money to build.
and what are the alternatives? there is only 1 building and provide sanitation only in the major settlement
>Aqueducts are super expensive and generally, if you play on suepr easy modes or any of the braindead mods that turn off anything difficult, you won't understand this
they are not expensive, they have the construction cost and a small upkeep cost, way cheaper than the monastery line (witch is good with the +1 monks cap) and essential to have a good economy.
ERE was always Greek, they just go from larping as Romans to just accepting the facts.
I just don't researching middle line that remove tech when playing WRE.
The vast majority of the populace was always grecophone, yes. The ruling class however was at least culturally Latin for a good couple generations before succumbing to the cultural momentum of the masses.
At the moment of the empire's splitting, they were Romans. Flavius Arcadius, the ruling emperor at the beginning of the campaign, is not Greek in the slightest, hailing from Roman Spain.
Play Radious
I really hate Global Warming bros...
Do you like upgrading your units in the technology tree? I noticed that the Western Romans gets tons of unit upgrades in the early game.
No, because it just outright replace cost effective units in recruitment.
>skipped it all these years
>80% off
Alright, but if I'm getting tricked again I will be moderately annoyed.
Atilla is the last good one. It's difficult too and has a lot of interesting factions to play like WRE, Sassanids, Vandals, Ostro/Visigoths.
I really suck at big battles, always getting hammered by ranged and cavalry.
Just deny reinforcement, and If you still suck just spam heavy cav.
Why would anyone want to do that?

This basically, it's possible to end up in a situation where have trouble affording your armies because of the upgrades while doing fine with the original units.

Attila is a great TW and a great game but it is it's own thing. Imo the game has different expectations as to how you play and approach it compared to the other titles. Especially the roman factions are a different beast from what you might be used to from other TW games which can lead to frustration especially for those who aren't willing to accept losing battles and settlements.
Battles are arguably the best of all games post M2TW although cav can be busted.
Attila was the day CA decided that CA wanted to look into the future.
Are any of the expansions mandatory besides sand niggers and british niggers? I got those two and the stupid blood and burning dlc.
So... is defending settlements just extraordinarily powerful in this game? Is it truly possible to defeat entire armies with just your garrison and some good unit placement?
If by your garrison you mean scout equites, and some good unit placement you mean spearwall in a choke, then yes
Reminder that Alaric is the protagonist
It's possible especially when the ai just send in crap stack, but if it's more elite army then you'll need reinforcement.
it depends on
1 the IA doing the bad choices
2 the IA not having units that causes devastation (fire) to your settlement
3 the right type of map
anyway the way to go is snipe enemy general then route the entire army with moral debuffs mostly
Playing as the WH and turn 5 all sass satrapies rebelled. Now i have an alliance with the sass and have been defending ctesiphon from hordes of desert nigs. Also whats the deal with subjecting enemies? Sometimes i can get their last city but every once in a while i wont get the option. Do i have to destroy their armies, or is it something to do with their allies being at war with me?

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