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Pausing every second to close 100 pop-ups simulator.
What's that, you want to watch your cool space battle unfold?
Too bad, we found an ameoba on an asteroid in buttfuck nowhere - what's the plan boss?!
Why are you watching early-game space battles? It’s just corvettes flying in a circle, and you shouldn’t be getting anomaly discovery notifications once you’re in the mid game when battles actually look interesting.

Have you even played the game OP?
I don't care about space laser show, I already prepared everything that it will go as planned. I have an important ameoba to study.
You sound like one of the retards I play with who has to read every popup that says the same fucking thing and pauses every 10 seconds when he’s at war with someone even if he’s winning
sorry I haven't played the game for 2000 hours so I actually have to double check what the pop-ups are saying before hitting an option
what DLC is essential, if any? havent played in years and getting an itch to play again lately
Faggots like you are why I never play rts multiplayer
every single one
Are there any mods that make the galaxy look less.. idk.. gay? or UI?

Most of the DLCis centred around a specific style of play.

Utopia and Galactic Paragons are the essentials.

Nemesis and Overlord are geared specifically toward the Galactic Senate and vassal relations respectively, which are pretty ubiquitous to any empire but less important than Utopia and Paragons.

After that it really is down to gameplay preference. Megacorp adds Megacorps and ecuminopoli, so prioritize that. Federations is fun for diplomatic gameplay. Despite being more of a story pack, Ancient Relics are actually a fun addition. And Apocalypse just adds planet crackers and Titans.

Everything else from there is supplemental. Astral Planes is just a bunch of quests, leave it for last. Leviathans adds bossfights. Synthetic Dawn adds machine empires, which are just hive minds with gameplay changes. Distant Stars adds a ton of new stories and anomalies if you like those. First Contact is only useful for RP, again leave it for last.

Species packs are pretty self explanatory, unless you want to roleplay a certain thing they can be safely skipped, but if you absolutely want some, prioritize Humanoids then go by order of release.

Honestly it can be kind of confusing since some of the features advertised on the DLC pages were part of the free patch released alongside it. So it’s hard to tell what would be missed. But honestly looking through all the DLC I could probably not miss half of this shit. Can’t remember the last time I formed a federation or cared what a vassal did. Inversely I like the aesthetics and narratives the story and species packs offer.

And remember you can play in MP with someone who has all the expansions if you really want to try them out.
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Hmmm today I will start a Barbaric Despoiler campaign and be an aggressive asshole from year 1
>closest neighbour is a fallen empire
>then a triple stack federation

Are you really playing an MP game for the narrative? I can understand wanting to do RP, but Stellaris’ writing is really basic sci-fi fare. Why don’t you just read a book to old people instead?
Have you even played the game retard? many of the pop-ups come with decisions that could fuck your playthrough up if you click them without reading. shut the fuck up

Just hover over the buttons and read the results. Three quarters of the popups are just

>do something
>do nothing

And the rest can be skimmed over. I wouldn’t be loudly proclaiming to the thread that you can’t read.
So fucking true kek
>many of the pop-ups come with decisions that could fuck your playthrough up
kek, no they don't
they're literally all take 500 green science now or add +2 to this planet
Are there any mods that disable certain useless pop-ups and events? 95% of the time, the following events/pop-ups/choices are pointless and literally just a box with one button that says "Continue":

*First Contact
*Anomaly Results
*Anomaly events

Closing these is literally just busywork at best, and an accidental click when I'm trying to press something else at speed 4 at worst.
This game is only good for empire building autism.
PvP experience is better offered by other games.
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Danglit, you Stellaris niggers starting 5 threads.

So, I made a MOD that lets you destroy hyperlanes.

>SHA256 hash of SpaceTopology_v01.zip:

To use it unpack contents of zip file (ie. SpaceTopology folder and SpaceTopology.mod file) to location %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\mod\
Then in Stellaris launcher find 'Playsets' on the left and add mods.

Version 0.1, so use with caution.

Send likes.
Lol so true.
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Added Harmoniser Alpha-Beta ships, that can create Hyperlanes in a small range (value in script).

>SHA256 hash of SpaceTopology_v04.zip:

For Testing:
>event space_topology.0

wtf my computer won't turn back on
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Have you tried connecting it to the power socket and then pushing the 'ON' button?
I play the game on normal speed and enjoy the music.
Not the anon, but I can't blow up the planet when I'm mad at something in the book, and have the book just move on from it.

The vast majority of them are, but there are some "fuck you" mimnes here and there, that can, for example, unperson your max lvl with good traits scientist.
is Stellaris good yet?
Why do the Prethoryn always arrive in my borders?It‘s not fun if I have to beat them before they can even spread.
How do people even play this piece of shit. It's the most boring and the buggiest crap I've seen. I've actually given it a try to to steam reviews somehow being positive.
>needs modern gpu to run a simple 2d map and wastes your power
>you're supposed to pause to do stuff then unpause and wait but the wait is still too long and boring at max speed
>95% of the game is boringly clicking on the "survey" button and closing shitty text adventure popups
>space battles are automatic and take 1 click
>try to economy
>get invaded by neighbor with massive fleet
>accept becoming his vassal to avoid losing systems since having no fleet
>build fleet to break free
>easy win
>can't end war
>muh "can't choose this option" on all 3 buttons
>can't win, can't status quo, can't surrender
>the left button shows a private variable with "_" characters as my war aim
>occupy all his systems
>forced to surrender due to 100% "war exhaustion", he gets all his systems back after me wasting hours to take them, I'm still his vassal, can't attack him again for 10y
>fucking quit this shit
sins and homeworld are better for "le cool space battles"
I've played Stellaris intermittently since 2017. Last week, I played Civ for the first time (Civ V, to be precise). Civ is so much better. Civ was designed as a game and Stellaris as a simulation. Civ has fewer, sharper parts that meaningfully interact with each other, whereas Stellaris is a stew with too many ingredients chucked in the pot, one DLC at a time. Because of its leaner design, Civ 5 has far more hard counters at the military, economic, and diplomatic levels. The design philosophy of Stellaris is to take elements from MoO2, complicate them beyond necessity, and then throw in a bunch of cookie clicker upgrades.

In Civ 5, a pop works a tile, it takes x-turns to grow, and that's it. In Stellaris, a pop has a race, a trait, a caste, a faction, a fertility rate, and Johann-only-knows how much code under the hood to make all of that shit work. Because of this, Stellaris lags like hell. The only meaningful trait is habitability, and even that becomes meaningless by the mid game. As for managing pops, it's far easier in Civ because you can switch focus from food to production, for example, with one click of a button. Good luck managing your pops with the Stellaris UI. You can't manage 1,000 things by pushing each one where it needs to go, let alone 10,000 pops like large games could have had before they "fixed" pop growth in 3.4 or whenever it was.
Civ 5 has a near-minimal set of basic resources: food, production, and coins. Food and production are local resources that cannot be stored. Food regulates the growth of pops, and production, that of infrastructure. Really, this is all you need, but there are also coins that double as global, storable, instant production and as a supply cap. Each basic resource has its own function, and each resource is different. In Stellaris, "food" is now "amenities," "production" is now the game clock, and coins (that is, storable, global production that is also used as unit upkeep) come in red, yellow, green, orange, purple, and three special "strategic" flavors. Once again, Stellaris is more complicated but less interesting. There are more resources, but each behaves in the exact same way. Some planets produce 10% more minerals, others 10% less food; again, it's the same problem off too many weak 10% bonuses that don't fucking matter because it all averages out in the end.

Then we have the "strategic" resources. A strategic resource should be a resource that can only be collected from certain points on the map. In Civ, strategic and luxury resources are actually strategic and they are so from the first turn. They make trade and diplomacy VITAL for maintaining positive happiness. In Stellaris, what are called "strategic" resources are simply tier-2 basic resources that anyone can make, or purchase from the market in unlimited quantities. The only ACTUAL strategic resource is nanites.
- Warfare is also more interesting in Civ. First of all, there is far more unit variety in Civ and there are hard counters. Horses are several times faster than infantry, but they get depleted by pikes. Ranged units shoot an extra tile, but they are vulnerable, so they have to be properly positioned. Doubly so for siege weapons that can wreck cities. Do we have any of this in Stellaris? Any nimble raiding vessels? Any dedicated starbase killers? Any cool shit like cloaking? Nah. Everything goes at the same speed and to make the best fleet you just spam the best unit. It used to be torpedo corvettes and now it's battleships. Once again, there's too much complexity: tracking, percent to hit, 3 types of damage, missiles being physically simulated, and so forth. It lags like hell in the late game and doesn't help the gameplay. The only area where Stellaris beats Civ 5 is the ease of moving large numbers of units because doomcarpets in Civ 5 are a nightmare to manage.

- Espionage, diplomacy, and the world congress are meaningful parts of Civ 5 that are necessary for a culture or diplomatic victory, in Stellaris espionage and the galactic council are beyond worthless. Factions can be ignored because they don't prohibit important decisions. What if your spies could promote a faction inside a rival empire, and what if factions could, for example, prohibit you from declaring war on a certain rival? What if leaders in Stellaris were actually integral parts of the game who could be influenced by the galactic council or assassinated by spies?
Ironically, Civ does roleplaying just as well as Stellaris. Because of the different victory types and because the game is based loosely on real history, you can make all sort of wacky and fun combinations. You can make Aztecs adopt Buddhism or Ottomans adopt Judaism. You can make Ghandi go on a global rampage and nuke everyone. You can make some Indian tribe no one's ever heard of win the Space Race. Both games have flavor text, but in Civ, it's hidden in the help files if you want to read it.
i enjoyed civ 5 when i was 10
>In Stellaris, a pop has a race, a trait, a caste, a faction, a fertility rate, and Johann-only-knows how much code under the hood to make all of that shit work. Because of this, Stellaris lags like hell.
It lags like hell because Eladrin is incompetent (just like Wiz was before him). V2 pops are much more complex and the game ran just fine.
kek and now when you are demented boomer you play paradox visual novels.
at this point I'm not buying another DLC until they address this. Pop should just be a fucking percentage instead of every single fucking pop being simulated.
Stellaris is a necromantic horror hewn from the corpse of Sword of the Stars 2. Paradox wanted to corner the space market but lacked the talent to beeak in, so they bought out their competition, cannibalised their product, gutted the company and handed over a cheaper, less competent knockoff to amateurs. It doesn't work as a game because the people developing it never understood the game all its good ideas were lifted from. It's become increasingly justba simulation as the development was become grandfathered to HOI4 because both games use the dame engine and Paradox doesn't want to fund either enough to function independently.
The fuck are you on about? SotS2 was a bigger disaster than Imperator, there was no corpse left to cannibalize. It also came out in 2011, some five years before Stellaris, and PDX did not buy out Kerberos, they merely published SotS2, same as they published Steel Division. Also which ideas did Stellaris specifically lift from SotS (that are actually original to SotS, and not say GalCiv2)? It doesn't even play anything like SotS. SotS1 had no civilian gameplay to speak of, and 2 had a minimum amount. There are many arguments for shitting on Stellaris but your schizophrenic word salad contains none of them.
Haven't played in a long while. Are defensive platforms still a joke?
>Haven't played in a long while. Are defensive platforms still a joke?
I'm a cheapskate who usually builds tall so defense platforms are my main defense most games and even on GA they work fine. Go Sovereign Guardianship and Unyielding and spam hangers. Works fine for me, but I also tech rush and keep empire size at a minimum and don't paint the map much, if your empire is covering half the galaxy you won't have enough starbases even with Unyielding so cover your turf so there's not much point.
Also I'm pretty sure the game still applies effects that apply to both ships and defense platforms twice because defense platforms also count as ships, so a 50% bonus isn't 1.5 it's 2.25 for example.
Sorry to tell you but you could just build a fleet and it would be more efficient.You wouldn’t have to take a bad perk either.
Johan has nothing to do with the shit they did regarding the pops in steallaris, he even shitted on their incompetence for not being able to do simpler pops than vic2 on a way better engine than what they had at the time
Yeah the rework was Wiz's fault and he then ran away to fuck up a different game.
Next DLC 'The Machine Age' announced:


>Non-Gestalt Machine Empires
>Gestalt Machine Intelligence (The same as the Synthetic Dawn DLC).
>3 New Origins
>5 New Civics (+1 with Megacorp).
>2 Mid-Game Megastrucutres
>NewPortraits with cyberg portraits, shipsets and so.
>New synthetic ascension paths, traits and events
>New Player Crisis
>New End-Game Crisis
I wish we had the whole "Puzzle", but with the districts stuff build - in (as a sort of expanding the avaivalible slots) and maybe hexagonal instead of square.
It felt a lot more gamey, yes, but also was a lot more fun to set up.
And I'd honestly trather the pops have icons that tell you more when hovered over, than whole portraits, at least on planet screen. (It kinda felt like equipping and speccing a character in an RPG, but instead it's a planet)
In fact I kinda hate that Paradox fashion of shoving portraits absolutely fucking everywhere in all games made after ck2/eu4 (EU4 was about year later, but I blame ck2 popularity for this shit, wanting to have actual persistent "actors" in-game, for both lore and immersion reasons, doesn't mean you need to have a reminder of how an exemplar of any given population looks, especially if there's no weight behind that particular fucker you're shown.
In stellaris, where each "species" pop, is actually unambiguosly a part of that "spiecies" could do way better with each species having their own little set-up, or generated icon like the empires do.
The only exemption that would maybe fuck that shit up that I can think of is Xenocompatibility, but Xenocompatibility fucks up half the game "species" mechanics BY DESIGN.
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>there are people who defend Pop Puzzle
>this fucking spergout
I see it's still a tender spot over at Paradox HQ.
>No argument
Okay, schiz
>You wouldn’t have to take a bad perk either.
Unyielding is a fantastic early game economy tree for gestalts and machine empires since if allows you to replace pop output with Starbases.If by "perk" you mean Sovereign Guardianship/Guardian Clusters then it's not actuaally bad since empire size reductions are additive, you can get to 100% empire size reduction from pops which is fucking ridiculous lategame.
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>pop tile system
>straightforward and simple, you can see the happiness bar under them
>has interactivity with other nearby tiles through adjacency bonuses
>you can make a building on any tile as long as it doesn't have a blocker

>victoria pop system
>have to juggle stability, crime, amenities and housing
>need to press several buttons to see an individual pop's elements such as traits, happiness or even political power
>12 buildings max, and they are all limited by building slots so you have to come back to your planets from time to time to unlock new tiles
What were they thinking?
This games all style. The actual gameplay is quite shit, but the setting & flavors are great. Its worth playing not mastering.
>The Prethoryn scourge is broken and only properly infests planets that are caputured by armies
>their colony ships turn planets into unowned infested worlds that can't be bombed
>they also don't count as infested for the situation log
No mods,fresh install ,latest patch and tested with several observer games.How does nobody notice this shit?Even if Paradox is retarded enough to break this there should at last be some players that write bug reports.
I wouldn't mind juggling stability/amenities/crime/housing, as values/limits for a "thriving" colony, it's everything else (including things you listed) that's making it obnoxious. The whole "no prebuilding" is the worst of all. They could easily solve it
The problem with Civ is that it becomes a next turn simulator quite fast and after 1 game, you are done. Worth doing 1 game at least
Stellaris is my favorite Grand Roleplaying Game (GRPG)
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>do people bitching about paradox games play them?

Genocide helps a lot for that.
We really need more origins stuff and much more extreme perks and bonuses
Question: Was it REALLY that hard to balance wormholes and warp? Especially considering they've reintroduced versions of it with a heavy nerf to time and cost.
Nobody else has the prethoryn issue?Or is this somehow intended?
They were already balanced.Wiz was just a faggot that liked hyperlanes.
they really need to implement the hoi4 event skipping.
u read the same story popups 100 times just give me the bonus.
Warp could have probably been balanced by making it way slower to reach a destination, or by being able to build a space structure that intercepts warp travel within a radius and forcibly reroutes a fleet to the star system it's in.
Warp was already slow as fuck since it had a wind up,transit time and cooldown time.Wormholes had a far longer range and no travel time or cooldown.Stations were also cheap and you could build 2 or more stations so the windup could be reduced to the point of it being faster than jump drives with a longer range.It just needed more micro.
Metaslaves already considered hyperlanes to be the optimal pick, if anything the other two needed to be buffed
>need to press several buttons to see an individual pop's elements such as traits, happiness or even political power
Stability actually makes happiness irrelevant, it's the one good change they made. Happiness contributes to stability, but if you have high stab it doesn't matter if you have a couple of mad libshits or spiritualists on the planet, you still get the same bonus (including to them). So you don't actually have to care about individual pops at all.
Lol no.You never actually played with the 1.x patches.
Stellaris doesn't have enough pauses. I set everything to popup and pause and find myself still needing to install
>auto-pause on fleet idle
>NaK1119's Planetary Development Notification 3.8
What I hate more than anything is the popups with only one options I've read 50 times already. Or the ones that are just fluff. Here's three paragraph explaining why this random asteroid has +2 Minerals. Fucking riveting gameplay.

Spacebar + C simulator.
That's because you have too many expansions turned on. I'm playing with only Utopia/Apocalyse and it's the best experience I've had with this game. Every event, every text feels so much more special and meaningful. No more zoomer adhd slop
Do you even know which starting weapon type was the meta back then, shitter?
Boy I sure do love power creep.I never wanted to play bio empires anyway.
I wish I could just mod out all single choice events in the game. Or turn them into notifications. But I'll try your forbidden technique.
>He doesn't know about naked corvettes
Some of the most fun I’ve had in this game is pure genocidal runs where I force spawn in other exterminators/devourers/purifiers and just have a ffa killfest. It easily trims a lot of bullshit from the game when I don’t feel like diplomacying and can focus on broken builds and bully the AI. I just had a close game where lithoids went crisis aspirant and I could barely keep up with their constant barrages of fleets
NA, but it didn't even matter as long as you spam corvettes(either naked, or the "untouchable" super evasive ones). My guess would be either the lasers or the torpedoes as PD and strike craft both sucked for a long time.
It didn't matter for ships, but it did matter for outposts. With missiles an outpost would be practically unkillable for early game fleets.
I miss sniping the Wormhole generators with suicidal fleets.
I don't miss Ai not knowing/caring enough to build outposts near its Wormhole generators.
remember when strategic resources were actually strategically important?
No because back then you only had to find on source of each to get the buff.They were also too common so everyone always had the buffs from all resources.Changing how they worked was one of the few good changes that Paradox made.
miss the blob borders
Remember lategame wars where you asked for dozens of systems in the peace deal but the interface was so bad and hard to keep track of that the result always looked like swiss cheese?
isn't bordergore a paradox game staple
No because you could take planets and not systems with the old war goal system.
Deserved for playing paradox MP, I hope it gets worse
Is war fixed yet
>recolored human space babe "aliens"
You're not a xenophile.
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he's a xenophobe with selective kinship.
twi'lek dancing girls YES
giant space spiders and tyranids NO
What's the point of that civic?You could already do that before and the buffs are hardly worth it.
I remember that one update a good five years ago in which wars were completely broken, and regardless of whether you win or lose the war nobody gains or loses anything, the war just ends. At the time I was utterly confused and spent hours trying to get it to work, to no avail.
I like the idea of it, but it's not worth using up an entire civic slot. They should just make it a policy.
Ok is there any real gameplay reason to keep Astral Planes active?I did a test playthrough with it and it felt more annoying than the game I did without it.It didn't add anything I cared about either.
How could there be a "phenotype" when you and the Twilek's most recent common ancestor is a fucking atom
I think it's the only way to have full citizenship for other species even as a xenophobe, it should probably have more buffs to be worth a full civic slot
Incorrect for Star Wars, most humanoids have a common progenitor
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>How could there be a "phenotype" when you and the Twilek's most recent common ancestor is a fucking atom
Phenotype is which species category you're in. If you have Selective Kinship and are a Lithoid, you can agree that fleshbags of all kinds are subhuman xenos scum, but that the rock-men from Alpha Centauri are bros even though they're from a different planet. Same with plantoid or fungoid.

Or, as is more likely, you're a degenerate playing with hot alien space babe modded portraits and your authoritarian, xenophobic, militarist society agrees that the sexy space elves and big titty star trek/mass effect green alien babes are cool since they're under "humanoid" but any fucking degenerate who actually tries having sex with the Blorgh gets spaced out an airlock
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>Having sex with a space Dryad gets you executed, but the weird squid-heads are ok.

I smell foul play.
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How come sometimes the AI just doesn't retreat? Is it a bug? There were 2 AI fleets coming to mine, the 1st to arrive emergency FTLed after like a day, and the second to arrive stayed until they all died.
There is a timer.They can't retreat immediately just like the player.so if you kill them quickly enough they won't be able to retreat.
oh, then how come the first fleet noped out of there immediately though?
Also I saw a lot of disengaged ships during the battle, do those also get destroyed if you can't retreat in time?
Ships have a 25% chance to lose health when they use emergency FTL.There is also a 5% chance that they get destroyed instantly.If the fleets were from different empires one of them may have had the no retreat war doctrine or some other modifier that made it less likely for them to retreat.A starbase could have effected it as well if it was friendly during the second battle but not during the first.
hmm I'll need to switch tags to see what's going on later. They're from the same empire and don't have no retreat, since they can disengage
Well, it seems like the first fleet retreated properly after the 14 days, but the second fleet simply did not press the retreat button for some reason. I tested this some more times and the second fleet would sometimes not engage at all, when I do chase them down they retreat as soon as they're able. Seems like a bug to me when the AI refuses to retreat, guess I have to re fight the war.
how the hell do I manage housing as an organic hive?
do I ACTUALLY have to build warrens?
Purely roleplaying, needs more bonuses like mutual trust and opinon growth bonus for both empires, and even as >>1710216 says, make you go xenophobic with a "you aight" exception.
For some reason occasionally after disengaging the ships just come back into battle while having low health and then promptly get utterly destroyed. It annoyed me when it happened because I had a fleet that I wanted to wear down a stronger fleet with via lots of disengagement chances, only to see that the ships didn't automatically emergency disengage from the battle and instead went back in.
Hive districts should be enough. Other resource districts also provide an extra housing compared to regular empires.
It seems to be this bug. I do remember seeing many enemy ships disengaged with the flag icon next to their name, then end up somehow all getting destroyed by the end.
I'm on version 3.10.3, is this still not fixed in the newest version?
They know their player base and ad a company are leaning hard into becoming an autism/anxiety therapy tool like ViC 3 over a fun RP experience like they used to have, it's a lot of autism fan service and more and more micro for Micros sake.

It's basically useless for RP now because you're spammed with so much sht there's nor way you could possibly keep track of the ongoing research of whatever anomaly or dig you have going or know where it's at or give a shot while replacing 4 leaders and managing 20 planets and important votes and etc.

They aren't wrong tho, autism therapy fanservice is what's popular. Go on any forum an mention it and you'll get some reddit shitteater joke or pun admitting yeah thats the case but I like busy work, etc.
It still happened when I played during this major update and recently someone in a multiplayer session complained that his fleet got obliterated completely.
I don't think they fixed it.
How is that a therapy for anyone? Do I need to be mentally ill to understand it? It's not even the good kind of busywork, like, I dunno, managing traffic in C:S where you can take pride in making it run like clockwork, you're just clicking through events with fantastic options like "yep, got it", "option 1 - give me something, option 2 - give me nothing" and "do you want resources now or a deposit later?".
>3.2 observer game
>the ai expands more and is better
How does Paradox manage to it?
Seems like a pretty major and common occurence to not fix
If you like city skylines aka traffic manager you're probably the same breed of autist but haven't mastered it yet.

As for what people get out of it, that's just what autists enjoy, sorting things, ordering things, minutia/busywoork.

I just complained about it on two forums last week and both times people said that's what they like about the game and they find it fun.

Why God cursed people in this way, I have no idea, perhaps they did something terrible in a past life.

But regardless, paradox has given up on Rpers. If they were driving sales we'd have gotten some more planetary invasion mini games and graphics long ago, and more than 10 ship sets in a game that's been out 10 years.
>If you like city skylines aka traffic manager you're probably the same breed of autist but haven't mastered it yet.
I don't, I simply used it as an example. From my non-autistic perspective, managing traffic or a railway is still a step above mindlessly clicking through events.
Ok I give up.I rolled the back to 3.4 and the Prethoryn colony ships work just fine.But the current versions is fucking broken.The colony ships always turn the planet into infested worls but they are unowned and can't be destroyed via orbital bombardment.Comparing the old version to the current didn't work and the only thing I figured out is that it is not related to the events.But I can't find anything in the defines and other files either.For all I know Paradox added some hardcoded change that broke it.Fuck this game.
It's becouse most vocal people on reddit and their own forums are autistic peoples who want curated experience with lot of things to do. Not sandbox with plenty of tools to make your own adventure.
You can peek at their forum about new ck3 dlc. There are plenty of people who want game to tell you story of your ruler.
For some reason devs can't see forest for trees and just lean more heavily on that direction
Any cool sex mods? Where's the mechanic to fuck da aliens.
Actually managed to finish a full playthrough until 2500.I'm not going to touch this game in the next 2 years.
>machines age
Fuck this shit.Why?Why can't they just upload themself to a new body?Or copy themself and make a backup.
>Habitabilty nerf.
Fuck this too.
>life seeded machines
What is this shit?They are machines.
>Once you finish the tree, you will transition from a pop-limited playstyle into a planet-limited playstyle, as open jobs will be instantly filled with virtual pops as needed, while unemployed virtual pops will be turned off.
Makes no fucking sense.They would still need machines to produce basic resources and alloys which is why normal machine empires have to build their drones instead of having all districts automated.
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holy fuck Virtual pops are going to be so fucking OP
>Let's just turn machines into Lithoids that run on pop assembly instead of pop growth
Bravo, Paradox. Rather than making machines use barren worlds instead of habitable worlds (what use a machine has for a biosphere anyway? it would only be an obstacle) like it has been suggested for years, they are now just metal Lithoids/metal Hiveminds.
>B-but we wanted them to be able to choose Oceanic Paradise/Life-seeded/Void Dwellers/Federation starts
Why? Literally fucking why? Void Dwellers is the only one I sort of get, but you could've just given it to them, it's not that strong anymore. You don't even get anything you wouldn't get from just picking the Voidborne perk anymore. Also who the fuck in their right mind picks Common Ground anyway?
Seems like another tallkek build which will suck because tallkekery is antithetical to 4X as a genre. Granted the penalty being based on colonies rather than pops or systems will make it much more viable than other tallkek options.
>Bravo, Paradox. Rather than making machines use barren worlds instead of habitable worlds (what use a machine has for a biosphere anyway?

>The Framerate when you tell it's gonna have to deal with every single planet in the galaxy being colonizeable, not just the habitable ones.
Do I still get diplo penalties if I exterminate the purifiers that got declared a crisis?
>M-muh framerate
Learn how to code pops first and we'll talk about framerate. A Stellaris pop is like a quarter of a vicky 2 pop in terms of complexity and hits the performance 10 times as hard. Johan even threw some shade of them for this in one of the Tinto Talks diaries.
Yes, you're supposed to be a good boy that peacefully teaches them to love other intelligent life. If you don't wanna tank the hit I guess you could neuter them since that doesn't produce penalties.
Virtual pops are going to suck bad because they'll run into the negatives after 6 colonies. It puts a hard cap on what they can get, and war is probably going to be a bitch because you'll have to decolonize every colony you acquired from a war ASAP
>Parashit is retarded diversity hire jewish corpo
More news at 11
>Potato PC user spotted
Virtual pops could be overpowered to have an early game rush with because you could make the most use of your planets as soon as you can build the buildings and districts but then they'd fall off because they can't make use of more than 6 planets.
>Virtual pops could be overpowered to have an early game rush
Nigga it's an ascension path. If you if you cripple yourself by going into >unity it's gonna be early midgame by the time you can leverage it.
I mean yeah that's what I meant, it could possibly be overpowered if rushed.
There's an origin that starts off with virtual pops so it might be possible to pull off the same shit you can pull off with Teachers of the Shroud and get access to virtual pops within two or three in-game decades depending on how you do your research. Unless they patch that.
I'm pretty sure that one is controlled by a """situation""" so expect a hundred years regardless of your build
Are you unaware of psionic rush? The origin bypasses the normal ascension requirements to let you rush it, which means you can be fully ascended within the first 30 years of the game or less. They're adding a dedicated synth rush origin now so it'll be able to do the same thing.
Now I wonder about a strategy game, solely about managing alerts. You can get >1000 alerts per tick and the game is that you have to manage filtering and sorting system so you can react properly to the most crucial events.

In advanced stage you may have alerts for your alerts system and you have to make system for that and it keeps tumbling down
Vassalize others instead of taking their colonies?
birch world sisters..... our response??????
>Hey let's just remove some of the gameplay that makes MIs unique and turn them into metal people.
Paradox is actually fucking retarded.
>muh voidborn robots
Just say that they are made for zero gravity enviroments and give them a debuff for planets you retards.Why make everything else worse?
>life seeded
That origin only makes sense for bio empires.A machine empire does not need a gaia world and nobody asked for this.A perfect world for a machine empire would be a machine world start and that origin already exists.
What if the life-seeded machines are made of wood and powered by hydro?
We call those plantoids
i get overwhelmed when im trying to make new ship designs or micro my 10,000 planets, ok? dont bully me
I have literally never zoomed in on a battle nor wanted to.
Space "battles" look retarded so you're not missing much
Doing a gimmick shadow council game and I'm still amazed by how genuinely useless espionage is. Yes, Paradox. I would definitely like to spend 100 influence to have a CHANCE of destroying a single defensive platform or starbase building.
why does paranigger insist on nerfing any vaguely powerful bonus or mechanic into the ground?
like, how many people actually play the game in multiplayer?
I've always avoided this game. It gives off a strong gay vibe. I do like the light effects though.
>life seeded
Could be Dr Robotnik style machines which are powered by animals.
Those are just minimechs
>strong gay vibe
All of the big youtubers do, so that's all that the developers know about. Their entire understanding of their playerbase is montu's exploit videos
I truly despise federations. They make it possible for weak empires to stand up to strong empires, but the ai microing a hundred little fleets and sniping systems constantly while you have to deal with each and every one of them is awful. It's not hard. I know I'm going to win. I know that it's going to take until the crisis had destroyed the rest of the galaxy, though.
The robot has its own sentience. Honestly the situation is like the necrophage origin. Animal goes in, machine comes out. I assume you will be able to do that now with the DLC?
Has the game gotten better yet?
It has steadily gotten worse with every patch since Utopia.
>stellaris vtubers and fanbase
So 100-200 at most?
I dislike federations because they're overpowered and gate some cool shit behind them.
>if you want the best trade policy in the game (0.5 energy, 0.2 consumer goods and 0.2 unity per trade unit) you need to be in a mercantile federation
>the most readily available way of getting more research out of research agreements is through a research federation
>free extra damage against the various crisis enemies
>federation fleet can have all sorts of modifiers to allow it to be larger than any other fleet in the game without a problem while having a negligible impact on the federation members' fleet caps
What the fuck are you retards talking about?AI federations are mostly garbage.And if the AI sends smalelr fleets you can just doomstack them and win even if you have less FP total.
Literal imbeciles
Catering to imbecile low iq cattle nigger wokies
Fuck pdx
Imma play Helldivers 2 and palworld
AI federations aren't as OP because the AI isn't very good at the game but that still means a really dragged out war because you are basically going to war with a few AI empires
It's OP in multiplayer though
All of them
All these nigger cattle shitubers
Mod the game if you want to make bearable
Still a piece of shit
Attacking a bad business practice to defend the current plague, good job anon...
And this is how you kill a genre.
You forgot to put the Imperator:Rome logo with the Invictus mod on the chariot to be more based. But otherwise, it looks great.
>>life seeded machines
> What is this shit?They are machines.
hippie robots who see all life as sacred, even plant and animals, are pretty common. same with warforged style wood robots. a life-seeded rogue servitor would also make perfect sense
>It puts a hard cap on what they can get, and war is probably going to be a bitch because you'll have to decolonize every colony you acquired from a war ASAP
Vassals are better than directly ruling colonies on GA anyways, just turn them into scholariums and steal all their cheated science bonuses
Anon, that's literally what my post said. My complaint was that it was tedious and that I had to constantly pause because I had to adjust a dozen fleets to make sure that everything they were throwing away at me had enough hp to survive. That federation was 2/3 of the galaxy and I was demolishing them very slowly. Again, not hard, boring

Plus, 800 fleet capacity without upkeep, so the federation can make a doomstack bigger than anything you can get
Rogue Servitor or Driven Assimilator
Why is it so hard to force your win conditions in wars in this game? It takes like 20+ years to win wars sometimes.
Because actually ending a war involves invading and occupying planets long after you've effectively wiped their navy and won militarily. This is done on purpose to slow down your ability to snowball via conquest, to effectively extend game time. But it's also horribly tedious because there's basically no gameplay involved in ground combat or bombardment and you can just disband ground armies immediately afterwards so there isn't even really an economic element to it either.
If you want a quick war stop trying to force the total abdication/destruction/subordination of their entire nation. Of course they're gonna fight for decades if the wargoal you're trying to enforce is something more than a few border systems
I'm not, I understand that those win conditions should be harder to meet but I'm talking about humiliation and ideological win conditions too. Especially late game what >>1722351 says applies even more, you are just in a never ending state of war much of time especially if you are unlucky and spawn next to a strong civ with ethics hostile to you.
It shouldn't take destroying every enemy planet with a colossus and making the whole galaxy hate you in the process to force a surrender.
Even if you just want one fringe system you have to get them to 100% after 150 years of genociding their entire populace and all of their allies.
Your destroying their entire government and establishing a new one retard, of course they're fighting to the death
You're destroying all of their stockpiled influence and imposing 10% happiness and 33% influence penalties for ten years. You're crippling their ability to expand and causing significant damage to their economy, of course it's difficult dummy.
If you want one system just white peace out retard, you keep all claimed systems on a white peace.
>>1722399 (me)
For that matter, you also liberate a new nation on a white peace for Ideology or Subjugation CBs. So if you can't quite swing a full surrender, you might just have to eat the border gore and turn half their empire into a north-korea situation.
600 and you have to transfer 30% of your naval cap to the federation.It‘s only useful during the early game.It‘s also terrible for larger federations since it scales badly.
This game peaked at 3.6.1 & 2.1.3 & 1.9.1. If I could harness my autism I'd like to make some massive overhauls for each of these versions, particularly 1.9.1, because they each got so close to greatness in different ways but then got forked into oblivion by new devs/new design visions before they could actually achieve it. 1.9.1 is still stellaris at its conceptually strongest, even if it was a complete mess and I find it genuinely sad that it's gone forever.
Man I just miss the old pop system it was simple and retarded but I liked it
Is late game performance still bad?
I would say so but that has been my experience in most Paradox games. I haven't been playing this game for very long so I don't know if it has improved over the long-term.
What mid-game, end-game, and victory year dates do you all set? Been experimenting with 2250, 2300 and 2400 and i'm unsure how i feel about it, felt like the Crisis popped before the galactic community was even able to do anything (no council had even formed yet)
2225, 2500, 3000.
2300, 2600 & 3000 IIRC. Though I've only gotten past 2300 a handfull of times
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>still no references to the Xeelee Sequence
How do I build the ICOG in Stellaris?
That's me
I have a mode that autopauses the game when one of my fleets stop moving so i can give them a new order.
>play on hard difficulty: game is a turtle fest and every battle is just luring them to the fortified star base
>play on medium difficulty: game is too easy and half the galaxy is yours after the first war.
There's no fun with this game, a dozen resources to manage and every dlc/update just introduces more mechanic bloat.
put the game on GA and enable scaling. if you are unironically having trouble with it on hard it's a skill issue.
looks like everyone who predicted the 4th crisis would be the Borg was right.
>synthetic crisis that isn't a rogue killbot or nanite swarm
I mean there weren't really that many possibilities left.
if you're trying to mod late-game starbase fortresses for them to be more viable, among other things, try removing the firing arc from the perdition beam. A lot of the time, the ion cannon would waste their shots at corvettes/frigates, not because they don't have target priority (they do), but simply because they prefer to shoot within their arc rather than rotate to target a preferred target outside of their arc. Makes a huge difference if you can one-shot a battleship at the very start of the battle.
Not to mention that even the hardest difficulty is just you eventually outscaling the AI through extreme cheese, and kissing ass the whole time because a hostile AI as a neighbor on Grand Admiral is an automatic game over
>a hostile AI as a neighbor on Grand Admiral is an automatic game over
Not always, sometimes they vassalize you instead of raping your ass. In which case, you can just fucking cheese the game by demanding resources from them through the vassal contract, and vassalize your overlord after a few decades when you're strong enough. The difficulty in this game really is so fucking strange, even on grand admiral, without scaling, without cheesing, you can comfortably take over the whole galaxy. It's so lukewarm and bizarre.
>just cheat bro
Every new game I try on the hardest difficulty if the enemy is not a genocidal empire they will always subjugate the player, other than that I was only able to beat an AI empire with 12k fleet power 15 years into the game through creeping and defense platforms.
Modding isn't cheating. In fact in general I mod the game to be harder, but also to make more sense. It doesn't make sense for a weapon who fires once every month to be too lazy to turn 5 degrees to fire at the target it wants to fire at, instead of some random corvette.
Since there's no moddable mechanic to tell it to wait until the turn is finished, removing the arc is the only method of achieving this effect, or unless you have some better way of modding it?
The firing arc system is stupid anyway, what purpose does it even serve?
I believe it serves some purpose, but since I'm using the Amazing Space Battles mod as well, the fleets are spread out real wide, so it's very possible for all big enemy ships to sit outside of the initial firing cone of the Ion cannon. This may not be an issue in the vanilla game.
It's supposed to ensure that certain weapons can't kite, and thus tax their effectiveness by forcing you to cover them with a screen of close range ships. However it serves no purpose on a starbase beyond the fact that PDX just copy-pasted the params for the shipborne version.
The real War in Heavy is between your custom human exile empire and the UNE
This should have been the flavour of Lost Colony all along, being a splinter of a Fallen Empire that returns to challenge its progenitor in the endgame. Instead it's just vaguely aping Nexus: TJI without any of the soul.
Mod name?
Autopause on Fleet Idle
Ty anon
What's the current ship meta/cheese
i havent been able to get into stellaris since the pops rework a few years ago. nice to be able to actually play the game on large maps but the the price was too steep for me
It's still just cruisers with massed whirlwind missiles. Pdx hasn't meaningfully changed combat balance in a long while.
Last time I tried despoilers I started next to not one but TWO Advanced Start Democratic Crusaders
democracy is non-negotiable
dis game is ez
Question, What civics, traits, and/or mods allow me to play ad an empire of hikiNEETs?
Fanatic materialist, pacificist. Choose sedentary and low productivity species traits. You could get creative with civics, im not sure off the top of my head.
Xenophobic Isolationist
Probably stuff like Xenophobic Pacifists, so you're Isolationist.
yes but I want them to have an unprofessional/dependent/full-on NEET theme, kinda like rogue servitors but without the robots
Syncretic Evolution and make your main species useless.
So what new marketing tactics will Paradox force into the same in the future after/ontop of the most recent bullshit?
Presumably we're only getting one major expansion per season pass with two fluff packs to follow. At least they were transparent with the roadmap I guess.
As for marketing I'm not sure but it looks like they're going to follow the CK3/V3 formula of having very specific types of expansions to fit into each season.
I mean rogue servitors but you don’t play as robots, Not that there can’t be any robots, I just want to play as a NEET species and empire
be sure to put your dependents on chemical bliss once you research it
Job/resource production penalty does not effect trade or amenities output, and trade can be used to print free consumer goods, unity and energy (all at the same time if in a trade league). This can allow you to put your pops on something like Chemical Bliss and lose no income of those 3 things. Combine this with introverted civics (such as inward perfection) and robots (or maybe a slave species) to work the manual labour jobs, and you can have your entire empire be neets making bank on the stock market whilst others do the heavy lifting. Bonus if you take catalytic converters civic so you only need traders and farmers to power your entire economy, and thus achieve total self-sufficiency.
i thought i bought stellaris, turns out it was starbound lol. Im looking to see if theres new fun games to play but sounds like this isnt one of them lol.
honestly you could probably modify the base files so the fancy Fallen Empire buildings are available to build, then set your pops to chemical bliss living standards. Alternatively you could also code autism a hedonist job-type for your pops to avoid authoritarians malding that you don't have everyone living in slums.
the authoritarian faction is happy with the stratification check if you have a slave population that isn't your main species, though I'm not sure if this applies to robot servants
Only problem is that I dont have a chemical bliss civic or origin so I can start with it. Im using EnC Classic with traits mods and the closest civic would be Pleasure Seekers or Corporate Hedonism but I really want to have a NEET empire.
I dont use the authoritarian ethic, so I don’t really have to worry about them
How do I make the Brotherhood of Steel
It's a simple three step process
>Name your empire after the faction you are trying to re-create
>Try and pick the most fitting traits, civics, ect
>Fail because the right combination of traits, civics, and ethics either doesn't exist or has been arbitrarily banned by pairofcocks
It's pretty easy to make your own traits and civics if none of the vanilla ones match your empire concept. The only tricky part is finding good graphic icons for them.
I haven't played Stellaris in two years and I've had a sudden itch to play it and a full week's holiday to scratch it with. I've been looking around, and it sounds like the game's a trashfire now in pretty much every way- unbalanced DLC that's almost mandatory, janky AI, massive slow down midgame and on. Is it worth reinstalling or should I just go play Endless Space or Galactic Civ instead?
It's just okay.
When compared to other 4x games, Stellaris only has them beat as a sandbox. So not much has really changed in that regard.
Does anyone know how to mod Stellaris so a civic makes you start with a specific living standard, like Pleasure seekers does?
Posting in both threads for an answer.
>C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stellaris\common\species_rights\living_standards\00_living_standards.txt
>line 1333 living_standard_decadent = {
>from = { is_pleasure_seeker = yes }
>ai_will_do = { factor = 10 }
I'm guessing that the starting selection depends on the ai_will_do factor settings.
factor = 1 for normal,
factor = 5 for stratified (when possible)
They way to do this is to add a event that is triggered when the game starts.
You can do this with two files, a on_action to trigger the event and an event file that checks if your country starts with the civic, then adds the policy if so.

Example code
# common/on_actions/custom_on_actions.txt
on_game_start_country = {
events = {

# events/custom_game_start_events.txt
namespace = custom_game_start
country_event = { # Add other country things
id = custom_game_start.1
hide_window = yes

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
if = {
limit = { has_valid_civic = civic_pleasure_seekers }
set_policy = {
policy = living_standard_decadent
cooldown = yes
What a trash game has it become
Don't get me wrong it was shit before
But it was bearable
Now they went full retarded mode
Yeah, never buying anything ever again from parashit
Think I'm done with them
Luckily AI will help Indies to get better strategies than parashit
It's a piece of shit anon
I'm just altogether switching game genres or literally play strategies not from parashit
okay. can I set a modifier for ai_will_do to be 100 for having a civic?
>can I set a modifier
>line 711:
>ai_will_do = {
>factor = 10
>modifier = {
>factor = 0
>NOT = { has_citizenship_type = { country = from type = citizenship_full } }
it's scriptable and I will allow it

>modifier = {
>factor = 0.25
>from = { is_galactic_community_member = yes }
I tried having a modifier with
>ai_will_do = {
>factor = 1
>modifier = {
>factor = 100
>has_valid_civic = civic_my_civic
or even
>has_origin = origin_my_origin
and I didn’t start with a specific living standard, even though I have it available. What am I doing wrong?
Subterranean Hivemind.
But seriously, was just ripping off SotS's warp techs really that hard? It's not difficult to balance asymmetrical travel options
It's just a symptom of a push to symmetry and standardization from other pdx games. They all use the same engine and largely follow the same design concepts because it means their whole company only needs one actual development team and the rest of the work can be handled by game-specific artists and low-skilk "custodian" teams paid a fraction of the salary.
Parashit needs to fail unironically
We need better strategy games
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>machine empires are losing their 100% habitability and instead end up with 75% habitability for their class of planets and 50% habitability everywhere else
>machine leaders are going to suffer from lifespan mechanics and they're no longer immortal, glued to the whim of RNG for whether any will shut down

>machine worlds get double the amount of jobs if the machine empire gets the ascension perk for machine worlds, and machine worlds are getting a coordinator district for unity production
>machine empires are getting their own ascension paths, including a genetic ascension equivalent that unlocks advanced traits
>machine empires might somehow have access to a robot trait that makes the machine leaders immortal anyway
>machine empires with the subterranean origin end up with 100% habitability everywhere
>machine empires no longer suffer from extra colony empire size impact
>normal hiveminds can start the game with -50% penalties from empire size because Divided Attention's effect of reducing colony size impact is replaced with reducing empire size effect by -25%
So how do you all build your ships and fleets? Even months after the rework I struggle to not just forego fleet composition and just spam whirlwind/arc emitter battleships.
the practice to screw up the base game with new dlc it's pretty scammy. the changes that have been made in the past couple of years are pretty minors, impactful if you are a multiplayer minmax try hard, but otherwise forgivable. I would say the only dlc worth play after federations is galactic paragon, the whole leader system it's nonsensical now without it
If i want to become a fallen empire, should I get ZoFE (Zenith of Fallen Empires) or DoA (Dawn of Ascension)?
How do you get 3k research by year 100? I see people describing that as a benchmark but I only get like 500
Simply put, just build more research labs and design your economy around supporting them (with some alloy production on the side so you can still have a decent fleet). The ideal is to have your surplus resource income to be as low as you can manage it without crashing the economy, or even running a deficit in some areas and make up for it by trading.
>new dlc
>no one cares
> machines
I sleep
Real MEN use genetics to create the ultra chad race
Are the ship regen modules actually relevant in combat or are they just for post combat recovery?
Get back to me when they release a bioscience dlc of the same scale, with a flesh church origin.
I don't want to play event chains through popups honestly.
symmetry killed the game
Fuck Paradox, this dlc looks like it has actual content but they are a bunch of scum-sucking vampire cunts always looking for a way to squeeze more money.

Like the 'Season Pass', where people don't even know what half of the content in it is going to be.
>In the middle of om-nom-noming a civ
>Rest of the galaxy declares me a crisis
>My fleets that are bombarding their capital and another world suddenly go "missing in action" and vanish for two years
It's been eight years of development. Eight fucking years. How do they still have basic stupid bugs like this in it? It shouldn't count as their territory if I'm occupying the system, ffs.
>cool new ascension paths
>but they're exclusive to machine "portraits"
I don't get it. Why can't an organic race upload their brains to a big computer? Seems like a really arbitrary restriction.
Saving it for latter dlc.
You can... kinda? The problem is that it's locked behind origin (that with infertility)
Not really.Combat regen doesn't matter since most ship kills late game happen in 1 day .The ship get targeted and either blows up or jumps out.
Then why does it even exist? I really like regenerating or self repairing shit, as a general concept, in sci fi so it's a shame.
It exists for out of combat recovery so that you don't need to send your whole deathball back home to repair after every battle. Once upon a time it DID provide enough recovery to be a factor in combat and had to be judiciously nerfed because it became the unequivocal best module and warped the game around it.
I just wish it was a viable part of some sort of attrition strat is all. Like it in combat it's amped enough to be relevant, but only in combat. Or higher level, ships can be mission killed but if you win the battle they can be brought back online.
>Or higher level, ships can be mission killed but if you win the battle they can be brought back online.
That's already the case.A ship can jump out of combat via emergency FTL and survive with very low hull and can then repair itself after the combat is won or the fleet returns to real space.
I meant every ship with the module, guaranteed if you remove all hostiles from the system, rather than a random chance in general.
Literally playing the game right now: after completing Synthetic tradition as a 'normal' empire, you get a second situation where you get to choose how your empire's society evolves. One set of choices has you go full mind-upload virtual (from what I can tell, you have to choose between two different versions of your current government, one 'physical perfection' and the other 'virtual perfection'). You don't get all the bonuses of the Virtual tradition, but it's still quite good.

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