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Which "post-Westwood" game do you think was the best? (Or the least worst, if you're one of those people)
The answer is obviously generals. Even if it's the odd one out it's generally accepted to be a good game in it's own right.
C&C3 has it's fans but I don't think it's that popular. RA3 is actually still okay, but some of the design is pretty questionable.
I like C&C3+Kane's Wrath the most.
I love C&C3, but I also love Zero Hour. It's hard to choose. I think I have more hours in ZH though.
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RA3 is fucking great and I'm tired of pretending it's not
Generals is the best. The only one that is actually fresh and different, unlike the dogshit sequels banking on previous titles and coming up short.

It has good graphics, the game itself is lacklustre.

C&C3 is my favourite of all those.
I enjoyed playing RA3 but I have an incredibly petty complaint that I have a hard time getting over. That all units look like plastic wind-up toys. The bright flat colours, bulbous features and rattling and shaking animations.
Generals and zero hour by far are the best if those, I can even remember the unit quotes now unlike the rest
>Dragunov downgrades to AKS-74U
RA3 is fairly good mechanically but the bloom is nigh impossible to ditch even with mods, from what I remember. Also
>time travel
except pretty much recursive by now, it's like AIDS grew its own AIDS.
Otherwise yeah, TW/KW are pretty good although not quite the real successors.
Funnily enough, they are all actually really good. I've never really thought about them, together and used to talk about how Westwood is the greatest. But these guys did a good job with the series for the most part. I think probably generals was my favourite of the bunch. Played a lot of RA3 as well though. I wasn't a huge fan of how it felt like C&C3 went backwards in technology from what I remembered in 2.
Generals is the only one i truly enjoyed playing
Probably C&C 3 even though a part of me knows Generals is better.
3 base game, I don't like the expansion. Also Generals sucks.
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what am I looking at
that was from Petroglyph stream 3 hours ago https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2123186761
i wonder if they are implying something..
Generals has kino units and factions, but the campaigns are alright at best. It’s good, but not perfect.

CnC3 is probably the best rounded out of the bunch, no major complaints (Scrin are bit boring, but that’s it) and it’s a kino continuation for Tiberium storyline. Insanely good campaigns.

RA3 is very solid mechanically, but I dock some points for the atrocious artstyle and the way how they took all grittiness out of the story and made the acting cross the hamminess horizon in a bad way. Very solid RTS game, but I wish it was more like RA2 eg. silly but at the same time kind of horrifying instead of looking like a toybox.
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from the same stream
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Aren't you forgetting someone...?
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You just HAD to bring it up?
I wouldn't trust that. I'd also tease and gaslight people in their situation. Still though, if that's true, those are like the 2 things I want from them.
Hachimitsu love
>C&C3 has it's fans
Because it was one of the tiny number of RTS games that got released on PS3. The people that liked it probably never played a CnC game or even an RTS before it.
I liked RA3 and Generals. I still play Generals now. The rest I didn't even bother playing. The Tiberium timeline is so fucking cringe, even for CnC.
Generals, though I enjoyed all of those.
Kane's Wrath was the peak of the whole franchise, Generals is great too but the campaign was awful.
>least worst
Uh, Generals, I guess? They're all the same flavor of shit.
I started the series with RA2 and C&C3 is my favourite
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>the game itself is lacklustre.
I don't care about graphics but I have to agree with you there. The game is great but clearly only half finished and the trainwreck that was Uprising showed how fucked of a state the development has been.

I want EA to properly finish RA3's development so bad, address the bugs and glitches, address the stale faction balance it is not that much. But yeah not likely gonna happen.
Wich game is this one, Red Alert 2 or something else?
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Yuri commands that every anon entering this thread should post a C&C mod image, gif or webm.
Ignorant primate
I don't need matches!
Universe at War
No other game gave the gloomy comfy post-apocalyptic vibes Tiberian Sun did when I was a kid. The feelink of bunkering in your base, not straying far from the lights, and sending scout parties to the bizarre non-earthly world outside

I miss those times. Also, the future was hopeful
CnC 3, it changed enough to be different but also didn't completely erase what CnC did best. RA3 is mildly undercooked but can be fun, generals is also decent but it's clear they only used the CnC name to boost sales. It has no MCVs, no unified build queues, it's just a standard early 3d rts. It shares nothing with any other CnC game apart from a few unit archetypes.
Thing I hate about RA3 is how every unit feels like a whacky kids toy with gimmicky abilities. Especially the allies.

>No normal attack helicopter, but whacky freezy/shrinky helicopter
>a destroyer isn't cool enough by itself, so it has to be amphibious and have bubble shield tech
>remember aegis cruisers? now we have dolphin speedboat thing with pacification ray

Japans naval units were all awesome though. The Japanese battleship was goat.
This is why I was never interested in RA3.
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There was no grit to RA3 because EA is somehow so stupid that they didn't understand that the entire setting of RA is a tribute to 50s sci fi and instead interpreted everything as just XD random quirkiness. How else would you get flying anime girls, gundam mechs and this shit?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrQLmeknYo0
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>muh grittnes
God punished RTS players for in their decadence they defecated on RA3, AoE3 and DoW2
Now they experience their Dark Ages until they learn humility again
>why is the wacky rts game wacky? THIS IS A FUCKING OUTRAGE
Nah, it was WC3 and the dota queers that killed the RTS.
I'm not a fan of RA3 at all, but I'd say they were following the trend set by Yuri's Revenge. As much fun as I had with YR, the story went full retard, and the RA universe was doomed the second they brought back time travel in that opening mission. Although I do enjoy the allusions to it in Mental Omega
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>discharging munitions
Zero Hour is GOAT.
I want pictures. pictures of the mental omega
CnC3 was the most faithful
RA3 may be the most diverse RTS. I believe it's the best of the series for that and the upstanding expansion pack.
Generals was a nice first attempt of a 3D game

CnC4 could've been workable since MOBAs were actually a thing after development despite critics of the time saying otherwise, but EA doesn't understand long term planning despite putting the developers on the spot.

I tried playing it again, it was just as bad as I remembered.
OST is still solid.

I like the Allies being goofy. It compliments the more traditional Soviets.
>I wasn't a huge fan of how it felt like C&C3 went backwards in technology from what I remembered in 2.
They explain it with Nod actually losing this time and GDI rolling out too many pork barrels. Plausible but still lame.
Forgetting what? Did you forget to attach a picture? Ironic.
I started with the original C&C when it was new (and it wasn't my first strategy game either). I recognize that TW is not a proper sequel to TibSun. It's still pretty good.
>because EA is somehow so stupid that they didn't understand that the entire setting of RA is a tribute to 50s sci fi and instead interpreted everything as just XD random quirkiness
They probably looked at how RA to RA2 went and came to the only logical conclusion. 3 is the same to 2 as 2 is to 1. I only ever liked 2 mechanically.
>unironically putting "lol bear cannons fellow ledditors!" shit on the same tier as DoW2
>calling anyone else a fag
C&C is for single player babys.
the pvp is always pretty lame and dull.
tank blob meta.
Yeah, even when I was a kid, I felt that RA2 had spirit close to something like Mars Attacks (which is a 90’s movie, sure, but leans heavily on older scifi cliches). Utterly dumb premise with scenes that are so dumb that even a kid realizes that it’s comedy, but still, it has some actually nasty moments that make it feel more unique than your regular dumbass comedy.
Ah yes, Red Alert 2 was so serious and grim with those giant brains in a jar that mind control people, grey skinned hulks being created by stealing Microsoft's 5G technology,an entire plot revolving around replacing the world leaders with loyal Yuri clones, a moon mission and a battle in Transylvania where you have to destroy Yuri's doom castle.

Such a grim, genre-redefining, trope-subverting, atmospheric, bone chilling, slow burn realistic story.
Most of what you're referring to is from YR, but in general you're right. Giant squids, "crazy ivans" or "chrono legionnaires" are almost as bad.
>grim, genre-redefining, trope-subverting, atmospheric, bone chilling, slow burn realistic story.
It was none of those things of course, but it also wasn't stupid. Red Alert 2 was full of elements inspired by the things from the past that were made with serious intent, but are just silly now in retrospect. That's camp.

Red Alert 3 was just stupid.
I always felt like RA2 was an over the top hollywood blockbuster production, and RA3 was a made for tv SyFy movie.
>hes actually defending the grey hulk clones and giant brain tank as """"serious""""
Holy cope
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>Completely ignoring RA2 to focus on YR
Grim doesn’t mean realistic, especially not in this case. RA2 was a mixture of dumb, hilarious and violent, meanwhile 3 feels like saturday morning cartoon.
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>full of elements inspired by the things from the past
So is RA3. You grew up with RA2, it's understandable that you're a fanboy now. But the game's setting is still retarded.
RA3 is the fast food of C&C. It's flashy and fun. For about 4-5 hours, then you're just sick of it.
Technically Tiberian sun. I think they were owned by EA at that stage although I suppose it was largely still developed as a Westwood game.

Apart from that Generals was the best.
>Fun multiplayer
>Fun campaign
>Did nothing to shit on existing C&Cs

I never liked that it was so different at the time but I gave it a shot and enjoyed it!

Everything after generals dosent merit mentioning because it was fucking crap.
TibSun was developed either mostly or completely before they were bought. RA2 was after. It shows.
>Everything after generals dosent merit mentioning because it was fucking crap.
Joke of a game
Pathetic follow up to Tiberian Sun
Barely worth mentioning
>Pathetic follow up to Tiberian Sun
It's basically fanfic. It's good as a game and bad as a sequel. It has both of
>>Fun multiplayer
>>Fun campaign
that you love "C&C" Generals for.
I have a big soft spot for Generals. It was dumb as shit, but it was really funny. Got lots of good memories of the Shockwave mod too.

I wish we'd gotten a sequel, but considering what it ended up looking like, maybe it's for the best that it died a quiet death.
I always liked the continuing setting, where the world just kept getting worse due to the tiberium infection. Fantastic resource but devastating to all life.
Didn't like the alien reveal, tho.
I fucking hated the Scrin. Ruined C&C3 for me.
Mental omega is the best post-westwood ra2 expansion we never had
I liked the Scrin aesthetically and conceptually, but I hate playing as them and I hate playing against them. They're underpowered unless you spam air, but if you do spam air they're insanely overpowered.
Yeah it's not that they're awful as a concept, just didn't like the way they were implemented. Felt that the campaign really got worse after they showed up. Liked the GDI vs NOD matchups way more.
That game was profoundly terrible
You couldn't create a more franchise-butchering title if you tried
Generals 2 in its botched free to play model mode could've been worse. Canceled though so we'll never know. Also never say that the bottom has been reached with the likes of EA.
I despised the way 3 just did away with all of the tiberium flora and most of the fauna. What a fucking waste.
RA2 was B-movie cheese played sincerely, RA3 was Sharknado-tier redditslop
turning the Eiffel Tower into a giant tesla coil made perfect sense at the time
Like the breathing trees and those strange little blobs? It did include more mutants, though, which was good.
This will not gonna age poorly in the future.
>no glowing tiberium infused plants
>no veinholes
>no fiends
>no floaters even
EA scaled down Tiberium infestation in their game. In addition to many other sins.

Because you expected more than just "hostile alien bugs"?

Have you tried force-firing 2 corruptors at each tripod before sending tripods on an A-move? Granted they'd need AA support but gun walkers are always good to have.
He forgot no ion storms, no widespread mutants, Divination completely abandoned with a fig leaf of "h-hey, at least you get a few infantry upgrades as Nod!" Also blue Tiberium is no longer a potential minefield.
There's not even any tiberium algae on the ocean anymore.
Why couldn't they make the Tiberium mutants act more like a "guard faction" that attacks units when they get too close?

Put them near an important tech structure that you can capture and give you an advantage in combat but you have to take out the mutated creatures around that area who have turned it into their nest.
It's a shitty solution. TW tried that and while better than nothing it isn't good. Something like a subfaction in Emperor might have worked.
I actually like the RA3 campaign quite a bit. The mission count is technically low but they are basically 2-3 missions rolled into one with changing objectives and map. Also a nice variety with missions that require you to move out in time and use different strats, etc. (Well, at least if you opt not to abuse air spam).
Not saying it's a masterpiece, but I think it's not as bad as people claim. However I have to say that the presentation is a big disappointment. In RA2 destroying a base feels great. The tank shots have oomph, the machine guns sound powerful, the buildings bend and break apart. In RA3 most weapon impacts feel like shit (the only one I like are soviet rockets) and the building damage animations feel lazy. I don't mind the naval play or AI co-op, but I do mind that they managed to make a tank push look lame somehow.
Yeah 100% this!

Where's all the shit from TS?! It's just boring green crystal everywhere. The some firestorm missions "genesis pit" and especially "dogma day afternoon" with the crazy cult guy show what the world was turning into. It looked fucking great! And none of that showed up in c&c3.
C&C3 was such utter garbage.
On the plus side UI is much less of a mess, unit pathfinding is much less retarded, there are outposts so you no longer need to place long ass chains of silos to build a refinery near a regrowable Tiberium field, upgrades can give some additional utility to units, and air units don't bellyflop if you don't babysit them hard enough. Mechanically it's a good game. And with trains being sort of there in a few maps, as well as water and ships existing on release, I think the development team wanted to include most or even all features of TS and it was just not meant to be for some reason. Likely funding/EA decision.
Right, it's just all that is fluff in the face of it's flaws.

EA wanted something for esports to make StarCraft money. That's why it ended up a soulless husk of a game compared to it's predecessor.
Soup /vst/, visiting from afar
Haven't played C&C in fuckin decades but suddenly got the desire to play RA2+YR (more accurately, Mental Omega, which I am pleasantly surprised is still the gold standard all these years later).
Now, my understanding is that the Steam Ultimate Collection's version of RA2/YR doesn't work with MO, fantastic, so what's the tl;dr version to getting MO running, assuming I don't have the CDs? I think I have a copy of First Decade on CD somewhere, but desu my newest PC build doesn't even have a CD drive and I'm not that desperate unless there's no other choice. So... is the "Ultimate Collection" on EA's proprietary store afflicted with the same .exe fuckup Steam's version does? I saw something about "just copy over this list of files and any RA2 install will work" but then saw someone on the steam forums report that it didn't work - so how the fuck do I acquire it
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Samefag, haven't played in a decade+*
Also, it wasn't even steam forums, it was leddit. But yeah, I know it's just ten bucks but I don't wanna commit to getting the EA version if I absolutely don't have to (please for the love of christ don't make me have to) but I'm unclear if the Steam version can be made to work as of right now.
>Right, it's just all that is fluff in the face of it's flaws.
I have listed fairly specific points. I could elaborate on UI more but everything else is detailed enough. I'm replaying TibSun right now and those are some of the things I keep thinking about because they would improve QoL by a lot.
Same samefag
No surprise, ledditors are retarded. Shoulda known better. Was able to buy and install the steam version and get it running with the MO team's directions
you can make MO work with the steam version, but you need to use a test fix from their discord
>post a C&C mod image
Was browsing some old mods for RA3, real liked the aesthetic of these units. >>1493104 for Paradox Mod's "Confederate Revolutionaries" and that one with Advance Wars Frontline, yeah.
>no veinholes
Would be cool to see it expanded more than just mere fuel for Nod's exclusive "Chemical Missile." Think in Tiberium essence, they cannot hurt harvesters and just has the x3 economic output compared to the regular green tiberium, also despawns if they are killed.
Harvesters have ImmuneToVeins=yes in TibSun to begin with.
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While I was browsing for crossover mods, was able to find this image with the iconic rebel army (from Metal Slug) as a GLA faction. Honestly, gotta love the classics like the Melty Honey, the Girida-O, and the Iron Iso (think it would function like a post-Palace arty) neat stuff, would also love to have a Metal Slug crossover mod featuring those wacky factions, like the Plotemaics, the ayys, and even the Regulars.
That's a start, would love to know if there can be additional elements to be added to resource fields like those Veinhole monsters. >>1743162 has quite the idea with a neutral guard faction, may be inspired by those jungle creeps but guarding their unit production/reinforcement structure. Real liked these concepts in writing, yeah.
>>No normal attack helicopter, but whacky freezy/shrinky helicopter
>The most overpowered unit of the game that can make literally undefendable rushes even for the top pro players if executed well and practically renders all land units useless.
FUCK OFF! You do not know shit of this game!

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