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Why is the ability to blob bad? If you don't want to do it, just don't.
I don't. I also avoid using meta strats or only picking the "best" units. For single player only.

But it kinda sucks when you have all this income that does nothing for you. Can spend it on buildings but that just leads to more income. The campaign layer becomes superfluous.
This. Eu4 is the best example where where the game only makes sense for playing meta because there is so little to do for larp
A challenging game is better designed than a game you are forced to make rules up for it to be challenging.
Sure, I can just add rules to something until it finally satisfies me, but at that point why not just play a better game that doesn't force you to be the designer?
IRL Nations blob and rape the shit out of tiny or savage states all the time. You can always try playing as them to take down the big bull if you want a challenge, like Venice did for a time against the Ottomans.
because AI isn't competent enough to oppose players and d*velopers are incapable of improving it so they try to gimp you with caps and mana currencies instead
blobbing is fine so long as there are techniques which counter them. If the only solution is another blob the game is bad.
IRL nations are always at risk of imploding should they fail to actively maintain themselves.
Developers are well aware of this, they know they can implement it as a mechanic, but the prevalent philosophy for modern game design is "avoid making the player feel bad".
Okay, so the dominant mode of play is made artificially easy because devs don't want to hurt blobber feelings, and when they inevitably have to balance the game around the assumption that people play using blobber mechanics, this impacts their ability to balance non-blobber playstyles.
In a strategy game, if the optimal way to play is to just mass all your resources and throw it at the enemy, winning purely by virtue of having more, then your game fails to actually be about strategy at all. It's just eco management.

The optimal choice matters in a strategy game because strategy doesn't just imply making choices, but trying to make the best choice in a given circumstance. If you can see that blobbing is the best choice and need to make worse choices in order to experience any of the game's breadth, then you're not making best choices anymore, you're just arbitrarily trying every choice for the sake of trying to make the game work.

The impetus to find best choices in a situation where there is no perfect choice is the definitive feature of strategic decision-making as opposed to the kind of decision-making central to a roleplaying game. Blobbing is a failure state of strategy game design.
Because there is no consequence to doing so, and and nothing else to do. EU4 is boring.
>the optimal way to play is to just mass all your resources and throw it at the enemy, winning purely by virtue of having more
That's every genre of strategy game though, only RTS is an exception solely because of rush tactics. Do strategy games not actually exist?
That is how military strategy has usually worked in real life too. Side with less resources typically wins only if factors like location or domestic situation of enemy makes committing those resources too expensive and politically difficult to be worth it.
Blobbing isn't bad, it's just too easy to do and wouldn't really work that way IRL. The only time blobbing worked in history is like, I dunno, the German Reich taking France by pooling like 95% of their military in one spot, or the first Gulf War. Otherwise, wars were protracted, and more nuanced, than "I GOT MORE I WIN :D ". History is filled with big superior armies getting their shit kicked in. It's virtually impossible to lose with a larger army in a paradox title, though.

I shouldn't be able to launch Carthage into Martian orbit with Cyrenaica just by stockpiling gold and then zerg rushing with mercenaries. But I do that every time and it always works.
>only RTS is an exception solely because of rush tactics
>solely because of rush tactics
I'm going to hurt you.
>Do strategy games not actually exist?
Yeah. Any game where you have a set army and don't get reinforcements, and winning or losing is dependent on what you do with what you have.

Ie: Myth and Myth 2.
Yeah just like Rome at Cannae.
Give players the means to enforce ethnic purity and this wouldn't be a problem. But kiked developers never allow this.
The only downside to blobby is AE and magic admin points lost. At least in Imperator you received pretty heavy internal malus from AE, and if you blobby into foreign cultures they will despise you and often rip your gigablob apart from within. It was always funny how in EU4 you could directly annex the whole of France or something with little penalty.
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Fucking blobers man, why can't they just play realistic?
Blobbing and map-painting refer to a when expansion becomes so trivial it's indistinguishable from just literally pulling out a map and a brush and starting painting it your color. I think we can both agree that's extremely boring.
They can, they just don't want to. Because people who want the game to be easy are a majority of their customer base.
The sad part is you can't blob this hard in paradox games.
You can't take over America like the Spanish did.
You can't even circumnavigate by the time the Portuguese did.
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>rapid conquest is unrealist-ACK!
Tallbros, I don't think our shitty OPM is going to cut it..
IRL nations blob but eventually tend to fragment to varying degrees. Players get really pissy if their nation breaks apart and they aren't able to easily bring it back together.
Which is why you genocide/indoctrinate the conquered population and brutally exterminate all rebellious elements while also assassinating all claimants to your blob.
Many empires dealt with Seperatist movements but in parajew games you are encouraged to just pre-emptively genocide these problems away.
AND the only reason any of those succeed was foreign powers, without the f*ench, america would still be british, without g*rms all of africa, india and other asian colonies would also still be on the empire
>Blobbing and map-painting refer to a when expansion becomes so trivial it's indistinguishable from just literally pulling out a map and a brush and starting painting it your color. I think we can both agree that's extremely boring.
So true, I really don't understand how people have the patience to do WC, once you defeated everyone who could resist you, is just a boring cookie clicking to conquer the rest of the world
Because blobbing is merely a symptom of bad game design.
It makes MP faggots screech about balance, and make the game worse like the retards they are, making Paradox studios act unwise.
Don't get me wrong, idgaf about game being restrictive of blobbing as long as it doesn't give me arbitrary walls, instead of hoops of hoops to jump through.
Fitna Fracture was one of the most popular mods on the ck2 page
MP balance on vanilla must be the most retarded idea ever envisioned.
These niggers are the reason why colonizaton is cancer while abos have better troops than Napoleonic France.
Rent free, download m&t 11.0 if you dont like it
The French suffered their own fragmentation with their nominal vassals the dukes of Burgundy growing independent-minded and strong enough to pursue their own policies to the detriment of the French crown.
And the only motivation in that case was the alienation of the Burgundy-Valois from the royal inner circle, no foreign power needed.
Not the same thing though, those were europeans dealing with other europeans oppressing them, unlike subhumans from other continents who have no IQ to deal with europeans without foreign interference
>Only thing to do in game is to blob
>Just don't blob lol
Yeah that's why I no longer play paradox's games
It's too easy and therefore boring. If you don't realize this then you must be a low IQ retard.
to be fair, the next step in africa is to go left or right and blob it
the problem with this that in real life, borders are not as defined. Once your taxman and cop leaves, that land is as good as independent until they return; unlike in games where whatever you paint you personally hold.
That's the British empire in the 1800. If you can't blob has hard as that by the endgame with any random nation you might be bad at the game
>not pictured:
>the player spending the first 4600 years as an irrelevant OPM waiting for the nearby Empires to implode
also not pictured
>imploding after 100 years
>not pictured: the Umayyad caliphate fragmenting in 750

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