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I'm very curious if Pink Panzer has learned anything since TNO. Has he finally learned to respect his players' time by not bothering them with unnecessary text in a strategy game, or has the new game given him new opportunities to spread his unbridled need for graphomania?
Unfun failed mod for an unfun failed game
you will never be a woman just like he won't
raise the 41% and leave this board
He doesn't write shit.
In scale 1-10, how much trannymentality has this mod?

In other words, if this dark fantasy are hiding underneath a PhilosophyTube cringe?

How so? So who writes the mod? And what is PinkPanzer role in this?
like a solid 3.5-4
TNO is literally about the text tho
the wars are just fun little minigames you can play while waiting for the next text
Yes. So how things goes with Godherja?
>So who writes the mod?
Designated writers.
>And what is PinkPanzer role in this?
Afaik he codes stuff, coordinates the team and creates the lore.
It's fun lore?
Its stupid shit about how everything is pointless because a thick mist will spread and eat you all. Lots of "cool character potential" plotpoints, but in-game they are all "designed to loose" shit that need challange-runs which don't even get any real flavor events.
It tries to be TNO in CK3 but fails in every aspect.
Who is the wholesome chungus socdem character in this mod
So again Panzer is doing something potentially cool, organizing people around him who maintain the impression of this cool factor, but the game itself is a heavy loreblooded slog?

Actually, I shouldn't be surprised.
It doesn't even succeed in having cool lore, TNO has the three-way cold war between Americans, Germans and the Japanese, Anbennar has a whole lot of cool things you can latch onto, Godherja really doesn't have anything actually interesting, the mist from the dead god that will kill everyone and the Fantasy Aurelian aren't enough to make me care.
Panzerites should be mass exterminated
hoi4fags should be mass exterminated, period
Goherja HoI4 mod when?
Hold on, Troonzer make Anbennar too?
He didn't, I just gave it as an example of a fantasy mod.
fpbp, thepinktroonzer hasn't made shit since TNO and no one likes xer new mod
There's a fat female not-Roman general that wants to reform the not-Roman society to not be evil slavers who dickride magic users.
There's a self-insert hardened tough mercenary in the not-France that has a claim on the throne and is down to earth unlike dem nobles.
There are 4 not-Crusader states that all base their faiths around a distorted religion which originally was big chungus and wanted to change not-Rome for the better, but got twisted and exiled to kill not-Arabs. You can restore it to be big chungus again
Everyone else is mid, minus the few kill-peopleists, like a designed-to-lose not-Roman general that wants to genocide all the migrating not-Slavs or a not-Hungarian that wants to genocide all the not-Romans for fucking up not-Hungary
What's with Panzer's obsession with killpeopleism?
How to be real Roman in this mod and kill all fags and sandniggers?
every troon is a chud deep down
thats why they all have overlapping interests and are all autistic
And if I want to play as a not!Roman killpeopleist, how's the larp forecast looing for that sort of thing?
You can kinda restore the Aversarian Empire, even as the dude who ruined the whole world, but it doesn't really have that much shit, you have to beat panzer's wholesome enlightened barbarian invader OC which is borderline impossible without exploits and panzer keeps harping on and on about how Aversaria is doomed and lost forever and ever (and that's a good thing!!!) and any resurgent Aversaria will be just pathetic LARPers who'll never match the past. In case he was being too subtle, he also literally stated that half the basis for the mod is his hateboner for romeaboos.
Once again, his resentments are more important than the gameplay.
There is any trans character in this mod?
Yes actually, there is a book about a mage who became trans and how it's a stunning and brave display of both magic prowess and individuality.
It's she/her chud
He is a killpeopleist irl, he was in Atomwaffen.
He is post-nazi trans pedo-zoophile. And God's knows whats more.
Sounds like a lolcow in the making
not text or story heavy whatsoever, it s a fun crusader kings sandbox
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what do you think of the new map
Its gonna have circles
because elf highways and roundabouts or something
I hate it in Anbennar and I hate it here, at least in Anbennar it's only a single circle caused by a magic nuke, not a dozen.
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I wonder why panzer thought that his cartoonishly evil nazi mages culture doomed for failure was good grounds for trans representation.
Is Panzer actually a tranny now?
Whoa that’s really gay. It annoys me that the redditors all follow the same shitty fantasy tropes. I’d rather they just use traditional Tolkien stuff rather than this gay circle meme, it’s distracting and cringe in anbennar too. I look at it and realize I’m playing something from the mind of a Reddit swine rather then an alternate real world
I prefer the old map before the eyesore islands were added.
Yes. It's LonelyKnightess now btw, chuddie.
What an odd name to pick. He didn't transition because he was lonely IRL, did he?
He first changed his name to LonelyKnight, then one day he transitioned it to LonelyKnightess.
That's cringe. Isn't knight technically a gender neutral term in the first place?
At least he's honest about why he transitioned.
Why are there so many islands?
This looks like shit
The setting is tailor made for people like me that enjoy Late Antiquity, collapsing worlds and fantasyshit. Unfortunately the troonery suffocates the narrative and the world and as ever with these 'people' the spite leaks through like blood through a neogina.
Trannies are nature's clowns.
Even the dead God whose decaying body is responsible for producing the world-ending fog has they/them pronouns, lmao.
I would accept "it" as something human minds can't grasp but the they/them thing is obvious non-binary-type shit.
It's my favorite mod, and I love the setting, if you wish to kill Cenware, use a lot of magic to either kill him or get a bigger and stronger army.
>use a lot of magic
Eventually gonna be """fixed""" as they'll make his court mage btfo and Freddy Krueger you if you try to cast anything on Cenware.
>bigger and stronger army
Yeah, so you're doomed if you play any of the actually interesting Aversarians and don't want to abuse the betrothal exploit.
Panzer's OC is so grimdark it makes 40k look like the teletubbies
In a grimdark world of Godherja the is no place for up-to-date patch...
The lore is so fucking boring and generic. Literally everything in it you can point at and immediately see what it was plagiarized from.
> immediately see what it was plagiarized from.
Who cares? Genuine midwit normie criticism.

Fantasy settings that steal good things from other settings are kino. Trying to be original is cringe and a fools errand. If you can steal cool shit from everyone and make a nice coherent setting, it’s good, like old warhammer fantasy. It’s all about the execution, because if you do it badly, then it’s just a Chris Chan comic.
The irony of the braindead regurgitation of your received opinion is palpable
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>puts wakanda into your 13th century its actually 11th century setting
Why do they even bother invading north, then? If they have an entire continent's worth of land why do they even need any more? Is Panzer implying that blacks are violent expansionists?
Does Panzer wear makeup and shit at least. does she look cute
warhammer fantasy doesn't deserve that
IIRC Panzer said that the invasion is just the biggest backwater (still the counties with best development on the map btw) of the niggerpunk empire going at it solo.
Aren't there events detailing the fucking collapse of the niggerpunk empire if you manage to defeat the invasion?
Anbennar isn't all that fantastic but this is just Anbennar at home.
Godherja is better than Anbennar.
I think the guy leading it just gets executed and niggers start screeching at each other now that people see that they aren't actually invincible even in this pointless skirmish by their standards.
It really isn't.
Oh, right the collapse isn't actually connected to the invasion at all.
The setting and writing are better, the gameplay isn't.
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Imagine thinking they could hold it together long enough for that to be a problem.
Grimdarkness of the setting seems really overstated when you actually look into how it is. Like, the only actual grimdrep of it is le fog and Aversaria, and the first is not as much of a factor in gameplay and most of the stories as it should be, while the second has already fallen and is canonically doomed to be overtaken by le wholesome barbarians. And even in Aversaria there are several bookmark characters who are far too wholesome for the culture they belong to. The rest of the setting is just bog-standard fantasy.
Historical determinism wins again.
Now that I think of it, actually even the fog is a nothingburger, by the next planned bookmark which is just 40 or 50 years later it has slowed down incredibly if not stopped completely. What's even the point of this whole thing other that Migration Period but edgier?
God is dead, reality is falling apart at the seams.
He was dead for like a gajillion years already and everyone was fine though.
It's they/them, chud.
This seems like extremely petty asskissing.
>hey, nigg- I mean black people, we know you historically got the short straw with malaria and lack of advancement past the tribal organisation phase of society and getting colonised and so on
>so we put a continent-spanning super-empire for you in our ostensibly grimdark fantasy setting
I'm just stating a fact of the setting, as faggy as they are.
>TNO made fun of slavo-aryanism
>godherja's wholesome chungus sjalvolki are literally slavo-aryans
What the fuck did PinkTranzer mean by this?
You should look at everything >she does through the lense of >her trying to atone for >her former association with Stormfront or some other boomer neo-nazi organisation.
>nazis HAET slav... i must make the barbarians who destroy the evil greco-roman not-nazi empire slavic..
Yet he still can't help but make chudland the centerpice the entire setting revolves around while the germano-slavs get...uhhh...ummm...
Muh imperrech, mufuggah.
>People doesn't change. PinkoPanther still has his nazimindset.
"Don't" you fag

But yes.
Hello ESL.
Hello :)
>Did Pink Panzer learn anything?
He trooned out so if anything he regressed.
How is this a troon? "It's" a male.
Chuds make the best trannies.
To be "best" you need to be "good" at first. Trannies never been even mediocre. That's their main problem.
Hello ESL.
Hello :)
He's not wrong, though.
>t. Jacob Zaborowski
Sure thing Jacob Zaborowski.
See >>1735661, every troon is a chud deep down.
No. Some chuds are troons. Some chuds are nazi. Some chuds are nazi troons.

Like PinkPanzer.

But also - some troons aren't chuds. Some troons aren't nazi. In fact, most of them.

Like creator of Princes of Darkness Mod for Crusader Kings 3.
>Like creator of Princes of Darkness Mod for Crusader Kings 3.
sparc is a guy though?
All autists have the CHUD gene in them.
I heard Lonely Knightess (ThePinkPanzer) was a stormfront user. Anyone here have proof?
Man, he could at least try. It's not hard to work on your voice, you just have to do it for many hours. Fucking weirdos do it for the meme on vrchat all the time, so there's no excuse.
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>fuck im trans im going to win so many more internet arguments now
>Godherja is having a crossover with Warsim out of all possible things
>That's an actual quote
I'm not surprised this moron trooned out. He seems really susceptible to other influences
The mod crashes when I tried it. So its still not updated? Fucking hell
And this gives you power over me?
Mentally ill freaks
>some troons aren't chuds. Some troons aren't nazi. In fact, most of them.
prove it
we've looked at the data and it suggests otherwise
blame pacifica
>Aautokratir restoration LARP
Depends. Do you want it to do the easy way or the hard way?
nigga how is an arverserian re-establishing the arverserian state a larp
LonelyNiggress is extremely insistent that any resurgent Aversarian state will be one only in name, it institutions forever gone and the cultures that once formed it having already hopelessly diverged by that point. He set out to mock the RETVRN crowd by making it impossible to RETVRN. So clever!
That's not how institutions work.
troonzee is extraordinarily petty, lmao
i don't care, the sjalvolki WILL be removed and the fog WILL be halted
Didn't it just become destroyed? Not even a generation passed? The guy who did it is even alive, albeit an older vampire, but he's like what, 100?
Old Aversaria was already apparently a very decentralized entity where every Governorship was more like an empire of its own formally answering to the Autokratir, and now like 80% of its population got killed by the magic nuke, its slave economy is dead, all of the state-wide institutions blew up and the main pretenders pretty much all have no interest in bringing it back as it was before politically, if it's even possible.
>arversaria is dead and that's a good thing(trademark)
Why would anyone want to revive that exact political setup?
The nobles in general had a pretty good thing going on there desu.
You're playing right into xir hands.
>aristocratic slaver xenophobic regime bad
b-but i want my mappies...
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It's okay, tranzer said it's fine to enjoy fascist things as long you feel (slightly (not really at all)) guilty about it!
based and truthpilled tranny
Imagine being this guy's father
Maybe on planet retard.
From the mind that brought you Rick and Morty bestiality.
What did the Romeaboos do to piss this man off so much?
b-but i have third positionist tendencies though....
position yourself on my dick
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Did you love it, bros?
>What did the Romeaboos do to piss this man off so much?
Have popular opinions? That's not something PinkTroonzer can relate to.
How bad is the discord?
Not a good look Jacob Zaborowski!
Has he learned how to make UI that doesn't burn you eyes?
>panzer keeps harping on and on about how Aversaria is doomed and lost forever and ever
He clearly doesn't realize that this just makes people, including non-romaboos, want to restore the Aversarian Empire more.
.Stupid 4chan that describes exactly what I'm doing!
People are suckers for lost causes, yeah.
>the CSA
>Nazi Germany
>the USSR
I could go on.
>the upcoming update is literally just killworldism with killsunism characteristics
>panzer tries to make it seem not as cartoonishly evil as it is with "but what if le light...is le bad?" posting
The terraforming stuff does sound pretty cool.though desu.
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The main feature of the next update are the Redlands loonies worshiping the void demons. Their endgame involves freezing the world and killing the sun. Panzer tries to present as if it not were an obviously evil thing to do by going
>what if light...le bad? Cops are light!
and similarly retarded shit.
Ugh, too fantasy for me
why the fuck
does he like to
talk like
>cops and fascists
I love how comically obvious it is this guy gets all his fucking takes from Vaush.
Bet his hatred of Romaboos comes from him playing New Vegas once and seething about the Legion.
He's incapable of maintaining a coherent thought for longer than 2 seconds, so he immediately presses enter to send the message as soon as his brain empties itself out.
cute tranny
Caesar's Larpers are just a rapehorde though, beyond aesthetics they're closer to Mongols than Rome in how they function, even the alleged benefits (muh safe trade routes) are straight out of the "the Mongols were good, actually" playbook. Also it would be rather ironic for troonzer to have a problem with the most gay-friendly faction in the game.
The legion kills homos. They are quite possibly the least gay friendly faction in the game
They might indeed kill homos, but then, boys aren't men, are they?
The NCR fag at the outpost literally says this
>This isn't the Republic. Oddly enough, Legion's a little more forgiving about... friendships
Also one of the manwhores in the game is some centurion's former boytoy. They put on airs, but extreme misogyny and faggotry always go hand in hand, that's why it was so common in Greece with its near-Muslim attitude to women, and a lot less common in Rome, the real Rome, that is.
The ncr fag has no clue what goes on in the legion. The former legion boytoy says that his master was going to kill him because he would have been put to death if the other legionaries found out about them.
>Also it would be rather ironic
The man's whole life is already just a really long joke.
Mongols with pseudo-Roman aesthetics are based. I'm sorry.

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