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>It's literally just a glorified AoE2 mod
How did you feel when you found this out?
>that explains why it's so lame, unimpressive and unsatisfying
It said as much in the instruction manual, so I was like "oh, ok" as I waited for it to install.
I would love it so much to see high ELO tournaments of this game. Sadly it would probably all be fire trooper or light mech rushes, but the late game has kino potential from what I recal from campaigns. Its sort of like AoM where everything is a counter unit that melts instantly to something else, but turned up to eleven, exacerbated by almost everyone being ranged. It truly feels like a high-vantage modern warfare RTS just due to how static and very rarely blitzy it is, with combined arms being the key.
I thought everyone always knew that
I never played Age of Empires 2 as a kid or rather let me rephrase that - this was my Age of Empires 2 as a kid and since I was a big star wars fan I was completely ok with that. Probably why I was let down when I played Age of Empires 2 a few years later for the first time.
yeah, but star wars was cool.

can't slaughter wookies in any other game.
Would buy it again if they made a remaster with more factions.
Yes? played it just yesterday with the expanding fronts mod and had a blaster as always
Me too. I wanted AOE2 but my parents wouldn't buy it for me because my dad was on an anti-microsoft crusade. Galactic Battlegrounds having essentially the same gameplay but not being made by Microsoft was a godsend in my specific circumstances.
Later as an adult I bought aoe2 myself and also got let down. I prefer GB's factions and balance a lot more.
I played this before AOE2 so the revelation was the other way around for me
I played it semi-recently and liked it better AoE2. Unlike 2, it seems balanced around trash unit use so in the campaign you weren't completely shafted by scarce resources and could pull off satisfying human wave attacks - and the nova-costing units were oddly situational in the first place.
Siege units, like the battering ram equivalent, were lame because half of the units in game could beat them in range combat, though it was nice that the 'mangonels' could outrange defensive towers.
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>Satisfying human wave attacks
>Remember the Republic campaign mission to retake Sarapin
>Remember the Second Battle of Krant
I made Order No. 66 look like Order No. 227. A meatwave of clones with a support of fighters and cruisers that did the actual heavy duty of sieging down the bases. It was both hellish and satisfying.
Troopers are an odd unit. Very cheap, very delicate, but the damage is kinda good against most targets so with superior numbers then can burst down anything. Plus some unique techs give them big boosts.
why would i ever want to play janky and buggy OG aoe2 reskin, are there people who care about SW universe this much?
I don’t care what people say, Galactic Battlegrounds was kino.
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Why wouldn't I want to play a decent aoe2 reskin with submarines and stealth planes, are there people who dislike the SW universe this much?

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What do you guys think about Expanding Fronts?
Probably one of the better big expansion mods for a game I've seen. It adds more content, adds balance that doesn't absolutely fuck things. No OC bullshit nor tries to make it a different game.
I honestly like GBG more than AoE2.
Why anon?
Sev'rance Tann was way better than Ventress
never got into using them, at least against AI, since they get shredded by mechs and the only potencially useful trooper, the grenadier, is rendered useless by the AI's perfect micro
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>No OC bullshit
Debatable, the addition of the zann consortium/black sun/disney element still count as OC bullshit even if it has the official stamp on it.
The separation of the confed and the genosians is also weird since they made genosians a full-blown faction too.

Credit where credit is due, the boys really went above and beyond to emulate the artstyle, fix the AI and campaigns and make the game actually run correctly on modern hardware unlike the disgraceful abortion that is being sold on steam.
I dunno, when I did the campaigns last summer, it felt like every unit gets shredded just as hard, and troopers are just the best due to being cheapest. Maybe I missed something, but I never found a deathball comp for late game, instead choosing a methodical slow advance with siege and air units countering anything that the troopers can't.
I think they went overboard a bit. Not in terms of OC, but faction identity. Original was great because all the factions were so diverese. Black Sun / Zann should probably have been a single faction of Underworld, or something like that. Same for Remnant / New Order and Resitance / New Republic.
>zann consortium and black sun
If your definition of "OC bullshit" is "video game made years ago with the help of Lucasarts" you're going to get a long backlog of that. You'd be better off complaining to the devs of Shadows of the Empire and Forces of Corruption.

I think it makes sense here. We already have Gungans and Wookiees, I don't see why we can't have another dedicated alien faction.
Wookiees and Gungans were helped by having dedicated campaigns, made them feel more justified
Honestly Royal Naboo felt more like the odd duck at the time because they're really only there to be Trade Federation fodder

On that note I wouldn't mind Expanding Fronts campaigns, feels like a lot of potential there
>Same for Remnant / New Order and Resitance / New Republic.
They're separate canons, it's better that they're different factions
You satisfy the people who only like the one canon and you satisfy the people who want to have both fight it out
The biggest 40k Dawn of War mod has samurai, genshin impact characters, and various other anime characters with a full faction full of OC bullshit.
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>Play Age of Empires 2
>Go to skirmish
>Begin game
>While game is loading, switch out AoE2 disk for SW:GB
>Game starts normally, but get Star Wars OST instead
I liked Galactic Battlegrounds anyways. The fact that it runs on the AoE2 engine is the reason why I wanted to get the game anyways.
Back in the day I found this game before I found the existence of AoEII, so for me AoE was a mod of it
Whataboutism also that sounds based
>Answers why he doesn't consider official things canon
I'm pretty sure Geonosians were added to make use of the original Confederation's architecture style which was base all on Geonosian architecture because the expansion came out around the same time as Episode II and that was all the devs had to work with. It would be just a waste to throw it all into trash.
>Expanding Fronts adds things that were previously Star Wars or are Star Wars but people hate
>Unification or whatever has things that have nothing to do with Warhammer whatsoever
I'm not exactly sure these are comparable to begin with
Unless you're saying that ANY addition to the base content is "OC bullshit" which is A) not how people are using that term and 2) nobody gives a shit about that as an issue, what else would anyone be expecting from a mod like this
It's a longshot but I hope someday we'll get the Yuuzhan Vong. Awful storytelling but good potential for fun units.
There's a whole bunch of potential cool factions
Hoping for some KOTOR1/2 stuff myself
I'm hesitant to it because I want to first experience the campaigns as they were in the original game. Even if it's unbalanced. This said I wouldn't mind a bigger resolution.
You can play them without it. There's a bunch of options for whether you want the balance patches applied so you can have the resolution fixes without changes.
I used dozens of trooper troopers mixed in with strike mechs as a generic strike force, you could never have too many. Rather cost effective when fully upgraded.
Grenadiers were situational. They cost nova, which made them far less frugal. They would only get really good when fully upgraded, and even then they'd fold to strike mechs and mech destroyer - both trash units. Their niche, tho, was obliterating assault mechs and they did it so damn well.
Never could find use for mounted troopers. Even in Tech 2 they feel lacking.
Realistically, what would be the multiplayer meta? At first I thought strike mech rush, but wouldn't trooper rush be kind of unbeatable? You pump out troopers and later grenadiers and the opponenr can't do shit while you destroy their eco. Its kind of like archer rush, but with no skirms and mangos that get blown up by a new archery range unit easily. I guess then the only counterplay would be very early walling and getting some troopers your self while you rush TL3 and get... I honestly don't know, as Troop Centre has counters for everything. I guess cannons are a good choice, as they have big health in GB?
Thoughts on this update?
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>Play Galactic Battlegrounds
>Find out about AoE 2
>It's basically a boring Galactic Battlegrounds
>AoE 3 comes out and completely blows it out the water
AoE 2 was never that good. Easily outdone by Age of Mythology and Rise of Nations.
>Not buffing the Troop centric factions with this upgrade
The Confederacy will hear about this.
Confederacy still have the droid upgrade that increases their health and damage, its just that its at TL4 instead of 3.
There's a reason why I said troop centric factions. It's the biggest benefit to them but now everyone else is evening the gap and that's a tad annoying.
How did Jedi/Sith work in this game again? They were monks, but they could also attack shit like AOE2 infantry right?
Lovely game. Spent so much time messing about in it as a kid

Yeah they're monks but they can actually fight back. You could also make bounty hunters that counter the force users iirc
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Only way I play anymore

I like it, it gives stormtroopers and clones some more utility. Black Sun troopers are now the best in the game, beat for beat.
I bet you'll be pissed if Mandalorians or Trandoshans get in, huh?
They have all the abilities of an AoE 2 monk; the research items in the jedi temple are copied almost exactly from the monastery. They also get a decently powerful melee attack and the Jedi master is one of if not the tankiest unit, regenerates health, and some factions can research cloak that turns them invisible when not attacking. I think bounty hunters built at the castle are the only unit with a notable damage bonus against them.
Sure, gives them part of their health boost in TL3, makes sense
Sure, they're all trooper civs. It's nice that troops in full armor get a little extra HP so they aren't going down like they wear plain clothes.
...Huh. The Resistance gets it but New Republic doesn't.
Got to have some variety. New Republic can be justified as being a peacekeeping force and the Imperial Remnant using scraps.
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AoE2 is a shitty mod for SWGB
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>its an awesome mod to an awesome game
They can't heal, there's designated medic units for that.
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Will they change the Republic mech graphics? They already exist in the scenario editor as separate units.
I just want Company of Heroes Star Wars and another good pod racing game
That's it
But I might as well ask the Sun to be made out of sticks
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The discount makes up for it largely.

I've gotta say, the New Republic is such a badass civ.
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>fans asking the ef dev team to add in mandalorians or trandoshans as a new faction
>meanwhile i just want the pentastar alignment mainly because they can just use the episode 3/late clone wars era stuff that already exists in the editor for their units
I don't know who wanted Trandoshans as a faction but I'm now a believer.
I think they had a poll recently, with the top 6 wanted civs being
>Sith Empire
>Yuuzhan Vong
>Old Republic tied with Umbarans
This isn't 100% confirmed, but Trandoshans were going to be in the game originally. However, due to time constraints, only a few assets were made so they were turned into a campaign-only enemy that was using Imperial tech. That is based on what I know and heard, which is already a rumor at best.
Would make sense. Maybe the training campaign was intended to be Wookiees vs Trandoshans?
Link please?

So that's why the gog version has no music.
"cool, how can I get vader to cut down hundreds of rebels immediately"
My personal theory is they had to swap it to the Trade Federation to fit any tie ins they could have to the Kashyyyk battle in ROTS.

Yes, I know it was made before 3, but they had the snail tank showing up in there too. They must've had it planned in advance.
The Royal Naboo are the best civ
>my dad was on an anti-microsoft crusade
Based pops.
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I think it's pretty cool, just got around to trying the new update yesterday
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>tfw the vanilla factions still have one unique unit only compared to the others

They need some love.
"cool game" then proceeded to play and enjoy it
The probot is right there
And the New Republic only has the V-wing
You probably wouldn't want to go overboard to keep the AoE spirit of the game but it could be fun
I'd be interested in some unique buildings, truly alien cultures have a lot of potential for that stuff
Man the probot used to be so ass in the original game. Couldn't even float above freakin water.
Yeah but Liam neeson
I played this as a kid but never played AoE2 until recently.
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Is there a mechanic to impose Imperial Humano-centrism?

They were probably gonna use them in the last wookie campaign too, at least for portions of it.


Snail tanks came in clone campaigns after original release. The 2001 original factions are interesting because they were made in that weird 1998-2002 prequel era before attack of the clones came out where we still hadn't seen the actual clone wars or a republic army. All we had was the trade federation, the jedi, and the naboo.
I have more fun with this game than with AoEII
I love it solely for allowing me to make Ewoks and Gungans slaughter eachother for my personal amusement.

Take the motherfucking elephant!
Didn't even know this game had Ewoks.
>He never used the cheat code ewoks
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>or the map editor the best part of the game
Expanding Fronts lets you recruit Ewoks on their Endor map. They can actually be pretty vicious.
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>EF now has a shitload of mandalorians in the editor, including mandalorian troopers
Something tells me they’re coming next.
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>Mandalorian, Trandoshan, Mon Calamari, and Chiss troopers exist now too
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Is that so?
Artillery suck when you have AT-ATs.
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>Not Hutt Cartel
Black sun already exist before Disney takeover
You'd really rather see them before anyone else?
kek the fucking boba feet on rancor. Wish they wouldn't validate this shitshow's existence
Same could be said for prequel shit. There are 6, half a dozen, civs for the prequels alone.
Boba feet on rancor is kino!
Hope we get similar treatment for other Star Wars animals like the Acklay? I really want to see a badass character riding one!
Yes, I would like to see the "third faction" of the original trilogy, even more so when they added the other criminal cartels and Disney shit first for some fucking reason
LOL based.
At the time, my dad was ... just a dad.
You realize of course that it wouldn't be just Jabba the Civ, right?
>the "third faction" of the original trilogy
That's Black Sun.
As a kid I really enjoyed the toybox nature of map editors in games so having more to play with seems like a good deal, even if I'd never use them for their "intended" purpose
If I want to have a scenario where Boba Fett comes out on a Rancor and goes Hunting Unlimited on Gungans now I can finally do that
Also helps with these old games that the graphics are simplistic enough I could just go "oh cool blue Mandalorian" and not think about it too hard
Definitely not the worst thing in the world
I wish Disney shit didn’t exist, but we did just get three EU civs. Let’s hope Mandalorians as a civ aren’t based on Disney stuff.
Fucking neat.
Time to reinstall it.
This, but the exact opposite.
With the Clone Campaigns xpack, troopers become absolutely nuts as the Galactic Republic. It's been a while, but at max upgrades you can produce one every 3 seconds or so and it starts to feel like supcom.
>It's literally just a glorified AoE2 mod
>A mod that makes AoE2 play like the Napoleonic era but with a Star Wars skin.

That explains why Troopers feel kinda unique as units per the feels of >>1750148
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How do you anons rank them?
dad was right in the end
i cringed even back in the day
this is just a fucked up aoe mod
No seriously what is the point of grenadiers?
Anti-mech infantry with AOE as well. When they're upgraded they do insane damage.
I got it
I don't got it.

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