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Currently playing again.
There's just something about it that always makes me come back to it.
Despite being hard as balls, I just find it... comfy. Might be the graphics.
I never managed to beat the missions as a kid. The german campaign was torturous.
I started the soviet campaign, which is ok so far, but I heard it was the hardest one. There was already one mission with an assault on two different villages which was pretty tough.
I also started the allied campaign, which is also fun so far. I just love commando operations where you just snuff a whole company with an officer+rifleman.

I also own the second one, which I might try when I don't feel like playing this one. It's supposed to be a bit easier. The only other game that could really scratch a similar itch was World in Conflict.
I remeber mortars, rocket artilery and howitzers shitting on absolutely everything.
I played Sudden Strike 2 as a young lad. I don't know what's the difference is between 1 and 2 beside new missions. Graphic and UI look very similar. I wasn't the best at strategic thinking and micromanaging but I beat a few campaigns missions. Might be just me but I find the jungle maps of Pacific campaign pleasant to look at. Might be the shade of green.
Say, are infantry as useless as I remember? They seemed to fold down the moment gunfight break in.
This vs Blitzkrieg, what's the difference? I can't even tell comparing two screenshots.
Yeah, if you had the long-range ones you could turn everything into rubble (or get rubble'd yourself). One german mission has you attack "Stalingrad". There's a lot of artillery fun to be had. The only thing I still hate is the abysmal range of all the bigger guns. Even in a game a tank or a cannon should be able to shoot further.

Yeah SS2 is a bit more refined, but largely it's more of the same, with a bunch of new features. But infantry is actually pretty good if you use them well and without them you'll have a bad time.

They're from the same devs iirc, and basically a "successor" to the early ones.
I remember infantry being mostly useless in the first Blitzkrieg. They died ridiculously quickly to literally everything.
Ah, well, I never played Blitzkrieg, so I can't say anything about that.

But wasn't Blitzkrieg indeed the one where it was basically always recon - artillery - mop up?
they were same publisher but different devs, both russian. not sure what happened to sudden strike devs, but blitzkrieg is from nival who also made homm5 and silent storm. latest from nival was some online crap but part of the devs created owlcat games who are behind pathfinder and rogue trader games (now you know why wotr strategy map has those homm-like minigames)

sudden strike ip is now owned by calypso with ss4 being made by some hungarian devs who also made valiant and swine remaster.

gameplay wise biggest differences of ss1/2 compared to blitzkrieg games that come to mind
>blitzkrieg has 3d models, ss1/2 are sprites (i actually prefer sudden strike graphics though)
>in sudden strike vehicles have crews which you can disable and capture like in men of war
>in blitzkrieg you keep your surviving vehicles carry through the campaign while getting experience
the above make sudden strike mostly an infantry/artillery game as tanks alone can't see shit and die super fast while you can capture enemy artillery and shell the whole map, meanwhile blitzkrieg is mostly tank focused as you keep your tanks through the missions and infantry are just meatshields

blitzkrieg engine games got tons of spinoffs/expansions that range from pretty good (talvisota which features finnish campaign) to absolute garbage that is cuban missile crisis.
afterwards came heroes: soldiers of ww2 which became men of war that you have nowadays (along with all the spinoffs that it had) as the spiritual successor
Oh and I also remeber that everything changed when I discoverd you can pause the game and still issue orders.
Yeah, that's certainly a game changer with how sometimes your dudes get wasted from nowhere until you find that one at gun behind some trees.
I remember the seventh or eighth german mission having some hidden pillboxes behind some trees that were constantly spotting you so you got constantly blasted by artillery.

It was the mission you could win in a few minutes by landing a bunch of paratroopers in the north and making your way to a munition depot.
>with ss4 being made by some hungarian devs who also made valiant and swine remaster.
Are those the former Black Hole Entertainment devs? The ones who made Armies of Exigo and Heroes of M&M 6?
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What I find remarkable is that there is STILL a working website and people are STILL making maps and mods for it. For how small the playerbase is, it's even more dedicated.
It's great, wish more games had such longevity. There's a Russo Ukraine war mod, which I assume is your pic.
doesn't work on my win10 machine
Works on mine. US retail version?
GoG works, EU retail works. May need a bit of tweaking.
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>There's a Russo Ukraine war mod, which I assume is your pic.
It's the Modern Warfare Mod. It probably also has the Ukraine war, but I don't really know what's going on because it's all slavrunes; and while I can read them, I can't understand them.
I started a campaign, and apparently at least the first mission is set in the Syrian war.
You have a large desert highway and an Assad billboard.

I don't really know what I am supposed to do; the "entry cutscene" took several minutes and saw a T-72 getting knocked out by RPGs. Then I got control over a BMP-1 and sent my dudes to the west into a small hamlet to pick up a repair truck, as it seems.
There were some enemies on the way, but the BMP-1 made short work of them.
Then I got control over a tanker or something, which I then sent there, but it was attacked and the crew killed. I then had to sent the BMP-1 back, kill the enemies, man the tanker and send everything back.
Now I probably have to go where the tank was knocked out and kill the dudes there.
I remember wishing for a game for christmas 2000. It was either Sudden Strike or Red Alert 2. I chose Sudden Strike. No regrets.
Are you talking about the Compulsion to Peace one they released? I think I have the full game, its almost the exact preesnt scenario in Ukraine, this game cameout in 2014. You fucking take Bakhmut in one of them, and you defend Chesyane or some shit like that in Donetsk being attacked by waves of Nato armeed Ukies. Its crazy accurate.
The single Player missions are fun af.

There was one where you are the Russians,
>You get your whole intial 300 man army dropped into a German held town in 2 waves,
>officers make great crew because you need every gun to defend the coming attack.
>Take the enemy arty on the hill and use it against them
>use riflemen to mine the whole approach to the north and place anti tank and machine gun units in the north town
>cover the west side with heavy anti tank and anti inf.
>5 waves
>keep mining as much and artying as possible
>running out of men and ammo
>last wave grinds to a halt near the train station I have 30 men left
>Comrade we attack
>glorious commie tanks and infantry flood in from south.
>begin an hour long dedicated attack
>glorious victory.
Sounds like the soviet Stalingrad mission.
The german one has you taking the city while getting shelled from the hills in the north and south.
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>mfw my retail version doesn't work anymore
Fun fact: The Sudden Strike HD mod, as linked in the PCGaming Wiki, contains the entire game.
Russoteen doesn't give a fuck)))))))
Is that Cuban Missile Crisis game any good? I keep meaning to try it out because meme tank, but I can never remember to get it because I can't afford the princely sum of $5.99 US dollars.
No. It's ass.
Nah. Here's more elaborate answer if you have some time.
Those other two guys are retarded, it's nothing like Command & Conquer. If you liked Blitzkrieg 1 and/or 2 you'll like it.
Just pirate it and try it out.
>Are you talking about the Compulsion to Peace one they released?
Not that anon, but isn't it a "stand alone" thing?
I found a post on the SS forums with some links to archive.org.
Everything is in cyrillic and it's not just a folder, but an autostart.exe I don't dare running.
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After getting back into SS I even made a bunch of maps.
The more "modern" map editors are not as bad as the OG one, but QoL is still not a word the SS mappers know. But then again, if you have ever used one of the newer Doombuilders or Trenchbroom you're pretty much spoiled anyway.

So, this map was basically just artillery fetish - you started with a bunch of paratroopers in the north with some captured ordnance and had to liberate the "village" from the allied invaders while making sure that a bunch of dudes don't escape (The game also actually allows for very basic scripting, too).
So basically you would land a bunch of paratroopers in the south to prevent the other dudes from escaping, shell the village until there was no more ammo left and hopefully only had to mop up a bunch of stragglers.

Frankly, I enjoy the smaller, commando operation maps more than the massive thousands of dudes onslaughts where you just throw a million Tigers at them.
My problem with RTS game in general and SUDDEN STRIKE is that the finer features lead to a lot of micromanaging that is not manageable (in an immersive way) alone.

I do so want for troop transport to matter, to tow artillery, to have to worry about tank's fuel and ammo.
But doing so require to basically keep the game on pause and to pause every ten second.

I'm not against game with AIs that almost play themselves as long as you can still concentrate all your decisions in decisive moments and see the result of your plans unfold in real-time.
The micromanagement is the RT in RTS.
If you want a game to play itself just watch streamers play RTS while you massage your frail, thin wrists
The atmosphere is kino, if you liked the other games you will like it.
SS is more RTT than RTS, so obviously it's very micro-intensive.
There is already a thread for complaining about RTS, btw.
lmao, SS is a gookclick RTS. Only Blitzkrieg is a RTT.
I love the soundtrack.
It's a WW2 game with an early 00s electro soundtrack that would certainly fit mor into some futuristic game.

>The micromanagement is the RT in RTS.
RT stand for "real time" and you must pause the game to exploit the feature fully.
So no.

>SS is more RTT than RTS, so obviously it's very micro-intensive.
I agree, the points remains.
When you rewatch your replay you realize how short the actual mission have been.
Still good to rewatch if you didn't spend too long setting your force in position.
How about you stop backtalking me before I shove this cock down your throat, bitchmade?
You can usually get it and the expansion for a hecking $1 on fanatical.
Yea the Stalingrad defense was intense, so much arty rockets, 155mm and endless german waves, its a surprise Germans survived the war at all.

The German one was easy enough as its a rush to the western and eastern arty spots, capture and then strategic aerial bombardments followed by infantry forces launching a three pronged attack occupying buildings and supported by arty and reserve tanks while majority of the armour and some trucks with troops swings around and punches from the north west. take the bridge and mission over.

i do prefer the RWM though, so much fun
Yea I have that, downloaded back in 2014, i hand translated all the missions to understand what I was meant to do.
>i do prefer the RWM though, so much fun
I tried to get into RWM, but with that I have the same problem as with MWM, which is the bad contrast between units and background.
Realism and all is great and I love that they have the shorty StuGs, but I just can't see shit. Where are my units? I wouldn't know because they blend into the scenery - as they should irl, but not when I am trying to select them.
I made one mission for it just to try out some units and the most recent map editor.
This german mission is also bad. You basically only have to cross this railway bridge, but if you try to go through the center of the map, you'll have a bad time.
What I eventually did was taking a force all along the southern/east edge of the map; there are spots for pontoon bridges there so I could circumvent most enemies. A hill had to be captured, which made me lose a bunch of dudes, and in the end the bridge is guarded by a bunch of AA guns, but eventually one bike made it through.
Some missions are really easy to cheese; there's one set around the allied invasion where you have to defend a beachhead or something and capture a small island in the north.
This mission can be won instantly by dropping a bunch of paratroopers on the island, have them shoot the single guy there and be done with it.

Sadly it won't let me post a picture because I switched ISPs and apparently this one is rangebanned. Thanks to whichever subhuman piece of shit caused that.
My name is not important
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Can finally post pictures again, so here it is:
bump for the glory of the motherland
Sounds cool, it's scenario-based, not skirmish, right?
>made by cdv
it's the same guys that made Cossacks, I completely forgot
Coincidentally I recently started Cossacks and got filtered already by the frist Ukie mission where you only start with a bunch of riflemen and have to defend a village against a billion mongols and then have to free some pows while under an unknown time limit.
I remember that mission. Ukies were pretty shit though. Stuck in the 17c, only one infantry unit (that became pretty good and could one shot pretty much anything once fully upgraded), no close combat infantry (which is weird since they used pikes irl)

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