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▶Amiya Aranha◀
▶Tomomi Toraya◀
▶Mozumi Pichi◀
▶Super Meche◀
▶Yuno Nightingale◀

>Useful Links
Lumi ARG: https://rentry.org/borbv

Previous Thread: >>79062116

Other Threads of interest:
Tsunderia Extended >>>/vt//tsunx/
Kiki Main Thread >>>/vt//pyon/
Mozzu Main Thread >>>/vt//vdere/
Large Indies Global >>>/vt//lig/
This thread is for only the vtubers in the OP. Please do not post any vtubers or streams by vtubers not in the OP.
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/vrg/ love!
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Mozzu's member stream started several hours after it was supposed to
oh cool I thought she wasn't going to stream because she was in the chat complaining about the schizos in a certain site
then she deleted the messages so no one screenshots and posts them
How will Lumi react to the super complex and stealth focused assassination mission she'll do today
go to sleep tomomi
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with me
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next karaoke when
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I read the Mozzu anti thread and was thinking
>man she has her problems but these schizos are being too hard on her, she doesn't deserve this
then I opened the stream and she's still complaining about GFE...
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waiting room up
I can smell you
Lumi is NOT stinky
Is Jean Faymas retro now that /aus/ was killed by drama threads?
ask /vrt/, this thread is for the girls in the OP only, but they used to post her there
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Jowu live
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will Mozzu get a new Gezu model or is she just drawing her for fun?
also her lolis always look delicious, she should've gone with a loli for Mozzu too instead of being a coomer Sava clone
Mozzu's been talking non-stop about her old model's lore and worldbuilding stuff for the last 10 minutes...
pizza smell is pretty distinct in Middle Ages
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She doesn't eat pizza anymore
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>will Mozzu get a new Gezu model
Doubtful she would get a new Gezu model when there's other variations of Mozzu she wants not that it matters when she hates streaming
>or is she just drawing her for fun?
In past streams she had said that:
>the existing Gezu design is too busy
>that makes it difficult to draw
>she wants to make a Gezu doujin sometime
So it's probably a combination of fun and looking toward the future.
looking forward to it
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>when she hates streaming
Sava is long dead Anon
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man... I want to believe that she'll be motivated by Menace/Coni and stream more when they move out but she streams even less than Mozzu
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Lumi live!
>I don't have pizza
the golden age is over
>I havent been really really feeling the game yet
but she already saw all the game has to offer...
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We are assassinating already!
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is Altair retarded?
>wasn't holding forward
Lumi forgot how to play the game
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is lumi okay?
Lumi does NOT break the pasta
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assassination failed...
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Lumi is trying to hide in the hay in front of guards... How is that android so powerful?
why didnt it work, they were supposed to say they dont see her
Lumi is being extremely low RAM today
what is she doing...
buffering for anyone else?
Seems to me like she thinks this game is more complex than it actually is
yeah, it's lagged
Buffered a lot for me for a moment but it seems fine now
yeah it's fine now
she definitely thinks it's a complex game but she also seems really out of it today
she definitely seems very sluggish today
>the rest of the game is literally just these missions but repeated 8 more times
what the fuck were they thinking
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Jade was too busy making sure you played the game to fix gameplay
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why does she constantly talk about not showering and how stinky she is
It's strange how she owns it most of the times. Yet, that one time recently where she inadvertently admitted she doesn't change clothes often unless it's office day made her flustered because she realized it outed her as being a stinky android.
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I mean it's not really an issue if she's not going outside, you're not going to smell bad if you stay inside unless it's hot and you sweat a lot
but I just noticed she talks about it a lot now, like, almost every stream. Maybe she's just gremlin-maxxing
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>Let's jump... AMAZING!!!
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holy shit who cares let's go to the only good AC game (2)
Lumi is sad that stealth is so badly implemented...
she's a pretty ruthless assassinator
how can you even fail at stealth with such horrible stealth?
in the first stream she was surprised when chat said it's simpler than Thief...
she really is annoyed at it
She didn't expect game mechanics to get worse over time
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Lumi is making her own fun cause this game is SHEEEET
It's amazing how shit this series is despite being so popular
and now even the "elitist" faggots are acting like these games were good because the new ones are somehow even worse
I don't think Lumi wants to play more AC games... Especially with bots making her try Prince of Persia trilogy
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she might try 2 since everyone said it's better, but probably not
janky ass game
AC1 feels eurojank
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>I have direction problem, people
wasn't it groundbreaking for being the first game where the whole world architecture can be climbed? like, each notch and ridge on the 3D shapes of buildings are actual interaction points for altair to grab on and climb.
of course it sparked a whole trend of parkour and building climbing games that implemented various degrees of freedom in vertical movement (like infamous, prototype, mirror's edge, uncharted, etc) and ubisoft kept reusing their formula over and over and over until everyone got burned out from it.
but before AC, climbing systems in games used to involve specific pre-programmed shapes or objects that you can interact with (like in sands of time, tomb raider) and most of the game world are just flat boxes with textures that are purely cosmetic
Backseater deserve to be hanged from the tree
So what exactly has been the story of the game so far?
would you rather the parkour arc of the AAA gaming industry (late 2000s, early 2010s) never happened?
yeah I guess, I mean in TR technically you technically climb almost everything but it's not the same as AC, since AC is also open world
but I wouldn't even call AC's climbing "gameplay", it requires no skill or even input, you just run around and it does platforming automatically, not interesting or fun at all
reminder this shitty parkour game came out on the ps2 in the same year as AC1
I dunno I feel there were a lot of early 3d games that let you climb and jump on pretty much everything. They might not as been to the scale of Ass Creed in total world size, but they were a lot more fun since you had the capacity to actually fall and die if you fucked up, and weren't magnetized to the surfaces
oh yea just to be clear i was referring to the original TR games where, technically, you could grab and climb "everything", but "everything" were just the straight edges of the simple geometrical shapes of the level. any details on buildings or walls were just flat textures.
but then you come to AC and each little stony bump on the wall and windowsills and pieces of wood sticking out were all grabbable and climbable. it was like magic, i just wish i had a better PC to play it at that time.

and then of course the TR reboot games (came out 6 years after AC) were fully 3d parkour fests.
idk, does the spiderman games count? you can pretty much go anywhere and climb anything in spiderman 3. Infamous and prototype were more like those games than asscreed
it sucks so bad, it's been shit since then too
>Meche is working out more
not watching her now but she did say before that she's happy with her weight and is doing to be healthier
architects never had a chance
Meche is getting back into fitness, buying more stylish clothes and doing more self-care stuff like going to salons and getting her nails done and shit. Who is she getting all dolled up for? Boyfriend? (Me of course)
yeah, me
Can confirm it's me.
yeah, me
Jowu waided Lumi
NTA, but I dislike parkour in most games since it ends up just becoming a series of animations you're locked into without much direct input or variations. Most games also lack fluidity in connecting it with other aspects of the game that you just end up thinking "oh, this is the parkour platforming puzzle now".
in the classic spiderman 1/2/3 games, you just crawl/run along building walls, you didn't interact with the building geometries or details. the sides of buildings were still just flat planes with textures.
infamous and prototype both came out a few years after AC1.
>Meche wears the “guys think she isn’t wearing makeup” amount of makeup
But she doesn’t seem to realize it until people bring it up at work.
Everyone can you please reduce the Meche lusting, she is my girlfriend.
Ok, Kuja.
it was crazy how trendy and popular parkour was in the early 2010s. even Call of duty added parkour movements at some point.
mirror's edge and titanfall were pretty cool though
the dudebrofication of gaming
Is parkour just another word for platforming (in video game context)
i just checked out of curiosity, it seems like meche has disabled open raiding. since when?
is this why lumi stopped raiding her?
no idea but she still raids her, Lumi would be whitelisted anyway
she hates backseaters and bots are notorious backseaters
biew point
Meche also raided Lumi
Even Tony Hawk skating game implemented parkour
I think "le free running" was more built as a simplification of movement since you only needed to program fixed points where le parkour animation played and it allowed for more linear and more lazy level design
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this fucking AI
oh no lion is here
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my housemate in university had a geforce 6800GT (which was super expensive) and played AC1 on his PC when it came out. i thought the game was jawdropping gorgeous at the time... but then he kept cursing at the game for the annoying combat and downloaded trainers
stealth game
Nice game
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game is kill...
bros Lumi is so cute
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Lumi raided a crunchy JP
pretty cute groaning sounds to raid into
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Lumi was happy that some bots wanted to play AC1 after watching her play it
Would you play AC1 for Lumi?
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AC1 limped and crawled so that AC2 could run
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Still has magnetized platforming and open world so still boring. I mean I'll watch Lumi plaalmost anything but let's not delude ourselves into thinking this franchise had any even halfway decent games. It along with skyrim helped kill gaming by ushering in the sterile open world walking sim genre which is perhaps the biggest cancer to gaming ever rivaled only by the cinematic ots shooter and collectathon
I like Renaissance Italy setting, it's barely used in games and is very comfy
definitely not a good game though
>ushering in the sterile open world walking sim genre
ubisoft didn't do that, the indie boom on xbox live arcade and the improved accessability of affordable game engine development suites (unreal, unity) caused that
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>magnetized platforming
Ami hugs must feel so good...
I've liked the setting a lot in 2. I've been climbing all over Florence and Venice in it for hours on end. Whole symbols ARG was also fresh and interesting at the time even though it led nowhere in the end.
Ezio's costume design was so cool, too.
Intro missions setuping his conflict are also miles better than in AC1. His reasons and goals are simple revenge, but presentation is a lot better.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wk3T5lueEUg – Ami will play Castlevania remake in an hour.
cute gothic lolita ami
My 'puter wasn't working for a moment, I was forced into phonefagging against my will...
Should I give Ami my blood? Do I even have a choice?
Supaida Vamupaiya hanta
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Will she hunt this one?
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Yes. No.
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They’re so…. bloodthirsty
They are cute so they are allowed to have all my blood. I don't need it anyways.
I think those levels with gears everywhere in clocktowers are cool. If I had a bunch of meterials and free land, I'd probably just build a big building with a bunch of mechanism everywhere like that.
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Fuck vampires I'm getting rid of all fangs just in case
Please don't do that, she will die...
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Too late
Now make her eyes round.
Shes not a real vampire, its just another excuse to bite buckos.
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How sexy will new Meche be?
Will we ever see current Meche ever again?
Or Chihuahua Meche
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NO more fangs and NO more funny cat eyes
And NO streams?
Nice, she is now a bunny once again,
how is that funny? i miss her :(
It will be a normal human Meche.like Jowu/Joanna, but this time its Meche/Michelle
I miss her too bro, but the thing is, she doesn't miss us..
Would be pretty cool to get a normal humanoid form of Meche that can then transform into her succubus form, but 2.0 version.
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Mario if he real
Cute normal girl(not a mouse)
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Tomomi love
I love Tomomi but she hates me
Back off, she hates me the most
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Elf and succubus, but whats the big hats? Looks a bit like the clerics of Dragon Quest. I wonder if Meche has some Mecheverse lore in her fantasy games
shes supposed to be a cleric before becoming a succ right?
I don't know, but if I got reincarnated as a hero, I would definitely add her to my party.
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Will she become a code monkiki?
with HTML?
I know nothing about coding, my greatest feat of coding was when I could type commands in the chat and command blocks in minecraft back in the days.
is it when Kiki rubs her pussy lips and clit as she gradually works herself to orgasm
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do buckos really?
Damn what a chad
buckos are all retards
What the fuck
daaaaamn pulling over 750 now!? i remember when she was good to get over 100
Mozzu's having a Tomomi moment
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what happened
Talking about how much she hates women
More specifically how much she hates vtubers because the more she talks and networks with them the more she realizes how they're all awful people and are extremely fake and she feels like she's getting involved in dirty business because she has to go along with their lies and act like she likes them in public
tldlr; the same shit that happened with Yuko, but with most vtubers
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kiki cute
giggles gone
lumi can cure her
Mozzu wouldn't even acknowledge her because Lumi wouldn't bring her any numbers. While she hates chuubas being fake, she only interacts with them for the networking herself.
I guess she's at least not one of those backstabber types who laugh at their fans and other vtubers behind their backs while acting super friendly to their faces, but she's not completely innocent either. She wants to be a part of that corpo circle because that's how you get numbers, if that's what she wants, she has to deal with its unpleasant side as well
Lumi kiss
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Meche <3
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she working hard...
I hope she takes her time. Although she can always rework on it afterward.
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>Talking about how much she hates women
Perhaps I’ve been too harsh on you, Mozzu…
she's a bit of a menhera but her heart is in the right place
she REALLY hates vtubers who lie to their fans
Mozzu is also awful, how doesn't she see that?
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Yuno posted her schedule
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what's this
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jowu in 10 minutes
jowu now
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carmagadon today
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meche love!
fighter friday (thursday)
At least the next collab will be with a new model
I'd collab with her new model if you know what I mean
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Meche's new model just leaked...
wtf give it back to her
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me on the right (she hates me)
so since she has the truck, she'll do the missions instead of farming for hours, right?
Nope. She was told this is was the last tier that had that one farming map and that she'd need to either get her fill now or struggle grinding for cash later. And since she wants to get all the cars, you can guess what's going to happen.
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Lumi retweeted this
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fucking discordfags
hang all of them
faggots cant stop begging in the chat
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Lumi's big black cursor
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>Jupiter gravity
>it means I'm lighter?
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she geddit
>what is the meaning of seething
>but I bathed today
Lumi is talking about being stinky again
she bathed today
Lumi channeled her inner OL while explaining the game and ran out of energy
>stoopid me
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bots aren't allowed to sleep while Lumi is streaming
>I have a feeling I will hit the invinc- invisible wall
holy shit she got it right
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is anyone even here, other than like 2 posts I made every post here in the last 3 hours
sorry i'm busy cheering on lumi's shitty driving
I'm keeping both Lumi and Meche streams on the screen.
>2 seconds left
Lumi is so cute
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>Lumi airlines
it would be so easy to scam Lumi
I can probably trick her to marry me
too late she's already married to me
i posted this
Lumi is trying to raid
she's probably looking up more airlines flight announcement speeches
yeah lmao
such a dork
Lumi landed
no raids today
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Meche unironically talking about ballz
meche wants to be in a fighter
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new game
she did just beat serious sam.
wonder what's in the box
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meche love
Probably a PS1 or 2 game
might be Parappa 2 or Jammer Lammy
Mozzu ASMR in 30 minutes
but she might cancel it
I don’t see it on my sub list anymore. She was saying yesterday that they might be doing construction.
it's here, she postponed it for 2 hours
the construction is tomorrow but she thought it was today so made plans to go out with her mom
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There is no good thread on /vr/ so I wil ask here.
There's a Dell GX 150 in e-waste dump in my workplace (PIII 1GHz, 512 DDR) is it worth saving for /vr/ stuff or is it too new?
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>is it too new
why would any computer be too new for retro stuff
I never had a problem playing old games on my PC
Old PC towers are not worth it at all. Especially if it was in a dump.
If it was some old-ass thinkpad, then it would be worth it, but tower? No.
yeah, it's definitely worth it if you want to build a windows 95 or XP machine for fun, but you can play any game on a modern hardware just fine
Will Lumi buy anything on this summer sale?
no way, she already has 100+ games on GOG
Lumi would NEVER waste money
Think she'll get the RE games now that they're available on GOG?
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Thought you fags were all about original hardware.
If she's going to play them I hope she just plays the PS1 versions on her PS2
I don't trust anything capcom does these days, they're using that tranny youtuber to shill this port too
I'm not a hardware autist but even if I was, a PC is a PC, it'd be literally the same experience
though if I had the chance, I would build myself a Windows 95 machine because it's fun and more soulful. I wouldn't pay for it, but if it's free, why not?
Original hardware for consoles. No one even argues for original hardware for PC, aside from audio autists.
>If she's going to play them I hope she just plays the PS1 versions on her PS2
>I don't trust anything capcom does these days, they're using that tranny youtuber to shill this port too
Agreed. The JP ps1 games should be pretty inexpensive too
I’d actually disagree with the other Anon: once games got into the ~DX8 era it became a lot easier to run them on modern systems, but there’s a lot of games from the late DOS to even early XP era that can be a giant pain to run if there’s no fan modifications.
A P3 is a great system for that era, especially if it has ISA slots still and doubly so if it’s free.
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yuno what time it is
Nice boat.
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Why is she so... ugoly
I think Sonic SUCKS
Common, she's just a bean.
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How would you even begin to clean the thing if it's been sitting in a dump? It probably smells worse than Mozzu's dirty sock pile
retro gaming is a stinky hobby
Looks like she really REEKS in that picture haha, I wouln't want to sniff her haha...
same tbdesu, never got the appeal
Distilled water for the motherboard, car soap and a bucket for the case? It’s inorganic and largely non-porous, it won’t hold on to stink long.
Besides “a dump” can mean anything: buried under trash or sitting on top of a bunch of metal scrap. Very different scenarios.
as a kid i loved sonic adventure dx despite it being a buggy mess, i simply loved running around and throwing chao eggs at walls. I'm 22
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goodnight /vrg/
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I miss Tommie
Maybe Tomo will collab with her one day.
Tommie would make her cry so probably not
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It's been so long since I last saw her that I forgot about her iconic receding hairline!
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so uhh... why did ami cut the stream?
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One of you autists figured out you can influence her behavior via maros. Go do it to Mozzu instead she'll crash and burn even harder I promise
I'm gonna influence Tomomi to marry me via maros
>Go do it to Mozzu instead
Look at the newfriend.
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It amazes me that there are chuubas that still have open maros. It seems like every time they're destined to be a nest of schizos.
this one is still my favorite
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Heard you guys like vampires
Well I didn't need blood anyway...
Tomomi love
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First time I see that hairstyle, I think it should go more to the back rather than front of her face, but cute either way.
it isn’t even the right color, she couldn’t even be bothered to get it right
Cute, I'd let her diablerize me
Changing hair color is not healthy.
I like it when she calls me a "little guy"...
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Fat fuck
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dormaus is on again
What is she doing in that image
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What did this kid mean by this?
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This thread is for only the vtubers in the OP. Please do not post any vtubers or streams by vtubers not in the OP.
This lizard ate too many bugs

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