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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Schedule: https://x.com/takanashikiara/status/1804995838835331169

Last stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElGuC110avY
Next stream: 80s Karaoke Rebroadcast @ Sunday 06:00 GMT+2 Midnight EST 13:00 JST

Unarchived Karaoke Archive: >>78965912

2nd Hololive English Concert, Breaking Dimensions, @ Kings Theatre Brooklyn, August 24-25th

Hololive Stage World Tour, New York, Jakarta, Singapore, Atlanta, Kuala Lampur. Future information to be announced, but New York will be in AnimeNYC, same time as Breaking Dimensions.

OffKai Archive:

HoloFes performances:
https://files.catbox.moe/sq23fb.webm solo - CHIMERA
https://files.catbox.moe/g0gtww.webm Chloe/Kiara - WILDCARD
https://files.catbox.moe/64jbvr.webm Kobo/Kiara - Hero For a Day
https://files.catbox.moe/ww5jok.webm Seishun Archive group - Seishun Archive

Check out Kiwawa's end of year live!:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LNv7CzFJgc
Encore (members only):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kntCuR3T6Po


STREAM HER ALBUM:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urcfm3INYVo&list=OLAK5uy_lv1JlMsabUlWH11GLfHBWkYAfuEfGuYLY
ADDITIONAL STREAMING LINKS:https://cover.lnk.to/PointofView

Stream Sleep Talking MV: https://youtu.be/1SUXKcFX_WY
Stream Retrospective MV: https://youtu.be/oKfKokIKqZw
Stream The Great Wanderer MV: https://youtu.be/H_Q8hB7v6qw
Stream Love Rush MV: https://youtu.be/cuUcvVI3S20
Stream Pineapple MV: https://youtu.be/WuvtwRYkOU0

Stream Hero For a Day: https://youtu.be/2yduox5pYH0
Stream Fire N Ice: https://youtu.be/yV83laHeOj4
Stream Korean DO U: https://youtu.be/AviJuDMEmEc
Stream Holotori Dance: https://youtu.be/BcO9bZavHRg

Stream ReUnion: https://youtu.be/4ytZJoWR2mI
Stream MindCraft: https://youtu.be/OQuGEpICY2o
Stream Kyoufuu Ooru Bakku: https://youtu.be/VyzR-J17RBQ

New to Kiara? Try some of these streams: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsAbCDORf2yR6sqaL8KOhTpAvi4GxyewC

Art source: https://x.com/ZeroPenGR/status/1805956681278644295

Previous thread: >>79170408
no kids with wawa
how can I get the handjob tickets???
Just wish it didn't happen at this time of all times, since we're probably not going to see her collab with any Justice member for months now Probably wouldn't have changed anything since she still has yet to collab with any Advent member other than Nerissa despite Advent being a year old now. I just hope she doesn't do the one month detox thing next year, since by the time she's done with the Japan trips there's going to be like 3 months left in the year, and she still has to cramp a couple more week+ trips/vacations into there.
Sold out. I bought them all.
wait, so there will be literally no (serious) streams in japan? what about the streaming setup she was talking about?
Bad day.
>Short stream
>Confirmation that she'll be gone for a week
>And that there will be 2 streams at most before going to Japan for 2 months with barely any if at no streams
>what about the streaming setup she was talking about?
She never brought it up again, so I assume it just never arrived, or she lied about ordering it in the first place. The only way she'll be able to stream is her renting time in the studio for 1 hour streams at most, which has almost never worked out for her. But I don't think she's going to be doing that since these Japan trips seem to be so work-heavy that she doesn't seem like she'll be able to do offcollabs either I hope I'm wrong about that.
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Wawa feet
She will obviously stream in japan, it's just these doomposters yapping
Please bare no mind to the idiot that thinks it would even be possible for her to not try and stream or collab for 2 months in japan
>She will obviously stream in japan
Can't wait for 1 stream a week that's an hour long with 1-2 30 minute twitter spaces to "make up for it".
Two different trips that the retards are conflating so that they can shitpost freely. For the short trip she's only bringing her laptop/going to the studio. For the long trip almost immediately afterwards she has a proper place with a rented PC set up.
Kill yourself cuckposter
why is it two trips again?
are the japs stupid?
Not the sperg who cuckposts. I just want to watch Kiara more than 2 times a week. I get that Japan trips result in 3D lives and performances, but I genuinely don't think a 1 hour live closer to 40 minutes at this point since cover has made every EN live like 20 minutes shorter at this point including Gura's live and seeing her for a total of 7 minutes in a EN concert makes up for multiple weeks worth of lost streams.
Yea that you're more effective than him fair
But you're still exaggerating way too much and doomposting. She hasn't even left anywhere yet
Thankfully there shouldn't be another Fall2023 situation where she was in a bad mental state and moving to a new home
Stop being a dumb chimkin, it's arguably only this trip that she's going to ""barely stream"" and I have no idea where you got that this trip is going to be a month long when she only ever mentioned that the second trip is going to be a month long, and she's going to have a proper place and streaming setup to stream there. You wouldn't of had to work yourself up into a doomposting mess if you just asked anons some questions. You're going to get your Kiara doses, stop worrying. Not sure if you're the anon who was doomposting about her last year, but this is nothing compared to that. Also, a large part of her detox break was her moving to a new house, I highly doubt there's going to be another situation like that in 2025.
Just so you guys know the "doomposter" was shitting it up in /#/, so just know who you are talking too before you try to respond seriously.
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stop whining bitch
>Not sure if you're the anon who was doomposting about her last year
I'm not, I just having been watching her entire streams recently due to work I just, which is when I saw multiple people saying that she's going to Japan for 2 months straight. But thank you for clearing it up for me. Kiara is the only thing essentially keeping me sane from work related stress, so I tend to get stuck in doomposting sprees if she goes on these types of trips. Srry about that, I'll try to stop since it seems to be doing nothing but annoying anons in here
I hope you kill yourself
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First of all, stop using spoiler tags instead of parentheses, there's zero point to it.
Second, I can't remember a time when Kiara was on a trip and she left us without content for more than 48 hours. Even when she can't stream more than 2-3 hours per day, she makes sure that she creates varied content that the fans will want to tune into, mainly offcollabs and detailed zatsus about what happened during the stay there. See picrel.
Finally, if you can't appreciate her creating content other than livestreams, that's your issue, not mine. Learn to shut the fuck up when nobody's asking.
I hope you get a stroke
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okey so how can I get the blowjob voucher you know who is handling them? I know where the wawahole supposed to be.
>I can't remember a time when Kiara was on a trip and she left us without content for more than 48 hours.
Seriously. It's been nearly 4 years and she has always communicated and provided as much content as possible for whenever she's away from home. I don't know why anyone still entertains any posts that insinuate otherwise at this point.
Kiara loves us too much
I'm gonna grab a glass of milk
Some of you (realistically 2 retards at most) need to get a second hobby
No wawa likes again today.
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i get a like every time i say something because i only say things when i have something to say. i cannot stop winning
What I don't get is how we are all mentally ill to a certain degree —we wouldn't be here otherwise— and when one guy opens up about his insecurities we all jump to kill him.
I didn't check /#/ as another anon posted so I might not have the whole picture but from what I can tell the anon was genuinly worried, ain't nothing wrong with that.
>we are all mentally ill to a certain degree
i would shoot you all dead and your families too if it gave me a chance to make children with kiara
She is too busy for likes don't worry. I guess that will also be the case for some time now so be ready.
If you stick out in a group of mentally ill that says a lot
Sometimes I wish I had a girlfriend so I could have sex with her and think about Kiara while I'm doing it
I've been wondering how the kfps that always reply in tweets, are in the discord, are going to meetups etc. view each other. They seem to get along pretty well but I have no idea how they do it. Maybe they aren't as schizo as they seem but how normal can people like them be.
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based rissa
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Wawaberry cute
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very cute
Wawa working
go wawa go
All that work and she still streamed
What kind of homework do holos actually do? Just recordings?
Do they have to write or sign anything?
Occasionally, yes.
i kneel
She's doing the math.
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posting my favorite pixel once more because I want to test something. pls ignore.
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Got a TV for the first time in a long time, Chimera at 4K looks pretty sick. Wonder what it's like watching a stream on the telly instead of desktop or phone.
good art
I don't know why I was thinking of this duet today.
Do you think current Kiara could impress another holomem like that again ?
I watch streams on the telly all the time. Use my phone to chat. Pretty comfy setup
I miss dedicated SC reading streams. I understand why she doesn't do those anymore numberwise, but those were some of my favorite streams.
Yeah, they were just super Zatsu streams with Wawa spiraling off on tangents every 3-5 out loud read SC.
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Does La+ cumming over DO U every other week not count?
Just wait until after her birthday, might get some in japan I reckon
Just got to the part in the VoD with Kiara doing the varying stages of Wawa kikkeriki's. It was really cute and I just wanted to say that.
very cute
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Kiara has the self confidence of an ant and needs someone who will love and worship her everyday to be her husband. Which one of you KFP fucks is up to the task?
I don't catter to retarded habits. She need to put herself together because she's retarded.
And a lot of her self confidence dissapear on the other side, funnily enough.
Can you stop being so schizo.
yeah me
Wawa onahole merch at 2M subs?
She's never reaching 2M, so even if the merch was a ticket for fucking Kiara, there's no point thinking about it.
Why is it that anytime anybody asks a question or a funny hypothetical in this thread there's always some retard with a stick 7 inches up his ass instantly replying with either seethe or a shitpost?
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Because at least 40% of the posters in this thread here hate Kiara yet watch and follow only her and her RM and permanently camp this thread waiting to make any discussion about her miserable, next question.
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cute wawa
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Look at those titties asking to be freed
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Cece is a german living in germany, right ? Do you think there's any chance for a meeting ?
Probably, but probably not soon due to Kiara having a packed schedule for the summer
I like them both so I hope they get along well.
I mean, in the incoming 3 days.
I heard she lives somewhere in Scandinavia right now...
Either way, I hope they will get along. Right now she sadly seems to be the one Wawa mentions and interacts the least with.
It would not surprise me if the bonus voice for this is something she just recorded
There was a Kiara mention earlier but not sure if from CC or GG
CC mentioned her when she drove through austria
if Kiara is really gone for 4 whole days then that's a long time for any meeting
Kiara will be gone for basically 4 days since Sunday is a rebroadcast, so to not go crazy, let's all timeloop positive subject !
Favorite Kiara karaoke ? (Could be an entire set-list or a single song performance)
I need to rewatch that stream
I always fall asleep to her streams one hour or so in and then get randomly woken up in the middle of the night by a screaming Gigi
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What if wawa but purple?
Because it’s the fag setting up his samefag.
Okay but why do kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

I like when she sang the macross songs in a SC reading. That was absolute kino
Kiara should piss herself on livestream
My bad, i'm retarded
I really want to see pavonashi ikenai borderline at a big holo concert like fes
big stage, live band, cheering crowd, kino...
When she is singing stuff like Mamma Mia. A real display of her singing abilities.
A classic
Holding out for a Hero is always a good time, Kiara has a ton of fun with it and she shows how good of a singer she really is.
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Kiara should watch Snatch.
I'm sad that Reine won't be at Breaking Dimensions
hopefully we get some SunMoon at least
I want more holotori
>Cover officially made them an unit
>The unit proceed to fucking die
Never ask for corpo backing again
the problem is that it's a unit under EN management
I want to smell Kiara's snatch
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they need more lebensraum
That tummy
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Hell yeah
No, they hate each other.
Coomer-Brained tourist here. How the fuck do you guys not get horny all the time when you see anything of Kiara in her alt outfits (especially her new one)? Jeezus fucking christ she's so goddamn SEXY!
Same, but I'll settle for her discarded pantsu
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That's our secret, tourist. We're always horny
>How the fuck do you guys not get horny all the time when you see anything of Kiara in her alt outfits
where did you get this idea?
she doesn't live in Germany
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I want to see the non censored version
Apparently she doesn't live in Germany but still in Europe and in a region Kiara wanted to visit anyways.
As long as they get along even remotely well they will meet eventually but probably not in the next few days. CC has streams planned until Friday with Saturday being ??? and the next Sunday not being on the schedule.
Debut week is a crucial time so taking time off to meet the wawa would be wierd unless she is secretely a turbo KFP.
Kiara can suck my dick.
Okay Mori
Any of you gonna buy a spot on the billboard? I have no talent drawing so I might just get the shirt message one to cheer her on. Hell, if they use them for the world tour thing I might get to see my message projected to me while I'm in the crowd in December.
what would you do if you saw RBF squeeze kiara's ass this weekend?
That dick? Me.
Kiara hates PDA. Adding in all the shitty assumptions you're making, if he did that in a space where a fan might see, she'd unironically kick him to the curb for trying to fuck everything up for her. He'd be doing it as an 'alpha' move and she'd be absolutly livid about it.
You can be like that one guy and submit the thoughts image
Stop replying to bait nimrod
Just you saying that made me picture it in my head and hear Kiara saying 'Faughts' and it made me smile and laugh. It's crazy that that's all it takes for me. Thanks.
Sorry, I just started thinking about the tyraids Kiara's gone off on about PDA and it made me laugh.
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I'll almost certainly post the thoughts image as usual
Kind of tempted to make a second account and upload the wawa image but don't know if I'm too lazy for that
Ah, now you got me thinking too. I remember when she talked about how she doesn't want to go by the r18 section of cons iirc. Too many eyes.
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I want to say we should all send a different Kiara image, but I also want her to have plenty of nice messags and fanart. Though I guess that's on staff to curate. Do all messages get shown?
Woopa forgot source
As long as it fits the format and isn't offensive I think it gets accepted
Hello mamatori
thinking about Kiara's Feminine Pussy
Leave poor Smoothie alone.
what are the odds that there is a kfp who has unironically fucked a chicken?
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Sry, was me
I don't think it would fit.
Wawa lewds for this Wawa-less day
I forgot that Kiara absolutely loved Dave the Diver.
If this minigame collab makes her want to play Nikke this timeline would get even wierder.
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I'm usually #WOKE, but I have a lot of free time this weekend. I'm curious of who some of you watch, maybe I can give them a try.
Trying out Gigi now.
Trying out gigi
I'm watching Weine karaoke
Shiki Miyoshino has a 3D concert on Friday
South Park already did it.
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Thanks bros.
How do you ironically fuck a chicken anon?
hey guys
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what's up
hey guy
I dunno why, but this reminded me of the old Ventrillo harassment videos.
hey there chonky wonky, have you sniffed Kiara's panties today?
I wish I was chonkers
I'd kill everyone in this thread if I could get to be Kiara's cat for a day.
I wouldn't blame ya
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All five senses would be over-indulged being that cat.
Picture the sights
Think of the smells
Imagine the feelings
Conjure up the sounds
The taste of things like her sweaty fighs is palpable.
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wtf no.

What are you guys talking about why would you want to be cat?
>be cat
>Kiara goes on vacation
>get house to yourself
>door gets left open by caretaker
>can do what you want
>you are cat
So I can lick her toes
Kiara gives you hugs while naked. She doesn't close the doors when she pisses or showers. Also, you can lick her feet.
>She doesn't close the doors when she pisses
Sup KFP bros. I haven't watched your oshi in a while, but, as a retrofag who gets immeasurably hard over 80s leotard and pantyhose workout gear, it's been sweeat opening the catalog and seeing a new picture of this sweaty orange chicken.

Avoid the usual room and listen to Pat Benatar. Stay based.
>be cat
>see shower faucet turn
>ptsd as water droplets hit the ceramic tub at high speed
>start hyperventilating as owner steps into the tub. Her demise is immenant
>can only meow for food and hope she hears you coerce her to escape the aquatic vortex
>can't figure out how to get that demonic contraption out of the house
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Mint but the hours are pretty different
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I thought the pink girl was holding a Nintendo switch in her left hand.
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So cute
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I want to look at Kiara's stupid butthole
all Kiara porn posters go to heaven, and people who commission get sanctified
I will finally see the pearly gates
got a fresh one earlier >>79339790
That butthole doesn't look stupid to me. It looks rather cute and kissable.
Meant for >>79358510
Wawawawi wawa!
My dick craves gyaru wawa with a spiked bat
Wawi Takanawi
Imagine a game with gyaru Wawa stuck in a high school in the middle of Tokyo in a zombie apocalypse Lollipop Chainsaw/Gakkou Gurashi/Dead Rising style, swinging her spiked bat around to eradicate hordes of zombies.
I saw a few kfp that want her to ay that upcoming Lollipop Chainsaw remaster(?). Would be fun
Came to ask a question since I saw somebody shitposting about it in global, Kiara isn't taking a 2 month right soon, right? If she isn't, where did that come from?
She isn't. Don't come back here.
go back this thread is dead
yo mama's dead
No they're shitposting about how she'll be in japan for about a month and a half because she combined her trip for her anniversary live and month's anniversary live into one trip. That ain't stopping her from streaming
She isn't. She's going back to Japan to record stuff. Will still be streaming there.
It's, as usual, twisting Kiara's words into something else. She'll spend a good amount of time in Japan for the upcoming two months, doing recording for the EN concert, the World Tour, her birthday/anniversary 3D live, Myth's 3D anniversary live, other lives she was invited to, and other unannounced programs. Any sane KFP knows, however, that she'll be streaming as often as she realistically can.
I can understand why the schizo wants people to think we're dead but compared to other splits? Not even close. I don't wanna name names but sheesh, some ain't even got a thread 24/7
God that stream was so fucking good.
That Kiara can reap me any day
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I want to hug Wawa
I bet kiara gives warm and welcoming hugs. She probably wouldn't freak out if she felt your boner in that hug.
I want to fug wawa
I want kiara to hug me and feel my boner.
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Chiara Kotoriyu
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KFP on twitter are hitting me with food terrorism
find her personality and voice annoying but her outfits are pure sex and nerissa loves her for some reason
delete this dead thread
no point. it will be active in a few hours.
Kill yourself subhuman
You have to come here a lot for a supposedly dead place
Also, I can still hug my mom
find nerissa cringe
Will we really call RBF "papachimkin" now or would wawa find this too cringe?
I don't know who or what RBF is.
Trying too hard, you're probably related to >>79375912
>he doesn't even know bff is going
step your game up pleb this is why you fail at everything
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none of them were actually married, none of them are christian to believe switching partners is a sin etc. it proves nothing and bff can't stand up for herself
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Even this one?
especially that one
That one has a style that is really close to a fetish artist who draws a fetish that I really, really enjoy. So doubly so because it's easy to think about it with that Wawa in that style.
Sorry buddy, it's very obvious you're just trying to troll but you don't have anything solid to work with so you have to come up with what if's and maybes. Did you figure out what a side is yet?
Well, now you have my curiousity. Eilling to share?
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Well, you didn't think you could just drop this and do not share a name, did you?
What the other anons said
You won't like it, I can almost guarantee it. It's related to this streaable I clipped a long time ago.
you sick fuck degenerate
i don't get it
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I know Kiara is most likely on team Tea in the HoloEN Tea vs Coffee vs Water debate but I wanna see her make a tweet
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>share your farts and let it all out
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Guys I just had the weirdest realization. I think Kiara might be a girl.
There was a point during the One Block final stream where Kiara started talking about 'idol meetings' in relation to the monster spawner being clogged and how they'd need to call the plumber. That was a really fun moment for me.
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Any of them with Kiara would be hype
She's got a decent connection with 3/4 so I'd be more happy for those, because I'm always happy to have more cute collab partners.
>Kiara might be a girl
Any proof to back up that claim?
almost time for a new thread
All 4 of them ganging up on Wawa
Exhibit 484
Make this the OP image

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