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Unmedicated friends edition
Haachama Dark Web:https://youtube.com/channel/UCHj_mh57PVMXhAUDphUQDFA
Red Heart:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9HY4DsRTCg
Girl with pink hair:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDJtcmSbyUA
Upcoming: https://www.youtube.com/live/09IsVFEP-4I?si=LRvlx0VajMC47TRO
About to start get in here pigs!
>play new game
>technical problems
Anyway staato nau
Chammers, chained
Chama and Kusoge... Home...
Yeah it really is...
Wonder how long she'll play, two or five hours...
Chama driving!
Concentration AWAY
Might be otsuchama now...
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me btw
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goodnight pigs
Night pig
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Reminder that I love Haachama today too!
Sex with Haachama?
Sex? With Haachama.
I told her not to upload our sex tape... It's a good thing I'm invisible.
Neville... Chamberlain... ?
what is mean
Good to hear she had a great day. (with me)
Goodnight piggies!
I love Haachama!
goodnight pig
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All Haachama and Haatons are sweet pigs.
no u
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Goodnight pigs!
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What would be the consequences of picking her up and taking her home?
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She'll get a spot next year for sure
Stealing all of Haachama's pantsu.
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This right here
>>79388300 (me)
Stealing all of Haachamas handshoes
I couldn't have attended anyway but still sucks!
>fucking Kobo
>Page 9
Board fast...
Do you think she'll stream today? Voice didn't sound great yesterday
Haachama girlfriend
Haachama best friend
Friends with Haachamas
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Well, at least the replacement will come out faster and better
Yeah, probably
what (good) games do you want chama to play?
would chama like dave the diver?
Chama.............. I was going to a concert tonight.................
The good fromsoft games, skyrim, rollercoasterr tycoon,holocure
I wish she wasn't as braindead so she could enjoy puzzle games. Cosmic Express is such a cute and approachable game that would fit perfectly for one of her chill streams.
Buy Elden ring Chammers...
I hope you don't skip something like that for a stream like this...
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Chama soon!
A-chan leaving.. what a loss
She looks so cute with the cola and poteto chips
Immediately goes for a sim... chama...
game perms doko....
Side note but steamsales were so much more fun when they started. Time limited offers and all that
Has she bought anything so far? Can't really watch
she's just looking. I doubt she'll buy anything on stream
Yeah probably better this way, might yab with the steam account or credit card
Yeah, when other holomems did Steam streams, they just kept a list on the side or used the wishlist feature but didn’t actually buy anything.
>dave the diver
pls play it chama...
>chat suggesting Boltgun
40kchama would be something
>Pooh horror game
Zhangs don't look!
No please
>copywrite music
chammers pls interact with the other doll
How long was that sleeping dogs trailer
>dwarf fortress kek
>no boltgun
rip that dude
Also was the DOOM guy, win some, lose some
goodnight pigs
Night piggy
https://x.com/akaihaato/status/1806671476344729810 ...
Live on twas channel!
Someone watching? Cant do it now either... How she doin?
They just finished introductions.
Ok thanks
Taa forcing Chammers to play Apex... What next, she picks up her smoking habit too????
Yeah, smoking my pole
Smoking your pole? What is mean that?
Ah! OK.
Means burn.
Burn the pole.
I understand. Understandable?
I burn your pole.
Shut up bitch, I love you
Pretty good impression
How is Chammers aim?
Ah I see
Looks like we're dodging the Apex-bullet
Her old ass cover with Festival hit 1mill views today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d71E3pHzibw
Nice. Saw it was in the upper 990's the other day. Very nostalgic.
pickle cover
Kawaii Terrorist drop
why she wanna end me?
The karaoke from the other day is gone
Just noticed that too
wait, is Kawaii Terrorist her own brand of english covers? i assumed it's just a genre of kawaiified western songs.
Certainly seems to be her own thing, searching for it only brings up her, and Counter Strike 2 stickers
Searching her art tag on twitter brings up some interesting stuff further down
Another cute cover
A-chan leaving suck in general, but especially for Chama...
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wtf it makes sense now
Anyone else got e-mailed that survey from the Holoshop?
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like what?
talking about the other art-tag
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still quite sad about a-chan....She's one of very few person in Hololive that appreciate and likes chamas randomness, shes genuinely excited to join and helps chama with her weird projects.
No point in getting too sad, she went out by her own decision...
Yes, she always had the girls backs and is someone who really appreciates Chammers. A huge loss
Goodnight pigs
Taranchama is a sometimes food.
I did. I said no to the "could we set up a one hour meeting to discuss this further?" question but I'm really curious to know what exactly Cover's expecting.
Pulling Haachama's pigtails.
chama tits!
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what are the odds that chama is competent enough to play dave the diver?
Forgetting I left Haachama in the car.
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A-chan was a good tardwrangler of both the company and the talents, and Nodoka's too submissive to become her successor. the next few months are going to be interesting because this shit reminds me of Shinove's leaving.
Diverchama... is it a hard game? I saw gameplay once and thougt it looked pretty casual.
>it looked pretty casual
i mean, chama is you know..... she has a way of making games more difficult for herself...
pigs doko
A-chan response
>Haa-chama is charming just the way she is, so please don't become a professional and just stay the way you are! lol
not on the new management's watch!
Gonna miss her, but nothing to do about it
That she does.
She looked at some interesting games, DOOMchama coming soon.
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I might say yes and just ramble about how they have to make Chammers a fiveview for an hour
Going out for a bit, please watch the thread
>how many years
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Jesas, that A-chan video...
if you haven't seen it

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me rn on the left
Chama... Lets go!
Karaoke frame https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fW6WKXd8UQ
goodnight pigs
Asking for ballads for the karaoke frame
>>79498683 (me)
correct link https://x.com/akaihaato/status/1807022861783032200
Stream changed, seems like her voice can't handle karaoke - eating stream instead (UFO noodles)
start in one hour
gunning for the next UFO sponsorship I see
Never one to miss an opportunity to snack onstream
Chama soon
Chama nau
We're winning!
>"Chama dayo"
We're losing...
>hi HaaChama you can click your nice real high heels on the floor for me
A-chan brought up instantly...
Was looking forward to heartfelt karaoke but this is nice too
Only Haachama can make instant noodles an athletic event
Raspy chama
Nice song, with two laughing breaks
That's my ear the noodles are coming from btw
>chokes while singing
Changing the sad mood with her silliness
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How does a Japanese pirate say thank you?
Uhh, let me read One Piece real quick
Chama love

chama will take a break until next month...
Weekend off chama
Hope A-chan stays in contact with Chammers in some way
i can invite them both to my room
that's very kind of me
>my room
It's a room I have access to at least.
fair enough
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Filling out that holoshop survey, some interesting things in there
I guess it's only for holoshop and not geekjack? or should I scavenge my spam?
I've bought from Holoshop(digital) and geekjack(physical) and holoshop physical via JP 3rd party - only got an email from holoshop
Goodnight piggies!
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If anyone got something to get off their chest...
night pig
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Chamma should stream naked more.
Got that one already (in my mouth)
Anything else
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board fast...
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Goodnight pigs
bath time
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gn pigs
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Haachama except she's passed out drunk on a park bench.
Haachama except Gw maximizesd her benchpresas
off to work
chama love
Rummaging through Haachama's garbage.
I think infinity (youtube ver.) is Haachama's best song any other opinion is wrong.
I honestly think that more Holosongs should be in that style if only for variety's sake
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I love Haato!
Love the chama
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What is this brat laughing at
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Fug I thought she was crying
Hairy Porter and the Chammers of Secrets
Don't think so, smoothchama
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How much mischief she can get up to, now that
Eugene won't be there to wrangle chamachama..
it has to be legally distinct, please understand.
I actually think talents got the longest possible leash with a-chan, now some corporate fuckos will come in and make everyone toil in the chnese mines or #shorts fields
yeah thaT's why the next few months are gonna be interesting. the reason why Chama can do those "unhinged' shit in the first place was because A-chan got her back. the new managers will certainly be less forgiving and she'll be likely micromanaged by her new superiors because she's one of the lowest performing JPs currently. I wonder if that's the reason why she reactivated the Pickle.
Yeah, whatever. Love Chamers
Will be busy for a few hours, please watch thread.
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Keep thread alive piggies! Gonna be shooting hoops!
Tasting Chama's ________
goodnight pigs
cooking / sweat
Night pig
I didn't get any...
Yeah, me
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