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Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:












Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Our Minecraft server:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>79345452
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sex with my cute wife
I was having a headache for several hours and it just wouldn't go away

I fucking hate Petra so much it's unreal.
Claude is so pretty. I love pretty men.
Link onegai, I love lesbian piss porn
Terminate Reimu Endou.
Inseminate Reimu Endou.
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anon is a bitch, you could get got
what is your pronouns? im on your block
her? him? they? them? fuck it everybody getting shot
*backshots you*
3 more hours till more twisty
twisty I know you're here can you please play apex just one time on stream
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I've literally just started looking for something that fits my mood, I can't jerk off to the same thing twice in a row and half the battle at any point when I'm turned on is finding something i want. It would be nice for her to act all confident as a group of girls welcome her into a room and slowly start getting more handsy as she makes lewd jokes, thinking that this will stop at most with some groping and making out and then before she knows it she's trying to fake confidence as a girl starts riding her face. Midway through she realises that this isn't just a bit of fooling around like she's done with the Canadian girls and that she's actually having lesbian sex with these people she doesn't actually know all the names of. No time is given to her to fully process that though until a wet heat hits pussy and the other girls in the room start to piss on her. It's not that bad really until the one riding her face finishes and takes only a moment to give a deep sigh before pissing directly into her mouth.
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Hey spiritmates check this out
Ohio bro!
Twisty and Vanta hatesex
New Mexico!
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I miss Elira so much.
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slamming my head against my desk untill it splits ope n and my brain falls out
vanta with reimu, millie or twisty?
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cocksleeve material
L-lets go to Tartarus with Elira
Hello pentomo
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I love my bird wife Enna!
This but only if Ike doesn't do a 10+ hour NieR stream tomorrow
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im usually half-asleep during those streams so he could just restream the last one and i'd be none the wiser
ohio broooo!
hello anon good morning
I really wasn't expecting this
But those are his most engaging streams, his autism goes into overload
She's had regular dick for years and none them have been yours.
vanta with a monster girl who can crush him
yeah but he streams them at 5:00 am and the music is relaxing and there's a lot of talking and i know by the time i wake up he'll probably still be streaming and so i go honk shoo
i try to at least watch the vod of the previous nier stream while fully awake before his next stream of the games but i've been busy rotting lately
damn this game is cool
i would suck on those juicy lips of hers
yeah it might be a bit cliché but this game runs on rule of cool and does it well
You see a beautiful vtuber and the first thing you think about is another man's dick
claude LOVES the slopkino
i loooooove the use of amputation
Oh wow Anycolor bought a new 3D studio. Really big one to.
man that looked like it would be a blast to play
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They spent 90% of their profits on stock buybacks
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Petra made me laugh a lot during the L4D2 collab! I hope she made you happy too!!
claude wants to play FEAR on stream
>claude just finished one of the best shooter campaigns in years and is gushing over it while thinking of to follow this up with
>but are you gonna play minecraft??
Well is he?
someone recommended claude play sprawl
hey no bully the autistic unity hexling
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I wonder what Elira is doing right now...
there's a ghostrunner 2? i want wife to play it too, throwback to his first week
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>it will be triple the size
>they can now handle making collabs for 100 livers
>IRL people and livers will be able to collab in more creative ways through green screen
>hybrid recording and producing studios for the livers who want to sing
>60 2D, 20-30 3D livers can now be handled by the new studios all at once
>AR features will now be in house ( thus AR features will be used more than just big events)
>all 8 studios can work 24/7
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crying herself to sleep lol
Gawr Gura is streaming!!!


This was recommended to me!
Thank you Twisty! But i already watching.
It's actually a relief to listen to a vtuber that doesn't have some shitty ESL accent or fake voice
why is her eye closed in this one
christ now i'm noticing that without her heterochromia apparent she just looks like false at a glance. it was foreshadowing...
gura has a fake voice tho
she made me very happy. i miss her a lot. thank you
ESL accents are cute
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watching elimom x sonny milf sex in the corner
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Finishing Reimu's latest bloodborne stream: she's addicted to new vegas now
this but elira is in a threesome with elidad and elibro because incest is good
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thanks for the stream mr president
brosemi more like weaksemi!!
cant even bench 1 plate!!!
>spent 90% of profit on stock buybacks
> has money to splurge a new bigger better 3d studio
The fuck kinda money is anycolor making
Gura is very cute but more in a "yeah I'll fap to that" kind of way and less of a "I can't wait to watch her stream!" kind of way
Writing porn is so bizarre sometimes, you get up, make a coffee, do some chores and then part way through unloading the dishwasher you've got the next three paragraphs in your head and you're closing it again to sit down and type out anal penetration before standing back up to continue with the dishes. I started writing fanfiction almost 15 years ago, this shouldn't be surprising and yet it's during the most mundane of tasks where I end up breaking my writers block.
>Ah yep that mug goes into this cupboard but oh my god wait, if he walks in on Luca masturbating, that solves my main issue of how to get them to fuck!
I hope Shu commits suicide in front of a live audience, it's the only time people would pay to see him on stage
Claude the cuck heh
Reading bl fanfics in a plane to japan.
wdym she's not the one that tried to off herself, seething because of her coworkers
>Still Wakes the Deep
oh shit Doppio is about to play some body horror kino
>she's not the one that tried to off herself
Imagine if Sonny was so desperate for affection that he got on his knees, ripped off his ravioli-stained Charizard shirt and screamed for cute girls to let him use their lap as a pillow, but the cute girls looked a him with revulsion, placed their index against their nostril, and started launching snot streams at Sonny until he was coated in snot, which petrified in the hot summer sun and preserved Sonny's body for future generations
i was walking outside and i saw an american flag and an entire story about fucking my oshi on the 4th of july spontaneously developed in my mind
he's not even american
plenty of bait threads for you to an edgy teenager in
I hope your shoe breaks during a lengthy walk through an area with no stores, causing you to awkwardly walk while deciding on if you go barefoot or not and hoping people around you aren't watching from their windows thinking you're on drugs as you realise that the area isn't viable to walk barefoot in due to the scorching pavement and unkept concrete. Attempting not to stumble you'll wander down the street faster and faster as the sole continues to disconnect itself in a cruel reflection of your own souless ways.
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ryoma startan
Ok but I still hope he kills himself lol
Finished that 7 hours long bloodborne stream! Now onto the next 6 and a half hours of Reimu in fallout ^^ and in between that I'll watch her stream FF16

Reimu makes me so happy~
Mega Gamer to you too! I hope you play mega games today anon, like maybe not just one but perhaps two or three. You could even visit an arcade and play up to eight! But no more than eight because arcades cost money any you should be somewhat financially responsible but you could play up to eight different games in one visit!
Her New Vegas streams have been pretty fun
Trash dwellers parroting their chatGPT memes will never not be funny.
sometimes I think about impregnating all the niji girls
this but also the niji boys
This specially Rosemi, Reimu, Rosemi and Twisty
People here and in the west really don't understand that Niji pulls in more revenue than holo. They were also sitting on 16.2 billion yen in cash.
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You don't know?
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>Claim to being the things they do in the name of Doki because how dare anycolor do this
>While at the same time wishing the same on an EN liver
Sensing a little bit of hypocrisy here.
This but the maleanons here
But all that revenue went to a stock buyback.
And guess who the biggest shareholder is? Riku himself. He's directly boosting his own net worth
this but also you
I don't think you quite understand how stocks work, but pop off king.
It's insane how hard Lain triggers my desire to breed and also crave breast milk
Cheatcode unlocked, now he can build supercool houses in sims without having to worry about making the money first to do so.
Anon that isn't how any of that works.
Riku can't even sell any stock without getting the sign off from the board.
Plus anything of the stock buybacks go to the company's holdings not him.
doppio this isn't twitter/x please check where you're posting before responding
>the sign off from the board
He has more shares than them, they can barely tell him anything.
>anything of the stock buybacks go to the company's holdings not him
If he owns the shares, and the shares double in price, his net worth just doubled.
stop responding to the zoomer who doesn't know how financials work
ehhh yadaa
on one hand I'm bored and it's funny because he's trying but on the other hand trips of truth
Men can't get pregnant.
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Remember Anons
>>they can now handle making collabs for 100 livers
Now the question is, will they? Will they try a 1 vs 100 with niji livers?
Doppio is laughing at the Scottish accent
doppis autism is really cute
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Too bad I don't give a shit about Doki
robbed of a ryoma dad sneeze...
I would hurt myself if Rosemi-sama did this
Trips of truth
the giant gundam is going to be in osaka next year but it won't move around. that's a shame, it loses most of its magic that way
With the new studio being expected to be up and running in the fall, makes sense why NijiFes was expanded from 3 days to 5 days.
Someone's about to be mpreg'd and it looks like it's you.
Then tell me why Yu Q Wilcon on Nijisanji's 8th wave Krisis, formerly a hitman, now a hero continues to talk about it when he is a man and would know. All the knowledge in my brain comes from Nijisanji, we live in the omegaverse and while Wilson cannot get pregnant, Elira told me that omegas can even if the are men and you sound like an omega so I hope during your next heat you end up pregnant and fulfill your body's urges.
>least salty quilldren
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It was pretty cool but the chinese tourists absolutely ruined the close-up experience. I hate them so much it's unreal.
Impregnate Rosemi Lovelock.
An idea about a secret meeting after the stream that every hot female liver must attend makes me rock hard.
ok wilson
Even Gamestop holdouts are more financially literate. It's almost impressive.
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changing my japan flight tickets to april, gomen de gozaru
you're right here though?
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Imagine 100 australia ojisans vs 1 kenmochi ;)
i cant really think of who ryoma would collab with outside of niji...
huh when did you go? i went last year and didn't feel like there were too many tourists.
What do you mean
vspo en
>vivi collab with that 5 guys orgy plap plap girl
That giraffe girl
I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!
a transformer
But I don't see Pomu on the thumbnail
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the car girl
>that 5 guys orgy plap plap girl
Explain further
everyone who wants to rape biker you know what to do
nissan's upcoming vtuber
Also went last year during summer so there was quite a few chinese tourists. The close-up tour is when you enter the stall surrounding the gundam and get really close to it. Because you're like 20 people sharing a small space the tour guide told us to form a line so that everyone can take their turn to photograph the gundam up close, and of course everyone but the chinese tourists follows the instructions. By far the worst tourists I encountered during my trip were the chinese ones at the gundam docks, the 2nd worse were some Italians that tried to haggle the price of some retro games and the employees had no clue as to why they tried to give them less money kek.
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This anon is just like me!
he said it was also with a senpai he hasn't collabed with right? maybe he was invited and doesn't actually know the others
I know her as the five nights at freddys scream girl first
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pomu only plap plap selen
Sonny LOVE
Feesh LOVE
Wosemi LOVE
Shubert LOVE
Stream Cendrillon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7HZcCgMx3w
Stream Break Free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YnDtV6Yejo
Stream Ringo Mogire Beam
Stream Infinity
These GTA clips are really a gold mine. I haven't touched any clips for the past 6 months until now.
you too? holy shit youd think being a head taller and the staff saying to be mindful of others they would clear out after taking photos but hell no they just camped the front and almost ruined it for everyone else
you love them because of their accent.. kek
ooo she looks cute whats her name
oh i did the tour too but everyone followed instructions when i was there. sorry you had that experience, it especially sucks since i remember it cost a pretty penny.
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Kadet daisuki!!!
i swear albanians are half of the fic writers here...
ryoma wants to find someone to play a way out with
I hope it's one of the Avallum boys.
kiri kilovolt
Ryoma and her have talked a bit on twitter already
since they are both car fanatics
gm sonny
Awake so early again...
calm down biker
i dmed him
damn if only he had other people who joined at the same time as him... maybe as a new 'wave' of employees or something.....
Kiri Kilovolt from Globie Gen 2 I think.
twisty won't play a game with only ugly old men so klara it is
miata is always the answer so true i want an na miata for the popups but theres only nbs...
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she went to japan again didn't she... her being sick yesterday was jetlag... that's why elira is going on break... i hate the bimonthly nijien japan orgy
and twisty will kill ryoma because of it...
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CUTE BRIT ACCENT, just looking from their replies a collab really would be nice
kek in all seriousness ryoma wants to do it with someone outside of denauth, he said senpais
I’m worried for Sonny I hope he doesn’t lose his spaghetti too bad during the concert since it’ll be live…Even though there’s no more physical audience it’s not that different in that aspect
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i remember researching and being so careful when i bought new lugnuts for the new wheels for my car back then holy shit ryomas a brave man for not using a torque wrench
Did Anybody ever mention that Anycolor seems to be intending to buyout other vtuber companies by the way? If you look at the Management Policy for Mid-Term Growth document in the IR news the board has authorised the spending of up to 50 billion for the purpose of Mergers and Acquisitions.
Are these posts just bait at this point
Just move to Japan like Petra. She has become pretty "professional" after moving there.
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yeah its cute
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no the bait is the catalog fags acting like she's graduating or suspended or whatever i just miss my oshi and am annoyed by half the branch going on prolonged group japan trips so often and its funny to joke about everyone going to have sex with elira
considering how many girls have kissed elira and how many boys have kissed claude... it's kind of like a tongue orgy
wtf rwb kits damn
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I do hope they collab soon
It was brought up, it doesn't have to specifically be VTuber companies, could be smaller tech companies with tech or engineers they would want.
I'd get Twisty pregnant ngl
it's just a concert right ill be fine, its not like i dont stream live all the time so nothing too bad will happen
This girl did a 24 hour le mans stream. We neeed Ryoma to do that.
Have you stopped to think about what is upcoming and why they would be in Japan for it?
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asia adult expo?
ok vox
Looking at the docs
>Assumed targets of M&A
1. Acquire an IP pipeline that can be included in our monetization capabilities
This one is other vtuber companies right? They have IP (vtubers) that can be fed into Anycolor monetization capabilities.
2. Acquire new IP monetization capabilities
This could be anything really, any company that makes something they could sell to the fans of vtubers.
3. Acquire capabilities to grow our IP
This one sounds like what you are talking about tech stuff.
>8 studios
I remember holofags were bragging that they got 2 studios now last year and was willing to lend Nijisanji theirs when we already had 3 kek
At least all the confirmed kisses are gay, the girls can have sex and the boys can have sex and that's fine since gay sex is good now and in the year 2024 of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ, heterosexuals are outlawed.
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yes and that does not make me any less upset that my oshi has not streamed since last week and likely will not for at least another week if not more
Finally, the fuck-a-fan contest...I started to think it would never happen...
sonny is not a pussy coward like elira and rosemi
Finally, onahole merch, real size real shape
Oh right! It's the brothel that's being opened that they wanted some internationals at to cater to foreign customers as may Soaplands and Deriheru services refuse to cater to those who aren't Japanese.
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sweaty car sex with ryoma! tinted windows are a must
dark green is reserved for alfa quadridoglio... but thats legit a dad car
twisty would beg to differ
Finana’s gonna do this in the concert
This but myanon
>hiding behind the tinted windows
coward what is the point of car sex if you are just going to make the fear of getting caught a nonissue you may as well just go inside and fuck in the privacy of your bedroom like vanilla
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Doppio is having fun
virgin petra
>moved to japan for study and work
>riku forces to do anything for jp branch
chad shu
>moved to japan for fun
>free enough to play gta on nijiserver and got free kuzuha, lauren, abo, kanae, ibu and etc collab
She will more than likely be back on the 11th. Elira said she would be back from Japan on the 11th in her last stream yesterday.
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Lazy shu* play games with friends and doesnt stream or sing unless he's at gunpoint*
When I was in japan anytime I got into a conversation with a local they would compliment me for being a good little tourist by talking shit about the obnoxious koreans and chinks they deal with every day, I feel like it's the only place in the world where they're happiest to see a white american wander into their territory
More like, they got shu for free
Man the JP female models are so much more superior than the EN models
would they be happy to see a sea person.....
>elira and chigusa
>petra and nagao
>millie and maimoto
>rosemi and ange
>shu and lauren
>luca and fuwa
>sonny and his right hand
>uki and kaisei
nijien x nijijp orgy soon
After what Godzilla did I think they're a bit wary of sea people, Anon...
Shu, Zali, and Klara really put the EN members who speak Japanese to shame. They managed to interact and have fun with senpais that were thought to be untouchable and were put on a high pedestal.
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well i mean the last time the japanese got all uppity towards the americans it didn't end well for them
Not my fault I was born half sea and half gook.....
I'd have sex with Rosemi t b h
Forgot Meloco, but whatever.
>rosemi just recovered from covid that she contracted when having sex with anju
Rate my rrat
it's over for you
This but Rosemi had sex with me while Ange watched
I think Ike
petra already fucked and married her oshi nagao
kazuha? lauren who?
Ange would happily watch it
Don’t worry, Japanese are two faced. They’ll show you the best service but deep down they’re disgusted by you being born in South East Asia
This but Ange had sex with me while Rosemi watched
>he said this while shu will release his cover soon meanwhile the musician guy like ike last cover was 1 year ago
sex with hoshikawa soon
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Man that Pshu turing love cover is still my favourite!
I keep hearing bad things about Chinese tourists when I watch videos about Japan and Korea. Why the fuck are they like that? You'd think American tourists would be the worst.
I shouldn't have looked at the qrts of Roa's bday merch
i almost thought this was myanon
guess they will not hate me as much as they hate them
anon why would you post this i'm going to look for you now
nagao will never cheat on fumi
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>his one cover
too much money and east asia hate each other
you just made me look at his account and it's his birthday happy birthday gayboy
italian anons...
These posts confuse me because its like you don't know him.
>follows you
nice one
there's no way you can find my account
Pomies were the masters of shitposting
holy sex
Man when I go to Korea one day I hope I don't encounter them. I'm not really going to a tourist-y event anyway
it was just that one guy, probably the same pomie who shitpost about shu and luca all the time
the one that has the discord gf lol
Rosemi hasn’t streamed these past few days because she is sick unless she actually went earlier than the others. Feesh had her last stream this month 2 days ago and Elira is flying to Japan today. Millie on the other hand has personal issues.
the following list is chronological, ie. accounts they followed most recently are at the top
you can tell it was made by not even an ESL but ETL with how butchered the sentences are
How do you get a discord gf... asking for a friend
group cover ≠ real cover and maze is better than all of shu's song combined
The guy who says he deals with anxiety and you can tell is nervous every time he has an event like a karaoke? I know he can handle it and put on a good show but he’s still a bundle of nerves
>Tazumi bootlickers
>Pomie bootlickers
How deep can this thread fall...
this person already followed me lol
he doesn't have a discord gf, he was just bluffing
she's a lesbian
Vanta is so lucky...
Definitely nta but how do you get a discord lesbian friend... asking for a different friend
I noticed that pomies like to lick each other off when people ignore their posts
wow fatty is still awake?
>ike's last cover was 1 year ago
damm this cover doesn't exist now
seoul is a 1h flight away, you can't avoid mingling with chinese tourists there. i was there in spring and honestly i barely noticed them. there's also less of a cultural gap between korea and china vs japan for obvious reasons.
>bimonthly nijien japan orgy
Shut the pluck up stop it this is not funny
don't spoonfeed the tourist, just point and laugh at him
every post i see of an anon "worrying" about sonny it feels like im reading about a stranger more than anything. its like they never even saw or read about sonny or even about the briskadets when he is easily the one you can know about the most of the guys with how their fans itt just says anything about him and what he does on stream. but even this is so hard for that anon to do and just make shit up and pretend its some kind of crazy briskadet that cant stop seeing sonny as a baby that needs to be defended by the whole entire world.
It’s not that serious
>bimonthly nijien japan orgy
only elira, rosemi, petra and finana will join.
anons am i a cool adult for drinking black coffee from my own espresso machine please say yes
He's nervous but he's never fumbled so why even be concerned. He's always been professional despite the anxiety. I would understand if the concern was because it's happened before but it hasn't. He would have done amazing with a live audience because from every other concert and M&G he's done he's been phenomenal albeit the performance itself wasn't live. Instead of worrying about some baseless concern of his wellbeing, just look forward to the hard work he's put in for us.
I never realized it was that close. Well, I guess I should be prepared for anything if I'm going to a foreign country anyway.
is it true that pomu and selen shat on nijien in their recent collab? I don't wanna watch it
Petra has daily Japan orgy. She stops streaming every time nijien visits there.
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Love you, Milord!

Good evening! Hope everyone's having a lovely day! Busy day, lots to work on and write for tonight while catching up on some vods.

Yes anon!
According to one of Marimari's friends she met in a hotel room with 5 guys at a con last year. That's all we really know.
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eehhh but i bought it myself... and its bitter and i only have 1 teaspoon of sugar because im an adult...
was it even 5 guys i thought it was 5 people she didnt know
why would you visit korea if you can visit japan
korea is so boring if you don't like kpop or kdrama
japanese foods and the weeb experience is better
Good evening chu
only real adults ground the beans themselves
so when is the bimonthly /nijiEN/ orgy
Ahhh good evening! Chu!! Hope your day's been good! What're you watching or have watched so far?
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Good luck with writing and have fun catching up on VODs!
Yes and I respect him very much for being able to get through his nerves to give fans a good time during every event. From the sounds of it he’s even improved during m&gs. I just can’t help but have second hand nerves especially for something huge like this. But despite my silly post I know he’ll give a great performance
anon don't tell me you weren't invited this whole time? poor you...
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good afternoon!! ganba! but remember to take needed breaks, hope your day goes smoothly <3
I think a merman would impress them
wait what
why the fuck jp care about petra when they have a lot of sexy big booba girls
Korea has more of something I'm interested in than Japan does. I'm even learning Korean. And I love kimchi. It's one of my favorite foods.
I've had carsex twice and sex in a car is annoying, they are cramped as hell. Even if you're an exhibitionist and the idea of being seen is exciting care are just uncomfortable to fuck in.
el no sabe
I've been watching anons being cute itt
nta but the only reason why I would travel to Korea is for a game-themed restaurant
She does VPs regularly. She's not dead, she's just in a protracted legal battle.
little late champ, but yeah, as usual
u just in the wrong car anon.
wow can't believe you missed out on so many things, shit was crazy. oh well too bad for you
kpopsis... you do you
yeah me
>he doesn't know about nijien vrc secret room
Project Moon fan?
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i can count the number of times i have left my state on one hand!
it's an invite-only vrc world
you can visit the next public vrc meetup and ask to be invited
just talk to the aussie pomie or biker
nta but carsex in something like a brz is NOT comfortable, you really need like a hatchback or something because a coupe is not it
I'm racist.
proof next thread?
>He didn’t play Valorant at the height of the pandemic when everyone was on Discord
Recommend me a good car for sex then Mr Ronin
I want to buy the artbook and all the merch I can get
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Ahhh thank you very much!!!
Good afternoon!! Ahh I definitely will! Going to stay focused and have some Milord work asmr in the bg too! Our demo was released yesterday so it's been an exciting and inspiring time!
Awwww so cute! Hope it's been fun!
It was awful anon, they were saying terrible things about Niji and then Mint called Elira up on the stage and they ambushed and her made her service them orally over and over, front to back for hours at a time while saying mean things to her face. Glad that vod got privated.
I'm not into kpop. I mean I like some music but I'm not into it as much as a stan. It's not a very popular and widely-known interest but there's dedicated otaku for it.
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i havr no clue what you people are talking about i only know the scuffworld and vrc sex cannot be real
You can get a floaty for your Enna puppet.
as someone who never touched kpop or kdramas, shopping for cosmetics in korea was a better experience for me than in japan. it's also more affordable to do nails and hair there. japanese food is great but they don't eat anything spicy, after a while it gets a bit bland. it's a pretty different vibe just walking down the street.
i see how it is.....
The main thing that makes them so fucking annoying is that they travel in packs of dozens, I am not even exaggerating
your job always sounds so fun uueue im glad you found something you enjoy and get excited over
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yeah here's a quick rundown on what happened
what the fuck i thought i was in the /NijiEN/ inner circle but i haven't been invited to any orgies......
On an unironic and not joking about wanting advice for carsex level I'm older now and if I want a thrill will book a hotel and fuck with the lights on and curtains open knowing the building across from us could see rather than in a car but maybe someone 18-22 who doesn't have spare money will be able to use this advice.
mid size sedan, hatchback. hell suv if u want.
>twistyfag is also mintfag
of course
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>stream offline
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I couldnt guess the password..
you should stop biting bait pomie
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disconnected........... also skittles endorsement
no i legit dont know about the /nijien/ orgies i dont think im ever invited its owari
YOU TRY TELLING YOUNGER ME THAT!!! the bucket seats were not my friend and the backseat is basically nonexistent
i still don't know what the alban and akina one was and i went through all their tweets @ each other
tropical skittles have the best flavours, i love the mango one
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Tell me about it, I like hearing about obscure hobbies.
the only good answer
I've had anons in other countries wanting to sponsor me for a visa and live with them, be sluttier
Aww it's pretty fun on most days! Sometimes the downside is we'll get comments like "why can't you afford to put X or Y into your game" and I don't think they realize we're quite small and indie, and we work around the clock for pretty little industry pay kek. But we do it because we want to make fun games!
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Should I buy an HD 560s or new Airpods pro?
fucking seffyna is also a fair reason to visit yeah
car sex with seffyna
nigga those are 2 completely different use cases

buy a better brain
i'm just dense and have terrible memory so even if it's something i've seen before it probably fell out of my head
i fucking DESPISE the writing in new nfs games holy shit
you can literally find the answer by searching their names in the archive
among us
The thing is I already own a 1st gen airpods pro but the sound is getting very low now and I can barely hear my music in the subway but it’s still useable. HD 560s will make home listening better though
why is thread always bad when pomies are around
How are these remotely the same thing, the former is for your computer and the latter for your phone. Even if I have my galaxy buds on my computer as I'm moving about for the night while listening to stuff, I still use an actual mic to talk when I do.
I knew that one, but i didn't get the finana 3 letters one, the "easy one"
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>3 million people watching the debate
holy fuck

Biden's getting fucking curbstomped. His career is 100% done
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>Thread is full of avatarfags using images of the guys
u know damn well BRZ only have 2 seat and its very small bcs for driving experience.
/pol/ is so fast right now, holy shit
shilling /pol/ shit should get you banned
NijiEN for this feel?
Both are on sale where I live
Nijisanji MOGGED Hololive MOGGED
burgerbros... your presidents look dum
was it not sus or egg?
No matter who you vote, they all work for the same master.
Good, Boden is a retard
did not expect him to say 4runner for a dream garage but iirc he talked about it before
its a 2 door 4 seater u moron i owned one for years.
even though the backseats are legit made for parapalegic 7yos given how shit the legroom is.......
pick the one you'll get more use out of then. I prefer quality home cans (I use HD800 or LCD-2 depending on my mood) over wireless stuff for going out but I'm not you and don't know what you prioritize
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I really really love stationery. I have well over 200 (probably approaching 300) rolls of washi tape, dozens of sticky notes, and dozens upon dozens of notepads. I also have over 30 notebooks, most of which are blank but about 1/5th of them I started decorating and writing in, and I have about 70 sheets so far of sticker sheets in my collection. Not counting flake or PET stickers. Most of my collection is from Daiso and small artists, but recently I've been buying some nice stuff online because Chinese stationery is really cheap and they have pretty material paper to further decorate pages with. Japan has LOTS of stationery and they have a stationery convention called Bungu Joshi Haku Stationery Festival, but Korea is much bigger on stationery than Japan. They have The Seoul Illustration Fair, which takes place twice a year, and in different locations. There's also numerous independent stationery shops around Seoul I'd love to go to one day. If I were a vtuber, I'd do an entire ASMR stream just showing off and talking about every single item in my stationery collection. It would last no less than 6 hours. When I go to Japan and Korea one day, I want to visit the biggest Daiso stores they have!
Marcos is better than Sleepy Joe in debates
Sex with anons.
idk but this is why I'm glad they left
anon.. u do realize the rear 2 seat basically NOT EXIST. thats why i dont count them
u can fit a midget thats about it.
Stay the fuck away from me.
Oh shit this is election year. I'm American (RAAAHHH) and I forgot.
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ewwwww i'm on my period gross
nta but that's an interesting hobby
stationery market sounds wonderful, i wish cute things are more common in na
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see you guys at AX
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are you blind or are you not comprehending the fact that I OWNED ONE
im going to fuckinf choke you i swear to god
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do not die
dying is bad for your health
i am watching the debate, who's the bad guy and who's the good guy? trump looks evil
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Ahh you can definitely find some good places out in Japan for stationery! I'm also personally fond of finding really tiny consignment-like shops for vintage and older stationery. They might be much more delicate to use because they're from the 80's-2000's, but since they'll usually be in someone's collection before sold, it's in great condition! I recommend it if you ever want to find rarer and very cute stationery! I have quite a few myself, as well as ones made for previously limited doujin events!
Amogus amogus a
>im going to fucking choke you
is that a threat ? or a a treat ?
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Neither are good. No politician is trustworthy.
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a threat to you but a treat for me
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im looking
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Literally Giant Douche vs. Turd Sandwich
but on bright side its brz a easy daily
just hope u dont need change the sparkplug lol.
Sex with dogs
Women are gross and have cooties, stay the FUCK away.
I had a Toyota Cynos as my first car and once did a trip down the island with two friends, the person in the back seats literally gave up on sitting after 30min and just laid down, some cars may have seats but they sure as hell are not made for as many seats as they have. Miss that car though, it was small but it was fun to drive.
Another japanese seiyu dies far to young.
please don't doxx laitna kindred
I can't read kanji but I assume that says don't die
I feel like he's said that phrase almost as many times as he's said he wants to die
Looks like Jackie chen.
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yeah i did that...
and changed the bushings...
and also changed the valve springs...
and changed the diff to a different ratio...
i swear i did everything to that car BESIDES boosting it
So you don't make a lot?
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U gonna get RAPED
It says love yourself 123
It says "I love you" I think! I don't nihongo!
He's just like me!
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all that just to stay NA ????

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