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Busy Edition
Previous Thread >>79436577

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template
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Bau Bau
any plans tonight lads?
what is the secret?
The topic of this thread will be brazilians killing each other, someone post the LiveLeak logo
bau bau with downward arrows
I'm gonna say this as non-schizo as possible but the latest cancelation was the last straw for me. I'm not going to anti them, but I'm done being a ruffian. See you guys in global
Nuke Brazil
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Worst fucking thread on /vt/. Kys
Super busy
bye, you won't see me in global
Hey Fuwawa-chan, Hey Moco-chan!!!
I know that you are super busy and I also know that you always give your best! I know that making the decisions to postpone is one of the hardest for you but you deserve lots of headpats for choosing it, when you need to!
Good riddance
FUWAMOCO used to bring me happiness but lately all they bring me is cloudy feelings.
Filtered by girls in over their heads, honestly its looking more like a positive trait.
Agreed, despite this probably being from a schizo who doesn't actually mean it when the rubber hits the road.
>lived with each other every single day for over 3 decades
>literally always work together
>play a LOT of yuri eroge/nukige
>strange fixation on siscon
>only like anime if it has "cute girls" in it
>bought each other matching rings
>mentioned being "married from birth" at least twice
>during MGS, when Liquid said, "Family can't mate with family," Fuwawa quickly turned to Mococo, who was completely deadpan and silent.
>never had boyfriends before despite being over 30, have always said they, "don't have any plans to date."
>Mococo shyly explains how sitting on Fuwawa's lap "sorta works, " "sometimes,"
>"It sure seems like Suri [doggie of the day] knows how to get away with being babied... like Moco-chan"
>"She has very pretty eyes, sort of like Mocochans eyes!"
>Fuwawa invades Mococo's bed, and Mococo lets her hug her, absolutely no reciprocation, never!
>Mococo is always the small spoon - it's the law
>Confirmed that they cuddle when "It's cold."
>Fuwawa "tried" to touch Mococo's belly button the other day
>"FUWAMOCO are NEVER divorcing!"
>Fuwawa always mentions Mococo being her "other half"
>this situation will get rid of schizo ruffians
you faggots should have left months ago, nay, you should have NEVER been a ruffian especially one that schizo posts in a /vt/ thread about how parasocial you are.
those twitter faggots as well should fuck off.
just for that maybe I will become an anti after all
OH HO HO. I'm not going anywhere. This general is far too amusing to abandon.
is it weird to drink a glass of milk while eating a bowl of cereal with milk?
Feels almost like a sin to imagine myself coming in and piping them both like my life is ending, but honestly that makes it better.
>see you in global, still here
>Mococo shyly explains how sitting on Fuwawa's lap "sorta works, " "sometimes,"
when was this?
That's what they want
>>strange fixation on siscon
>>only like anime if it has "cute girls" in it
>"She has very pretty eyes, sort of like Mocochans eyes!"
timestamp onegaiiiiiii
>last straw
>see you guys
>responds in minutes
okay "non-schizo"
Fuwawa once chose to read a comment in chat suggesting they’d bathe together and RT’d art of that very thing twice
Didn't we already know that they bathed together?
I don't know how the anan = gabe thing has stuck around this long
Gorillabros the orangutans won
shut the fuck up gabe
you are anal only
saying your twin is attractive is narcissistic as fuck
Men don't have cloudy feelings, men don't feel like their smiles weren't protected today, men don't "bau bau" unprompted. If you mimick their speech you're halfway into trooning out, catch yourself while you still can.
is mocopan sexy?
go to bed fuwamoco
rabu though
why do I keep coming here when there's literally nothing new to talk about FUWAMOCO besides doomposting? I'll probably post the suicide note after BD tickets fail and just fuck off, I'm so tired
I want to ask something.
Are they really fat or in poor physical condition even though they themselves say that they have always wanted to be idols?
Why didn't they train physically before hololive even in case at some point the miracle happened and they became idols.
They basically show that they were not willing to be in full condition even if that was part of their dream.
FWMC are taking ruffians for granted. They need to realize that no matter how much they are currently loved, no one is irreplaceable. I am sick of hearing a new excuse every time they talk to us.
They eat like absolute shit.
But soup and granola!
How good would the 3D Debut have to be for you to forgive them for the last 4 months? Even if it would otherwise be great, I can't see any way for it to escape this shadow.
Poorfags eat the worst food, and it can be a hard habit to break.
They got addicted to streaming. Even if they were training before (we don't know) sitting in front of a computer for 12 hours every day for 6 months is damaging.
They sell themselves short every time and autistic ruffians take everything at face value and keep spreading and adding to it. Just compare their version of the first advent practicing together story with everyone else's. Everyone immediately defaults to praising how great FWMC are at it and how hard they carry, FWMC say they're just trying to not screw up and remember their positions, but immediately praise everyone else. It's just how they are.
they don't stream anywhere near those numbers
I think you mean how bad it would have to be for it to NOT be worth. 3D debut is unmatchable by default.
They don't by their own admission. They find people's reaction funny.
Yea but they know they got too many ball an chained to leave them permanently
1000 for anyone that gets me a breaking dimensions ticket if I strike out on either day
That's how most normal people behave.
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>We have to hit one million! We just have to! I don't care if we're falling apart at the finish line!
I would agree. Still enough to confuse this board. We're not the brightest minds, please understand.
>Are they really fat or in poor physical condition even though they themselves say that they have always wanted to be idols?
Not fat, but probably only very slightly chubby due to 0 muscle mass whatsoever and very little stamina.
>Why didn't they train physically before hololive even in case at some point the miracle happened and they became idols.
They'd been out of practice for years cause they had come very close to giving up. They still went on regular walks to the supermarket and stuff.
>They basically show that they were not willing to be in full condition even if that was part of their dream.
Disagree. Bills still exist when you're a poorfag. When you're struggling, you have to cut shit out.
My numberfagging wife...
It's just going to be RnR with new models, who cares?
as a EU fag that won't ever have a concert I've got my popcorn ready and alarm set to wake up early to see the absolute walls of menhera from Ruffians that miss the tickets
Dogs are meant to be fluffy after all, nothing wrong with a bit of chub or a lot of for that matter
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Did you miss that you have a whole new gen?
(You) won’t get a ticket.
I'm unironically going to try to literally buy as many tickets as possible and give the extra ones to a few poorfag Ruffians I know.
That's assuming that I get lucky enough to get one ticket for myself lol I still have no idea how the website itself is going to be.
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They don't eat good.
They don't sleep good.
They are over 30.
They've been out of practice for a while
And even at their peak, they did maybe 1 or 2 performances at a convention, nowhere near the hours of performances they will be doing in Hololive. It will most likely involve other people than just the two of them and be more complicated.
Good luck. I tried clicking for multiple tickets for CTW and it cost me everything so I'm going full greed
Are the multiplayer servers for the Crysis game still up? Crysis 2 is pretty cheap, that multiplayer was fun as hell.
I can believe they aren't that great at it. Yes they used to be idol but they were indies. Hololive is the big time. It's like asking why a guy who used to play pickup football every other weekend is having trouble training for the World Cup.
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I'm basically going through literally every single possible step to cut down on the time between the tickets dropping and the purchase. I'm taking literally every single step possible, including multiple devices, since word on the street is that there WILL be a queue, like with the animeNYC concert.
If I actually miss it, then it means God himself just doesn't want me to go to NY, which is cool. I'll accept whatever happens.
>hours of performances
what are you talking about? lives are like 10 minutes of dancing per talent max. Plus segments are often pre-recorded so it's not like a gauntlet
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Oh yeah, I'm going full greed as well. It's just that if there's a queue, I'm going to queue up on multiple devices to basically ensure I get a ticket or two.
If there's no queue at all, then I have to put myself first.
Yes but for those 10 minutes they practice multiple sessions of 8 hours or more. And they have 3D, Anni, and BD all in a row. I do not believe they trained anywhere nearly as hard as they did when they were indies as they are in Hololive.
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are FWMC gonna be physically present in NY?
they never left
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dancing is the least important skill for a holo. they are severely over-indexing on something so minor
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>FUWAMOCO are overfocusing on something minor
Oh hi, I see you've just discovered them.
The absolute state of Ruffians
their hero Suisei barely dances at all and she is the top of the company
I believe they want to perform at least a song live and for that purpose they really gotta nail things down to get the green light.
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We're in ruff shape
This is interesting, at what age does a person start to fall apart?
Assuming they are 31-32, they have 8 years to reach the limit and start to go down or there are people who, even at 40, are completely fine physically.
>their hero Suisei
Kek she isnt even one of their oshis, anon.
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She's objectively more important to them than streaming for ruffians
>at what age does a person start to fall apart?
30. Sometimes even earlier than that if you aren’t taking care of yourself.
Your body can fall apart at any time if you have a shitty lifestyle, like say eating poorly and sleeping poorly. However your ability to recover fast takes a nosedive after 25. Aches that would go away in a night can last a week.
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Depends on a variety of factors including gender but the body usually loses flexibility at +27 and building up stamina once you hit 30 takes longer. Doesn't mean you can't compete with young people, mind you, it just means you gotta compensate.
>The medicine
My nutritious gorilla juice
What are you even trying to say? You called her their "hero" when that isn't the case kek. Fucking MORI is closer to being one of their oshi's than her or at least this is true for Mococo they just respect Suisei for being an OG.
>more important to them than streaming for ruffians
not a very high bar
How new are you to Hololive? 50% of their talents can't dance for shit (being extremely generous here)
The average underground idol with a crowd of 12 people runs laps around 90% of Hololive.
I don't like all the negativity in this thread
if they don't care about Suisei, and she was still important enough to cancel streams over, than what does that say about ruffians?
Almost certain there's no queue
>* Venue tickets are not drawn by lottery unlike with many Japanese concerts, and will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
When I called the venue a while ago they confirmed it's just fast click and pray your net and the website don't crash
Will they feel bad about being so old?
I heard from certain places that Shiori was the youngest of Advent.
It makes me a little sad that they never collaborated at all 2:1
Why are you still talking about this when it's completely irrelevant? You said she's their "hero" but that's just not the case.
>what is sarcasm?
How new are you to FUWAMOCO faggot? I've been watching Hololive since 2018. Yes there are many talents that can't dance for shit and opt for routines with little to no dancing. Early Suisei concerts are basically just her swaying in place.

Now what do you think FUWAMOCO opted for? They probably went for the maximum difficulty choreography that they could get. And everything is a step up in the big leagues, there's no way any of their old routines would have been satisfactory to them now that they're making a big stage debut. They're going all out.
Welcome to /baubau/, leave now.
MAC Address ban all ironic weebs
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I was hoping with the new gen of HoloEN some of the nonstop anti-FWMC shitposting would die down but sisters are still making threads and regularly raiding /here/ .
early /baubau/ was great due to all the anons talking about niche JP stuff FUWAMOCO would mention and you would see the thread turning into /jp/,/m/,/a/-light but now all those anons are gone and it's just jaded Ruffians with trannies constantly baiting and self replying...
all of the things you listed are more offtopic than the shitposting you are mentioning. Go fuck off to those boards or discords if you want to talk about that shit
it's not sisters, it's ex-ruffians sick of fwmc's shit
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>When I called the venue a while ago they confirmed it's just fast click
Welp it's approximately 50% more over than it was 20 minutes ago. Guess this will be the true test of my abilities.
I WILL be the fastest Ruffian. It's my destiny.
Clean eyes and ears, and try watching an indie idol concert.
This was bound to happen as their popularity increased. Sisters lied in wait for FUWAMOCO to show any semblance of fumbling. Once the move to Japan happened, it was all downhill from there.
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fuwawa and mococo have to have sex with each other periodically or they will go crazy
Ojisans, are you going to be able to keep up with your slowing reflexes? Lots of zoomers will be trying for those tickets you know.
>at what age does a person start to fall apart?
From what I know, the body starts to decline somewhere around 30-34. Even earlier if you have poor health down to about 28, but equally, keeping yourself healthy can raise that to 36-38.
But once you hit 40 your body is absolutely giving way. Being healthy will slow it and make life enjoyable for longer, but it won't stop your RNA from getting anymore frayed
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>playing the unpatched steam version
Try learning English and then kill yourself faggot.
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anon I think
One time I did one of these I was fast enough, but didn’t actually buy any ticket. I just wanted to test my reflexes kek. I will probably do the same here since I already purchased a streaming ticket.
why do I feel so dirty watching other hololive girls when my kamioshis are in such pain....
why faggot? why?
yeah mid and post move was full force, but I was at least hoping by now they would all fuck off back to whatever they were doing before. especially since there's a new gen they could go annoy those threads instead
Age has nothing to do with health until you are geriatric. It is 100% diet and exercise.
Fluffy thighs…
If moderation cared at all about off topic, this would happen. But why go to other threads to shitpost about the new gen when can do that here too?
Because you've let this place get into your head.
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I love cats
FUWAMOCO love cats
we are?
Gigi live
What are they even thinking? The fucking website is going to literally crash.
Did I ask, BITCH?
Oh my bad, can you link the FWMC stream for me?
I miss early /baubau/. It was very comfy, and reading back the 2-3 threads that popped up while I was sleeping was always a nice experience.
Almost constant talks of VNs, Idols, and Gundams, during the downtime with no streams. It was a hell of a lot better than whatever it became
It all went downhill when the GFE started
>never had boyfriends before despite being over 30, have always said they, "don't have any plans to date."
Kill all Justice beggars ITT. Give them ass cancer. BAUmen.
>and Gundams,
This was mostly me cause I was watching through all Gundam anime in order. I stopped in December partway through Gundam Wing cause I was feeling burnt out and never went back...
Yes. I don't count myself since this place often calls me an emotional femruffian for some reason
i don't think that's how the portals work...
I should really go through and add timestamps/links in that post. I regret that I started writing it so long ago without ever doing that kek...
Orange robot and blue robot have their own sets of portals. So it does actually work like that
oh i only played the first portal so i was getting catdog vibes from the thumbnail kek
Yeah, but health also has nothing to do with your cells failing to replicate properly
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I don't give a fuck about /baubau/ I miss early FUWAMOCO. They were so full of light and laughter. They weren't crying every day, when they cried it was out of happiness. When they said good morning to us, they meant it because it was morning for them. When they said good night it was the same. Their tweets were often during the day, now I wake up and find they tweeted 2-3 hours before I woke up. The future was full of possibility, not the dread of knowing that you might have to wait till September to even see if they'd return to normal.
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Why is she making that face?
I mean, it objectively does. Google scurvy. Or protein deficiency
fucking this. Following FWMC lately is just bad vibes after bad vibes. Excuses, cancellations, absences, we're doing our best, we need you to understand, etc etc. I don't watch vtubers to feel even worse
If you feel bad because of any of this, it's unironically a skill issue lol
>Their tweets were often during the day, now I wake up and find they tweeted 2-3 hours before I woke up.
Go groom a 2view with no ambition.
I just wanna fucking smile again.
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shes cold
I want them to smile again.
>The future was full of possibility, not the dread of knowing that you might have to wait till September to even see if they'd return to normal.
haha yeah...
>he didn't listen to them
Find other things that make you smile, tourist.
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I will never forgive them for ruining the battle plan.
Is this NTR?
I ruined it with my nonstop JP shitposting in Jan/Feb... it wasn't just me though
Why are FWMC so mentally ill?
All FWMC offer now is numberfagging and bad news
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She's currently screeching CAW CAW CAW. She's pretty funny but it's like she's trying to get people to stop watching
They're going to cry when they don't reach 1 million subs by July 30th...
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You must be new. They did this on debut and basically said they'd be numberfagging all the way to 1 milly.
>bad news
mixed between incredible news like 3D debuts, Breaking Dimensions, con appearances, and so on.
>It’s not about the journey…
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>did this on debut
They were not playing vertical slop with on screen sub counts
>incredible news
all of that shit was a given from the start, and the other people participating aren't wrecking their usual content over it
I don't even think BD is good news because CTW fucking sucked.
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>They were not playing vertical slop with on screen sub counts
Cause they didn't know what the fuck they were doing, but they still took part in every single JP event and did JP solo streams which were purely to get their name out there and get subs.
>all of that shit was a given from the start
And so was their "numberfagging" yet you're still trying to imply otherwise. They also outright said during the battle plan that they're going to go harder than before with ALL of chat telling them to do vertical streams. I've been telling them to do vertical RnR's in chat since long before their move
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I too miss the good times anon, and fuck all these fags that keep telling us that things are fine.
I want VN streams, I want classic gaming, I want them back in the NWP.
I just want things to be what was normal and nice and not this nightmare that we have now.
Sound of Destiny is the superior white album song so it's a shame they didn't sing it
Should have stuck until Turn A.
VN streams are irrelevant now that we have Donkey Kong Country 2
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Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 325: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. For anki I've learned 5 new cards. For immersion I've watched one episode of an anime.
Turn A sucks and I have no idea why everyone wanks it so hard. Is it just cause Loran is a smooth brown trap?
So your argument is that they always sucked?
wtf a-chan is leaving?? why though???
No, but if you think they always sucked I'm not sure why you're even here.
and Sisyphus (Fuwawa version)
I’ve been crying all day.
We know Moco-chan. Time to nut up and be a big girl.
Shut up femruffian and post your tits already
because I don't. they used to be good
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Probably more to do with your negative IQ and gay sex obsession.
>Donkey Kong Country 2
See I'd be happy with that because that's comfy gaming at it's best
Who did Fuwawa impregnate?
>with ALL of chat telling them to do vertical streams
I've always spoken against vertical streams because not only because it's a pain to look at, it usually sucks when it comes to content
Are ruffians the only ones who write good morning and goodnight posts on their oshi’s hashtags?
>Make sure you never hurt!
FUWAMOCO...I'm hurting now.
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these postpones are kinda getting out of hand, they gone from reliable tier to even worse than generic hololive tier. When is the last time they even read their supachats? But it will be worth it when they appear at some 3rd world shithole asian country convention!! Its so so over
> it usually sucks when it comes to content
normally, but thankfully the content of their vertical streams has been fantastic so far, with only like one or two real exceptions which predate their move Mocosanta...
nigga I'm not gonna check 30 billion talents, flip a coin and believe the answer
They cleared out one backlog just to have another piled up soon after.
>insert Mio pic
I'm gonna insert something in Mio alright
what did anon mean by this?
KYS Taiga you piece of shit
Will things return to normal after summer if advent?
I only started watching with advent so I'm assuming summer / anniversary is just a super busy time.
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>don't want to read the """discussions""" in /baubau/
>still want to get informed about FWMC stuff
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I'm way too fucking STRESSED about the breaking dimensions tickets to feel anything other than nonstop heart palpitations right now
there's something kinda gross about seeing where her tail connects
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That is delicious cake and I wanna eat it.
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The tickets are going to be effectively random for everyone who can join the queue.
Kill yourself, phoneposter
Its because you can tell how anatomy works at a subconscious level.
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Don’t worry anon, I got you.

>t. Scalper
make a twitter, ojisan
I'm gonna go grab the first 3 eps of the new suicide squad anime and watch it
Memes aside, will stubhub/ticketmaster be reselling tickets? They do it for alm ost every con and live show, but will they do it for BD?
Oh, great, another terrorist is born
Check your emails, Hololive just sent out a survey to people who have bought merch before. This is your chance to give them feedback like STOP PUSHING HOMOSHIT, STOP DOING TAIWANESE EVENTS, and STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM CHINA.
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I didn’t get anything.
2/3 almost had it.
They are going to be using a staggered random queue for everyone who joins between 1 hour from now and when the tickets go on sale so you probably won't lose due to simple scripts or bots by being too slow.
Check spam filter maybe.
ruthless business dog
I got it
>You are weak, Sasuke. You need more hatred.
This survey reads like it was google translated from Japanese, fucking Christ was A-chan their only translator or something?
The only way that happens is if we all tell them to slow down and not take on so many opportunities. But they keep saying that they are "hungry", ambitious in other words. I just want to spend time and be comfy with them chatting over VNs or them reading stories again. I just want more time with them man.
I want to see them create songs, do lives, and all the idol dream things too. But not at the cost of our time together as it is now.
With regards to merch, homostuff does not take away any resources from the girls
They're not gonna stop the Taiwan events as long as that place buys a lot of stuff.
The only one I agree with needing to be said is the China stuff, but maybe having better ties with some companies there can open doors to having cheaper production costs and meeting more honest manufacturers.
Not going to happen, too many yesmen. You'll be called an anti for even suggesting this.
Are they going to be performing on both days? I'm just imaging how cucked it would be if I won tickets for a day and they are only in the other day.
>stop making money, I demand it
The entire Homobranch takes away resources from the girls. They are not self sufficient, they are subsidized by the girls profits. The new studio is booked at least a year in advance, every Homo 3D shot there is a girl performance that could have been shot there instead.
I'm fairly certain it's all of them on both days
Both days, yes.
Can't have it all, gotta choose one
Yes the large Taiwanese money that comes in. Fuck that. BD alone will bring in more money than all Taiwan events combined.
I don't think the scheduled are finalized but based on mild leaks every talent will be on both days.
I think Kiara confirmed they'll all be there both days. She said one day will have "slightly more kiara" so it's safe to assume day 2 will focus a bit more on certain girls.
that point being discussed was stopping homo merch and I don't think Cover is anywhere near poverty that producing homo merch means theyre taking away money from producing hololive merch
Homos are a net negative on Cover. They lose money.
Spending less on X doesnt mean they'll spend more on Y, that isn't how this shit works. You can pretend to be the manager as much as you want from your basement though.
What mild leaks? What else was in them?
they are just there as a perk for the female talent
DEATH to the homos.
we don't know if homo merch sells well or not
Every single business venture starts out unprofitable.
I'll add my thoughts on this to the fan letter I'm going to send them soon. Just that I want them to slow down and be able to more time together to finish the series I am still waiting on completing together.
It's the baulance that they keep talking about. I think it can happen, but not with how much homework they keep taking on. It's like they think they have something to prove. But the pig people already have their eyes on them since last year.
stop leaking my survey answers
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>DEATH to the homos.
Good thing platitudes increase sub count.
I really hate how crust becomes super hard when reheating pizza in the microwave.
The WNBA is 26 years old and has never been profitable a single year of it's existence. They are on track to lose 50 million USD this year.
get an air-frier CHEAP FUCK
I really hate how cock becomes super hard when watching FWUAMOCO on the monitor
So no stream until Monday(possibly)?
No streams till September.
Next time put wet paper towers over the crust, it helps keep the moisture in.
>buying an air-frier just to reheat pizza
>>79457101 (me)
>not also getting it to cook nuggies
That doesn't contradict my statement. Some things never become profitable. Everyone thought YouTube would never be profitable either but now it is. The point is that something losing money NOW is the flimsiest reason to canning it.
paper towa...
are toaster ovens not a common appliance?
Thanks for the tip. I'll try that next time
I hope the paper doesn't fuse to the pizza
Don't wrap it tightly, just like an umbrella over it.
I have a toaster oven, but that's gonna toast the bread and it'll result in it becoming hard too
Probably a few streams, if at all... We might get a Bau Bau drought until 3d and break dimensions are over... But hey, anything can happen, so who knows.
i love fuwamoco and fuwamoco love me
I know what you mean
No, you just need to do it at like 300F for 10 minutes. I reheat pizza every week because I am fat.
You could try applying oil with a basting brush, maybe
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Can we break down their schedule? Do you think they work harder than blue collar plumber or bricklayer working 60-80 hours a week yet they cant stream for a few hours because they are so busy? I'm not buying it.
mine is a small electric one with no temperature control and ends up toasting the bread in under 5 minutes
The best way to reheat pizza is to warm a pan, put oil in it and then put the pizza in it. Then take water and put it in the pan and cover it so it steams. The toppings heat all the way through, the cheese melts, the crust is soft and the bottom is crispy.
Come back later sister we're talking about pizza
What's wrong with eating the pizza cold?
I don't like the idea of adding or re-adding oil to pizza. Not saying your method won't work btw.
I'm so sad I don't feel like eating mcdonalds or pizza. this isn't like me to not eat.... what do I do when the light of my life is fading fast
The flavor is different. It sucks.
Nothing, I do that all the time. Pizza works best in extremes, either it's freshly hot or it's right out of the fridge.
its fucking digusting you stupid ape. why not just eat your own frozen shit while you're at it. KILL YOURSELF frozen pizza cuck.
Cold bread is pretty shit
I only buy pizzas in multiples that I can fully consume in a single meal.
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Did somebody say pizza?
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pizza sucks
god I'd fuck her and grab a slice before going for another round. I hope she likes fat fucks
My room is very hot during the summer so I let my frozen pizza sit for a few minutes instead of Microwaving it that way the texture isn't ruined
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>pizza: japan
the crust is automatically hard and you get the extra shit of the rest of it being stiff and cold too
I'm stressed what if I didn't get a ticket what should I do
watch the stream
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get ready to kill yourself
kill yourself publicly if you miss out but also make sure to tag #FUWAMOCO
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Purchase a streaming ticket. Do NOT use the boat.
they dont even like japanese pizza
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About to break 133 days of sobriety boys.
This is gonna get ugly tonight.
I wonder how many newfags can actually find the real boat?
I don't like it either, suggested the brush to keep it to a minimum. I've tried spraying a bit of water too, it works but the flavor becomes a bit bland so it isn't very enjoyable.
I'm doing a challenge I didn't masterbait for 35 days now
ye i was gonna grab somethin and order a pizza
I'm getting mixed signals Mocopirate
Did they do their actual reps?
Nice I got mc shats and Coopers Mark
You're practicing your wotogei right ruffians?
>Did they do their actual reps?
I know at least one anon did
funny enough I have replaced my nightly drinking with weekly pizza for the last month
wotagei* minor typo
you know, its still weird to me how airy breads don't have this problem but dense breads like pizza crust and white bread do
I think it's delicious too
There isn't only one source
someone will pull out a gun if you do that in the theatre
FUWAMOCO explicitly encouraged watch parties of multiple Ruffians watching one screen. Piracy is that but you dont have to see or smell disgusting Ruffians in person.
ye i just use one of the m4aus that get posted
that's illegal
this got me feeling like George Costanza
I actually smell great and have good hygiene.
that's my cum btw
eat up raora
Ok I got the first episode. Gonna start watching it.
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So the people attending are going to be seated like they're watching the opera? I can't stand up, jump up and down, and yell?
depends on what rules they have
I don't know about everybody else, but I'll be doing all the above.
No audience rules have been posted as far as I know.
I'm talking about how much physical space there is
wotage in suits
>I can't stand up, jump up and down, and yell?
It's a hololive event, so you can absolutely do all of this just no illegal wotagei unless FWMC make us do it
I love these dorks so much
i'm going to post my ticket the second i get my hands on it and have you motherfuckers who couldn't get it experience FOMO
At least replacing the usual "hai hai hai" chants with "BAU BAU BAU" will definitely be ok, and kino already.
I see you, you cheating whore
What do I give them? Is that the @ under my channel name?
if i don't get a ticket, i'll be in the discount liquor store next to the venue
>What do I give them?
Anan Onel
I got confused because of the pizza pics posted here
Yeah, if you set one. Otherwise your channel ID.
You're getting plugged into the glowie database.
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What data can they get from your YouTube channel?
a fucking perino
I mean, yeah
If I have one to begin with I'm already in the glowie database
thankfully it's all prerecorded so we don't have to worry about them fainting on stage from being so out of shape
>1 bookmark
why are you like this, anon?
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I don't know if I want to like it or not, so I bookmark it to check it out and evaluate it later.
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Is it actually easy to resell the tickets? Might give it a go at buying one and selling it to pay for the anniversary goods
I'm planning on buying a bunch and not going just so there are empty seats
you can resell the tickets without even having any
it's literally just a pdf with no name
They will interview me about my opinion on the separation between Hololive and the homos.
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I said noeh
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Bought my flight for like 90 bucks... think I'll wait and see about the hotel.
Rent a car and sleep in it instead
>Bought my flight for like 90 bucks
what the fuck thats so cheap kek
round trip was $400 from the west coast kek
well i was planning to go to anyc anyway
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post your ticket setup
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My wives
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I'm buying the entire theater and I will be the only one in attendance.
Ouch. It doesn't really get any more than $200 coming out of where I'm at midwest and that's if there is a huge event or something. Though, I didn't notice but it's like 100 extra for a carry on or checked. I'll just rent my tux in NYC.
I already got a bottle of bourbon but that'd be neat
KEK that's mine too. Separate browsers, CC info saved, and i purchased a ticket on kings theatre earlier as a test
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They can fetch your subscriptions (ALL of them, its public data unless you manually set it to private). Having an ID means they can scan through the chat logs, mostly to see where you're the most active (ie count messages sent)
Unsure if they can fetch the hours watched stats.
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1 hour to go
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sorry fuwamoco those shirts fucking suck
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>dawn of the final hour
Good luck anons. I hope you manage to get your ticket, and if not, I hope you have fun with the stream(or the boat)!! The stream will honestly be better quality since you wont be surrounded by sweaty ojisans
I wear pink but baby blue. I'm not a fucking fag. Come on cover.
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What fucking site is that
Ok that first episode was pretty good, I'll grab the next two now.
suicide squad?
40 fucking dollars for a t shirt? One that will probably start to lose the graphic the moment it's washed?
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sheeesh can't wait for that 3D merch
>Acrylic stand
the tickets
>Size: S for shirts
uh, ruffian?
Reminder these are not time limited and stay up forever
You could buy them next year if you want to
these clothes work for me because i'm a young 26 zoomerffian
fat 40 year old ojisans are gonna look fucking ridiculous
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How do I get to that site
I think I'll only get the plastic because these prices are crazy.
Ojisans have purchased shirts they never wear. I’m buying it to support them and as part of my collection
i'm getting the sweater and white cap
i'm fucking TIRED of the plastic stands
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biboo won so hard with the designs hers are the best
I think Nerissa's designs are pretty good. That Jailbird shirt is nice.
mama love
nerissa's looks good too

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