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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>/corpo/ resources:

>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
EIEN: >>>/vt//eien/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
VAllure: >>>/vt//vag/
NEXAS: >>>/vt//brg/
VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
PRISM: >>>/vt//ppg+/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
V4Mirai + globie: >>>/vt//v4m/
Small JP vtubers: >>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers: >>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/

Previous thread: >>79368125
>small corpo
>brave group
it's gonna be smaller than V4M, no one watches gamer girls on EN
We will see in 2-4 weeks. I wouldn't assume they're going to be automatically bigger than Phase, just because of the branding.
Spica singing for charity
No one is beating boyfriend connect it just plays into western loser fetishes too well
>Spica had thought that anonymous donations were made all by the same person named anonymous
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spica ilu but please just sing with your normal model and stop fucking around pinning this thing
let her have her fun
spica ilu
that's it that's the post
>small corpo
VSPO is the third biggest vtubing agency.
ok cool, you sure are smart
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Yeah, normally, but this is a charity stream. people are donating to charity to hear her sing a song, not to watch her fail to pin something to her model. and she's meant to be attracting more donations with her singing

and her normal outfit is fine
she can do whatever she wants, there is no time limit
if Gamers Outreach themselves are happy, why are you crying? >>79500373
and i can critique her having what was basically dead air for 10 minutes when it's a charity stream
also, how is the most recent gamers outreach message from 40 minutes ago, when she was just introducing the stream and talking about the charity, relevant to shit that happened like 25 minutes ago?
also also, she's getting more donations now she's actually singing
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Looking for a partial archive of Menace's vods: Sept 15 - Nov 7 2022. I know it’s a longshot, but I'm putting it out there just in case someone has them. Unfortunately these vods aren't on her YouTube channel. I'm not posting in /jidf/ because it'd be off topic.
point it they're already happy with whatever she's doing, anything more is a bonus
she can take her time and have fun, why the fuck does some dead air matter at all? she's still gonna sing 20~ songs like usual
it's like you've never seen her singing streams
Spica hit her 2k goal!
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Esila Shepield, Sheep of NEXAS, is taking drawing requests
dead air matters cause this happens
>see charity karaoke stream
>vtuber fucks around with model for 10 minutes and doesn't sing
>close tab

also wow, so many donations now she's singing
of course there's gonna be more donation now that it's farther in the stream, and the people who have donated are not new people, Chair just now is a regular
Spica's range is best for these jazz ballads
Almost $10k counting all V-Dere
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They actually already got it
Spica singing Secret Base for Elia who raided her earlier
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no refutation of the scenario so thanks, I'm accepting your concession that
1) dead air isn't great
2) faffing about with the model wasn't ideal
3) you crying about the most mild critique imaginable was a big waste of everyone's time
only one crying is you, I think everyone can see that
Stop bitching about little things and calling it criticism. Crying about dead air is just pitiful.
Spica singing Ina's song, Violet
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/vdere/ isn't up so asking here.
Currently cleaning up my disk, does anyone want any of these kirispica vods? Please reply within 1h.
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Fionna fon Engels-

Reiya Sumire Just Act Natural

Aruri Auregalia Just Act Natural

Arial Yuriko 2K Celebration Batsu Wheel
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Laphi LIVE at DoKomi
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Those are all archived on her channel right?
This one is the only unarchived Spica VOD I want
These are twitch vods, so they should all have expired by now unless she changed the retention on them. I don't know know if she uploads them anywhere.
Do you have the videoID for that one? In terms of PlateUp vods, the only thing I could find was the uncut version of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIb6mzg6bbM
Ah, don't think I have anything I want from twitch that old
Maybe that stream where she did vertical on youtube and horizontal on twitch last week
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2178636424 if you have it uploaded somewhere already

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Spica ending with Can't Take My Eyes Off You
Spica reached her individual goal!
Another GO Kart funded!
>spica boobs
at what milestone does she reveal the nsfw tag?
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Rixxy Brightful, robot girl of NEXAS, with her Tech Talk Mornings
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Kibi Elden Ring brainrot
Raided Pillow and someone on Twitch who's also doing a charity stream
just a reminder, this post >>79500915 is the most mild criticism of a stream and caused you both to seethe

sorry for the late response, was listening to spica sing
For a mild "criticism," you keep reiterating dead air on multiple posts, and insulting anons calling you out for nitpicking. Dead air is bad. Did Spica's viewers care? Did you say your "criticism" to her so that she will improve on her next charity stream? No, you are still /here/ complaining.
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Tarawa playing Star Wars MMO
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Esila Shephield- Potion Permit

Kohaku Hyouma- Solo Lethal Company

GX Aura- Jackbox Collab with Suri, Kilia, Rhea and other indies.
Messed up Esila's link
Oh we're still going?

>For a mild "criticism," you keep reiterating dead air on multiple posts
You say this like it's bad to call something dead air. what's wrong with calling it basically dead air? Nothing happened in that period of the stream. like if you wanted to put out an edit of that stream, that would be the first part cut after intro
>and insulting anons calling you out for nitpicking
only insulted one anon by saying they were crying, and that's a direct callback to an earlier post saying i was crying
>Dead air is bad
>Did Spica's viewers care?
at least one
>Did you say your "criticism" to her so that she will improve on her next charity stream?
no, cause it's not that big a deal. also I believe we're allowed to talk about streams that happen in this thread
>No, you are still /here/ complaining.
No, I'm just defending myself. You can't just attack someone's legitimate take that she was faffing about, then get mad that that person defends the take. That's literally all I've done
Mites should be insulted that Mozzu thinks repetitive, low energy Minecraft autism is worth paywalling.
are you bored, anon?
Of this brand of "content" yes.
paywalling? thought it's in minecrafts TOS to not have it behind members
Elia is playing Apex with Elio and the (not stinky) Krum:
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If VSPOEN has any lore in their debuts they are trash because
>Debut lore SUCKS and you should just play video games
according to Pippa
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Emilene Briar- The Quarry

Xin Asuwa- RLcraft

HyperX- Elden Ring
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v&u unarchived karaoke relay soon
lore sucks if you dont play on kayfabe. but if you are using an anime avatar, may as well get lore if you want to
is this worth bothering to archive since she's planning to trim and rebroadcast it
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Hate SME so much. Anybody have the VOD?
twitch vod just has one mute
what are you guys watching
nothing now but gonna check out Airi's part of the summer slam in 40ish minutes
supposed to be a long stream too
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My Duck opening blind boxes
Always worth archiving.
for fans, yeah
I just grab random shit when there's a heads up for anons that haven't gotten there yet
Damn, this second song works really well with Spectra's voice
vnu karaoke relay
>Ciccino also singing Laufey
Why does the duck have an anti-mosquito spiral in her hair? Are they a big problem in Norway?
Tomoe and Kohaku's wedding
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vspo has like zero lore because they are just girls that have above average gaming skill in an esports title (and even this is debatable) and that is their brand
Ciccino won't say the sex word, boooo
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Aura finished her collab and is playing The Walking Dead. Wonder how she will react to that ending?
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Mero's been doing a Zomboid endurance stream for an hour now
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Faelie Fallwood- Passepartout 2
Fuck of course I pasted the thing I was side-watching
Airi charity stream starting! (ctually still on loading screen)
Airi learned of the OBS zoom function

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