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Schedule up!

>Next Stream

>Last Stream

>Last Karaoke Stream



#Bloodflame #BloodflameArt

Previous thread: >>79442863
Don't feed the seagulls
Luv me some liz
God save the Queen
Why is she doing another karaoke rebroadcast?
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She doesn't need to pander to unicorns. Starmin will give her all the support she needs.
I'm so happy she loves the holostars, we finally don't have to be ashamed for loving homocollabs
Not a rebroadcast, but a third unarchived.
Thank fuck work was easy today, now to fix up the house and get settled for the karaoke later
She's British.
Nice anti thread faggots
There aren't Rosarians here after all
luv me cozy singing streams
luv me pool in this weather
'ate minding the neighbors
will blast the stream on the speakers
simple as.
Her content choice are between justice collab, karaoke, and valorant. Once collab ban ends she'll have another option which are holostar collabs.
I feel bad for her. She probably didn't know anything about how homos are treated by the wider audience. She probably thought she wasn't doing anything wrong.
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I need more snowboard sword art, might just have to make a Steep model and mod it in
Why did the artist make her fat.
probably more likely they are just not skilled enough to get proportions right in that perspective, anatomy is hard
Why aren't these cunts deleted and banned yet
Because a bunch of mods on here are Nijisanji viewers, and every time Hololive has a new branch, they let their monkey friends shit up the board, its pretty much tradition. With Advent it was Nerissa who got called a homocollabing whore, they also said Shiori was a complete failure, then they moved on to Fuwamoco with ''why all the kayfabe'' and ''they are leaving EN audience for JP''. Same old shit.
should sing obsessed by mariah carey
It's basically the only thing I can fap to.
Except you disproved none of what I said monkey, its hard to say you did not just out yourself as a unicorn, go obsess about dicks somewhere else
I don't see any ritual post here
what do you mean
is right here?
But that is not what I said, see how you are twisting the conversation and moving the goalposts? Do you think I care about her collabing with males to begin with? Because that is your mistake. I am addressing the modus of how they show up to shit on the threads, that is a pattern. Your reading comprehension sucks, or your argue in bad faith, which is it?
She's just like nerissa for some reason to me. I'm guessing she's gonna do collabs most of the time.
At best, we can agree to disagree. It is very much the same modus. You did not really manage to grapple with that.
Thank you for proving that there is no substance to what you said. I appreciate the easy concession.
>Gen debuts
>People shit-stir and create drama about them
It is the same thing, you cannot deal with it, so you move the goalposts. Just accept you are wrong and move on with your life anon. 'Regardless' is not an argument that works for your case here, its a dismissal of the central core of my argument, which you are not able to deal with, because it is true.
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I love Lizzie a normal and sane amount.
>Shit exists
>Person stirs it around to get the stink all over
>''The act of stirring shit around is not real if the shit is real''
Ogey anon
Maybe just don't think your shit-stirring is all that consequential and move on with your life monkey, like with the previous rows of shit-stirring, eventually you went limp and had to scurry off to the next thing. Enjoy being futile.
Imagine not showing respect for such an incredible singer, you guys are fucking gay
>analogies are hard
did you just out yourself as a monkey that struggles with hypotheticals anon?
Anon please... You're gonna overdose on copium...
Imagine being made to look like fools by people you call cucks, these shitposters are getting dumber with every passing summer, world is lost
I’m relatively new to this hobby, but I like her singing and don’t really care much about the person behind the avatar. May I ask for an estimate on how often vtubers do karaoke streams? I saw some unarchived ones as well, she doesn’t exactly stream in hours favorable for me. Do people regularly record and repost those or something?
>and will collab as soon as the ban is over.
I don't give a shit because I am a functioning adult.
>unarchived karaoke
>live in 2 hours
Well… fuck
1-3 times pr month, with some months seeing a spike so it goes to 3-5. I tend to get 1 pr month (2 if I am very lucky) from the chuubas I watch most, but they aren't big on the singing. Seems like Liz is doing more so she can sing all the copyright stuff.
To be a cuck you need to be in a relationship and willingly accept your wife/girlfriend/partner being unfaithful to you. As I do not see my self as being in a relationship with Liz, I therefore cannot be consider a cuck and your analogy is incorrect..
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How are we surviving the weather today? It is almost 95 here, and I am cooking.
Like 2-3 times average, it could be a bit more tho.

Anon, if you really are new here, do not bite bait, don't give shit posters engage.
Thanks anon, I guess I’ll just go through the older ones if I ever run out. Genuinely considering cutting audio from some of these and categorizing them so I can listen to them on shuffle or on the move…
Great idea, there is a whole ecosystem of clippers who focus solely on karaoke songs, you could find some content there too, add in playlist to find large bundles of them on Youtube
To be a simp you have to show excessive sympathy and attention, unusually towards a person who does not reciprocate those feelings, in the hope of some kind of affection or sexual relationship. As I do not desire such affections or sexual relations from Liz and because I only see her as an entertainer your analogy is again incorrect.
3 unarchived karaokes in only the first week of debuts? She is really clueless about this whole streaming thing huh.
>on /vt/
How many newfags did justice brought in, Christ.
I revert you to my previous statements.
Anon, paying entertainers does not put you in a relationship with them
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Oi lads. I have been thinking about running a slow risk-like forum-game across the Justice + Kiara splits where the threads control a country each. GG would get to enter land from the sea as "Freesian"(American) interventionists.

I would loosely theme it around Kayfabe naming of things. Would people here be interested?
It would basically be an action check once a week during non-streaming hours to not clutter and actions are based on anons choices in replies. If theres no majority choice I would random which pick goes through.

If I can get everyone on board I'll write up a pastebin and start it in the beginning of the week
It’s just for this board, I’m sure I can tell when someone’s posting in bad faith. Moreover, I only really post when I can’t find info on certain topics like my question earlier. Your lady’s got a nice set of lungs, maybe I’ll leave a non-karaoke stream on in the background sometime if I feel like it.
Just giving you Unicorns an English lesson.
Would be interested in that, but have no clue if I'd always be online to make choices - so the random pick sounds like a good wildcard to me
Literally everyone will team up on us immediately.
No, do you spend all yours talking to ''cucks'', talking about ''cucks''? Projecting your own behavior isn't healthy anon, hope you come to terms with it, I will be here laughing at you until you do
What a stupid fucking idea, are you a literal child? Do something with your life instead of playing board games /here/
I’ve found some of them yep, been enjoying myself. She did Worst Pies In London! Feels like christmas because I don’t really know anyone irl who likes these kinds of things. Hope she does more ABBA too.
Imagine me paying
How you came to that conclusion from that statement I have no idea, other than severe mental retardation.
I don’t even buy chats or merch
Thankfully Nerissa has been speaking up about the need for more musical content (which she is a big fan of), thinking there is a good overlap for karaoke-collab material in the future.
I wouldn't be so sure quite yet. GG and CC has some nice rivalry and theres the Tea vs Coffee divide too.
I work with games and I like games in my free time
We can just play diplomacy with 6 other threads.
Why did you dodge the question? I accept your admission of shame. It is okay anon, you will grow up to realize you wasted your time. Throw all the big buzz-words you can muster, it does not change the facts.
>supporting someone who's spending your cash on flip homodick
But she's only doing that rent free in your own head, anon.
I don't get it. What's wrong with her supporting holostars?
Look at this guy being dragged around while pointing and screaming cuck at everyone, imagine having your obsession with dicks backfire on you like that
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Her chat logs are public anon.
Nothing, she's just the debut season target. It'll fade in a few weeks as usual.
Unicorns believe that when streamers (entertainers) collab with people of the opposite gender, they are essentially having sex, and are thus cheating on their audience through this imaginary sexual relationship. Its mental illness, don't worry about it anon.
They are the same unicorn faggots that keep coming to shit the thread with homologs which I don't give a shit
How does that work? Do they take turns doing improv? Also I may have sounded like I want her to only do karaoke, I get that these people are majorly variety streamers and I’m completely fine with that. I just stumbled on her and really like her singing and song choices!
I doubt your fantasies are real, but why would I care even if it were real. I'm just here for her singing prowess and the entertainment she provides. I'm not here to police her personal life.
I think its just singing songs from musicals, which they are fans of, it used to be that Hololive mostly sang copyright safe Japanese songs, the palette of english songs have steadily increased, and we are all richer for it
Friendly reminder to leave a moderation feedback
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Hoping for some Queen today
Have you had your concert money refunded yet?
Oh I see haha, Nerissa was mentioned in a previous post so I assumed they’d both be on stream or something and talk in between songs. That would be pretty interesting to listen to, I’d be down.
Her merch seems to be selling fine, she has the highest subcount of her gen and I will support her when monetization is opened. Again, I'm confused as to why you think I care about what she does in her personal life.
Queen Elizabeth dies and then we get Elizabeth the VTuber, COINCIDENCE!?
This is the first Liz karaoke i'm catching on a free day! I might try to get a friend to watch her live with me, her voice and song choices are so good
If they are familiar / confident with the current song, they often adlib and make remarks during the gaps between vocals, you've seen Liz do that too I am sure, it ends up with some funny clapback at chat too sometimes
Finally about time the shitposter was nuked
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What song do you think she will sing this time?

It’s really cool when that happens, it feels like going to karaoke with a group of friends and letting loose. Wish I had some close friends to do karaoke with… On another note, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Slipping Through My Fingers, love that song.
Ooh, add Candy Store from Heathers to that. Not sure if that’s allowed though?
>woke up in time for karaoke
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You know what they say about women with red hair.
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Did you listen to my cover today Rosarian?
That's a women with red hair?
Forgive me Queen, I'll do it now
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Hag Love!
Please forgive me queen, I was troubled with bad thoughts today.
She's 4 year later to the ship.
She hasn't done anything wrong and there is no reason to feel bad for her. Do you think the actions of the nijinig discord here somehow get back to her or something?
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I'm in the UK and I'm melting. My Celtic DNA is not built for heat
She's having fun and she's good at it. It gets her views and has gotten her off to a solid start with subs. Her stream then gets recorded and clipped and then shared around multiple clipper accounts for further engagement. Can't see why she'd change something that isn't broken.
Damn, that's the temperature I use my sauna at!
Sounds great, anon. I'm in. Though doesn't Lizzy have a massive advantage in a Risk-like for being an Island?
I hope she does a "British snacks Vs German Snacks/Italian Snacks" with CC or Raora. I want to see those Eurodorks being introduced to Twigletts
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Liz is live, get in here
Cor blimey, can't wait
Is it going to be just karaoke? Come on, woman, play some point and clicks.
I like karaoke, she does need to pad her channel out at some point though
I will not make it completely like Risk, I'll figure something out after the Karaoke and CC streams
So it’s agreed that her nickname is Erb, right?
She's embraced it
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It's Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame, and don't you forget it. You have to type it out in full each time.
I'm in!
It's Bre
It's Lizzie.
Just Liz.
I'll call her Rose
She's singing about me btw
She loves me...
I call her my wife
Either that or Liz I guess
Singing about me btw
That was beautiful, DAMN
LIZ LOVE!!!!!!!!!
Liz is truly the peak of patrician taste in vtubers.
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I hope she still can do karaokes by the time superchats are open and havent fully exhausted herself lol
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Cute women, I like them very much
fucking dance monkey out of all songs kek
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Can't wait for superchats so she can actually see my messages.
might want to hold back on that parasocialism, chud, she finds that shit really cringe.
She shouldn't throw stones in glass houses.
You might want to kill yourself
>debuted hardly a week ago
>already spamming vod reruns
Good shit, yagoo.
we've got a unicorn infestation lads, send em overboard
Haven't been tuning into her karaoke streams, is there any reason why she needs permissions for songs on a unarchived stream?
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My Queen is based
>chipmunk Liz
Certain labels are cunts and might strike her channel live even though it's unarchived. They can still get in trouble or the stream can get unlisted or removed.
They all do, she's just picking songs that mane-san hasn't looked at before.
love erb
h8 nonces

simple as
Youtube kun would probably mute the stream if she sung Disney shit or something
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This has always been the case for Holomems. It's Cover being extra careful, don't know about perms stuff but some songs/artists are just a big no.
Gah, just woke up for like the third time today and cannot keep my eyes open. This sucks.
cute style on that one
Is she taking requests?
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cute style for cute liz!
Is this recent? I swear some holomems have sung disney for their unarchived streams
if you're lucky, she grabs stuff out of chat occasionally
What did I miss before dance monkey?
Since they started using their own karaoke apps.

It used to be a bit of a grey area but they don't take any chances anymore.
Part of Your World is one that I remember being allowed for some reason, not sure what's the logic.
>Blowing you out
I'm sorry my queen but I don't have one of those...
Rub it
Take your fucking meds and go back to the asylum you escaped.
To answer your question, there really is no good reason if it's unarchived, except if you are retarded. If you are under a brand like hololive, it's as strict as it gets. So of course you would never want to take a single risk once you are accepted and earn massive by the sheer company even if you have no personality to show for it.
The Queen has spoken. Grow one.
Chat puzzled by Sainsbury's, lol.
>It's a supermarket
It has gotten worse as time passed and Hololive got bigger, also right-holders are increasingly trying to police the web, pair that with Youtube automating their moderating system to mute or shadowban channels from the algo and you get a fuller picture of why its ended up here. Sad that we can't have nice things, but copyright is aids. I miss Astel's Disney streams, and Chammers singing Aladdin.
Meds, anon. Every Holo is just as careful
Do the English have any non-dopey songs?
>Take your fucking meds and go back to the asylum you escaped.
Anon, disney has struck down streams mid-stream for singing their songs, I've seen it before.
Anyway, here is Wonderwall.
It's like /vt/ is incapable of realizing she's here to appeal to the female audience
sainos does a top tier meal deal tbf
Yeah with me
I think she just wants everyone to have fun without thinking too hard about other factors. Liz is making me smile and many people, male and female, are smiling because of her.
Dang, her voice is perfect or this song.
>I don't want to be French
You and me both, Liz...
Is Lady Gaga still popular nowadays?
I get the picture now I think
That all really sucks
I think she’s acting now these days or something
I think you are right about that, love to hear chuubas have fun with the music, the karaoke/covers aspect was always a big draw for me
Was the brb screen for 5 seconds to turn on the lights necessary?
Find out when Joker 2 is out in theaters later this year
yeah man, she's co-staring in that new Joker movie with joaquin phoenix
Sort of, her live2d would look dead otherwise. Kayfabe and shit you know
This girl in hololive is MASSIVE waste of talent
Truth in advertising. She WAS right back.
She's a professional, innit. And her brb screen is absolute kino if you're a britfag. Brings back many memories
On multiple occasions a JP member would say they were standing up to change the lights or the AC or something and then a few seconds later you'd hear a scream and an avalanche of empty soda cans so it's best to be safe
I’m feelin’ fine
I feel like at some point Holoolive started hiring people who were way over qualified to be a chuuba. If you're this good then why are you a vtuber?
The music's the best bit
Ahha the Laplus feel
Toad Liz, my beloved...
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The joys of living in a cluttered japanese apartment, have seen some pictures that made me claustrophobic. They have it rough.
I'm imagining Liz and Kronii having a Toad-off and my eardrums are wincing in pain
You got me there
I like the old cartoon feel, although I'm American
Is Laplus the only holomem with empty soda cans to cause an avalanche?
Hololive as an agency could potentially give them opportunities. These are amazing, beautiful, bubbly people that have all fallen under the radar.
women lose value past 35 if they aren't virtual
I'm sure it's happened to other JP Holos. I think it happened to Subaru ones
Sometimes all the talent in the world still won't get you the recognition you deserve. It's all about who you know; not what you know.

And joining Hololive will surely bring it's own benefits for someone like her
I think Aqua was the first one to injure herself by falling over a pile of garbage on stream
Lap was just so bad that her genmates forcibly cleaned her apartment
>Lap was just so bad that her genmates forcibly cleaned her apartment
That's the strat. I do that one sometimes too
She has been on the internet for almost 20 years. She probably wanted to jump on the new fad and/or rebrand. Considering her RM she isn't living lavishly, but money doesn't seem to be a problem.
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I did not take subaru for a messy person, huh
You are a terrible person
He did it his way is literally carved on my grandfather's gravestone.
Just perfect
shes so perfect
I love Sinatra, so this is just delightful, she sings this good
She is fucking CRUSHING this
Thank you.
the day this woman does a sololive its gonna batshit crazy
I'm a femanon. Is Liz gonna come after me?
MacFarlane sang it better.
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Any concert with her in it is guaranteed sales from this point on.
My jaw dropped
By far the best singer in Hololive
How do I fuck a voice?
Can you please be my future date when the day comes when Liz performs live…?
With a big ass speaker
She's amazing bruh

Glad we're finally having hololive for european time zones
I actually started crying what the fuck
She is in your house, fighting crime, right now
She's ignoring me bros
Sorry I'm a Lizzbian
>vtubing has to be garbage tier type of entertainment
who said
Yooo let's fucking go
Red gang forever united.
So it is written
top comment
How is it that Sinatra and Bon Jovi songs are fine but a fucking meme song from Eurovision (and admittedly good song) isn't?
She should sing "It's my life" by Venu Malesh instead, truly kino song.
It's an especially silly statement these days, there was a Nikkei survey months ago that asked people in Japan whether they were fans of various media brands and hololive scored above Disney
you're in this thread, aren't you? already has
Do you think Disney has a spare $5B lying around to buy hololive?
What a voice, I surrender Rosarians
Those meme songs are probably on some tiny niche label that isn't part of a copyright collective that has an agreement with NexTone or whoever Cover uses. Basically music industry autism
>Mick Jagger
I swear this Elesis bong is really surprising me. I hope at some point she can just have like a semi-permanent radio rebroadcast going on.
She was singing fan pony songs before this.
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Just tuned in what did i miss?
Did you guys hydrate?
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You heard her.
thank for the laugh
My hydrated wife
that was 10 years ago.

she was streaming on twitch to less than 50 before this, but singing disney instead
killer Frank Sinatra rendition for one
Obviously they do, their venture capital and acquisition budgets are large enough.
They bought fucking 20thCentury Fox.
They have no incentive whatsoever, though.
A couple of bangers, but she is in a good groove today. Just said she is going for a couple of slow burners before going to upbeat songs, enjoy anon
Her flame entices me
Her powerful voice was perfect for that bon jovi song. How does no one talk about it? Wtf... am I that distinct?
>My love
Talking to me btw
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Lizzy has this super power where I don't see time passing watching her streams. Minus the valorant one I admit I didn't watch.
Wow, now this is a good song for her.
why does it say setlist if she only shows the current song?
Holy Little Lizzie, this one fits her

As a joke.
my grandma used to sing this song to me a lot when i was a kid ;-;
Dunno, go tell her in chat or something
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Thank you,i will catch the rebroadcast, hopefully there is a reupload too.
As it should.
Unless she really, REALLY loves Valorant, I hope she never does another solo stream of her playing FPS.
there's a youtube channel that's been grabbing all of them
I don't mind fps as long as it's with friends. Solo fps is just kinda boring to watch.
lots of japs watching at this hour, good
At the ass crack of dawn?
4am in the morning. Truely the hikihour
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A British woman performing a Total Annexation of the Heart isn't the best look.
There are 6K people still watching Watame read superchats right now, I don't think anyone in Japan sleeps
>She needs me tonight
Finally, some good fucking songs (for her voice and singing style)
this woman isn't really my kind of chuba to oshi but id feel like a criminal if i didnt join her membership
She needs to sing some Bangles.
Always end up doing the little odd jobs and tasks I put off all day then, nothing like the dead of night for some peace of mind
Ya, i saw that dude upload the last two unarchived karaokes, he is a lifesaver.
her voice is so distinctive I can remember the exact moment I said "damn" when she was on the x factor LMAO
I'm not surprised at all she's in hololive
We are her friends.
Since she is obviously committed to rebroadcasting herself, I think this is a pretty scummy thing to do.
Blessed be the archivers. Because they do not have to give a fuck about monetization, they do it for the love of the game!
That backing guy? Me.
She was on the X factor? Is there a clip of that somewhere?
You might be but I'm not. I'm actually her husband.
>X factor
Damn, she really is a hag
Shame she is missing the superchats during these.
It's All Coming Back to Me Now would be great for ERB to sing.
I believe that money is not her top priority for being in Hololive.
I imagine she's just delighted to have 20k people watching her sing. For an obvious theater kid, that's gotta be a dream
It's pretty inconvenient if you miss the rebroadcast or want to watch it at a more convenient time
Ofcourse. I'm just wondering how hard would it rain.
FUCK i misread it as a rebroadcast for some reason
what songs has she been singing?
I love me some Celine
All of them. You missed literally every song to have ever been created.
Song is actually tolerable with Liz singing it.
Any holomems spotted in chat?
Dang fool woman needs to be kissin' Valentino by a crystal blue Italian stream.
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This person's been logging the setlist
Fucking hell, this woman was born to sing ballads
Should it not be turning you into Hugh Grant?
Titanic is a pretty shit romance movie, tbqh
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She's doing a kinda throaty thing with it that I really dig
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Feared she would sing this... I yield Elizabeth
Apparently so based on the setlist
Cheers anon, very handy
I guess but that's just the nature of live music. It's not like her karaokes are rare
i love how shes a pro but shes also a fucking memer
(I'm her oompa loompa)
Reading his commentary on previous karaokes is the only reason I know Kylie Minogue played Cammy in Street Fighter (the live action film).
This is our national anthem
She learned the recorder from Calli didn't she
Pied Piper moment, tin whistle gang assemble
Can she sing chinese songs?
Yes, she sang Witch Doctor earlier
this fucking nerd
Eh any movie is good when you're 9. Even that Batman and Robin movie
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luv her singin'
luv her goofin'
simple as
Was that the Shire theme?
Was that LOTR?
from peak singing to utter insanity, her streams are something
i watched for the Kate Winslet nipple desu
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Brits, where is that accent from?
I really enjoys all her silly voices and sounds. I wish she would do some zatsus, I could listen to her talk for days
damn she can do the robot voice too
London probably, she sounds like me
throat goat of EN?
certainly has to be mentioned when you are talking about the best voices, no doubt about that
Rosaria, obviously. She already said that. It resembles England, though.
You missed Sinatra. It was genuine kino and one of the best songs she's sang so far
nah Biboo said Nerissa is the throat queen
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But you have to admit the scene where Jack draws Rose is gold.
Whoops, wrong reply. Meant it for
Prolly somewhere in Ingerland.
I pledge eternal devotion to my queen!!
>Hopelessly addicted to glue
Ingerland, mate
So that means she is in danger if tomorrow the three lions choke like they usually do?
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is this a uh motherfuckin horse show reference???? 3 MONTH BAN
A-chan (iДi)
to think Mori life was hell for her accidental lean reference and this woman just gives 0 fucks lol
She's cute, that let's you get away with anything.
Moris a dumbass that bites bait and already had twitter antis
This fits, but the Golden Girls theme would really be a lock.
I thought you were referring to Horseman at first and was very, very confused.
Are you for real? I could have sworn she said Exardia or Esgardia or something similar to that
Mostly because she didn't said it in front of a uncharitable audience like those 3 shill from Kadokawa.
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We like Friends in this house.
How dare!
Thank god I'm busy with the new ff14 expansion, I'll watch one of the reuploads of the first hour while I'm queuing for dungeons
Isn't she that singer from singing around?
Someone is cutting onions
ERB will BRB...
I didn't remember, I tried to Google it but didn't find it, probably what you said lol
>allergies after dedicating a song to A-chan
I may have judged your oshi too harshly...
luh lee luh rah!!!
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I wish she were the nuts in my bedpost.
21k viewers. Gigi could never.
The threads going DOWN DOWN
>Going down with Liz
I feel bad for Gigi. I like her but can't really watch her much.
Ainsley reference, heh-heh
>>>/#/ and let the door hit you on the way out
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Comparison is the thief of joy anon
I've never listened to this song before just because the title is too tryhard
Fuck off to /#/
We don't like tribalfags here
It's a very "scene" song but it's good
Liz is 100% the type of person to call Target "Tarjey"
I think that's a nod to Ironmouse
Dude, this whole album has track names like this. It's fucking ridiculous and I love it. One of them is "There's a Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought of It Yet"
Fra zhee lay
listen to the OG version, it's really good. One of the best pop songs and albums of its era and I love ERB but she isn't Brendon Urie
mad that all these songs have the n word pass
lmao that is a mood
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I don't follow.
Still waiting on that Beggin cover
Promptly fuck off
Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame is the best streamer of holojustice. She is very deserving of her 20k+
which version?
>Eagles are very very big noze
I'm gonna be honest, I had very low expectations of Liz pre-debut but she's completely won me over since then
big same
All I saw pre-debut was K-Mart IRyS, but she's definitely her own person.
She is really disarming, good on you Rosarians, nice oshi you got there
Any of them, they're all good desu though I'm partial to the 4 Seasons version.
Cool tune, /innit/?
new bread
Begone, foul creature!
Thank you Bakerbro !
But N Word cute.
I know, I watch her streams every month. But she belongs in /HIRyS/.
It was for the joke, relax.
>stream falls to 19.5k
It's over.
We're all joking here. Don't tell me you thought this post >>79530706 was serious.
Everycheebs draws hate. Can never be sure.
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Cheebhate is a good long running bit.
Are the primates really still at it?
This guy is also shitting up the numbers thread. Little pag pag discord SEAnigger
I use that one on /sp/ when my team is struggling, but gets an FG. Oh BOY does it get hate there.
she just HAWK TUAH. I'm in love

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