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Grape Edition
Previous Thread >>79500896

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>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template
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did the grape clip finally go viral? there's constant grape art today now
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Now just remove the g
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cum to their kouhai!!
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I was gonna applaud this for not including Pero but then I looked closely
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Yeah, but I'm trying to follow the homework days on the schedule for a scheduled "do your best, FWMC!" tweet
The dates on the schedule throw me off, I'm that stupid.
>do your best FWMC tweet
You could send this every day and it would be fine. They sure do
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I get confused by US time too, I just look at JST exclusively.
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you DID fight fair and square for tickets right ruffians?
It would be funny if there was art of mococo eating too much food and it makes her tummy look bloated haha.
I like how we both missed that speck on the bottom right
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Yes I used 100 tabs and bought Sunday off a scalper.
Is she jorkin it?
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I'm almost certain no one did
Someone helped me with one day (fairly priced) and I just got a scalped one on the other day for $700
since you guys are so obsessed
take this cunt out of here. the rot will never take hold here.
i'm already watching
ANOTHER fucking karaoke?
I am jealous of the Asian now,they are getting all the good stuff
what's the matter chief, afraid you might like it?
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Do NOT sail the boat this year
unarchived karaoke is the best content produced by any holos
Already did.
That dumb bitch spamming unarchived karaokes because singing is all she thinks she is good at is the reason her whole gen had to cancel monetization today. I bet her genmates fucking love their leader already...
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I'm goonin
yeah like their schedules weren't known to cover pre-debut? Retard
It's not a boat, It's a SHIP!
what triggered the sisters today
I miss my moco pirate...
the ??? is always monetization for new members but isn't revealed until they all qualified. They probably didn't think the dumb bitch would do 3 in 5 days
cosplayers should always show their buttholes
Pretty good voice
she oversings everything worse than Nerissa. She has talent so hopefully with training she can turn it into something.
left is a guy, right?
I mean she's doing showtunes atm that's kinda the point
Noeh https://x.com/0603panini/media
Hey FWMC, when you don't give us karaoke sex, ruffians will get it somewhere else. See?
I feel so embarresed posting these good morning good night messages every day for everyone else to see but I'm not stopping because they enjoy them. I should have made a sub account like a few ruffians did for their gachikoi posts
Just a thought/suggestion, but maybe hold off on FWMCmorning for this week's schedule? It seems to be a busy time for most or all of HoloEN.

Pros: potentially more rest for you two, or more time to work on other things.
Cons: none?

No pressure. All good either way!
the entire clique is /here/, huh?
Dammit Liz why did you have to be such a homoloving whore
>I should have made a sub account like a few ruffians did for their gachikoi posts
What's stopping you from doing it? Just do name_SUB with the same pfp.
take the cock pill anon the men can't hurt you
I like sending on homework days, on stream days I just say good morning in prechat
Not me
nothing other than me not wanting to deal with the months of shadowban for a new account just to post on an account like that. I should though. I hope FUWAMOCO don't think I'm schizophrenic
I'm not here
>Had to buy from a scalper even with 100 tabs
That's some shit ass luck
they don't think about you at all
>Giant naked Mococo in the background
He better upload that one too
they think about me daily
Everything is booked and that's another -1k. I sure hope this concert is worth it.
>I sure hope this concert is worth it.
Don't go in there with high expectations. Just enjoy the show.
How come you schizos will happily talk about Bae for an entire thread, but sperg out immediately at other red woman?
it's just some holo hating sister
I’d rather you talk about neither of those whores in my FWMC thread
hard to talk about FWMC when they don't stream anymore
ERB just seems like a clueless hag, I don't have any problems with her. I just hope Justice gets along with FWMC, they seem like good girls and their partnered girl even wants to be an idol.
Why are ruffians the biggest FWMC antis out there?
People were discussing Rrat in the context of idol performances, how her performances differ from it and whether or not FWMC have anything to learn from it, not the same as "OMG I LOVE THIS SONG" and the kind of live blogging garbage you faggots do that belongs in her thread, not here.
Especially since you start throwing a tantrum when people criticize her, as if someone entered your thread to talk shit about your chuuba, not realizing you're the one doing this.
idk but #helpfwmc is just filled with micromanagement bullshit. maybe trust them to make their own decisions? They are grown adults unlike half the retards suggesting who have never held a stable real job in their lives
incels try to control women and rage when they can't
so true
case in point
Why does my body refuse to sleep a lot at night only to spend all day sleepy? What is this retardation called?
The FWMC way
do you think either of them have ever said retard
Just wanted to say. I think maybe you're just some korean, SEA, or chink that hates westerners or Bae specifically, sees all non-"idol dancing" as "western whore shit", and autistically attributes anything you don't think of as "idol dancing" to being your personal windmill that must slay.
I don't really watch Bae, but she isn't a whore and she certainly doesn't dance like one. She's a classically trained dancer that went to college for theater and performing arts. It was unconventional, but the stuff she did at holofes was interpretive dance, not hiphop or pole dance or stripper dancing.
Also, you seem to think that idols only do the "idol step" or something or only dance in place. The fact you see any hip movement or quick movements like the stuff they did for that league event as "k-pop" means you do not watch idols and have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Quick tip: the reason the "idol step" is so popular is because it's easy as shit and mostly used by groups where the new recruits don't know how to dance yet. Part of the idol journey is becoming better at dancing and moving away from only using the idol step.

tl;dr: you seem like an obsessed auitistic retard that is made way more pathetic by your complete lack of knowledge about dancing and idols.
I don't mean her karaoke, I mean in general. It's been nonstop hating on her all week
Holy projection.
>Part of the idol journey is becoming better at dancing and moving away from only using the idol step
>stripper dancing.
It’s funny seeing Ruffians complain about this when I’ve seen some want Fuwamoco to use Cover’s dance pole on stream with their 3Ds
I won Saturday and got a scalped sunday mezzanine ticket for the low low price of over 1k
I'm gonna watch the exact same performance at home for free
holo en :|
holo JP :D
And will anyone say they're not dancing like strippers if that happens?
It's funny how much prudes project their values on other people. My posts are the last two he replied to, show me where it says anything negative about her.
Damn bro. If you waited until today you could have gotten Front Orchestra for that.
Baused, it'll probably be a better viewing experience. I personally want to he there, even if the seats may or may not be garbage.
Let's talk about miosha instead
You're going to be there for her welcome back stream, right?
as long as they dance in perfect sync
yes but FUWAMOCO won't have a video of you on their phone for the rest of their life
of course
Eh, they'll do a watchalong of it later once the archives are available, you'll get that experience too. Not like you have to choose one or the other if you can go, you'll do both.
I'm really looking forward to the watchalong, any small bits of behind the scenes work they can share will be great.
what was wrong with her?
Uh, I'm recording a video of myself doing illegal wotagei to their performance from my house and posting it on the tags
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>thumbnail by kani bonara
he can't stop winning...
She had to be urgently hospitalized for almost 2 months, she's going to talk about it on the stream
They will love it lol
Holy baused
>Quick tip: the reason the "idol step" is so popular is because it's easy as shit and mostly used by groups where the new recruits don't know how to dance yet. Part of the idol journey is becoming better at dancing and moving away from only using the idol step.
Case in point: look at Marine. If you aren't a complete newfag, you'd remember a time back when Marine couldn't even do idol step correctly and would look like she was skiing instead. There was an entire 3D stream of Matsuri trying to teach Marine how to dance. That was like four years ago. Now Marine has no problem doing it and is way better than just a beginner and so she doesn't do it as much.
The faggot that thinks all idol dancing is just swaying in place and idol step doesn't watch idols. He probably doesn't even watch hololive.
wow ruffians really do just ignore the rest of hololive
she's a hag
It's not the same though.
Now point to that faggot outside of your imagination.
true, at home I won't have to smell you
The faggot that said Bae and the league dancing was Kpop. It wasn't kpop. They're just good at dancing.
Yeah, as I thought. Clipfag thinks he's the bastion of knowledge and just loves listening to his voice, has no fucking clue of what he's talking about.
You belong in a youtube comment section fighting other retarded clipfags.
I mean, I’m watching from home too but nothing beats being surrounded by likeminded fans all cheering for the same oshi and the other talents. Concerts are great
>They're just good at dancing.
Indeed she is. But this has absolutely nothing to do with the argument in any way.
EN fags never know what they're talking about, don't know why I even tried replying.
>EN fags
KYS nigger
I'm just looking forward to seeing Shiori make a fool of herself
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Sometimes I don't speak right
But yet I know what I'm talking about
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
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Fuck you my Shiochan is a hardworker
because you're a faggot
Wouldn't she just play the piano live?
exactly. hololive will has never had a concert in my area but if they did i would still go instantly. plus you can watch the stream any time
You don’t understand Mococo, some Ruffians just don’t deserve to be breathing
There is a limit to effort, anon. It's going to be a glorious shitshow
At least her 3D debut will probably be more focused on la creatividad stuff, rather than a concert. The actual showcasing part of 3D debuts is usually the worst part and just stalling, so hers could stand out if she does something interesting with it.
People still skateboard?
That looks better than the clothing
If her performance isn't god awful, that's basically a confirmation that it's all pre-recorded and edited to hell
Why do I feel these are going to be like $300 each
Do you all prefer they do it live live, with lower quality, or prerecorded with higher quality?
Sick Mococo
I always prefer live no matter what
Live, the "lower quality" is just part of the experience, and those who can keep a lower difference between the prerecorded and live stuff get there through their own efforts, and should be recognized for that. Singing and dancing at the same time is not easy.
MVs are there for the high quality and tons of sound engineering, but only lives can give the live experience.
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Ruffians even Cecilia’s fans look better than us
Live live
I want to see those tears of overflowing emotions and not having them edited out
go back cogsucker
Live live always.
A funkin' cute autismo
KEK, I can't believe she named her fans that
I watch more JP than you do and have been watching hololive longer than you have.
You think bae's dancing is whore dancing because you don't know what dancing is and you don't watch real idols, many of whom dance more provocatively than Bae ever has.
this is the tradeoff of all live music, not just vtubers
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She’s naming them now
>I watch more JP than you do and have been watching hololive longer than you have.
Only newfags say this with such confidence. No surprise all of your examples were from famous english subbed clips.

>You think bae's dancing is whore dancing
Never once said that. Projecting, as I said. You love the sound of your voice too much, turn it down a notch, clipfag.
The best part of live live is the feedback loop. The performer can feel the vibes from the audience and vice versa. They hype each other up.
This, otherwise why go to concerts at all? Just listen to the studio recordings.
I don't want to alarm you but Liz is singing Total Eclipse of the Heart
all those names suck
Bae's dancing is whore dancing because Bae is a whore so her dancing is whore dancing.
Yeah. Lower quality, higher energy. Always worth it. It's the whole reason to go to a live performance in the first place.
Though I wonder if the technical side of things with how many talents they have are also a hurdle that pushes them to do prerecorded. Kind of wish there was a tech corner of some kind on the official channel where some staff goes over this kind of detail like once every two months or whatever. Would be really interesting.
you sound underage
live live and I hope they are as autistic and stubborn as Suisei is about it. I can't remember if they've talked about it before but I have to imagine they would vastly prefer live too, right?
If you think I'm gonna care for the #1 manorbiter in holoEN then think again, I'm a ruffian, I hate male collabs
she hasn't done any
Jesus those are the 3 options she went with? there were so many other options but not surprising from justchads
depends on how far they are able to come along in their idol training by D-day. they would prefer smoke and mirrors as opposed to disappointing ruffians, if it came to that
Isn't immerlings like saplings?
wait once the collab ban is lifted. she already basically had sending a hundred messages in their stream chats
Who gives a shit, wake me up when she sings JIBUN WO
Otomos is good
I will take a mediocre live live over something prerecorded.
"ling" is just a common diminutive suffix
they couldn't ever disappoint with a live. it would be so much worse if it were Prerecorded and lackluster
Otomodachis would be better
how about you wait to hate someone until they actually do what you're bitching about
You haven't listened to them talking about live performances if you think that. They absolutely agree with the idea that the imperfections add to the live performance, and the fact that it's a unique, fleeting event.
Not that I expect everything to be live live because of that, but the reason will most definitely not "to not disappoint ruffians", if anything it's the opposite. I'm making a concession and dealing with the fact that Hololive most likely means prerecorded. The "high quality" outcome is the disappointing one.
5am? dont think imma make it
Don't be stupid, she has already dropped about 500 messages total in their chats and literally talked about apex with the dino man already, planning a collab
If there was ever any girl that was 1000% gonna do these collabs it's her, I would bet my house on it
Tomodachi is just the plural of tomo
the dumb cunt literally flooded a homochat to the point I'm starting to think even the stars want nothing to do with her. But this is the FUWAMOCO thread so fuck off. Just keep her far away from them and Advent please until she proved she isn't a ticking time bomb
You dont know them at all
Sora sat out of Blue Journey because it was prerecorded. lol.
>They absolutely agree with the idea that the imperfections add to the live performance
then where the flying fuck have they been the last four months??
No. I said that with confidence because your a chink tourist who demonstrated a complete lack of knowledge about idols and dancing by thinking that Bae's dancing was atypical of idols.
In reality, most hololive members are just decent at dancing and can't pull off actual choreographed routines with any kind of technically complex movements. But you didn't know that because your idea of idol dancing is the idol step and swaying in place like most holomen do.
You tried to claim that wasn't the argument being discussed but that is exactly what was being discussed in >>79521934, >>79522677, and your retarded post >>79522774.
The entire last thread consisting of you or some other dunning-kruger knuckle dragger like you commenting about Bae's dancing was what precipitated this conversation.
Now crawl back into your hole, faggot.
I hope they brap on stage
doing their best
Practicing their hearts out?
But it's Sora. I don't expect FWMC to go around demanding shit from staff before even having their 3D Debut. I'd be thrilled, but don't expect to.
Bae is a whore anything she does is whoreish. If her dancing was entirely idol steps it would be whore steps. Fuck off and stop trying to push her in the FWMC thread.
She wasn't even part of the project what the fuck are you talking about
Maybe they should. That's exactly what Suisei did and at the time she was the runt of the company.
Maybe don't use Chinese racial slurs while trying to defend Bae, asshole?
She talked about it when soratomos asked her.
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She posted in Hololive chats too. She is just an extrovert.
>But this is the FUWAMOCO thread
this is just slower global
a fucking otomoffian
>His evidence is his own posts
Jesus Christ, you're incredibly stupid. Are you the same retard accusing Marine to not know anything about idols? It's the same style of loving your own voice and not knowing what you're talking about while acting as an oldfag, and not producing any evidence whatsoever.
You like larping as knowledgeable, but you expose yourself every time, it's clear you learned about idols from Hololive, not worth engaging. Have fun.
I'm not pushing her at all, faggot.
I just don't want some inbred pig-fucking lobotomite like you to turn on FuwaMoco if they ever get good enough to be able to do half the shit Bae does.
fucking otomoffians...
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disappointing everytime i look in here
>She is just an extrovert.
Holy cope. The first extrovert in Hololive, everyone! It all makes sense now!
Are you going to stop posting about her when she starts homocollabing?
No, I don't care about that.
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I'm not the guy you are replying to but your argument is retarded. You can acknowledge Bae being a good dancer and still not watch her and hate male collabs. I know because I do. No, I don't post her here. But since we're all talking about this right now I might as well join in and call you an idiot.
the ruffians keeps the shitposters entertained while the other generals are comfy
No one hates the chinese more than other chinese.
If someone seems obsessively antagonistic towards Bae, there's a pretty good chance they're some bat soup drinking bastard that hates the particular flavor of asian she is or they just hate that she's as westernized as she is.
The absolute state of Ruffians
>Justchads, Adventrix, Otomos
Good thing they didn't take user submissions for Ruffians. Jesus.
yes and she's fucking more annoying than any other member. She is basically Nerissa but if every worse trait was amplified 100x and she was a homo collaber. If you like her, just watch Nerissa instead of the good value knock off. We love Advent here.
>lives in japan
>works at japanese company
>speaks japanese

Nice of you to jump in and add to the off topic all so you can defend her. Fuck off.
Would definitely be nice, just not holding my breath.
I guess our best bet is that one of the things they told Suisei was exactly admiring her doing it live, and that she told them in return "you should definitely ask for it too". With a senpai backing them, they'd be bold enough to ask for it, I think.
Well, at least the solo parts of birthday lives are usually held live because they need to react to hashtags trending, chat and shit like that, so there's nothing stopping them from at least doing their solo part live if they want to. That's already something to look forward to, even if we don't get live live on debut or breaking dimensions.
See you're not helping yourself because you think I'm defending her when actually I'm just calling you an idiot.
Man if they can get some of the fire and stubbornness from Suisei it would be a dream. Hopefully she can help them out a little fighting, although I know she's got her own stuff to focus on. Imagine if we could have Advent dance practice streams. even if they're just recorded now and played after debut...
There are plenty of other great dancers in Hololive who aren't whores who have even had more interaction with FWMC than Bae but somehow she's always the one who gets brought up. Nobody ever mentions Koyori's dancing for example.
Liz has a much more entertaining stream presence and a better singing voice than Nerissa. Nerissa lacking confidence in her singing is exhausting. Liz doesn't have that problem.

Liz also isn't a sex pest towards my wives.
Who are the ones who do live live? Suisei, Sora, IRyS, Nene, AZKi, Watame. Anyone else?
I would think of Matsuri and Nene first but yeah Koyori is solid too I guess.
if FUWAMOCO are gone another week they are going to come back and every ruffian is going to have the tea oshi mark and be fuckinf otomoffians
Suisei, Sora and Azki do live live whenever they can. IRyS, Nene, and Watame are just below that.
We'd be "puppers", "doggos" or some bullshit like that, kek.
Why DOESN’T Nerissa do karaokes anymore? What happened?
I think Koyori's dancing fits FUWAMOCO better, Matsuri has a natural talent for it that I'm not sure can be taught. Nene has literal years of actual idol training so she might be helpful later on down the line. Koyori to me was closest to their situation, a hag with not much real idol training.
when was the last RnR?
Shitpost in /#/ instead you fucking faggots.
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Thank god I'm a Ruffian
Same as FWMC, she's saving her voice for recordings. Nobody has done any singing since Japan it feels like.
I would LOVE dance practice streams. Would be a great home 3D content for them. They have space, it would be useful, doubles down as homework, it's perfect members content.
Sorry, are we keeping you from talking about your boyfriends' twitter posts?
do you want to know something funny I just realized?
there will be no schedule or planned streams for the next few weeks besides the guerilla 900k suika endurance batsu
I'm a Ruffinotomo
kys, phasefaggot.
Yay more vertical numbers streams.
I've seen you get banned 3 times today to the point where I might as well call you raveschizo, you have some serious projection/sister issues behind the scenes I reckon. I'll join in on shitting on you as well like the projecting imbecile you are.
I’m gonna kill myself
The evidence is watching any idol group outside of hololive ever that has members capable of advanced choreography.
The only one here projecting is you and it's incredibly obvious. You have a chip on your shoulder whether it's about Bae or westerners or whatever, and you pretend to know about idols by claiming that Bae's dancing is unidol-like, when in reality, you just aren't familiar with idols at all.
Most of hololive would be dancing like Bae or Laplus if they could. You're a retard that thought he knew what "idol-dancing" was, when in reality, you knew nothing about idol or dancing.

Also I never said anything about marine not knowing about idols. It seems you've reached the point where you can't support your argument anymore and have resorted to trying to associate me with some bogeyman like Marineschizo. It's not going to work.
Wasn't me. Everyone just knows she's a whore.
Suika game is my oshi I'm a Ruffimelon
can you guys please stop with the unicorn larp? it's fucking exhausting watch you people act like anyone gives a shit that someone has talked to a man. It's not helping you fit in, and it's just shitting up the thread
She grew up in Australia, dumbass.
Do you not understand what "westernized" means in the context of talking about asians?
Sort out your sister issues and learn what that word means, it's unsightly
I don’t know what’s going on anymore
I love Koyori, but she is no where near as good of a dancer as Bae or Laplus.
Baeschizo migrated from /hlgg/ to here.
I'm a CGDCTchad. It's not about talking to a man or not, it's overall vibes of CGDCTishness and whoreishness.

>CGDCT who have had at least one Homo interaction

>Total and absolute whores
NTA but FUWAMOCO will never match Bae or La+ or even Kobo in dancing, which is what I think that ruffian meant. They should aim for the Koyori route which is good enough. If they get there and still want more they can keep practicing but that's going to mean they probably can never stream normally
Where is Fubuki?
Yes she's also nowhere near as young and neither is FUWAMOCO. Bae has a dancing background real dance, not just self training for anime con appearances, and I don't know about La+ but they both have the energy and flexibility of youth that can't be taught.
>you're just larping!
Nope. I unsub holos who male collab for fun frequently and will neither watch nor support them, it's that simple.
I don't care about them having a male dance coach or vocal instructor, but collabs on stream with male vtubers or ecelebs? No.
she's not cute , sorry laffian
>stream presence
You should probably wait a while until after the collab ban is lifted before you come to any kind of conclusion about her.
>FUWAMOCO will never match Bae or La+
They will and they can, what the fuck do you think is the point of the idol journey? why do we need to settle for less? if they want to become among the top dancers then why don't we cheer them on?
This is all hypothetical of course, first we wait for their 3D and then see what they desire
CGDCT obviously.
/baubau/ theme song for the summer
>Nene has literal years of actual idol training
So do they. Not saying they're better o anything, but not sure why this thread treats their experience as idols as some children's play. 2020 Hololive barely had choreographies, rewatch Nonstop Story, it was a joke next to their 2017-2019 stuff you can still find on youtube. 1st fes was just the girls flailing around doing whatever they wanted.
Ruffians I googled something for a game and one of the answers was "Why don't you play the game" and now I'm upset
I thought kiara is pretty good herself. I think they will be in a good position if they reach her level.
>the best teacher is someone just like you, around your skill level, and not an expert
If you weren't an insecure incel and actually just cared about CGDCT, you could skip streams with male involvement (handful or less out of hundreds), instead of branding them as "whores" for the rest of their careers
Nene was more of an actual legit idol, FWMC were mostly self taught.
You know what I actually agree with this, although Aki is now in the bottom tier for me. Hurts me to say that but the past half year from her has been inacceptable, constant spam with men left and right to a degree that just cannot be coped away.
Because they were both already professionally trained and studied dancing for years even before joining hololive. FUWAMOCO have some, bare bare minimum history almost a decade ago and now they're hags. It's an uphill battle just to get out of bed never mind reach that level of dancing. Sure I hope they do, but it's not so easy when your body is creaking
You the guy who sent dick pic?
If you actually wanted to talk about your whores, you could go to their whore threads to do that, instead of always coming to the FUWAMOCO thread.
Faggots who camp this thread because it's faster despite not caring that much about FWMC use it to talk about their oshis on cooldown. Jannies don't care about off topic. Just another day of /baubau/
Counterpoint: Why should anyone support holos who do things they dislike? Why force yourself to like them despite things they do which you hate?
>rewatch Nonstop Story
SOVLLLLLL. People forgot how much everyone improved.
My point was that they will improve much faster if they set their goals higher, whether they become as good is another story. Koyori level is something they can easily reach but they can go beyond that
Where does korone go
I don't even know who you're talking about so no. But her relentless VCR gang collab spam and 90% of her streams now being male collabs is just no go for me. Shame cause I used to like her "lady at the bar" style karaoke.
Because 99% of their content is stuff that you would otherwise enjoy. If, hypothetically, FWMC had a male collab, would that make you retroactively hate all of their stuff you've been enjoying thusfar?
Korone is CGDCT.
Okay, I guess I misunderstood. We're agreeing mostly. They can aim however high they want but realistically just get to Koyori level and reasses what they want to prioritize in hololive
THERE IT IS. They literally cannot fucking help themselves ladies and gentlemen. Sooner or later, the mask slips. "What if FWMC collabed with males?" Go fuck yourself.
Yes. I'd charge back every purchase I could and erase every post I'd ever made about them before blocking and burning my merch.
Yeah nah, exaggerating there.
>If, hypothetically, FWMC had a male collab, would that make you retroactively hate all of their stuff you've been enjoying thusfar?
No, if it was really really bad it might just be enough for me to drop them over it. Probably not if it's just one, but it depends.
Literally had a whole training arc with male e-celebs.
Yeah, aki changed alot once she found her fame through VCR. Her 3Dlives are still kino though.
An anon mentioned here that he blocked Aki and when asked why, said it was because he sent a dick pic in a Twitter DM when he was drunk years ago. He blocked her out of shame. He posted proof, probably in a litter link, but I remember seeing it lol.
If you want to be consistent, these two should be in the bottom list since they literally shill the homos and have had more than "one" collab.
>not saying they're better
They still have years of actual idol training as well, regardless. They were at TIF, they released albums, they performed actual demanding choreography years before Hololive had any. They may not be the best but the way this thread talks about them just reminds me that this is the anti/off-topic thread.
And whenever someone who is worse than them is brought up, it's always "look how she improved", always in a positive tone.
Not sure what that has to do with anything anyone is talking about here.
The chinese faggot that's hating on bae and calling her ravewhore isn't a unicorn. He's just some anti.
I would definitely consider myself a unicorn, but I don't hate Bae. I just don't watch her. That being said, I'm also a true unicorn and Bae seems like one of the ones less likely to be involved with males off-stream.
So she's still better than some of the others, imo.
NTA but I think apathy is fine. Not caring or supporting something you dislike and stand against is fine.
Being a cringelord like this fag>>79528887 deserves ridicule and I will always take time to do it
Did you play the game though
Reading comprehension, do you have it?
There's still a difference in how someone like Sora occasionally appears with men on stream vs someone like Matsuri or Laplus or Kobo.
Maybe it's just a vibe thing.
The ‘tism…
>Yeah nah, exaggerating there.
Not really. Especially in EN, all supposed "homocollabers" have only had a few streams involving stars
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>If, hypothetically, FWMC had a male collab,
Yeah, what about it?
It was soulful indeed, I remember the scuff very fondly as well. But it was scuffed. They run laps around this no problem if the topic is quality of choreography. Not that it's all that matters, but since it's the discussion at the moment...
I only look at images and read lists. I do not read paragraphs
Bae just thinks PP is funny and is in an unironic lesbian relationship with an owl
>Ruffians have to witness the double date of two ojisans with FUWAMOCO
You shouldn't be talking about her here AT ALL, regardless of tone or opinion, unless it's FWMC related. Kill yourself, discordnigger.
Give me my Kuro-chan collab.
If someone talking to a man is enough to make you suddenly 180 on hours and hours of content you previously loved, you are seriously mentally ill.
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Everyone camps in /baubau/ for some reason. Justicefags camp here, globalfags camp here, homobeggars camp here, all of Advent camps here, donald trumps campaign managers camp here, Emperor Naruhito camps here, Dimitri Jap camps here, Mori camps here, and maybe one or two Ruffians.
Well guess what? the discussion was FWMC related. FWMC are idols, FWMC plan to dance on stage, the discussion involved FWMC. You in your little bubble of perpetual seethe can't see anything.
Laplus went to some kind of fashion school, but considering it was a type of arts program, there were probably also dance class opportunities for her there. I imagine that's where she learned, or maybe she has always been doing dance clubs and stuff since she was a kid. My sisters both did dance as an extra curricular throughout their childhood and into high school.
it's just one cock it doesn't even count, ruffian
Yeah and no one cares cause its two married ojisans, one of whom is Yagoo kek.
So true sis.
This hobby is for the mentally ill.
Talking about Hololive and their coworkers is more on topic than talking about Twitter faggots
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There's a difference between not supporting and actively anti-supporting. I was never a big fan of Mori, but I'm not going to hate her and call for her graduation and shit, especially since fuwamoco like her.
Is that your autistic soothing mantra?
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FUWAMOCO love idols
I love idols
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Personally I'd wave off professional collabs with people in the industry and event collabs for shill reasons, con appearances, panels and such. Interviews with mangaka or game devs, that kind of stuff.

But no collabs with guys done just for the fun of it. No flirting. No sex pests.

To each their own but that's my own line.
>donald trumps campaign managers camp here
When's the next debate /baubau/ watchalong?
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I am faithful to FWMC I will not give in
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FWMC make me feel comfy and cozy. Based on how these threads often are, I feel like I'm the only one.
based retard
Biden is a homocollaber
careful, politics are the one off-topic jannies actually care about (thank fuck)
Which isn't happening. The entire thread has been off topic garbage with literal trannies shilling twitch whore behavior.
For me, they used to, but their recent behavior has left me jaded. Wake me up when September ends
Just a thought/suggestion, but maybe hold off on FWMCmorning for this week's schedule? It seems to be a busy time for most or all of HoloEN.

Pros: potentially more rest for you two, or more time to work on other things.
Cons: none?

No pressure. All good either way!
As much as I want to see FWMCMORNING, I have to agree. It's way too high effort right now
>control freak at it again
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all according to plan
You know I don't go into /rrat/ and call her a whore. But you come here and start talking about her. Maybe you should go back to /rrat/ where you can have fun with other whore enjoyers like yourself.
Be careful what you say or they'll go on a 16 hour mental health break until the next FUWAMOCO tweet after posting a menhera wall
>If one day you went to mcdonalds and they started making burger patties out of shit and his toenails clippings in their lettuce and you stopped visiting that McDonald's you are mentally ill.
You sound like a cuck
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FUWAMOCO love rape and so do I
I wave away all industry professional collabs, and I extend that to comedians and people outside the idolsphere as well. I'd rather have none of it on their channel, tho cause I prefer it to be 100% CGDCT. For example, I had no real issue with the whole Koyori thing cause it wasn't a casual one-on-one collab, I just didn't want to see a fucking male on her channel and hopefully it never happens again
>if your girlfriend cheating on you is enough for you to forget all the good times and leave her, you are seriously mentally ill.
I understand it's not quite the same, but the essence of your argument is.
there hasn't been a single message about fuwamoco for an hour
You're getting old Bryan...
But think about all the good burgers you used have there, anon. Why would eating shit toenail burgers make you forget about all the good time you spent there?
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I hehe this

Only 1.5 mins before your post.
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There's a whole next generation of little bryans about to be born
Because I can find a replacement, retard
gachikoi are hopeless. imagine feeling threatened by a man interacting with your oshi on stream. you never had any chance with her in the first place. you aren’t in a relationship with her. please seek professional help because this isn’t healthy
Megan Thee Stallion just released a song called Otaku Hot Girl. FUWAMOCO should be the first to cover it and bam they get the 1 million.
Shut the fuck up, I'm not getting slopdonalds today.
Just disable dm requests
FuwaMoco doing a male collab would be them actively rejecting everything they've stood for until now and also actively rejecting the fans that care so deeply about them. It wouldn't *just* be about the male collab.
Now, go back.
So true sis, how's that Niji concert coming along?
More like if your favorite restaurant fucks up your order once, and you then decide to never go there again, and also leave them a 1 star review on every platform, and harass their employees.
Pay attention to your whore's stream, nigger.
Why are we talking about homocollabs? They will never do things like that in the first place.
literally fucking who
no you don't get it they totally understand and approve of my behavior if you quote this one specific line they said on the spot. I am perfectly healthy basing my entire life around them and I am the only one for them. Sure I might escalate to actual crime but nothing is illegal when it's true love and it's what they would want, right?
>actively rejecting everything they've stood for until now and also actively rejecting the fans
this is literally all headcanon. they have never said "We're never going to talk to men", you all have just assumed that
I'm not a gachikoi for FWMC dumbfuck kek I'm a CGDCT and idolchad.
I do not want to see males on any of the channels of any of the vtubers I watch.
I do not want to see them on FWMCs channel. I do not want to see them on Koyori's channel(anymore). I do not want to see them on Gura's channel.
Its just that shrimple
Because a new giga homolover debuted a week ago and some guy is upset people here don't like her nor do they want to talk about her
What a coincidence that all of the posts defending off topic chuubas stop as they shift to shitting on FWMC and their fans.
Funny how often that happens.
Entirely out of necessity and practicality because there are no SF6 coaches that are not also streamers.
Also, her coach was professional and respected her the entire time. I didn't like it, but she wouldn't have been good enough for the tournamebt if she didn't have a coach.
Also, he literally died, anon.
It's the tranny who is here 24/7 and can't stop seething about the fact that FUWAMOCO won't collab with this homos
Because the Baeschizo can't resist bringing it up.
Are we the /ggg/ of Advent?
they've never said anything because they don't even want to acknowledge their existence. The unfollowing instantly and silence couldn't be clearer. You're the one that isn't getting it. They aren't going to come out and say they will never collab with men because in their hololive world men don't exist at all
What a surprise that I was part of said "off-topic" discussion (which was and still is on-topic) and am currently shitting on the obvious baiter instead
Well they did say on fucking debut that they want to collab with their favorite japanese comedians who are all men(Kuro-chan). But they did make it pretty explicit that theyll never collab with male idols or male vtubers, anyone denying either of these facts is a tourist.
I wouldn't know, never used that thread. I tend to only enter threads of chuubas I want to talk about, instead of talking about whatever wherever, but apparently this is not the norm for this board and I just got lucky in the other threads I used to visit.
FWMC should collab with Donald Trump!
>Are we the /ggg/ of Advent?
Its been that way since about a month after debut, anon. All of the antis here use the exact same schizo tactics as Gura's antis. Its honestly so similar it oftentimes makes me think guras antis and FWMCs antis are the same.
People always come for the most popular ones.
Wouldn't be a big surprise what with both being very much not on the pro male collab side
I think they're just shitposters instead of sincere antis. Which isn't an important distinction but I doubt many mean malice they just are losers
you're doing great moco-chan!
yes she was forced at gunpoint to participate in that tournament, she didn't choose to put herself in a situation where she needed constant male attention
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Nah, is just shitposters from /#/.
Not in this thread it isn't
I remember a thread a good while back where half of it was actually just irl politics
Jannies don't give a shit about /baubau/
You really should have been able to detect the sarcasm in that post, you double-retard.
you're doing such a good job Moco-chan! I feel so good!
no one in this thread is anti-ing FWMC, what are you even talking about?
so true
Why would I want to watch another man get closer to the woman I love than I am?
Are you fucking retarded?
Sarcasm is for faggots and women, say what you mean cunt.
the very fact you’re in love with two women you have never met before shows how mentally ill you are
I met them 11 months ago
I've spent more time with them than your father spent with your mother before he fell in love with her.
my father didn't even love my mother it was a pump and dump
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Yes I'm mentally ill, keep crying tranny
>say what you mean cunt.
That's a shame. But you get the idea. People fall in love in real life while knowing much less about the person, it's just normalized as long as you share the same physical space.
It's why so many marriages end early, people vow to spend the rest of their lives together before even getting to know each other.
ricardo lopez in the making
Am I supposed to know who that is? Is it a new rapper Kevin Lamar has a beef with?
I have never watched a single homo in my life, but I hope that FWMC collab with one, just once, to purge this place of all the cancerous unicorns. I just like watching them sing and play games I don't give a fuck if they read your tweet or how many times you've jerked off today
An interview or talking to a industry professional has never been considered a "male collab".
No one said that Miko going to a shrine and being instructed by a shinto priest on stream was a "male collab".
Hardly anyone at all would have a problem with a famous celebrity comedian showing up on stream.
Part of, but not the entire reason, is because there's virtually no chance of them becoming friends and hanging out and getting to know each other and adding them on Line, and then going out with them. That's not true for male ecelebs, who are all sexpests and try to get to know female streamers to "become friends".
look em up, that’s your future
So true sis.
I'm sorry this board is your oshi
Ojiisans we're watching Higurashi with Nerissa in 3.5 hours
Korone has always loved Street Fighter. I would feel like an anti if I had said, "no, you can't do the things you enjoy".
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Even the circle of friends itself is toxic and will bring you down. Mbember Mel. She's a retard, do you really think this was the first time she leaked something? No, just the first time since she started making those kinds of friends.
>An interview or talking to a industry professional has never been considered a "male collab".
I never said that tho. It's effectively the same as their possible future kuro-chan collab(whatever that will look like)
No, I'm playing Elden Ring and seething vs Commande Gaius
I'm gonna watch that Color Out of Space movie with Nicolas Cage and then seethe about it for hours in another board because they butchered yet another Lovecraft story.
Fuck I hate this shit boss
such as?

I would think that a nationally famous comedian would probably count as an industry professional.
Why is no one able to do a proper lovecraft adaptation? They arent even that hard to do. Something like shadow over innsmouth shoupd be EZ. Fucking bethesda was able to do it with Dark Corners of the Earth.
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Taking a break, enjoy and love your oshis forever, Ruffians.
>I hope FWMC do something to drive off all their most dedicated fans that they have spent their entire lives caring for and appealing to so they can be what I want and no, I do not care if that makes them miserable
Yeah, you sure do sound like a "ruffian".
If you always stay near him, he'll stop doing that bullshit charge that's almost unavoidable
Unicorns are not their most dedicated fans, they are the most selfish, narcissistic, and vocal. FWMC owe you nothing.
>the /ggg/ doxnigger pajeet who samefags for hours pretending to be a "concerned fan"
>the "why doesnt she care about us bros..." shitposters
>the "i miss year one/i miss season 1...
>all she/they care about is shilling and money!
>the global/catalogfags who come in to shit on chumbuds/ruffians and call them psychos,, schizos, future stalkers, etc
There's more too. If you've ever been to both /ggg/ and /baubau/ during the worst of it, you'll immediately understand kek. There was one singular thread where I was 100% positive crippleschizo was here as well. He's a riot though.
>Mococo on ball duty again
The pain of being the little sister...
>owe you
Oh, look, another one of you types who can only think in "owing" and other financial transactions and can't understand basic human interaction. I wonder if there's a name for that.
i have clean balls
Unicorns are the most dedicated. There's only one thing that makes them stop watching. Tourists like you leave when you get bored.
Oh, look, another one of you types who think that because you send them superchats you are entitled to control their behavior.
Am I fucking blind or did he delete that one from his twitter
There sure are a lot of unicorn ruffians watching justice right now
I'd guess it's mostly because they want the grandiose stuff, they're not adapting Lovecraft out of love for his style of horror, they're doing it because of the creatures, so they want to call attention to the things they shouldn't be calling attention to.
When you get into original cosmic horror movies just "heavily inspired" by Lovecraft, then you start getting the good stuff, like In the Mouth of Madness.
I'd love to see someone adapting The Tomb as a point n click game or visual novel, similar to The Terrible Old Man.
>entitled to control
Yep, more financial/legal transaction verbiage. Not helping your case.
name dropping didn't occur there?
I really really really like this one.
It does happen but nothing compared to here
"word vibes" is a weird angle bud
>FWMC owe you nothing.
It's funny, because FWMC have literally said the opposite and that they owe us everything.
Personally, I don't want them to think that way. I think even without their fans, they would be incredible people. But they want their fans to know how much we mean to them.
Someone like you doesn't belong here, but FWMC would still want you to support them and they still consider you a ruffian, because they're kind and wonderful women.
This thread isn't even worth skimming through while taking a shit
No, not really, because Gura barely gives attention to anyone at all. Gura rarely ever reads superchats unless one catches her eye. It doesn't matter if its 500 american dollars or green hungarian supa.
The namedropping and paypig obsession isn't unique to this place, its unique to girls who give their fans a LOT of attention on stream and on twitter.
FWMC owes me sex.
Nothing to do with "vibes". You clearly think this entire thing is about trading money for "control" instead of supporting people who make content they like and appreciating them in return for it. So long as you have such a dim view of human interaction, you will do nothing but make others as miserable as yourself. Leave.
I'm not sure what your point is. Are you saying that you think FWMC don't want their fans watching other holomen or supporting hololive in general? What about the times they've told us to go watch one of advent's streams?
Still there for me
Right. And how would you feel if they had a male collab? Fuck off
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Most people who use "unicorn" as an insult don't actually know what it means and are just using it as a blanket word that encompasses gachikoi, goslings, CGDCTfags, idolfags, unicorns, etc.
Can you link the tweet with it?
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Mococo laughed at Fuwawa after she read my comment using this word...
Mococo also has the more servicing personality
There's this too https://x.com/rekkuresu/status/1805212662931894609
I'm okay with FUWAMOCO talking to a man as long as that man is me.
I'd drop them and call them a homocollaber if they talked to me
FWMC want ruffians to support hololive while they aren't streaming. I don't think you can really call yourself dedicated if you watch the others instead of them while they are streaming, but that's not what we're talking about here.
Also, I don't think many of the ruffians watching Justice actually gachikoi them like they do FuwaMoco.
It's as if you actually believe in the korone "have you been watching other girls?!" meme.
You really seem like a tourist.
I was fucking blind then
statistically there are pretty good odds that their father molested at least one of them
And how would you feel if they didn't, and made every indication they never would? Would it burn you up inside that you can't hurt others? Seek professional help.
>believes cartoon dog women he's never met are in love with him
>tells others to seek professional help
Beggars REALLY wish FWMC were the type to care about associating themselves with male idols
Can we do the "they'll never ever get a sololive" loop next thread?
no it's Fuwawa
NTA, but you clearly don't belong here.
Not sure how you haven't been banned for trolling yet.
Anime, not "cartoon"
>>believes cartoon dog women he's never met are in love with him
Nope, but feel free to continue with your wild delusions.
why are zoomers like this?
They both do of course but Mococo verbalizes that shit all the time. And that's all that really matters for artists
FUWAMOCO are in love with me.
>It's as if you actually believe in the korone "have you been watching other girls?!" meme.
Does Korone actually say this or is it just a meme translation? I'm too JSL for most of these girls
Plenty of Hologirls say this, to varying degrees of joking.
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Shut up and get back to OSRS, newissa.
I mean Justice haven't really had their monetization yet so we can't tell who's going gachi for them yet
No, there really isn't, lol?
Are you the same sister here decying their fans as "unicorn incels"? Do you just hate men because your dad got a little too eager applying Vicks vaporub to your chest when you were sick as a kid or something?
answer the question
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Anime and cartoons are NOT the same. Kill yourself, Burger scum.
This may surprise you but you are allowed to watch and discuss fuwamoco without being mentally ill
It's a common joke that she'll start acting yandere and asking chat how they know about something that happened in another girl's stream.
Then everyone spams the yellow caution atsu emote.
Wrong, vtubers are for mentally ill people only.
wishes for her own not for you while Fuwawa constantly asks how ruffians feel and what we want while also worrying enough to verbalize her own insecurities
That's uh, weirdly specific, dude.
FWMC themselves are mentally ill however
Answer mine first
She does and it's pretty common on the JP side. Most of the time it's a joke.
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FWMC like "mental illness" tho and literally encourage their fans to be overly loving and affectionate, and always react positively to the most sappy shit imaginable.
I'm convinced FUWAMOCO have a sort of savior "I can fix him" complex when it comes to the Ruffians. They can't fix me though.
Don't most parents use that stuff when their kids get colds? Mine did. It's great for sinuses.
the irony of calling others mentally ill while going out of your way to try and take something away from people you've never met and throwing a tantrum when you can't is palpable
>I'm convinced FUWAMOCO have a sort of savior "I can fix him" complex when it comes to the Ruffians.
You're shitposting but considering how many times they encourage the Ruffians to have other means of happiness apart from then I highly doubt it
There's a babysitter copypasta about it.
What site is that that has the tonation markings?
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So a Ruffian was definitely behind this right? It's literally FWMC's colours and has two random slightly obscured pawprints on the midsole
>You're shitposting
Only a little bit kek
>but considering how many times they encourage the Ruffians to have other means of happiness apart from then I highly doubt it
Yeah, but that would be a part of the savior complex, no? They've said this, but all of their content seems tied to "fixing" broken ojisans. Hell, the entire purpose of FWMC Morning is to get ojisans to wake up early, go on walks, encourage them to do their best, and then when they come home wind down by watching FWMC die over and over again in a shitty horrorslop game.
They want the fans to find their own happiness, but they specifically want to HELP YOU find that by encouraging people in this way.
So yeah, that's why i say "savior complex" kek.
The way they interacted with the german after his menhera breakdown convinced me of this fully and completely.
Most of us probably aren't sneakerheads and so probably have no idea about whatever new shoe drop you're excited about is, anon.
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Mama mia
why are you browsing children's shoes, anon?
Those are the shoes FWMC qrt'd this morning https://x.com/fuwamoco_en/status/1807024676570554835
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those are the trans flag colors, anon.
Would be cool, but as someone else brought up, it's probably more likely a tranny-furry dogwhistle, kek
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Sure but explain the pawprints
And then he had another one... You can't save everyone, FWMC...
if you think the point of FWMC-M is anything other than an algorithm-gaming numbers move I have a bridge to sell you
I think it's very silly how one schizo managed to convince you guys not to write "FuwaMoco" anymore.
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Fuwamoco says trans rights
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I switch it up with FWMC from time to time
i'm lazy, half as many keystrokes
I've always typed it as FUWAMOCO on twitter and youtube, I just used different variations here all the time because I'm schizo about switching my typing style every other post, but now I can just use the official way because everyone is.
> I have a bridge to sell you
Well? Is it a nice bridge, or is it some shitty run-down NY bridge?
I always wrote Fuwamoco cause I'm lazy but then FUWAMOCO themselves said they like all caps. Schizo had nothing to do with it.
FUWAMOCO convinced me during FWMC Morning.
I gotta go, can someone take over unicorn hating and justice shilling for the next thread, please? I'll be back for the one after that
Ok, I'll do it
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Why is the new thread early and why are people using it? I'm disappointed in you.
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Fuwawa pawprints doko?
Fuwawa HATES basketball
I've literally always typed FUWAMOCO or FWMC
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>sneaker is 80% pink
A Fuwawa anti designed this shoe
Fuwawa just hasn't seen Airbud yet
it's the t. furry community
you would know if you play vrchat
I don't give a shit either way what the "point" is, it makes my day nicer
noooo not my sacred anime!
Maybe the other side has blue.
you lost
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We're taking the colors blue and pink back
FWMC and Aqua will save that color scheme!
Recommend it for the next dog movie watchalong
I'm not used to seeing /baubau/ so slow, did they finally move to CC?
>one schizo managed
FUWAMOCO are two schizos, okay? Watch streams

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