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Liquid Mint Edition

>Her YouTube channel
>Her Membership
>Her Twitter

>Mint & Matara Podcast
>Mint & Matara Podcast Merch


Previous thread: >>79385916
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I am so sleepy... didn't sleep properly last night and Mint stream is in one hour. Wish this stream started later...
i can't wait for mint to start streaming
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V1 Minto-chan, my beloved!
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Me on the left!
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I just want to say, this OP slaps, my weeb ghost maid can't be this powerful
I'm Psycho Wispis
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Unironically thinking about Minto anal right now
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Psycho Mintus

Minto stream starto
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Minto wants to save her voice for her concert next week
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MGS always attracts so many greys. It's kinda funny.
I was a grey but I was gifted a membership yesterday
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Welcome to the ghost life
I'm here, I swear I didn't get side tracked by Elden Ring for the past week. Gonna finish it up shortly today during the MGS stream.
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5 minutes in and Mint is already being a pervert
Wait how does the controller port trick work on the pc version?
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Switch your USB port
In the options menu you can select what your controller is set to.
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Mint is a highly skilled warrior
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This reminds me when she first played MGS1 as Pomu and moaned when Psycho Mantis made the controller vibrate
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Eeeek Eeeeek
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>That Mint moan
>sprayed and prayed to win
sasuga minto
Mint is ALMOST good at MGS
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>Spraying and praying
Did our oshi actually become a gamer?
>oh hey mint is streaming
what is wrong with this person. you can literally play ANY game ever EVER and you're replaying fucking MGS
Snake is her husband and she wants to spend time with him, please understand
you do not understand the otaku mindset
I've never played MGS, what's the purrpose of changing the controller from player 1 to player 2 at the psycho mantis fight?
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She was crying yesterday because they're releasing Metal Gear box plushies
this is literally the right strategy though
she's actually gaming
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>imagine not checking the schedule
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Here's the current state of the livery. Any last minute changes we want, or sponsor ideas, otherwise I'll upload the full file later tonight for submission.
anti-MGS Mint fan gotta be the worst trolling angle I've seen on this site in a long time
He teleports around anytime you try to shoot him if you don't change it.
It's really good.
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He reads your mind (inputs) if you don't change slots so it's way harder to hit him, you basically have to blind fire to hit the guy if you don't.
and you're putting a picture of her PL on it to ensure she'll never acknowledge it?
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looks great imo in my opinion. great work, livery wisp!
does the game ever give you a hint to change to player 2? or do you just figure that out naturally?
Yes take the Pomu stuff off there. Time to move on.
Campbell tells you if you call him. Or rather he gives you a hint, but if you call later he figures it out and outright tells you what to do.
You're meant to hear it from some kid at the playground
Oh right I'm misremembering, I THINK what happens is he tells you if you die like more than 2 times in the fight.
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So this is the legendary Mint Fantome
I like it!
She wont mention anything that comes from 4chan, I think its good as it is
While we're on the subject of MGS, the whole no-kill runs is more or less noncanon, right? Because a lot of sequences don't make sense if Snake/Raiden/BB didn't murder the shit out of everything. Liquid's statement of "you enjoy the killing!", and no ghosts in the Sorrow fight if you go nonlethal seeming like an eastern egg, to me points to the fact that non-lethal isn't what's actually happening in the story. It's just that Snake doesn't ENJOY killing, but he does it anyway because he feels he has to.
You know that she liked a bunch of Pomu stuff on her Twitter right?
Nobody ever said anything about those being there before. If that's the consensus I'll go ahead and remove them. As far as acknowledging it goes, the livery has a bunch of art that I didn't make, nor do I imagine people working on liveries for VGTC have been going out and asking the artists for permission.
In just the Meryl intro sequence alone Snake kills like 30 people.
In the original MGS non-lethal runs are impossible anyway
MGS is a bit schizophrenia since they always incentivize to not kill but lorewise all of them kill a lot.
You can in theory get Meryl to kill them all for you in that one fight when you meet her, but there's other shit like the elevator sequence.
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Just a box
I made the first comment and I didn't realize this was for an organized 4chan thing and not something you were making to show her. in that case it probably doesn't matter but you never know, she might like seeing it if someone posted it at her elsewhere
This and you still have to kill Psycho Mantis, Vulcan Raven and Sniper Wolf
He is a soldier. Special forces at that. Even the most likely non-combat conscript in boot camp gets instilled it to him that one of their jobs is to destroy the enemy. If killing someone reduced the chances of an operation going awry even by a minuscule amount, a soldier like Snake would do it. Doesn't mean it's done without reluctance, but that's how it goes. war bad
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I mean Snake throws up at the idea of enjoying killing. It actually disgusts him to his core that he has to do it. He just powers through it anyway because he's motherfucking Solid Snake.
Oh, wonderful! Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I'm getting hit with the wombo combo of Dawntrail + Mint MGS. so my attention is very much elsewhere. No preference from me on the Pomu stuff, she's never gonna see this and if she does I don't think it matters. Looks great, thanks so much for doing this. Once it's uploaded I'll submit, though we got an extra week for the deadline so if you need/want to make changes that's okay too.
It's at least noncanon in Mint's run because she's a dumbass that enjoys the killing
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I enjoy all the killing
I mean there's 0 consequence to doing it outside of 3 because of the Sorrow, or PW/TPP because you lose out on guys to steal
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Minto saying good boy is making me hard...
Hey, Livery anon. You need to hard color correct your livery in order for it to properly display the correct colors in game. AC does not display colors accurately at all in game, and you need to lower either exposure or lightness, and increase saturation on a global level in order to account for this.
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Chat is giving the AI a stroke
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>just rawdog it
Mint Fantome, 2024
Fuck she is bad at this fight
rad as hell

this is the reality... and if anything it's better this way; she could still SEE it even if she won't acknowledge it
It's one of the more annoying fights. Especially since I can't remember if you can cheese it with rockets like you can in the snowfield
All good, it's not constantly being discussed in the thread. I've thought about posting it under the art tag on twitter, but would need to go clear it with oimo, ayamy, etc... to feel comfortable doing so.
No, she wants an honorable duel the first time around. It's in the 2nd battle where you can just go "nah, I'm just going to just hide behind this rock and shoot missiles at you from where you can't hit me" and she does nothing to counter it.
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Fun MGS fact, the reason the US Genome Soldiers use the FAMAS (a French gun) and why Snake uses the Mk 23 SOCOM is because the guns are boxy enough irl that they would actually be recognizable in primitive PS1 3D graphics.
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Makes sense
I'm confused
Has she played this game before or not?
Depends on whether or not you count Twin Snakes as the same game
Mint if this part is hard for you to mash out, the fucking torture sequence in Peace Walker is gonna break your finger.
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Ai slop Minto my beloved…
Hello /ag/
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That's a fat Minto
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>thicko minto
Sorry I meant this game series
She makes a lot of comments and references about other games and characters, but also acts like everything is new
She's trying to not spoil things for new fans.
women with curves are hot
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Thanks Ocelot
Oh I get it, thanks
Mint did not put it against her arm
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You are at the very thin end of /ag/ by making that claim.
I've been there, their stuff is pretty tame nowadays
They have to be otherwise it's back to the gulag for them.
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Why she's like this...
Weeb girls are on average more ok with being horny than regular girls
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Holy boobers
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3D Mint
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Flat Minters bros...
I feel like female wisps are on average cuter cosplayers than other vtuber fans
he looks cute
Supposedly someone at /pcg/ lost his virginity to one at OffKai this year.
Thank you Master Miller you are my greatest ally
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mint drinks cat hair confirmed!
based femwisps helping those in need
One of the few pieces of fanmerch I will actually buy
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Minto fujo brain activating
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asymmetrical things like this always make me diamonds
I have no idea how it would work though.
everything works in 2d
I should've gone...
>soft skin in one side
>pantyhose in the other
I can't stop imagining
Have the pantyhose sewn to the one side only, I'm sure cosplayers do that for the many similar outfits out there
I guess but I feel like it would lose all the elasticity without a complete circle band at the top.
Take normal pantyhose. Cut one leg off. You don't care about longevity for cosplay purposes.
a Hind D
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Stop discussing pantyhoses
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Arigato arigato chu is pretty cute ngl
liquid snake is such a bitch to lose with a helicopter
mint needs pantyhose
Helis are pretty weak when you think about it
Recessive genes, please understand
I need Mint's pantyhose
but first mint has to wear it
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Normal helicopters yes, gunships are heavily armored and designed to actually engage the enemy in combat. But Snake was using stinger missiles against it, the thing actually designed to counter helicopter gunships.
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This boss fight always reminds me of this...

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Why is she having so much trouble with snipers this time
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NTA but "heavily armored" is pretty strongly worded. Helicopter Gunships are generally lightly armored enough to stop most small arms in most areas, but even then the coverage isn't total and helicopters are very delicate. Gunships don't ever engage in direct combat at the ranges you see in video games for that reason. Typical engagement range would be a couple of kilometers away.
t. autist
>Helicopter Gunships are generally lightly armored enough to stop most small arms in most areas
prior to handheld rockets, small arms was all you really had to deal with in the zones you would send a gunship
Missiles, I mean. Rockets are dumb-fired and will only hit through sheer luck.
>she's actually fighting Wolf honorably
She's more noble than me
This is also mostly true (although relatively common heavy machine gun platforms still can pose a very significant threat within range, like M2/DSHK/KORD equivalent). It's still preferable doctrine these days to keep at extreme distance and use guided weapons and optics, where possible.
Guys, it's just a game, especially a Kojima's one. Next time you'll be complaining about the Harrier taking an ungodly amount of Stingers in MGS2.
Big O little k
I mean MGS2 is the same game where you defeat like 30 Rays with a fucking automatic rifle
Not even, an SMG.
IIRC Mint spent less time defeating Rays than it took her with Rex
Mint is so fucking cute. I love her so fucking much.
Man I love Mint
Short stream by the way
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JWU what did I miss
A stream
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We found out if love can bloom on the battlefield
Not for you, dude
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Minto said she loves me and she has been playing the game like a pro
I also missed the beginning of the stream. That evening was intense. I feel as if I might have to see the VOD tomorrow instead in its full glory.
Man I forgot about that conversation with Liquid about Naomi. Those are some massive holes in a backstory that anyone can look up.
Mint don't get duped into playing Stalker
I don't know why everyone calls it a "series". It's 1 game with 2 expansions, and a second game that's on hold because of the war.
They aren't expansions, you don't need the original game to play them afaik.
Chibi model tomorrow and finishing Doom 64
a certain bird
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Monday this >>79544919
Wednesday finishing MGS
Somewhere in the week Man of Medan (love that game) with Doki.

She's taking friday-saturday and maybe she will be back in Sunday (and stream) for AX
next week MGS2
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I forgot tomorrow is Sunday, my bad whispniggas
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UUUU I miss Mint already
She's ending so early tonight..
It's such a jank that I'm afraid Mint's not gonna like it
I hope she collabs with Maia soon
desu i dont like the intro/outro track
Seeing her get rundown by like 20 dogs when she enters the Red Forest would be fucking hilarious.
I love Stalker, but it feels really antithetical to what Mint typically enjoys/likes in a game
Love the maid.
I'm the opposite
idk about jank, but its most certainly not a game genre that she would enjoy anyway.
>Red Forest
It'll be a miracle if she gets past Agroprom
I always liked it more than the Pomu one the orchestra version is also pretty good
whats the orchestra version? my main complaint is that this song is kinda ear piercing if that makes sense
holy moly
Utalive made it for her as a gift for her graduation
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The stream was 5 hours, it felt so short for some reason
yeah it flew by
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Minto sounded happy we are willing to watch her go through this game for the Xth time, good job Wisps.
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I love her Wisps
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Yeah, that little speech felt like it really does mean a lot to her to share her autism. Pet the Mint.
Hehe poop on head hehe
I love her even more!
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Mint mentioned that she is going to do a Ship of Medan collab with Doki. It's going to be fun.
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Guys I miss Minto
Well me too buddy
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Holding hands with Mint and giving her a kiss on the cheek
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I know it's wrong to think such scandalous things but she's such a rain of sunshine...
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Waiting rooms for impatient Wisps are up!
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Can't wait
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Doki said the collab is on Monday
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Huh, that is Mint and Matara's podcast day isn't it? Is Doki guest starring or is it after that?
After. They're playing Man of Medan
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That's me on that box
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Yeah me
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Ai slop Minto my beloved
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I like this a lot.
Not sure what the other Wisps problem is.
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Wisps.. my chest hurt... Go on without me
tough it out champ you'll survive
Mint should have a tummy window
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Me when dead hours
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It's always dead hours because Minto is a ghost!
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I wonder if Minto is going to beat the Doom boss first try
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What if the Minto Minto Minto? Bet you didn't think about that
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The board is so fast at these hours... everyone should be sleeping rn
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>me when I see /lazu+/ dying with 20 posts
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Time Glove my beloved
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Old forbidden lore, never to be unearthed again. Just like rule 7
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It always makes me laugh
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Kissing Mint on the cheek
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Mint's awake
Doki scissoring collab when?
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Just rewatch Wrestletuber, lmao
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Are you guys excited for some chibi kino tonight
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It's a Live2D chibi so I'm not as excited. We can't see her on full power yet. Still, it's like a whole ass new costume 4 months in and the other chibi is coming up soon.
>is actually at 6am my time
yay vod time...
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not sure if anyone posted it but Mint was in Doki's karaoke
what da Mint doing
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Mint is a Japanese Princess
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so true so real
I wish Mint's butt was on my face rn
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I've finally had my first Mint/Pomu dream ever, despite watching her for like 4 years.
Mint was streaming, and for some reason Suisei was in chat and said that Mint is her favorite maid.
...and then I woke up.
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Nice! I've been having dreams about vtubers recently, but can't remember which ones
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I am still waiting for a Mint dream... I had a few Pomu ones but it has been a while since I had any.
Oh Mint pushed her Doom stream an hour later. Makes sense since I doubt it'll take her 3 hours to beat the boss... right?
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