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Holofans will watch every slop that gets branded with blue dorito mark and refuse to watch actually entertaining and talented people like these. Truly the mcDonalds of vtubing
This is why no one respects phasecucks
LMAO! Phasecuck seething
Who x4
Why do numbermonkeys seethe about sub counts and viewers? when has more made something better? I wish my oshi had oakowvne viewer.
English doko?
ceci deserved better than to be in holo but im sure she is 100x better than whoever uruka is
>Biggest whore
Yeah, I'll say. At least you're aware.
Like, what? Irrelevancy?
if they were talented they would have got into Hololive
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Clara is the only watchable Phase member.
That's cool. I'm still not watching Phaseslop
i have no idea who those 4 people you named are
Gureito Beito.

This is already an incoherent thread with all the ESL posters. Wrap it up chucklefucks.
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I do find it funny that Uruka actually provided the backing violin tracks for CC's debut song.

That being said, please don't tribal shitpost with the blue music bear
you misunderstand. we watch the blue dorito because it's a seal of quality. we don't have to wade through the pacific trash island to find good vtubers when the agency can just hire them.
if they were talented they'd join holo
I honestly don't get how anyone could watch Panko, she always has such a terrible bitchy attitude and sounds like she doesn't want to be there
half the holoEN girls are borderline unwatchable with how shitty they are.
Will Phasefags ever stop with their cringe victim complex?
>Imagine being a phasecuck
LOL, LMAO even.
phasecuck is more irrelevant than nijisanji.
that girl who went viral by coombaiting and trying to appeal /vt/ pagpags?
I honestly can't figure out the point of this thread. Is it a sister falseOP since none of our schizos are behaving like this?
you wouldnt get it
Literally who are all of these irrelevant names I'm looking at
Ahh don't worry I just figured it out. 1 anti Phase thread with /pcg/ getting shit on. 3 threads dunking on ERB. Should of known.
Only Discount Uruka is better than Uruka
No, it's just the flip portion of your fanbase being obnoxious as always.
She's the only one worse than the Holo ironically. Clara clears ERB, Muyu wipes Gigi, and Panko obliterates Raora
We should be thankful for phasecucks acting so retarded that they divert negative attention away from the other small corpos.
Muyu is discount Coni
Funny I really like Cecilia and Raora but cbf about Rose or Gigi. Still I don't think sisters should be shitting on Rose for having more rizz than Vox ever did.
literally could not be a more obvious false flag
Holy falseflag
This has to be the most glaring falseflag thread I have ever seen.
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>flip portion
We dont have flips we have spics
She did? That's cool. Collab when?
This is retarded.
ERB is a normie, Clara is deranged.
Gigi is a Bae type with a pinch of Polka. Muyu is a sickly loli.
Cecilia and Uruka both play Violin. That's all they have in common.
Raora is a giggly big sister/mommy type. Panko is a brat.
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Yeah the producer gave her a shoutout on Twitter.


Super cool that she's known well enough to get this kind of opportunity.
I had no idea, that's cool.
what the fuck is this level of falseflagging from someone who never watched anyone he's talking about
I can only assume it's a nijisister trying to attack both their competitions?
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Don't use her to shitpost, you fuck
The only thing Panko and Raora have in common is that they're both Italian.
This feels too obvious to be a phasekek and is probably a falseflagger, but all the same:
lol stay mad phasekek
>t. HoloPhase dual watcher
I only agree with the Raora one. After watching panko, you see Raora try her damndest to milk the "retarded foreigner" angle
If those 4 were any talented they would've joined a REAL agency like NijiEN, phasecuck.
ok I find this level of Inception hilarious. But can we go deeper?
Better than zero.

If they were any good I would've heard of them already.
Zero being unwatchable would be better than half.
You are dumb.
one of them is literally one of the best EN singers but Holofans never watch anything else
>Being this defensive of the company that is one Pippa menhera breakdown away from collapsing
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/vt/ has autistic shitfits over what people watch and if people dont have all the time in the world to NEET and watch 2 views
Not good enough for Holo so not that good.
if they were so good then maybe advertise that
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while we're here please watch my favorite music bear Uruka at Tubefest
If they were the best EN singer they would be getting views but unfortunately they seem to be complete nobodies so I find it hard to believe you.
I've never seen this much seethe from a phasefriend
Pot calling the kettle blacked. Phasefags don't watch anything besides phase.
>phase connect
>the literal discount hololive
why would i watch discount hololive when i can watch the real one? and i'm not making this shit up, phase is sakana discount hololive, he want to make hololive but only manage to create the discount version.
Who? Sub to Gigi btw.
nigger if you wanna say 'hololive is overrated lard asses watch phase connect' you could have just said that instead of acting like you're somehow able of providing a coherent thought
Why subhumans seethe so much over the fact Holo fans watch only Holo?
>One of the best EN singers
Why is this the one cope Berylfags all share? Does her joining Phase instead of Holo keep you guys awake at night that much?
KEK, whos gonna tell him that doxxagi is a fuckng nijifag who follow vox,mysta,kyo regularly
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nijinig do a flip
If half is unwatchable, what is the other half, genius?
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unicorn numberfags?
The most obvious falseflagging ever kek
How many times did you samefag in this thread?
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Crazy how much they actually wanted her in Holo at first. Noe that she has settled for less, this is all they can cope with.
didn't work the first time, huh?
This is berylfag. He begged for years every time a new gen dropped. He was the only one doing that for the record.
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Gigi is more like a discount Eimi or even Tenma than Muyu. It's amazing what a wildly wrong idea catalogfags have of her.
Gigi is premium. Your mom is a discount.
Doesn't discount mean lesser by comparison?
These are obviously the premium versions.
You're absolutely right, but being antagonistic towards them doesn't help your cause
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another one of these
Not really, her fans always justify her menhera episodes as a "woman moment"
Is she "literally one of the best EN singers" like Roca's rm was?
You faggots hyped Roca up to heaven and I wasn't very impressed after checking her karaoke out. Is Beryl several times better at least?
who x8 for me
Get away from my fence Phasecuck
Potato potato
>watching men
sounds like gay
What a very natural thread that is clearly made by phasefags, and not 0 IQ sisters who don't know how to make falseflag that aren't blatant.
Speak for yourself. I don't watch just anyone. I only watch those that I like and enjoy.
That said, if both fanbases are dumb enough to be fooled by this, your fanbases deserve to go to war with each other.
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I mean you already have dedicated Phase clippers trying to clickbait and to incite wars. Niji has fallen and hololive will be next
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They love doing shit like this
Meds. For the love of god
Huh? Not really, it is actually bad because they don't call her out for her shit, cultlike behavior.
anon... it's not a falseflag, phasefags are really like that.
I don't think this is actually true for EN. The quality is all over the place. Also pretty much all of the people that OP is talking about are actually pretty dang talented. But all the other whores in Boyfriend Connect drag them down
clara is legit insane
she loves being degenerate and deranged, something she would not get to be in hololive
Phase is a shit tier corpo with shit tier talents
Roca is better than Beryl lol
They're called Holo"FANS" for a reason anon
>Gigi is a Bae type with a pinch of Polka.

I don't really give a shit about tribalfaggotry being a unityfag like my oshi, but Gigi doesn't have a pinch of polka beyond like maybe year 1 polka clip bait (and that's ok, gigi being a completely unrepentant fujo is hilarious).
>I want Polka to sit on my face
>I want Gigi to sit on my face
Therefore they're the same for me
and who?
2 of them are idols. No one in Phase is.
This is probably bait but I’m going to bite anyway. Phase is literally the Chinese Knockoff of Hololive English. None of their members are nearly as talented or entertaining as any Hololive Member. Phase’s only appeal is that they pretend to be more approachable by making edgy jokes that Hololive can’t make but eventually the mask slips and all you’re left with is the same run-of-the-mill Twitch Thots that hate men and can barely stand Japanese Culture. They’re not Idols, they hate Idols. They just look that way to eat Hololive’s scraps. If Sakana didn’t have his connections in Mainland China you would not be hearing about them at all.
Phasefag here. Kill yourself.
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gas yourself phasenigger
Why didn't he use connections to invite them to bml this year then?
>barely stand Japanese Culture
>They’re not Idols, they hate Idols
Am I supposed to be disuaded by this? These are positives.

Never watched Uruka, but you know what? I actually agree with this. Gigi I'd say is even with Muyu though since she actually streams.
Never compare Clara to that bitch ever again
the falseflagging in this thread is incredible
who? At least give me links to them
Am I supposed to know who these people are
Lmao are we forgetting how much doxxsagi liked nijisanji male livers
Phaseniggers like you should rope themselves
What corpo do you watch?
Does it have a homo branch?
I watch both, Phase can do stuff that Holo can't mainly due to Japan issues or talent restrictions.

But yeah, they have way more scuff.
fuck you, how dare you insult Clara like that, also you have to be a very special kind of person to watch saliva popsicles bear
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phase fans are truly garbage and hopefully they can be weeded out next once nijien dies and sisters go away
>1 minute apart
How obvious
>no response
Really makes me think
Roca can't sing in JP
Clara can sing fluently in like 4 languages and decent on another 2
You complain like an ugly woman.
I thought phase fans love hololive
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if you guys didn't watch their pl, why you care so much for them now?
Holy cope
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Clara is fine where she is, holo would not allow all the crazy shit she's done
yes, and watame is pippa's oshi.
duet when? It'd be great.
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I don't care for drama faggots normalizing fanbase falseflags.
But this screenshot proves otherwise...
VSPO EN is going to blow phase out of the water.
Yes and?
they would be a much better idol if they just shut up
*sigh* are we gonna get Phasecucks now that Nijiniggers are practically dead......
Roca's strength is her range with her voice especially at the lower ranges where her voice is mostly suited towards jazz/rock hence her theme, but she could really sing anything else really well and that puts her as one of the best EN chuuba singers but understandably, it's a niche strength. Clara has the variety of singing in different languages and knowing more songs and her range is impressive but she isn't outstanding at anything that isn't pop or opera although it's still good singing. Which is why her cover of Light the Fire Up in the Night rap verse sections were good but a bit questionable but the chorus was outstanding.
She was... kinda... https://files.catbox.moe/1m00cv.mp4
*She was seiso...
Seriously, who?
That screenshot is mostly chat messages from 2021 which is 3 years ago or someone sending 1-2 comments in a Phase stream.
You ever wonder why the people who make these chat message compilations have to cherry pick and dig back years for “damning evidence” that the antis are totally phasekeks?
It’s because if they posted the full chat history you’d see a fuck ton more messages in Hololive chats in comparison to the less than double digit chat messages sent in Phase chats from years ago.
Phasefans will watch every slop that gets branded with the fish man mark and refuse to watch actually entertaining talented people like (insert indie here). Truly the Taco Bell of vtubing
>Niji has fallen and hololive will be next
Clara, Muyu and Panko are dime a dozen garbage vtubers that can be found in any corpobig or small.

Uruka is the only one worth a shit mentioned.
i dont like buzzwords but this is just cope
yeah lets ignore that beryl existed, or that shiori exists, or that SNOT talked about shit like eating afterbirth
Panko can't draw for shit
McDonald's but healthy (for your mental health)
Cringe Phasecuck
She can speak better English than your italian
Phase isn't even remotely close to having a box, there are dead hours in their stream schedule especially during Japanese night/Euro hours and Panko and all their chuubas that live in Japan isn't enough to fill it out completely. Not to mention they still at least participate in small corpo events like the VSMP Minecraft servers and cross-corpo karaoke relays. If they were actually a box, those things would be off the table.
Not op but phase definitely poached better than cover
Oh it's a new month. How many subs did Niji lose now?
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The only holo poaches are Luna and Polka and both of them are better than any phase talent.
rent free
Nijisis deflection thread
>Plappa Connect
>entertaining and talented
Raora's voice and demeanor are pure sex, Panco is based and cute but she can't compete with mamma
I don't know any of the names you're trying to compare them to. I only watch Hololive like the chad I am.
>Discount whooooo?
Surface level comparison. OP haven't seen any phase connect or en4 stream.
>Discount who?
>Googles them
>all chuubas are from Phase Cucknect
Disgusting. Don't compare Holos your whores phasecuck
I will concede that clara and gigi should switch
I can agree that Clara is 10x better than Elizabeth ever will be. And honestly? She's better than Kiara too.
Tale as old as time
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bro your jerry?
I can tell you aren’t a Phasefag because it looks like you picked the phase members to compare at random
holy shit a genshin chuuba
Scared? Dramatubers already starting to do their shit, sooner or later we will see cracks in holo walls
This is obviously a falseflag thread made by a Holocuck to attack Phase.
The person who posted this does not watch phase.
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>Dramatubers already starting to do their shit
Oh no, not the dramatubers!!
Barely anyone does.
It's just the same nijisisters trying to instigate infighting like they have been for months now, it's very obvious and only a complete retard would fall for it
Who cares about EN being "actually entertaining and talented" lmao
Holo JP is superior to the entirety of EN vtubing and that's why you don't have a reason to watch other EN chuubas who will never cross a path wth holos
No shit no one watches them.
How do you guys even know those names are Phase? The only Phase girls I know are Pippa and Jelly.
Yes you don't want to provoke dramatubers now, some of them even have connections with big streamers like Asmongold(Rev, Falseeyed). And you really don't want his fans to attack your ass
this shitty comparisons just shows that you don't watch justice OR phase lol.
gigi is literally nothing like muyu in any way
ERB is literally nothing like clara in any way (oh my gosh they both like singing so they're practically the same person)
cecilia is literally nothing like uraka
raora is literally nothing like panko
Man Holo is fucked, dramatubers have the man who killed his own mother himself backing them up.
How is that relevant? His audience is still aids that operates like a cult, basically Vox but for "based" male audience
Yeah yeah. I'm thinking Holo has only 2 weeks left. It's over.
Glad you understand, not 2 weeks tho
>the same run-of-the-mill Twitch Thots that hate men
...uh...well...not all men
The comparisons are completely nonsensical so I highly suspect a sister or holofan made this pic.
They have always been there, you just didn't notice because of the main console war(holo vs niji)
Isn't that ironic that Phase fanbase fully consists of people that hate China with burning passion
Competition between companies is mandatory, they will never improve otherwise
why does phase connect refuse to stream?
But they do stream https://youtu.be/J9btaeAUxlo

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