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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>convinces you to watch countless hours of mediocre content with her
snackers weekly YLYL stream edition

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomer vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Filian is bilingual?
When $20 is $20
If I Laugh, I Get Punished #3

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
Monopoly with Pippa, Dokibird and Lumi
Filian & Vedal vs Neuro
Filan & MariMari_EN Watch ONE Championship Fight Night 21
Wrestletuber Day 2

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:06 - 24:00 UTC

>Recent Stream
Tower of Mid watchalong (no VOD)

Last stream with VOD


>Previous Thread
>convinces you to watch countless hours of mediocre content with her
now this is how you GFE content
filian is crouching tiger hidden GFE fr fr
the GFE hidden in the leaf
the clips better funny this week, you frickin snackers.
I don't even know where people find the clips of fart noise edits and black people pretending to be anime characters that get submitted.
we will literally get forced to watch 4 hours of paint drying before anons itt can be bothered to submit clips on dc. It’s gotten so bad lately that filian openly begs people to submit more clips and it’s still not enough to motivate anons
She should post here for help
my fragile little kemonomutt wife should never do that, it’s bad for her mental health
I love this soundpost so much. It's weirdly endearing. I can't wait to listen to our wife making her noises in 15 minutes
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if there was a way of submitting that didn't require me to join the discord i would
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
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Filian asked Doki for this file to make into Discord emote.
Reading /flip/ is a lottery, sometimes you have people saying how much they want Filian to be happy and the other times fillyBush makes a comeback. Honestly, if she were to read how much we talk about it she would probably get a little self-conscious.
Nice. I just pre-made 31 burgers and finished before stream.
>>79533954 (me)
Still, I am part of the problem. Bush is glorious.
It's already an emote in her chat
in our defense, [insert "wanna see my bush?" soundpost]
She hates us. She's always at least 5 minutes late.
Wife live
Thank you, filianfrickerGOD42069
I am in obsessive and perverted romantic love with the virtual youtuber filianislost
lets go to see the stars and the moon
Today I found out the names on 4chan don't get automatically deleted after posting once lmao.
Fillian is live. At this moment I am very happy
it’s okay squ, you’re still learning.
hi filian
Just curious, how many channel points do you guys have?
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reminder that filly-anne still owes squchan a smoochan
only like 6k because I made a new alt last week
Why is she so cute
dont know, dont care, one click away, cant be bothered checking, sorry pal, simply do not care, cheers
38K because i don't chat or vote
she’s so scary what the frick
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my wife is so chuuni and cute
Nice, shame there was no tracksuit post for you today.

Idk, I'd have to log in on twitch to check
it’s worth using an account so that you can sub and dodge ads.
>*reading chat* rachel no
>you can't stop me

was this an intentional reference to the show or did she just freudian slip out her name?
someone in chat said that as a reference to the show and she read it.
intentional reference
The problem is more of a fact that on mobile I use an app that doesn't display points (I am logged in), and twitch for TVs doesn't show that either (I watch her on a big screen in my bed, it's late here)
>me dodging gifted subs
holy powergooning setup
looks like it's farming subs and pretending to be surprised time
wake me up when it's over
alright yeah yeah the oilers are oiling 8700 subs very nice
excited for the upcoming it's over 9000 clip
got a bit of a boost from catching a gifted sub for a month
right on cue
where's the filyDance guy
go clip that
I muted the stream and missed her dancing and then unmuted to come back to her thanking everyone

it’s joever
Didn't Neuro imply that was her name at some point?
400 subs just like that. It's insane how much a little bit of farming can get.
yes it's a running joke that her irl name is rachel because of neuro, same with philip and frank
the snackers are growing too powerful. I can only assume someone got promoted at work. Or maybe everyone’s mental illness is just in top gear
I've been wondering about this recently, it seems like people drop 50 gifted subs quite frequently. Are people really this loaded and down bad, or is there some way to use this as a tax write off or money laundering?
there's some loaded snackers, even /here/
snackers finally have a mascot? only took like 3 years
it’s a mixture of people who are loaded af and people who are extremely down bad. even flip has a couple mid 6 low 7 fig net worth 24 year olds and the like running around
imagine filian wrapping her tongue around your balls
Probably got lucky and made buttload on shitcoins. Might also be people taking advantage of regional pricing and buying 50 subs for like half price or less
And she took it from someone else, extremely on brand
>asking for Chibian instead of Mint
twitchfags are literally incapable of doing the right thing
oh shit, that's a good point.
could probably use a vpn and prepaid credit card. though I'm not sure how strict twitch is with making new accounts for that sort of thing
my S tier hobbies/interests

watching vtubers
posting on 4chan
donkey kong (arcade version)
see a therapist
gambling feels like how I imagine it would be like to lose your virginity. just raw pleasure and terror combined into one completely overpowering sensation
>Astrology B tier
Woman moment
filian has a swollen tongue from eating out layna
filian is lowkey right my tryhard russian friend went to a really good school for CS and fucked up his big tech internship and now makes less than our retard friends who went to state school
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CS chuds? Blown out. Art chuds? Coping and seething. This stream? Extremely based.
>Cooking below astrology and Anime
Peak retard wifefailure.
>good drip makes a man
make note of that snackers, filian won't even consider you if you aren't swaggaliciously dripped tf out

she’s been smoking too much weed and listening to dwarkesh Patel podcasts
Tbf those are supposed to be rated as hobbies so art getting a debuff due to AI makes no sense, same for CS. Job wise? Yeah. Hobby? They are alright I guess. Also Ziggurats of Egyptare the reason history in D doesn't shock me.
i love south american ziggurats
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>rapes your eternal format
heh, nothing personal kid
Shibuya Kaho? Oh boi
filian should google shibuya kaho real quick
Who they? Gimme lore brother.
This is just a list of what filian is good at, and mad because bad at. lol
former Japanese pornstar, now Twitch streamer. friends with CDawgVA and such
>memes in B tier
goddamn it my wife is retarded
Lmao unironically
filian knows that all hobbies only have value insofar as if they can get you laid.

by these standards vtubing should be illegal
>she read Harry Potter
She truly is an NPC woman sometimes
she just put singing in S tier which refutes your claim
>I like writing
She sucks at typing and chatGPTs for meme answers, this is obviously a cope
She 1000% used to write fanfics on wattpad.
is wattpad just even memier AO3 or what even happens there
she's admitted to writing one before but refused to read it
Getting kidnapped by 1D members who all want to fuck quirky Y/N, all of that with mafia and alpha/omega subplots.
She's too busy reading /wg/ to come to /flip/...
>why are you so tiny?
this definitely got a sph smacker hard
AO3 – "quality" fanfics
Wattpad – place forsaken by the gods
the only filian fanfics on ao3 are some random shit, one that "gives filian sex appeal" and makes her a pervert (as if she was lacking sex appeal and wasn't already a pervert), and then just a variety of things she happens to be in (mainly related to swarm fandom i think)
sad !
>I didn't realise you can put boxes in a trash can

We know Filian, we know...
supermarket adhd employee simulator
It always amuses me how nobody who streams this game ever realizes they can type the numbers for the credit card charges.
will the filyMart include filyToys
>guy gave exact change
>pay him 8 bucks anyway
Streamers are not the brightest.
filian playing filian room simulator with this box stacking now fireemojji fireemojij fireemoji
>you cook pasta in oil right
>he doesn't deep fry his sketti
that warmth? from my urine
Why is filian erotic?
born that way
are you asking why we think she's erotic or why she's generally erotic
Why does filian talk with vedal so often?
he's just messaging his gf nothing special
filian ai collab probably
she’s dating drumsy not vedal. do your reps
drumsy is too weak and pathetic
even emiok knows this
vedal is also weak and pathetic. they probably just both orbit her in a cuck harem idk maybe even smooch each other
neuro did say that vedal was converted to filian's gooner squad, so
i want an outfit that emphasizes the smallness but firmness of filian's small breasts and skinny but somewhat muscular proportions
this and also I would like to be able to view the panties on her tight kemonomutt ass
why do basketball americans like anime so much
They like it at about the same rate as other races they're just more open about it while white people are all ashamed of liking it
>why do latinos like dbz so much
pointless questions
because they are bright and colorful with retardedly simple plots, making them perfect for children and retards.
I like it when filian hurts herself a little bit
I want those legos, those specific ones. fillyShoeLego
I don't :(
just a little bit, you know. nothing that would leave marks
would you shove a lego millennium falcon up your ass for a kiss from filian?
>she wears shoes indoors
how far up does it need to go?
Small price to pay
it stops her feet from touching her unimaginably filthy floor.
how big of a kiss
my fillywife is in pain…
For flips she says. Supposedly.
Would you watch filian in a wheelchair?
Yeah, far too much. Not funny
>would you still take care of your wife if her legs became disabled in an accident
of course i would
>filian fricks up her foot
>can't go on runs
>still eats trash
Are we entering the chunky filian arc?
I would watch filian even if she got nuggeted in a smacker terror attack
until the tip is scraping your colon.
A big one, but a coin flip decides if it's on the lips or not.
yeah sure why not
the lip thing is vague because there are a lot of other body parts so it may still be worth it even then
Idk why people act like stepping on Legos is such a big deal. It doesn't really hurt at all.
no. I’m not that down bad. yet, at least.
local man discovers entertainer is hamming it up
i feel like it'd depend on how soft your feet are
prob hurts more depending on that
She is a woman (shocking) so hers are far more delicate than any anon's here.
I wonder what other parts of filian are soft to the touch…
This shit isn't funny.
imagine her abs surrounded by little bits of softness
>punk Filian
This thought does things for me
and she keeps pausing it, meaning we have to suffer for twice as long
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Since this gets brought up in 1/2 threads. Her name is indeed Filian.
Why is this guy in bandana always admitted?
this was already posted and another anon said that she basically used it as her name and joked about it in other instances
that said they never posted such a clip, but this seems pretty unlikely either way
this trash is slowly edging me towards making videos to submit. But the memes would probably be too spicy for her basedfag mods so I'll probably never get there.
Emo filian would be too much for me
you can make alts on discord now just do that
Fil still hasn't used the idol outfit in VR
ylyl has never been good and i do not understand why people keep begging for it
Those socks. S tier already.
moshing with punk filian at the local house show
Vtuber has symmetrical socks or legwear (challenge level: impossible)
This outfit has made it worth it. Very cute.
>love heart sock garter
It's pretty surreal to listen to filian when she's not doing the loud ADHD streamer bit
amped up boobie jiggle again
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I was going for those kinda socks when I drew the train piece lmao
Prophecy of apollo
Filian latex outfit confirmed.
Objectively i guess?
place bets on what her underwear is
Another boob jiggle sweater? Lets fucking gooooo
It's kinda nice desu
yeah it's pretty generic, but still cute.
Very jiggly. Also sound alerts dead. Fuck yeah, this is a win in my books.
black thong as usual
death to all TTS fags
spiking a TTSfags drink with fentanyl
pushing a TTSfag onto the train tracks
using a TTSfags mother as an onahole
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holy CUTE
they're in my drawer
i feel like the sweatshirt doesnt match the rest of it that well, personally
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I thought I saw white panties with black polka dots.

This is LITERALLY my dream girl outfit,, I'm NGMI bros, I don't want to make it out, I'm fine with herlike this
you saw correctly
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panty reveal
Sometimes I wonder if she gets her outfits based on stuff she owns IRL, she does like fashion after all.
I’m keking at this one it’s over for me
i really, really like her breasts bouncing so much in this one
You didnt mew
Yeah. It's cute how she has really girly sides of her like this, like when she wears outfits irl off stream just because she wants to. It makes me want irl stuff.
this video makes me want to kill myself :)
Chuds; this is how you get laid
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I don’t believe in 3DPD
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for my mantra I will think about fillyButt
are her panties a fucking manga page or something? lmao
If I wanted to get laid where I live, I would need a forklift and spelunking gear.
i want to see her panties in this outfit when she's bending over
probably cant see it because her sweater is glued to her ass
So, she specifically asked for someone to design her custom panties, gosh I love this kemonomutt lewd girl
assuming this isn't an available on the internet outfit ig
Would someone be willing to make a soundpost/gif of Filian jumping up on her chair in this outfit
this is almost certainly just a bunch of hacked together booth models or just a retexture of one
I can clip it, I'm not soundposting shit tho
Fair enough. I don'y soundpost either, it's too much of a pain
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I'm liking the new panties. They're perfect for her tight little catgirl butt.
Here's Filian bouncing on her chair erotically
that chair? my lap
God if she can destroy chairs with her ass imagine what else it can do
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she buys the cheapest, thinnest metal chairs possible. Supposedly to not block her trackers, but I assume it's actually so she can keep repeating the bit where she breaks it.
this is fire good job filly go filly go
Thanks, mate. You are a hero
This is ass
This is bad. New clip to torture her for the upcoming months.
They make funny noises when thrown around
filians rap game is not making it out the sewer pipe.
Better plot twist than tower of god
Different version. Glad to see more people making sound webms though.
Filian can kinda do rap covers but freestyling lmfaoo
she’s so erotic
Absolute scam
our wife is so erotic and cute
her pussy rug? you're damn right
>barely anyone says heads
>chat wants heads!
what a scam
my cute scammer wife
She knows that google coinflip has tendency to roll 2× the same after you load the page and then click it. Overall she is scamming a little, but oh well.
She's gotten like 800 subs this stream
soon she can afford a lambo
800 subs so far. Damn, YLYL are profitable.
That's roughly 4000 dollars
She deserves everything. She deserves it all.
it was funny when she went on fefe’s stream the other day and people instantly blew through fefe’s daily sub goal
furrballs of steel
remember regional pricing
9513 subs
5 dollars on average
lets assume she gets 30% of the subs
thats 14269.5 dollahs next month
we rich baybee
If there is one "joke" I could delete from her repertoire is the one about "the one who knocks".
If you still don't have a gift sub it's because Filian secretly hates (You)
Yeah the shirt is glued to her butt. How sad.
Our attention loving kemonomutt is now embarrased. So cute.
still not enough to afford RE in the GTA omegalul
Ok well I just need her to do pushups but from behind
twitch gift subs work on some schizo system that targets random new viewers (often not even followers) first, and only let's you get gifted occasionally.
Well hi, that is indeed me. Just how much of a loser I gotta be to miss after over 800 subs were gifted.
this outfit is very cute
"Okay we're in copper" -high pitched screech- -acts like she's unhinged-
deleting her whole jynxzi library would be pretty pogchamp desu.
w clips today ngl
I wouldn't mind her Library of Jynxzi if she didn't overuse the fuck out of those phrases
watching the cooking channel and great British baking show with my fillyWife…
god YLYL really is just a GFE stream in disguise
This minecraft edit is actually amazing quality.
that was one of the best videos in a while
>my wife doesn't realize that it's just an edit using Gordon's own YT channel
she's so dumb i love her
Idk if this is a YLYL material, but it was amazing in terms of quality.
I'm glad to derail into basic watchalong content if the videos are good.
filian is unironically horny for Tate lmao
so you’re saying /flip/ has a chance
>Filian: My weakness is incest
live by the wattpad, die by the wattpad
>with criminal record

I might fulfil one of those conditions
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gopnik wife
>inb4 twitter chimps out because hrukraine
This type of dancing is so hard to do physically. I guess the rumors about her legs are true.
god i want to massage filian's sore thighs and get cute reactions whenever it feels good enough to illicit a cute whimper or moan that she gets embarrassed about and tries to cover up and make excuses for
Me too man, me too.
rekson spotted
That Rekson clip was pretty funny ngl
It was mid cease shilling.
ok rekson
I had a dream where she face revealed and she was really muscular, like her upper body was V shaped like a swimmer. I think it was because one time on stream she did over 20 pushups (near 30?) as a woman, which is extremely rare. I found this dream disturbing.
rekson muted is an acceptable backup quarterback for when filian is sick
Better off just tracking down a rando Rindo user in vrc and watching them at that point.
this outfit is cute wtf
wtf are you talking about
ive serverd in milli and we had women do hundreds of push ups
are you an amerifat and everyone you know is a fat retard
>hasn't brushed her teeth in two days
My girl failure...
>I brushed my teeth two days ago
We fucking knew it. That woman I swear.
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Might as open vrchat yourself with the rindo model and stand in front of a mirror.
what is wrong with our wife bros
No lol. Most women who don't work out can't do a single strict form pushup. Obviously this is different in the military.
Also whoever made that punishment definitely was here during ER 29h stream.
she is literally on the spectrum and has adhd.
imagine the smell
I came very close to typing something that would get me banned after she said that.
lewd hand actions
hdmi acoustic
i'll brush her teeth for her and give her a kiss after
Goated asmr and watch
same except I would put the brush in my butthole first
>she doesn't brush her tongue
what? not even a tongue scraper? what??

also saw some guy say
>beating my meat to this
and i think he got banned
Orange juice going to melt her teeth enamel or what?<
>doesn't even have a single clean cup to drink out of
How does she function
no knives
no cups
just raw dogging reality
>not even phased
She's just built different
ill clean for her and then rawdog her
some toothpaste makes orange juice taste really bad, but it depends on what it has in it.
>brushes teeth
>doesn't rinse out toothpaste
>drinks orange juice and toothpaste together
Citric acid is pretty corrosive to tooth enamel. More than most acids we regularly ingest. Malic acid (sour taste) is also pretty bad for teeth.
actual psychopath
Filian isn't human confirmed.
fil is right about toothpaste and orange juice
minty and orange seems bad because it's so unexpectedly different to normal taste of orange, but when you stop being retarded and open your mind it's actually a nice combo
Advice for ya fricks – it's better to not rinse after brushing; why would you get rid of the fluoride from your mouth when this is what for you used your toothpaste. Floss, rinse, brush and then use mouthwash without alcohol (mouthwash optional)
she only drinks water from her bottle, and I assume she drinks soft drink from the can, and she pours whatever milk that isn't expired on her cereal.
the one time I did it, without knowing it was a bad idea, I thought it tasted like straight vodka.
The stinky allegations absolutely have to be true
There is no way

yes you want to keep the fluoride on your teeth. That's why fluoridated water is pretty much useless, it has an extremely small amount of fluoride and you swallow all of it.
That anon who said she only has 1 pair of panties might be right too, we just don't know
Does that count for wahmen?
you just reminded me of this super sad streamable I saw recently of a 0 view using the rindo model saying she’s gonna quit streaming because no one watches her anymore
Filian, YOU are the fetish content on Twitch
she probably has 2 or 3 pairs that she wears 3-5 days in a row.
Fuck this one's a classic
for what fetish? people who love autistic women?
imagine that smell...
Change her model? Shruge
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At this point there is so many smells combined I have no idea just how all of this is supposed to smell like
Oh she's definitely a Pippa prime.
>Doesn't brush teeth.
>Doesn't shower or bathe.
>Doesn't wash bedding.
>Doesn't wash hands after peeing.
>Pees with her VR setup, that she gave to Vedal to wear btw.
>Lives in absolute squalor as seen in SQU stream, garbage everywhere.
>Get's called cute which is equivalent to being called 4/10.
Anything more to add to the list. Filian is an absolute MMO goblin. How she got into fitness is beyond me.
it was probably from a long time ago idk it had thousands of views and streamables usually only get that much if they’re old
The sad fate of 99% of content creators. Wonder if she was any good.
ADHD. The only explanation.
I like filian but I could never date someone like this it would get so old
or just woman
52? Easy. That much is what I, a lazy bum, do for fun.
All I'm saying is that if she's unequivocally the breadwinner, I can secretary for her all that is necessary
Deep knee rock squats.
Honestly, Filian should find someone just for her own good. She is really living a lifestyle that is unsustainable in the long run.
>gave sound alerts back
No knives or kitchen cutlery at all.
Eats take out, out of plastic plates with plastic tools.
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>sound alerts back on
Yeah, exactly those. I love squats. On good days I go as far as 120 and then I regret my life choices the next day xD
I propose myself. For the good of the people
unweighted squats are literally just cardio and stretching if you're not a lardass. They shouldn't be hard at all.
More than gosling for her I'd like to see her happy and healthy without having to worry about her state of existence as living in a Soulsborne boss' lair
you did do squats with her right?
I don’t believe in cardio it’s for women and possibly gays
i let the prostitute do the dancing around my dick
People with ADHD were born to rule and be served.
cmon /flip/ hit her with the dark jokes
I save those for my 4chan homies and you guys don’t even give me (you’s) even then
I am attached to my twitch account so no
I'm listening.
I have a feeling we might not be bros
Thinking about her squalor and that guy yesterday saying "I'd date Filian" to earn the response "You need to raise your standards"

Damn... I can help her
Steven He back at being unfunny
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you say this but then you would go on a date with her and realize she ain’t it
Not the first time I've delt with such a woman I'm afraid, I tend to attract the mentally ill
It's impressive to make an asian accent unfunny
spread legs please
spread Boobs please
she is more likely to laugh when other people are laughing
her and 99% of humanity. mirror neurons exist n shiet.
That's true for a lot of people.
Very normal reaction, though she feels even more susceptible to it than most.
shes more susceptible to basically everything than most Tbh
Fair enough.
so anyway heres wonderwall
We might need another bread soon. This one is a bit of a speedrun ngl
any bakers? any bakers?
another neuro clip pepeW
https://files.catbox.moe/2kypp3.mp4 Rawdogging the wall
Hurry up with the new thread I have a soundpost and I don't want to waste it on this dead thread.
ty cheffo
I love filian filian is my wife
That vid, but on catbox

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