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A thread dedicated to the lovable Blonde Thief turned Bounty Hunter with a Laughter full of Joy and a Heart of Gold!
Wanted Doki Edition~

>Her Youtube channel
>Her Twitch channel
>Her VOD channel
>Her Twitter
>Her Shop
>STREAM Drift Away Dokibird's cover
>STREAM The Final Heist MV
>OP Sauce
Previous thread: >>79498857

>>The Selen Tatsuki Archives (Every achievement/memory is still hers, they can't take that away!)
>STREAM Fly High Selen Tatsuki's Original Song & MV (Reupload)
>STREAM Last Cup of Coffee Selen Tatsuki's Cover & MV (Reupload)
>Play Detective Pomu and the Tatsuki Manor Mystery!!

>Our Divegrass rentry, feel free to share your ideas!

>Do not reply to bait, shitstirring, tribaltards, or dramafaggotry. Be it inside AND outside the thread - Hide, Report, and Move on.
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normal orchestra yea
but still of course Doki nabs the hard hitting super famous ones lmao
fucking imagine lmao
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Obligatory Dokimint post
By the way, recent APEX updates. Looks familiar?
It took them a while...
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Starting Now!!! No intro...
Apex live.
Never heard of any of her teammates, any info on them?
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Aimbot Doki!
Doki Geass.
They aren't relevant. Focus only on Doki.
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Murderball is KINO
Better than VAR cringe
i was hoping Doki uses the Aimbot Eye only at decisive moments for a burst of serious-mode
oh well nanodesu
Doki about to drop Nerve gas on her enemies.
>Dokibird earns 98% more merch revenue
>Dokibird spends 98% more on projects
She still dumb though!
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If Doki is uninterested in Apex, it's really fucking grim for FPS games then
I hate Paredes so much, bros.

Sounds like a win to me!
It'd be kino but she would 100% forget to turn it on and also, she immediately defaults to 'what is meta!' and then does that in every game lol ofc if she had a aimbot eye it'd be on 24/7
>tempo holding on 10k for doki because she didn't fill out forms
can I volunteer as a fucking book keeper for her damnit
>Doki HATES Tax Forms and paying taxes
All FPS games are currently dead or copying fortnite and making their games into copyright slurry. There are currently no "Gamer" FPS games.
>try to play tough guy and get pissy when the sudacas fight back
Bobo deserved it.
Anyway, the aimbot eye was made for this
>5 button presses to get 10k
>Still takes months to do
oh that shitter is watching her too? ffs
I guess yea...
this is Doki we're thinking of
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Just get a better taste in Video Games Doki.
doki won one dickpunch tournament and now the manshoot tournaments taste like warm flat soda in comparison
I love her, but she is not a good puppeteer.
She's not used at all, give her some time to get used to things she never had.
FPS eSports are dying Doki, and that's a good thing, no one cares
you don't instantly become shylily, it takes years of masturbating in a mirror
>has to alt tab to discord window to mute and un mute
"Just start in the FGC, Doki" you mean, that shit is all about competitiveness
I like the fast paced ones, the ones that don't have 20 minutes of looting/running around.
Even then, using the aimbot eye that way could mean losing at the worst moment because she is thinking about it and getting distracted. Aim eye turned on full time for shooty streams is the best way
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Doki... it's either FIGHTAN or RTS!
Assfaggot games don't count
Wasn't he a Teamate too?, I dont remember.
I don't play apex and I avoid most apex streams. The fuck is this, a moba wall building power?
What do the laser fences do?
damage + stun, so if you cross one in a fight you're done
I'm guessing its unlimited
I only play Soulsborne shit so don't have a clue with Apex apart from Doki streams kek
she fucked up big kek
>Doki trying to be a good Starcraft / Age of Mythology player
Have to compete with Valorant please understand
Right in the middle of everyone.
>lands right in the middle of everyone while being shot at in air
nice one team
AoM remake looks kinda neat, maybe she could try it once.
sound guy hate
sounds awesome but idk if Doki FPS skills can transfer to RTS
please be Doki Ra main please be Doki Ra main please be Doki Ra main please be Doki Ra main please be Doki Ra main please be Doki Ra main
unless remake fucking kneecapped my favorite
Aefen is a big faggot
Of the ensemble stuff it's still king, but the Chinese are unbalanced as fuck.
Doki needs correction kek
oh so the chink faction is remaked too fuck
They have to redo the Chinese while adding other civs like Slavs, Mayans, Celts, ect
That's literally the definition of tax evasion Doki...
>tax form also cover the apex sponsor
Taxation is...
Taxes hate!
her tax form is a triangle guys
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Doki is too based
can someone who knows her address get to her house just to do it jfc
>Teammate missing the obvious joke
This is almost as painful as the other tournament she did with randoms.
>going to doki's house to email a pdf to her accountant
leave it to me
You can't be taxed on money you haven't received.
>Doki casually jokes about 10k
>And then there's me with total of 20k in my bank account and savings total.
Do you only get points for surviving or do you also get points for kills?
that's always the thing idk in battle royales
is most kills best
or is slithering like a quiet snake to win while everyone else fights, then 3rd party thing the last team to get #1 and win with just 3 kills, the better one?
not really clear for me nanodesu
for this tourney top 6 teams (for each game) get cash
I wrote this!
Is nanodesu a new autoreplace thing or is it just anon's shtick?

In this tournament it's placement only, but it is up to organizers.
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There are rumors that doki is an excellent chef, she even carries the perfect cutting board with her at all times
In apex eventually you have to fight, more kills and action gives you a better shield, better skills and more stuff.
Also is a known thing in aviation to fly with a second destination in mond. Dropped clearly doesn’t know this as he kept evac straight into wars.
I will bonk the Takodachi
Wait tf are you talking about, the AoM I played had only 3 races!
Atlantis bros... Gaia main btw
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>Doki's body is illegal in australia
>Goes to australia
Doki kinda racist...
Doki please
Doki so bored of Apex she roasting randoms lmaoooo
doki what are you doing
Holy based
I fucking love this woman
Trying to hook up this guy's dog.
Trying to hook up with* this guy's dog.
Atlantis is still ok
it's the 5th fan made faction which is bullshit
>D.A.D. Will never be able to create a powerful dynasty of smug turtle-dogs...
>Push-to-talk same button as melee
That is so going to fuck her over when fighting starts.
He will never live up to his name
It's a zombie genre for years.
the team vibe is way better compared to the last one kek
Aim assist killed FPS games.
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I love my chocobo wife!
>doki reveals teammate's fake relationship
doki's push to talk is bound to melee because words can hurt :(
Why is it even allowed, it has no reason to exist
Yeah this team is fun.
Chocobolen LOVE!
Console babies make over half of player base in games like this.
Probably because they want it on controller only platforms but controller is a disadvantage and they want to try and find a way to balance it. But you either under or overamp the assist it making one way better most of the time
How do we get her to play ffxiv
She'd get bored in 5 minutes.
Pandering to consolesharts was a mistake.
That's what happens when you don't gatekeep your favourite games from normalnigs.
Did halo 1 on og xbox have aim assist? Because that was the most popular console fps of the time.
Make it an FPS somehow.
Doki sometimes dogs aren't even dogs
source my buddies dog acts like a fucking cat
Why do you want her to live ERP with strangers????
what i'd give for Tiberium to be time travelled and release to now
that way Doki can touch the C&C series
She's incapable of playing games that are not ADHD friendly.
Because i can be one of those strangers
>D.A.D hates men
unicorn chads i kneel
>DAD is a SIMP
Doki roasting Mint hard lmao.
>mint isn't a hag
suuuuure doki
Mint isn't a HAG????
>my boyfriends dog
>my wife's son
same energy
Doki being an iron chef right now lmao
iirc she did mention that she wanted to support fellow hags
then again that could just be Mint's abysmal self esteem
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This is my girlfriend's dog btw
Holy shit Doki is destroying them
I made this post!
my favorite turtle
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Damn, has Doki always been this much.... of an ass? I'm starting to realize she says terrible shit, then laughs, and assumes everyone is fine with it? Like all her interactions end up with her saying something negative with in two sentences.
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Love how bouncy the hair for the model is
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Damn, has Doki always been this.... cute? I'm starting to realize she tries to be cool, then laughs, and assumes people don't just think she's a big cutie patootie? Like all her interactgions end up with her saying something adorable in two sentences
Go back to Twitter, sister.
apart from better vibe, they're actually better
not as hopeless as the 1st team ngl
must be why Doki tuned out on em real quick kek
I would say you have never seen a stream if you are questioning her banter.
But she is laying it on heavy on this team.
doki inked...
She's channeling her inner Ina.
Birds have ink?
Quit talking to it
yeah, on me
Doki's bare feet touched those slippers...
Yeah, she's at her best when she's being a brat, but she tailors the interactions based on who she's with. She's very attentive to her collab partners and will ease back, start taking the fall for jokes, or even start cheering them on if they don't react well.
In the end, she always wants EVERYONE to have a good time, and this includes her collab partners.
Apex really is a complete joke.
just don't engage nanodesu
Jesus that was like the valorant unlimited flashes
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yes but I fucking love gushing about this girl.
Doki is in 'repeating what she says'-mode and not fucking around
oh shit she actually trying now
It's on
That does not necessarily invalidate what I said
It's off
Doki and Mint collab mentioned in her stream let's gooooo!!!!
Doki Pee!
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Yeah, somewhere in her week
Man of Medan is the game
Weak dragoons who can't protect doki when it matters.
Chad dragoons who know she is just human and aren't afraid to defend her.
Yeah, Man of Medan collab next week!
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fuck off
can full send to fellow gushing
standing orders from Doki are to ignore em nanodesu
Doki stop making people watch weird shit like milf manor.
MILF Manor sounds kino...
Damn, has Doki always had this much.... of an ass? I'm starting to realize she teases us with her ass, then laughs, and assumes everyone is fine with it? Like all her interactions end up with me wanting her to sit on my face
More horror scuff kino!
the actual show isn't
only way to stomach it is through watching some reactors to it
like, i'd want to subject that to the shitsanji fucktards-levels of ugh
do Dragoons regen eyes when stabbed, even if self inflicted?
asking for a friend
Don't say that, she'll make us watch milf manor s2...
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Doki wink
Milf manor watchalong soon
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grown men shouldn't be saying nanodesu
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Anon get your eyes checked. The ass is gone. Embrace the tomboy. Her butt is now there to support her massive hips and thighs strong enough to crush a man like an egg
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But you just did...
Its pretty goddamn funny to watch with others
So would it be funnier to make up a last name or just refer to her as Ms. Bird?
That's Mrs. Bird to you. She's my wife
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As much as i miss the bread,I'm glad she got rid of all the fan service.
I feel a lot better sharing her stuff now
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Go back to STUDYING, little lady
>did you say doki?
>yeah we got dokibird
>oh yeah yall is fucked
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I think i know where Orca is going with this:

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She has so much cool art potential now, even more than before.
Gonna miss the porn, but most artist draw her off model anyways.
Best team so far holy shit
She's lost cause.
That was great. 2/3 fun teams its seeming which is a lot better than I expected
Just admit you're Gay bro.
She's gone feral...
>it's okay i'm here now
holy based
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Orca's POV
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She lost it because of this fan art:

Nice Game EA.
She’s so bouncy even when just yapping…
How long is this Apex shit?
I think this is the last game?
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smoll doki
one more game
I don't get why people like boba
the tapioca is gross
Just give me the tea without the anal beads
Do people drink boba because they actually like it, or only because it's popular. The fact that it's a woman drink leads me to believe its the latter.
i've never had boba
does tapioca pudding count
i like that
Good tapioca pudding is actually tasty. Boba is pretty tasteless. More of a fun textural thing. What makes boba tea popular is that it's loaded with cream and sugar.
kek rigged
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>Footy Rigged
>Apex Rigged
Ah fuck I forgor about some shit today. See ya goons.
Fuck, she is so daddy..
She is lost
We have the same chromosomes, I get orca.
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I don't blame her at all
Since when has my chocobo been orange?
Fuck I don't even like boba and I want to order some
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She did it!
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At last...
wigg kek
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>makes you a kill leader champion
that rezz was clutch
>'For the boba'
time to add to the list of Doki memes
more money for tempo kek
Bye Doki....
Wife and maid collab confimed!
Had to think really hard to understand that she said Man of Medan
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Until next time Doki!
Rate the stream
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Bye Doki, that was definitely a "Rest Week" alright, either way it was a lot of fun hanging out with you...
place bets on when she'll do tax forms
i'm guessing 4 months from now
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We got another date with the Wisps I see
my oshi crowki should be in the outro
boba tea/10
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Aight, I'll head to Bed soon bros, looking forward to next week now...
Goodnight Goons~
Apex HATE / 10!
GN goon o7
happy and hyped
but damn Doki knows how to make us have anxiety lol
the incoming horror from how much she spent was one thing, but not sending the forms to her accountant to get $$$$...bruh
someone needs to do
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Want to know if this is too big for the card
Tiles have dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400). So, I guess it's good.
Gotta appease the CCP fanboys

Fuck off

Only appropriate response. How did the meme start anyway.
GN goon.
I can fix orca.
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This is a creature that is inherently broken
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>how did the meme start
If you mean that image, I made it during an Outlast Trials stream. Just one of my drunk livepost screencaps but it's had a lot more longevity than I expected
Are you sure about that? Just listen to her war cry!

So she said it herself?
oh she is more insane than me
cute! and appropriate!
FPS games and being in call with other FPS gamers ruined her. Before she played competitive shooters, she was really sweet and never swore.
I just want to experience an 0rca in bed...
Just to know what insanity is like...
It's more of a scientific curiosity than anything
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Will Doki collab with VSPO?
They'll probably get an invite to any events, but I wouldn't expect much.
Why does she keep bringing it up, in every Apex related thing?
super cute.
Goodnight Bro!

Dragoons are preparing a lot for the upcoming cons!
Hopefully this time Doki realizes how much her Dragoons love her
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Praise the Big Beautiful Doki Booba!
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Crossposting and anchoring here, In 5 days it will be Dokibird's birthday, so it's time to start the Dokibird birthday card! This will be a collaboration between /lig/ and /haha/, with a deadline of 8pm pst on July 3rd. Tiles must be SFW and have dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400). Anything that is clearly baiting or drama related will be ignored.

Dunno what do make a tile about? Here's some ideas:

>Her favorite games (apex, minecraft, ect)
>Tiles with her friends (Mint, RPR, Snuffy, dtto, Gumi, ect)
>Her pet Doki Amber Doge (DAD)
>Any fun memes you'd think would get a good laugh that are relevant to her.
>Things such as edits, memes, art, and KK gag scenes are all encouraged and OK

If for some reason i miss a submission, please @ the post and I'll add it when I can
Got it, I resized it to fit the card dimensions
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Rest well Dragoon!
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Dragoons wtf, dont be horny for the femgoons
Goon you don't understand doki's plan.
Similar experience with the Beats and Fembeats.
T. Beat who wanna get with a fembeat
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Beats? Whose fanbase is this? Serious question
Deadbeats maybe?
I thought I smelled something
Yep, it is Deadbeats. I just shortened it.
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anyone else making meme's/OC for the card btw?
I might if I have the time
Bump limit...
I have 0 experience with that...
Shit page 8 already who's got next bake? Or shall I get it?
If it's for the card it doesn't have to be super high quality
I shall get the bake then
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Enjoy the meet and greets for those who are going
My bird idol...
Good luck to all the goons going there!
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Fresh bread is up!
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Thanks bread maker!
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Thank you breadmaker

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