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The 69nd Wind

>NEXT STREAM: 【Dishonored】with Gigi
[link pending]

>LAST STREAM: 【Dishonored】Fan name chats and then DISHONORED!! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVJifnCmXnU [Embed]

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks



#ImmerScreen (Stream) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerScreen
#Immergination (Art) https://twitter.com/hashtag/Immergination
#ImmerPiece (Music) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMusic
#ImmerMemes (Memes) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMemes

>OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>79538463
Good morning otomos. Please send cute pictures of our wife.
Sad. Another boring stream
>NEXT STREAM: 【Dishonored】with Gigi
Made the same mistake again award.
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Visualize Cecilia in a babydoll.
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She doesnt want to be
Wife! Cece Wife!
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Immerheim über alles!
Cece would kill her if she did that with her violin.
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i love her bros
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CC is a tsundere.
Why is CC a Ranni now?
Ranni is a slut.
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To all the /lig/ger anons who say they followed her PL and agree that CC is /here/, I have a question for you: did she ever hint, even slightly, towards her opinions being based, or the opposite, or (hopefully) neither?
I only ask because I wonder if she would approve of us making posts like this in her thread, or if she would hate it and therefore us
What can we, as otomos, do to ensure our doll wife is long-term successful?
People who think CC or her PL is /here/ are just under the impression that basically everyone is /here/, because /vt/ is the only place you can find useful discussion about Vtubers. The double-edged sword is of course the amount of dirt you need to wade through to find it.
She never hinted towards anything 4chan related, ever.
Cc beating my balls with jumper cables completely silent
Me : cc is such a tsundere...
Staying in our lane, and supporting our cute wife in any way we can through twitter
>under the impression that basically everyone is /here/
No, they just want to believe that they are posting in their oshi's secret club.
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Watch streams, buy merch and become a member, I guess you could tell your friends about her as well? Though I doubt people here have friends
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If you have time, clip her funni stuff and share it on the net
If you have talent, draw/animated stuff for her.
If you have the cashes, bank roll her.
If you only have the spirit/love then just cheer & pray for her success.
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If by "successful" you mean achieving her goals, keeping her motivated and happy doing what she's doing, just be sure to engage with her posts and content as much as possible, make fangames, and if applicable, relevant mods for games she'll be playing (think poopoodoodyboy's Dino Gura Palworld mod for example) as well as other content, and just generally show as much support as we can
If on the other hand you mean "successful" from a numberfag perspective, well, if past precedent is anything to go by, spreading cute and/or funny memetic moments is a big thing, as well as the obvious things of buying merch, getting membership, etc. I for one definitely intend to day-one member her, and all of (You) should do the same
We should murder her competition.
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>Staying in our lane
If by this you mean not becoming a hated fanbase who gets involved in any and all drama, then yes I agree with it. The fanbase should reflect the streamer and Cece is a very chill person who doens't care aobut that garbage.
There's more than 4 billion of that, how are >we gonna make it?
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That's so cute Cece
>CC is /here/
go back to sleep you silly doll
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realistically talents are not, but I'm 95% certain T-chan lurks around
Making a blunt Kraut the unfeeling automaton who doens't understand human morality whatsoever depsite being a Justice member was a genius casting choice on Cover's part. Or it was all Cece's idea to go in this direction, either way it works.
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Woah, Cecilia Immergreen needs me?
>did she ever hint, even slightly, towards her opinions being based, or the opposite
She hates coffee
I think it's pretty clear that any smart decision can't come from the retards at Cover.
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>Next stream, Dishonored with Gigi
>Last stream, [Embed] [Embed]
Only educated post itt
They decided to hire Cecilia...
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I miss her
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That's just getting lucky.
People don't seem to forget it would have been very easy to overlook her because the chicken has the same accent more or less and why risk another Germanic failure?
Just run your post through google translate bro.
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I miss her...
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Today's a way out pt2 right?
Can't wait.
Stop posting my nudes. Where did you even get them? I only sent them to Ceci. Wait a minute...
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So in short, we don't have any way of knowing if she approves or disapproves of /here/posting?
Deep down I just hope my Justice oshi isn't the kind of person who would hate any of us for something so stupid. She seems like such a sweet woman, so my read on her is that she wouldn't, but you can never be sure with Euros. That said, if she's part of the younger generation that might not be a useful indication either way anymore
She will call all of you "stüpid".
Mental retardation.
thats my autismatons!
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The fuck is your problem faggot
>Mental retardation.
Ligma is a hard disease to cure anon. Hololive's idol culture tends to cure it in mayn people though.
who is ligma balls
Steve Jobs
Stop being autistic.
CC makes me happy
Read your own post and tell me.
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Would that I could, Otomobro
Would that I could...
High mutational load?
There's so much positivity in this thread that I get some serious whiplash when I read how others on this board dislike CC. Saying things like hating her voice (I saw a poll where she was overwhelmingly voted worst voice in En) or saying she's extremely boring.
It makes me really sad.
Fuck off, novelite.
Based oldfag. I'm so glad I get to see these again. I missed it. Really takes me back to when the internet was still fun and not sheltered faggots being offended everywhere.
Kys Globalnigger
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Back to the catalog, faggot
>robot joints
>not dolljoints
>even after Ceci said herself she and us were not robots
Kill yourself and your entire family. Immanentize.
I'll be blunt with you anon, Celia getting so closely associated with Hololive-hating ligger shitposters who ruined the catalog with their anti-corpo crusades is the only reason she will be getting hate, the blame lies with those people. So I suggest to those people to please stop being so obvious about your real loyalties and hurting her.
How are those robot joints, automo?
Thank god I am from trash/wvt/
catalog is just bait
global has its usual schizos desperate to use the new girls for their falseflagging fanbase wars and outsider shitstirrers dropping in, desperate for the new gen to fail
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Otomo mean Great friend.
That's おおとも
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I WILL EVOLVE BEYOND MY TINY BUTTPLUG SHELL. I WILL BECOME THE AUTOMATON SHE WANTS, NOT JUST THE ONE SHE NEEDS. I want Ceci to insult me and call me stupid while I kiss and taste her smooth featureless doll chest and crotch.
Ah... friendzoned again just like Fauna. She hates me...
Never trust green women
Fucking leave already Sapfag
Liggers won't listen anon. They can't confront the cognitive dissonance that Hololive is better than being an indie, that almost all indies rather be in Hololive than anywhere else, that their indie supremacy ideology is a lie and they now want to pretend that a "traitor" like Ceci is still on their "side" despite joining team corporate vtubing.
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oh no, better jump off a cliff
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Saplings and Immerlings are friends
Anyone going back to their old Hololive hating habits doesn't belong in this general really.
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I just wish they made their own thread instead of infesting others
Saplings have their own thread
Now fucking leave
The irony is intense with this post.
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>The thread is being targeted by catalogschizos
It's official otomos, CC's made it
Hi indie tourists, you don't understand how this group called Hololive works I take it. It has only been a week I get it. You see, we generally have a culture within the Hololive fandom (despite the shitposters who say otherwise) that supports other fandoms within Hololive and collabs with others in Hololive and people are fans of multiple girls. The saplings are also fans otf Cece. Mentioning another Hololive girl is not a threat in the safety of this "walled garden" I promise, so stop being so defensive.
It's mostly falseflagging shitposters, holo vs holo antis, thread schizos and, unironically, nijisisters in /hlgg/
>reasoning with holo vs holo faggots
That's not how it works otomo. You know as well as I do, they'll just keep doing it. Just ignore and hide post.
hello, hololive fan here, I just don't have a need to attach my oshi to cici and want to see her grow into her own in hololive, saplings are being a little cringe...
saplings are the worst, right next to ruffians and chumbuds
Jack off & go to bed.
fuck off, I'm just asking them to chill out a bit. it's ok to be cringe
It's 12:18...
exactly sister we should hate those livers more
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I honestly don't mind being Ceci's buttplug.
I Havent seen CC get hate in Global either or any of the other Justice threads. Just ignore people who come amd make such claims, its poorly masked shitstirring
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Shut the fuck up, Ausländers.
1 hour of sleep between 12-1pm is good for you.
>He doesn't know
Kfp and saplings were throwing Ceci under the bus
>t. someone who didn't actually see any other threads
We should Blitzkrieg them.
>he doesn't know the falseflagger who does everything in his power to wage KFP vs X wars
just one samefag, most likely (you)
You should kill yourself.
Sometimes I check out /hlgg/ and /#/ when she streams, and that's where I see it.
That's a deflection and you know it. You fuckers are genuinely deranged.
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Immergrants RAÜS
>visiting global and the anti general
why would you do that
You know cc is great when the only bait they can throw is
>Holo vs holo
if you sometimes check out global, yeah it would seem that way
but there's a retard shitting up the thread daily with the same shitposting template and cc is just another name added into the same rotation of posts that have been repeating for at least a year now
>I forgot to save the soundpost filename
Time to hang myself, anyone made any good CC noose images yet?
It's funny how AI managed to go from crab claws to hands but keeps on struggling with any sort of streaked hair.
This but don't do clips.
You would need to use uber retarded clickbait to get any traction with yt and its algorithm and that will attract things... things that can hardly be classified as people.They can hardly pass as having a working brain.
I'm happy there is a clipper.
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>goes to another green woman
>expect different results
>gets friendzoned again
No GFE Chuuba here. Nobody to listen to your complains or call you baby. Fuck off you stupid parasocialfags.
>>79579915 (me)
This is bait btw incase your autism missed it.
The slopmancer just fucked up. Probably did high denoise to get the dynamic pose. A good lora reproduces streaked hair very well
fuck off. holo vs holo is all falseflag that's all.
You're not wrong though. Parasocially obsessed faggots need to be hung.
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How many otoma are on the spectrum?
Calm down me, you wouldn't want to hang your oshi.
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Henlo yes I am automo
I can agree on slop but for different reasons, if you want any specific pose you won't be going for a high denoise pass but controlnet and details like the hair added on a later adetailer pass. At least on CC you can still see traces from doing some i2i passes but with no way of telling what exactly was done.
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Maybe Cece will do GFE once monetization starts. Never lose hope!
gynoid femdom experience...
Why is beemo there?
I see. So Cece was there during the 1000 years mushroom war?
Wrong question, it's not are they on she spectrum but how high on the spectrum.
No one who comes /here/ is not on the spectrum.
Otoma is copyrighted
We are Otomos
I spitted my tea & slapped my knee laughing.
I'm the spectrum.
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The extending limbs one makes me think of spurdo.
I am a cybernetic organism, living tissue over metal endosceleton.
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I need to fucking execute whoever drew this on behalf of my tea loving, coffee hating wife. For justice.
I secretly am a coffee drinking itt.
Raora really came through on the otomo design. I appreciate how cute, simple and nintendo-like it is.
Look at me, drinking my coffee out in the open.
Totally not trying to get CC to fold me in half..
Behold, Autism!
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I really wish Cece won't discipline me rn. Here am i, showing the whole world that i love coffee
Cecilia... your sleep schedule...
It's 1pm, thats a perfectly normal time to be awake
Is she awake though?
Spankings needed
I will go wake her up, brb
She needs sex. Ceci, DM me.
why would you need to wake up when it's hot when you can wake up when the sun is setting
You are assuming that the sun actually sets where she is.
Deutschland isn't in the arctic dumbass
I'm a wagie and other people being able to sleep in makes me upset.
She lives in Norway.
Norway is.
NTA, but there is no evidence that she still does.
That's right, she lives in my bed now.
>he doesn't know about our outpost
but it's not even hot there
most of norway has day/night too
She was complaining about it being too hot though
Right, but it is very likely that she still does.
She is/was very far north.
It was past week but temperature is going down now (im from Sweden and we mostly share the same climate and weather)
my spitzbergen oshi...
up around the arctic circle the sun doesn't set for another week or so
I don't think it's super hot around the arctic circle despite the sun.
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Slaughtering a reindeer and making bidos with ceci!
daytime temps have been around 20+ and the buildings are designed to retain heat
How are you guys talking so much shit?
We do get 20+ regularly from may through july and the sun is up a lot which adds to the heat. Also if you are Nordic and live there it feels super hot with all those sun hours and the temperature.
As for buildings, they are designed to retain heat but also to have a natural drag (air-flow) through the buildings. Wooden houses breathe so it regulates the heat as well to some extent, they dont just retain it
>Euros crying about 20 C weather
Our homes are designed to keep heat inside & no air con. Please understand.
Buildings that are designed to retain heat are also build to repel heat, isolation works both ways.
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My hyperborean princess!
Nah, Great Friend always refers to an important friend. 大友 is only used as a name and woul rather mean Large Friend.

Usually you would use お友達 for Great Friend(s) and you would not use honorific prefix on your own friends, but it really depends on the situtation and who you are talking to.
お供 is Follower or Companion, which makes the most sense. In this case we are of lower status and would consider Ceci as our Master or Lady.
Nobody in history has ever said お友 without tachi.
Yeah that is basically what I wrote
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Look at these NERDS
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To support my oshi dreams, from yesterday on I decided to fix my sleep schedule too
I woke up today at 6 am
Soon, I will declare war on coffee too
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Whenever anyone mentions this, all I can think of is mignolaverse & HellBoy stuff.
Just get your 8 hours of sleep regardless how late. Coffee needs to be destroyed though.
The oto is supposed to be music, so 音.
But there's no way to write something like 音友 with just otomo, right?
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Hyperborea makes me think of conan the barbarian
You need to bend the rules on how things are usually read a little but it could work.
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according to an article i read bright lights after 10 pm fuck you over in dopamine levels or whatsoever, so im switching from being a night owl to an automaton bird
fortunately ceci has euro hours so I will never miss a stream even if i change my life so radically, in fact now i will never miss a stream because I woke up late
The problem here is that you think to english here, english always tries to seperate words.
What you basically do is for example: "basically" and you would say "OH yea that means basic + ally, so a basic friend".
音友 is not a word, you could claim it as one and say the reading is おっとも (ottomo) but you still make up a fictional word.
Wasn't that Cimmeria?
Do you think Cecilia is fat?
her weak piddly noodle arms would not support that idea
Hyperborea is also a region in universe
No, she would have beat gg.
if she was fat she wouldve beaten everyone with ease
The frame is up
You guys are all technically correct. Also:
anta baka~
Why is she putting the frames up so early?
.. and with chat enabled too
ceci sleep...
gigi made her do it
source: i made it up
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You're so stupid. Justice doesn't sleep? Sleep is for the weak. The flesh is weak.
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And that why it's important to make the distinction between CET and CEST.
Didn't she sort of fix her sleep schedule?
it's 3pm CEST and we currently have a heat wave in middle europe, doubt anyone can sleep at that time of day
>10PM EU
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>10PM again
Put them earlier not later, doopid doll
Clockwork Derp.
She's filtering the SEA
Along with yuropoors who have jobs. Apparently the target audience is lunch break Americans.
i blame /#/ >>79585125
Go back.
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So it's possible, but no one's ever going to write it like that...
Thanks for the explanation anyways
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4AM.... i will be watching immi's VODs forever at this rate.
I do and the positive has outweighed the shizoposting. Also you shouldnt count samefagging anyways
Anytime I read Immi in this bread I need to remind myself that it's talking about CC, not that /vag/ girl
Alright i will use cece henceforth
Keep using whatever you feel like.
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When I'm comfy it's cc
When I'm horny it's Cecilia
>When I'm comfy it's cece
>When I'm horny it's immerslut
As an addendum if you care: You can read a Kanji however you want. Kanjis are meanings or concepts, not readings.
Yes, all Kanji do have assosciated and standardized readings, and you usually care only about 2 to 3.
However, for example in Manga you often see Kanji Compound Words like 偉大なる航路 which is read as "Grand Line" (One Piece). It literally is the Japanese translation but you read it in English. And that is not just happening in English but any Language including Japanese. Like Words in Japanese that are usually written with different Kanji, some even are Standard Japanese.
Technically, you can do whatever you want since Japanese do that as well. But anyway, enough Offtopic here.
CC cute, Otomos cute, over and out.
i find it that hot that cecilia is aware of her horny fanbase and yet she pretends it never exist yet.
why she lives there?
I mean, I'd understood if she emigrated for their oil money, but soon she will be a millionaire in Hololive. Other than oil, this is frozen hell with nothing to do
>written with different Kanji
Even if they have the same general meaning there are sometimes different kanji being used. It's a way to bring across some level of nuance.
>when you pop a viagra instead of adderall
She knows exactly what she is doing. And it's kinda hot.
I want to marry her.
>gonna watch for hour or two in bed before sleep
>stream will probably go on for 5 hours
am I getting filtered? Wasn't it supposed to be holoEU?
I live in Norway and it can get pretty warm here depending on where you are. Right now it's pretty cold where I live, like 19C, but it was 25C only last week.
Similarly, nights do get dark here in the south, but they're very short. It's like 2-3 hours of darkness in the middle of summer. (Likewise during winter there's only around 6 hours of sunlight, usually obscured by heavy clouds.)
Further north things get more extreme of course, but not that many people live there.

It's probably because it's a Gigi collab and she's in murrica. Unfortunate.
Autismaton, your link....
Yea, like 体 and 身体. Of course when you understand the intent of Kanji, you can also understand that eventually something analogous to Synonyms or Homonyms develope over time.
>pretty warm
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>choose to be a flat automaton without any sex appeal so people won't lust after her
>get the horniest fanbase
Poor Cecilia...
Nah she know EXACTLY what she's doing.
Raora is for yuros who can watch vtubers on company time. Or you can watch ERB's 17th unarchived karaoke this week, those are at perfect yuro times. CC is for early EST, I have no other explanation for this bullshit.
She wouldn't have picked flat if she did not want to get the horniest fanbase.
The stream will be around 3 hours long, I think. Ame and Gura took 2.5 hours for the part that they have left.
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why the fuck suddenly downloads are saving it with incorrect file name
I never found flat chests attractive but since Ceci's debut I've been obsessed with her's specifically
You posted this yesterday too. Don't make it into a ritualpost or I will find you and rape you.
Cecilia follows the basic CGDCT holo routine of light pandering while never saying anything outright. It's great for multiple reasons.

There are other reasons than money to want to stay in a specific country.
Sad to see so many self-loathing norwegians online. I don't really get it.
>horniest fanbase
Are you really so sure? I wouldn't underestimate chattini
It's all relative to what you're used to.
whats her appeal? i think ceci sucks.
You're Ceci baiting for compliments. I will not fall for your tricks.
We had some ~29°C the last couple of days in germany, I'd be happy to drop a few degrees down to something cool ike 24
Actually to complete the game only took 2 hours from the same point. The reason they streamed longer is that they replayed a bit to get an alternate ending.
We are down to 22C already here in northern Germany.
Maybe Gigi is will be edging again.
Everything above 25C should be illegal
>alternate ending
Is there even any alternate ending other than that one choice at the end?
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Pretty eyes, beautifully crafted body, elegant voice, funny personality, very hard working, cute laugh, SEX whispering voice, EVIL, probably a sadist, extremely SEX, cute hair, can play da violin, EVIL GERMAN DOLL, cute, can program (with the help of google), can do music (with the help of google), can make her own song
what are some other games do you think ceci would play to rolyplay as a "justice" enforcer on stream?

I think maybe GTA, assasins creed or MGS
That it afaik, but they replayed the whole fight
You immergrants don't belong here
/grün/ is for crankers only
SWAT4, Hitman
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Be nise to the pebbles. They suffer from über cringe zoomer tik tok brainrot memes the most out of all the holo fanbases...
>zero hits for sweet, lovely, adorable, nice, warm
get out.
I'm not sure she's autistic enough to play something like SWAT, but it would be funny.
Raora is for SEA and you can listen to karaoke only this much
I like this bratty murder doll, so I hope it is only for those collabs and she doesn't hate Europe
I can't believe someone else had the same thought as me.
I recently bought Ready or Not, but haven't tried it yet. I hear mixed things, but SWAT4 was the GOAT.
9PM is either her manager mandated time or they decided that ERB gets the CEST prime time slot and CC can't overlap her. Es ist unironically vorbei.
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i think ceci designed us on paint with just circles and decided its done before submitting it to raora for review.
I think she understands that going beyond midnight means she's competing with Fauna and the rest of the americans for audiences. (Not to mention screwing over her core.) For collabs it might be necessary to compromise, which is why the GG collabs have been late, but I think she's aiming for 9PM for regular streams. (I hope for 8 PM or earlier, but it's acceptable.)
Consider that she ended 15 minutes before midnight yesterday and talked about how she had "fixed her sleep schedule". I think she's trying.
>sweet, lovely, adorable, nice, warm
CC is a merciless murder doll.
>6 fingers
Holos can set their own schedule, they are not forced by managers. (Though perhaps things are slightly different during debuts.)
For example, Mori changes her timeslot constantly.
All that being said, I do believe that ERB's stream yesterday was the reason Cecilia moved her own. It's a shame, I have no interest in ERB.
leave already.
your kind are not welcome here.
Advent had rigid management mandated schedule slots for a few months after debut.
Would you be able to survive Ceci sitting on your face?
How much does her clockwork butt make her weigh?
>he denies her murderhobo tendencies despite all the evidence
How about (you) leave? Or I dunno... actually watch Ceci's streams?
I was not aware of that. Well, let's hope Cecilia gets to set her own schedule soon then.
kys thread reading clip watching faggot.
Ah yes, the great projector.
need ceci black sun hyperborea edits
I hope so too because ERB refuses to raid CC anyway which was the point with appointing back to back slots (and worked well in Advent's case).
Deus Ex, any Fallout, Witcher, Gothic/Risen
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You're in the wrong here. Why are you escalating from a lighthearted Cece-appreciation post?
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>no u
>he literally didn't even watch the entirety of both of Ceci's Dishonered streams
It's time for the rope tranny. YOUR kind is the one that's not welcome here. ywnbaw
Imagine not starting going shirtless at 10c
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I love how dorky Ceci is
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I get the feeling she can be even dorkier. Is she hiding her power level?
Can us otomos vibrate?
>clip watching
NTA but I never understood this schizo post. Every holo girl watches clips. Even clips of themselves. Mikochi, Subaru, Polka, Biboo, Ina, Ame, Bae, are a few examples off the top of my head. Should all of hololive also kill themselves? Some of the girls literally even have their own dedicated clippers who they personally hire to make clips for them on behalf of their channel and most likely with Cover's permission. But you being a nijisister was pretty obvious from the start anyway.
usual i hate when girls start talking in a super cutesy voice but when ceci does it i want to kiss her
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I love how flat CC is
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She must be, give it a couple weeks dork levels will be off the charts
nice try clipshart..
i will still not watch your garbage clips.
what german sausage do you think is ceci's favourite? i like pferdebratwurst
NTA either, but clip watcher refers to people who only or primarily watch clips imstead of streams, which often flanderize and mischaracterize the talent.
Nobody's asking you to watch. It's already obvious you're a nijisister who doesn't even watch Ceci's streams either. Fucking falsflag schizo. Kill yourself. You're not welcome here.
The one in my pants.
You are not even talking to the same Anon but keep seething, clips are still attracting nothing but vermin.
NTA = Not that anon. I don't know what made you think of retarddit. Immanentize meds.
Krainer Wurst
Shut the fuck up already you fucking tourist faggots
Cope sister. Watch streams. You'll never be welcome here and ywnbaw.
Seethe. Your catalog thread probably died huh? So sad.
You are blinded by your own rage, it's cute. Please keep going, you are quite entertaining.
cecilia should do a sausage review one day.
yeah, mine
imagine she asks us to submit your sausages to her for review.
AI slop
We love sloppa here
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CCGG love
very excited for the friends to lovers finale where they have sex on stream
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Set my alarm to 9:45. RIP to autismatons who don't work remote.
Yes, we. Us. Every single person in this thread.
We love soulless automatons here :)
all me
CC runs on bloodlust, she not soulless...
>robot joint slop
>Ceci said she's not a robot and neither are otomos
Seriously, slit your throat already.
Speak for yourself. Unless your shitty ai can come up with a decent looking CC yet, then not even worth my time.
>robot is when joints
You are unwell.
No one is forcing you to look at things you don't like.
And you are lobotomized.
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If you're only on 4chan to be mad, go to some other thread
Ill stop being mad when the other guy stops lowering the thread quality with his AI garbage
No one will steal your ''art'', stop hating on toasters for no reason.
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Just ignore the sloppa or call it out and move on
AI trash
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how much does cecilia weigh?
Cecilia lost a toe in a robot-automaton hyperwar...
She weights 1 Cecilia.
ai sloppa sloppa
How much is that in pounds? How much is that in pounds? How much is that in pounds? How much is that in pounds? How much is that in pounds? How much is that in pounds?
Thanks for giving me the motivation to make more AI Artworks of CC!
cute feet
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Speak in Kilos or I will shoot you
idk but her streams are worth the weight
1 Ceci is 1 Ceci.
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one cecilogram!
more like schloppa schloppa with feet like that
Measuring things is for nerds

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