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>inb4 "its just the fabled Ennabotter or its just some /#/ schizo haha! nothing to see here!"
Sure, faggot.
Brave, the company infamous for botting everything back in Nipponland, could never do something like that ever for their EN branches!
Puts into question V4Mirai's debut CCV being suspiciously high too (6k to 8k) when all of their talents are in the low 3 view now
no one actually watches vtubers anymore silly anon
except for homos with their dedicated 3view ccv, apparently. grim that they’re the only consistent fanbases
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Why should I, a viewer care about this, numbermonkey?
not to shill them too much but phase got 6-8k for their third gen and they are high 3view to low 4view now
its sketchy as shit
The company is lying to your face but if that wont convince you maybe this will >>79564765
>chuuba is cute
>enjoy the stream
I still don't see how this affects me in the slightest.
Read the crosspost retard
I was there in 2019 when it happened. If HIMEHINA's group is working well with them now then I have no problem at all.
that is grim if true
Yeah i don't care about that either.
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KEK do better next time VSPO
Wait.. That thing OP crossposted too is from five years ago? lol
i love how everyone reverts to those excuses and can’t even comprehend the possibility that brave is just shit
Go through the full thread if you're interested but they are still being shit to this day. Also the people that did all of that (original owners) are still shareholders. Money that goes to Brave Group goes to them too even if they arent the CEO or upper management anymore
NTA but as someone whose been around since shortly after the christmas miracle, I've decided I will never give Unlimited a single shred of benefit of doubt until my dying breath. Companies like that don't just change overnight or over the course of years, and you can still track a much thinner but a still constant stream of shit they've been doing to their people in the years since. It's baffling to me that someone like you exists, someone who lived through and saw probably the biggest defining incident for vtubers and the death of a rising star only to go
>with a name change and me averting my eyes I'm willing to forgive their cardinal sin
>thinner but a still constant stream of shit they've been doing to their people in the years since
I'm definitely not interested enough to go through an entire thread from five years ago to find out some shit that happened that OP is dragging up. OP is just sad.
keep in mind they also pick who the ceo and upper management are even if its not them
>the fabled Ennabotter
Ennabotter, stop pretend you don't exist. I have seen your shenanigans multiple times
>an entire thread from five years ago
You realize shit isn't archived for longer than 3 days on this site right? Nice job outing yourself newfag Brave intern. Hang yourself immediately
pretty BRAVE of them for pulling this crap
amrite? hah haha
Brave is garbage what a surprise
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because despite having allegedly over 6,000 viewers, fucking nobody is taking the time to chat.
They're literally cheating.
ignore the naysayers /v4m/ went down from the constant backlash so all of the regulars from there, all 4 of them, are probably here now
sorry, i miswrote my post. basically what i meant was i don't give a shit about stuff from half a decade ago.
Stay in your hole, monkey.
Sure you did, faggot
So true sis. I will never forgive Hololive too for how they mistreat Coco especially during that year year event back then. Management will never change.
Don't be angry. You wont make friends like that.
im sure most of that 6k was just too busy jerking it to type ahaha
>sexually harassing their talent
Wait like Mel’s manager?
mods should ban all the numberfags flooding the board with "LOOK AT EM NUMBERS OHNONONONO" threads
Even if you want to give them leeway on the doxxing incident, there's still stuff like hiring and canning countless people over the past several years, having public blowouts with their talents like that girl from Riot Music, Cocoa getting Ctuber'd a second time, and going into rrat country there's been countless major acquisitions despite the fact that they simply have not made even remotely close to the amount of money needed for them. You'd have to actively try and not look for reasons to at the bare minimum be wary of them, let alone to be an oldfag and not give them nothing but scorn.

Hell, they even bought Himehina's company. Probably broke his other arm too.
numberfagging is different from talking about blatant botting
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But how does this botting affect me?
>/v4m/keks not even denying it anymore
Whew! you dodged that masterfully!
VSPO never used those cheap waving bots before so yes it is just the Ennacuck that botted those streams and created this thread to brag about it.
>he doesnt know
>it's okay when HoloEN does it
VSPOJP did fucking do this you drooling moron
No. They never used the waving bots before. They do bot their streams but they don't use wave bots
they used similar bots before for their other branches but that aside it could just be them being retarded and using a different shittier service. brave pulls this shit all the time and its confirmed they themselves did it in the past and not some random schizophrenic they are infamous for it in japan
>it could just be them being retarded and using a different shittier service.
Or it could just be the guy that has been doing this since last September always with these same type of waving bots and had been shitposting about these debuts for days on /#/.
What the fuck kek
One of them looking like that could just be some weird youtube glitch or something but all three of them following the exact same unusual pattern? That is some bullshit for sure.
>companies never bot using wave bots
I can see it being possible that someone was just retarded enough to use the wrong type of bots for this. This isn't very known info after all
brave hate etc
buffering streams can do that sometimes too but the time between waves is just too consistent and to top it off all three of them with the same pattern? kek come on now
>This isn't very known info after all
But it is. And unlike almost every other type of bot the wave bots are extremely visible on graphs.
It was done for the same reason this thread was created, some retarded mindbroken individual demands attention.
This looks different from Ennabotters stuff to be fair. The bots they use have shorter waves and are a lot higher than whatever was used on VSPO
vspo's botter was somehow more shit than ennabotter's
Based I would do the same if I was them this is a dying market after holo debuts
>looks different
Literally the same. The size of the waves is entirely related to the number of real viewers vs bots.
The waves from the wave bot all have 10 minutes between each peak, which is identical to all other times ennacuck botted streams.
Look at the fuwamoco meme stream graphs. Its different
No. It's the same. 10 minutes between each peak.
Post it
literally a lie kek
Arent wave bots one of the most common types? How is it so unbelievable that they would use this too?
its not other corpos have used wave bots before too
those arent bots! those are very real viewers!
Are you claiming that wave bots plaguing HoloEN streams don't peak every 10 minutes?
Took you nigs long enough to catch up to braves bs
you like getting cucked don’t you I just know it
you're way too obvious
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I do actually but that is unrelated
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ennabot anon
you are famous worldwide now since you got discussed in jp, kr and even ruski vtuber sites
Yeah Cover botting streams is rather obvious indeed
literally any company can just bot and anyone that calls them out on it is just called ennabotter
ennacuck it's time to stop
It's funny how you and your estrogen downing ilk have spent tens of thousands of dollars on this /#/ "argument" to achieve nothing.
see >>79577014
i hope you at least get paid for this
Brave botting?
No, impossible it must be xyz person
Oh boy here comes the /v4m/ nigs
they've been here for a while now /v4m/ went down a while ago
>i hope you at least get paid for this
says the guy wasting his money botting stream rumao
Do you have a link to this so i can TL it, or a TL'd image?
Cover would never bot haha
except im not the schizo, schizo
It's actually kinda insane how this place genuinely believes that he's the only botter on the entire planet, or that VPSO EN is even in his wheelhouse. I've yet to see a single post linking back to /#/ with him sperging out about it, and if that was the truth you bet those autists from there would be doing nothing but linking a paper trail to their thread.
I'm convinced you're a paid shill. There is not better excuse for botting than just pinning it on some random /#/ anon
I don't know man, i literally just started watching VSPO with the EN debut, i have no skin in the game.
Though schizo OP insists i'm a /v4m/ user, i've never watched them.
I just wanted to know why i as a stream enjoyer should care. All i've seen is OP seething from stuff half a decade ago.
Brave would never bought such cheap bots
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never forget
I'm glad Holostars saved harukasu. YAGOO should push the girls to collab more with him.
>I just wanted to know why i as a stream enjoyer should care. All i've seen is OP seething from stuff half a decade ago.
Because it's a terrible idea to get emotionally invested in a company with a track record of abusing its talents.
That sounds like an OP problem and not a me problem then.
>it's water under the bridge when Hololive does it
The peak mountains of VSPO making nijifags seethe
I mean its the same in nijisanji with mitos stalker who they never charged because the guy is related to some anycolor exec and is still free to this day
That's just Ennacuck sperging out as always. You know because this type of botting pattern wasn't common (or even regular) until he started spamming it since like last year. He's doing that to try and piss off /#/ and get them to stop doing the daily tallies. We laugh at him on the regular whenever he decides to have an episode.
>ennacuck is responsible for all the botting in the whole world
vspo please be less obvious

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