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>accepts more projects she can handle
>ghosts people for days, but when her manager didn't respond to her within few hours, she went into a menhera spiral
>causes people to lose money, because she doesn't care enough to respond to them or just flat out cancels stuff, because fuck em lmao hahaha
>nobody can call her out, because she's A VICTIM OF BULLYING
>can basically do anything without ever facing consequences
Wow, turns out she's not as decent as /vt/ made her out to be.
Trying too hard mate
Nijiseethe thread?
The 124th bait thread won't bring back your concert either, sister
>speaking as if everyone knows exactly what he is talking about
you are just looking like a schizo my dude, next time include some documentation or tweets
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4/10 bait.
Instead tho look at the cool concept art
i'll wait for the dramachannels to make a video out of this
Took you 4 months to put this together and still be wrong
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It's funny how this sister still makes these threads a year and a half later, meanwhile NijiEN is about to get disbanded. I guess shitposting on /vt/ instead of watching your organs doesn't really help.
What did the nijikeks do this time?
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It's not what they did this time, it's what they didn't do : Buy the AX tickets
Sounds like someone is mad their concert got cancelled. Rip NijiEN.
None of what you said is true, Doki a cute.
Sorry about your concert dog
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Who did she ghost/cancel on?
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It's what they are about to do.
These are the Guardian Stones, three of the thirteen ancient standing stones that dot Skyrim's landscape.

Go ahead, see for yourself.
I ate a 3 day the last time I posted something like this, careful anon
>a-chan dies
>mio almost dies
>nijiEN dies
Kratosanon... was it worth it?
Kizuna AI requires additional sacrifices
Finally, someone of refined tastes.
>Niji cancelled concert plan looks like Skyrim's Guardian Stones
> Doki's new theme is performed by the orchestra behind the Elder Scrolls Online soundtrack
What the fuck, Todd
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Good point. I guess it's too much skin.
>has a team of people willing to do overtime for her because they don't want to disappoint her
>they don't meet their own deadline, disappoint her but she does her best to uplift them and give them all the public support she can offer in her position

While Niji EN has only done lip service for supporting fanartists, Doki pays them in thousands and fights to ship her merch to more countries than they were previously available in. Before you sisters slander her, consider whether your oshi has done as much for you as she has for her community.
>Frequently ghosts people and doesn't say sorry once I respond
>Throws a fit when I get ghosted for a day
She's just like me frfr
Great joke. She's Niji's ex so there will never a video about anything bad she does by the dramatuber clique. It'd have to a giga yab for normies to notice anything to
Why are you retards respond to such an obvious bait ?

All of y'all are doing is just giving the faggot OP the (You)s he's craving
Still waiting to hear what she's actually done according to you sis
Lied. Got all her friends harassed. Is a giga menhera that can't stop lying. All the shit in the OP. What else do you want?
>Got all her friends harassed.
When did she get Mint harassed?
NTA but it would be nice if you could convey an original thought or argument rather than regurgitating February spiel and OP's quarter-truths.
so when the ax concert sis?
>off model hips
>off model tits
>>>she's so hot guys
>3 day ban over pubes
Oh no, fuck you gonna do, unplug your modem?
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Nijinigger doesn't watch streams, more news at 11.
>>The new model totally isn't an ftm tranny here look at the concept art that clearly doesn't resemble the end product
Typical niggoon cope
>Workaholic like she always was, proving it was Niji who ficked her doing stuff for 3 years
>Posts MV on time despite the manager taking a free vacation like a lazy bum and get punished for it
>Pays all her invoices, is late sending hers because too busy with her projects so basically she is the only one not getting paid.
>Sis proves to follow her stream more than NijiEN
These baits are so boring that I am gonna post this before scrolling and I bet we already have gone trough Holo, Kazuha to defend NijiEN, and other copes.
>Noooo don't talk about the obvious shit she lied about because everyone else does it!
>Continues to say everyone in Niji are bullies
Hypocrisy much?
what happened in nijisanji this time?
>Nijinig sees a woman
>thinks it's a tranny
Pottery, fit for a fan base made of Twitter tards
Niji truly lives rent free in DokiCunt and her faggoons mind
wow just asking, why so mad? so what happened in nijisanji?
also i watch phase, nijitard
>Please stop shitting on Doki! Talk about Niji instead
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Actually the official nijisanji account said that
yeah its fucking bullshit she gets a lifetime free pass for any and all shitty actions, because everyone has to treat her with kid gloves do they don't get accused of harassing and bullying her for any minor interaction she doesnt like. Chugging a few aspirin and crying about it on twitter makes you immune to all criticism, I expect more people to do it after seeing how successful it was.
>Admitting to being a phasecuck stirring the pot
Holy grim
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Yes, shitting on niji is fun.
They can't buy any of the NBA merch (because the collab was with Rakuten so you need a JP phone number and address to order it), AX concerts were cancelled, and it's looking increasingly likely that EN will be merged sooner rather than later - though I don't believe the 1st July rrat. Meanwhile all of their 'enemies' are interacting in a positive way, destroying most of their rrats about how they hate each other, and all of them are succeeding outside of Niji.
Nothing to be ashamed of, nijitards deserve to get stirred
Said that Niji is evil? I doubt it. They did say Doki lied and they proved they actually did have a reason to private her vanity project. What has Doki proved?
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you just know nijisanji fucked up again when it's doki/sayu bait threads. feelsbadman
You don't need to ask, shitting on Niji is the biggest source of comedy this year, between the sisters's constant state of delusion (that should be studied, seriously) and Niji's constant yabs, how can we stop laughing about it

Sisters still denying reality is quite a sight tho, at this point i would expect from even the most intellectually dishonest people on the planet to at least change a bit

Textbook brainwashing
If they cancelled the AX concerts does it mean the nijisisters spent plane tickets and hotel bookings for nothing?
Fuck, i do have a rakuten phone number and i didn't even think about that lmao

I remember the sisters being smug about it a few weeks ago, but they still got utterly ridiculized by their own guru, how funny it is
all they did was try to defend themselves after doki threatened to sperg out in public if they didn't comply with her demands
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lol kurosanji can't even figure out the right way to milk what's left of the remaining fans
I hope you'll get out of your timeloop someday sister

Enjoy the assbeating you're going to receive in a few minutes in the comments

I'm wondering how many days there is between each loop though
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There was at least one Niji fan from Japan who did. I kind of feel sorry for them because I'm still not convinced the fans from JP know what's going on fully.
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>Try to defend themselves
unironically still Nijiseething I see
I accept your concession.
Nijisanji and fucking over its liver and fanbases? name a more iconic duo
what loop? it was in the termination notice. she threatened and blackmailed them to dump all her allegations unless they did what she wanted, so they tried to get ahead of it. In spectacularly stupid fashion, but still.
Holy fucking grim. Can't even figure out how to milk overseas nijiniggers
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>Threatened and blackmailed
Just like what Lelouch did to your concert
Damn, got a link to said blackmailing attempt?
>State of delusion
>Believes a mentally ill Chinese woman without question
Don't feel too bad for them, I doubt any of the Sisters would have bought any of the actual merch for the same reasons none of them bought any concert tickets.
Her saying she's releasing the document she was blackmailing them with because they started defending themselves against her in her stream
>sisters will literally just see this and type "tranny""
Damn it I've gone back too far, Nijinig you need to buy more tickets before its too late they will cancel the concert
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>isn't an ftm
>an female
She never said that. Stop lying.
>dramatuber clique
when are they going to fight each other like those drama channels? kek
i'm waiting for that to happen
Poor mind broken fagoon. She said so clear as day in her neopet stream
>It's a shame I have to make that public
Where's da clip, sister
In her neopets stream, watch it yourself or read the transcript, you lazy fuck
go kill yourself elira/enna
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>sees a woman
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You had your chance but I ain't timetraveling back to february, so keep on seething
Just give up, you lost, all of these retarded arguments didn't change anyone's mind 4 months ago (holy shit its been that long?), it won't change anyone's mind now. NijiEN dies, gets folded into NijiJP, everyone is happy.
Anyone got the smug cube?
man people are still on this drama, i honestly almost forgotten about a lot of the details since it 4 months ago(?) now, the only thing i remember is Niji keeps taking Ls, and Doki keeps getting Ws.
do you honestly not see how feminine that looks? I know anime boys have kinda tilted your opinion of men, but that is incredibly feminine.
It looks like the kind of lose fitting gay men clothing FTM's like to wear because it hides all the anatomical features that could identify them as a woman yeah
Its a woman's idea of "cool guy" clothes
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Dokube my beloved.
The concert cancellation minbroke sisters extra hard despite none of them even wanting to attend it considering they didn't buy tickets.
I guess it's because they got cucked yet again. They're at the point where all of them are going "okay so what if the organs are shit and the company is shit and we'll never get anything, MUH HECKING WHOLESOME TWITTER COMMUNITY!" or something. Just pure sunk cost fallacy.
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Sure thing, globohomo.
I just fucking agreed with you, you worthless spastic
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Fuck NijiEN
Fuck Doki
Two more weeks, right?
What am I supposed to be seeing here? Because if it's to say it's the same model you might need to get your eyes checked
Besides the weird hand, nothing else is similar holy nijiseethe
If you had good criticism, it would work. You guys' menhara histrionics are hilarious instead of effective, though.
Brand recognition was more important than the "new start" huh?
If only you sisters would move on, it's been 4 months
>doki bait threads popping up more lately again
What happened to niji this time? Is it because of the recent issue with hex's fanbase? I saw them talking about it on twitter, does anyone have any screengrabs?
wait this is new to me, tf happened?
they fucked up so overseas fans can't buy their NBA merch
Honest question what is this seething about her model that sisters are clinging to? The silhouettes aren't the same sans one hand.
>can basically do anything without ever facing consequences
Did you just notice that she's a woman?
>What happened to niji this time?
Nothing, which is why we're back at Doki. If there's nothing going on there'd be Doki bait threads for the next 2 years
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>happened to IN
>happened KR
>happened to ID
>it won't happen to EN
EN is different.
I don't know. I guess they think it is illegal for you to work with an artist who worked with you at a company that fired you or something.
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>What happened to niji this time?
God, this again? When will you SHITsters realize that she is untouchable and has been for months? Fucking go to AX and try to scream out your bullshit non-arguments in front of the HYTE booth, see how quickly you'll get utterly humiliated. Pussies. But what am i saying, you're too pussy-shit to even post your shit on Twitter. The only platform you have left is /here/, and that's only because the worst you're getting here is verbal BTFO'ing without risk of tying your accounts to your bullshit.
I'm sure they wish it was. I saw at least one retweet in Japanese of Kamame's pic of the new model saying that they'd never support the artist again.
Search #loveforsicklings (eugh) on twitter. Apparently there was bullying and harassment within their fanbase
More sneed, sister? Are you not ssatisfied to self own and being laughed at?
Not according to the Q4 financial report, they're not. All support has been cut off, lmao
>doesn't know that liter is the standard measurement of volume regardless of state of matter.
Schizo OP
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It's interesting that no one ever stopped to consider, that maybe Elira was referencing that One Piece scene to hint that she volunteered herself to protect other livers.
what? they are dead like IN KR ID
Yeah, Enna and Millie. And all the while not even realizing that she threw them under the bus while doing so
still one of the most WTF self report i have ever heard, it funny af now, but oh boy, back then that shit was wild
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Jesus. When all is said and done Nijisanji fans just want to watch their chuubas, 2024 has been horrible to them.
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>Protecting another organs
lel, never.

Elira ccares for no one aside herself.
Is this a case of americans making up some retarded measurements again?
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They really are a fucking cult, jesas
They can litterally just watch them though you don't even need to participate in twitter or any community to watch them at this point they actually love that they are getting prosecuted it's a full blown fetish thing at this point
I still have no idea what happened, all the tweets are so fucking vague and insufferably fellatious.
no amount of bait threads can ressurect your cancelled concert nijixister
are they even the same person?
the rrat post doesnt has space file name
what were you doing during physics class? drawing in your notebook?
just google liter.
sure, just go look up Selen's termination notice. they say it right there, she was going to go public unless they did what she wanted
just the hand is a little similar?
It is a timeloop, you blabber the same baseless bullshit since months, anons kick you girls's asses, you flee the scene crying about how evil we are, and come back a few days later as if you learned nothing

So either it's a different idiot everytime or you're stuck in a timeloop because it's the only sensible explanation to your chronic idiocy and psychiatric denial of reality and easily verifiable facts

So yes, i hope that you do get out of your timeloop someday, because despite evything i think of myself as having a good heart

Good luck sister !
searched it but all of them are vague
They also said she wasn't paying artists and that was a fucking lie.
The same termination notice where anycolor said she didn't pay artists which ended up being a lie?
Is this in reference to some of them attacking a clipper fan of his a few weeks ago? I know there were some rumblings about that around that time. There doesn't seem to be any actual mentions of what's happened (probably because they're at least somewhat smart enough to understand that non-Nijifags will be reading).
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>rent free
Is this you faggot?
>How can you tell if your oshi has moved on?
If You Want Something Done Right Do It Yourself
You Cannot Move On Until You Accept This
Mucho texto faggot
Good luck with the merger
*some* artists defended her, not all of them
I don't recall a single artist that corroborated Anycolor's claim that Selen was the one who was withholding payment. Those who remained silent weren't in support of their claims, not necessarily.
but still, there's no way to say she paid every artist. I'm sure plenty of them just didnt want to get involved and get shit on, the way anyone who goes against doki gets shit on by the fagoon army
>inb4 they were just scared to speak out! *cries in cancelled concert*
Can't you just use a japanese forwarding service to buy it anyway? Yeah you'll get raped for whatever the fee is but still?
Different head shape and hair style and color? What's this edit supposed to prove exactly beyond her having the same artist?
Also 'Why Capitalize Almost Every Word?'
Have you ever interacted with artists, particularly online? They talk nearly constantly, feeding info to each other about clients - usually in private discords or through DMs. If there were any actual artists who'd been screwed over by Selen there's no fucking way she'd still have access to the number of artists she still does as Doki. This is a pathetic cope on your part.

>Invent a situation and then persuade themselves into believing it's the truth despite, as usual, the several kilometers of things proving the contrary

"I...i swear she's evil guys !"

Kill yourselves
You know nothing about Doki. She always supported artists. Do your reps before making your nonsensical non-arguments based on suppositions.
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Meanwhile, in reality, Nijisociopaths are busy doxxing each other
I was sure someone would have spewed that bullshit, I just didn't expect it to happen while I was still typing the message.
Ah that explains it then they're eating they're own again.
>saving someone during a dark time
X to doubt. He's the type to make everything worse. #cut4hex, anyone?
You're getting raped on not just the fee but the items you get are also a lottery system so you have to pay big dollars to guarantee you get who you want out of the 10 people in this set.
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>How can you tell if your oshi has moved on?
Kys faggot
>Collab is also a gachapon
Nijisisters truly deserve their black corpo
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not reading that
You first.
>This edit to give the new model the old models color scheme is evidence of something
Come on now you can do better then that
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Odds of OP being one of hex's fans that got doxxed seething?
No laughter only pity.
damn even after this edit, it doesnt even look like Selen
There was an artist that up and said Selen paid her late but blamed Niji anyways because of cucked they are
Good God Doki being fucking evil is such a turn on, thank you OP for reminding me why fucking love my oshi, now I will proceed to masturbate to Doki's evil doings using your tears as lubricant, so excuse me.
how do you know all this? are you a regular of her streams?
fellow dragoon take your meds
next thread
it's just Millie hatewatching
she has extra time to do that after her friends' concerts got cancelled
please understand she is having a hard time with the incoming Nijien merge
I like how you just made some shit up and put it in the OP like nobody would call you out on your bullshit

OP is a bundle of sticks who rapes his dog daily
I've never watched her before, and never will
Heading into Doki's 6th month of free rent
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Cant Doki and Mintfags be less retarded
Where is the:"Is day XX of the 3-day special operation against Doki" ritual poster when you need him the most? I might take the mantle and do it myself
A few hours would be like 2 or 3. 37 is more than a day, retard
She seems quite open talking about her struggles working with clients and her staff. I hope she continues to compensate them very well for all the trouble she throws at them.
I was just thinking "huh? this doesn't seem to correlate with anything". thanks for the clarification.
>B-ut but but
Get a life, Antonio Silva
She will be proven a menhera with enough time. Never trust yellow women raised in an Anglo country.
NTA, I think after some looking I found the case in question--though the artist didn't bring their situation to twitter, other people did; artist even asked the tweet to be taken down. Obviously, it wasn't.
>Selen owed me money and then disappeared, I asked her again after over a month, she finally paid me today
It sounds like it'd been forgotten/put on the back burner due to the circumstances behind the "disappearance", but at least didn't require multiple attempts to get a hold of?
Just two more weeks.
Still wouldn't excuse Nijisanji's treatment of her or the shit that led to her termination and what happened after.
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How's Singapore?
Nijjers are complete scum because they think someone being ill means you have the right to kill them.
Basically me except the 2 points
Nta but are you really that much of a newfag?
Singapore has been for a long time what Hong Kong became 4 years ago. A glitzy moderately authoritarian dystopian city-state.
don't care, I still hate nijiEN and still love Doki
It's how you know they are all SEA.
It's great as a tourist or as a foreign worker (at least as one from a Western country).
t. worked there for just under two years
I don't care about her anymore now that she's so ugly
If you call me a Nijisister it's time for you to go dilate
style is also different, greentexting instead of vagueposting
Are you so fucking retarded that if someone is revealed to be a chronic liar with a million different illnesses, you'd still believe every single piece of horseshit they said and somehow spin it to everyone bullying the menhera?
The retardation is like the whole appeal
But enough about Enna.
Enna said nothing that could be construed as a lie. Fucking rent free
>multitude of instances of psychotic behaviour
>one mention of BPD dating back years ago, not showcasing ANY symptoms
You tell me who has "a million illnesses".
Tell me about how Enna is still a virgin.
enna "don't go digging for the truth" aloupette
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People seethe about the post but he's 100% correct.
A lot of people, including myself, still haven't received any merchandise yet.
She does admit to ghosting people for days at a time when she's stressed out, she bragged about doing it to rpr and her managers at Niji.

Niji is still a shit company but parading her around like she's the savior of indie vtubing when all she does is play video games and overwhelm herself with commissions and projects that will never see the light of day (where's the Minecraft server Doki? 1.21 is out and I don't even know if it's paper or forge?) has always felt weird to me.

Also ngl her new outfit is a downgrade from her old one.
>not showcasing ANY symptoms
Lol. LMAO even. I guess her melty about her parents that she tried scrubbing off the internet isn't real anymore. Or her menhera tantrums while playing apex
Unless you fucking inspected her hymen yourself, you have no room to say whether she's a virgin or not, schizo
>where's the Minecraft server Doki?
Thanks for confirming that you don't watch streams.
You would really put your eggs in Enna's basket, anon? Enna? That one bitch who showed god only knows what sorts of pictures to her genmates, to the point where REIMU of all people was fucking horrified? You know, Reimu? The cunt who defended the noncery of her ex-boyfirend who drove an underage kid to attempt suicide?
Nta but Selen did show bi polar behavior more than once. Like when she got incredibly mad that rpr would banter with her and left the call with him
Or the time that she got beat in apex by 3 people who didn't even rank diamond
Or the numerous times that she lost tournaments

If you can pull up any of her old apex streams in Niji her menhera starts showing up
I don't have a horse in this race but one thing that I found surprising is how many dragoons try to push her to make her own vtuber agency, which seems like a recipe for disaster if something goes wrong. Or is that more of a meme?
Saying stuff like
>I'm working on it
>It's coming along
And etc while her membership has been void of any updates on it for months isn't exactly what I would call "progress"
>Apex meltdowns
Where? Show me one genuine meltdown.
Fuck off, bugman. Your mother is a whore.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
A poem

Selen’s hairy dragon pussy/
The pubes are now blonde instead of purple/
The scent remains the same

Thank you
It's mostly a meme. She opened a "corpo" (Dokibird Production Inc.) but it's only for her, most likely for tax purposes.

Further confirming that you don't watch streams.
>Retarded schizo babble with no proof
More looping, are you gonna dox people and eat another vacation or something?
A lot of dragoons do think that she is the absolute best at everything and completely infallible.
Truthfully though she gets overwhelmed easily and often sets extremely high goals for herself then fails to meet those goals and gets depressed.
Nta but she has literally stated in a recent stream when it is going to go live. You don't watch streams.
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>being a toxic gamer is proof of BPD
Oh get the fuck outta here.
>getting tilted while playing fps games is a sign of BPD
Seriously sister?
Nta but the biggest meltdown that comes to mind was the kills tournament where Reimu Finana and I think Elira all were on one team vs her and she claimed that she would get more kills than them together.

But because they were lower ranks they got easier matches and they ended up beating her. She got so angry that she left the call then ranted on stream for like another half hour and eventually cut it out of her vod.
>Show me one genuine meltdown
You don't watch streams? KEK Doki's number 1 cock suckers don't even bother watching her. She ran away crying because RPR and some other dude made fun of her KD despite her doing the same thing consistently. She got into so many fights with Axel during VSaikyo that their coach had to interrupt them and the coach had them play training grounds to calm her down
A sister is talking to me about doxxing?LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>Her having meltdowns over video games isn't proof of BPD. Ignore her livelihood entirely being about video games
>Her accusing her parents of being psychotic isn't proof of BPD because uhhhhh

This is also true. The whole reason her apex team fell apart was because she refused to be shot caller and then kept arguing about the called shots.
She had a whole Twitter rant about how she had a coach look at the footage and she was totally in the right with every shot she called.

It was made fun of for like 4 days by catalogfags because she failed to win yet another tournament and had a meltdown over it
She killed Niji, I don't care
>parents parents parents
Again,, fuck off, zhang.
I'm incapable of watching every stream and some of the games put me to sleep honestly. Sand land in particular is so boring....
The funniest part is that she refused to be the leader and Altare was a noob so the only person that could do it was Axel and he constantly talked about nervous he was since he was only the leader because of process of elimination. Then Selen decides to constantly argue with him and blame him 24/7 despite it being her fault he was leader at all. What a bitch
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>4chan timestamp filename
Try harder next time, sister.
Why are you insulting your oshi, faggoon? Do you think she'd appreciate you insulting her motherland?
I'm on mobile, it automatically uploads my files with the file name unless I say otherwise. I've changed the checksum of the file but this is the exact same screenshot
Why are you people so mentally ill and angry?
Oh, keep in mind the only reason Selen was in that tournament at all was because Axel chose her and had to convince the organizers to let her in
>OP being retarded and MAD as fuck.
I feel like our oshi would read this thread and just laugh at how stupid the op is :D
No, you cocksuxker, you don't get to hide behind her when it's convenient for you. To you, she's "a fucking traitor who slandered and blackmailed her ex-coworkers", but the moment mainlander scum like you gets exposed you fucking falseflag and misdirect. Eat a tub of shit.
>Her accusing her parents of being psychotic isn't proof of BPD because uhhhhh
I find really funny how you're trying to push this thing for months and you always get shit on for it.
Keep making a fool of yourself for my amusement, you absolute buffoon.
Okay, but imagine feathered lamia Doki
Look at this dude trying to do damage control after he got caught red-handed, lmao.
Her parents are genuinely awful, I believe that but I also won't deny that several other people have pointed out that she's had multiple breakdowns over one of her favorite video games and one she's spent endless hours on. Been coached in by numerous people and ranked to predator two times in.

Ignoring the babble about her parents and you're still left with a history of ghosting people when she gets overwhelmed, and having mental breakdowns over apex
I remember that. I had so much fun watching TSB just fuck around during scrims. Not a single moment did anyone seriously believe they were going to place well, since it was JP tourney with JP participants, and all three of TSB were outside of Japan with shit ping. Really fucking confused why Selen had the weakest mental on tournament day. I felt sorry for Axel and Altare, but I guess they're already used to dealing with their own menheras from Tempus.
>being exasperated when people act retarded
If that's a symptom of BPD, then everyone on Earth has BPD.
Given that she was in Nijisanji, could be something behind the scenes contributing to it.
They didn't seem to hold a grudge against her for it when they played recently either way, no?
They're still friends, and I'm forever grateful for that. Just venting a little. I do hope the stress as an indie is much more manageable compared to the shit she went through at Ancyolor, especially during 2023 with all of Selen's project/event fiascos.
So is it bipolar or BPD? You sisters are so out of your depth you don't even know what condition you are accusing her of having, let alone being able to identify "bi polar behavior".
I can blame Niji for a lot of shit but I'm pretty sure she just was embarrassed about her performance being as bad as it was when she was specifically invited to the tournament because she was supposed to be the clutch player.
She sucked at tournaments where she was under pressure to perform. One of the biggest examples was when she was with Bruce Wayne and her team was like
>There's a guy right there don't go there
And she didn't listen, went there, got downed and then they placed last.
wow literally almost 6 full months to the day and nijiniggers STILL keep seething over doki and her "BPD", I'd tell you to get a life but i know this is your life now and honestly that is punishment enough
I mean. You're trying anon we see that but you need some new bait.
Bipolar, BPD, menhera
Call it whatever you want. It doesn't take away from the fact that it happened, repeatedly. On a game that she was once in the top 500 players for.
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>doesn't even care enough to be consistent in shitting on Selen
Are you waking up from your kool-aid or going in deeper? I can't tell.
>Non stop Niji drama threads in the catalog for 200 days and 200 nights
Oh noooo, retard subhuman faggoons don't like it when I expose their oshi for the fraud she is! Whatever will I do?
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Fuck off Nijisister
>Whatever will I do?
Go on collecting Ls, I hope. Keep dancing for me, jester.
your retarded
Nothing to say other than"Nobody likes you anyways". You retards are genuinely dumber than the average six year old
Delusional Nijisister
Go on, please, your powerless screeching is music to my ears.
I'm convinced the average age range of the anons /here/ are under 16
sister... BPD does not stand for bipolar...
That's not what happened. The whole stream idea was a farce because she was menhera'ing about tourists hyping her up as some kind of god gamer, while more tourists were trying to tear her down for being a "fraud." So she tried to organize a 3v1 to show she wasn't perfect, as explained in that little rant. It was a stupid fucking idea and any kind of decent management would've stopped her the second she proposed it.
Almost as if an entire company already knew her work ethos and tried to tell everyone?
Nta but it's pretty funny that in your autistic screeching you can't even type English correctly whilst accusing others of being underage. You're referring to a singular ("age range") not a plural ("anons") - so it should be "is under 16" not "are". Go back to school (if English is your first language) or learn English properly if you're going to continue using an English speaking site, subhuman dramafag.
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Another Nijiseethe thread
>Grammar faggotry
Nothing else to say?
Sorry you're a poorly educated faggot; it makes sense though. If your only form of entertainment is dramafaggotory on /vt/ then you clearly don't have much going for you in life.
Hahah, Dokibird anti's get fucked and stay fucked.
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You can call it bpd, bipolar behavior, menhera behavior or being a bitch if you want. It doesn't matter what does matter is how quickly she breaks down whenever she's under any pressure during as shown repeatedly through Apex tournaments.

You have her 3v1 that she lost and had a breakdown over, deleting part of the vod (also she was the one constantly bragging about her skills), you had the tournament with Bruce Wayne, the tournament with tsb, the tournament with bo bon, and I'm pretty sure Im forgetting one or two in between. Each and every time she'd underperform, then her extremely upset to the point where she didn't even stream her POV for at least one tournament because she kept repeatedly fuckin up.
I like Doki and support her but pretending like she isn't a massive menhera who is likely on medication for mood swings, self destructive behavior, and etc is just nonsensical
>also she was the one constantly bragging about her skills)
she was not and she's consistently told people to stop hyping her up.
She chokes in tournaments and beats herself up over it, sure, but that's hardly unusual when you actually take a game seriously.
Also the merch thing is literally because she said they'd be acrylic stands and instead was asking if people would like them to be something else, such as shirts/mugs/stickers instead. You'd know that if you actually watched her.
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Great actually.
Just not for Niji.
oh my science!!!!!!
That's a sister, so she doesn't even support her own supposed oomfies and organs.
She may have said that definitely but she also constantly hyped herself up as being a former predator and in the top 500 of Apex players. She would literally attempt to kill other people who streamed it for fun. She even had a stream solo ranking to masters after anons kept calling her a "boosted bitch" .
And like I said she felt bad enough about her post stream rant to where she ended up cutting it from the vod.

I wasn't sharing my screenshot to criticize her but to showcase that I do support her but part of supporting people is recognizing the flaws that they have and acknowledging that they're not perfect. Mint is my kamioshi but I will be damned if she's not one of the most menhera girls I know, like the girl literally cried over a lizard pet in castle crashers, shes cute and a bit menhera. Doki is fine but I don't think that the BPD thing is a lie, especially when you look at her history of Apex tournaments.
I mean... You have a humilliation fetish, right? At this point it's the only logical reason to be here. Not to kink shame, but be a degenerate anywhere else, please.
>leaking mem posts
You aren't a Dragoon. Piss off.
I love how, even if Selen somehow was lying and a genuine piece of shit on par with Vox, there's still so much crap on Nijisanji's part in that incident that it still ends up looking utterly incompetent and malicious, like skinwalking, blatant contradictions regarding the video getting removed and the fucking disaster that is the black screen video.

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