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The Yen, and therefore the domestic market, is the lowest it has been since the bubble burst. This means that all companies that can focus externally, will do so.

Americans have now become the target market for Japanese vtubers. One American is worth 161% the value of a Japanese viewer. You can expect JP vtubers to start acting more like Twitch streamers in the coming months.
>One American is worth 161% the value of a Japanese viewer
OK, but how does this affect Pekora's monkey
They're lucky that they have overseas fans like us to fund them. We're literally the oil barons keeping the industry alive now LMAO
it has now become emergency rations
Jill will wrest control of the Japanese government and declare the return of feudal law.
Lowest in 38 years*
1986 was the last time it was at $0.62
in 1984 it was at $0.42
Still absolutely awful situation for the Yen.
Sucks to be Nijisanji.
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Ririka was playing the long game this whole time
Unfortunately for them, everywhere else has their own economic problems to deal with too. Nobody is winning in this situation.
Except for, you know.
But I thought Nijisanji was winning, how are they still winning despite this, OP?
American expat in japan here, japanese people are really a lot more hostile to americans now that the yen has fallen. They don't want your money, they want the 752,000 americans in tokyo to go to Korea instead.
>yen lowest
>vtuber merch still fucking expensive
The whole reason Vtubers got popular overseas is they're streamers that *don't* act like twitch randos.
Locals in tourists cities are always like that. They love the tourism money, hate the tourists.
But what’s their opinion on the Power Rangers?
Ririka has the highest sc in regloss so yeah lol
A weak yen isn't even a strictly bad thing because it means Japanese manufacturing is more competitive and can take a higher market share. The main limit on sales is a lack of demand, not a lack of supply, so this will be a good thing for the economy overall even if it drives up the price of imports. Some countries (China) actually manipulate their currency to keep it low for exactly this reason, they know that having a greater share of global exports means higher growth.
Parallel imports are destroying a lot of Japanese businesses ATM. You could make a fuckload of money buying a ton of Hololive merch in Japan, and then reselling it for cheaper than retail, but still more than you bought it
kind of incredible how you can dedicate that much time to economics and get pretty much everything wrong
>nips hate tourists
>4chan hates tourists
She's the only one with a sex model, tbf
NTA but can you explain why he's wrong?
I don't understand very much about economy and all
but I am not in Japan now and I am losing tons of money buying from scalpers
I hope you're paid in dollars, man. One year ago I almost took a job in Japan but ended up taking a US one instead. Really glad I made that call in retrospect
>lowest value

But they'll raise prices aka gaijin tax so it doesn't matter anyway.
I don't know
He's right. Don't listen to the other retard.
That explains why VSPO announced a EN gen from nowhere after so late
This is kind of worrying because one of the reasons the Japanese market doesn't care about appealing to SJW is precisely because the yen wasn't so devalued.
SJWs don't buy shit. Westerners are retards for caring about them.
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Bro they're singlehandedly keeping the neon hairdye market afloat
>Americans have now become the target market for Japanese vtubers
You mean chinese
does this mean i can soon mail order a jp waifu bride on the cheap?
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If it holds to Fes next year, it will be a good time. We'll be travelling Japan like Yakuza 0 flashing wads of ¥10,000 yen and drinking champagne.
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not anywhere near the same
>>Americans have now become the target market for Japanese vtubers.
Anon you're daydreaming again
holy sex body
Yes, unironically. However, like all marriages for money, since she won't actually love you, she'll just fuck other men in you're bed while you're at work.
Doesn't that mean that the non-jp holos are getting a worse salary?
Japan is a massive importer of food and raw materials, so even if their exports would theoretically benefit, the input costs will also increase, which will offset all of this.
sucks to suck
i just wont let her learn english easy
Yes technically, but their salary is like .0001% of their income. Superchats, merch, etc are overseas income so the yen is irrelevant there
nta, but i think it's about the big nose tribe
Jiru-kun, I kneel
Yep, and oil.
You know who this also applies to? China.
Food and raw materials are cheap. Manufactured goods are expensive. Importing food and raw materials while exporting manufactured goods makes you big money. It's the strategy that basically every rich country followed to achieve growth.
what value does the dollar even has when the feds keep printing trillions? The American debt is so insane it is unpayable.
Anime is not the cultural phenomenon that it used to be huh.
you don't have to pay your debts when you have nukes
bitch vs bitch, japan is too real
she's so sex
>1 amerimutt is worth 161% of a jap
>1 yuropoor is worth 172% of a jap
>1 ANGLO GOD is worth 201% of a jap
The EU expansion makes sense. Everybody is fighting for the coveted Brits.
But brits have their economy in shitter too
The pound is worthless nowadays.
India is still an untapped market, just saying.
when you get plumbing you can have some vtubers. priorities, man
if jill debuted in homostars he would be the most watched in the branch, im not joking!
they dont hate tourists, they hate americans
most people in most countries hate americans now
that's why I keep a a leaf flag on my backpack, eh?
They've always hated Americans because it's their job
Let a hater hate
That's Shogun Jiru-sama to you
Since when did they start relying on imports? Because if they aren't relying on imports then this is a major boon for their export driven economy.
But British people don't receive many pounds in their job
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Americans just have a lot of household disposable income, beyond the exchange rate.
The Japanese are poor now with the 35% decline in the yen making imported goods expensive AF
I can finally treat JP Holos the way I treat the ID girls
It's fucking simple, you retard. Just because somewhere else has a stronger currency, it doesn't mean that the target market would be across the globe. Do you think Bollywood stars give a single shit about the US?
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my niggas
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This the main argument I can think of as to why Niji wouldn't merge the EN branch and keep them around if only for optics sake. Getting rid of the EN branding all but signals Nijisanji abandoning the overseas market. Yes, they did mention that they would be focusing on local growth for the mean time but that doesn't equal "giving up" on the overseas market. They could always argue to investors that they can go back to refocusing on EN once they've fortified the homefront. It'd be a hell of a lot harder to sell that if they get rid of the EN branding.
She also is the most persistent english speaker. Honestly she should do more EN streams. They are a novelty to the other JP members but to Ririka its gives her far more relevance than anyone else in Regloss.
Anon. You never heard of Super Sentai?
They hate PR. PR to them is a bastardization of sentai
VSPO honestly should have done it earlier. Other than Arya, their two debuts are too mid. They should have poached Dokibird when they had the chance
There is not a corpo in the world that would touch Doki at this point. I don't think even VShojo would take her.
Yeah, at THIS point. Im talking 2020. Of VSPO had gotten dokibird in 2020, vspo en would have a stronger headstart
They don't hate PR they actually think it's neat -- at least Mighty Morphin -- as an American take on it
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no they don't and what hate does exist is mostly euroseethe.
It's the Super Mario USA of Sentai shows
Give us flags you coward mods! You will see the face of the anti and shitposters!

The truth is Germans have subplanted Australians as the worst posters on this site! I have seen through their charade!
The way Poland is looking at me right now is making me kind of nervous.
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>40 years
Stop numberfagging!!!!!!!!!
I disagree. The EN brand is completely and utterly tainted at this point and its reputation is only get worse as long as they keep it on bare minimum life support and let the remaining talents/management continue running it into the ground. I think the most likely scenario is that EN gets merged while they focus on the JP market, and then any hypothetical future attempts at overseas expansion happen under a completely new branding later down the line.
Notice how only the countries where people can speak English realize how awful Amerimutts are.
I love smart sluts.
>Americans have now become the target market for Japanese vtubers.
Open up a twin audition
Why are you asking here, you know how it affects you
Can’t do it too often or she’ll alienate her more numerous JP fans like how people bitch that Fuwamoco are alienating them for going to Japan
Did you forget nijisanji india?
America lost the Petrodollar. Actual target market is China.
>A new EN branch
>Sustaining the old failed EN branch
Which is the better option to bring back fans?
Sounds like a good time to gatcha.
time to buy the merch
This isn't really "we like tourists" it's geopolitical stuff, aka "how much we need the US to keep someone else from fucking us over".
I'd rather have them hate us than listen to the fucking Californians
So what does this mean for JP members living in Tokyo? Are domestic goods more expensive for them? Do they pay more for stuff off of like Amazon or Overseas websites? I don't think many travel overseas outside of sponsored work-related trips so I don't think that hurts them much directly if that is more expensive.
Their domestic prices are slowly creeping up due to import costs and very, very minute increases to interest rates and wage bumps, but very minor. It's only when it comes to foreign items or going overseas, like that 5ch post like
>In Hawaii I exchanged 10,000 yen for $56 dollars
>After 2 meals, it was over
>There is not a corpo in the world that would touch Doki at this point
Kanade definitely has the capacity to do more English streams. I've only caught parts of her English streams, and I'd say her pronunciation is better than Ririka's, though her vocabulary might not be as wide
Recent visitor to Japan here, pretty sure they dislike the millions of Chinese and Korean tourists and hundreds of thousands of Indian and Arab immigrants as much if not more.
Because she turned a disagreement with management into a gigantic public PR disaster
Why would you want to tap into a vessel of literal shit?
Wait, she was the one that released her own Termination Notice to the public? Why didn’t you let people know?
She caused that whole ordeal? How?
That's an oxymoron
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a disaster... for who?
By posting a video she didn't have permission for. You can say that she should have had permission or whatever, but when your boss tells you not to do something, and then you do it anyway, and rant against them in public, you are not exactly endearing yourself to other future employers. Corpos want someone that will play ball, and she isn't that
For her ex-corpo, which is the point
And yet, after leaving, she's shown herself more capable and respected than the entirety of the corpo she was apart of. I really don't think you can fault her for that. She's a literal money printer.
The actual reason no corpo would hire her is because there's nothing they could offer that she can't do better herself right now.
The adult way to handle that situation would have been to complain to management, quit if they refused, and then go indie. I can absolutely fault the way she handled that, it was extremely unprofessional.
...Anon? Are you okay? That's literally what happened.
gen 5 now while the market is hot
I don't know, anon, any reasonable person/agent (i.e., corpo) would consider how Niji handled the situation and realize some dodgy management was going on. I would say that she's still indie by choice, and why wouldn't she be? She's doing quite well on her own
Sure, if you skip the part where she publicly blamed them and told people to pirate it, and then attempted suicide?
>to complain to management,
She did, they ignored her
>quit if they refused,
She did, or was going to, but Niji decided to shoot themselves in the foot and fired her in the worst way possible instead. Had they reached an agreement with Selen and put out a termination notice, everyone would have understood the reason, but the backlash would've been minimal. Instead, we got the past 6 months.
Otoh, Pomu did exactly what you've suggested and has also yet to join a corpo, though I don't think either of them lack the opportunities to join one, but rather don't want/need to atm.
A job interview is the same as a date, if you start talking about how your ex was a crazy bitch, it's not a good look, even if it's true
If she had just graduated or even received a curt termination as a result of this, it would have been bad for Niji, but salvageable. Instead they pursued a scorched-earth campaign against her and made the problem easily ten times bigger than it needed to be. They really have no one but themselves to blame, yes she obviously broke the rules but she didn't force them to kyoani themselves.
>Sure, if you skip the part where she publicly blamed them and told people to pirate it
How you think that situation was handled depends entirely on how you interpret ownership. She paid for that video with her own money. Sure, the company owns everything produced by the talents, but upon learning that talents have to pay for their own media, most reasonable people would consider that arrangement as predatory and unfair.

So her telling her fans to "pirate" (i.e., download a free to watch, public video) the media she had commissioned and paid for privately, isn't necessarily a bad thing

>and then attempted suicide?
People act irrationally when they feel trapped or without escape. I hardly think using using suicide attempts as ammunition to diminish or defame a person's character is good optics, anon
>A job interview is the same as a date, if you start talking about how your ex was a crazy bitch, it's not a good look, even if it's true
When did she have a job interview? And why do you think she would complain about her previous employer during a job interview?

Additionally, during the whole Nijisanji implosion, she never actively (or passively) told her followers to attack or damage Nijisanji. So, again, most reasonable people/agents looking objectively at the matter wouldn't think she was acting maliciously
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That only applies if you're going in with no context.
Everybody who knows anything about the industry KNOWS Selen, what she did, just how good her reputation is, and how successful she's been after leaving the company.

And on top of that, she STILL hasn't mentioned Nijisanji a single time, much less complained, so your argument is completely moot. Her actions have spoken for themselves. Stay seething.
Yes, Niji also fucked up.
She signed the contract. She knows the rules and she shouldn't throw a tantrum when held to the terms she agreed to. I feel bad she attempted suicide, but she also chose to make that public which served as ammo against Niji.
The entire context of this weird Doki-defense-squad was whether another corpo would want to hire her. Which would involve a risk assessment and interview by the prospective corpo
Again, corpos don't care about your moral crusade, they care about scandals and brand risk.
It's bizarre to consider it that way. Doki was clearly the victim in that scenario. Nijisanji is the brand risk constantly involved in scandals and losing legal cases left and right due to them.
Doki is only a brand risk if you plan on being as bad as Nijisanji.
>She signed the contract
>never mind that it's a black company that actively worked against her after she signed the contract, that doesn't matter

>The entire context of this weird Doki-defense-squad was whether another corpo would want to hire her
How do you know another corpo wouldn't want to hire her? This is the weird, pre-conceived notion nijisisters have that compel them to believe she's blacklisted in the industry, when reality shows that she's smashing it as an indie where she retains 100% of the profit she makes
>b-b-but she hasn't signed her soul away to another shit company where she will be beholden to their rules and give them a massive cut of her money
>surely that means she's unhire-able, so I will create scenarios in my head that confirms my fantasy
Thank you for confirming that you're a seething nijisister. Your posts reeked of it from the beginning, but you've demonstrated some first-class copium in your posts
>Americans just have a lot of household disposable income
Everything costs an arm and a leg in America except goyslop, circumcisions, and transurgeries.
Companies care about them because the bankers and private equity behind their credits and smooth operation will destroy them if they don't.
This, and also that sweet, sweet DEI cheque from Blackrock entices a lot of boot-licking companies
Companies, Japanese especially, would rather pass on a lucrative talent than one that invites controversy. She proved herself as someone that, when she disagrees with her company, will not quietly suck it up and do what is asked of her. Fair or not, that's what is wanted from a corporate employee

Good for Doki for doing well as an indie. She doesn't need a corpo job. She also couldn't get one if she wanted it at this point. Both are true. I think you have never worked a corporate job in your life.
Thankfully they can't really touch something like hololive, the entertainment industry relies on being entertaining and tranny types aren't
There have actually been a lot of news articles lately of Japanese women travelling to other countries for prostitution.
>She also couldn't get one if she wanted it at this point
>Things nijisisters tell themselves to validate their false realities
you probably never had any kind of job at all
Aside from trying to kill herself twice inbetween, yeah.
I have done lots of hiring, and while it isn't exactly the same thing, one of the steps is looking at the social media presence of the candidate. Googling Doki would turn up a million red flags.

For the record, I am a Holofan. Actually, the only Nijis I have ever watched were Pomu and Selen, because they played a game I worked on. I don't have anything against them.
>the entertainment industry relies on being entertaining and tranny types aren't
Hollywood begs to differ. Granted, it's jewish through-and-through, but it's an example of the agenda. And since the yen is so weak, Hololive could start kowtowing to DEI to secure (((American))) money.

Though Yagoo seems to be a principled chad (unlike Riku) with a vision for Hololive, so hopefully he stays strong and keeps the demons away
he already told investors to fuck off though, and profits have been increasing yearly
they should have stayed in america. stupid dogs.
You have no idea how evil those (((creatures))) are... They live for destruction. They seek to destroy anything of value in this world, and then the world itself.
have you seen holostars' fanbase?
>one of the steps is looking at the social media presence of the candidate. Googling Doki would turn up a million red flags.
Look, you're not wrong, but you're coming at it from a legacy company perspective. Doki is an internet media personality and would consider employment with internet media companies. Those internet media companies operate differently to legacy companies; they're not your typical white collar pencil pushers.

They would be able to discern internet drama as they live and breathe in that environment, while legacy companies would just think
>If drama, don't hire
regardless of right or wrong. I would argue that if those internet companies had their fingers on the pulse of the drama, they would understand that the vast, vast majority of people would consider Selen/Doki the victim and her actions justified, contract or no. And in doing so, they would also catch wind of the plethora of other previous Niji talents that had issue with Niji management.

If the company was reasonable, they would understand the constraints Niji placed on her was what caused issue. Vshojo is one such company that has lax contractual obligations which she would do well under, so to say with any degree of certainty that she wouldn't be hired by /any/ company is unreasonable.

Regardless, this is all just speculation. So to argue about her employability is moot. The fact of the matter is that Niji got clowned on and companies should use them as a model to /not/ follow

>he already told investors to fuck off though, and profits have been increasing yearly
Absolute best girl moment. May his reign last forever.
No because they pretty much stay isolated in /MANS/ and tend to not cause trouble.
The shitstirrers are just LARPers who don't watch streams and want to cause drama.
I mean the actual fanbase outside of /here/
I agree that there is some tolerance for drama when hiring entertainers, but the kind of vtuber drama that would be acceptable to a corpo IMO would be stuff like being secretly married. The kind of drama that is poison to working at a corpo is anything where you have attacked your previous corpo.

I will however easily agree that Niji could not have handled it worse if they tried.
Doki didn't ever attack anyone lmao, niji literally attacked themselves for attacking her, she's long over that period of her life
Hololive EN is the future of hololive, get used to it last samurai. Your days are numbered
Seriously though, Gura is probably at this point the most profitable member if thats the case
We have arrived at a middle ground, though I still believe we differ in opinion of what constitutes an "attack" on your previous employer, as I would argue that Doki never did anything malicious towards Niji that wasn't perfectly legal recourse.

Though I will just leave it at that and agree to disagree.
>she's long over that period of her life
hey guys what the fuck does doki have to do with the value of the yen?
yeah she's so over it she did a michael cat
if you're mentally ill enough you can link doki to anything
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>Somehow a thread about the japanese yen devolves into yet another feces flinging session over Nijisanji
You people are so tiresome...
That said, how do we fix the yen?
>Yen devaluing
>Japanese Vtubing companies looking to grow international market
>Speculation of VSPO's market growth if they had created an EN branch earlier, possibly hiring Dokibird before she joined Niji
>Specifically Dokibird because she became the most popular NijiEN girl
>Therefore, Doki would have had an effect on VSPO's net revenue now that the value of the yen has crashed
>Deranged nijisister saw the name "Doki" and proceeded to seethe and cope and derail the thread

>if you're mentally ill enough you can seethe about doki over anything
nijisanji should be dissolved, all the money donated to hololive
just don't.
branch to other countries and stop relying on the yen.
The Japanese government has to actually raise interest rates for it to happen and they're a far cry away from that and it's not going to be made easier it in an environment when the EU is already lowering them again and the US is going to as well in the 2nd half of the year,
>That said, how do we fix the yen?
Sell Riku's yacht on the international market and use the proceeds to bolster Japanese industry. And of course, never cede anything to (((international bankers)))
>Japan's interest rate is 0.1%
Holy fuck
you don't. it's a japan problem.
Yeah, that's why capital investment has fled the country and why Vtuber companies were pressured into expanding overseas and bore the brunt of whatever consequences came from that from Hololive leaning more into HoloStars or Nijisanji accelerating debuts for EN to Brave Group opening up 3 new branches in the West and more in other countries outside of Japan and why their Japanese homo group and another unit called Vlash has been getting scraps for support. Until the BOJ gets their head of the ground and grows some balls, it's going to keep the yen at record low levels.
But I like Japan and want to help.
TLDR; If your JP Oshi was barely making ends meet with VTubing as work, she's now effectively incapable of sustaining herself through vtubing alone.
Also, this means that the majority of people in Japan right now can no longer afford international travel which is funny because they were warned a lot of times that they should have done it while they still could but always said that maybe later, now that later doesn't exist.
>Also, this means that the majority of people in Japan right now can no longer afford international travel which is funny because they were warned a lot of times that they should have done it while they still could but always said that maybe later, now that later doesn't exist.
Would they even care about that? The Japanese sentiment towards international travel has seemed quite apathetic for a long time
They're Canadian
Is it anything to do with Visa and Mastercard dicking around with DLSite, Pixiv Fanbox and Fantia?
>your JP Oshi
your non-hololive JP Oshi*
Become a sex slave to a Chinese billionaire doesn't seem so bad
Japanese interest rates were negative until just a few months ago, and had been for nearly a decade.
Chances that the USD to Yen rate drops to around 1:120 within the next few years? Because if I buy now and assume a future 1:120 rate, I'd see a return of at most 34.17% (obviously less for exchange expenses). At an interest rate of 5% compounded annually, that'd take about 6 years to see a return of 34.01%. If it takes more than 6 years for the Yen to recover, it's obviously not worth it. Maybe even 5 years due to exchange expenses.
Anon I am pretty sure rhey hate it. They might make an exception for SPD, but every other season woyld be lacklustre to them
>making imported goods expensive AF
Sounds like a win to me. Should encourage them to focus on their own local goods instead.
Time to buy merch!
>International Views of Biden and [...]
Yeah I'm not buying this propaganda.
you are so dumb. they are in the best condition. they earn dollar and spend yen. or are you those retard who think their audience are all jp now? look for their SC you moron.
This has too much knowledge in it so obviously gonna be ignored by 4chan.
So basically they let ego get in the way of making money hand over fist.
idk, kronii and kiara pretty open complain and demand and i don't see them getting any trouble.
This literally benefits them since all their paypigs are American kek
Cover probably don't appreciate that, but it's nowhere on the level of the Doki fiasco. It basically killed the entire branch.
It's not about SJW dykes anon, it's about their handlers, which finance shit.
Technically, if we don't count SC, merch cuts and stuff, but EN's get more per person in theory. Still, absolute winners are pagpags with American fanbase.
it's not just Japanese yen, NTD is like this too
and people still have the audacity to say that Gura is not the most valuable hololive talent
they won't know the difference between any white guy anon, let's not pretend Japs can differentiate English and something like French or Italian. The same way how average American won't see the difference between two slav.
**Japanese yen to NTD is like this too
I think what she did was right, but that's not the point. The point is that corpos would be afraid to deal with her, because if mismanagement happens she won't sit it out and will try to fuck you over for fucking her over.
Ok, but if your ex start slandering and say that you are a crazy rapist, then you might need to address that.
>euroseethe is speculated
>euroseethe immediately happens
Whats the word in your eurobabble for dense?
Consider the flip side. If you were on a date and the person's ex showed up and started calling them a crazy rapist, would you give them a second date?
where is canada located anon?
its the look of someone living too close to russia and still dealing with ptsd related to germany
wait is this why they released another EN gen so soon? that makes sense actually
Canada can call themselves American when they're the most important country on the continent
>would you give them a second date?
If I really liked the person and had access to a wealth of material that proved the ex is batshit insane and making shit up and every single person except for the ex's batshit crazy friends recognised that the ex is lying scum, then yes I absolutely would
God electronics must be expensive as fuck in Japan right now.
Mint has better numbers than Doki.
I actually saw a documentary on this and why Japan's economy is failing. Basically its "western" educated elites not understanding the Japanese or its economy (which is an extension of itself). By viewing it through a "western" lens they get a warped perception of Japan and try to make it conform to "western" economics. Here's the doc if you want to watch it.

That sounds like the definition of cope if I'm being honest
So how do you explain the Japanese economic boom in the 80s? Was the "western" lens wrong about that, too?
Maybe if they don't harass selene to the point of attempting suicide twice, it won't be such a disaster. Point is it's company problem, not selen's problem.
holy COPE
There is no evidence of any kind of harassment. She herself never even said she was harassed over the video thing.
i didn't said livers harass her, i said the company, the management does
>I was hospitalized for an attempt that was caused by a built up of bullying from within&being in a toxic&poor environment for numerous months that led to my breaking point.
If she had her way, she would've left completely quietly with no drama whatsoever.
The black screen stream enough is evidence of horrific harassment and mismanagement. No sane human being would have EVER let that video go public.
I mean you could take the money you'd spend on scalpers and use it to fund a buying trip to Japan. It's not cheap but the returns are usually well worth it.
Yes, currently. But when they were at nijisanji?
Not like this, sister, not like this...
>Do you think Bollywood stars give a single shit about the US?
Anon even the fucking name of that industry is a desperate cope to pretend to be american. If tom cruise starred in an action movie wearing pink gloves every single bollywood star actor would suddenly wear pink gloves for a year.
Good question
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At niji they were neck and neck, kind of like now.
It feels like it was years ago though...
Oriental-grade copium.
If you can't understand the idea of not needing a central bank or interest rates for a successful economy that isn't cope rather it's your inability to think.
Nigga, I'm watching this right now. What kind of a schizobulshit is this documentary. So far the only thing it bitches about is the Americans got rid of the Zaibatsu, did the land reforms and at the same time didn't purge enough of Japan's wartime cabinet.
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>twitch shiller
lmao even
This board has terminal obsession towards Nijisanji, they are just being tsundere about it
>fix yen
Only japanese government can fix it
Why did you mention that, now I feel obligated to buy more merch
And majority of Japanese don't give a shit about international travel
Japan is kinda fucked. They were once top quality producers of goods but the economic miracle has long since worn off, the technological superiority ceded to China and self-sufficency crippled never to recover again. They can't protect their nationalism because they want these sweet tourist bucks. They can't protect their economy because if China sneezes at the "close export to Japan" button, Japan will collapse. They can't even protect themselves relying only on their JDF, no matter how much Gate they watch. They have a lot less arable land and extractable resources than your average thirdworlders, so they can't exactly whore themselves out in that way.
Their elderly are either high-class still in positions of power, resisting change with all their might, or almost destitute (their pension fund depends on the amount of working people in Japan total). Their youth is completely disillusioned in said society and refuses to participate in it (1,5 million self-identified NEETs last time I heard about it). The middle aged are worked to the bone and discarded before their corpse gets cold, trying to feed the elderly and the youth.
Anime - is arguably their greatest psyop that succeeded in attracting a lot of foreigners out of nowhere, willing to spend real american dollars for paper, plastic and their culture. VTubers as well - latest innovation in livestreaming, letting people detach their probably vibrant personalities from their mediocre looks.
It makes sense that the Japanese are so good at making escapist fantasy. Also to top it all off you have the slowly creeping Toyoko Kids, which is fucking insane.
I also blame Pachinko for a lot of this shit. If you're a music fan, you buy posters and cds which help finance not just the singer, but the team behind them. Buying anime dvds and merch? You're financing animation team and the factories making the merch. Baseball? Movies? Drone aerial clubs? Your hobby finances business and people and circulates through the economy. With any form of gambling you just burn your cash in a machine.
Bros, will we see a resurgence of the Yakuza and delinquent era?
>JPs don't have the money to pay off the Yakuza
>too much coomer content for a new delinquent era
The government found a hack.
it was late but it certainly wasn't from nowhere. vspo manager been going on about it since before brave acquisition
Then the new Yakuza would just terrorize people who do have money, no? At some point extorting beggars and mom and pop shops only gets you so far.
>/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers
Yeah, your oshi can't buy shit.
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so uhh
is now a good time to go to japan?
> No American is gonna be too willing to go to Korea if Japan is far better. Besides only the elderly and middle aged are saying that
India is too centralized and get ultra offended if its not India enough. Its why bollywood exists.
more like most countries in asia are like that, especially SEA currency
They'll live a better life in Japan now that the yen is weak.
>India is too centralized and get ultra offended if its not India enough
QRD? I have 0 knowledge of the Pajeet lands.
>I'm a retarded fuck who doesn't understand real economics much less global trade
As their currency devalues their people will be forced to consume non-imported goods which will create demand for cheaper domestic production on the agricultural and labor side. Their main concern should be their under replacement birth rate which is going to force the gov't to increase immigration to make up for the labor and consumer shortage which will bump their economy but at the cost of their national identity and security.
Wasn't that boom followed by a historic crash that had long-lasting cultural impacts?
>It makes sense that the Japanese are so good at making escapist fantasy.
And a strangely large number of manga come out every year where the plot is "I got transported to another world where I don't have to work or have any ambition or responsibilities whatsoever."
>Japan is suffering a long and slow death for decades
>China is an unstable powder barrel that fucked up their social pyramid with one child policy
>Korea is a corrupt capitalist dystopia ruled by dynasty-run corporation
The Japan '80s boom, like many other booms, was from speculative investing and lending. Once the bills for over valued assets and the loans came due it caused the bust. Fundamentally the cause goes all the way back to after the end of WW2 when US and global corpos were looking for a cheap labor market to exploit. This was good news for Japan because it meant tons of foreign business investments. Eventually their labor market priced itself out of thr market with the advent of India and China cheap labor, but by then Japan had enough infrastructure to maintain their own industries but still wanted and expected economic growth so they started playing with financial instruments which lead to the boom and then the bust.
>birth rate meme
Is this a good time to go to Japan and fuck some BITCHES???!!!
no. they don't like gaijin

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