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So this is what happened to Miyu

>In December of 2023 I left what was a very long and potentially abusive relationship with someone who controlled most of my content.
>They acted as my manager and forced me to say things I didn't want to say, and do things I didn't want to do.
>They forced me to lie about a lot of things on stream, including our relationship.
>They controlled everything that was public; including my DMs and communications/collabs with other streamers.
>If I didn't listen to their instructions, gave any push back, or just didn ́t respond fast enough they would force me off of the stream.
>I was at a very low point in my life due to all the stress this person was putting on me every day, and finally sought after therapy in November of 2023. Therapy was the best choice I ever made, but when my brother heard an outburst over discord he helped me realize how bad it really was..
>That's when I made plans to escape and move back to the state that my family lived in.
>Another chuuba who had a boyfriend slamming both of her holes the entire time
Christ I can't even imagine being cucked like this
Dude succeeded in grooming a 2view only to blow it by micromanaging her.
That's sad to hear. She seemed like a nice girl.
But also this is literally just like my chinese porn comics.
Miyune, she collabed with Neuro a few times
why are women so fucking retarded
honestly, this.
Asks the retard
>boyfriend pushed his girlfriend to stream to make extra money
Isn't this just pimping with extra steps?
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/swarm/ knew this for a long time. Fuck you, Olette.
>potentially abusive
>prefacing all that other stuff
She's either extremely retarded or she's really exaggerating a nothingburger because her boyfriend was a bit mean to her a few times
>it's not my fault it was my evil patner fault
>I'm the victim of a toxic relationship

Narcissist 101
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I don't feel like writing an /r9k/ dissertation but basically society gives them asspats from the moment they're born while forcing boys to wise up or die, so women basically enter adulthood having no clue how society actually works and immediately get their holes gaped by assholes.
Let me guess. She was "unicorn friendly" under her BF control and now she's gonna go full on male collabing, whoring herself etc. just out of spite for him.
Her partner was a woman btw. Not really helping the stigma of abusive lesbians.
you are wrong
Yikes, sweaty! Ableism scares the hoes away!
Why is there a stigma when the abuse rates are the same as straight couples?
Wait actually?
This is how all the "I want a vtuber gf!!" unicorns would actually be like in reality.
Thankfully they'll die alone and with no offspring.
She's talking about Olette, they've been together for years.
>literal victimblaming
Eat a bullet.
I could treat her so much better
Since so many people seem to not know who she's talking about, it's undoubtedly Olette. She(?) used to love ERPing in /swarm/ and is the person who arranged the first collab with Neuro-sama.
Camila deities we fucking WON
Nice to get confirmation that all the Olette rrats were on the mark, even if her abandoning her entire successful channel / brand out of the blue were already proof enough.
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SEX. With Olette.
she also talked openly about manipulating Vedal in Miyune's favor and about how easily he can be fooled
i want her to abuse me too i want her to manipulate me
>lets herself get groomed by her discord bf
>takes zero personal accountability for her actions
did i get that right?
anons were right again, the whole time she was playing video games with her fucking boyfriend on stream.
discord girlfriend
No, you could just read a few posts and look less retarded.
she is not interested in sticky males holy cute girls like miyu
Would let this crazy cunt ruin me just to get a whiff of her armpits
gf, her partner was a girl
Chances are you are and you just don't know it.
That's... even more pathetic, actually. Imagine letting yourself get abused by a woman.
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>All the anons cluelessly assuming it was a boyfriend
>tfw they don't know
It was obviously a lesbian relationship you retarded faggots, clearly you illiterate fucks can't comprehend subtext
>Woman can't even decide whether the relationship was abusive or not
was it a girl, or a "girl"
female (female)
Gotta love how /vt/ will pontificate about how manipulative it is for a GFEtuber to string along her apparently agentless gachis but when someone relates escaping an actual abusive intimate relationship it is her fault.
clearly a schizophrenic female who assumed the role of a male in the relationship and abused that position
probably a bitch who likes controlling other weaker women to feel more powerful than she is
a mentally ill dyke that post /here/ her name is Olette
Keep going, I'm about to cum
It's only natural to doubt the words of a liar.
>actual foids on /vt/
no wonder the catalog's been so shit lately
suffering is cute, she shouldnt have left and she should have kept streaming while holding back tears, to entertain (me).
Olette was a dyke?
I thought that was just a meme and Olette had a boyfriend already
Was it really her and Miyu who were together? It wasn't just a rrat?
Perfect for lgd rape
she should have just know that she was entering a abusive relationship
/swarm/chads took care of her dicking needs
man the lady that tried to break my mom and dad up was like that, she was a total hag, not the endearing kind like the witchy 50 year old bag conniving bitch kind that tried to home wreck a happy family with 4 young kids
Sesbian Lex?
That makes it even more pathetic how many tier 3 patreon cucks she had who paid to play video games with her because they thought they had a chance
>Was it really her and Miyu who were together?
> It wasn't just a rrat?
she was acting as Miyu's manager when in reality she was grooming her to the point of psychosis, she told her what to wear, what games to play, who she could talk to, she even shit talked vedal and the swarm because she got jealous of the attention they were giving her.
I don't believe you, fucking bitches. Pushing all the blame and responsibility on innocent people.
I believe you, queen. Glad you got out of that abusive dyke relationship.
Truly spoken like someone who loves pleasuring men.
I don't know anything about her but if you think I'm gonna watch you after you lied about a relationship for years, think again
Ok, let's see what this is all abou-


And dropped. Best of luck
nah she couldn't keep the act of actually liking viewers enough to have a fanbase, her personality is rotten and bitter (like all dykes)
Lesbians are yikes
holy shit the oletteschizo on /swarm/ was Miyu herself
Why did she wait until Pride month to announce this, though? Such bad optics for the community...
Rushia was married while selling wedding rings.
was a girlfriend, named olette
they do, until they dont
Told you faggots it was Olette all along. Everyone who watched at least 2-3 Miyu's streams knew how bad everything was. Good for her, best of luck
If she don't like it that means that she wasn't groomed properly and the failed grooming get changed to abusive relationship
I can't believe she was forced at gunpoint into a relationship with a terrible person she had zero feelings for... Must every woman live such a tragic life
*goes back to dying alone*
>Relationship drama
the absolute state of EN vtubing in 2024.
That means this would be the perfect chance for a man to enter in her life?
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>the absolute state of EN vtubing in 2024.
>implying this year's biggest scandal was not from JP
It's pimping with less steps, since clients don't even get to fuck the whore. Body kept intact and fresh, only the mind takes the damage, but it's a woman, so her mind was gonna be damaged but whatever else eventually.
>EN vtubing
>implying japenis vtubing is any different in that regard
Rushia drama is 2 years old
anon, that's mikeneko
That's just Rushia with extra steps
Wasn't a dude.
who are lesbians so abusive with their partners? i thought women were good at sex so they should be happy with each other
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You may want to sit down
How do women always end up in those situations?
There was some drama with her after, right? I don't exactly remember what happened, but everyone turned on her or something like that. My memory is fuzzy on that one.
I know you're joking but this is how a lot of people think judging by what's in this thread, so mentioning her ex was a girl probably would have helped
crazy stuff
Abused by a woman, bro how, just ask your bro to help, he would knock her teeth in no matter how scrawny he is. This honestly feels like it was "break up>think it over>I guess it was kinda abusive" shit, rather than active abuse from the other side.
That's just the way brains work, women more likely to side with women, men with men.
My co-worker told me a story about how it happened to his acquaintance, his wife was going to yoga, well no dudes, what can happen right? Anyway, she dumped him and teenage kids on him to go fuck around with her newfound gf.
interesting rrat, you know something?
she was the first Neuro collab, which was great
A real dick will fix her
just read the thread you retarded tourist
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Miyu's "manager" "friend" was well known and active in her community for years. She was some kind of nurse (red flag 1) and was older than Miyu while living with her (red flag 2). Even as an outsider (got exposed to Miyu from the Neuro collab) it was fucking weird how constantly present this "IRL friend" was and how she seemed to call so many of the shots with the channel/moderation/community. /swarm/ keyed in on the fact that this relationship might be abusive very early on. Sure it was mostly in the form of CBT jokes and semi-ironic wishes to hatefuck her but the unconscious zeitgeist of her being a psychotic groomer was there.
I'd like to think, maybe unduly, that we played a small part in bringing this whole sick arrangement down. The massive amount of love Miyu got from an outsider community that this crazy bitch couldn't stand being out of her direct control is what caused her mask to slip more than a couple times.
>she dumped him and teenage kids on him to go fuck around with her newfound gf
God this board is so clueless
Check archive or /swarm/
I'm still not convinced the two of them ever slept together once based on how alien boy has talked about their time together.
Imagine if this turns Miniko hetero.
I'm not going into a den of pedos
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Imagine if this turns her robosexual
What a fucking waste, she has a 10/10 model with the best pose toggle I've ever seen.
Has Vedal colabed with a single normal person?
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Will miss her erotic little feet
Unironically, the most normal person they have collabed with has been Kiara, but that collab was pretty bland due to Neuro being on a tight leash, plus Kiara's ESL accent.
>Watching a fucking code monkey stroke himself off
Fuck off from 4chan.
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>literal believe all women
Rope yourself immediately simp
you will never have sex with a woman
unicorns genuinely believe they are without agency. everything bad that happens to them (suffering created almost entirely in their own head) is someone else's fault.
>My memory is fuzzy
its the normal and non autistic thing is to take a "trust, but verify" route in most any situation and either gender. You noncommittally support whoever but don't stick your dick out any further until you find out more.
good posts too
I am a straight white male and taller than you at both ends ty for noticing
>she collabed with pajeet TTS a few times
Fucking rancid
>million guys that would treat this girl like a princess
>stays with an abuser for years instead
Absolute zero sympathy for any of these whores who only come out after it starts to affect their money.
Reminds me of that one retard that made a comic about how she got raped and then got in a relationship with the guy for years
>pagpag guzzler scared of technology
dont worry anon, youll get indoor plumbing one day
What the fuck do you mean "trust but verify"? That's just going in with a confirmation bias. Either they prove it and you believe or they don't prove so you don't believe it
room temp iq
>pagpag guzzler scared of technology
If that was true the brown shitter would never have made that waste of bandwidth
so you admit transgender people exist?
I mean did you see that Bear Grylls show where they put men on one island and women on another island. The men immediately determined a leader and binded through physical activities, hunting, fishing, building stuff, and overcoming obstacles. Meanwhile the women wanted to have a leadership commune that fell apart into infighting where they were constantly dehydrated and starving. And the show literally tried to give the women a leg up.

The real issue is we and you are holding women up to the standard of men and that is a fallacy in itself because we are just not equal.

The mean were wrangling Crocodiles and catching Sharks woth their bare hands!


Here is SmugAlana reacting to it so it is SORT OF RELATED.
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>Roastie toastie on her phone
>Looking for a big bad bone
>Swipping left and swipping right
>Hoping to find fun tonight
>Roastie Toastie feeling sad
>Can't get no more dick from Chad
>No beta will pay her rent
>For Roastie Toastie's snatch is spent
>Hit the wall at lightning speed
>Thinking you had what you need
>Coke and wine and BBC
>But Roastie Toastie couldn't see
>Now you look three times your age
>Filled with Roastie Toastie rage
>Has no drive she sits all day
>Wishing she could go away
>Roastie Toastie's no more good
>Watching friends live life as would
>Roastie Toastie feeling bad
>Shoulda listened to your dad
>No one wants her anymore
>Roastie Toastie's just a whore
>Can't have kids so get some cats
>Fill your life with shoes and hats
>She had goals and even dreams
>All that died in her late teens
>Now she's old and salt ensues
>Blaming men is her excuse
>Roastie Toastie looks around
>Families and kids abound
>Living life and having fun
>Roastie Toastie's nearly done
>Roastie Toastie no more thrills
>She decides to get some pills
>Two at most the label shows
>But Roastie Toastie's time is close
How is this anything more than the word of one manipulative menhera vs another?
>got married after 6 months of dating
>whore lies to her audience and was in a relationship this whole time
some anons really know how to pick them, huh
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6 months is pretty normal in japan
>>whore lies to her audience and was in a relationship this whole time
>some anons really know how to pick them, huh
I wonder what equine commonality they all share...
A lot of lesbians are what I like to call "deggressive" - depressed and aggressive.
It is incredibly common from what I've seen.
It's why you always see the stereotypical butch lesbian with fucked up haircuts - you know, the generic tumblrcunt "style".
Their brain chemistries are utterly fucked beyond belief, no amount of drugs can help them, it's a fundamental structural issue. (an issue we've only recently been figuring out, we literally only found out this year that males and females have different synaptic links in regards to the reward systems throughout the brain that help reinforce synapse strengths.
We universally used males in tests in the past, so all the research was done there and nobody thought, for fucking decades, to ask "huh, why are none of these drugs working on most females??".
What an asinine take, women have been running rampant with the whole "i was abused" schtick to get out of responsibility for the last while now. It's been so overused to the point that the only appropriate response is immediately prove it with police or public court records or get the fuck out.
chronically online take
I wish retards like this would stop acting like they are well-informed on worldly matters sitting alone in their room knowing nothing about people outside of what they read in their twitter/pol/youtube bubble
Show tits
Nonsense made up by narcissistic whores trying to shift blame to their many lovers.
The divorce rates are also normal in that case.
35% of marriages end in divorce in Japan, while 50% of marriages end in divorce in the USA.
hopefully you keep this mindset when im done raping your mother
>"Forced" by a woman
But how many people live together without marriage in the first place?
And it's 42% in the US, nigger.
Good luck, that semen demon will drain you and your bank account.
>topic has nothing to do with idols or gfe
>brings up unicorns out of nowhere
That's not normal anywhere, I don't know what it being Japan has anything to do with it.
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>her ex was behind picrel model
fuck.. bring him back please
bobble head ahh model
>The real issue is we and you are holding women up to the standard of men and that is a fallacy in itself because we are just not equal.
Women need to have a basic level of responsibility beaten into them, At the least the feminist 'balancing' of schools to promote mediocre girls and punish exceptional boys must stop. If 60% of the gifted classes in their natural non-pozzed state are boys, women just need to work harder instead of constantly promoting women up and giving them false expectations of how the world works by flipping it so 60% of the GT classes are girls.
>SlugAlana watcher
Of course
anon you sound like a woman
any vedal shill fucking off is a good thing for the industry
>muh twitchthot can never be correct
even a broken clock is right twice a day and this is one of them
I’ve actually read multiple posts by female content creators that read exactly the same way. Most return to their boyfriends soon after making the posts…
'twas 2 lesbians actually
yurifags losing I guess
Real, anyone in this thread who doubts this never watched her once. I stopped watching Miyune before Olette got really bad I think (right around the time she debuted her loli model) but I saw her post today and immediately knew who she was talking about.
Tits or gtfo you ugly roastoids. This is why women are able to ruin young promising athletes' lives, because you roasties and simps unconditionally worship them
fuck her and her mods. good riddance
Women will side with other women regardless of the situation 99% of the time
Men are slightly more likely to side with women but it varies with the situation
I've yet to meet a lesbian couple that wasn't abusive. It's like a guarantee that someone is getting manipulated.
Miyune? The blue haired Miku clone? I completely forgot she existed lmao. So she always had a boyfriend? Can't trust anyone these days.
>unicorns genuinely believe they are without agency. everything bad that happens to them (suffering created almost entirely in their own head) is someone else's fault
Were you trying to describe unicorns or women here?
i have it's nothing as special as you like to pretend it is faggot
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>Lesbians abusive
>Gays manwhores
Maybe my animes are not too far off.
I still prefer her original big titty school girl model
1) not a vedal shill 2) never fucked off
Same. This model was such a downgrade >>79604580 and I told her as much in chat
What drugs are you even talking about? For aggression issues?
What is "potentially" abusive?
I do enjoy that any association with Vedal makes holokeks start jumping at shadows.
Who hurt you sis?
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You are so mindbroken.
that anon has a point since all vtubers live off donations, when you are playing the victim you are also going to get a lot of money
Just like doki
Legally speaking don't claim someone is a domestic abuser unless you plan on pressing charges they can sue back for defamation
Sex is fun, but what you actually crave is the relationship with absolute trust in your loving partner. Sex without any emotional attachment is mostly just ok and in the end it actually corrodes your psyche.
If you truly feel it is THAT important and defining, I would suggest building a chair with your own hands as well as going outside.
Men also end up in these situations quite often. Have we all forgotten about the whole Johnny Depp/Amber Heard domestic abuse case already?
lol 50% of lesbians have been in an abusive relationship
And most of those lesbians were abused by men.
>girl gets abused, manipulated, gaslighted, and has her life controlled in every way for years
Yes? I bet she'll go back to GFEbaiting in 2 weeks
I will never watch her unless she goes back to her Miku twintails model. That one was so kino. When she got excited it would go all wide eyed and cute. I do not like the floating loli.
Stupid ass lesbo, go get dick and fix yourself
>She was some kind of nurse (red flag 1)
scissor me timbers
>implying you aren't already
Unicorns are beyond delusion.
OletteKEKS... the rrats were true...
She was really talented from the times I've seen her. Would have made a great holo.
keep begging
Nursing programs have a much lower barrier of entry than medical school. It attracts a lot of people who want to be in positions of power over vulnerable people, chiefly the ill and infirm.
The mean girl to nurse pipeline
Remember those girls in highschool that bullied people into suicide? They work in Canadian Healthcare now
Oh no no no no no, yuri fags not like this
Sounds like the BF was the mastermind in making money and left her and now she is trying to farm karma to pay rent.

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