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Previous Thread >>79575707

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>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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I've never seen it before
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Really looking forward to more Minecraft.
Second best stream will be SC reading
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Alright bros we settle this once and for all.
Who is most likely to fart and why is it Fuwawa.
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Mococo should have had spats instead of those frilly shorts.
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Mococo farts every time she sneezes on stream. Now, is it accidental with the force of the sneeze? Or is it deliberate to cover the sound? Who can say?
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what's a good 12 character name about wanting to fuck Mococo's tight fuckable ass
You spelled portal 2 wrong
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God I wish my nose were by her ass every time she sneezed. Even if it weren't every time, I'd give up all of my free time every day just to stay there and get a chance.
Mococo being the good sister that she is, SENSES that Fuwawa is about to fart, so she sneezes to cover it up for her.
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That's nasty
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Am I the nasty one? Or is she the nasty one for farting?
Higher chance she pees a little when sneezing
who needs a discord raid when the "fans" do it themselves
>making silly joke names is anti behavior
take the stick out of your ass
Noel got a fucking mask because that hentai trope is pretty popular kek
>sexually harassment is a silly joke
anime isn't real life retard
I’m gonna ruin the fun by making names based on their RL.
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>farts = sexual harassment
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Fuwawa would Blame mococo for sure.
did you somehow miss the last two hours here?
I already took the obvious one and won't use it to stop retards like you. There's doing a joke and then there's being an insensitive asshole
Your fault for giving me the idea kekaroo.
Imagine missing 'FUWAMOCOCUTE'
I have an entire list to use
took it now too thanks
Damnit one character off
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sex with Mococo with the intention of making her a mother of a full football team of puppies
Guys im telling holo managers about these names.
No more run escape
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Any guesses which streams will be canceled next week? These are mine
No one is actually going to use these it's just shitposting here don't worry
do you do nothing else during superchat readings? like are you laser-focused on them?
why is it blurry
I’m definitely using the PL ones. It’ll help them learn not to this in the future keky.
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They would never cancel a superchat reading, they love the money too much.
I wonder how the doxxtranny feels about this brown thing pretending to be him
at least we'll have a puptalk
They're not gonna cancel a con event. The will say in wed's FWMC-M that they are sorry but they will have to postpone the SC Reading because they need to prepare for the AX RnR
they will when they lose their voices from screaming constantly during the SC reading
>/cgl/ sisters think they would cancel AX
That's below even threadreading
They have tard wranglers active this week. Cover won't let them fuck up an event, that's the whole reason they got suspended once already
I marked it as a joke to cope with the pain of all of the other cancelations. They would never miss that RnR mini
>onion was watching angel beats
where's my FWMC angel beats watchalong I don't want princess bride slop
I am extremely bitter that the first RnR in months is physically paywalled, with no notice
>We're sorry you feel left out
Princedd Bride is way better than Angel Beats. First 3 eps are good and then the pacing goes to shit.
the previous one was pay walled too
JAV watchalong when
Nuthin to be done. They specifically mentioned wanting to bring back RnR for July in the tweet though, so simmer the fuck down.
The list of things that they have said they want, that we never got, is the first ten pages of my manifesto.
This but unironically
yeah it feels bad but it can't be helped

calm down DUDE
I don't care that there is a RnR Mini that I can't go to, it's the fact this is the first one after months and months of not having one and it's limited with no notice at all. If they could sing suddenly now, why not do one before or at least rerun an old one? At least they seem aware of how bad the optics are too because they preemptively apologized about it and assured us more would come SOON. Of course none of it matters until they actually have a RnR party stream again on their channel.
Shut up
List them
Maybe ??? is an on-stream RnR?
sex with wuffians
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what the fuck is wrong with jagex
Runescape isn't even fun to play
The pain should be somewhat offset by the knowledge they want to be with us this much, it’s just physically impossible
Runescape is shit
Why are you guys spending days planning how to make them logging in to RuneScape for a couple hours miserable
Did I take a wrong turn and end up in the anti thread on accident?
jong is shit
always has been
Because it’s fun KEK.
Do you two just sit around on discord and message each other when you want to raid /baubau/ together? Do you do a 'battle plan' back and forth and then come here and post the same shit as each other with 10-20 seconds between to pretend there's more than just you two being fags? Is there really nothing better to do with your time?
Because Runescape is a terrible game that takes your life and crumbles it up and destroys it. Do you really think they should risk getting pulled into it and lose all of their free time to addiction when they are already sleep deprived and killing themselves? If they have a good time with the advent collab they'll start playing this shit on stream because it "lets us spend time with lots of ruffians!"
/baubau/ is literally my playground kekaroo.
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How much would you pay these two for a threesome?
>>79600146 (me)
Wait that was just a random shitpost, but now I go to /cgl/ and there is a thread up with a certain group in the OP, and the first post is asking if one of them is a troon, kek
>someone says literally anything negative about something FUWAMOCO does
>exaggerated reactions to it
>sisters join after
>every post agreeing with the initial post gets called a sister
every time
FWMC are perfect and have done nothing wrong so therefore any claim made against their character should be dismissed as something that was written by a sister
Underage fags are easily entertained.

no thanks
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I got fired today...
>Something negative FWMC does
>Joining a Runescape collab
You're not slick trying to pose as the voice of reason while adding to the shitposting every single time.
You are schizophrenic
Working on a sunday already sucks, but getting fired on a sunday takes it. Good luck with the job hunting, anon.
Faggot, the phrasing always shows who the poster is, criticism doesn’t include calling them “greedy” or “liars”
there there jobs come and go, i'm sure you'll find something even better soon.
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Anon... what job did you have?
How fucking delusional are you Jesus Christ
If you ignore every other time a simple post gets called a sister then you're right
it's wild how easy it is to have an auto typer built into RS now what the heck why haven't they stopped this? I'm worried about this collab now but if Nerissa has done it without issues it should be okay.
Anyone know where the thread for fans of FUWAMOCO is? I must have missed the split
>open up mio's return VOD
>she begins crying
jailbirds are 100x more mentally stable than ruffians
My man the default fucking chat box has an auto typer feature built in on purpose
The first 2 hours for her first stream were rough, but people lost steam after that. They won't make it past that which is fine, because it's not their kind of game anyways. It will be funny hearing Moco-chan or Fuwawa keep saying "Nerissa where are you?!?" as they click around the massive amounts of people who will show up. That and the amount of times they'll say "Oh my gosh..." to weird shit happening around them.
>first 2 hours
So basically the entire collab is going to be a shitshow with the schizos. Wonderful...
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It'll be fun watching them struggle, but I kinda wish they would've played through Portal 1 first. It's really short and it would've taught them the game mechanics.
Portal 2 co-op assumes you mostly know what you're doing.
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Can't wait for Wednesday
It's a shame they can't get runelite perms so they can just hide everyone else
Yes. I wasn't implying otherwise, just that I will laugh from a few things and expect them to never play again. Cows dropping from the sky, pets all over, people building tiny homes next to them, it'll overwhelm the fuck out of Moco-chan.
EX Troopers is really good
>all of /hlgg/ is shitting on FWMC
what did we do to them bros?
I'm just going to be a simple man autotyping the sex greentext posts
How much are they gonna make during their 3D debuts? I'm betting someone around the totaled amount of both of their birthday streams
It's mostly KFP because someone started a kayfabe argument and preferred how FWMC don't break the meta wall all the time unlike her, leading to this
Have better oshis than them.
speaking of this anyone have any requests of their favorites to add to the queue?
They're puzzle pros
It's just their way of trying to kill all FUWAMOCO discussion. Just ignore it.
The genuine answer is that ruffians used S1 FWMC to shit all over most other HoloENs. so the schadenfreude of S2 is pretty hard to resist.
stop sexually harassing them you fucking dumb gorilla
Ruffians are basically nonexistent on global aren't they?
The first 2 hours of Rissa's OSRS were fine the biggest problem was just there were so many Jailbirds everything was hard to see.
We had it coming to us after we lorded their with ethic and constant insane schedule over other EN fans. Hard to say it isn't deserved a bit
>t. Didn't watch dogs or cookies and cream
It's just the usual egg. He uses Bae most often but mixes it up every now and then.
Who gives a fuck what that shithole thinks?
S1 FUWAMOCO WAS better than all of Holo EN. But I never ventured outside /baubau/ anyways. They came in here and got their feelings hurt.
I'm planning on having 10 accounts there, I probably am not the only one
Yeah, but only because debut period vtubers are generally in the peak of their careers. Just like Justice right now is blowing FWMC's schedule out of the water. HoloEN was already in the burnout phase when advent debuted. It comes to everyone.
Exactly this. Like the faggots who start posting about off topic chuubas and then get butthurt when people criticize them. You'll never see me talking shit about The Rot anywhere because I simply avoid places for discussion of chuubas I don't like, but if you start talking about her here, then I have nothing positive to say.
Next week either is going to be a return to form before a summer with big events or it's going to be an unmitigated disaster of burnout and canceled streams that will push a lot of people to give up on them for the new gen or others
Their ethic and schedule still mog the rest of EN anyways. The lazy whores of EN rightfully deserve to be shit on. But again it's kept to the thread so it's fine.
Justice is a bunch of whores and even if they weren't right now their steams are weak as fuck. I don't find any of them particularly appealing, the green one is tolerable but she's nothing special. Gigi is boring as shit. Red and Pink are whores, Red clearly doesn't know the first thing about streaming and Pink's voice is terrible.
>Two fags still constantly shitting up the threads
How many discord messages do you send to each other a minute to coordinate shitting this place up? You really should stop replying to each other or the same post with 10-20 seconds between your posts.
Meanwhile Koyori, Watame, Miko, Peko
holy fuck they HATE them
yeah like you spamming about how you're planning to grief them for daring to log in to rs is any better than the other retard
>1 stream a day
>already fucked up their monetization streams
their debut week schedule is worse than fuwamoco's next schedule. DOA
All in your mind
oh noooo joke names are going to ruin my collab!!!!!!
The red bitch is fucking it up for the rest of her gen by being the leader, sucking all the oxygen out of the space with unarchived karaoke spam and causing her genmates to miss out on monetizing
>/baubau/ try not to shit on other holos the minute they're mentioned challenge: failed
and you wonder why the rest of holofans hate ruffians
They shit on anyone that isn't Myth.
I think names like "MococoSEX" or "BreedFuwawa" are harmless and fun and just show them we're horny for them without causing any damage
>attention whoring
you know literally nobody cares about gen leaders right
>Global try not to use 4chan as if it was reddit challenge: failed
go back
I'm honestly confused how karaoke kills their monetization. Care to explain?
It's better than the people that are going to be larping as other Ruffians and spamming anti shit
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I don't wonder and I don't care. FUWAMOCO are better than them, and again I only shit on them when they are mentioned here in the /baubau/ thread because fags are trying to push them here. Take your whores and leave.
They are, only the retards talking about doxxshit are going too far, but I doubt they're being serious. Not that it would make any difference, would just go ignored, they received doxxing superchats before, it's nothing new.
I don't think unarchived videos add to the milestones needed on a channel to enable it. it's a low bar and she must have passed it by now but not in time to be confident in having it Saturday. like every stream in her channel is unarchived or rebroadcast of unarchived so far
yeah women LOVE when men catcall them while they're trying to play video games
Probably related to failing to meet the minimum VOD hours quota by privating too many streams? It's all I can think of.
you really can't help but make something about you, can you?
Gotcha, didn't think about that. Thanks for the explanations.
>getting offended on behalf of streamers who are all absolutely unable to handle people being horny for them for sure

How is that about me? Not even connected to my name, it's as anonymous as it gets
You guys are all worrying about OSRS too much. It's an Advent collab which means they are all totally going to be focused on each other, not chat. Rissa will be trying to lead, but she's put 20 hours into the game by being princess carried by Jailbirds with years into the game. Fuwawa will get lost. Mococo will try and find her but she won't know the controls and Rissa won't be able to tell her. Biboo will figure it out instantly and try to get Kaela to play (She already expressed interest in one of her streams) Shiori will be making awkward comments.
Kill yourself, gachikoischizo, stop trying to police fan behavior that has been a regular part of Hololive from the start. Are you really so new that you don't even remember the names they interacted with during Apex?
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>hmmm how can *i* have fun in this ADVENT collab?
actually go fuck yourself
brown things are out using there working dicks,
the sunless are the useless ones.
Damn, I wish that fag wouldn't have mentioned /cgl/ earlier. Some of their fans 100% come here to be absolute shiteaters.
>No argument
Go back.
stop trying to police my behavior
When you consider that that thread gets a LOT more replies about them than they get twitter likes on important announcements, there is a 0% chance they're not all here to get feedback.
? what argument do you think you're having?
>no u
>no u
Let's be real, /cgl/ and /jp/ were partial FuwaMoco and Kiara territory, /b/ and /a/ were Mori and Ame territory, and /mlp/ was Gura territory.
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I just opened the site and sisters are malding everywhere
I'll just assume its nij*gers bullshit again
I mean with the whole "ganbare week: subject to change!" thing, even they know they're gonna be canceling shit
they never said fuwamoco was recommended watch streams
fWmC chads we exist outside of the law
damn sounds like kino is on the menu again
There's an actual brony in Hololive now and it ain't Gura.
they should have never released a schedule to begin with
Seagulls have been a fucking plague since the days of even /jp/. Jealous fatties and trannies mad that the virtual avatar skips the whole 3DPD. Not to mention they're all crabs in a bucket so every time someone like Kiara or FWMC makes it, they seethe even harder.
They probably did check but since both of them speak japanese they probably had better places to talk about their interests. /cgl/ is important because of cons, but /jp/ seems like such a waste of time if you're not EOP.
Kind of unavoidable when they've got con appearances and collabs this week. I do think everything but those and whatever the ???? stream is will end up cut, tho
Wtf osrs collab? When?
You lot are considered to be the worst advent fanbase for a plethora of reasons. Sisters aren’t the only ones who dislike you.
we love lowercase chads here
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Bijou, I know. Also you forgot this one.
Yet here you are, must have absolutely nothing going on in your life huh
can't believe they made the terms and conditions may apply pledge shitpost a reality on the schedule
They are so fucking stupid and unaware of everything I am shocked they made it this far. Suzu deserved that promotion for carrying this anchor
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>they never said fuwamoco was recomme- ACK
that was a joke because they were whispering
Is she? Then there's two, but one is just about the biggest around
I think Vshojo fans are cancer but I don't spend a single second interacting with them on any website. Sad to hear that wherever you belong is this fucking boring that seething in other people's threads is more interesting than discussing what you like.
Yes we are, we are so awful, so just leave already.
why can't you just like FuwaMoco without shitting on their coworkers? It doesn't make you more of a ruffian to hate on the rest of Hololive. FuwaMoco love Hololive and their kouhai.
Mococo is going to cry again during the superchat reading and they'll pull in another massive load of money. No reason to change up the strategy when that's been a huge windfall for cash for them. They have mastered the art of the 'WE ARE SO BACK' stream and making everyone FOMO into sending them unreasonable amounts of money.
No one said being at the top was easy.
Why are you falling for a shitposter
Do you want me to fall for all the "Not my fault Kiara mogs all the other shit whores" poster in global in return? Didn't think so
>/jp/ seems like such a waste of time if you're not EOP
It depends on how you treat it, much like everything. If you treat it as if it were part of your lifestyle much like the retards here then yeah, otherwise it can be used as a quick way to find stuff. It's not like it has to be the only place they visit.
read schedules Satan
I just like masturbating to the thought of having sex with their bodies and their seductive voices. I don't give a fuck about their hopes or dreams so anything that takes away my chance to cum to them live and get attention is a negative and I will criticize it.
Maybe that guy is a shitposter, but I have heard that same shit here all week by actual ruffians
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Jesas /cgl/ is just nyfco
I'm never going back there ever again. I now 100% understand why cunnyposting used to heal our threads in the early days. It's one of their favorite subjects to seethe over on cooldown.
That board is worse than fucking /v/
it will forever sadden me that if they had just kept their weeb autism and RM delusions under control for a few more months they absolutely would have gotten 1mil around their first anniversary and could have announced their JP move during the celebrations, and none of this garbage would have ever had to happen.
Now this is a subtle bait post. Almost feels real. They're evolving.
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you sound like a real "ruffian"
Nah, not good enough
I mean they did get advice to take things easy and not go all in right away and burn themselves out
One of the biggest what ifs but it can't be changed now. I think they could have absolutely gotten to 1M, maybe even a bit ahead of schedule and then moved to Japan in the 1 year hype and that would have been such an amazing closing to the 1st year chapter. Instead they essentially threw away the entire second half outside of a few highs like FES, 3D, BD and anniversary. Baffling that they couldn't have waiting a little longer instead of destroying their momentum at its peak. If they end up never having a sololive it's going to be hard not to look back to that decision as one of the biggest factors where it went wrong.
I have yet to see someone bringing them up to shit on them for no reason. It usually start with faggots reacting to their streams or posting their fanart here. Stop treating this thread like your DIscord server and you won't see it anymore. If you want to talk about them, they have their threads. If you want to talk about anything Hololive with the same buddies every time, guess what, there's even a thread for that too, it's called Global.
Jannies may not give a fuck, but that doesn't mean people won't be annoyed at this behavior.
If you have no problem switching oshis, why can't you switch threads?
>That board is worse than fucking /v/
Women are universally recognized as the worst kind of posters regardless of the platform for a reason.
>Legal but disapproved
Yeah, no. You FuwaMoco fags just won't give up
It is real. I'd post my merch purchases and membership, but apparently those are all just faked with "inspect element" now. I want so badly for them to reach their goals but every week that goes by, and every stream canceled I feel less confident. Maybe I'm just too far gone, but I have nothing better to do than to stick around and find out.
if only you put this much thought into where your life went wrong
Almost every time they are brought up, it is in the context of how they relate to FWMC. A timestamp of Raora talking about them ends up generating a mountain of posts about how she's a whore. Your schizo anti-ing derails threads more than anything else
It's the Stone Cold heel turn of Vtubing.
Can you shut up?
>Almost every time they are brought up, it is in the context of how they relate to FWMC.
You can't seriously believe this.
because she is a fucking whore. I'm a Ruffian and a fan of FUWAMOCO. Any collab or talk with or about other girls is just taking their love and giving it to someone but me. Fuck that. I'm needy and I'm the paying customer stop cucking me.
Can we go back to talking about men?
I made RS accounts for all of the top 20 mentioned /baubau/ names and am now crafting up pools of 10 or more lines to rotate through and spam in OSRS
You are all insufferable and you deserve the worst.
Well, it was originally, until sisters realized they could do it and destroy the whole thread with your sperg-outs. Still at least a third are genuine discussion
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Sorry, we're too busy discussing fat woman.
I'm going to get on Mococo's friends list on tutorial island and we're going to be grinding a lot offline together
>>79605051 (me)
Here, I'll even give you counter evidence, from last thread.
Raora brought up in a context where she relates to FWMC:
No reply shitting on her
Then someone tried the same angle but with a bit more spice, probably to bait an angry response, still didn't get it:
The few times they're actually brought up in a context that makes sense are met with discussion. It's only when you fags start liveposting their streams or posting their lewds with the same retarded shit you used to say about Mumei or Ina before that you start pissing people off.
I just don't see the point in supporting them anymore... I'm sorry if I look emotional but it's because I am. I put all my chips on them, I went all in and it's always the same shit with EN man, what happened? I want debut fuwamoco back...
>I have nothing better to do
We can tell
I'll be grinding offline with Fuwawa while you play a game with Mococo.
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Fuwawa grinds on my cock all the time offline.
They were literally brought up this time in the context of debut period stream hours for FWMC. Followed by anti ranting.
as a former chumbud be glad they are at least still streaming weekly. there is still time, they can turn this around.
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Fat woman fingers typed this.
Fuwamoco being at their worst right now still shits on EN as a whole so I'm good
Please don’t be sad, mococo.
Fuwawa won't even look at you if you haven't 100%'d the OG YU-NO
Why do you feel the need to bring up people who aren't FUWAMOCO in the FUWAMOCO thread? Why are you still writing their name wrong even when they said how it should be written onstream?
At least they have good insults over there:
>Butthurt 500kg landwhale non-passing trannies detected. Imagine being so sexless that you have to imagine that anyone not interested in you has to be a pedophile
Ruffians really can’t help themselves but to shit on the other girls, huh?
>Almost every time they are brought up, it is in the context of how they relate to FWMC.
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quads of truth
Is the "???" on the schedule Halo 1?
I brought them up as an example of vtubers that just debuted, I didn't say fuck all about them personally or their content.
And I don't give a fuck if they want me to write in all caps, that shit is cringe and I'm not doing it. It's not an acronym and I'm not yelling.
The fuck are you doing here if you are not a ruffian? go back
Public Service Announcement:

Please keep all Holo vs Holo in global. All Holo vs Holo below this post are sisters. Please do your part to keep /baubau/ marginally usable.
No need to brag, Mococo.
What about Halo vs Killzone? Killzone sisters can't even play their games online anymore.
It's a brand new game that will be shadowdropped, a reboot/remake, called The Halo.
This is a Fuwamoco thread, keep the other girls names out of this thread, positive or negative
Fuck off. This thread is what I dictate it is.
I can't fap to married women, feels wrong
Fuck off tranny. FWMC are better than your whores
They are just pretending to be retarded, right? I hope they drop the act in their second year along with their fake ass grating voices and exaggerated and spammed meme catchphrases.
>Ruffians really can’t help themselves but to have sex with the other girls, huh?
Fixed. I can't help it, I'm a dog.
Based, fucking hate unity retards using threads they don't belong to.
if that's the case, then talk about those "whores" somewhere else
Why would you come to a FUWAMOCO thread if you don't think they are the best? Someone wouldn't come just to stir shit or push their whores would they?
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>w-w-why are you all so mean? I can't be here either?
Oops forgot to dictate what it is.
It's a thread about FUWAMOCO and loving FUWAMOCO. If you want to anti them or discuss other girls go to global or start a thread on the catalogue. Any further posts are not me.
I hate Fuwamoco and I hate you.
I post in the generals of every holo I watch
Mio is fine. Really most Holos are fine, it's just that some unityniggers from the shithole that is global get surprised when the fans of the biggest examples of CGDCT in EN shit on the whores that newfags like.
You’re in the wrong thread. We hate FUWAMOCO here.
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Take a doggie of the day picture like this with a FWMC oppai/butt mousepad and you'll get picked 100%
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just once while they'll sleeping
FUWAMOCO will never find out
they'd rather you let them sleep and rest before their busy week than wake them up and ask for a quick fuck
I want to eat your pancreas
I'll do one with my just erupted cock resting on it instead
That's not a doggie
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one more week until the collab ban is lifted and we see a lot more of the pink one in FUWAMOCO streams!
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This is a shitpost but I am genuinely hoping for an off-collab
Doing what?
cooking stream would be kino but I would guess that FWMC don't want to show gloved hands
Luv Fuwawa
Luv Mococo
Ate Whores
Simple as
Give me green doll
If they're gonna offcollab just because, Shiori is a better candidate. Ryouri will be in Japan for a long time, there's no rush. They can wait until there's good stream idea to do it. Unless it's management mandated, of course.
Just makes me sad all the kino Advent collabs they had to cancel because of their own stupidity.
I like it when FUWAMOCO collab with Biboo.
I understand why the con karaoke is happening but I still don't like it.
I really hope that they fix the RnRP issue. I know about the tweet but at that point I'll just wait and see.
They're making the regular ruffians feel like low priority with this shit.
How long is BD going to last? I forget how long CTW is. If the concert is at 6, maybe I don't need to spend the night in the city, I can just go and then head back home.
>Ate Whores
Why do you eat whores
Fuck the regular ruffians.
If you aren't willing to spend thousands at a moment notice to support them are you even a Ruffian? You should be grateful they give you any content at all you fucking leech
>Mosh, dive, shoulder ride, throwing things on the stage, climbing on the stage, intentionally blocking the aisle, rushing to the front, unnatural calls, loud and strange voice, making loud noises that disturb the performance, moving from one’s seat to another, unnatural jumping, etc., are prohibited. Extreme cheering behavior such as waving both hands violently from side to side, waving arms around, bending the upper body, excessive jumping, and any other dangerous behavior that may disturb other audience members or the performance is strictly prohibited.
This is going to be one sad sad concert.
Based, ruffians can go kill themselves. Never thought it would take so long for FWMC to realize their fans are shit.
One thing I learned with holos is that if they want to something they'll do it. I understand things happening, obstacles, valid reasons, excuses and so on.

But ultimately the difference is that holos who want to do x will do it and make it happen, while others will let things slide and then you only get it a few times per year if even.
And I think with them it's like this with ASMR especially but also a little bit with karaoke. ASMR is practically not worth thinking about anymore, they initially went "oh you'd like that?" and mentioned it a few times here and there (yeye that nodoka thing too, didnt matter) but it hasn't happen and it won't really happen.
Not the way people want it to. They'll never be ASMR holos, they'll never even do them once per half year.

And now we're also approaching the zone where it seems questionable whether they really want to do karaoke all that much
If FuwaMoco want to reach a million subs in 30 days, they should collab with the holostars. It can't be any worse than what they're doing right now.
who would even willingly call themselves a ruffian
>loud and strange voice
>unnatural jumping
If Mococo asks me to jump and BAU BAU I'm going to do it and I'd like to see the venue try to throw me out. Fuck I hope they do because I am going to BAU BAU even louder and fight them to stay and it'll all be on camera. Fuck that noise.
Tweet it if you want Ponguin, I'm just venting.
The only thing they have sung in months is "happy birthday" during superchat readings. It fucking sucks.
>I'm going to cause and scene and disrupt FUWAMOCO's first concert
Such a good fan you are.
This, they care about numbers more than their real fans and they have shown that time and time again.
FUWAMOCO have constantly emphasized that they want us to jump and BAU BAU. I don't give a fuck about the venue. Are you telling me that when they ask for a BAU BAU during the MC segment you are just going to stand there and give out a whimper? FUCK THAT
anon vented
just bought ultra discount last minute AX tickets from an upset nijisister
Buy and scan all the FWMC porn onegai
Do FWMC have any major dedicated clippers that translate into JP?
No just the attention whores on twitter
They probably want to avoid people beeaking the mezzanine.
But yeah, the venue sucks ass. I wasn't expecting Madison Square Garden, but don't tell me it's the best they could have find in NYC.
just search フワモコ on youtube and you'll find them
A couple yeah, I get recommended some on youtube all the time.
They had that dude who translate the pup talks. Haven't checked in a while since twitter is garbage.
Venues above 3K capacity almost exclusively use ticketmaster which is a fucking nightmare.
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kek, watch these gaijin attempt nihongo
Oh, I forgot about jewishmaster since I'm not American.
Makes sense.
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they follow hatsukaze and koui iirc
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>calls X X
holy based
I just shit myself again
Mogoco in Summen
Looks like they were pretty viral in their first few months, but don't have much breaking 100k recently. I only see these from the last while:
Wuffians having sex with other Wuffians
>numberfagging clips
soon i guess?
the clips from the marine collabs were popular
They sacrificed everything for JPnikki and JPnikki don't even care
paypig orgy at BD
I wish Fuwawa had a dick
the fuwawang is canon
Not that there was anything wrong the collab but that is true for any Marine clips regardless of who else is there
epic meme koahri
fuck you and stop cheating on fuwamoco you fucking whore
Are you excited for the RNR party?
I'm more excited for the runescape stream
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We're gonna get Sorairo Days
FuwaMococ ASMR never ever
what RnR party?
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Not sure what that is but if you want FWMC's ASMR it should be readily available for on you official JP hololive channel
The one 99% of their fans won't get to see
the expo one? i thought that isn't streamed
it won't be
by them
I've been angry and disappointed all fucking day, I'm going back to Fauna.
The streams I'm looking forward are Portal, Minecraft, and the superchat reading.
Not bad, but not great.
I live in CA and am booking a last minute trip now
>superchat reading.
these are the only two i care about
I'm excited for the supa reading. I want to listen to them chatting about whatever.
Seeing their brains fry in Portal 2 will be great I'm sure
Those three are the most likely to be canceled unfortunately.
>I'm excited for 6 hours of "[cliquepig] bau bau!"
Suisei went to Nodoka's stream, told her to fuck off and that she wouldn't do ASMR, then had dinner with Advent and got FWMC Morning cancelled.
Stacy behavior.
happy birthday is the only RnR us regular ruffians get
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shut the fuck up poorpuppy
>Portal, Minecraft, crab game
That's it
>basically a zatsu
>less people
>high chat interaction
If you actually watched streams, you'd know why people like those.
>mocopan received no (You)s
how society has fallen, here you go little mocopan
>basically a zatsu
What a shame that ruffians need to settle for superchat readings for zatsus kek.
It's a zatsu with 80% of it not being a zatsu and instead just happy birthday or responding to whatever it is the SCer said, so not zatsu
>I like thing
>Several posts seething about it
Please understand, FuwaMoco need to farm more superchats for..... uhhhhh who know at this point, they still can't afford bowls.
>hate traumadumpers
>mocking traumadumpers
is it worth $1400 to go to the RnR party mini in person?
only if you really really like watching with a crowd
Paying attention to the sisters camping those threads was your real mistake.
Damn, awake. Well, they did go to bed early.
They've been up at this hour when going to sleep at like 2m before so it's an improvement I guess
Just think it's funny that the mere fact that other people are happy can ruin their day
It'd be my first con since before their debut so I'm also hoping to get a lot of merch. I know it will be a shitshow especially last minute but I'm talking myself into it.
then it all depends on your money situation
AX is terrible. Just go to their next con. They'll probably be at animeNYC
I wish I got $50 to sing happy birthday to people

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