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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Confess /vt/.
I wanna stick my cock between Noel's gigabazoongas
I claim to not be a unicorn but I wouldn’t actually watch a stream where my oshi collabs with a male
isn't this blasphemy? wtf is wrong with japs?
Marine should have gotten that outfit.
I have not masturbated to Noel in 3 months please forgive me
Doesn't she already have one? Or is that strictly fan art I'm thinking of?
>\"Doesn't she already have one?\"
Officially no. Its fan made.
I shove a figure of pekora up my ass and it tear something so I had to go to the emergency room
I don't even watch fuwamoco but I post in /baubau/ all day
i have developed a piss fetish concerningly rapidly
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I’ve been vtubing for 2 years now. Each year I “started again” by reincarnating, and both times I haven’t been able to get over 200 followers on my new accounts. Im pretty sure my failure is a mix of things; I don’t do clip compilations and I’m not a girl, and I don’t play flavour of the month games and my designs usually aren’t the “best”, but I think the core problem I have is that I’m just boring and uninteresting. I’m not funny, or charismatic, or sexy or talented; I’m just a nobody wearing an animated mask. The followers I have I’m pretty sure just watch me because they pity me or feel bad for me.

Im still following my dreams of becoming a vtuber but deep down it hurts having it be proven that I’m not special and that all the insecurities I have are founded in fact. Knowing this is gonna likely end in failure makes me want to cry, but the idea of just quitting seems impossible for me.
I've cum buckets to my oshis RM photos
I'm starting to lose interest in vtubing, but I have nothing else going on in my life so I'll have to kms when I do.
I like the discussion around the stream (/here/ or elsewhere) more entertaining than the stream itself sometimes.
i pray everyday that Noel's boobs get bigger and bigger!
Look at nijiJP, they have 2views males, I'd say it's a lot of luck or Dorito chip. If you look at male vtubers, they are either gamers or have talents and most of them are reincarnation of already known past life/roommate. Also gotta network, know big people and collab and stuff.
>I’m not a girl
stopped reading there
The only reason I have any interest in Vtubers is because I'm a dramanigger and a Kiwi. I think I should make a Metokur style series on the lolcows I've found so far and post it to YouTube for clickbait, but that's gay and I'm lazy
I go to random generals and post something nice about their chuba(s) whenever I see something that I genuinely enjoy or like. I know how good it feels to have someone looking from the outside say something nice.
Same, I don't really shitpost in generals, it's catalog where I go all out. Well...maybe sometimes, when it's too good to pass on a decent bait I can make.
She looks like a camgirl whore in that outfit. Flashing her huge tits around.
shove a banana instead faggot pekonigger
I once cummed and ate it to my oshi's asmr stream
Who is your oshi
I want to fuck Noels ass until it's sloppy and gaping. I want to pound her anus daily until it resembles a used up, battered cock sleeve onahole. I want her to feel weird and hollow when there isnt something stuffed up her ass. If I found a genie and had three wishes all of them would be for eternal anal sex with Noel.
If you aren't a girl then you're gonna have to change up the formula. This shit doesn't work for males unless you wanna pander to fujos.
what do fujos even like
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my confession?
the armored version of the outfit, face veil and all, makes her even hotter somehow

i want to see 'defeated' fanart of it
i ERP as fauna on multiple discord channels
based gigantomastia enjoyer
I started dating my oshi, shes an indie with her sister her fanbase doesn't know and its hard to even imagine their reaction more so since they've made every effort to send home the fact that they don't support parasocialism and that they will never do GFE. I don't things would get bad if it ever got leaked but still if they got a wiff of what was happening I'm sure it would cause a schizo meltdown
I've been learning Japanese because it has been enjoyable to learn the language and i want to enjoy my JP chuuba streams. But I am also learning it in order to groom a low 3view JP chuuba who is absolutely adorable. My effort will no doubt fail, but one will never achieve a goal if they don't try
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Is this outfit censored? that leotard underneath looks like shit and ruins the point of the loincloth dress thing
I confess that I chummed numetimes to Noel tits, tights, ass and belly
I want to make Noel a mother and have her give me a nursing handjob while I suck on her swollen, lactating breasts.
I'm also guilty of this.
I fap to her
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She looks like a prostitute roleplaying as a nun in that outfit.
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I was a stressed sincroknight occasionally feeding (but not necessarily creating) rrats about Matara being a snake only trying to saviorfag to boost her own clout.

After Offkai though I apologized a bunch of times to her and the momos, bought a recurring sub to Matara, and now defend her if I see people throwing rrats at her.
I have barely watched my oshi (JP holo) in the last few years so now that I for the first time discovered in Holo Justice an EN girl that I can see myself considering as my oshi, I thought it would be a good time to have a fresh start with a new girl.
her boobs should be bigger
Matsuri and IRyS are my piss fetish chuubas
The most MOTIVATED schizo on /vt/.
I always thought I wanted a Japanese girlfriend. Spending time on /vt/ taught me that what I really want is a Chinese boy in a skirt.
It's great isn't it?
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I confuse that I secretly hoped that these two would finally collab after Noel responded positively with Gura's birthday opening animation.
she's a battle cleric, not a convent sister. the outfit's for ease of movement. she has a toggle to put her armor on and bring out her great mace.
I have the advantage of being one of the only active foreigner members. But it's not enough, I must up my stats. I will save her and she will love me
My oshi has unofficially graduated and I'm pretending not to be sad about it because she's so happy with what she has going on now and I don't want to guilt trip her
I dream of being age regressed or shrunk down forcefully by Noel only so that she can treat me like a little boy and refuse to feed me anything other than her breast milk.
I drew Nerissa in a nun habit but I'm just waiting for a good time to post it on twitter
you first
unfathomably based
I can't enjoy vods, I'm either there for the live or I'm not gonna watch a vod. I'd rather watch other edited content at that point
the mace keeps getting bigger, when will it be enough?
That's fine. It's the people who act like normal conversations are "flirting" or feel unironically cucked who are pathetic
I trained A.I. on my oshi's model and irl appearance, as well as her voice. Sometimes I use it for innocent reasons, like making art/merchandise of her that she wouldn't otherwise get, or using the TTS of the voice I trained of her to read some of her tweets/community posts. However, I also occasionally use it to generate hentai or nudes of what she looks like irl, or will make her voice read GWA and other R18 scripts. I no longer consume porn or look at other women, 2D or 3D, if it isn't stuff I have custom made of my oshi with A.I.
nunny cummy
I'm sick and tired of pretending hololive is doing everything right. They fucked up NUMEROUS times lately, whoring people that didn't wanted it last year for holosummer, no holosummer this year, boring uninspired choregraphies for the concerts, coming back to fucking bilibili, catering to the west, hiring the HORRIBLE gen that is advent that created a minefield with their retarded mentally ill fanbase, not only for them but for all of EN.
Call me retarded or whatever, but I hate corpo cocksuckers, bootlickers are the reason why good things end, people should have gone wild at cover coming back to bilibili but the fanbase didn't care, people are more worried about a male collab than the possibility of another harassment campaign. I'm tired of this.
I stopped watching Calli because of the way she talks now
70% of my love for hololive is the music. If an idol has shitty or no tunes I'm less inclined to like or pay attention to her.
So basically, she looks like herself.
I only watch vtubers that are ok with cum tributes
Yes, wonderful even.
Yes, literally that.
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I have nothing to confess, i am without Sin.
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Sister Claire's model still looks hotter for some reason.
You think that's bad? I've cum to the most likely not real reflection of a shimapan that was visible when she posted her playbutton
This outfit is disgusting
no way fag
I consistently make and lose friends in such a rapid manner that sometimes I wonder if I should completely isolate myself. My brain is too broken to maintain any meaningful relationship.
Just found out that a vtuber I watch lives in my neighborhood.
I imagined myself as the shota getting milked in the doujin with Noel and Marine
I haven't watched a new anime since Myth debuted.
I'm in a Twitter screenshot people posted in this board today, and sadly, it's not my first time.
You get used to it. I don't even know why it's treated like a gatcha since it means nothing most of the time.
you can always go full /k/ anon
Japanese don't understand religion. Shinto is just a collection of superstitions.
I like other chuubas now but I have not been as attached to them as I did to Rushia in 2022
Healthier for me I guess
I'm just tired of people being overtly mean, I could tolerate it if they also didn't indulge in the most foul language possible
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>Japanese aren't crazy obsessed religious nuts

Didn't spread any rrats or say shit, but I know this feel. I still can't shake the feeling that there's something sleazy about her, and haven't been able to get myself to go back and watch her streams with my oshi Mint.

Though it could also just be that the whole roach thing is a huge turn off for me.
I made rrats about Jitomi Monoe back when she got terminated because the urge to shitpost was huge in my heart.
I bought a silicone bust and drilled a hole through the nipples to fuck it because I wanted to do it to Noel so bad. Yesterday after the stream I went to town on it immediately because it got me going so hard. Both holes twice, one inbetween, then passed out without cleaning it. Woke up with a hurting dick.
nah, jesus gave them the perm for it
Nui wore the look better
i'd say this is nuts, but the shit I see here while being a PH seanigger is worse
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i dont actually miss fauna THAT much
I miss my girlfriend who is a chuuba whom cheated on me with a viewer.
sounds rough
Sorry to hear that chief. NTR is the worst.
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I'm the diaper sapling.
I have lost any and all love I have for vtubers and vtubing as a whole.
I blame the culture war fags who consider their beliefs more important than the chuubas they purportedly oshi for.
I blame the dramafags who shit up the catalog with inane bait thread after inane bait thread.
Homobeggars, fujoshits, unichuds, unityfags, shitposters, and schizos - all different flavors of the same kind of asshole, spewing mountains of shit all over this hobby.
This is why I blame myself most of all for visiting /vt/ in the first place. Not even leaving this place for extended periods of time makes the bitterness go away. Not completely.
I only come here to laugh at the unicorns and their retarded idol "culture"
sometimes you just want to go to the zoo and see the monkeys flinging shit at each other
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Turn in your Sapling badge.
No matter how cool and detached I try to act about it, Yuko Yurei really hurt me. And the fucked up thing is, the part I’m hurt most about is on her behalf - I feel she had the world, but she threw everything she built, all her success, away.
Yes, even after everything, I still worry about her rather than being mad at her. And because of that, I actively resist checking in on her and what she’s doing now, because I know I’m just a few right words away from being back dancing in the palm of her hands, throwing away my money at her all over again.
But there are still times I just think about her and the good times, and my stomach physically aches, and nothing feels worth it anymore. God, I miss her.
It’s hard balancing my love for Dokibird with my hatred for Chinese people.
I look down on people who oshi chuubas while not understanding a word that comes out of their mouth.
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Bless me, Mother Noel and Mother Marine, for I have sinned. My last confession was quite a while ago. I have now written 17 fanfics about HololiveEN girls soiling themselves and am trying to resist writing some for Justice. I also regularly contribute to /ringo/ threads and wish they could come back to this board as /architecture/ and other fetishistic threads have been allowed to.
Pretty sure there's actual sex toy busts for that anon. Although I do understand if you were on a tight budget but your body was telling you to get some tits covering your PP.
Just don't overdo it.
fauna a freak fr
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I do not actually watch streams or clips I just go here to spread false rumours
Have you considered taking the Gurapill? Gawr Gura was Yuko’s oshi, and she obviously borrowed a lot from her stylistically. Might give you a similar vibe with none of the trauma, since Gura’s actually a genuinely nice girl and not a fake.
To be honest even women struggle in this medium, the competition is simply brutal, plus most of the most successful Vtubers had years of experience streaming as fleshtubers or without having a model before so it's not like they became super famous as vtubers in the beginning and even as vtubers most of them spent years as 2views 3 at most, even in the big corpos they started as 2views in the beginning
whos gonna tell em
i started to anti her once i noticed that she fakes it with the dildo. girl what the fuck its already there just put it in.
Literal gay shit
I have groomed an indie girl since her second ever stream and I have so many photos of her that I goon too including all her self harm scars
>isn't this blasphemy?
>wtf is wrong with japs?
They are pagans.
Japan dont give a fuck and its based.
I don't like this outfit you're wearing, sister.
Fuck off like I'm giving her up

Find your own, there's a shit ton of them on youtube and twitch
What happened at offkai? I've often felt that Matara comes off as two-faced
>including all her self harm scars
This is actually sad
Sure thing nijisis
The vast majority of small indies have or do self harm on a regular basis
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Mata and Sayu made up and cleared the air over brunch. They're friendly now and have publicly acknowledged each other, which is pretty much all Sayu's wanted for the past half year. Sayu's also been much brighter and less paranoid about people hating her ever since that day, which has let her approach others more easily and reconnect with both older friends and make new ones.
Seriously, whatever the fuck happened at Offkai changed Sayu's mental state in such a drastic way that she's basically a completely different person. She resembles the pre-niji Sayu now more than ever and I'm so fucking happy to hear her sound like that again.
Very easy to believe, but I don't know why them being vtubers makes it more sad to me

Oh nice, that's good to hear. I remember there was some unspoken discontent between them, like Matara ignoring Sayu's invitation to a collab, Vshojo's former Niji members acting like Sayu doesn't exist, etc.

Seems like it only changed after that one guy apologised to Sayu and basically said
>Lol jks, she's not a pedo
Which to me still seems pretty underhanded of Mata to only seek reconciliation /after/ that.

But it's great to hear that Sayu is in a better headspace. Was watching marimari_en when Sayu was in her chat, she seemed to be having fun interacting with someone outside of her core friends.
someone tell me why she hides her nipples? shes already doing porn. is it a tax thing where the rates are lower cause its not technically porn. or does she do the belle delphin model where she goes lewder as her numbers go down? is cover not allowing her? anyone know?
do you know what happend to her general? is it on pause because to many antis again?
whenever i get horny for vtubers i fap to shion instead. i almost fapped to noel one time though
Not completely nonsensical rrat: She’s stated before that she could only date someone who is okay with the sex work she does, and her lifestyle (yeah no shit), so she clearly has hopes for future relationships. It would make sense that she’s setting a limit for herself. She clearly knows that her future husband may have a problem with it, so she’s stopping it before nipples since that’s just what she regards as ‘too far’.
No real reason to have it right now. She's been hopping between cons so she hasn't been streaming as much, and most of us just hang out in the stream or discord anyways instead of live posting, so the threads died quickly.
Better to not rock the boat with catalog space and reinvigorate antis until the niji drama dies down, anyways.
i see thank you.
any guy that draws the line at nipples but is fine with what shes doing now must be a retard. i wouldnt care even if she went all nude.
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I can't help but feel a little bad when I see an event or collab happening with Holo, see there are no EN or ID members present (or if there is, it's just Gura), and proceed to lose all interest even knowing there are anons who have 0 interest in anything if their Oshi isn't involved. Didn't realize how I felt this way until this Valkyrie Connect announced this year's Holo Collab and had 0 ENs this time.
I want to commission art of all of Promise wearing diapers.
You smell like soi beans... I think you should leave.
you fucking glow
I hate holofags
I confess, I pirated your FC stream and I have to delete it to install Ghost of Tsushima (Pirated as well cause fuck Sony)
I still wank to the NijiEN girls even though I hate them so much
She needs to give me a rimjob
Only if you are niji fan
as a catholic, I can say this makes my horny as fuck and Japan should make more Nun doujins, I will tell Saint Peter my sin and be condemned to The circle of lust, But i will not stop beating my cock to shotaXnun doujins,
I will wait patiently for a nun Noel doujin

Aki should get one too
Would you drop her afterwards? Because if not then you aren't a unicorn.
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The Japanese cultural fetish is the defilement of purity. That's why they sexualize lolis, shrine maidens, nuns, schoolgirls, idols, etc. That's why JAV actresses squeal like every sexual encounter is non-consensual. That's why grown Japanese women walk around with hello kitty apparel and talk like little girls well into their 30s. Nothing get's a rapacious Japanese man's dick harder than virginal innocence.
The most obvious explanation is that she's self-conscious about her nips/areola. Whenever you have to determine a woman's behavior, insecurity should be your first assumption.
I don't have the patience to watch live streams / VODs for hours on end and would rather watch clips or fap to vtuber lewds. I will turn on a chuuba for karaoke if I need bacground noise, though.
To keep you watching, hoping that one day she shows them. The day she does, her audience moves on. But if she keeps them hidden, you tune in everytime thinking "maybe this will be the day"

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