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/vtai/ - VTuber AI-generated Images - La+ of the lake Edition

Previous Thread:>>79509219

>/vtai/ Wiki (WIP)

>/vtai/ Resources
https://rentry.org/vtai/ | FAQ: https://rentry.org/vtaiFAQ | VTuber XL Loras: https://rentry.org/vtaiSDXL | VTuber LoRAs (ARCHIVED): https://rentry.org/vtaiLoRAs | LoRA Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtailorachecklist | EF+HLL Guide: https://rentry.org/5exa3 | VTuber Model Mixes: https://rentry.org/vtairecipes | VTuber Prompt List: https://rentry.org/vtaiprompts |Embed/Thread Archive (OLD): https://rentry.org/vtaiarchive| vtaiArchive: https://rentry.org/fhydhwdm

>/vtai/ Scripts
Catbox Scripts: https://github.com/CCC-anon/CCC-Scripts/tree/main/catbox

>/hdg/ FAQ + Embeds, Hypernetworks, Models, LoRAs
https://rentry.org/hdgfaq | https://rentry.org/hdglorarepo | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | Pony Artist/Character Hashes: https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf

>Cloud Hosted Installs (Now Require Payment)
Colab for Complete Retards: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1STL60qfoY-iSlhRb9zFETRLTqhNbznRf | Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/github/TheLastBen/fast-stable-diffusion/blob/main/fast_stable_diffusion_AUTOMATIC1111.ipynb | Paperspace: https://rentry.org/865dy

>/vAI/ doko?

>GPU Performance Data

>More Resources
4chanX Catbox userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Essentially everything: https://rentry.org/sdgoldmine
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
/g/ wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Stable_Diffusion
5ch NovelAI wiki: https://seesaawiki.jp/nai_ch/
Models: https://civitai.com/ | https://huggingface.co/ | https://rentry.org/sdmodels
More links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link
Getting Started (Legacy): https://rentry.org/sdhypertextbook

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Request anchor
Are you generating those images {{{bigger}}}, /vtai/?
Anya soles, please
Thicc hag Elizabeth in lingerie.
Kronii's and Gura's feet side by side.
I have a MIGHT NEED for more juicy Raorass
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I cant make her much (((Bigger)))!
Request for Nerissa cosplaying as Psylocke (https://files.catbox.moe/brd0qu.jpeg)
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Cecelia posed like the reference image, leaning on top of otomos, or Cece cosplaying Trone Bonne
I saw Risu's new MV, and that part where she's stuck in the wall suggesting she's getting banged on the other side sent me fucking feral. I don't know why, I don't have a particular fondness for Risu or stuck-in-the-wall stuff or even bunny suits, but anyway I gen'd 71 images of Risu stuck-in-the-wall in a bunny suit. I ain't organising an album for all this shit so here's some samples and a .rar. There was little in the way of quality control and some of the big cock ones came out goofy but that's pony for you, Sort by date ascending if you want some semblance of an order.

https://files.catbox.moe/woyzdk.zip pw is deez
Fucking based
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Nice! Was wondering how long till we get this from that mv. Doing the lords work
Kiara and Gura licking each other toes
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I like to believe a girl as food focused as Raora would be plump, but I know Italian girls stay thin
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Afternoon folks


Cute style!
Damn CC got yeeted, hope they can put her back together again
Beautiful scene!
Cute GG
Sexo! That first spread is really nice
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Alicja Lontano this pose
Not the requester but Ill be saving this nonetheless
ERB wearing the same outfits or similar doing the linked poses
Honest question for all technical anons /here/
When we will be able to do animated AI videos?
Requesting Picrel but with Raora fertilized please: https://files.catbox.moe/wp2og2.jpeg
Now? They're far from perfect but you can do some animations
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I did do a pretty large set Raora getting fucked close-up, ass view
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> I did do a pretty large set Raora getting fucked close-up, ass view
I know, it’s exactly what I was hoping for more of. That shit was peak.
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I tried, but I'm terrible at trying to blend in real life objects into the picture. Guess model also needs to know what these things are as well otherwise I risk ruining the details or leave in the dirty edges.

Water on skin looks good on these
Cute Coweala in cave
cool image
Chubby Mori getting gigantic demon schlong in her ass on a hellish fiery bed of epicness.
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big ass broke the floor
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Sometimes I wonder what it would fell like to give stupid big honkers to Jerry Phase Connect
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its burnt, so don't zoom in
WTF? I thought this stupid rabbit wasn't sexy?
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goodbye vtai.
rerequesting for >>79563944
Kiara groping a guy from behind in a Train(chikan)
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She isn't sexy what are you talking about??? Did you reply to the wrong post?
Achan breast expansion to larger-than-head size please.
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The whole lot


The whole lot

Sat on a pebble..
Good night
Chuubas tied up to a pole and sexually harassed.
Can be fully clothed, naked and/or including gags or other form of BDSM gear.
Ah sorry my bad. Yeah I must've missclicked. This rabbit doesn't sexy at all. In fact, she looks terrible with such big boobage! I don't think seeing her shirtless wouldn't make a difference!

Strongfat Kaela at beach.
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>Um, excuse me... it's really rainy and stormy out there and... can I come in until it calms down?
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Maria and Rosemi chu chu kissing each other very lewdly
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Headpats > lend her your bathroom so she can clean herself, and later your clothes until hers dry up > enjoy a warm and refreshing dinner together > relax in the living room staring and listening to the rain falling through the window.
You look like you could a BEEG meal.
I would, but I have to sleep now.
I might fulfill those tomorrow, though.
Re-request >>79570599 Scarle caught masturbating on stream except she's even more excited after realizing.
NTA but always nice to see some cute preg.
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Flatties should be w i d e.
requesting more of this >>79441309 with anal if possible, onegai
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No worries, I can wait.
Lol, true mvp
Cute styles on these, gn anon
This fucking epic. I am such a scrub I only recognize infinity gauntlet XD
These are excellent.The best I have ever seen.Kronii's expression is awesome. But could you give her normal human feet(wihtout fur).?Keep everything else the same.
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kek and the little dolls in the back

Thanks wholelot anon for Froot set, looks dang good!!
Sexo thicc goob
girls with their eyes covered by bangs is hot ngl
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>I don't think seeing her shirtless wouldn't make a difference!
Yeah absolutely zero sex appeal
Even with inverted nipples https://files.catbox.moe/7dbgl6.jpg
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Had to inpaint for it
I'm always fascinated by how this rabbit can make any hot situation unsexy. I appreciate your efforts in consolidating this fact. I will examine these totally not lewd images of her thoroughly, but I fear my opinion about her will remain unchanged.
I actually agree. I think it's because she doesn't flirt with other Holomems or thirsts at fictional characters. I just can't imagine her willingly having sex
NTA but I love the belly grab in the first catbox link.
This absolutely peak unsexy
Holy fucking sex!
No dieing
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Winding key doesn't seem to gen well on low angles I think

Whoa haven't seen condoms like that before
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Peak female form.
Would let her raep me.
What gives, how is inverted nips so hot in comparison to regular ones And i refuse to believe thats not pekomama
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uploaded wrong one oops
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thank you, very much. Could you remake these with human feet too? Only the feet, please keep the "cat hands"(forepaws?).

https://files.catbox.moe/edixpm.png (this one specially, the others are not that important.)
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Accidentally left in the vector on upscale, still looks moody
Curvy Nene with thick thighs wearing lingerie
Cecilia about to beat you with her detached arm
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Pretty hot
Now that is one lovely wife
Holy saggers
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Good evening, /vtai/! Little to no progress today, but that's also fine!

>Do you intend to release it once it's done?
Honestly, I never thought about that. I always feel like there's something to fix or some bad stuff that I'm used to dealing with before posting, i.e. bad hands/feet. I wouldn't want to release something "incomplete" like that, I guess? But I also feel like I should give back to the community so maybe I will release it
cute mamma!
erokawaii, cute blush too
also erokawaii, very nice
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new mix output, it's better at dealing with the "scenery" keyword (compare how that works in pony vs animagine, for example)
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Evening BibooAnon
Really cool scenery, I always look for straight lines and how well it hold shapes together
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Good evening biboonon. That's a cute rockwife.
I don't think you have to worry too much about it, there is always something off but the style looks great so would love to give it a spin if you ever do release it.
That is a good city. That's definitely a struggle on most models.
Incredibly sex!!
NTA but I really liked this one
Amazing work TWL anon
Are you willing to do more of these with another chuubas?
Could you have her crossing her legs wearing that outfit too?
Ceci molested in train like this
Sexo!! Thanks for doing my request (i miss the dragon model so much guys…)
Requesting Calliope Mori entering a bar in a bunny suit but her tits are so big they pop out of the suit and then she gets bent over a table and doggystyle creampied while the guy squeezes her massive boobs with ahegao please
Requesting Alias Anono face sitting
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Like this?
Holo En girls in tight fitting Fallout vault jumpsuits.
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This is pretty cute ngl
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Well NAI was released before Pekomama (sexy) officially debuted so you better believe that's Pekora (not sexy)
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She's natty!
Holy sex this is amazing! Thanks for doing my request
NAI is best at breasts but what is best at butts?
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Glad you liked it, yeah Coco's got a nice body
Cute swinging tiddy Nene
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Good night /vtai/!!

I noticed that pony (and the few times I used animagine) models struggle with straight lines and geometry for the backgrounds, pic related has some squiggly lines for basically everything the buildings at the top. I'm not sure how I can fix this, >>79637403's has better lines but that isn't consistent yet
Hi! That's a cute style, I want to pinch her cheeks
>That's a cute rockwife.
Yeah, mine.

I will slap around some LoRAs after a few model tweaks, hopefully it can solve some of the things that triggers my autism
requesting Shion's exposed back like in this picture:
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I don't know but NAI is also pretty good at butts
So I suppose you can't make any of the justice girls? That's pretty sad actually
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But is it good at Luna butts?
Seems to be the best at Fauna too
Requester here.

Whoa, that looks cool. If possible, could you Catbox this?
Good evening, happy almost 4th of July or Maple day
Could you possibly do a Fauna ahegao?
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anyone can reupload the recent cecilia pics? they were all deleted :( like this one
this, but with fauna, choco and noel
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Nurse Moona or Sana wearing two masks as bras
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I probably have them, gimme the links and I'll check.
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this prompt is working way better than i expected
these ones, they're all gone..

Nice request
Sexo silhouette
Here you go. Last one is the uncensored version in your first post.
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That's my gen, but I don't have it anymore since I usually delete them from my storage after I post. Hopefully that other anon has them.
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Tried to do other animal chuuba, seems Raora had good RNG turn out good the first time

Night BibooAnon
Pretty, the discarded clothes are really nice
kek there is a 2ManySnacks LoRA?
What a madman, respect the grind Anon. Need to check out the MV.

Never really thought of Anya as a short stack but that's an interesting idea...

Very nice mood lighting.

No pressure, was just asking. Great work as usual, clean city backgrounds!

Hot. Alicja and her genmate Bonnie have nice models.

These are really nice, what tags are you using for these? Any loras?
Why the fuck this works so well? Amazing gen and request. Cool stuff
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NAI, silhouette, shadow, backlighting. pretty simple, honestly, but the few other times i've tried to do something like this, it was pretty bad.

Thank you both!
she looks stunning
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Wish XL and pony models have better light control like NAI
seconding more raora rear
very nice
HoloJustice girls as robots. For Cecilia, that means less doll-like and more android looking.
Pippa and Lia lezzing it out
Ayami footjob
couple late deliveries:


Happy MURICA week, hopefully I won't be so busy now.

didn't work great, kinda turned into a multi-layered idol outfit, but at least I inadvertently genned a couple nopan cheerleader pics in the variants

Gura Gigi
Nerissa Mori

Wearing American flag themed leggings https://files.catbox.moe/9yuavw.jpg
God bless America Canada
Chuubas with stars and stipes nude bodypaint
Thanks, should have figured it was NAI. Pony just struggles, and the low light lora has a chance to melt your gen.

These are great TWL Anon. This is inpainting over the original photo?
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i enjoy NAI and wish the best for them, but i really want the model to leak at the same time.
was going to say i'm ready for the america gens, but the images and the requests are already rolling in.
Sucking gigi small breast
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Wait a minute. I remember those colored eyelashes and subtle side eye bags. That's Wokada
The leaf is taking over
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beeg mint

These music videos get weirder every day
Requesting gentle giant Mio towering over you, innocently oblivious to how her size might be imposing
Hail the maple leaf
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>kek there is a 2ManySnacks LoRA?
Baked it today. Not as consistent as I'd hoped, but still makes cute gens.
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Calli like picrel
I am somewhat scaroused (please continue)
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these other ones didn't really fit "gentle giant" or the general idea.
A Mio that wants to devour me is fine too. Thank you!
I'm absolutely down bad for these Anyas shortstack. If the genner sees this request I'd really like to see more dirty gens like this one where she's getting manhandled by one or 3+ people. Bonus if you gen as many filled condoms around her as possible. I mean that for real, I'd LOVE to see literal mountains of filled condoms even if the gen doesn't look perfect
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God bless the vtuber factory nation XD
Cute Ghost!
This is evil. She's meant to be chubby
Requesting shortstack OL Raora secretly going commando
thank you very much
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Here you go, I do enjoy seeing pink pussy's pink pussy

> This is inpainting over the original photo?
Control net canny this time
Cute, probably gonna gen something to celebrate Canada day too
Oh do provide link when you release it

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NTA but cute!
POV you want to go to sleep but Moom is singing in front of your bed
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is it weird that i find these terrible pencil colored drawings more horrific than the highly rendered pictures? like, people complain about ai taking away the soul of art, but only when it looks like something well-made. but this picrel shit kinda freaks me out. amazing and terrible.
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aaaand immediately got fired
what is dino pony xl? this looks rlly good!

Artist LoRA, someone asked for it a few threads back too
Yeah I remember someone (Chloe anon I think) doing a children's doodle of a vtuber and it was pretty much expected in a doodle with imperfections but perfectly executed by ai
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Her master must have been gay for firing those knockers
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Lains knockers almost and/or them breaking her bikini top
Gigi as a roller skating diner waitress
ERB nursing handjob
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Need Werewolf gf



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Hey Maria anon, here's Maria, a nun.
I know there's a conspicuous lack of penis in a couple of these but something about those prompts was penis-unfriendly. God must not have liked it.
could i get some more plump maria in this outfit please?
gigi in a sauna
Hey, Maria anon here. Not at home right now but lurking vtai as usual. Cute nun outfit! It's nice to see you trying new stuff with her. I like the first ones you posted, and these 2 (for obvious reasons you already know)
As always these will contribute to making the Maria folder even bigger. btw that feet set you did back in the day has seen plenty of use already Will you try more things with her in the future?
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I'm running out of ideas what to even prompt anymore, my 1.5 juices are dwindling!
Biboo with a knife pointed at an innocent bystander, ready to mug them
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What are they feeding these nuns?
>Will you try more things with her in the future?
I seem to have a captive audience, so probably. You're free to keep requesting a quick Maria or two any time you see me around. (Not right now though, I wanna get back to the ol' Lands Between)

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