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Dedicated to the discussion and linking of any and all Vtubers with love for Retro Games and their Retro Streams.

>Useful Links
Retro Chuubas: https://rentry.org/vrt-Chuubalist
/vrt/ Divegrass Team: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vrt/
Lumi ARG: https://rentry.org/borbv


Other Threads of interest:
Tsunderia Extended >>>/vt//tsunx/
Kiki Main Thread >>>/vt//pyon/
V&U + Korean Vtubers Thread >>>/vt//vnug/
Mozumi Main Thread >>>/vt//vdere/
Large Indies Global >>>/vt//lig/
/vrt/ LOVE!
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Her anniversary chat took a strange turn.
the recruitment did say a more professional model is preferred and yuma has one on the way…
Yeah, fuck modern gachas
Or any Gacha really.
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Yumanea_ is live with Armored Core 3! First stream of it!
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ongoing streams

Ami is doing a members stream playing Doom with Buckos

Yuno Nightingale is celebrating her 1 year anniversary

Ririka is playing Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles

Noi is playing Chrono Trigger

Miri Arachnia is playing Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

Beuchi is streaming Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
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Beuchi's apparently doing a some kind of All PS1 Platformers challenge?
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Annika playing OSRS
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I believe it, she has gone through many already.
the yumaniacs have their watch streaks synced up. keep it up and you can get her yippeeing 40 times a stream.
The fairy is pretty silly today
Yuno gone... but raided into Yumanea_!
Yuno raided the fairy
/vrt/ unity!
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Smug pink women
The forbidden fusion
Witch Yumanea
yumanightingale is fine though
yuma is my yippa
How do you rate Yuno's 1st anniversary stream and her new content (visuals and custom music)?
PASSION karaoke was even better than her last one.
Her zatsu was comfy and nostalgic. The BRB is okay but the ending is amazing. Starting music is beautiful too.
Looking forward to the new starting screen.
Loved the karaoke, didn't really focus on the zatsu
The classic Kumikyoku Nico Nico Douga Medley was especially great.
>the ending is amazing
Said it in the previous thread, it sounds like a weird mix of weeb music and the elder scrolls, bretty good overall
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SIX hour stream with barely any pre-yapping.
yuma has found the "draw your own emblem" feature again
The power of Chrono Trigger
Another 2 hour lizard drawing stream?
Oh lawd he thicc
Funny that she went into it uncertain and talking about how much she hates turn based games.
>Watching glenn's backstory cutscene now
She switched to spyro but it is the remake.
'mirin that Yumaniac's jaw
The lizard your fairy tells you not to worry about
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>The lizard your fairy tells you not to worry about
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Irina Kumai playing Team Fortress 2 (2007 PC)
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https://www.twitch.tv/esperload Esperload is also playing Chrono Trigger
She has a very stylish design.
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Comparisons to AZKi have been made in the past
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guys uh
maybe it shouldn't be mentioned for this game but i feel like she'd appreciate something like this
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Late Primrose is continuing Legend of Zelda 1, on to the 4th dungeon. Showing off some commissioned art first.
She would feel so foolish.
yeah it would probably make her feel bad
it would be best to leave it for silent line or nexus down the line
The hand position makes it look like she is pulling down the middle of her top.
i was gone for like 40 minutes and she's still on the emblem
Hopefully she plays The Lost World JP game
Were you not there when she drew the last one?
>pride month
Ugh. No thanks
Already beat Tomba right?
Yeah, some time ago
It wasn't even 2 hours this time, she is getting better!
Missilering again?
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Child with tits is playing more Grandia
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Iomi is playing Warcraft III
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what the hæck
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Over 7 hours in the end.
bros, I never catch Iomi's streams because EU, does she use software for her voice? it doesn't seem like a normal voice changer
Heck the what?
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Moriko starting her Metroid Randomizer stream
What maps or mods have Ami and buckos been playing?
Yumanea doing the chacha slide in AC3
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Yumanea_ is so good at this game!
it's the lizards
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Nettomoprh playing Megaman X3
I hate the chip system in X3 with the mutual exclusive upgrades.
The ride armor backtracking stinks too.
thats just how she sounds. like a undertale fandubber
Yumanea not wanting to use missiles, fake missiler
So Yuno is going to cut back on her simultaneous ongoing game variety as she finishes her current games.
sorry for howitzerpilling her anon
It's how it iz
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Renachuu is going Nutz in Mr. Nutz!
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Horse girl Darby is doing a 16 star Super Mario Speedrun
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Jesus christ how horrifying
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Yumanea_ gone...
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Mechanea_ is sort of cute.
fairy saved me
Glad you enjoyed it anon.
Comparing Renachuu's Nutz performance to Mumkey's is astounding.
high-performance nutz
God Nutz
Tomomi's next stream is scheduled for tomorrow.
The orion twins got so happy after getting 2 bucks.
Dear lord are they strugling that much?
I think this is a case of "It's the thought that counts".
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Didn't realize they were debuting new outfits.
>Rena has seen all the chipmunk movies in the theatre
Literal child
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Kiki live!
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Ume Aino is starting Metroid Prime
what's the name of that orange gremlin again
Looks like announcement is a Minecraft coop that /pyon/ can play with her which is sweet of her but block game isn’t my speed.
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Yep. I hope she and they have fun with their game.
She is very gremlin-esque but seems very friendly too. Good combo.
No Jowu schedule out yet... will she stream today?
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Ami schedule for the week is out.
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Rena did it!
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Mitora is playing Dragon Quest 6
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Aruru is fighting off a cold while playing a little bit of Paper Mario TTYD
...There's a Mr. Nutz sequel?
She’s sick again? Life has it in for this little girl!
Thank you for the post though anon.
no problem
there's a poster that posts her in the thread i frequent. for the longest time i sorta just assumed he posted her here too, so when i checked and she wasn't posted i got worried that she had been blacklisted or something.
I post her sometimes but the ttyd remake felt like grey area so I didn’t. No problem if someone else does and it is good to get an update on how she is doing!
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she's playing the remake? her chat was talking about her totally real gamecube controller and console just a few moments ago, i guess they were just joking...
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Rena's schedule for next week
It isn’t even the remake?! I’ve been a fool, I’m sorry arururururu-chan!
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Chocolate pngtuber Traveler Aria is playing Sonic Riders
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Pumpkin Synth is playing Doom
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Aussie Alien Ufomie is playing Wind Waker.
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Urato Chieru is playing Arc the Lad
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Hank Hill is playing Tiny Toons Genesis.
i mean, maybe it is? i'm not attentive enough to tell the difference between the two.
Kiki gone...
I'm still here, just busy on Saturdays and Sundays. Missed Rena's stream too sadly
oh, okay. glad to see you're kicking.
up you go
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Nice overlay
Another good iomi stream
Making good progress?
Sorry that you missed her nutz days.
She’s just finished the orcs, might reach TFT in two more streams
That is quick then but she is experienced with rts.

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