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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVV7VFpCcfU
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEYrC-xNlMA
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

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Schejewel TBC, busy week confirmed.
MON - Elden Ring at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
TUE - Busy day - no streams
WED - Streaming something, time TBC
THU - -Advent- Collab - Oldschool Runescape at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
FRI - Busy day - possibly no streams, or short streams in the morning JST
SAT - Busy day - possibly no streams, or short streams in the morning JST
SUN - ???
Man, shes missing a lot of skibidi fragments
>"take my judgment cut!"
she's probably missing a lot of the scadu altus skibidi, she got all the ones in the grave plains
She met Miko I guess
>JC is a huge telegraphed opening Bergil leaves for the player most of the time
>she got to meet Mikochi
holy based
>not the pebbles
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cute fwends!
It would be interesting to listen Biboo and Migo communicate.
>mango juan
I'm surprised that nobody has pointed her out into that busted new stamina talisman...
shes probably missing the ones from the jar guys. by that I mean the guys holding jars that twinkle not the jar warriors
Shio ron
Fuwa wade
Bee Joe
Mogo John
Ne Richard
Shio Rick
Fu Walter
This is now a full tangent...
Fuwalter sounds more like alter fuwawa instead
damn I wish I had saved that Baki edit of Advent I just saw the other day
Beejoe my beloved.
shouldn't it be fuwawalter since we only replace the last syllable of mococo
bijou getting gangbanged by all at once
>Reads the signs
>Decides not to
>Charges into a pack of orcs
>Gets rape corrected
literally wrote a doujin by herself
Fat ugly bastards...
no, it's mogo john not moco john
similar variations also changes the moco to mango or other silly stuff, there's no rule to keeping syllables
Biboo dot dot dot
She seems extra... you know... today
>Sees a ton of warnings saying to play it safe and not 1v50 the room
>Immediately commits to diving the room
Contrarian gamer brat after my own heart
this isn't worth it btw
the loot is shit
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Radahn is actually just an unfun fight. Phase one is fine but once you get to phase 2 it's just his normal attacks but now they have after effects that make dodging them twice as hard
Finally almost free from the DLC trenches... I hope this letter reaches you soon, rockwife. I'm comin' home.
>doing it for the loot
mohg wannabe
That guy seemed really fucking easy
>biboo is khornate
>rawr based
shes doing areas with higher level skibidi than its built for
>a whore mother
YES now she only needs to breastfeed Biboo
dude wtf was that
>there are no rules against the kouhai, batman!
Bro hazushi wa shinai'd her butt from 300m away
How many hours is biboo streaming?
>all those spics in chat
She got us
4 hr time limit today and tomorrow
2h30m left
4 hours tomorrow
post hand
Is this some tiktok thing?
with each passing day I get weaker to zoomer memes and it's all Biboo's fault
Yeah, if someone comes up to you and asks English or Spanish, they're going to say "Whoever moves first is gay" in either language.
99% chance
it's just a meme, not a tiktok thing
zoomer memes are so fucking dumb
my initial ojisan instinct was "well that sounds fucking retarded"
but I suppose "haha you just lost the game" and rickroll were equal nonsense without being in on the joke
>what the chumbuds doing
not watching Gura
>"haha you just lost the game"
yeah, but those were actually funny once you were in on the joke, not just
>lol ur ghey
aw man lmao the doggo
oh you fucker
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You motherbeeper.
Okay, what about the circle below the waist?
>"the game" is funny
It never was, you're just le old man yelling at cloud
that was just an evolution of punch buggy, which was always funny, so i'll let it slide
much like most of the stuff in the DLC this ash of war is mediocre
has biboo beat the final boss of the dlc?
Its funny how she has gotten a lot of DLC weapons but always goes back to moonveil for hard stuff
there was definitely stuff like meatspins and goatse back then may as well have been "lol ur ghey"
Man, and literally in the middle of the year, too...
Biboo is cute in this outfit
on its own, no, "getting" people with it in sneaky ways, or getting a whole bunch of people at a time absolutely was. the reaction, more than anything, was the funny part.

yeah, and neither of those were funny beyond the first time.
I am old, and I hate new things.
>go through a big castle into an ancient place of dragons
I remember this...
The game is timeless, this is just a repackaged saywhatifyou'regay.
Every generation goes through it anon. Complain about the old fucks when you're young, complain about the young fucks when you're old. And the only response you'll ever get is, "You'd have to be there to get it."
old men yelling at clouds are so funny
I complain about the old fucks only when they're being old and jaded
I'm in my thirties and I still find Bijou funny so I guess I'm still not old and can still fit in with the kids
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Fellow ojisan! I like that the young fucks are having fun with their silly memes. I, too, was silly once upon a time.
can't wait until I'm old as dirt talking about bouncing floofies
Beebs is quite funny but the memes she talks about are not
you're old
Biboo is the only god I'll ever pray to
This divekick/gapcloser on the fists seems like the only new skill she's gotten that seems practical in boss fights, outside the ones that actually get stunlocked by the fire tornado/real impact
Zoomies with tiktok brainrot aren't going to be able to seperate the two, don't worry about.
Biboo still mad that people didn't find her sexy
kosexy biboo
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biboo just needs to use the lust emotion biboobeam
my warranty uohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
It was one dude who said that. Everyone else thinks she's sexy
>pebbles on /gem/ keep talking about kidnapping Biboo
>Biboo will do the kidnapping instead
Biboo wouldnt even know how to turn on my car, I drive a manual
She's been drinking too much cough syrup.
She says she is now in that Joker Arc about that Sexy situation, and it makes me think... Rock Clussy. Anyone willing to do Kosexy Fanart for the revolution? Wholesomely sexy for the art tag, but for everywhere else too.
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How is she not sexy? I would plap her so hard.
at least post good slop
Love this dork
i want to cover bijou in my semen
Memes are dumb in general. Stuff like boxxy memes, pedobear or roflcopter were dumb but they were 'our memes'.

Now kids have shit like English or spanish, galvanized square steel or skibbidy toilet and it's equally as dumb so I don't see the difference.
It's an ojisan's right to shit on the new generation and call the stuff they're into retarded whether or not the stuff he was into as a kid was also retarded.
One guy based on a poll from fucking Discord. Loli content is against Discord's TOS
>attempts to kidnap me
>pick her up and move her aside while laughing
what prompted this whole thing
she can fly and has retard mahou shoujo strength, she can manhandle you
chat pushing this "cute and sexy are mutually exclusive" thing makes me feel like the old man yelling at cloud more than any memeshit she babbles about
every other big anime waifu 10-15 years ago was definitely on the cute moeblob kawaii uguu side of things and no weebs going around back then would claim not sexy, we had a whole damn kugirie brainrot era and no one blinked twice at her girls getting all sorts of pinups
Biboo headcanon isn't real
The issue is that now anime is mainstream so normalfags feeld the need to keep virtue signaling at every opportunity
wait, bweh-ing is just vomiting?
it's more real than your headcanon
Yeah but now we live in an era where everything needs to be politically correct and socially acceptable so you can't find any character under the age of 20 attractive or sexy or else you're a weird sicko
>Crusades against the lewd/sexy
>Gets an outfit to intentionally be as baby as possible
>Is upset fans don't find her sexy

The duality of Biboo
that's because chat thinks cute only means childlike
If you dress up in a scary costume she will freeze on the spot
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She already mentally kidnaps you for up to half a day just by streaming
Just add up all the hours of your life lost to Bibert streams, that's the amount of time you've been tied up in her Bibasement
Biboo headcannon about Biboo is the most real
shut the fuck up, retard
bweh is dying, vomiting, fainting, getting hit and everything inbetween
bweh is a mood
bweh is a feeling
yuh uh
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cry louder, schum
bweh is weakness
This isn't even true because Dungeon Meshi, which people were lauding as one of the best anime of 2024, sold about 3k blurays. Meanwhile Gushing over Magic Girls sold 10k.
if any of those people were half as normal as they keep saying they are then they'd understand the difference between fiction and reality.
I'm a lolicon and would rape Gura into a coma, but Biboo just doesn't have any sex appeal imo. She's the wrong kind of gaki.
dam she got to this grace so fast wtf
is Biboo like Miquella?
Yeah but sex is da nono again because Gen Alpha rubberbanded the opposite way from Gen Z/millenial sex positivity thanks to weirdos on twitter and tiktok.
Everything sex is evil. Gooners are literally the devil (not just cringe) anon and have to be crusaded against.
Next year porn will be illegal. And that's all thanks to tiktok gen alpha brainrot. Enjoy.
Can't you see that your argument contradicts itself?
>anime popular with normalfags doesn't sell much because normalfags don't buy stuff
>anime popular with a niche sells more because people interested in a niche are more willing to pay and/or support it
It's really simple.
yes actually we're all being biboolested
fuck off back to your containment thread shitposter
To be fair, Kugilolis like Shana is overrated
It's still trolling, even if you're being ironic.
Biboo is sexy
>Talked about her pantsu and thighs right at debut
>Draws attention to fanart like the sex sweater or the one about pebbles becoming her pantsu armor
>Gets licked/molested by enemies in-game and yells "look it's you pebbles www"
Chat skill issue tbdesu
to be fair there's a lot of retards that go to extreme both ways and i'm tired of all my videogame discussion being ruined by retards asking "WHERE'S THE SEX??? WHERES THE TITS???" or starting WW3 because their favorite game has a playable male in it or their waifu talked to a male that isnt their designated selfinsert character
Merch sales from people who can afford it don't coincide with social media retardation, anon
younger generations are terminally online and can't tell the difference between fiction and reality because everything blurs into one undefined blob
that's because she's /here/ with all the REAL pebbles and chat isn't. circumstantial proofs.
no doubts.
I'm gonna need links to that second one, for research
that fire passing through the pillar is so unfair lmao
The oldest of gen alpha are barely in puberty, it's the younger zoomers who are weird and puritan.
>n-no u!
why haven't you killed yourself yet? literally no one likes you
it's as simple as what's right in front of you and other real things. I had to help take care of a kid today. that shit is not the same and anyone who thinks it is is genuinely delusional.
especially when she teases me with her brattyness
biboo just punched a dog
I kill all dogs in ER for their delicious neck meat
Yeah I know I can buy them
No I don't care
cope and sneed
I 100% agree with you, but it's easier to be a puritan and avoid the discussion than "getting weird looks from a bad post on social media"
this. I'm 18 and managed to escape all the bullshit because I had parents who made sure I wasn't copying the crazy shit I saw in anime or treating it like it was real because it's not.
Sweater was https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/115199128 IIRC, comic was picrel
Ahhh yes, the comic that Biboo referenced at least four times, completely unprompted.
Love me some rock.
kys whore those are all valid complaints
It's her own lore, why would what she says about her own lore not be real?
at a certain point you just have to move on because literally who cares. it's those people making mountains out of anthills and it'll all collapse once people poke holes in it and it's all hollow.
hololive did that and they're thriving.
>I'm 18
why are you even here? go live your life
because it's made up
unironically these are all valid complaints because of the industry attempting to villainize and uproot these sorts of things because they believe they cause harm, when in reality they're surface-level hooks into good games, and ESG/DEI ridden shit can't compete because they rely on it too much.
western gaming has become more of a group validation checklist than something with actual conviction and passion in its decisions and outcomes.
t. retarded coomer
Thanks for proving the point I guess
You're as bad as the puritans because both of you are fighting a different war and ruining everything for everyone
Big Joe
this place is funny as hell and not as suffocating as twitter. also I've been doing as many college classes online as possible because I don't have my license yet and it gives me more time to do literally whatever.
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Oh no, I don't care about all that, I was just quoting the common sentiment among normalfags. I am very open about what I like, pic related is one of my rotating phone wallpapers and everyone at work has seen it already too
If you're gonna complain about stuff being made up, why the fuck are you watching vtubers?
you just replied to the threadschizo
Man I forgot how pretty this game looks, Biboo exploring it reminds me how much I loved just getting lost in the scenery. Shame the performance seems to be shit.
no we're two sides of the same coin and everyone needs to just take their hands off everything and let the people making the games do what they wanna do.
you find it funny now but when you're still here 10 years from now you'll see how bleak things really are
>let the people making the games do what they wanna do
Meant for >>79633475
NTA but I'm nearing my 12 years of 4chan and I don't think it's that bad
That's a vile creature
>saint of the bud
>100 legs
>99 vagánias
Nice Quelaag ripoff
I don't think I can jack off to this boss
Don't like when a lady has centipedes coming out from under there?
I think you mean sex creature.
Try harder, pussy.
t. literal schizophrenic
>in my pussy?
>it's more likely than you think
There are atleast 2 other bosses this thing is more similar too
>let the people make the games they want to do
>they make a cool game
>cant discuss it because everyones whining how its not sexy enough or crying that the devs should remove all gameplay and story for porn
This weapon does like no damage
Maybe she thinks it'd be boring if she moonveils every boss to death
Not according to Biboo
My wife is so understanding.
As long as no one tells her this is the easiest boss in the DLC, she wont job and spend hours here.
Why does she have superchats off?
Queelag had tits
fromsoft autism
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Biboo is going to destroy this thing dont worry
bro why....
Do NOT doubt my wife, thank you.
Why is the weakpoint the centipussy
It's an old meme, zoomer-chan
This is clearly the run provided she doesn't het butterflied
Nice trips. Timeless post.
why wouldn't it be?
That boss drops a remembrance?????
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>the only required boss besides messmer to reach the final boss
>also gets a focus in the story trailer
>no cutscene or dialogue
romina is weird
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If people liked the Monster Girl Quest snake lady, this lady should be twice as popular since she's basically Twin Snakes
She honestly feels like a cut ds3 boss or something with how easy she is.
I know the meme, still didn't want that imagine in my head
>People usually have 32 teeth
>Therefore, I will graft on 32 more teeth, to become twice as good
>she's basically Twin Snakes
dumb dog SCHLOP SCHLOP SCHLOP SCHLOP SCHLOP SCHLOP [sound=https%3a%2f%2ffiles.catbox.moe%2fpjf04p.webm%0a].png
What is the incident? I've been sick.
too bad it's shit
>twin snakes
she dwopped dem
as long as there's no evidence of suspended sex appeal or censorship, even self-censorship, there's no issue.
not much point in making a mountain out of an anthill
that's how we got here in the first place. all the old games that people hold with high regard weren't forced to be sexy or forced to be Christian (that's a lie, censorship was rampant back then, just not entirely focused on making clearly 18+ things acceptable for 11 year olds
Just got back did she kill the boar dude? I just saw her kill the scorpion lady.
We do not talk about "The Incident" here.
Nurgle's prettiest princess.
The cough drops truly lived up to their name.
>Twin Snakes
>>79634785 (me)
I just saw the remembrance nevermind
Finger but hole
ERbros, is this the end?
she's going to end just before the final boss
I missed seeing this
Oh shit this is it
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specifically twin snakes, she needs to see those crazy ass cutscenes
final dungeon
Rare :O Biboo
Did she actually kill any sidequests? Can never tell with chat always looking like two heads of the baka hydra arguing with itself
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I love weird structures like that
she'd beeping love it
How is her strategy facetanking with a light armor build? It is kind of cringe.
The sidequests it will stop are the St. Trina one, the gatherers, and the main cast. So if she did all of that she's good. And the gatherer one just gets you cookbooks so ok to miss for the most part.
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especially the end where liquid keeps getting up and they have this staredown
>It is kind of cringe
can't say that to the rizzler of ohio skibidi fanum tax, bro
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>he needs heavy armor to face tank
Get a load of this guy.
doesnt she still have all the non-dlc bosses too like foreskin duo, rykard, malenia and so on
She already beat the game once on stream, I don't think she's going to actually beat it again with this character. This was mainly for the DLC
Do you need to do those for the maidenless "burn the world" ending?
She said she wanted to do malenia with dlc stuff tho
Don't believe her lies about dex evasion builds, her strategy is always facetanking unless you make it clear she can't win the dps race
>But my favorite boss-kun loses the dps race
Skill issue for him
Bibert is a STRchad who thinks she's a DEXtwink, and that is the greatest tragedy
She's not gonna be able to facetank Radahn
should be interesting
Biboo is so silly, I love her
She's definitely gonna try
>her strategy is always facetanking
She didn't facetank the pig guy or scorpion girl, what are you talking about
Blessed sneezes
I attempted him once yesterday and then decided to wait until a day where I want to hate myself to seriously go for it. Fuck that dude. Probably gonna use the Sekiro tear and try for parrying.
Pebbros I lost the plot, who is this old lady who sells soup?
Greatshield + a pokey stick turns him into a joke.
There is no plot. Just a bunch of vague hints for MaatiMovie to slap together with chewed-up bubble gum.
I don't understand why no one uses shields
>I had a thought
It's absolutely bijouver
>unless you make it clear she can't win the dps race
Killing her quickly enough is (usually) enough to make it clear
Though you'll still have stuff like the hippo or Mohg where she'll get really stubborn about not respecting them
The best GS I can use on my build is Golden Beast Crest which kind of sucks for holy and I don't want to throw in the towel and respec. If parrying really sucks I might try poking.
DS3 conditioned people into thinking shields aer shit when they're insanely strong in ER. Honestly as much as I enjoyed DS3, it really did a lot of damage to the series in the way it conditioned people to play and the way it formed the views on the serires of people who played it as their first souls games.
Bergil wouldn't use a shield
She was dodge rolling those two bosses since the first attempt in the fight, not because they killed her. I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about.
They will never know the feeling of tanking literally everything with the greatshield of Artorias
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He made it into the game!
Can't you just give it a Holy affinity for better absorption?
the myth of consent
Yeah Biboo is never going to use a shield in a million years. The last boss is going to take a really, really, really long time. If she somehow gets him quickly I will dogeza.
>tree people
>hurr durr fauna
how do these retards not know fauna is animals?
And that's why love her
Hornsents grandmother. You can talk to her if you put on the lion head and she gives you soup. That's it.
did you guys miss the one where she was scared shitless at spooky forest so she forgot about the "motivated thing" and used a shield to parry and kill the spooky guys?
I was just thinking that and I believe you are correct. Still not great compared to the top tier greatshields
I conveniently blacked out for that moment so I can't say
She was scared shitless in a well lit near deserted forest populated by discount Winter Lanterns and frenzy rats? How will she ever deal with the real Winter Lanterns if she plays Bloodborne?
The difference is that's the ONLY way to kill those guys, and she was using it to parry instead of actually blocking.
I don't think she's making it to the final boss today
I will forever never understand why they decided that those fucks needed to have infinite poise.
She will it's a small area. Though the gank might be hard if she didn't do the npc quests I suppose.
she might make it to him but won't fight it
Why does biboo sound extra cute today?
she's streaming!
She was super scared until chat spoiled the fact that she could parry and kill the guys so she equipped a shield and killed them then going HAHA THIS ISNT SCARY AT ALL!!! after realizing she can kill them

Yeah but you werent actually supposed to kill them or know you could block them. Not that I care anyway, the run went from "Motivated weapons only" to "DMC brainrot run" a long while ago and its fine as long as she has fun and enjoys the DLC.
my sides
Biboo has no time for love, she's an idol
>rolls with the sword swing instead of against it
guys...i'm starting to think biboo is secretly bad
It keeps happening...
except for me
That delayed attack was literally the Elmer Fudd Elden Ring gif kek
also I forgot to add that forest was after nerfs
If it had been pre-nerf then the lanterns would have oneshot her and she would have given up on the shield and played properly but the skibidi buff meant she lived and could be her usual memelord self
nah she's just not rocked in, and button mashes when she's getting tired/distracted
Why has she been coughing for like over a week now?
She loves us too much...
probably no reaction at all if she doesn't read 30 notes telling her to do a spooky bit about it, same way she hasn't screamed her ass off at most of the gank "jumpscares" in this area
plus you can just kill the BB ones directly
The BB ones are more horrifying though, she would squirm and go
>ewww ewwww ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I abandon here all my doubts
I can't wait for Biboo's reaction to the gank fight.
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Oh yeah I learned that the random GRASS messages are actually chinese people saying "FUCK" because grass sounds like FUCK in chinese
>final area leading to the end boss
>just spam a bunch of cheap enemies
wow amazing...
She would get spooked playing some Bloodborne areas like the witches dancing
isn't that just kusa? bruh
really 50:50 whether she decides she wants to act like some grotesque enemy is cripplingly horrifying or not, sometimes the ugliest eldritch flesh golem will show up and instead of screaming "eww eww" she'll start babbling about it being cute or karaage or something
no the random ass grass messages at dead ends and shit
what the hell is this from
she says skibidi very cutely
The only annoying enemies are the horn dudes with infinite poise. The area in general is kind of short linear and disappointing though. I wish they'd spammed cheap enemies in the open world to make it more interesting and more of a challenge.
For the record >>79632537 is not >>79633234
Second guy is just some schizo that decided to join the convo. I tuned out to watch stream a long time ago after my initial shitpost.
use google or youtube lil bro it's not that hard
the fuck did she say?
she's ovulating!
the bing chilling meme
As if such a distinction even matters on an anonymous imageboard. Cringe.
Biboo is going to piss off the changs...
the comedic timing, what the beep lmao
Don't need 10 years. Next year when 4chan is required to ban all porn (I wish I was schizoposting) and hire more jannies you'll see how much it'll suck.
two more weeks
Yeah but schizos undermine the point that's all
Biboo needs to be a lot more careful with the chink stuff though, for real
The only kind of ad I will never skip.
>I wish I was schizoposting
>mfw the dumb child thinks he isnt

>you'll see how much it'll suck.
It'd unironically be better because maybe I'd be able to discuss something outside horny porn dumps
Nah she's perfect
This dork...the shirt is already sold out.
Is all her recording and voice training making her cough so much?
fuck off already parasite
Size small bros...
Biboo casual outfit SOON
>likely needs to shut up and pay attention to game
>purposely yaps more as much as possible
>dies instantly
no its all the streaming when her voice isnt good
not that, tourist-san. she just recovered from a bad cold/throat issue
But why isn't her voice good? I don't remember her taking time off for being sick or being sick on stream.

She was never sick on stream
It was the MSG incident that got her stuck in that situation. Along with overspeaking between work and streams. She is simply a yapper.
Gonna get married to a fat nobleman for a political arrangement

That nobleman? me
She's still recovering from having ligma a week ago.
>She was never sick on stream
At least admit you're a tourist, it's easier than trying to lie your way out of it.
Biboo... Why are you facetaking things?
This must be your first day watching her
she drinks MSG water like a nutjob
Or at the very least even just read her twitter.
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I forgot I've skipped all her DLC streams because I was going through it myself until now
watch her job even harder
You wish you had the courage to do so.
she died even with her yamato
>doesn't shut up and keeps whining at him every time she gets hit so she can get hit by the next thing instead
Biboo you are wasting so much time on a trash mob that drops nothing
It's about sending a message
I think it's based she's not the run past type.
She's on the training arc.
Manifesting Biboo covering a eurobeat song during a Live
Biboo running around everywhere at 50% HP is giving me anxiety
I wouldn't really care if she wasn't on a time limit, I just want her to see the final boss one time today...
not happening
I doubt she'll get past the gank since it sounds like she didn't complete the npc quests. That was annoying for me even with Thiollier and Ansbach
she's dying too, repeatedly
It could have, but there has been a lot of stalling the last hour
Biboo started tangenting 2 times more recenty but that also means her gaming skills are 10 times worse
Stop caring to much about the game and just listen to the cute Biboo sounds
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