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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVV7VFpCcfU
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEYrC-xNlMA
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

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Schejewel TBC, busy week confirmed.
MON - Elden Ring at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
TUE - Busy day - no streams
WED - Streaming something, time TBC
THU - -Advent- Collab - Oldschool Runescape at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
FRI - Busy day - possibly no streams, or short streams in the morning JST
SAT - Busy day - possibly no streams, or short streams in the morning JST
SUN - ???
Possible Fauna and Biboo pkm unite collab.
sex with kosexy beejoe
uoh bibunny
Biboo is my blowjob princess
I always pat her head if she does a good job
fuck off beggar
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what's her problem
Prepare for Kino
I just went through this part, the ice guy just kept throwing himself off the ledge every single time here. No idea what was up with him.
And then I spent the entire stream on the final boss until my stomach started hurting from hunger with no progress at all
And I'm already using a shield
And I already explored everything
it's over for me
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Ansbach the GOAT
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still would
>Everyone is here
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hornsent is such an ungrateful jerk
>noo biboo your sick you shouldnt stream!
>but yeah, we need you to come in for 12 hours a day to dance and sing :D
wtf I didn't know you could summon Igon. I completed his quest.
Have you seen Jolan? GODDAMN
This is pretty awesome
If you summon him for mesmer he doesn't show up to fight you here.
You can't.
who said that?
The OST is a banger too
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>no matter how much you help him, he still invades you
>sides with leda even if she tried to kill him
yeah but he invades you at rauh by himself
I love them all
I thought you could only summon Ainsbach or Thiollier and ignored the poison guy...
then I mimic'd when too many dudes showed up
I think it's really cool how they say something different every time instead of the same lines every time
This looks awful
>changed to fists
She doesn't want to win...
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cute sleepy guy
>believing chat
>doubting the power of fist
Not even worthy a (you)!
>NPC gankfest
Bravo Tanimura
I really do like this fight, but boy does it blow your summons don't show up right away. I have no sympathy if you did this fight without the NPCs though, that's just willful brainrot.
>12 minutes left
I'd love to see more stuff like this in games
>Everyone you helped shows up to help you

pure kino
Biboo doubted the fist... BWEH
You were saying?
you're not a real gamer if you have to use summons
Moore at least wont show up because she told him to kill himself
>Turns her back to the boss she's fighting and just runs across the map
>Dies to the projectile the boss throws at her
>Blames the weapon
did she even find his body
Why did she do that?
>you're not a real gamer if you don't use tools the game gives you
vergil roleplay
Is there a way to have Freyja or Moore on your side as well for this fight? I liked them too
You didn't beat the DLC if you didn't summon both Ansbach and Thiollier for Radahn and have them double his health while dying before phase 2
she should really try running away rather than rolling away like a sperg
Ignore teenaged /v/ posters.
Biboo... she just needs to be less cowardly...
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no, its only thiollier and ansbach; there's actually a replacement summon for ansbach if he's dead
she thought BE SAD FOREVER was a funny meme option
Narrative kino is more important than dick measuring
Biboo is really really bad at stamina management
The choke kek
If you don't have an ash of war that nukes people the NPC battles are brutal
Kek that's why I did myself with my doppelganger
Yeah fuck this fight. Getting attacked by 3 different people while your ai companion does fuck all is bad.
No, Moore is either an enemy or he kills himself. And Freyja is always against you because she both serves Radahn no matter what and she wants to have a worthy battle against Ansbach
i'd be fine with her using mimic tear here. fuck this gank squad shit
she's fucking up the aggro by constantly running away
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I just when in with my dual dickslappers and wrecked their assholes.
This fight was even more cancer with Moore, lucky she doesn't have him
You can actually keep Moore alive by choosing the not knowing option in his dialogue. He actually has special dialogue if you do that
Not exactly the same since Mimic doesn't increase boss HP
yes you are
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If Miquella is so great why doesn't he revive his champions with some Grace equivalent like Marika keeps doing for me?
Erdtree>Age of Kindness or whatever
Damn, i wanted to see her reaction to Radahn Prime but sadly time is over. Next elden ring stream I guess.
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she suddenly remembered how to run like in any other boss fight again after shutting up and focusing now
was in dumb screaming yapping and whining at the allied AI mode for whatever reason pls understand
I think it's cool his name is just "Hornsent". It's like being named 'The Moor"
If Thiloller died in this fight then can he still be summoned for Radahn?
At least this finale was peak too. More ER tomorrow!
>We'll finish the rest up tomorrow
we'll see about that Biboo
how many streams will it take her to finish the final boss? i'd say 2 minimum
Pebble blink twice if you need help
oh I just got back too...
>the two shadiest NPCs end up being your allies
What is even left? I thought one final dude and some optional stuff.
Yeah. I think he died on my playthrough and then was ready for the next fight
How did Hornsent join for this fight? I also noticed Moore didn't show up for her, how did she resolve Moore's quest?

Wasn't Hornsent already killed in the ruisn of Rauh?

I need the mechanics for who shows up in the Leda ganksquad.
cutest rock delivering KINO to my telly tonight
Radahn, and I highly doubt she beats him in 4 hours
Igon, Ansbach, and Thioller were the fucking best.
beebuu so comfy aaah
Solely depends on how long it takes for her to internalize that dodge direction is vitally important for phase 2
Miss Biboos.
is the final boss that bad? haven't gotten this far yet.
I think 6-8 hours she'll figure it out
Way too little Biboo...
Just him, but without very specific cheese he is the hardest boss From have ever made. For all the wrong reasons.
I expect your knees are ready.
>How did Hornsent join for this fight? I also noticed Moore didn't show up for her, how did she resolve Moore's quest?
She sided with him in Shadow Keep. Moore didn't show up cause she told him KYS
I think she can do it, it will just take 6 hours. I crumbled and went to bleed, deflecting hardtear, mimic to do it.
people say it's the hardest fromsoftware boss ever
hello Irys
>I also noticed Moore didn't show up for her, how did she resolve Moore's quest?
She thought "Be sad forever" was a funny meme answer
very hard and not in a good way. midra was the fairest fight for this dlc imo
If you don't summon Hornsent for Messmer he doesn't know what to do and eventually joins Leda. Which means you don't kill him in the ruins. She told Moore to kill himself
Hornsent shows up here if you don't summon him for Messmer, otherwise he shows up in Rauh. Moore depends on what you say to him during his quest. The two summon NPCs are if you finish their quests. The rest are always there.
only 4 hours tomorrow but maybe she will clutch it
If she uses the npcs she might be able to juggle the aggro to a win. She definitely needs more dps
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>leda and dane always are there, no matter what, even if you kill them
>frejya joins if you give her the letter from ansbach
>moore joins if you tell him to put it behind, kills himself if you tell to be sad forever (what biboo did), or stays alive if you pick neither
>hornsent invades with leda if you don't summon him for messmer, even if you side with him against leda; if you summon him for messmer, he invades solo in the ruins. can also have leda kill him
basically hornsent is a jerk, and if you take what seems to be the best options for freyja and moore, you have to kill them
It's hard but in the wrong way.
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you can actually avoid frejya and have it just be dane and leda which is funny
Leda and Jolan are hot
Oh I completely missed the Leda vs. Hornsent fight. I did however summon him for Messmer.

Also man that's kind of a dick move. But I guess Moore joining would make this fight even harder for her. Motherfucker throws instant scarlet rot pots.
Harder than a Pthumerian Descendent or Pthumerian Elder in a cursed chalice? I don't know about that, maybe. Phase 1 Radahn ain't bad. Those two are horrible all the way through.
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Hornsent sees you as an agent of Marika. Which I mean, you technically are. And Marika is the one who sent Messmer to kill all of the hornsent.
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She WILL murder you.
>Everyone dies except the Tarnished

I'm pretty confident I'm better at the game than Biboo. I played through the DLC with just Moonveil and didn't spend longer than 30-40 minutes on any prior boss, Messmer took like 25 minutes. I respecced for Radahn because he is absolutely fucking stupid
worth it
its just funny because leda tried to kill him
The first phase is actually pretty good and an enjoyable fight once you learn it. The second phase has a bunch of chain attacks which happen within milliseconds of each other that are incredibly difficult to dodge, and his normal attacks call down beams of light after the swings so if you don't dodge the correct way you still get hit even if you dodged the attack.
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>Excited when I first played and saw Freyja was a Redmane because I love Radahn
>Look at her face model
>Ugliest shit I've ever seen.

I don't feel bad about killing her anymore. But I at least appreciate she really didn't hold a grudge against me and just wanted to fight.
Dunno where I'd put my bets in on time
On one hand she's respected dodge direction on some bosses this dlc like Midra and she was on track to do Messmer in like 2 hours, on the other hand she sometimes has a stroke like halfway through Messmer or this gank fight just now where she starts playing like she picked up the series a day ago

Seems like she's had the most trouble this dlc with anything that fucks the camera (lion, hippo in general, Messmer's one attack where he spins around above your model) and visibility is a pretty big complaint on the final boss, but visual noise is a slightly different issue than disorientation from the boss flipping all over
She is in favor of turning her lord into an emotionless murder bot inhabiting the body of Mohg, she's kinda trash
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Biboo was playing like a souls newbie today
That metal pipe killed the remaining braincell she had
>Kills two bosses in less than an hour
Extremely based pipe. Girls are cuter when they're retarded.
Yeah good point

Actually I wonder if Jerren has any dialogue after the DLC. I might go check if he's still there.
Gaius and Romina are trash mobs with enough skibidi. Literally the only hard part of the DLC is the final boss if you get your skibidis.
>moving goalposts
classic insufferable soulsfags
pig and centipussy were fine, former was the usual "gets stuck in entertainer mode then kills him shortly after shutting the fuck up" and the latter was whatever
her brain melted somewhere halfway through the last dungeon though, maybe it was the pain of all those lost cough drops or something catching up to her
The best part of this is that Biboo positioned the pipe where it originally was: it is just waiting to ambush her once again.
I am that pipe.
>Gaius is a trash mob
No one said that. In fact you can even archive search to see people saying "Oh man she's going to take so long on Gaius"
Those people are shitters. Gaius was really hard for me at first but when I came back with skibidis he went down easy.
I killed that guy 3 in attempts and was completely baffled when I went online and saw people everywhere crying about him
Funny how these comments only show up after Bibs beat him so cute. Weird.
Skibidis trivialize the dlc. I would know because I'm a faggot and exploited the optional nature of the majority of bosses to farm skibidis and come back later. Only Radahn is a hard skibidi wall.
>Gaius will take hours!!!
>Kills it easily
>She wont get past the gank fight and have to leave it for tomorrow!
>Does it in like 10 mins
I said like 12 hours ago that Gaius is easy as fuck >>79598547
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>Only four hours of Biboo tomorrow
I only said I didn't think she'd beat the gank today because I thought she had no npc summons and was going in alone. My receipts are in the previous thread.
>expecting /gem/ to frequent and know whatever the fuck you talk about in global
go back and stay there, buddy
imagine not having faith in my gamer gemwife. couldn't be me.
nobody here is gonna ask which bosses Biboo has left because they watch streams
yap/rocked in
I do because I actually haven't played Eldenring yet, get a new angle.
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I asked a few times over some threads since I'm going through it myself and don't want it spoiled.
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biboo is at skibidi 16 rn, how fucked is she? also has anyone kept track of which skibidis she is missing?
I'm at 18 and the final boss hits hard. I'm probably gonna hunt down the last 5 I need. And there is no way for her to do the same without looking up every single one and going to the location to check. It's really shit.
Is the map purposefully made to look like a guy in pants
the thumbnail looks like that gigachad version of the bonk dog, you know which one
When are we going to get new emotes? We need so many.
kinda looks like radahn riding a horse if you squint a bit
Nah looks like Broly
>guy in pants
I literally can't unsee it now. It's like finding the chef in the US map
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Brother, it's literally the same thing as pic related.
honestly as long as you have enough to move breakpoints from 1hko -> comfortable 2hko don't think it really matters too much whether you roll up on a boss with 8 vs 12 or whatever
doing 20% more damage only really comes into play if you're planning to actually rockbrain greed choke on the last pixel of boss hp and then zone out for hours instead of repeating that run
Biboo's next souls-like NEEDS to be Nioh 2. It fits her play style perfectly.
We are talking about a streamer, somebody can and will do it for her.
You have to let it go, bro... She's never playing Nioh 2.
As much as I love the combat, I fucking hate the Diablo style loot
Medications, now.
Shit I kind of see it now.
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You know too much.
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I don't see why not eventually. She will run out of games to play if she returns to streaming as much as she used to. I'd like to see her play The Surge. I don't care what anyone says. It's kino.
Schejewel correction:
THU - -Advent- Collab - Oldschool Runescape at 8 PM EST | 7 PM PST | 9 AM JST (one hour earlier)
Nerissa should be banned from choosing games
Yeah I don't know how anyone who didn't play that 20 years ago could tolerate the piece of shit it is
That shit is not going to be fun for anybody
best part of the DLC
I dunno about that, I think they'll still make it fun somehow. I just like watching them hangout honestly.
It will probably focus on yapping. There isn't shit for to them to do as a group while low level and a swarm of faggots chasing them around.
>There isn't shit for to them to do as a group while low level and a swarm of faggots chasing them around.
Exactly, so why even bother
>It will probably focus on yapping
yeah so just do a yapping stream
>Advent movies watchalong
>Advent minecraft
instead of Nerissa games
>doubting Biboo
>doubting Advent
all npc dialogues from the leda invasion (also with Moore), there's a lot of dialogue that we didn't hear
holy fucking sex
why didn't moore show up when she was doing that last battle?
biboo may or may not have told him to be sad forever after the shattering
biboo bullied him into committing suicide
kinda based
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Biboo told him to kill himself
Biboo really took that frieren episode to heart
If Biboo commanded me to do anything, I would do it
What if she commanded you not to love her
what if she commanded you to not follow her commands
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Yeah I just
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I don't even like Biboo
I am so very bored without Biboo...
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How much social credit in absentia did she lose today for that bing chillin refference?
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what stories would you tell biboo while resting at a grace together?
me on the left
I wonder if she will actually get bonked for that
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Anyone here got the tickets? I also got this
Nigga at least look at the vod before you ask something stupid like this. It's still intact
She's going to be fine, Kobo has done it before.
damn these artists putting their twitter names as unreadable signatures. Luckily the post showed up in the art tag
>no one catboxed that Biboo art everyone was asking for
I think Kobo got asked to read the full Bing Chilling copypasta and did it without hesitation a while ago.
Kobo is a chink shill though
Wow I'm sure she can even say taimanin square out loud and without repurcation because she played chinkslop while Biboo will be canceled for saying a dumb meme that's on fucking tiktok
you never know
Gura got Bully banned because it had Taiwan in it
Indonesians massacred their own chink population before though, so she should be fine.
nice op i love bunnygirls
>anons unironically think Biboo is going to get suspended for saying some shitty John cena meme
We’re not forgetting IRyS’s “that little Gypsy” moment that she didn’t even edit out, right? She’ll be fine
People arent worried about Biboo getting bonked, people are worried about the chinese being touchy little shits who attack people.
From my glance over the catalog, it's just SEA hours, they like to spook westerners with chinamen
no one said this
god I love Igon, how much does it cost to do one of those voice thingies from his VA?
What you are talking about is Cameo, and he doesnt have one. You will have to directly contact his agent. I found the information, and his resume surprisingly enough, but I also do not have the money or social media ability to send it to biboo and cover for her birthday.
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it's probably a worse stream game but at the very least I'll probably get 5 minutes of nostalgia value from seeing run escape again, as well as seeing what it's become in the last 20 years
it's a step up from the random dollar store horror kusoge she unearths from god knows where
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Many of the Phasmoslop clones came from Shiori and I think the one in the school was Fuwamocos idea (don't hold me to that) I don't know what this new cope is, that only Nerissa picks the games just because this one is obviously and confirmed her idea
now I wonder which ones are Biboo's recs, I'm assuming the LC and CW ones at least
LFD2 Was Biboo's rec during debut month. EDF, as well.
I'd say the two cooking games too, atleast the one where they had this aprils fools bit about rescuing Bibert (the birth of Oobib) which was mainly her backseating advent.
i will never forgive shiori for causing the elbbep infestation in /gem/
The two best Collab games so far, sasuga
She already knew the controls for the 1st cooking game and was giving a tutorial on the 2nd game to the others, so those were almost certainly hers.
Palworld potentially, since she set up the local server before Holo did and was apparently testing shit out and catching shiny sheep before the others even logged on.
I remember her being excited for Pico Park being able to ruin friendships like Mario Party back in the day, but I don't recall if that excitement was before or after it appeared on the collab calendar.
Still wish they would go back to either of these sometime
Possibly EDF coming to soon at least
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My wife
Await the Biboo
Discuss the Biboo
Do not carry off the Biboo
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Sorry pebbros. I cheesed the final boss by poking him with a fork behind a huge shield. I promise I'll do it properly on my next run.
Pic related, it's someone who's cheesed to meet you.
Man I love koseki.
Good morning, I love Biboo
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>I promise I'll do it properly on my next run.
Did he die? Then you did it properly. Don't listen to faggots. Fromsoft put items in the game for you to use.
As much as I enjoy the Elden Wing streams, it really does bring out the softest fags on the board who love policing the "proper" way to play the game, all the while min-maxxing their stats, using guides to look up meta builds, and being wiki warriors because they don't actually know how to play video games.
Not a souls problem, just a "old, popular game" problem. Monhun fags are the most insufferable, imho
True. I miss when being a "gamer" was just about loving video games.
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Why do they give Biboo so much homework... She's just a child...
Good morning, I love biboo.
>pink mamma just asked Biboo on discord for them to do a skibidi toilet watchalong collab
I want that too, I want to understand the younger generations
I still don't understand why Biboo was back in the USA for 2 weeks
probably a visa thing, or something work-related since they called it "a quest for advent", in the end we will never know
>biboo said yes
What did I expect lmao
Guess I'll prepare for some brain rot.
I think there are certain playstyles that trivialize the game and if you use them you have a different experience than other people, but you still played and beat the game. Unless you're one of those people who uses summons to hold agro and then use Comet Azur to one shot the boss
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Biboo is no more.
The thing is there's a lot of builds that don't really require you to engage with the game at all.
In the base game you had shit like the aforementioned Comet Azur which would just kill bosses before they could even do anything, now for the DLC you have garbage like Fingerprint Shield and Bloodfiend's Arm where you just hold L1 and occasionally do a charged R2 and win without having to even watch what the bosses are doing, even the final one.
I'm using the Bloodfiend's Arm since I was doing a bleed/arcane run for the DLC, but I'm not using a shield so bosses are still kicking my ass if I don't perfectly time my hits
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Bros I had a wet dream tonight where Biboo was living with me (i live on a farm) and got interested in animal play and I painted her body and gave her nose piercings and tags on her ears and stuff and we played that she was a cow and i put her in the barn with the other cows and forced her to eat hay and we even did some artificial insemination play where I pumped her womb full of cow semen with a huge syringe while she was howling about not wanting it and I woke up super sweaty with my boxers completely filled with cum...
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I'm not gonna judge you on your tastes, I'll just congratulate you for your Biboo dream. I had a cool one this weekend, I even posted it here. It's always nice having a Biboo dream.
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That isn't usually my taste at all actually, I don't think I've ever imagined a scenario like that or ever fapped to anything like it
Dreams are weird I guess
Watching Pekora fight the final boss of the DLC, this looks REALLY rough even with her tanky meta build
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Me and the boys getting ready for Biboo's stream
I hope she beats the DLC quickly so we can be done with ER autism again at least for a little while
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my wife
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Keep telling yourself that, buddy.

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