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Modiste Edition
>Current and upcoming streams

>This week's full schedules

[Gen 1: Indulge]
>Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess
>Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear
>Immy Bisou - Hex Maniac
>Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere
>Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress
>Stronny Cuttles - Hypnotic Cuttlefish

>VAllure Links

>Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive

[FAQ for Tourists]
>What is VAllure?
The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo.
Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI.
>Where will the content be?
YouTube - Kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum.
Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like.
Fansly - Up to discretion of the girls. Content will be free. Will come later.
>Is there a Discord Server?
Yes, Notification only. No interaction with any of the girls. Check VAllure Links.
No, they won't be joining any fan servers.
>Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship?
Yes, all of them, with me.

>VAllure Friends!
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
Yume+ and other small corpos: >>>/vt//corpo/
More of Azura and Shibi's friends: >>>/vt/choc/

Previous thread >>79626166
love immy
Our mummeh in VAllure, horny be her name. Her kingdom cum, her will be done, on YouTube as it is on Patreon. Give us this day our daily nut, and forgive us our cringe, as we forgive those who cringe at us. And lead us not into celibacy, but instead deliver us into temptation.

for me, it's mercy modiste
i want the one i can't have
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Immy kinda cute
Immy kinda wife
Immy kinda looks
Like the love of my life!
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for me, its mommy choco thighs
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
pinpals what other things do you want to see immy do? Handcams, games, watchalongs, whatever type of content
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
pussy fingering
Not a pinpal, but given the fact that she has you guys reading her smut book. Why not have some member stream were you talk about parts of the book that she like?
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We ARE beating the pissallure allegations btw if you guys have noticed.
What's up with that?
Sorry immy I won’t eat your period blood.
Sorry Stronny your accent scares me
Sorry shibi I won’t take guys up my poop hole I might suck though
Sorry Azura im not an architect
Sorry Icey your too… BLONDE
I’m waiting for the BEAR to come in
I'd love to see her play some an otome game or something as long as it's not too long. One of my favorite parts of Andy and Leyley was watching her squeal whenever she saw something she liked.
I posted in the wrong thread...
and what did you say anon?
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I want her to be breastfed by Azu
I want her to sit, naked, in Azura's lap
I want her to reach up with her small hands and put one of Azura's nipples in her mouth and start suckling
I want her to make cute noises of comfort as, while suckling, mommy Azu strokes her hair
I want Azu to then, with her other hand, slowly spread Immy's legs apart and lightly touch her smoothly shaven pussy
I want Azu to start teasing Immy's clit, little by little, as Immy's suckling becomes more desperate, her hands grasping more and more at Azura's massive breasts

basically I want Azura to breastfeed the lolis
Did Shibi and Icey get bored of it?
I just noticed but why are Immy's eyes so low-res? Are all the girls like that?
Big old greentext but I'm not sure it's worth reposting. Shits a specific fetish for me so idk if Immy would like it.
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I love my Strontistic wife and her daughters!
I popped a boner to it
its not going to be worse than me and my gloves thing
I want her to play more games with stuff that turns her on. TCOAAL was fun to watch because of how she reacted to everything.
This one's going to be fucked so don't read it if you're not into this sort of thing.
>The year is 2033
>On top of ageing being completely halted we have the technology to heal the most severe of wounds
>The drug has finally been invented
>By reconfiguring the pain response in someone's brain, people are able to have the most extreme orgasm they've ever hard under extreme torture
>You and Immy and eager to try it
>You tie her to the bed, red ropes restraining her from moving an inch
>You pop the pill in her mouth and wait a few minutes
>She begins to feel hot, her skin crawling with pleasure
>The slightest brush makes her moan in ecstasy
>She begins to writhe around, the feeling of the sheets against her skin feeling like tiny hands caressing her sensitive body
>You untie one of her feet
>She gasps as you touch her, whimpering and babbling incoherent nonsense
>You begin to put pressure on her knees as you bend her lower leg upwards
>As the pressure mounts her eyes widen
>Her mouth is agape, no noise coming from it
>You feel her bones begin to break as her leg reaches its limit, her leg breaking backwards towards her chest
>She begins to foam at the mouth, pissing herself as her brain completely fries
>She's convulsing, having reached the peak of ecstasy
>She's touched god in that moment and has lost herself to the ether
>You move to the arm and bend it beyond its limit
>A quick scream followed by more convulsions
>You untie her and hold her down by the throat
>Choking her through the orgasms only makes her cum harder
>You see the life leave her eyes as you strangle her, pure bliss behind her pupils
>She slowly stops moving and you fuck her lifeless body while it's still warm, cumming again and again from the spectacle
>You resuscitate her in the vit chamber, perfectly fine and completely healthy
>Not a night goes by where you aren't indulging in this new form of pleasure
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Oh I thought you meant you posted it in a different general, I saw this in the previous thread that's still up. Yeah you're fucked
Well, I don't know what's worse. This or the fact that in reading this, I felt nothing. Just a slight twitch.
So is it the build up to snuff or just guro?
Immy deserves this treatment desu
Nah I don't like actual death, she gets healed in the end.
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
For Icey Snowpaws, it's her dada (Me)
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Nah I don’t like my actual sister, just fictional ones
patreon nsfw collabs when....
Reeflings how do I git gud at parrying? The only game I’ve had it click for me is in bloodborne but I can’t ever get the hand of it in any other game.
When I wake up tomorrow morning, Icey will be awake as well and she will probably be active on twitter. And that thought makes me very happy :)

I hope I can fall asleep soon so I can wake up and see her again soon.
We're here to burn through every tag in the database. It's all just piss in the wind.
Azura is cute, Azura is love!
Azura is not a mute, Azura is quite a dove!
Though she is a goat, it fits her like a glove!
This is all to quote, that Azura is my Ladylove!~
Use carian retaliation or buckler and just practice Unlike in Dark souls 3 you actually have to time the parry with when you get hit not slightly after
ritual poster, thoughts on >>79642683 ?
I made this post
>You'll have to go on dates with me every week
I love this kind of thing. It reminds me of that one doujin where the guy slowly changes his relationship with his mother by asking her to kiss every day.
Im happy to see azura posters now she deserves it!
sauce pls?
317838 you know where to plug them
i wanna write more fanfic of her, but i cant think of more words that mean "breastfeeding"
Just describe the actions instead of using the word
You are a saint
When you finish will you be posting the fanfic here?
I just want female pleasure.
Suckling, Nursing. Also, just look up synonyms for breastfeeding retard

Shibi trying to seduce(?) Phase Connect girls
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>kouhai handcam tomorrow
is this her first handcam stream?
Are we finally getting some sugar?
I swear if i see fucking gloves, im gonna cry
I want an audio from stronny where she just goes to town on herself and just starts cumming over and over till she just sort of just collapses tho i dont know how possible that is for her
>I swear if i see fucking gloves, im gonna cry
Good cry or bad cry?
>her small lips lightly touched Azu's tan areolas, her tongue lightly caressing the nipple, making it perk up right before she closed her mouth around it and latched on
yes.... theres something to this... I'll have to think about it and break down the individual actions more....
idk, i'll have to polish it first
yeah but theres like, 3 or 4 and everything else just sounds too sciency or whatever
I like it a lot
It's like a double ritual for Immy and Azura
keep your expectations low senpai so that if she does have gloves on you wont be disappointed
good cry
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i hope she's wearing gloves, i love gloves they can be really erotic...
Im really tired so im going to bed. Good night anons and have a good day tomorrow!
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hell yeah let's gO SHIBI RIZZ EM UP
gn anon!
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I love my innocent and shy yandere wife, Mercy Modiste.
It’s really hitting me hard right now that we still have an entire week and a day until immy is at the very least back home, plus the fact that she probably won’t stream the day she gets back. Two weeks is a long time and I’ve never cared enough about other chubas to the point where I was just waiting wait for them.
I’m sad and I really miss my little sister.
yeah i know you just said that 20 minutes ago
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Stronny members chat is really interesting. Theres no grooming. Its almost like they dont wanna flirt with her... because they are pass that.
I think the reeflings are the ones doing BFE to Stronnys pleasure.
The occasional honeyed compliments are made by very few new fans. Its refreshing.
I really liked it!
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now that shibi posted hers here's the full schedules for next week
*cums on your face*
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>oshi suddenly stopped liking my replies and reading my comments in chat
i dont even know what i did wrong
this sucks
wait a second I used the old stronny schedule I'm a fucking retard
Thanks anon but it’s just not the same if it isn’t immy doing it
I was about to ask if she's gonna try looping the week
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AAAAA she didn't actually post the full res anywhere just in her stream as normal I'm so fucked
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temp new schedule block with a wee cheeky peeking cu'lefish since she probably won nae post it 'till the mornin'
I think posting about Immy's freak has messed with my youtube algo somehow.
I keep getting horny songs in my feed
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
>She responds to my replies and likes my comments
>Still believe she hates me and only responds to placate me
Why am I like this?
You weren't loved?
I have a feeling like some of the girls intentionally leave out a few people (different people every time), to see if they'll go schizo /here/
she used to do that too, maybe she just got tired of me...
that's a surefire way to get antis so it's unlikely they'd do that with that goal in mind except Immy but that's because her entire fanbase is schizos
and that turns her on somehow
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Goodnight /vag/gots and /vag/inas
night bro
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I thought I knew what I was doing but I didn't
time to flinch....
Damn Sigma, im glad im not you!
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I won
GZ anon!
F2P done
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Shibi Love!
I want to push my dick down her throat so she can't breathe and keep it there until she loses consciousness
What im reading here is that for you, is mercy modiste
Same I want cum so deep in her throat she vomits it back up after I pull out.
>not an architect
Slow day morning
Gen 2 should get a chuuba live during these hours.
It's been one month and you are already looking for other girls
It would've been slightly smarter to have more than one EU streamer
It's not euro time for another like 6-7 hours, if you want someone to fill this slot you're looking for an aussie or a jap.
I'm looking for a neet euro that wakes up before lunch
So, Icey?
Yes but give her more streaming slots.
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>nigga doesnt even know moya
I dont like it here
huh, EU eats the best out of anyone, especially the britbongs. they only really get screwed out of azura and mercy
Icey is awake any not horny.
If you look at starting times, MAYBE. I can't watch Immy because If I go to sleep when she starts, i'd get 7 hours of sleep. Shibi I can watch for 2 hours (and her streams regularly go over 2 hours)
Americas at least have an option to be awake for all the streams, even if 3/6 are within working hours

And to be honest, I'd love a chuuba about now so that I have someone to listen to while working.
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no kouhai for 18 hours...
That's bullshit. I can watch all of icey and then half of stronny. That's it.
Maybe Immy if she streams early but honestly I don't even remember the times she streams at anymore.
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handcam tho!
I think she overlaps with Shibi.
Midnight CEST, if you can stay up to 3 in the morning she's watchable. Not for me though, I usually wake up between 4-5
>wake up at 7am
>first stream of the day is at 6pm
>streams till 8pm
>raided into 8pm streamer
>watch till 11pm
>asleep by 12
In what world are euros eating the best
how is getting to watch 3/6 of the corpo when they have staggered starts not good eating
you guys seem to think you should be able to watch 6/6 of the girls when you only have like 6 hours a day outside of work

imagine being an australian for one
>be american
>wake up watch EU vod on 2* speed
>go to work while listening to a live stream
>drive home from work listening to a different streamer
>get home and start watching streamer
>have dinner while watching streams
>get into bed and watch half a stream before falling asleep
>wake up and get angry at euros for having getting more stream time
This is literally my schedule and it's fantastic. I waited four fucking years for hololive to get me something like this and had to ween myself on some Euro indies and Phase. Iceybis perfect to me, and the fact that she actually streams in hours I can interact has given me happiness I never thought I would have, to the point where Vallure basically cut the legs out from HoloJustice.

My point is these are good times for a Euro anon, don't take them for granted.
>Be euro
>Wake up and scroll through /vag/ because you've missed 4/6 streams in the 7 hours you've been asleep
>Go to work in silence
>Work in silence
>Get home, cook dinner in silence
>Sit down ready for the first stream of the day.
>Finish dinner listening to streamer
>Stream ends, get into bed
>Second stream starts and you go to sleep.
At least I can dedicate everything to that one streamer though.
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>wake up
>watch Stronny
>go to sleep
>dream about Stronny
Not sure why this is hard for anybody
These groomers are hilarious
I'm at work right now. Can someone remind me what Stronny is streaming tonight? I want to know whether to get excited for after work or not.
>watch Stronny
>be happy
>Stronny stops streaming
>realize that even though I love her, she doesn't even know who I am
>Stronny will one day be married (not to me) and have kids and I'll be alone
>she literally hates me
Lol she's already married jesus christ. That's why she moved to Australia.
And so.. it begins
Wait really? Is this like well known and I'm the only idiot that didn't know this?
Huh, they're using Stronny for a change.
Fuck fuck shit damn it God fucking damn it. Why didn't I consider that she might already be married? It's so fucking over. I even wanted to commission art of her but to hell with that now
It's true .I'm aussie.
Guys, you are one year too late. We moved for immy for schizo hate dox posting and icey for parasocialmaxing posting. If you are going to post stronny it has to be about hope or anal
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I knew she had a partner a couple of years ago, not sure about now. She tried to test the waters by hinting that he existed, and it went about as well as you'd expect. I believe that's why she has a strong 'no male on stream' stance.
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I still haven't used Marshmallow.
Time to make an audio and then name drop in the last second of it.
Guys, how do I record a tribute? I've never done one but I want to send one to Icey. Do I need to just hold my phone with one hand and record myself jerking off? Where do I need to hold it to make sure you hear everything correctly? Do I include my dick in the video or just my load? I've only got 24 hours to do this so I want to make sure I get it right the first time for her.
If you haven't done it already I doubt she cares. She has enough guys she is already invested into.
She doesn't care if you do that she's just not going to respond to it if you do. Enjoy I guess
They are baiting why are you replying? Even if they were the groomers, she would already know their voices and who they are anyways, since those dudes were signing them before
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Love this woman.
Yaaaay, Immy is awake!
I could feel the cosmic energies flowing through my body, signaling Immy is awake
I got hard
She prefers audio so if you just record audio of you cumming and talking about how much you love her she would adore that.
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>Wrong hole dumbass
I'm not into anal, but looking forward to it.
I'm looking forward to them all apart from that one. The countdown will get used everywhere. The last audio is what I'm really looking forward to.
brun already trying to groom her again, glad she shut him down telling him only send 1.
Ok JJ chill out. It was a normal post
Early Stronny ASMR feat. Denpafish
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>another members only stream
kouhai HATES me...
I want an audio where she uses my dick as a pacifier and calls me dada throughout it.
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I'm not that faggot. "I'm going to send multiple in 1 day" is not grooming now?
>armpit one is first
Fuck, if I listen to it, I know I'm gonna bust, but I have to hold strong for my sister...
>Eating out the weird girl
I'm putting my chips on this one.
I wish the patreon audios did something for me but I'm just not that into scripted content. I still subscribe though to support the girls.
Not beating the weird girl allegations
Well, it makes sense considering most of us have been following her for years now.
why are you obsessed with this nigger? did fuck icey in front of you or something? you bring him up every day.
You're him
I’m gonna need help holding back when I listen to that one anons
Pretty nice, paizuri is always.
I think Stronny went too safe with Shibi's scripts though, hopefully after the pre-made ones are done, they can do some more hardcore stuff. Shibi on twitter has proven she is ok with more hardcore stuff.
noticed there was an uptick in slurs when azura and shibi admitted they were actually black, fascinating
She knows what she's doing and she knows how to handle the haters
I hope im doing well enough for her BFE...i could be donoing more
Just noticed that Immy's releasing a countdown while she's still away on her trip. And Shibi releasing one before Harelots are allowed to nut.
I'm not even a fucking snowbearie but nice try faggot.
Madam Shibi is going to finish us off between the Tinder audio and the gyaru classmate RP
I hope she makes us hold our bibles during the tag stream
They're all doing countdowns, it's clearly not anything they're thinking about.
I dont think Stronny does that. She's too inconsistent with me for that to be the case. I think with her it's more genuinely adding to the conversation/topic is what gets her responses.
Also if you're purely speaking about twitter and other such media she's basically nonexistent there so not even applicable. Like she does the token post here and there but she's a busy siren.
>wake up
>have time to sleep
>dont feel tired
>play elden ring until work time
>get to work
>sudeenly tired
sorry to burst your bubble anon I only post my ritual post about how much I love icey and then i lurk. you're arguing with someone else.
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I hope icey knows that I think about her always and that I'm completely obsessed with her.
>cage training
>Kisses aftercare
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Mummeh loves me, this I know. Reeflings love mummeh, this she knows. nuff said.
>to help with premature ejaculation
>to help
Fuck, i wanted her to tease me about it and make it worse
Stronny knows best so i'll enjoy it regardless
Mummeh is love, mummeh is life
>anon you take too long to cum, you gotta be faster or ill think you don't find me attractive... look ill count down from 10, you better have came before I finish. "10, 9, 8" oh good boy *giggles* you came so fast for mummeh.
I now have a kink for women guilt tripping me
Guys, i really shouldn't listen to Immy's audio when it drops but i REALLY want too...god damn this cruel world
We really need some anti JOI from Immy...
Immy cover when?
Shibi's cat is dying. I don't want to look.
Yeah, because i beat it up everynight
I will listen to Immy's upcoming armpit audio and I will not cum, even if it kills me
>the guilt trip
Oh fuck, i felt that. And the rest of it i felt in my nuts
i want to do the same but i doubt my abilities... I barely made it through the last one
Would Immy find it weird if I tried to make an Immy tulpa?

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