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>lands at girl's night
Fuwafuwa Edition

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomer vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Filian is bilingual?
When $20 is $20
If I Laugh, I Get Punished #3

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
Monopoly with Pippa, Dokibird and Lumi
Filian & Vedal vs Neuro
Filan & MariMari_EN Watch ONE Championship Fight Night 21
Wrestletuber Day 2

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:06 - 24:00 UTC

>Recent Stream
YLYL Saturday


>Previous Thread
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The first anon to get a triple in this thread will be kidnapped, forced into a tracking suit, and raped by Filian live on stream.
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The sex symbol of 2024
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im... im gonna SMACK
Whenever whenever whenever poggy woggy
the sex symbol of the 3rd millennium
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>Hey furry, I think you got the wrong door. Yiffcon's two blocks down.
>Frick you!
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>the insatiable lust of filian takes over
>she grabs your arm and pulls you close
>as you take a step back she steps on your foot
>with now only one leg in front of you she places her crotch on your forwardfacing leg's thigh
>she's breathing heavily
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yo this is fire senpai, like gyatt, when she is dropping this merch? i think it is so pogcrazy based skibidy rizz and real and integer
can people please post more lewd mints
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don't got any, sorry
Snacker instant loss 2koma!
Filian Amazon position!
8 hours of continuos forced sex!
Death by the filipuss
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unsatisfied until her decades of sexual repression is released
Towa Filian, Towilian dare i say
what a slut
yeah, mine
we love our slut
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thread theme song

mouth breather woman drooling on snacker
all me
If Filian really did engage in unironic pet play with that Koko girl that would mean that Filian is actually GAY. Which means Filian x Layna is basically canon.
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frick you i'm based and young and pog and a sigma and you are cringe and unpog and a beta
when asked one time if she would date a woman her response was something like "i don't know, i don't care what they are"
bicycle sounds about right
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do you think Mint is as puffy
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t. boomer yapping with L rizz and no livvy dunne level gyatt gf
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MOOODS ban this frick and lock them up with the other schizos
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just take the L grandpa you will never be a real sigma. you will never have skibidi rizz. you will never be baby gronk. you live in ohio, its already joever for blud
Whole Canadian healthcare system collapses because there is so many people with pelvic fractures entering
let me at her i can survive
you are lucky it's past my bedtime (because i'm too young not because i'm old) if not i would've packgod'd you, you nerd
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ok blud keep yappin L bozo
frick you
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Filian presents to light Layna's no longer existent pubes on fire, which I guess means she's essentially pretending to set her own pubes on fire instead
Filian asks Layna if she would sit on an object that I guess she thinks protrudes like a phallus, or that she imagined going inside of her. I don't know
ghost pubes
Neuro drops the FUCK word after Filian screams in Vedal and his chat's ears
Serious question since I know nothing about her and just started watching YouTube clips. Is it snacker or snacker?
Filian says she's playing with her hair while doing a jerking off motion (filyBush filyBush filyBush filyBush)
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snacker with hard r
Vedal laughs after Filian voice cracks
Filian sloppy toppies (pre-Tower of God edition)
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this might be the oldest chronological filyBush reference
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Snackers are regular fans. Smackers are the fans, like me, who jork their peanuts when Filian is on screen.
How can a snacker not also be a smacker? In argument, I would say that the "smacker" is more normal than the snacker
The guys not smacking are the same guys spamming ICANT during ylyl
so adorable
love of my life
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
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just in time for my bedtime smack
ty for posting
>whispering to herself embarrassed: "what was that, filian..?
caught in 1080p
Filian shows her panties a lot
i think she should show them more
It's 2AM...
erm its 5:15 pm nerd
It's 9:15am!
sorry we use Filian time here, it's 12 AM
>c*lifornia time
that's right
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more like PNW time
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clipper channel update
kidnapping filian to finally make her debut her original model
it would be pretty sad if the gorillion clippers don't get more views than a single channel (even if that channel is quite popular)
Glad to hear things are going so well. Thanks for sharing
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I never watched Filian's Elden Ring dlc stream but I know she got to Radahn but didn't beat him. Did she say if she was going to finish it on stream? Did she really explore much of the map or did she just rush through the main bosses?
>Did she really explore much of the map or did she just rush through the main bosses?
She was just going through as she felt like it, though she explored quite a bit iirc
As for whether or not she's going to go back to it on stream, no clue
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I woke up late today and all convos missed me. At least there is updated fillyBush lore I guess.
>"I'm touching my hair"
>Makes jerking off motion
Incredible woman honestly
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>mfw i realise
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Since Filian post caffeine is more hyperactive (tbqh to me she didn't feel that different) she should try grain coffee. Totally not because I think she would look super adorable drinking, 0 ulterior motives I swear.
You trying to do another laxative stream?
her and me
i'm me btw
Having an original model is overrated. I like her the way she is.
it's already made and paid for
it'd be a waste not to
If that was my goal it would be better to tell her to drink buttermilk with some fizzy drink right after. Y'know this could be an ok YLYL punishment.
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I'm jealous of Canadian snackers. For you guys there is at least some hope that you could meet Filian and have her fall in love with you
>Some hope
>Virtually never goes outside
Idk bro
But Filian doesn't live in Canada. She lives online.
With that in mind and the fact she might live in the middle of bum fuck nowhere (if Trackmania displays your location correctly nearly two years ago it was somewhere in New Brunswick, which has like 800k ppl) chances are close to 0 anyway. And even if they would not notice Filian. She is definitely far too shy and calm in public.
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In order to meet the vtuber, you must become one yourself.
The more you look at this image the more cursed it becomes.
I wonder if Filian can canonically orgasm from you stroking her tail.
Touching her tail would result in your hands being covered in filth and fleas and they would smell for the next three days no matter how much you would wash them.
is that meant to be a downside or?
If it scares even one person away from my wife it's a W. That tail? Mine.
i wrote this post btw
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Shit filyButt sketch while bored doing something else.
You are downplaying this one, it's very nice I want to squish her buttcheek so much. It might not be the most detailed of your works, but it's very hot. Would.
cute pantsu
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
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Carefully washing Filian's tail with a nice shampoo. Coating it in a soft towel. Brushing it down with a big brush as you dry it with a hair dryer. Putting a neat blue bow on it.
All as Filian is fidgeting furiously as she struggles to sit in one place for that long.
you have to bite her ears to embarrass her enough to calm her down for a few minutes
patting her on the head because she's doing so well staying put, and the she sinks down into the chair, losing her mind in joy
This drawing is so unrealistic. I mean come on, where is the piss staining???
Taking Layna's story into the account this adorable kemonomutt might fall asleep in the middle of the process
imagine carrying her to sleep on the couch and being able to cuddle her head next to your chest while you have youtube on in the background at a low enough volume that it doesn't disturb the harmony of her little snores
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So kino. I need this so badly
imagine she wakes up in your arms the next morning and you hear her slightly raspy little "good morning" and she starts instantly smiling knowing she's been kept safe and sound in your arms
you are killing me bro...
she forgot to brush her teeth but you don't mind as she gives a kiss on your neck because she's too small to reach all the way up to your face on her own without disturbing the position you're in, and after doing so you can see her little kemonomutt ears twitch as if she's happy
you lose, anon
you lose your virginity: >>79647075
Not so long ago I questioned how could anyone find nisemonogatari tooth brushing scene hot. Now I want to brush someone's teeth. Thanks /flip/ for yet another fetish on my list of things I would not share with my friends.
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Fuck yeah, again? I am the chosen one lmao. I also won recent one. Seems like Filian truly is my wife <3
the planets are aligning...
yeah, my balls are about to align in his mouth
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kinda gay ngl
so is filian and yet here we are
filian is the straightest muthatrucker on planet earth famalam
imagine she puts on one of your shirts for fun but then becomes self-conscious because, like she's mentioned, her breasts end up looking flatter than usual and she gets scared that you're going to look at her and just see a boy, so you gently pat her head and tell her she's as feminine as any girl "needs" to be and as you console her you can see her ever so slightly wagging tail like she's trying to suppress how ecstatic she is about it
Jelous you never won? I'll tell Filian to send you some nice message so you don't feel so bad.
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Are you going flake out on filian again? You better show up on stream this time, anon
She covered my mouth with a ducktape so I wouldn't make a sound. She is loud anyway so you guys haven't noticed. Remember her bouncing on that chair, anon? It was me.
>becomes self-conscious
Why are tomboys like this sm my head
>you gently pat her head and tell her she's as feminine as any girl "needs" to be
Definitely adding this to my repertoire
Keep doing what you're doing writeanon. Because this is good stuff
Speaking of which do you guys actually like small chests or is it Filian specific for you? I have been a fan since the first time I ever felt horny.
i'm not picky when it comes to chest size
I've always liked smaller breasts
In this case it's less tomboy-specific and more just Filian being insecure about her chest, at least as far as we know
>more just Filian being insecure about her chest
Assuming that's not played for the laughs and she really is insecure, she really shouldn't feel that way.
As long as there's chemistry, who cares? Besides why would I judge someone over characteristics they've been born with.
The thing about not liking to wear big shirts because it makes her chest "look flatter" is a real thing she said to Layna in stream before
It might be real or she might not care, I think it's delf-deprecating humor about something she may be legitimately insecure about
>>79662625 (me)
I agree though, everyone either has a preference or has no real preference
Us small boob enjoyers are plentiful enough that it shouldn't matter either way Tbh
even if she might not have been too self conscious about it initially, after saying the same joke for many years now it would have definitely affected her perception of herself so i think there's a good chance she seriously has boob envy
I envy that she can see her boobs and I cannot

In all seriousness though, yeah, I hope she's ok
there isn't really anyone in her life that would be able to properly convey to her that her chest size isn't an important aspect for her to be perceived as beautiful. she doensn't have an intimate partner to reassure her about this, and i know that girls tend to be dismissive of other girls' opinions, maybe not if they are attached to the hip bffs, but since filian supposedly spends 99%^of her time in vr/online then i don't think she would have anyone like that either
what is she doing today? predictions for the stream?
>Stream! GIRLS NIGHT w/ Lumi, Mega, and Trickywi!
>HANGING W/ FRIENDS. Truth or Dare, Who Tweeted That, 2 Truths and a Lie, and more! We OUT HERE
sounds like kino in the making tbdesu
Sounds like shit desu
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boys gotta eat
Filian almost certainly is concious of her breast size. Vast majority of women have some sort of boob issue and she, with self-confidence at such a low level that it's painful, nigh certainly minds her smaller chest. I feel like no other chuuba has as little confidence as she does and it's already low amongst them anyway. Besides even if not mean spirited if you hear something about your looks be mentioned and mocked for thousands of times you will start feeling bad about it.
>filian has low confidence
What is this meme and where did it start. She does all these projects and interacts with all these people and you think she is lacking? This is serous headcannon posting about her also women don't care about women's breast size.
Tricky, Vedal and Camila were the only ones who showed up to her hole in the wall show
she's a good egg
her scratching at her dirty vagina got me diamonds
Alt streams, her getting nervous before going online, being unable to handle compliments. Just from the top of my head
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Filian x Blacked collab when?
Blacked is collabing with your mother right now, they're gonna be busy for a while.
would be kino
Would fily care about the race of her partner though?
Good question desu. She likes slightely risque jokes around those tMopics (at least that's the vibe I got from her) but overall she seems to be percectly fine with multicultural stuff. My bet is no, at most she might have a preference.
she needs more art like this
Keyboard is acting up today ;//
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This image is so unrealistic, shouldn't chair tower fall due to too much weight on one side? It's still cute though
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her ponytail acts like the tail on a kangaroo
That cat? Me.
If it takes being fat to get touched by Filian so be it. Also double 69. Nice
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true dat

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