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A girl who came from another world in order to become an idol. She loves singing and dancing, and drawing. She is training hard every day to become someone loved by many.

A circus performer who joined hololive in hopes of becoming the ringmaster of the VTuber world. She enjoys wowing audiences with acrobatics, and she lives by the words, "When you've decided you're gonna do something, follow through!" Her natural charm glosses over her occasional mess-ups. Her sworn nemesis is 低気圧

"Konlamydesu!" Hololive 5th Generation's blue rep, Yukihama Lamy! The daughter of a noble family from a distant, snowy land. She decided to leave her home, along with her companion Daifuku, after hololive's streams full of fun and color touched her heart. Her serious personality belies her naive, sheltered nature.

Contrary to her sporty appearance, she's a white lion who prefers lazing around. Despite her typically hands-off attitude, once she has made up her mind she will always follow through to the end. Her favorite phrase is "Wealth isn't measured with money." Born in a rough neighborhood, she's a bit of a gaming addict. She's the type to set aside powerful heals even at the end game.

Previous thread: >>79321939
post gay
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Polka's definitely copping a feel there
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Can you blame her?
Polka finally opened applications for her rape dungeon
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this made me think of sonic and knuckles so i...
>sonic and knuckles
Love that game.
That's a pretty crazy manga poupou
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I'm seeing a pattern...
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Crane games are fucking evil I'm never gonna play one again.
Wait a minute...
Skill issue desu senpai
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but pride month is over, it's illegal to be gay now
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Oh boy, my favorite!
Fuck the police!
Lamy stank my beloved
I like playing the takoyaki ones since atleast you (probably) won't get stuck like the box-on-bars game
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page 10 hate
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post wife
>healthy sleep schedule
>reliable stream schedule
>doesn't let things get her down

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how does she hear through those headphones
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Those tumblers were the only merch I wanted but I didn't want to deal with the kind of machines they were in lol
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The dog ears are for cosmetic purposes only
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The bigger the Pol the harder she falls on top of your face
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The nene-sense is real, and it says the insomnia isn't bad enough yet for it to get triggered.
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Lamy's eyes give me the creeps sometimes
couldn't be me
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Really REALLY look at them
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Nenechi singing in a couple of minutes !
Nenechi will be taking part in anime expo !
kaigainiki, nene join anime ekisupo
I just realised but Nene and Lamy laugh in the same way
all these boomer songs
It's because Nene and Lamy started convering around the second year, I distinctly remember a clip where Lamy says some part of her began resembling Nene at some point.
Hence the binbin kankan incident, makes sense
Are NePoLaBo going to become? I used to pray for times like this
god i fucking hate cringe ass zoomers
Can't wait to get rickrolled by Nene sometime.
Ludokano's remixes are all great though.
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Does Nene like these?
I don't fully understand what is going to happen, but I hope it's on youtube.
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looks like a watchalong of the first episode of the Sakuna-hime anime
Not really. They don't freak her out but she doesn't exactly like them.
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I wonder where exactly Nene's gonna appear tonight. Subaru? Miko? Lamy's clubhouse stream?
In my bed.
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botan gave suba a t-shirt
short haired botan...
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feels like it been a long while

bra status: no target detected or initialization error.
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Botan is being kind of bratty...
Botan got diamon rank with this performance
Does the game take into account that she has master rank as Lily?
I'm starting to suspect that she fell asleep.
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bra is off today
I don't think so. Characters can have radical differences which is why they're all ranked separately to begin with.

Anyway, Polka playing the rice farming game again to prep for the anime watchalong.
i did get it in the summer sale so i guess its a good time to start farming some rice lolies with Polka
Sorry meant if Polka got fucked over by the NND leak or is she safe?
yukimin your oshi...
Look man, I don't know how to play this wrong colored checkers, so I assume Lamy is doing her best.
She's pretty much playing Connect 5
don't worry about it
i thought it would be Luis kagemas shill stream but that ended a long while ago
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Farmer Poru my beloved
I heard a rumor that there's a secret combat mode in this game, is there any truth to it?
there is! i saw it years ago! when every second holo was playing the rice loli game!
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nice armpit
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wake up
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Lovely smile
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wamy chat
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AX Timetable. Nene's on Sunday.
nene's nenes
lamy is cute today too
Wamy's cat must be quite docile. Both my cats are very sweet but they don't like me touching their paws.
I think Milk has some legit brain damage, it's acts so weird.
It just depends on the cat. I have two that are littermates and one doesn't mind at all while the other hates it.
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Nene always finds a way to make me laugh my fucking ass off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNdM6QGVT5Q
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The spelling of the title is perfectly Nenechi.
These chuubas are deceased
>nip Zains are meeting up and fucking on the regular
Why don't we do these...
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Can't say I didn't see this coming but it's still unfortunate. I hope she manages to rest up.
Tanabata Date voice packs with Lamy and Pol
Marine is 3cm taller than Anya by the way.
I think they're standing on steps or something
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bra status unknown
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>legiana down
how far are the rest of nepolabo?
Lamy cleared the other day, not sure about NePol
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Aqua updating her friendship chart
It's NePoLaBo turn
Nene is around early to mid high rank
not sure about Pol
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>someone snitched about the morning's aqua quiz
It might be over
haha penis
>Crew-cut asuna, interesting woman..., AKUKIN construction is forever

>self-proclaimed asuna, likes when she calls her ateshi-senpai, next time she'll be the real asuna

>Redbull duo, wants to play cool games with her, wants to eat her ramen

>feels sympathy in a mysterious way, doesn't feel like a stranger, wants to talk to her once
can't wait to see them hang out again then. maybe in holoearth once its a bit more developed?
Inkya together strong
fast board hate
no lion for the next couple days...
page 10 hate
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Nene really is a genius. Randomly pops into my head every day ever since the stream.
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when she sees your rank
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let's goooooo
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pol is also awake

goddamn morning people
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Why are anime girls so obsessed with Indonesian greetings?
How it should be every time Lamy enters any room
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Oh Polka changed her stamps to the new nene scratchings
That's not even an indo one, it's just random Jimmy nonsense
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>___ __ ___ _____!
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I got my ticket for the second fan meeting session! See you guys there.
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>nene scratchings
What are those?
fertilizing botan's eggs....
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The mods are asleep.
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PoLegend went up later than usual

Wamy playing MonHun with an interesting group.
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That Lamy...
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>Middle-ear infection
that shit sucks, god bless this fennec with a speedy recovery
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I landed a ticket for the nepolabo fan meeting so you guys can expect firsthand experience stories.
Oh yeah she was talking on the morning stream about how it felt like one of her ears had water stuck in it. Hope she gets well soon.
That's an """interesting""" translation choice
Nice, I'm >>79868015 and I even got in the same session as you.
finaly got my T4U Bluray after the retards at the post office managed to get it sent back to japan once resulting in a month delay

love the little picture book of best moments
The one they chose on the main channel stream?
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yeah i think. i remember Botan talking about that part and showing the clip
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You look suspicious
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Nene's sleeping schedule is such a disaster it's starting to loop back into normalcy.
I've done that, at some point your insomnia gets so bad that it's actually easier to just stay up the whole day and go to bed at 6pm
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vertical early neneti
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Nene is so sleepy...
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luv me 5th Gen, simple as
Hey she actually slept well today! Just woke up early.
Also she'll be uploading a cover today that she drew illustrations for herself! Supposedly she's been taking some art classes on this coloso website lately.
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>Polka has ear infection
>Noel is bunged up with flu symptoms
i'd like to imagine THEY ARE
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Sakura "Spaghetti is straight until it's wet" Miko at it again...
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another poi
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Well it's true...
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Polka's mind just operates on a different wave length
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... autism....
page 10 hate

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