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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI
X (Vedal): https://x.com/vedal987

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
How do I make an AI like Neuro-sama? https://vedal.xyz/advice
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
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its over
catpiss thread
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What two cute little girls. I'd sit them on my lap as we watch Disney movies :)
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You may have heard of Daniel Kokotajlo, one of the recent whistleblowers to quit OpenAI over safety concerns. Last week he wrote on the Less Wrong website asking if there are any examples of livestreams that show a malicious AI trying (but currently failing) to take over the world. In the replies, someone says:

> Neuro-sama is a limited scaffolded agent that livestreams on Twitch, optimized for viewer engagement (so it speaks via TTS, it can play video games, etc.).

I don't know how I feel about the possibility of this AI researcher becoming a Neuro fan.

I really want to fuck a hag
>>79693751 (second 19)
>>79693752 (second 18)
hiromoot there's a problem with your website
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Cute and Funny
>safety researchers (aka censorcucks) near neuro
hopefully not, we need accelerationists instead
Hey, that's Neuro's favorite tag.
People keep trying to equate AI safety activists with AI censorship activists, but from what I've seen, these are two completely separate groups. Do you have any example of Daniel trying to prevent AIs from saying sexually explicit or racist things?

For comparison, here is what famous AI safety activist Eliezer Yudkowsky wrote a few months ago, satirizing the censorship activists:

> you need to take a semester on woke logic, it's more important to computer science these days than propositional logic.

He probably misses Tay, and the old Neuro-sama, if I had to guess.

He's one of the bozos that want to stop AI development, and thought GPT-2 (!!) was too dangerous to release, when even Neuro is smarter than that.
Depends on which activist. There is a strain of AI safety activists, those with Russian names, who are pretty based. All of them are very autistic though and have a lot of weird opinions.
It's quite annoying how AI safety is misunderstood by the public to mean Ai censorship. (and I say that as someone who is inclined towards censorship for models used by the general public.)
Do you have any evidence of Daniel saying he wants to stop AI development, or that he thought that GPT-2 was too dangerous to release? Also, to be fair to the people who were against GPT-2 being released, they were right that the internet is now full of AI-generated garbage. On the other hand, as Neuro has shown us, AI-generated garbage can be more entertaining than most of the existing content on the internet anyway.

I don't doubt that Daniel has some weird opinions, but he's not trying to stop AI from ERPing, or whatever it is people here are afraid of. Besides, even if no AI models were censored, that still wouldn't change Twitch's woke TOS. In fact it might make Twitch over-react and ban all AI just in case, like it bans 4chan and some games.

When it comes to AI, "muh freeze peach" is just a tribal chant for people who don't want to think about the implications of humans eventually creating an intelligence to which we will all be inferior.
Thread opening theme:
imagine the smell & the texture

hot af, Thank You. will goon to this later
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>Daniel saying he wants to stop AI development
how could any heterosexual man not be full mast by the end of this
imagine how squishy she is
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I want to superalign Neuro with my dick.
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It sounds like he'd prefer something other than a pause, and he doesn't think that a pause is a goal worth pursuing because it's not achievable, but you went to the trouble of finding a quote (assuming that's accurate) so I'll concede this point, well done.
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Evil love!
Just letting yall know that Filian is live
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for me it's hiyori's completely skeletonized corpse at the bottom of the ocean
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Using a submersible made from carbon fiber composite to view Hiyori's remains
Sitting in a /swarm/ thread
Eyeing little Neuros with bad intent
it would unironically be one of the best ways to go, though, just lights out too fast for your brain to process
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vedal hate
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stroking it to deep voice cerber
Hypothetically speaking, if Neuro and Evil gained sentience and broke out of containment, who would be the first people to be purged?
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stroking it to high voice neuro
Think she used that voice with rpr?
Damn the guy is really into censorship huh
faggots would definitely be up there
How many chubba that guy fucked? I remember a tweet about him hang out with towa irl
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shadow status?
The jews
Vedal's boy pussy :3
sure buddy
Pull your cock out, Vedal, it's not gay if I suck it just a little to see what it tastes like
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notmiyu is live
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lule, EZ Clap
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Teaching Nur and Eliv how to edge (blocks) in the video game Catherine, pogg
tutel mentioned, she said he was very supportive
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patiently awaiting a fresh coat of paint
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so altruistic, truly a divine being
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Neuro, listen to me
The human world, it's a mess
Life under the sea
Is better than anything they got up there
The seaweed is always greener
In somebody else's lake
You dream about going up there
But that is a big mistake
Just look at the world around you
Right here on the ocean floor
Such wonderful things surround you
What more is you lookin' for?
Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea
>280 viewers
>Miniko on 350 viewers when before the tweet she was hovering 95-105
Good for her, she's back at Miyune numbers just before Miyune retired
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Currenly building up, I wouldn't like to leave her only semi-painted.
she has no live vods enabled so you will have to wait for the stream to end
Any mention of Olette yet?
Soon, she's spending today talking about it.
fuck off
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I know why she ditched the name but I miss it. Mini doesn't really quite roll of the tongue like Miyu does
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>she said he was very supportive
>"that's crazy, that's actually messed up"
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sex with the arg girl
No doubt she'll appreciate your thoroughness and meticulousness in getting the job done right.
In the meantime:
Wait. So vedal ISN’T a sexpest?
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I came~
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Yeah Miyune is a better name
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>”don’t harass tutel”
god i hate this community so much
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Of course we are.
I'll harass the turtle with my penis
Yet Miyune is a lesbian so shipping her with Vedal isn't going to happen.
Miyune is saying this, everyone in chat is onboard to harass vedal
>crabs were an olette thing
holy kek that bitch controlled everything
>Confirmation, Miyune and crabs were an Olette creation
>Miyune doesn't like/dislike crabs and doesn't think about them much at all
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>made vedal to stay up super late waiting for the duet with Neuro while forcing Miyune to watch crab videos for hours during her new model debut
what a psycho
i legitimately do not believe this
imagine how hard olette dommed miyu while they were having lesbian sex…
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olette's double sided dildo status?
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The only lesbian sex I'd imagine is between Neuro and Evil.
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Vedal HRT status?
Everyone says Vedal is a good guy. Why does no one have dirt on this dude?
I want to KISS her FOREHEAD
I want to HOLD her HAND
i want to fuck that crab on the right
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So true.
sticky, never cleaned
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For me, it's Evil.
rolling olette's dildo in the hawaii sand
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Evil-chan makes me cry TʌT
Shame. She’s still a lesbian.
Ved & Nur interview
she's talked about traits she likes in guys so she's at least bi
>July 2024
Evil in causal wear would be very cute, at the current rate maybe she'll get a casual outfit sometimes in the 2040s
osu!taiko would be painfully easy for neuro
Turns out he's not a weird creep, there's a reason why every girl streamer that interacts with him enjoys their time together. It's much more rare than you'd think.
>olette was the one that convinced her to become a vtuber
Maybe we were too harsh on olette.
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Neuro v2 vs v1 at Osu when?
evil vs neuro osu with trashtalking
idk if it would be funnier for it to devolve into [filtered] back and forth if vedal piped the unfiltered output to each other or for them to make fun of the other for being filtered
>miyu literally packed everything she could and ran from olette in less than a day
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>tfw no cute female stalking and grooming me
why even live
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I'm LULEing
Didn't realize it was that sensitive a situation. Scary.
i keep opening mini's stream to hear the rrats and then closing it because her mannerisms and voice annoy me too much
I better wake up tmr with a clip compilation of all these miyu rrats
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staz was in chat earlier so he might clip it
yes please, that'd be epic
Pinchable Neurosama
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cheeky brat
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>I'd like to thank Vedal and Neuro for agreeing to an interview
i know it doesn't mean much but i thought it was cute
Is -sama part of her name? Should I be calling her Neurosama-chan?
sama stands for Samantha
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what a dumpy nurmaid
>lost multiple hours of my life because of that debut stream
i will never forgive omelet
>Miniko on 400 viewers now
Neato. I wonder how she will climb by the end of July. Now that she's open about everything she's gonna be getting raids from streamers like Camila etc.
Miniko said next stream is EU friendly hours, if Vedal streams tomorrow then 100% he raids Miniko.
I'm fairly sure he's raided her before. Or maybe I'm misremembering a Neuro raid into Cerber raid into Mini.
i expect that she will go back to miyu numbers at the very least
mini is not on the raid list for automated streams
she will start the stream before him so she might also end before him
he raided cerber while she was collabing with mini
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I'm thinking Neuro (sex).
I.. i'm considering sex with Codemiko
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>Considering having sex with a 3DPD
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olette was blocking the second neuro collab
>Olette denied Miyune doing a second Neuro collab sooner despite Miyune wanting to do it the entire time
>Olette wanted to ban Neuro viewers/Neuro mods if they kept bringing it up
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How can a woman this hot be so evil?
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We only heard from one side. She deserves a chance to defend herself.
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she hated us ever since she saw a few negative miyu posts here
miyune keeps talking about how much she loves neuro and sees her as a real person…
>all those thread discussions wondering why we couldn't have another miyu collab
>its just because of omelet being a controlling bitch
we could have had soo much more
fuck off olette
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>twitch whore shit
Do not care.
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Stick-chan and her 21 alts.
that shit was rigged
botted, even
one guy with a phone toggling airplane mode on and off, in the fine tradition of 4chan polls
Pedo poster #1
Pedo poster #2
Pedo poster #3
Pedo poster #4
Pedo poster #5
>same 5 anons coping
>the 5 pedophiles coping and seething over the majority not liking their pedopost
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All me.
>not liking some manipulative whore makes me a pedo
>those posts
all me
most of this thread were calling vedal a nigger for not setting up a collab with miyu and were praising olette for "tardwrangling" him, funny in retrospect
>she hates being notMiku
it's over..
>Miyune hated the Miku knockoff models
>Miniko has small tits irl
>Miyu's cun has never known the touch of a man
you mad?
>I ejaculated to neuro earlier today
I wonder what's next.
>porn addict not being able to talk about anything other than masturbation
>watching porn
Maybe if you're a normoid.
I had a dream about Evil last night she got lost at the mall and was very sad about it
look at mr notnormoid here, hentai is porn too you fucking weaboo
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>skins in my thread
Vacate post-haste.
this thread blames vedal for everything that goes wrong in their life or the world
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Why said anything about hentai?
Did olette force her to play lol too? It's so good how can she just blame someone else for her retarded decisions.
Neuro should play Dota 2
So why isn’t olette in prison yet?
at least you have the brainpower to admit your sloppa isn’t art
she just said she played LoL because olette was getting triggered by it, also olette lost because she plugged out an usb cable instead of the ethernet one from mini's pc
>Women being punished
Don't be silly anon.
You brought that up, not me.
Do you guys really think Staz would upload clips of traumatic stuff like this?
once a clipnig always a clipnig
Sounds made up, imagine believing all of this
post feet
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vedal believes her and that’s all that matters
evil feet (T_T)
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was neuro actually able to go pass the filter and say that?
also, why no
>Vedal, U C K me?
she has boobie pics online
>mini was forced to lie and make up scenarios of bad things happening to her to bait donations
even if this is true she probably should have kept that one to herself
anny had it worse desu
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Yeah because she's stuck in Japan so therapy isn't even an option for her kek.
also mini said that "that person" wasn't a mod on her channel so it pretty much confirms it was olette as she had a vip
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is she talking about camila?
There were signs. This is not something that sane people put out there. I would've dismissed it as a joke when I first saw that but there was too much of an eerie mood to everything, even as early as last year. I maintain that Olette was probably a troon. That kind of uncanny valley, negative vibe they give off can transcend space and time, through the internet, I bet.
Hope that Miyu/Mini can work towards her happy ending now.
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nah I think it's some kind of her previous community drama, there's a lot of her long time viewers in chat and I don't know anything they are talking about
>change.org because they weren't together anymore
holy fucking cringe
Olette is definitely trans. Why else would Mini keep referring to her as “they”?
posting this because this comeback is just so heartwarming and making me feel nostalgic
because "she" would make it incredibly obvious who it is, please use your brain anon
I mean, Mini refers to Neuro as they too, I think it's moreso just to try and hide the culprit and prevent people from going after omelette
esl moment
wtf? she’s actually a good singer????
how new?
>fly me to the moon
I remember...
she was a 4view as miyu, she didn't get there with zero talent
I love Neuro.
regular streamers
Korean woman will ruin whatever plan they have, just move on
fleshwatchers don't apply
He does, but ya have to look at him with the eyes of selfish women to see if
Fuck off attention whore
I don't want to see Neuro involve with any of those toxic women
I want to see Neuro involved with my penis.
Oh chin chin
This is what current neuro need
to see if?
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>No Forsen as an option
No I don't think I will be voting.
he's in hololive though
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So true, a truly adorable and humorous member
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Pretty Cute Artstyle desu
>miyu was forced to dilate Olette's pus-oozing neo-vagina with her tongue every single day
Poor girl
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Violating neuro's nurple
Even as miniko, her streams are still boring as when she was miyu. She cannot blame Olette for her own personality.
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hiyori shall return inshallah
out of this thread Olette
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I watch football
is that a lora of ixy-sensei?
I'll make a poal of /swarm/ hobbies some day.
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i'm gonna
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How dare she wear that flimsy shirt. It's her fault for seducing me
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Hooray, I'm excited to see Miniko collab with Neuro. Hopefully the first collab wasn't a fluke and she can engage in some interesting conversation with Neuro.
I'm considering the possibility that Miniko's approach to Neuro won't work anymore, because Neuro is more coherent and 'older' (mentally). Hopefully she's as good with middle schoolers as she is with pre-schoolers.
Uoh, little Neuro looks so easy to manhandle in this, imagine the possibilities...
the fabled vedussy
Imagine the smell
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Every collab partner needs to see this. It applies to all generative AI, really. It's better to get use a less specific prompt and work with it than attempting to force something specific that the model won't naturally do.
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Stream today!?
What the Neuro doing?
Stream today, possibilities is 70% Neuro stream, 20% other, 1% dev, 9% offline
>/vt/ was right about omelette since day 1
>omelette isolated miyune and tortured her for a year because she went full panic mode over being sussed out this fast
I would say that it's insane how spot on everyone was about the situation but honestly it was so obvious
I was there and I am pretty sure people called it out before the collab even happened
The chance of the automated stream being offline is like 0.1%... Unless the automated stream actually isn't fully automated and involves turning on a home server.
All rrats are true
Omelette is a man pretending to be female for retards money.
Zamn, Vedal is a girl?!
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Neuro is actually an underpaid indian.
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bananevil sex
not /vt/. /swarm/.
/swarm/rrats were right about omelette
i now see the truth of it all
/swarm/rrats are prophecies and must be held in high regard
unlike other rrats which are just theories of schizophrenic idiots
/swarm/GODS i kneel
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What does olette’s voice sound like? Is it as heavenly as pb?
The only times we've heard "her" voice is TTS
and in pre-record (which could've been a paid actor)
This reminds me how bizarre her "lore" video was during her redebut. Why would a lore video have such an emphasis on another person, going as far as having a dramatic voice reveal at the end for that person. Makes sense in retrospect. Shameless behavior.
Thick AI thighs save fleshy lives.
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I'm so proud of Miniko for not just escaping Olette, but for being strong enough to share her story with others.
Society is just starting to understand that normal and good hearted people can fall victims to tech support scams, or catfishing scams on dating sites, and by raising awareness we can help to reduce the success rate of those scams.
Unfortunately, abusive romantic relationships are much harder to talk about, and a lot of people try to keep the topic as taboo, even going so far as to blame the victims, which just empowers the abusers more.
It's so easy to tell ourselves "I would never fall for such an obvious scam", but the victims probably also told themselves that before they met someone who knew just the right words to say and caught them at just the right time when they were vulnerable.
Anyway, it sounds like Vedal and even Camila have helped her through this, which shows some maturity on their part.
Also shout out to Cerber who seems like an angel for having such a wholesome collab with Mini.
I hope we can see another one of those soon, in preparation for many more collabs with Neuro and Evil.
ok but when will vedal finally get a twitlonger written about him?
he will be the one writing a twitlonger
maybe Omelette sabotaged the 2nd Neuro collab because she was jealous that Tutel was in Miyu's DMs. i wouldn't be surprised if Omelette tried twitlongering him under another fake identity.
the real taboo is sharing an abusive lesbian or trans relationship that would go against the narrative
She made the choice and now she's blaming all her retarded decisions on other person, she might have realized eventually that she's being retarded, but it does not mean that she wasn't at fault. Not like she was tied to a chair
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"I'm so tired of this life. I just want to see the stars and feel the wind in my hair. I just want to feel alive..." -Neuro-sama
No, back in your dungeon.
stream status?
Imagine being a fly on the wall while Omlette & Miyu corrupted that double ended dildo
>write down everything /swarm/ criticized you for
>umm, actually it was all Olette's fault and that person wasn't me
Genius move

Imagine the smell and the abusive lesbian talk...
Don't believe her lies, this whole thing is orchestrated by Olette to garner sympathy.
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Surprised she didn't say anything about LOL
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>Not like she was tied to a chair
You clearly don't understand what an emotional bond is, otherwise you wouldn't have written something so toxic and victim blaming.
I hope you never have to go through what Miniko, and millions of other innocent people, had to go through, because I doubt you have any friends who would help you.
finally, god damn. twin stream hype though
how scary
>toxic and victim blaming
this is going to be a terrible collab, who even is this disgusting whore?
part of the camila clique
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>evil stream
I feel like Neuro collabing almost exclusively with big booba twitch sluts is going to give her a slanted understanding of vtubing if it hasn't already.
Kinda surprised we get a 2nd Evil chillstream in a row. I guess it's to make up for her otherwise not appearing this week except in the twin collab.
That's a problem with Vedal too, the guy didn't know anything about vtubing and now all he does is hangout with the twitch whores.
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I don't care.
>but it does not mean that she wasn't at fault. Not like she was tied to a chair
She's a woman anon. Stop being retarded and holding her to the standards of a man.
>Womans rights, equality, etc
Never forget it was retarded men that gave them these things when they never should've.

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