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For the 400th time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

>First original song: Say My Name

▼ Next stream
Tue 07/02 4AM CT, cooking offcollab with Haachama on Haachama's channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PodFRbem8U
▼ Upcoming streams
Thu 07/04 7PM CT, Old School Runescape Advent collab
Fri 07/05 10PM CT, Crab Game HoloEN collab
▼ Latest streams
06/29, Higurashi 14-26 watchalong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4PqDjFmDlA
▼ Latest appearance
06/27, offcollab with OniGiri on OniGiri's channels:
- https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2182945706 (full twitch VOD)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akRt-kr1QSQ (YouTube VOD, first 37 min missing)

BlueBird cover of DECO*27 - Salamander
Jewelbird cover of VIVINOS - OTOMEROID
Archive of the struck down Moka - Lilium cover
Unarchived karaoke (May 9th 2024 #1)
Unarchived karaoke (May 18th 2024 #2)
Songs & Karaokes rentry

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nerissaravencroft
Art tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds: #depravencrafts on Twitter); RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch01

Previous thread: >>79586914
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.
>Basic introduction to the new Jailbirds
Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews

>Tools / Creations by the /ope/ users
/ope/'s library
Collection of Nerissa's Sounds
List of recommended streams
Information regarding membership
Appearances on other channels & mentions

>General Tools
Current OP Template
2024 to date
Solo streams: 70
Collabs: 66
Twitch collabs: 5
Solo karaoke: 4
Members: 10
I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft more than anyone in the whole world
Jailbros. I'm calling it /here/ and now. RissaGigi will be the next unhinged comedic duo.
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Patriotic Rissa
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She's been yapping about how much she likes rpgs and wants to get back into BG3, so that's enough similar interests right there lol
I'll light some mortars in her honor
>Not very smart
>Very attached to game characters
Oh fuck I didn't realize that the osrs collab is on the 4th
and she likes League, prefers story and character focused games, is a fujo, isn't afraid to be a yabai on stream (talked about 50 shades in her collab yesterday while Ceci just kind of laughed nervously)
That means you're not a burger so what's the issue? It's unlikely to be more than 2 hours.
Yeah that talk about 50 shades really reminded me of Rissa's twilight talk
The collab is at 3am for me
Except Gigi liked it because of how stupid and absurd it is, unlike Rissa who likes Twilight unironically
It started like that for Rissa too
>i gave her like 10,000 dragonstone bolts
Just another Thursday for you then.
Literally Rissa's excuse kek
aaaand she just said she wants to read Umineko kek
On stream?
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I wonder if Rissa knows her from the past if Shiki knows her.
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There's just cc left and then justice is entirely corrupted by Rissa
New also
>gacha addiction
>"this is so stupid, i like it"
i don't like american lolis
honestly CC seems like she's asexual. I don't think she's gonna be swooned by Rissa
No, that just her "German"
>automaton immune to charm
such lore
bravo yagoo
As the last Jailbird I claim Rissa's ass for myself in all of its intercontinental glory
Rissa in GG's chat now
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>accidentally retweeted [on the wrong account]
It seems Aradia will be moving out fairly soon.
BTW, does this confirm that Rissa is /here/ once more? Both Gigi and Biboo are playing. Thread has spoken about Rissa's potential compatibility with Gigi. And instead of watching her genmate, she hangs out in the chat of her new kouhai.

Why do doxxfags insist on spoiler tagging posts
It somehow became thread culture over time
I don't think her avoiding watching a stream of a game she couldn't care less about that was co-written by her mortal enemy, GRRM, really has any bearing on her /here/ status
I don't think she has the mental fortitude to visit /here/ especially when her content or lack thereof sets off doomposting
No it hasnt. Fuck doxxposters
This thread is so much nicer when the boy who cried doxx is asleep or just not around.
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>Rissa wanting Gigi to stream longer
This is irony
I will now initiate the Nerissa Ravencroft Irrigation Project
How do people play rhythm games this well? This shit looks harder than all souls games combined
It's 9am Jst. She probably just woke up, started scouting twitter and youtube, saw Gigi and began to watch. She's probably singing in the shower rn with Gigi in the background
Gigi will make Rissa relapse on gacha games
if Rissa starts playing Genshin on stream I'll go back to that God forsaken game
Gigi, like Rissa, did a lot of Love Live gacha
Genshin is probably the closest thing to an actual game that she would be willing to play so I'm all for it
I quit around patch 2.6 has it gotten better? I'd also be for it because Genshin is better than the kusoge she plays
i assume the worst parts of that game were written by GRRM, huh?
Pretty much the same game. Some QoL here and there but it's unplayable for people who quit for even 2 patches because they refuse to add a skip button
They can only play Genshin on BilliBilli tho, and I'm not sure that she would be willing to go there for a single game.
They really don't have any good gatcha perms, at least EN gacha perms. Pretty much the only popular gachage they can play are Uma and FGO
This is so weird to me that the perms are only for BB, I thought they and Mihoyo hated each other's guts
Good thing Uma is getting a global release then. Watching Rissa Horse girl race would be fun
>Mihoyo hated each other's guts
Not even close dude, the effort Hoyo puts into their advertising for Bili is far superior to any other platform, the Chinese players get way more extra content, Hoyo commissions known Bili Bili content creators to make extra stuff for their site among other things. But who knows, it might be like with Pokemon, where Hololive doesn't actually have the proper permissions for the games, but rather have temporary, permissions to play their games under certain circumstances because of the graces of a third party, so maybe they don't have Hoyo permissions, but rather Bili Bili is lending them theirs.
I don't mind the Japan arc, but it feels like they've been there for a while now, that doesn't sound exactly healthy or cheap, Hopefully Cover can get their head out of their asses and get the 3Ds going already.
Physically it is, mentally not so sure
cover pays for all of it so it's fine
only men use 4chan
4chan is not that popular with normalfags
Cover pays for their lodging, but all the food, the taxis, the jr pass, among other things, I'm sure they don't mind having to buy clothes for their prolonged stay. But still... please spare an Aka when the debut comes.
It feels super badly planned, like I get that it might take a lot of work to get them the point where they're "ready" for debut, specially for Shiori, but tacking on 3D debuts + EN live + whatever the fuck else they have them doing, sounds like an awful idea, also they aren't even making proper use of them, no official channel appearances or anything of the like
supposedly the dates are gonna be announced saturday
Hopefully they keep the JP arcs in the future down to a month, but who knows. If they lean more into idolshit, a fourth of the year might be like this
Honestly never got why the need to make the announcement different from how JP did, the girls getting to announce the dates for their events on their own + the countdowns were super fun
Just wanna say thanks to the Gigi-posting jailbird here. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have gone out of my way to check her out and otherwise miss out on a really special and hilarious individual. Looking forward to seeing more of her in the future, especially if she's with Rissa
Justice is GOOOOOD dude, shame that you know who, got so much negative attention, feels like because of it people didn't give as much of a chance as they did with Holo gens to the other 3. And being real their schedules suck for anyone not in EU
Highly recommend you check out the CCGG two part collab if you haven't already. Their chemistry is off the charts.
Yup, trying to catch a Justice stream is rough. atm I fucking love Raora and she's the only Justice I can sort of catch and that's just playing her in the background for a while as I'm working. Rissa's predictable and punctual stream times perfectly matched my sleep schedule somehow, which was part of the reason I ended up being completionist with her streams
YES I just booted up the first VOD and it's legitimately the first time in a while I'm laughing out loud watching a stream
wow guys this is the 400th bread
yeah I don't think I'll ever be able to catch raora live
Filian announced that she and Nerissa will be doing a hot ones but with sour candy instead of hot wings collab next week.
Does Filian live in JP or is this a sign Rissa is going home?
There are very few vtubers I actively avoid and Filian is one of them. She is content brained, zoomer garbage.
I know nothing about Filian except she overreacts a lot based on thumbnails I've seen and people call her (him?) a Filipino boy
as inoffensive as they come, she's just loud and silly, very skip able stream but at the same time, I doubt anything bad with come from it.
the only objectively bad thing about Filan is that she does collab and hang with awful people, but it's a 1 on 1 so it doesn't matter
The last couple minutes of her stream today. /flip/ is very excited for it.
She's the one that organized the vtuber awards a while back. She's mainly zoomer content with a nice(?) 3D setup, I think she streams with vr chat or something similar I'm not sure
That so? Sounds like a stream I’ll skip then. I’m not a fan of all that brain rot zoomer content
Found it
You're not gonna be watching her "zoomer content" you're gonna be watching a hot ones collab with Rissa. You pretty much know what you're getting into beforehand
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Hey, if there's anyone to consult about #shorts views, it's Filian. She's one of the most subbed vtubers because of them.
Fair enough. I'll only be watching the Rissa portion anyway
I just took a look at Filian's streaming schedule. It looks like she regularly streams at 5-8 pm EDT. Another VOD, damnit. I hate JP arcs.
Isn't Filian despised by the woke Twitter mob? When Doki collaborated with her, she received a lot of flak because Filian has said offensive things in the past. I know she made a joke about George Floyd. I'm only bringing this up because we're all aware that many of those people follow Nerissa. I can imagine them complaining about the collaboration. I'm not sure if Nerissa will care but she sees all of their Tweets.
wtf she's based
Are these streams usually in person?
>George Floyd
Reminder that this shitshow happened in Minneapolis
She's like middle of the road, between sometime like the homos/mint/doki (loved by woke twitter) and Pippa and that one fox (despised by woke twitter) depends on the person, but she's extremely popular and has collabed with pretty much every popular non Hololive vtuber, so I don't think she will be catching strays for the collabs, it's a very safe and predictable one
Holos covering other Holos' songs is pretty fucking cool and doesn't happen nearly as much as it should being real, Rissa is kinda slow on the cover output so I don't expect much... specially since we did fumble the chance we got with the 669k stream, but I hope she gets around it someday, it's probably going to be a Suisei song tho...
Since when have they started allowing internet to mental hospital patients?
Fucking hate Filian's zoomer content so much, hope she is more relaxed in this kind of things
That bait has wrapped around from being so bad to actually being funny for me now.
I actually think she will. She needs to be on her best behavior if she wants Holos to actually participate in her vtuber awards this year.
There's hardly any variety. It almost makes me miss Joseph's ramblings
Sticking my big dick in Nerizzler
I feel that way about the trainwreck that is Nerissa Ravencroft
Some must teach the TinWoman to get a heart
Filian is based
/flip/ is around the corner, anonchaama. We love Rissa here
Time to goon to some Rissa art
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I hope you're having a good day Nerissa. Keep your spirits up, I know its tough but it will be better soon!
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I just beat Bayle the dread
tldr I'm taking a break to reconsider my life choices, see you in the next Rissa stream
Have a good night /ope/. Remember to love your Rissa
>Are these streams usually in person?
NTA but how are they supposed to get the same candy unless they live in the same country? Unless filian ordered a giant pile of sweets straight from Japan just for the collab or something.
hope nerissa has had time to visit all the places she's wanted to and whatnot
Very unlikely.
i can hope for things that are unlikely....
Rissa's in charge of scouting Filian eh?
Thanks to trains, probably if she had some days off (and left her room, the stinky NEET)
Pretty sure Filian is bigger than most Holos with few exceptions
No way she looks like a B-cup at most to me
she’d go insane with all the jp corpo autism and perms issues
Filian with cover tech would be cool tho
Sex with Rissa's armpits
where the fuck is this one from holly sexxxxx
Say My Name endurance
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Oh that was hands down her best stream

Anyway, collab in 47minutes
As the only jailbird awake to watch Rissa, I'll plap her for all of you eepy jailbirds
Anon I haven't slept and have been balls deep in her for the past 5 hours
Presumably, it's an offcollab right? I haven't seen either of them talk about it.
Doesn't have to. Hacchama did one with Shiori too and it wasn't
Right, which is why I'm asking. Since they're both in Japan they could do it at someone's house or at the studio but it could also be 'remote' like the collab with Shiori.
>at someone's house
yeah mine
yeah you're right there's a big chance it's actually offcollab because
>WELCOME TO JAPAN @NerissaRavencroft
and the tweet says
>It's my first time to cook at home,OK?
Say whatever you want about Rissa but her record of starting on time is godtier
Ah, I hadn't seen that tweet. So it does seems to be at Hachaama's house then.
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Red gloves Rissa!
I'm gonna commit a hate crime
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I can help you with that
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Do it, end my misery
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>food is very good
Nerissa Lyingcroft
The only problem I have with collabs like these it's that often it's hard to hear Rissa. This one isn't too bad but there are still times I can't quite catch what she says.
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>random japanese words
I'm going to sleep
Dang I woke up and just remembered
This weeb unironically wants to be addressed as -sama by another Holo kek
Rissa is the good stocking
I'll eat the Ravenussy anyday
Haachama is the og, this brings back memories, haven't watched her in years. Her health episode took her off my radar
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haachama is forgetting to do her retarded fake english accent.
her aussie accent is starting to come out lol.
>You want to stick your finger in??
LOL Haachama must be thinking Rissa wants to molest her
this collab is so fucking random
That's your average haachama stream
The meat looks like a worn out pussy
This looks like literal vomit
Fitting for Rissa's sloppy Joe she's packing beneath her dress
Did someone just throw up?
there really are barely any jailbirds left, huh?
There's been several cullings since the Maldives arc and the past two months haven't helped. Only the truly devoted (deranged?) are left
This is very wildly off Rissa's normal stream time that USbros are sleeping. EUbros who watch Rissa at night are working right now.
Hopefully the sukiyaki is fine.
This is so much funnier with the microphone and model still working
Nerissa was getting too handsy and caused an accident. Poor Chammers
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What the hell just happened?
Well that was an anticlimactic ending.
>USbros are sleeping
haha, yeah...
PEEE *Rissa giggle*
Her mouse broke leaving her with no other option but to turn her computer off to end stream. The camera also fell in the soup or something
yeah the setup broke down kek
Sasuga Rissa cock
East coast just waking up, getting rdy for work. How was the stream? Sounds chaotic. I miss my 8pm Rissa.
What do you usually report this faggot for? spam or trolling?
You didn't miss anything. The stream was only an hour though so it's a quickie if you have nothing else to watch *shrugs
Sounds good. I'll check it out after I'm done for the day then (usually around 8pm). Thanks!
damn not even a frame, instant camera death
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sticking out my gyatt for Nerizzler

Also I'm gonna go eep, completely ruined my sleep schedule (it's 2pm now)
Literally a "wtf just happened" stream
Same, tried to catch it, had a Hella ions day yesterday so slept more than usual, but caught like the last ten minutes so saw some of it and the chaos that ensued, poor girls. Haachama just came back from health issues right? Hope its all good and hope Rissa won't take it too hard about a senpai collab going literally tits up.
bwos why would someone make this https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7797080
Too pussy to even make proper ryona, baka
That Rissa has a dick
The bgm fucking kek holy lmao
>Even the artist said it‘s bad and deleted it
lmao I saw this back in may and never noticed she was supposed to be having sex here
No problem jailbro. I solely reported the things relevant for Rissa
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I forgot to post it 2 hours ago but
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>>79737969 (me)
Fuck i messed up, i meant to post this
Both things can be true goslingbird. Love is never late, godspeed.
Aw man, I thought this collab was a little later. Was it a fun time, Jailbros?
Camera ga shinda
A shame. I hope they at least had fun with what they had to work with
She wants Italian ass on her face
I dont blame her
Sorry I was asleep
t. burgerbird
Rissa just like us, craving some Italian cuisine.
My wife agrees that she's mentally disabled!
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Hi. I just realized that there is an uncanny level of coincedences happening right now. If you remember, when Say My Name was released i got a sexual harassment complaint from a girl named Nerissa who happened to be Italian when i played the song in class. Now there is an actual Italian Holo that has Nerissa as Kamioshi. Jailbros wtf?
Anon I do not follow your train of thought and I'm usually quite the schizo myself
>she's comfy in bed scrolling an awful website
>I'm comfy in bed scrolling an awful website
bros... I dreamt of Nerissa... I'm not even a jailbird... What does this mean...
>Sexual Harassment
>Sexual Harassment
New powerwash sim DLC. Perfect for Rissa
What did she do?
I believe you Rissa
Sadly, there hasn't been any sexual harassment in July yet
>is happes
nothing sexual or anything. I can't remember the details, but I was watching performers or something, and Nerissa was one of them, but I also kept in contact with her via DMs or something and we were very close...
Did you manage to get a ticket for BtD?
Even in a dream, the luck of a Jailbird is rough
He's not a Jailbird and yet dreamed of being in her DMs. Meanwhile my only Rissa dream so far was one where I was late to her Dragon's Dogma stream and was made fun of by the entire thread.
>not a jailbird
My bad, I can’t read it seems. But a Rissa dream is a Rissa dream, may your next one be full of happiness
Sweatanon should be happy, Haachama wants to use her sweet as seasoning.
if it's anything like what she did with dokibird, they just ordered the same stuff and are gonna try it at the same time.
>Dragon's Dogma
Ah, if only. That would be a hell of a stream. Just having her run through it and oggle the female pawns would be great. We'd all have to make sure that she knew about the Dragon Aids, otherwise she'd definitely bawl if her save gets screwed.
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Congrats anon. You're now a jailbird

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