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Justice now included!
Sort 'em
Rate 'em
Just don't tie 'em
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Rate my taste
i see you have a taste for cuckoldry
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Ok, I need more to rate mine.
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Some I wanted to tie desu
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what does my taste say about m?
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that you’re underage and a clipwatcher
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I always get a slightly different result. But as long as Miko and Suisei are number 1, and then I have Pekora, Korone, Marin, Fubuki, Lamy, Koyori in the top 10 its alright. This time Noel and Polka were a little higher than normal but I do like them and they are top 15 for me for sure. I am becoming obsessed with Raden lately as well.
Fuwamoco should be the highest ranking EN.
jokes on you, im4yrs in this rabbit hole and I already had my first tequila
>ERB 1st
>Sora Mio and AZKi tied for last
Holy faggotry rratman
you are either latinx or midwest.
(SEA too, but i don't want to be disrespectful)
How old?
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not bad
not bad
not bad
hello /#/
almost 24
You are a SEANIGGER who has no qualms about culture and actually think bros are a nice addition. Seriously ERB in 1st? You drunk as fuck
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okayish bait
might steal for later use
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I'm not even a unicorn
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This was somehow entertaining, lmao.
This speaks volumes.
kek wheres armis they all belong in the top 15
Audible kek
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Based...no wait

How Ollie > Mococo
Your other rankings need adjustment below top 15 is questionable as fuck did you drunk arrange this
This is definitely numbers
I had some ties and I guess the list doesn't reflect that.
1-15 is priority watching. The twins should be together, but Mococo had some hard battles.
16- 45 are arranged almost perfectly in order of time I sit and watch them.
45 - 67 The Homo and Unity tards are at the bottom of the list. Sora is an exception out of respect Suisei, Choco and Raden got bumped up because they were often sent to fight EBR and Ollie, and EBR and Ollie are cancer by comparison.
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FlaRyS love
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Please rate mine
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My taste is all over the place
kiss each other chumbuds
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don't separate the twins
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Havent really kept up with holo since 2021, but I watched CC and GG play a way out and I like them. Didn't mean to rank gura that low, dunno what happened
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Wow, it's hard to be consistent with the personal criteria I set myself. Still it was fun to see how things have changed since Jan. Top 1-3 and 9 stayed the same. Work hours is really influencing who I watch.
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No ties makes it a bit more annoying, but sure, whatever.
I don't understand how Raora got so high in my results
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Noticed that my favourites came from specific gens, so decided to filter out some gens. On hindsight, should have included ID, but I only really watched Kaela out of the nine of them.
Easy. She's sexy, cute and talented. And Italian. Who could resist that? Also for me, kemomimi. I apparently have a thing for them and hags. Polka and Gamers have never left my top 10.
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Not sure why Fuwawa's so far down. I actually like her more than Mococo.
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Seems to be that no matter what my top 4 is still:

It shuffles between the four, but its always these four at the top.
Im sorry but I really like Mococo a lot more. Also Fuwawa is kinda creepy.
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#1 stream watcher
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if this isn't your bottom five (order doesn't matter) you're doing something wrong
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>Miko and Suisei are number 1
you're god damned right
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Hags, Cunny, Tomboys, I like a bit of everything
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I'm surprised I don't get Korosan to top10 even though I chose her when the opportunity comes
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i love the fat cat
good taste for top 10
but bottom 10 makes me think you're insane
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I don't know how Raora got there. She just did, but the first two are accurate in terms of how much I'd love to bone them.
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What's up, 35Pebble. 8)

(I must've messed up for mine cuz I'd put Kobo & Subaru somewhere in 16–20.)
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Ayame is probably a fluke I was fapping to her yesterday and it seems to have caused me to favor her disproportionately. Other than that no real surprises last time I did this Bibop and Marine were in the top 10 instead of Cece and Mococo and the exact order might have been different but otherwise the same people.
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Haven't really formed an opinion about Justice. Aqua returning to regularly streaming is probably the only thing that changed about my list since last time.
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I have no idea how Kanata, Subaru, Bijou that should be in 10+, isn't even near 30-40, I guess I love them all too much
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Had some tough choices but this is how my list turned out.
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Based fellow dogs enjoyer.
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Rate my list bros
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this is the only scenario where it is acceptable to click tie
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holo i want to fuck based on model/design alone
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This list had some hard decisions man, I have changed a lot since advent
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I don't know anything about Raden other than "she smokes" which is a pretty big negative
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i was choosing them with no tie rule
>based on model/design alone
>bae next to last
nigga u gay? Bae might be annoying but her model is ceo of sex tier.
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SMOK best group
i just cant imagine sexxing a rat. same problem with ollie being a zombie
Updated with no ties
I mean she still new so she's on like the bottom of the barrel so far. But yeah her glazing the homos leaves a bad impression to the entire board.
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Why does mine only have three images? Anyway. Rate away.
There's a setting you can adjust to show more.
Since you replied to a few of mine, I feel like being constructive and listing why:

1. She's still new. She only debuted a week or so ago, and she has yet to make big impressions
2. She didn't leave a good impression. Gigi and Raora had lackluster debuts but have warmed up to me. CC had an AMAZING debut, and her first lot of streams in the past two weeks have been constantly amazing.
3. Her content is limited 1 - She's not a gamer. I get it, she's a great singer. And I actually know who she was before she debuted on Holo. But this is Hololive. When listing gaming choices she picked the most typical slop a person who never gamed before would pick. She could have done the smart thing like Nerissa did and picked a chill game, but she picked a fucking competitive FPS. And worst, when she streamed it, she SUCKED at it. Nobody wants to watch that. Its like Bae playing Only Up, and getting frustrated halfway through the game. Gura may suck at games but she can still make it entertaining. Bijou may keep losing but she's persistent and is an endurance gamer. But ERB has none of those qualities
4. Her content is limited 2 - most of he rstreams this week have been karaokes. Okay, she's one of the best singers in the company. Can give Gura & Irys a good run for their money. But if most of your streams are just rebroadcasts of karaokes, thats just stale.

and the elephant in the room
5. She's a homocollaber.
I'm sure to you sisters is a big "win". And yes, Yagoo would like us to "support the boys". But some of us enjoy pure CGDCT, and can list the girls who try to minimize their interaction with males within idol culture. Even someone like Nerissa, who could easily collab with males, seems to have taken up the idol culture ideal. There's a reason why irys apologized to her fans for the HLZNTL match.

But hey, its still early, and maybe ERB may improve herself in time. But until then, she's pretty low on my radar.
I can't help it, I love this dope.
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Love birds. Failed to get the twins together.
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I've been a hololive girls enjoyer before EN was even announced, I've probably enjoyed hololive before you even knew they existed, your answers make sense, but calling me sister is a bit funny


Also I see you're a CC enjoyer too!
What's the point of this thread aside from it serving as a group jerk off session, congratulating each other for choosing the same dozen girls?
I'd bet many of you don't even understand the moon runes, let alone speak the language. So desperate for affirmation you will deny yourself from giving the other girls a chance: regloss sings better than most of the girls while (arguably) the best singer in the company, ERB, is sitting at the bottom of most lists because of her Twitter likes and replies.
Absolute sister-like behavior
desu i have no idea how ERB got this high up. I don't hate her but she should not have been above Ina and I don't remember voting her over Ina either.

Same results but with more images this time!
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I know she's new, but I really like her already.
>Stop disagreeing with my opinions.
>No fun allowed.
Fair. I was using 'you' in plural, as ERB has attracted a rather diverse anti-unicorn crowd that includes both sisters and unicorn critics. I do think ERB has potential, but she really has to step up more. As much as I dislike Bae for instance, I admit she's a pretty good dancer and has been quite integral to the success of Council/Promise. Same for Mori, who is one hell of a hard worker and is worth watching from time to time.
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>regloss sings better than most of the girls

I like Ririka! But I like her the most out of Regloss because she actually tries with EN. I'm of the opinion that her English is about the same level as Raora's. It has been hotly debated, but Raora spent 4 years to get to English fluency, and she's still noticeably ESL. I imagine Ririka could get that level with an addition year or two. She's pretty good, something that Kiara pointed out as that she's capable of making a full English sentence. thats better than Subaru, Korone and Haachama, who struggle with eigo.

>b-b-but she's a homocollaber!

Quit, virgin.

>best singer in the company, ERB

Compared against ERB, Ririka is a lot more entertaining. Yes, Hololive is an idol company. But AKB48 type idols are not only expected to sing, they're also expected to entertain. And ERB has been lacking in that regard.
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Really nice to see so many people put Justice members (minus ERB) so high despite them being brand new. It shows that Holofriends are actually welcoming to new talents and are willing to give them a fair chance despite having favorites for years prior.
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I'm not questioning your opinions, I'm denying their worth
everyone can tell you're just mad yours isn't being jerked off
skill issue
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Hard for me to rate by stream, so I decided to rate them by their fertility and sexo appeal.
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This guy gets it.
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Seems about right for me
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Judge me
It's brave of you to just post your breeding fetish on /vt/ like that.
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i don't even agree with my own ranking..
Both Laplus and Zeta's names are spelled incorrectly
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I really cant' stand her game choices and the political tweets on her PL left a really bad impression.
Anytime you do ties voting results carry over to every other person that tied with the person you voted for/against, which can make for some weird results sometimes
>(arguably) the best singer in the company, ERB
she sings everything like she's auditioning for a fucking broadway musical or american idol. it's the corniest shit i've every heard, and if it appeals to you you're a massively overweight mom obsessed with disney or a faggot.
BTW, does this use Merge Sort?
Challenge: briefly explain what the top 3 and bottom 3 girls on your list actually do/are known for
I'd place Aki much higher but it's accurate enough.
>Top 3
They cute and actually pursue the idol dream, simple as.
>Bottom 3 more like 5 really
I'm indifferent to Kronii, ERB, and Ao, the other two are traitors.
I love Polka
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Moona and Miko should be higher.
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No ties this time.
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Since I have a top 4 as opposed to a top 3, I figured I look into what my bottoms looked like. ERB came out a consistent, but I already listed in >79731233 what I don't much care for her. So instead I'll focus on my top 4: Mococo, Irys, Bijou & Gura

Irys: Princess material, one of the best singers in holo. Debuted with a unattractive model but managed to remain entertaining despite it. Her game streams are fun to watch, especially when she puts in the effort. Being bilingual makes her both EN and JP, hence a great collab partner.

Mococo: Fuwamoco is best when they're together, but I personally like Mococo more. (its like how Gura is the better half of Amesame, but Ame is still needed for Amesame). Mococo is a tomboy princess, definitely a tomboy, but also definitely a princess. Has strong gap moe when she shows her girly side. However, and unlike Fuwawa, is a big gremlin. Can do amazing things with her voice (see her Crazy Frog solo) even when rasp (see when Lui chased after her in Minecraft). And again, like Irys, is strongly Bilingual. Looking forward to the eventual collab with Korone.

Bijou: Kusogaki cute and funny #2. Endurance gamer taking after Kaela. She's like the shounen hero who has difficulty in a game but doesn't give up and keeps going, something she actually shares with Irys. Being cute and funny, she plays too much into the "baby" aspect, but she has a surprising amount of rizz (she actually rizzed Kiara). Because she tries, I have a feeling she could actually match the #1 spot someday.

Gura: Kusogaki cute and funny #1. She's the goddamn best and you know it. She may not be as tomboy as Mococo, or as princess as Irys, but she's an all-round package. >>79541485 said it best:
"One of the amazing things about Gura is how she so often manages to be two things simultaneously that shouldn't be possible within the same person. She is one of the most feminine HoloENs, and ALSO the most tomboyish HoloEN. She is one of the wittiest and quickest thinking with genius comedic timing, and ALSO a complete fucking retard at times that can't do basic math and forgets what she was saying 5 seconds ago. She is one of the sweetest and kindest and humblest and most pure girls I've ever witnessed, and also really, unbelievably good at being a snarky, bratty bully. The gap moe is off the charts with her. This is her secret to success. Having so many different sides is how she appeals to the broadest demographic. Where other girls are one dimensional or two dimensional Gura is multi-faceted as fuck, and if you only watch one or two streams you won't see it, it takes time to discover all the different elements of Gura."
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I hit tie a lot but I'd move a few around looking at it. Gigi should be a few spots down.
Justice has been underwhelming so far so no real impact on the rankings

KanaLuna forever reigning supreme
Why Anya? I don't watch ID that much, am I missing out? Asking cos you have (Biboo, Gigi and the Goob in da top)
>TOP 3:
I like women who extrude relaxed/aloof energy.
I hate cheeky brats
nta but if you don't see the pattern then you might be stupid.
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Also based
Raora kamioshi based
Not sure why Ayame is that high up but based
Because she's just as cute, fun and silly, only with a much heavier accent. But she's also dirt poor so setup suffers a lot.
I mean aside from the fact that she's short and pettan, is she also cheeky and a brat? Genuinely asking as I've not watched much Anya. Would also appreciate some stream recommendations. Fwiw I did like her 3D live.
Never really understood the appeal of Ayame or Suisei but based
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>Just don't tie 'em
I don't have an oshi. I only watch Holo a few times after a new gen debut.
The only talent that I think is a genuine mistake in Hololive is ERB. She can sing, sure, but everything else about her is goddamn awful. At least 66 other Holos actually give a fuck about Hololive, even if I don't like some them.
She can be, she's very sassy when she wants to be. If you're half interested you can check out her collabs with EN members, she and Ina played a puzzle game recently. Even though their brains were melting by the end, they did get a near perfect score. But she's like that most with people she's comfortable with, like with Kronii, she teases her a lot.
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during kromet she is like lost sassy child on battlefield
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Funny how many combinations there are means so many people aren't even close to having one person with similar top 10.
My closest is probably this guy.
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Only right answer
I love my retarded wife
Ayame, maybe.
But Suisei, SUISEI? Are you dumb?
There he is
The legendary FAT FUCK Cheebposter
I love green [Hololive] women
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I stopped trying to keep up with JP a year ago, just didn't have the time. Also that shit takes too long with that many choices.
Damn you’re an ultimate ATM
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The only valid list
I'm indifferent toward her, I haven't really watched the new gen so that's why they are all the bottom for me. I guess it could be the same for other anons.
my green oshi number 1
>the best chuubas are almost always in the top
Skill issue, ask for your oshi to improve herself
>regloss sings better than most of the girls while (arguably) the best singer in the company, ERB, is sitting at the bottom of most lists because of her Twitter likes and replies.
Imagine being that delusional. Watame is a better singer than all of them and she is barely in the top 10 best holo singers. Besides who cares, I prefer to listen to Noel singing 24/7 than to watch 10 minutes of "ERB"
If you're a cuck there's plenty there
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Raora has it man, she is very likable can't help but smile listening to her. She earned my top 10.
I couldn't pinpoint it but this anon showed the way. That's why she sounds so forced
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I can't trust a person that doesn't have Watame in the top half of their list.
Quiet, virgin
I don't speak sheep
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She's new and I'm not particularly a fan of her singing. That and she seems to be the homolover prime.
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Imagine if she was a male and was going to Holo chats to spam over 100 messages in a stream. She is pest supreme and doesn't understand what she signed up for and treats the place like it was Niji EN.
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I, too, am based and reddit-pilled
Dickslammer: I haven't checked out EN4 yet
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Objectively correct ranking.
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Switch fauna and miko
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Troll taste
I wonder if anyone else feels like they would not get along with most English-speaking fans based on these charts and any other english communities they've found themselves in
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Too early to rate Justice, Elizabeth sings good, I guess.
i actually am indifferent and havent seen enough of them to put them up high
talk to me in 6 months for their evaluation
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based MiKorone enjoyer
24 when?
nice top 10, yeah mine isnt perfect either
i wouldve put Suityan a bit higher but its close enough
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Fuwawa might be a little too low, but if I'm going to be real Mococo is the only reason I watch them.
ties are bad because they botch the sorting process
there's plenty of girls id tie but if you want a proper sort, you should make a choice
was going to compliment your top 10 until i saw how low you put my Mikochi...
to each his own i suppose
Kiara worried me in this regard and she turned out fine. No political stuff at all.
If she can remain professional, the sky's the limit for ERB.
So when is someone gonna compile and analyze all this data? I remember last year when this thread was made, the holo with the highest average ranking was Nene. Curious if that's still true or not.
i lack the sufficient amount of tools and autism to complete such a huge task
kudos to anyone else willing to try though
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This is THE objective Holo JP character ranking
i get what you're saying. she comes off as completely inauthentic. mococo keeps it real.
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Are you sure it's a software bug or is it a "skill issue" thing?
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Her debut really blew me away. I figured I would like her though, since she's friends with my favorite indie. I regret never watching her much until now.
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>no pictures
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Disgustingly based
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R8 and h8
best two en at the top and it's all downhill from there
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>brownfeet is a chumbud

I have preferences...

you like 'em teetering on the edge

this made me actually lol
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Fellow Robosir

sincerely, wtf does Choco even do?
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Holy shit taste OP.
This took about 4 hours to collect and sort, but here is this thread's favorite girls collectively so far. Out of 113 Holosort charts that I polled here, pic related is the weighted results of ranking girls by their appearance in the Top 10 of your charts. All No. 1 spots (in appearance order - ties disregarded) were given 3 points, 2-5 spots were given 2 points, and 6-10 were given 1 point to weight them. Here are the key takeaways from this thread:
>While Gura had a large lead in points for being in several people's No. 1 spot, Fauna appeared in the most charts in this thread by a fair margin -- followed by Korone and then Gura
>Cecilia and Raora are basically neck and neck in terms of popularity out of the gate if you disregard weighting. They appeared equally on people's charts, CC was just in people's top 5 more.
>The most popular gen collectively here is Advent. The least popular gen was ID2
>For EN: Advent - Promise - Myth - Justice
>For JP: Gamers - Gen 3 - Gen 0 - Gen 4 - Gen 5 - 1 - 2 - holoX - ReGLOSS
>ID: 3 - 1 - 2
>I am genuinely surprised to see there are several ruffians who apparently like Mococo a lot more than Fuwawa. I thought they were generally equally liked...
>Ollie was the only holo with zero points. Not sure if she is actually the least liked if you bother to dig past everyone's top 10s, but no one had her on their chart's top spots.
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>Roboco Aki 1/2
>Luna almost dead last
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Some of you have really shit taste
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Fuck your no tie rule, it's really useful when I don't care about either one in the matchup, which ends up happening a lot. Also Fuwawa vs Mococo has to be a tie.
I kinda wanted to give Raora more wins but it just feels too soon. Let's do this again in like six months, she might crack my top ten.
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well done lad
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Yellow fever
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From EN perspective this list makes sense and I am not even surprised that Myth has fallen behind in popularity as a gen
Surprised you didn't include former members for this.

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