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One month Edition

>Current and upcoming streams

>This week's full schedules

>July Patreon Script Schedules

[Gen 1: Indulge]
>Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess
>Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear
>Immy Bisou - Hex Maniac
>Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere
>Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress
>Stronny Cuttles - Hypnotic Cuttlefish

>VAllure Links

>Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive

[FAQ for Tourists]
>What is VAllure?
The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo.
Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI.
>Where will the content be?
YouTube - Kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum.
Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like.
Fansly - Up to discretion of the girls. Content will be free. Will come later.
>Is there a Discord Server?
Yes, Notification only. No interaction with any of the girls. Check VAllure Links.
No, they won't be joining any fan servers.
>Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship?
Yes, all of them, with me.

>VAllure Friends!
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
Yume+ and other small corpos: >>>/vt//corpo/
More of Azura and Shibi's friends: >>>/vt/choc/

Previous thread >>79698583
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
god fucking dammit I did it again
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I hope icey knows that I think about her always and that I'm completely obsessed with her.
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Boooo you suck!
i want the one i can't have
it's okay tobs, you'll get it right next time
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I want to FUCK Icey Snowpaws!
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ganbare tobs <3
for me, it's mercy modiste
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I want to go feral with Icey. As soon as she was in the vicinity I'd be ripping her clothes off like some kind of animal. Every inch of her would be grabbed, groped and spanked. I want to smack her ass so hard that it leaves a big, red handprint so that everyone knows who she belongs to. I want to grab her by the throat and completely control her breathing so that she knows that her entire being belongs to Dada. I need to cum deep inside that smooth cunny of hers and feel her clench around my cock as I choke her. I love Icey so much, I need to fuck her so badly.
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Perhaps a reminder
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Can you stop posting this fucking image? I don't know what it is about it but it makes me want to go feral and toss her around and just bang the shit out of her.
sorry I can't stop posting it, it does the same to me, I can't stop looking at her and imagining all the things I'd do to her.
>just don't force her to have to reply like a faggot
Nta but nobody forced her to do anything. Nothing was stopping her from ignoring it like how she ignores you guys from time to time
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It's cos she's got a ... GREAT ASS
>Icey's been replaying the GW2 vod
That's really cute...
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i cant stop looking at her hands...
JJ stop replying to yourself man. This isn't healthy.
Icey couldn't stay away, she's doing a GW2 stream today at her usual time
God I hope icey’ll eventually play roblox, I have no interest in this kinda game whatsoever
I dont think she needs to dip into roblox, she's got enough groomers after her already
Holy shit...Icey come on now. No need to show your IRL pussy. I'm sure she's gonna regret that and delete it later.
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She has very cute lookable hands uuuuuu
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4 more hours until i come house from work and can watch kouhais stream
So has Stronny done much hypno asmr yet? She’s talked a bit about it and did it in her intro, I’m not sure if she’s doing much now though.
when is icey going to respond to marshmallows
When they're closed. Hopefully she'll ignore all 40 of yours.
i have only sent her one and it was to tell her that i'm unsubscribing from her channel
You're meant to start with "nta" anon
I only sent her one and it was a full 8000 characters of me talking about all the different ways I would like to fuck her, in different locations around the world, in different positions, and how I wanted to end it with her pissing on my face.
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nice greenscreen nigger
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Which one of you is trying to hack my boy?
Damn bro; either an anti or jealous dada...that's f-ed up either way

they probably rejected her because the ceo's cousin got the job
will previous month audios become unavailable on patreon?
no, why would they
who is this
most whores on patreon time limit shit to fomo you into paying
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nta, but I've never paid for shit on Patreon before. I read this as like, I get 4 per month for a monthly subscription, so I probably won't get last months too?
my wife dtl wouldnt do us like that, would she?
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Immy kinda cute
Immy kinda wife
Immy kinda looks
Like the love of my life!
If you pay now you get 4 audios, but if you wait 5 months it becomes 20 audios for 5 dollars. After a year (the length of their contract) it will become 10 cents each audio if you only pay at the end.
it all worked out in the end alhamdulillah
this is probably real, I also got locked out, seems like someone is targeting dadas.
Which group was the one she did the fake interview for?
So, if they don't put in practice any fomo tactics the only thing left is "please pay every month to support me" which i do
Other corpos have a fixed price per voice pack, but then again, they don't use patreon
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was this the screenwriter? havent seen him around for a bit
hes in the inner circle
/our/ boy made it, i'm so proud
you're proud of an omega groomer?
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she's gonna get groomed regardless, at least he's homegrown
tbf all of the ones who are accused to be in an inner circle are /here/ or were here so I guess they're all homegrown.
stronny, give me strength
None of us are grooming her. She's an adult, she can talk to us if she wants to. She's like 30, she's older than I am. If anything she's grooming me by responding privately to my Maros
Will Immy be mad at me if I proclaim Shibi is my broshi?
No but shibi will. She hates being called a bro even though she totally is.
Really? I haven't caught all of her streams, but she is really fun to put on in the background when I game
When did she say this even?
She said it on twitter iirc. Back when she was openly here
damn wish that was me
It is you anon, you're replying to yourself again.
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Need Icey nakey mode.
Speaking of which, she retweeted a kk model today. I'm expecting great things in her lewdart tag and here.
the fuck is a kk model?
Just decided to check out this corpo. Who is the best talent to do community gunpla builds with where we all get to build the same kit and share our results with each other at the end?
oh stronny give me strength so that i dont cheat on you
It's not cheating when she wants to. Icey is the roadblock for you since she hates whores (derogatory)
Wolf Mom’s Pamper You To Sleep ASMR + Sleepaid ft Fraeya_VT [Early Access]
Stronny please
I just blinked and 10 minutes passed. I've done nothing but stare outside, get me out of this simulation
When will you people understand it's all an act. She's just playing a character. She doesn't actually care about any of that shit.
embeddable link
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very disappointed to have missed out on the tier list stream
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Welp least we know the next threadshitting angle "Stronny is actually ESL teehee"
Stronny is actually American*
fixed that for you
>"Stronny is actually ESL teehee"
Well... according to the UK govt, that's actually possible.
But anon.. she is..
It was alright but alotta banter with chat since "people" couldn't get it through their heads no matter how many times she said that it was her Tier list for what she reads necessarily what she would do irl, seemed like more retards in chat then normal.
When is the stream where Icey rides a dildo while sucking a paci until she cums over and over? I've only got a few weeks left until I die from not being able to watch this while jerking off
lmao. I love this whorepo.
Tomorrow actually
It was open to tier 1's.
Oh thank god. A few weeks ago I bought some blue chew viagra so I can jerk it after cumming over and over during that stream. I've just been waiting.
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i miss her so fucking much bro, even binge watched her PL content to hear her voice
>>79739331 (me)
Looking now, she either realized that the emote tier had access to it or it got taken down since I don't see the vod.
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same. i am a husk of my former self.
I literally rewatched all her content on her current channel and I am currently watching everything on her PL. I miss her so god damn much...
Gen 2 will have someone from Ireland and someone from northern Ireland. They'll constantly overlap each others streams and have indirect twitter fights with retweets and vague posts.
for me it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMo7ov3pEpo
Come out ye black and tans!
This, but balkan chuubas. Let them rip each others throats out and get drunk together afterwards
Oh that's why, Why was it open to tier 1's if the whole point of tier 2 is the member streams
Need Bosnian and Albanian whores to fight for my attention while narrowly avoiding discussion of war crimes.
Nta but that wolf girl has some nice tits.
*fight for my dick
i think they should fart more
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i miss immy
Is Stronny Celtic or Rangers?
Flesh streams when
not sure if this was always the case but Arisu from pixellink is following Immy's main account. I wonder if Immy is gonna join vsmp
I can't tell if mummeh successfully flipped her sleep schedule and woke up a couple hours ago before starting her work, or if she hasn't slept at all yet... I hope mummeh slept.
Rangers all the way
you thought the fight for Icey's heart was only within the game? You were wrong.
Considering Immy already had a decent enough audience why would she want to join a small starting corpo anyway? I've seen others like Punkalopi who has a massive audience, 2,000+ viewers per stream, then joins Idol only to stream to less than 300 people. I don't get it.
It's lonely being an indie. She wanted friends.
I'm really looking forward to how things go after 2 months, last time it was cut short
She did a watchalong of her own reincarnation? That's actually really funny.
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I love my innocent and shy yandere wife, Mercy Modiste.
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>mfw little sister posts an audio but I'm out of coompons
it was a good bit, she started stream to watch along only for her pc to "explode" and then she redirected to her own debut.

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