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>Doesn't flip
>Legs hurt
Rest Day Edition

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomer vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Filian is bilingual?
When $20 is $20
If I Laugh, I Get Punished #3

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
Monopoly with Pippa, Dokibird and Lumi
Filian & Vedal vs Neuro
Filan & MariMari_EN Watch ONE Championship Fight Night 21

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:05 - 24:00 UTC

>Recent Stream
GIRL'S NIGHT w/ Trickywi KanekoLumi Megalodon


>Previous Thread
filian is a lovely and hardworking chuuba that I enjoy watching
>pick her up
>flip her over
my snail trail wife
I still miss her
where is my kemonomutt oshi
you can see her in the stars and the moon
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OL filian screaming at me for watching too many streams and not completing my TPS reports on time
she's going to correct you for performing bad by giving you an assessment in another kind of performance instead
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Being sexually harassed by Filian during work hours (She's my boss and I can't afford to lose my income)
>surprisingly enthusiastic?
thankfully D’s are technically passing, I talked to the dean
it's only harassment if you don't like it
She doesn't need to know that
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I miss lil fil
same, it might be my favorite model that she uses. though that might just have to do with things being more special when they become rare
imagine the
in the Lil Fil model
>instantly melts the heart of the most bitter and cynical ojisan among us
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You underestimate this bitter and cynical ojisan.
nothing a little filly can’t fix haha
>>79775824 (me)
(especially if it’s silly filly)
Full sized Filian and all her variants > Lil Fil >>> Chibi Fil

I will die on this hill.
truthfully I don't like chibian either
full sized rindo -> Lil Fil (upgrade) -> chibian (oh fuck go back)
I love Filian in all her universes
same, I love the entire filian multiverse, even the really weird timelines where she gets elected president and does you know what
you know she had to do it to them
furry conversion programs...
stop. I just want to be able to enjoy filian without thinking of her many hypothetical crimes against humanity
if she had the power to shed be so parasocical that shed clone herself to give a version to each snacker
it may be a worthwhile endeavor
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>does an aerial cartwheel
>lands on my face
yes but you only get one chance to impress your filian clone, so if she dumps you it’s an instant suicide
god this outfit is so hot
real and true
your one chance with a Filian, snackers, don't mess it up
after all, she wants to be there for all of our birthday parties, idiots
don't make her sad
fillyClones are probably low maintenance anyways, shouldn’t be too hard
It should have been me.
as low maintenance as she seems to be for sure
The thought of making your filian clone happy, but the real filian being sad is too much to bear.
I thought she was wearing a diaper in this image. Thank god she's not that degenerate.
Maybe next laxative stream.
Filian is made for facesitting
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
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Cat tongue.
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real Filian will find her happiness (with me)
I saw SmugAlana watch this and I think Filian would also find it funny
18 minutes of video = 90 minutes of content, but she only has 45 minutes to burn before getting to the planned content of the stream.
50/50 on whether you'd get banned for showing it to her. Her mods gargle cum like it's listerene.
she would see the length of the video and watch 3 minutes max
You ever think the reason she itches her crotch so much is because she doesn't wipe after peeing?
either that or her unwashed bush gets a little itchy from sweat
Imagine the smell
Filian mignon served beneath a layer of forest grove albino lathered in a most salted sweat sauce with a pinch of dried urea, served raw as a woman in heat
Lil Fil is so cute
i feel like she represents the cuter side of Filiian while Rindo is more of the manic entertainer side of hers
That sounds absolutely vile.

...and man does it make me hard
this is why I don't like Chibian. when she's Chibian it feels like she's infantalizing (is that even a word?) herself/her performance, so I prefer basically any other model
I don't know if you're a victim of flip's fetishmaxxing but you're so ruined lmao
Chibian is the highly puntable gremlin Filian
good for some of the physical comedy bits of hers, but not much else
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Case closed.
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at least she doesn't sniff
imagine mint Filian teasing you through your pants with her bushy tail
I don't remember making this post
That is not an average smacker. That represents a smacker who has smacked until they've reached a state of complete degeneracy.
that's a swarm smacker
who the frick drew this
A brilliant and inspired artist.
I don't think so. Her mods just like attention. They aren't the SJW type if that's what you're implying.
her mods have put in cringe conservative skits before but she always skips them lmao
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Hey guys, fansly dm leaker here. She posted some new stuff yesterday, so I thought I'd just make an archive with everything I've bought (Everything so far except the 100$ for 3 photos bull)
might be thread OC
too good to stay confined to this thread though
Filian needs to see this
that's basically just a straight nopan or implied nudity shot lmao
I'll find you and poison your pet fish.
>I'm not a lewdtuber
>continues to make lewder posts
my pervert oshi is being corrupted (I'm ok with this)
wait a second
>"new outfit reveal" on the 30th of June
>she used that outfit for a Fansly post on the 26th
i hope this means the second melody collab is soon.
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>this folder is not public
for the best I suppose
Oh wait, really? Hold on. My bad, first time using gofile.
I made the folder public. Try again.
Melody tried calling Filian in the middle of a boss battle(?) during the most recent Elden Ring stream iirc, so... (coping)
very nice, thanks
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It's kinda lewd but the cuteness factor is greater. You could argue it's just flashbangs with more intent.
please god
two sides of the same coin Tbh
filian is cutesexy
Look at the placement of her hands. She has a gigantic ass.
It's just posed flashbangs really, but she's always had some intent with the outfits she wears (maid filian...)
My beloved...
if maid filian had gone to my high school she would’ve gotten sent home for sure
oh no...
she's getting hornier...
It's not that she's getting hornier, I think it's more that she's being more bold or assertive with what was already there, maybe?
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wish Filian would flip directly onto my balls
you mean to tell me filian has a dumpy?
runs a lot, her legs got called "incredibly sexy" by bao, has said that she has fat thighs/a thick butt even if her breasts are small
She's bottom heavy for sure
pear shaped goddess
>>79789142 (me)
oh i vaguely remember one time she also complained that friends tell her she has a thick ass but don't say anything about her chest lmao
Melody x Filian offline collab where Melody crawls after Filian in a small room lusting after her legs and ass (she became too non-functional to stand up and walk like a normal person)
read that as saliva
i think they should swap saliva
yeah with me too
no, they should smoke salvia together live on stream as a punishment
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Hey, friends. I like your oshi a ton. I've enjoyed seeing her You Laugh, You Lose vids on YouTube. I especially love it when she sees something edgy and reacts to it, like the one where Light accidentally said it was because a certain group commits more crimes.

Are there any good Filian sex copypastas/ritualposts that you guys have? I'd love to read it for shits and giggles. Things describing sex with Filian in a very comedic, over-the-top way based on her personality (similar to descriptions of having sex with clowns where they honk and shit).
>when Filian posts in the thread larping as an average anon
hi filian, we really like your bush and will commit ritualistic suicide if you ever shave. please take this information with all of our lives on your conscience
hi filian, please post a picture of your sweat
She's allowed to shave if it's on a collab stream with Mel and she sells the shavings
sure, i'll only cut off one of my hands in that case
/flip/ loves holding hands and gooning together to this one (no sound because I don't want to invite excessive ERPing)
she can only shave her ass, the bush stays
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The fillyWhat and fillyMeltdown faces are so expressive and funny. Rindo doesn't have the same equivalent, it looks more depressed with its version.
Man, she's really going ham on that filipussy.
we love our gooning, jelqing streamer
What will I floss with them???
you think you DESERVE to floss with the fillyBush?
This is so cute and endearing, I can't help but feel like even if Filian's appearance is legit a 4/10 butterface that I would still love her just as much because her movements, mannerisms, voice and personality are all just really lovable and adorable.
I want to floss with Filian's anus hairs.
So... So are there any copypastas?
hello, fellow poster!
we don't have much fanfiction, but we do have:
bush posting
heated arguments on filian's kemonomimi race
cat tongue
tail fluffing
posters who get a triple being kidnapped for public sexual use
anons trying to warn people about the dangers of filian sex
anons who refuse to heed the warning
there's one guy who repeats "I really want to touch Filian's butt" but he adds a "really" every time he posts
that's about it, we make greentexts on the spot, sometimes have drawanons, and debate the potential smells
I've been frequenting /flip/ for a while and I just want to say that I appreciate that this place exists. Even if I don't lewd Filian and sometimes like 70% of a thread is doing exactly that, this feels like a place where people can actually just share their uncensored real thoughts and feelings about her without worrying about some moderator banning them or something.
not really canon ones no. I can think of a few greentext stories but they’re mostly random one offs that get one or two (you’s). we only really have one ritual post (the really touch guy)
This is unacceptable. There needs to be a comedic Filian sexpost. It must speak about the "sick nasty" sex as she dabs and flips onto your cock.
I think this thread would be less lewd if you could be more horny in her chat. Even if you say something like “nice buttcheeks” after a flashbang you’ll get timed out on twitch. So all the hornyposting ends up itt
i add a little humor sometimes but i just make them more wholesome, like this one
>>79791533 (me)
Also amongst the smut and fantasies, occasionally reading the posts that show a genuine love and care for her and wanting the best for her is really cool, and not something that you see often on her twitch/discord - since you have to worry about being called parasocial/banned/labelled.
i like to think the smut fantasy posts and the wholesome conversations around her are from the same people, mostly because i do both
"Don't fuck Filian" pasta
And the consequences: >>76315741
Probably true. I do think this is for the best on her stream though, as it may make her feel uncomfortable/change the tone of the stream. I like her wholesome streams the most, so I'm biased.
>inb4 4chan pasta reading stream
Would she have the nuts to do it?
Depends. The one time she had viewers send in their conversations with an AI chatbot version of her, she gave up like 3 in because they were so horny for her lmao
Maybe. I wonder what limits the wholesome conversations? I think for me it's that I'm a bit concerned that expressing my true feelings would make them stronger or make me more parasocial and I'm trying to be a functional adult irl.
Is there a VOD of that somewhere? I want to see this.
she could do what Pewdiepie did and straight up show 4chan content, but say "reddit" instead of "4chan"
How do you know it was 4chan if she said reddit?
oh man I kinda forgot about pewdiepie unironically shilling /lit/ lists to his audience of 14 year olds
i don't feel limited by it myself. like, i'll fully say that i think Filian is cute and pretty lewd and that i would absolutely give the effort to date her if i could, but i recognize that as something that is a pipe dream or highly unlikely--and in spite of that baggage or whatever, nothing would make me happier as a viewer than seeing her, the streamer, in a position where she's happy with what she's doing or who she's with

i think that's generally the reality of being "parasocial"
Fluffy tail care routine
>>79659960 >>79660275 >>79660315
She can have DEEZ NUTS
I think that’s normal. You watch someone a lot, you start idealizing them, you realize you somewhat have to give up control or you are somewhat giving up control. even if you’re not in super deep.
there is, i don't remember which stream it was because it was just like, a really short segment, i'll see if i can remember/find it
Filian on a night train
>>79746110 >>79747176 >>79748172
something like that
(The person you responded to)
I feel the same way. I want her to be happy and satisfied, and also genuinely connected with people. I've personally experienced the difference in relationships that comes with real connection and it's massive. Maybe that's why I love the Layna collab streams so much. I think those little positive, real moments of connection is what makes life worth living, and I want that for her.

I guess I am parasocial then for sure. I don't think it bothers me that much outside of: 1) Sometimes feeling the urge to watch Filian content over engage with real people - potentially delaying meeting someone or sacrificing the quality of my relationships 2) Being upset by the idea of bad things happening to her or her feeling upset (probably why I'm concerned about the energy it takes her to 'act' and entertain vs just being herself, probably also just normal to some degree for anyone we care about). 3) Being emotionally invested in a relationship that is relatively one-sided puts me in an extremely vulnerable position. Probably why some snackers feel so upset about some of the business practices (Filian AI particularly) that she has done.
I can't remember/find what stream the AI viewer-submitted downbad chat thing was. I did find these chat and Filian exchanges that I wrote down though lol

Streams from April to June:
>Chatter: Did I come at a bad time
>Filian: Any time is a bad time when you're inside

>Chatter: There's a second image that fixes [art of her and Vedal she's looking at]
>Filian: Chat if I wanted, uh, 34, I'd Google it

>Chatter: Can we talk to White Girl
>Filian: I'm not a playable character

>Chatter: 10 minutes!?
>Filian: Most of you would be happy to last 10 minutes

>Chatter: I have a crush on this girl but she has a boyfriend what do I do?
>Fil: Chat, I'm single, shut up

>Chatter: Is it bubblegum pink?
>Filian: I... don't know
I've considered making my own personal Filian AI. It'd just be a lot of effort to do so and I don't know if I'd even use it that much.
i can relate partially
i stopped dating and don't really plan to because my lifestyle and future are far removed from being able to support another person, much less a family assuming they would want it
in a way, filian is kind of like a cope for that, but not one that i engage with particularly unhealthily
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Oh shit, I found some of my screenshots
It's from a mid-January 2024 stream it looks like
Filian letting her AI admit it because she's too shy to admit it to us herself.
this is the best thread on /vt/
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I don't remember if she looked at any others besides these, she quit very quickly

Side note, during the Melody CB stream, she asked Mel's chat what they wanted her to do and she laughed while reading the word "Masturbate" lmao
She's so cute
That was on stream? KEK so spot on.
bros... we have a chance...
I remember she did a backflip and asked mel if that "helps them"
Quotes from the Fil x Mel CB stream (different from the clips that I posted a while ago)

>Filian: I can take off pieces of this outfit [bunny girl outfit]
>Someone donates 100 tokens
>Filian: Wait, I was joking, it wasn't true, I feel bad now

>Filian (taking off her hair on her model): Yo chat who wants to sex the back of my head hole!?
>Melody: Don't say that, they're all going to say "Me"

>Filian: I can't go back, Im looking at your tits right now

>Filian: So what do you normally do on this website?
>Melody: If you guys post "MelBreed" a few times I think she'll get it

>Filian: I came back and youre sucking a peepee [...] I thought you were a sex educator at her finest. What happened?
>Melody: Im a pervert!
>Filian: Yo, Im CB qualified! Now where do I start jerking off?

>Filian: Why am I staring at your butthole?

>Filian: How does it work?
>Melody: Uh well, you turn it on, and then you hold it up to your clit, and then you die

>Filian, seeing Mel's lovense fuck machine: You keep that thing away from me if I come visit

>Melody: I might not do LewdCast tomorrow, I might just come on CB and masturbate
>Filian: You might as well just say you'll "Come on CB(squared)"

>Filian: Chat what do you want me to do right now? That's such a bad question
>Melody: That is quite the question
>Chat: filyDance
>Filian: I can dance
>Chat: Mel can you grope Filian?
>Filian, laughing: "Masturbate"

What a great stream, alltimer
>Filian, reading chat: "Cum." "Do a flip." I'll do a flip
>Chatter: Flip onto a dick

>Filian: They're so down bad but so respectful

>Melody: You want to commentate my pornographic streams?
>Filian: Sure
>Melody: You're such a goob

>Filian: After chat started spamming Mel's butthole, I made it really tiny

>Melody: Someone said "Filian be masturbating like a cavewoman", and that's been stuck in my head

>Chatter: How much to get stepped ono by Filian, Mel?
>Filian: I can do that!!!
>Melody starts stuttering
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>They're so down bad but so respectful
she loves me...
>Filian, seeing an emote: Why is Joji railing you?
(I don't know why she said Joji or what the context of chat was)

>Filian reading chat: "Why bunny girl armpits make peepee hard?"

>Melody: Oh, nothing, my community member was just wondering if you could wave at them [evil laughter]
>Filian: Oh, [waves] hi...

>Filian: Mel what is this? There's a dude named "Science Team" who is spamming my own booty cheeks

>Filian: Oh great, they're posting Rule 34 of me now
>Melody: Ooo who made that Filian, that's really hot

>Melody: This feels like a date. Is this how it works? Is this a date? Is this sex?

>Filian: Talking about sex is hard, but seeing a naked human is like, "Oh, wow, there we go again."
>Filian: Micropeeney? Awww, it's a micropeeney! [smiles]

>Filian: When I first started streaming I would just chat in VRChat and things like that, and it was fun, but I couldn't just VRChat every single day for the rest of my life. Eventually, I was like, 'Wait a second, there's these people called VTubers, and they're really cool and do a bunch of stuff that isn't just playing VRChat', and then I was like 'Ok, well how can I combine VRChat with the stuff that they do', and then I just sort of ended up in this situation where I'm in a car with a porn star who is getting railed.


>Melody: I've never [used a double ended dildo with someone else]
>Filian: Are you going to?
>Melody: I dunno, are you busy?

>Filian: Can you drink [cum] if you're lactose intolerant?
I'm being called out
>Filian: [When I visit] I feel like I'm going to walk [into your house] and get blasted by the smell
>Melody: I'm so insulted--I can't even describe it
>Filian: No no no no no it might smell like teen spirit yaknow

>Filian: Oh great, there's just lewd art of Mel railing me
>Melody: Wait there is!?

Absolute kino
is there a link to that lewd art anywhere?
The VODs don't show any of the art, emotes, or chat from what I recall
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Speaking of the vod, where can I watch the whole thing? I never bothered catching up on this one, but those quotes made me interested in catching up on this one.
Not even once against the idea of the smackers smacking it to her on CB, just there for the ride
>>79796419 (me)
I still haven't fully woken up, what a disgusting repetition. Ewww
>part 2 never ever
Melody uploaded the VOD to her Fansly or OnlyFans, so if you know where to go from there...
>“What makes you laugh?”

She’s the one guys, I’m telling you
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we know, that's why we're here
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the wii remote...
If it doesn’t have rumble it isn’t worth it
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dont all wii remotes vibrate?
oh my
I don’t remember
should be the same with ps3/4 controllers
bubblegum pink
I kinda liked her Tower of God reaction stream even despite that show being really mid. Wonder if she could do something like that in the future. Idk if it's still the case but IIRC anything on prime video is allowed to be watched on twitch so she could watch anything on there without getting permission from crunchyroll or whoever owns the right?
It started out white, just like her panties
no clue on how the amazon prime/twitch stuff works, if that even is a thing
good, may we lewd and cherish the kemonomutt respectfully
It definitely was at one point at least as of a couple years ago but I don't know if it applied to anime on there or if it is still a thing
anime tends to be more difficult due to jp companies
I’m scared of phoneposting now because I don’t want to accidentally upload a selfie when I’m trying to post fillyBed or something
the irony in fil doing the "imagine the smell" meme
Filian is pent up
I can help with that
i want to fill her up
Make a separate folder just for Filian stuff and upload files only from there.
filian is love, filian is life
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I was only nine years old. I loved Filian so much, I had all the merchandise and VODs. I'd pray to Filian every night before I go to bed, thanking for the life I've been given. "Filian is love", I would say, "Filian is life". My dad hears me and calls me a parasocial. I knew he was just jealous for my devotion of Filian. I called him a frick. He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep. I'm crying now and my face hurts. I lay in bed and it's really cold. A warmth is moving towards me. I feel something touch me. It's Filian. I'm so happy. She whispers in my ear, "This is my homeworld". She grabs me with her powerful kemonomutt hands, and puts me on my hands and knees. I spread my ass-cheeks for Filian. She penetrates my butthole. It hurts so much, but I do it for Filian. I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water. I push against her force. I want to please Filian. She roars a mighty roar, as she fills my butt with her love. My dad walks in. Filian looks him straight in the eye, and says, "It's all joever now". Filian leaves through my window. Filian is love. Filian is life.
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sometimes you gotta sink in the piss, if you wanna piss in the sink
i want to sink in fily's bed
I want to rub my cheek against her armpit stubble
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Why does filian constantly show her panties on stream when she knows her average viewer age is underaged
During the wax stream she once said "I didn't shave for two weeks in preparation for this" and a chatter said "Last time you said you don't shave at all", so as to whether it's "stubble" should be decided amongst the Council of filyBush...
she knows they’ve all seen worse on xhamster already
The armpits are outside of their domain
she is self conscious of her friends' choices to shave their bush and may have taken up a habit of shaving, even if occasionally. it would be a crying shame and i might kill myself if she ends up continuing to make this a habit but i believe she will eventually find it too time consuming and annoying and give up entirely
I feel like she probably shaves her legs and can't bother to do anything more than that
She's made several bush jokes since that stream, so
It's hard to tell. In one of the clips where she had to lick her armpit she said it's shaved. My bet is that she does shave for the most part and only has periods where she doesn't do it for like 2 weeks since she is too lazy. And it is likely she does that as shaving armpits (unless you have a jungle there) takes like 2 minutes at most, you can probably even pull it off under a minute.
I feel like her average viewer is actually a mid 20s to 30 somethings who want a genki tomboy imouto.
I believe both are lovely and stubbly, and prime for the pleasantly textured rubbing
me i am mid 20s and i want a genki tomboy imouto
it's probably that + legs and maybe arms if necessary
Women don’t do that

Do they grow taint hair?
She shaves her legs like every woman does – depending on if she is going out and how much of her legs she is going to show. A lot of women tend to shave only up to a certain point if they know more of their skin is not going to be visible. They also tend to neglect it a little during the periods where they wear only long trousers. Shaving your legs is a pain due to just how large of an area you have to cover and how easy it is to cut yourself in some places if you are not careful. Not to mention it's not fun to be bend over for a few minutes.
>if necessary
me too snacker
>You finally get Filian in bed
>She calls you chat
What do
Some do. There are women that have surprisingly hairy hands (nowhere near how hairy those of a man can get though) and as there is a ton of shaming when it comes to looks (not just from men, but also other women and even companies since they try to sell you shit) they tend to be self-conscious about it.
Just a guy who made quite a few female friends. They like to complain about stuff like that from time to time.
This is true. All of the women I've dated pretty much subscribed to this, which--whatever, but I wish they felt freer to just do what they wanted. Society moment
She's not wrong, what am I supposed to do
susiety... filian needs to let the fillyBush grow...
I get harder
Speak your facts
Gag her. It's hotter that way.
true and real
I want to do lewd things with Filian
I prefer to hear her brain rot.
You can. She'll be making full-on retard monkey noises through the gag.
it's just not the same...
why are there no good quality screenshots of Filian, especially her face?
>not wanting to fuck filian while she chimps out
What are you? Gay?
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for Desktopian she's usually small
for VRChat Filian she's usually not up in front on the camera
+ bitrarte, streaming quality for whoever took the screenshot, etc.
i just don't think gags are hot
it's cuter and more erotic if she can barely speak but in-between movements she's able to get like half a sentence out before going back to cumbrain
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Her model is rarely close up to camera so people have to crop out a small part of the screen. Plus I think that overall there are a few decent ones. Also screenshots overall have low quality. Take a pic of something and then screenshot the pic. Suddenly it's worse.
stop making me think about "yeah chattuh" i'll cry and shit and cum
It's not bad, but hearing her say "frick" is way bettet
Why is every character ai so ungodly bad? I don't understand how I've heard so many people talk about being obsessed with them. None of them are remotely like the character. It's like roleplaying with 12 year olds that only have a vague understanding of who they're roleplaying as.
It's insane how good that moment was, it's better than a lot of other parasocial things she said. Too good
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god she's so FRICKING cute
the brainworms are literally never leaving my body lol
I need more "blelelelelelele"s from Filian
Most people who are willing to write AI on character ai are already certain to not be sociable people. Writing a human in a belivable way is hard on its own, now try to make AI out of it. I also don't get why would anyone say it's good. Any time I have seen something there I'd just cringe.
I don't like dominance play in either direction but I was so annoyed that the one singular thing she was actually willing and honestly kind of eager to do (getting stepped on)...she still never actually did it because Mel just kinda ignored it for some reason. Does Mel not do dominance stuff or something? Because that's fair if she doesn't but just not doing it even though she clearly heard the request and Filian was willing was super lame.
theres the classic
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stupid kemonomutt make parasocial
needs hugging correction immediately
/flip/ has been all this time a psyop to generate content for filian,
in a way, she also managed to monetize her 4chan fanbase too,
Genius Filumbo, i kneel
Filian was the one that was offered to step on Mel
As for why they didn't do it, I think it was unironically a case of them getting distracted and just forgetting; and maybe Mel just didn't want to make Filian do anything too weird? I know she was actually downbad for Filian enough to do it (see >>79795445), but idk
13 more hours. Some of us can skip some of that by sleeping. Though not sure if any NA people are around right now.
Honestly, I want to piss into Filian's butt.
western NA represent baybee
i will be fast travelling by sleeping
>>79800525 (me)
idk why I made it a reply.
7am wakeup is gonna kill me...
See you soon then. Hope your loading screen includes some "blelelelele"
That said, Filian also said she would be fine if Mel actually started jerking off on stream and that she'd just 'close her eyes.' Who knows how serious she was between that, offerin gto step on Mel, offering to commentate her jerk off session, etc.
Not fun, good luck with that. Worst case scenario you can do what I do on Filian's stream and trick your body into not sleeping with caffeine
caffeine makes me crash so that's not gonna work for me
Some of that was her getting caught up in the moment, some horniness that build up and also her contentbrain. At least that's what I assume.
filian watchers being actual adhd-heads (me)
i guess we may never know (i will cope anyway)
Damn, unlucky. For me, while it doesn't make me more energetic, it prevents me from falling asleep. Very helpful when the stream is in the middle of a night for me.
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i got uni tomorrow so i need to eep anyway
I got a break from uni rn so it's the reason why I can actually watch every Filian stream, once it's back I might go back to being mostly vod watcher, I feel like my body won't be able to make it otherwise.
ive got uni in a couple of weeks
can't wait to miss my fily streams.... i cry.......
I'm off work tomorrow so I can sleep in :)
Filian wears diapers sometimes. Just as a goof.
hi camila
i got winter term rn but in my normal semester i listen to filian podcast style in the car for like the first half hour. vod watching is better for clipping anyway so im not too miffed
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>Melody: Uh well, you turn it on, and then you hold it up to your clit, and then you die
I prefer live mostly since she sometimes plays copyrighted music, so the part of the stream gets muted and you have no idea what is going on, not to mention simple FOMO as, should something happen, she might take down the vod/part of it. I am the type of person that doesn't even like to speed up things I watch, so missing out on a part of it is also a no from me.
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Just wanted everyone to know that, I masturbated to Filian today.
You too? I just finished like a half hour ago.
that's true
im sure filian will appreciate this information when she comes back to the thread
you guys are gay
thank you filippino boy
hello femboy
show fembussy
Imagination of you used some materials? If so do you want to share
Hi Frank. Have fun with the other foxes today!
NTA but I shopped porn from her screenshots.
No good pr0n exists of Fil. Used imagination. :(
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Would you like Filian if she had a dick?
At this point, I don't care. A hole is a hole.
she doesn't?
well yea, she's a femboy
What if she was bigger than you while soft?
I would beat her in a video game.
>gets an erection
Few want to make porn of her and I'm too shit to make "good" porn of her myself (as has been seen)
Though, it's interesting how her fanbase is lacking in little specific facets like nsfw art and, previously, dedicated clippers
>lands on your face
>her balls are resting on your chin while her dick is poking your nose
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Filian with the Frieren out fit was extremely cute
what am i gonna do, cry about it? no, i'm going to make her cum
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>waaah why are you into this sexy mutt femboy that flaunts his bubble ass on stream constantly
a mistery for ages
Not a problem. Even if it means I have to suck it I'll bear with it. Filian is worth it.
Tbf even normal art is limited. She is one of the by far largest streamers in vtubing and yet she gets a few pieces a week only.
You are into a girl with a personality of a 14yo boy. We all are gay to a degree here.
Anal is highly destructive so naturally I will be the top. That way we both can stay in good shape.
any bakers going to be around?
i can bake
whether filian has a vulva in her pants or some testicles, i would treat her the same
filyLove, amen
I want Filian to sit on my lap while I feed her some actual food, she can't just eat sugary treats.
need to keep her healthy

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