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More moaning cwabs

>Latest & Upcoming
Another Crab's Treasure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uozB3KQa5pY
Schedule: https://x.com/gigimurin/status/1807997577939607566

>Recent Stream
Project Sekai: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvS1AeFDho0

Hitomania Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmT_cEfOTJE
ABOVE BELOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilLEj-SCCn8

Lore Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qllhhLELbP4
Collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j89Phi0oom8
Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15aufXwBIKw
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF4g-50fLz8

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_gigimurin
Xitter: https://x.com/gigimurin
Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_ジジ・ムリン%22

Arts: #rkggk https://x.com/hashtag/rkggk
Live: #LFGIGI https://x.com/hashtag/LFGIGI

Previous: >>79726968
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this one is the one!
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Gigi love!!
Sandalphon mention
>"don't stop, be Lee Ving"
Any ex ruffians enjoying your new oshi?
So this is the power of Sandalphon...
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loud and sloppy sex with this gremlin
Is this edging?
pebble here, i like your oshi
yeah he's been fixated on numbers all day
They share similarities in gaming skill and tastes. I feel like once more pebbles see them, there will be a lot of overlap between pebble and grem viewers.
Bro takes half Gigi's health in one hit but then he just tickles the crab and fish that wander into the fight
i hope they collab once the ban is lifted
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sounds about right. gigi hasn't put a single point into health the entire game
totally not a souls game
>gaming skill
Isn't Biboo good at games though? Not even hating but based off this stream I've been categorizing her more in the "charmingly helpless" rather than the "good at games" group
Sandalfujo GG...
>holo vs holo
get lost
>based off this stream
watch others too
>I am glocking out
Time for me to plab in then
no they're definitely pretty similar in skill. she's just bashing her head off a boss she's supposed to fight later lol. i would argue the same for biboo, it's just that she's infinitely persistent.
Beebs also struggled some on these bosses, and didn't finish the current one iirc
Unrelatedly I do want beebs to return to this game cause it was funny too
Bibert tried this boss once and was like "Nope"
they both suck, but they are also persistent and stubborn, so they end up becoming good at any game eventually, and I personally value that more than being naturally good
Another pebble here, I also like Gigi a lot.
>isn't Biboo good at games though
Biboo is good at bashing her head against a wall. Which is a valuable skillset to have when you like souls games.
The ability to walk into the same fight and die instantly until you learn how to avoid the last thing that killed you is incredibly useful here.
is this thing actually beatable? not in a "skill issue" sense, but is it going to turn around and respawn with full health if she manages to kill it?
I think she should turn on gun mode and beat it that way, for morale
I think this is the one!
yeah, I did that on my playthough lol, the museum guy gets a little mad at you for skipping the place he told you to go and going straight to the boss, and he tells you to go explore the other place
you have to beat it at some point to complete the game.
she's so good bro
Pebbles, kneel to the true gamer
And I was ready to be mad at you, too
>They want her
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We just needed nearly every European holo to drop by the stream today, that was the answer
>they both suck, but they are also persistent and stubborn
Is there anyone in EN known for gaming skill NOT described by this sentence? Gura has a good sense of timing I suppose. Ina's not that persistent but she learns fast, kind of offset by being terrible at half the games she plays
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>still dumping all points into offense
kek nice
I think it's a difference of Biboo immediately jumping into playing games that are widely-considered as "difficult" games.
Gura beat DMC 3 and 4 which are not easy games. She also just played Dark Souls last week and she actually did really well until Moonlight Butterfly where she just kept getting (rightfully) bored halfway through the fight and dying because of it.
It's honestly just a weird perception difference thing.
the coffee is so expensive because it's made with gigi milk
>gigi cant into milk
I just came to the stream
why she have two little gigis?
emotional support standee for Gigi and chat
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why not?
Asian confirmed
Gigi Coffee! Goggee!
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kek I love her
>Artisanal Tap watter
these californian prices...
Gigi is now my second favorite vtuber
ohhhh crab
Who's your first favorite, and why is she the Gigi Murin Acrylic Standee?
lol I bought 3 standees because of how she's always showing bunches of them together
my #1 favorite is still Gura
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>using chummons
you didnt beat the game gigi!
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Would you buy Gigis crabwater gijuice
oh nyo... my streamer attracted the communists...
Was that jump intended? That jump did not feel intended
literally me
dumb ahh gigi...
A true Fister move
cute smooth brain
Gigi womb status?
weak to penetration attacks
taken, by me
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feeding Gigi until her dumpy fills the jeans...
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Just 8 and a half months and I'll be free
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Is over, the game is too easy for her now
Seeing her all sad makes her very kissable
so close, anon, so close
i'm going to put my poison in gigi's mouth, if you get what I mean
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it's over...
we're gigi's little kittens
>discord kitten
she's gonna make that member's tier name isn't she...
>calls Sandalphon her little meow-meow
>calls grems her kittens
what did she mean by this
please never call us discord kittens ever again
She will do it again.
I (adult male) would gladly be groomed as a kitten by Gigi
>get a joblin
neetbros... not like this...
too bad, that's going to be the membership name
the greed...
>grown men being groomed by a hebe
that's... hot?
>3 is the number of letters in Gigi's name
now that's the kind of numberfagging i can get behind
I love her smol smooth brain
I think GG is melting my brain...
based cute retard
i wish gigi would name and shame me in front of chat
my gremlin has dementia..
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I want her to tell me "You're obsessed with me". Because I really am.
This one!
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>Life is like an RPG you just can't re allocate your stats
5hr stream lets gooooo!
is good
she's a swiftie nooooooo
I like Gigi but her humor kind of struggles without someone to play off.
Gigi cute!
I like Gigi and her humor plays well by itself or with another person.
she laughs at her own jokes which i find really endearing
I like Gigi and especially when she plays herself
she greeded
How the fuck is she still going
holy FUCK the disrespect
5h of cwab
>the fans do nothing
>the fans only expel the sweaty Gigi smell
gigi's spats are soaked in ass sweat...
A few of the holoen mems are
brutal watching our wife getting pummeled
by me
Intimidation crab...
I really should do my daily
>all my points into offense no matter what
sasuga fister
God her room smell rn
She's baking in an attic lol GGsmell must be WAFTING
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i miss gigi....
gigi melting
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she in california? it's hot as hell here right now
I love persistent idiot gremlin/10
G stands for gamer/10
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gigi sweat/10
i woke up a bit sleepy, but i took a 10 minute nap and i had a blast. always so hype when she kills the bosses
I love that she kept pushing through it to defeat the boss.
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I didn't like the game that much but it was fun to watch Gigi anyways/10
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34th times the charm/10
Absolute gamer gremlin/10 she really went and beat those bosses, excellent persistence
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Should have held out a few more hours and beat the game / 10
perfect sweaty gamer gremlin/10
will buy all my coffee from Gigi's Cafe from now on
giant buttplug
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i wouldn't know :3
>gigi never went away for idol meetings on stream
I wonder why...
she's using one of the grems
straight into my mouth
>asian american horny fujo who probably never leaves home
Very likely
I love this artists Gigi drawings.
same. always nice to see a new gigi from him
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Reminds me of selphie from ff8
cute lol. she's a lot like selphie now that i think about it. i gotta play more 8
What part of the stream made you cum to it?
The part with the chopstick crab boss's INCREDIBLY TIGHT ASS
She has a piss jar like every certified gamer
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I am obsessed with gigi against all odds. When I first heard her voice I thought she was an actual waste of a slot, one of the worst Cover hires ever, and now I watch every single stream and I miss her when she's gone. What is this witchcraft?
You got fisted
>no gigi
>ok a little gigi
>instant gigi addiction
welcome home, grem
many such cases! during the debuts, i liked gigi but i thought ceci would be my favorite. now i only watch gigi
The spell is called "Gigi is really funny and CUTE!"
I love the way she talks, like the mannerism how she sometimes drags words or sentences towards the end... it's stuck in my head and I crave more of it
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All your doubts are forgiven grem
Gigi has a new voice pack: "Tanabata Date" situation voice coming out in a couple of hours
Forgot to mention the rest of Justice is participating too
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I love(d) all of the debuts (and EN) but I found myself gravitating towards Gigi after her debut and Justice collab because she had an aura of infectious fun energy around. As silly as it is but her first stream with Crazy Taxi solidified my love for her and that's mainly because of her power of yapping and unbothered genki optimistic outlook. I can't wait until she gets her 3D.
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Voices always boil down to individual preference. I don't know how people listen to the dogs for hours, but Ruffians exist for example. I like how Gigi talks and especially her sense of humor. Even boss grinding in the crab game I found moderately entertaining. I think we're Grems now, she has us in her tight fists
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>her power of yapping
Cute girls are great and all, but when a girl can yap like Gigi can about all the dumb things she's passionate about, it's literally one of the most attractive things in the world to me.
is this a limited thing? i'm a newfag, i don't know how it works and i don't want to miss any gigi stuff
They're usually on sale for a few weeks
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Her tail is too fucking big
all the better to fist you with
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the jeegs
>The first time Nodoka (management) upgraded Gigi by putting a Gremurin in her butt and giving her a tail
Too big
I REALLY don't trust that green fat fuck
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he gets to sit in front of Gigi's sweat exhaust fans
Gigi pls read me the BTS Lightning McQueen smut novel for bedtime and then we can kerchow in your 89 degree attic after while humping to the beat of Sticker
chat is this rizz?
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cute and not ominous at all!
Why is she watching me masturbate?
I want Gigi to step on me with her sexy bare gremlin feet
she's rooting for you!
GG has never masturbated
With how much of a hopeless fujo she is? She masturbates extensively.
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Have we ever seen her bare feet officially? She might be packing some hooves or paws in those boost shoes she wears instead of normal human feet
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Official art? No.
Art she made herself? Yes.
I wanna see if she'll live up to her lore and the image she's presented of herself in 3D. I better see her absolutely zooming around
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I only just noticed the Gigi in the top left
Is she the type to masturbate just before or just after stream?
she's the type to masturbaye during the stream.
right after because we make her extremely horny
Just edging the whole time or can you pinpoint specific moments?
Gigi's stinky's unventilated crotch!
constantly edging. she hit the finish on stream she's a professional. but man does she hit a high post stream as she climaxes while doing gacha pulls
>sniffing the fan outlets near her armpits
I want to cum in her armpit fans. I would feel bad about it afterwards though....
you sick sick bastard she needs those fans working properly to live
This is a fun memory drawing game
there is still some spare room
jesus christ did you soundpost the entire stream?
autofister frame up
lmao i love that she used that fanart for the thumbnail
thank you, lotta good soundposts tonight
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i heard you guy dont make love. is it true?
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Does she have no ac? Is California that bad?
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Gigi Cute!
Don't forget autofister collab is 2 hours earlier than normal stream time. T-minus 9 hours
i'm debating whether i should just stay up. my schedule is pretty much the same as gigi
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What are you looking at?
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Anyone have that meme where the puppet Gigi points at you and then runs at you while guardian music plays?
a cutie pie :3
Many thanks. Saving so that I don't lose it again.
good idea! glad i could help
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Gi muriiiiin
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I'm starting to feel it. What it feels like to have an oshi. I never thought this would happen but there's just something about Gigi.

I'm so glad she streams at friendly hours for me.
What if Gigi teases you to chase her by wiggling and smacking her butt while sticking her tongue out at you saying you can't catch her in the brattiest way possible?
Love this dork.
same. never really had an oshi, was only a casual fwmc vod watcher before. there's something special about gigi. i feel so happy to watch her stream and be among the other grems. i always thought fwmc were cute, but i never found them attractive, but for some reason gigi is extremely attractive to me. i feel so happy that she's here, and i'm looking forward to all the fun adventures
That's grounds for correction.
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gi niiight. gonna try and sleep a bit before the stream
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Gi night grem
I thought I was going to write Justice off, not be charmed into watching over 20 hours of Gigi streams since her release... on the other hand, I've barely watched my "oshi" at all, it doesn't help that there are never any streams...am I a bad fan?
I really want to sniff gigi
I bet she smells like ass
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gi murin! today is
Cute Girls!!
I'm curious how the LizGian collab will go. It doesn't seem like they'd meld well one on one but then again, if Liz plays up the straight angle and Gigi doesn't tone down her insanity it could be good. Liz is just so awkward, I think we're in for some real chefs kiss cringe.
guys...this next stream... I might not be able to be there... it's so-

captcha: TWWWWB
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>ai slop
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>He doesn't want to go to Räinas Dalriss
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Don't know if this was announced but there's a CC collab coming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buMyl6yx9iM
pretty handwriting
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pero pero
Have you picked up any gacha due to Gigi?
no, I only play scz
>3 instant Gigi replies
Funny how this is already recognized
So the Gigi voice recordings make a good ring tone?

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