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Trying my best! Edition
Previous Thread >>79770519

>Upcoming Stream
FWMC Morning Wednesday Edition
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)
>Ruffians! Moco-chan woke up with a really bad migraine… We’re really sorry, but we’ll have to postpone the Rock N’ Rawr Party until next weekend.
>I’ll make sure Moco-chan is better as fast as possible here, and we’ll make it a super RAWRing time for sure next weekend! BAU BAU!

>Thank you for all your kind words, Ruffians! As you’ve heard, Moco-chan’s voice is in pretty ruff shape, so we’re going to be postponing the start to our Minecraft journey and our Rock N’ Rawr Party this weekend as you suggested!
>We’ll still be participating in the holo DOROKEI 2024 event since this has been planned for a long time and so many of our senpai have been working hard for it! >We’ll do our best not to get caught by holoX!
>Thank you for caring about us!

>We’re sorry, Ruffians!
>You know how much we hate cancelling or postponing streams, but we can’t do Fuwawa’s solo Rock n’ Rawr Party today… ⤵⤵ bau bau…
>We’re really sorry to disappoint you!
>We’ll do our best to get better soon!

>Hi Ruffians! We’re sorry we’ve been a little bit quiet!
>We’re doing our best to get lots of rest so that we’ll be back to our fluffy & fuzzy selves soon!!
>Please wait for us, okay? We want to see you again as soon as possible!

>We’re sorry, we’re going to have to postpone our Portal 2 stream until next week… We were looking forward to it and we’ve been pushing ourselves so we can make everything happen right now, but we’re too exhausted…
>We’re going to rest up lots!!

>We had to postpone Portal 2 earlier, but we have to postpone today’s FUWAMOCO MORNING too, Ruffians… ⤵⤵
>Please understand and be proud of us, as this isn’t something we want to do, but it’s us being responsible.
>We hope to see you again soon! Please wait for us!!

>We’re sorry Ruffians, we really don’t want to, but we’re going to have to cancel our Portal 2 stream for now… ⤵⤵ bau bau…
>We’ll let you know once we have a bit more strength and are feeling better!! We’ll do our best to recover as fast as we can!!
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This thread will be better.
will we even a get FWMC Morning the frame's still not up
Who would be hotter, Mococo in Fuwawa's body or Fuwawa in Mococo's body? My vote if Fuwawa in Mococo's body, she'd use that tight tummy so well and also be touching her new body the whole time because you know she always wanted to.
>first post not pledge
Shut it down and start over.
The OP edition and image was an obvious troll, the thread was doomed from the start.
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I assume we'll get something for this on Thursday when they do the OSRS stream?
>Image named Fluffian and Fuzzian
>Edition is an obvious mockery of their frequent "trying our best" posts
Jannies this is an anti thread, please nuke.
Anon... I
New VPs btw
why /baubau/?
is the other split not as, dunno, poplar?
I won't pay for them, just like I didn't anything past the New Year's voice packs.
Not OP, but I can bake a new thread if you want.
No wonder they had to rush out Justice' debuts
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Is that....
huh, I thought they gonna push one of justice as cover girl, but there ain't none even though they're there
Don't bother, it'll get deleted by the jannies unless this one dies first.
This is what happens when you decide to not bake a new thread because of the. Shit shitters
The namefile is something I've had from forever ago, feel free to do a search of the name on warosu if you think I'm an anti. Edition I just did not even thinking about that stupid shit.
I'll bake the next one with /バウバウ/ and yall will be none the wiser
my filter includes that
Might as well start doing this for all threads.
are your mother the virgin mary
Holy shit, you're mother a futa
My mother is not a slut. She is a virgin.
more like, futang inamo
KEK this is true, I was there.
hi alisa haven't seen you here in a while
I love Fuwawa and Moccoco from the top of their heads to the tip of their toenails
can we please just talk about the stream? I've been looking forward to Portal 2 since last week and you guys are just talking about random shit instead
Fuwawa kept purposefully trolling Mococo and Mococo gave her the Idolsmash
I liked it when Mococo fell because of fuwawa. I also liked the part where they called bae a homocollabing whore
Advent x OSRS collab
I can't believe they've never heard "the cake is a lie" before tonight.
Like literally, I don't believe them. There is no fucking way.
Man, they should have gotten food poisoning for that one. I can't imagine any way that turns out entertaining.
Baused. But I wouldn’t even wanna come near her unless I’d wanna catch some diseases
Next FWMC Morning will be cancelled too, you all know it.
I was borderline screaming at my screen in the 5th room. There is no way they are finishing this
>talk about the stream?
There is no fucking stream to talk about
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are you retarded?
>the alisa sensei poster was a sister
Some of you are prone to being very mad all the time.
No, I'm just not insane
hey guys is it normal to feel FOMO from being aware of a controversy that you have barely any stake in??????????????????
>believing fake tweets from antis
it takes five seconds to go to their channel bro
jesus I can't wait until the kids have to go back to school
Deserved, being a schizo isn't something to be proud of
what are you even talking about, why am I a sister all of a sudden
Can the thread go back to this?

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meh fuck it, I'm all in on Raora now. If she does a FWMC too, I'm just gonna kill myself. I can't pick the wrong oshi four fucking gens in a row.
Every cancelled stream is like a beacon for all the schizo tourists to sail /here/, but it will be worth it, hopefully. At least we got a split janny today.
staying on the internet for a long enough time you'll eventually come across every flavour of fringe group and the ideas that bind them

whether you chose to listen to them or not, and whether you choose to accept or reject their ideas is up to you

whose tweet
Will we get FWMC Morning?
Dec 24, 2023: A hint of uncertainty in the protag’s words.

Today: I’m sure of it, I know for a fact I am absolutely in love with FUWAMOCO.
yeah and Mococo will draw herself on a toilet for the foodpoison talk topic
>Skippa! Skippa!
The foreshadowing is there anon.
All of this could have been avoided if you fag's just enjoyed the dogs in peace instead of constantly using them to shit on other girls and fueling the inevitable grudgeposting once anything at all went wrong
Sobbi gave FUWAMOCO food poisoning with her bathroom food
Sobbi gave FUWAMOCO food poisoning
wtf is a sobbi
Real talk, they've been """sick""" ever since Golden Week ended. It's been like two months.
When will it end? I'm tired.
It was 1 shitpost from a twitter groomer, people just had overly hostile reactions today because everyone is getting cerebral hemorrhage from the lack of stream. Stop trying to stir shits touristchama.
I'm not responsible for mollifying bitter ENfags whose oshis don't love them as much as FWMC love the Ruffians
FWMC are better than most of EN, not my fault globaltards come here to get their feelings hurt
what is this celebrating?
>whose oshis don't love them as much as FWMC love the Ruffians
They're not even top 5 broski.
Who would you kick off the list for FWMC? Keep in mind their multiple Japan-related yabs were only a few months ago.
kick out mumei, kiara, and ceci
add FWMC and Nerissa
I love Mococo's energetic liveliness
>Kick out Kiara
You're retarded.
i actually don't care about your anti post i just wanted Advent
it's bauver...
I'm sorry that you guys don't know what it's like to have your oshi actually open up and speak her heart out and let you know how she feels because FWMC are so deep into the kayfabe that they're literally afraid of sharing any semblance of personal detail.
I truly, genuinely feel bad for you.
The fuck are you smoking
I was a member on Ollie.
You don't want to see your oshi actually speak her heart out.

It's fucking depressing.
Ollie is a fucking gigawhore though. Whores don't have hearts.
>babby's first holo vs holo bait
>includes member that debuted 10 days ago
>4 replies
ruffians we have to stop biting
Mumei is deeper in the kayfabe than FWMC.
why does this thread have so many people trying to shill their whores?
>hasn’t even been around for 2 weeks
Man /vt/ has really attracted the most loser posers recently huh
gotta watch someone when fuwAmoco ghost us
you should probably pick someone that has streamed in the past 2 weeks to shill then
I wish she's actually a gigawhore so at least her mengen would actually be interesting instead of feeling like staring at the abyss
quick question: do you even know what each twin's favorite game is? oh wait, you don't because they've never actually said it lmao
inevitable when your oshi cancelled a stream
I agree with FuwaMoco and Nerissa though. They along with Kiara are needy as fuck and all really appreciate their fans.
You are that same faggot who loses his mind about Nerissa in /HiRyS/. Please kys, we hate you there too
I want to shill my daughterfu but I don't actually want you schizos to watch her
Visual novels aren't games anyway
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Can I interest you in a fine italian hag?
it's suika game
No I don't watch that whore. Go back to her thread
why /baubau/?
They appreciate paypigs, not fans.
>First RNR in months is con only
>Canceled a bunch of streams, SC reading will remain though
>Mori cancelled a stream
>Biboo (almost) got hit by a car
>CC got hit by tummyhort literally on debut month
>Kronii still alive
>ID stream on b2
seriously, why are you guys coming here instead
you missed mumei appearing on doki stream again
I can answer this, it's because nobody cares about those people and FUWAMOCO are superstars so they have longer to fall.
no wonder the sisters get riled up
he came to town
I want to fuck FUWAMOCO
So they both have food poisoning, but they only have one toilet. What do you think their arrangement is right now?
A guy opens his door and gets barked at, and you think that of me?
No, Mogo John.
Mococo sits on Fuwawa's lap and drops airstrikes
And then he left and hasn't been seen for almost 9 months now
What does she say?
Looks like Korone's tail
CC got hit by tummy hort?
too big
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is there anyone here that just feels bad for them for getting sick and isn't seething about them needing to skip a stream?
>FWMC love the Ruffians
you don't have a good understand of what love is
i don’t care about either of those things
>Mori cancelled a stream
she's streaming right now anonchama
They did it to themselves so I'm past feeling bad. But I'm not celebrating it either like some of the "ruffians" here
if you aren't here to praise them or even shit on them, why are you here?
are you really blaming them for getting food poisoning?
It's probably their fault because they decided to move to Japan where they're not used to the bacteria and they eat lots of raw food
I felt bad and sorry for them the first half dozen times. Now I don't. Sometimes the sickness is a result of their poor lifestyle and even when it's not, the resulting fiasco is a result of their poor planning and understanding of their own limits.
>poor lifestyle
>causing food poisoning
>in fucking Japan of all place
dude you smokin
I'm sure your lifestyle is so much healthier
oh, the main account finally fixed that tweet after getting blasted to hell by homobeggar
>not used to the bacteria and they eat lots of raw food
>raw food
my fucking sides
Ever heard of sushi
or them putting raw egg on everything
have you heard of fuwamoco
even if they haven't publicly done anything with the stars they have certainly met them around the office or at company events
they aren't japanese despite what you've been led to believe
>they deserve to suffer because they made decisions i didn't like in the past
>totally a real fan btw
do you know what they dislike?
Why isn't the interview on the schedule?
They can pretend that they're Japanese and they hate literally everything that isn't Japanese but at the end of the day they aren't Japanese so they're going to be exposing themselves to foreign bacteria by living in another country
>Posting a lower quality version
do you know what they dislike?
anything that's not Japanese
the HQ is fucking 16 MB
cuz you can get the high res yourself
Just lower the file size like >>79793638
the ruffians
Didnt say any of that you projecting faggot. Just said I no longer feel bad or sorry for them. Now I just feel angry that they arent taking care of themselves and denying us streams.
Reading comprehension is your friend.
Nice whatboutism ad hominem. We arent talking about me cause I'm not expected to stream for a living. My lifestyle is not impacting FUWAMOCO's ability to deliver consistently.
People of african descent.
the mask comes off
I’d imagine it wouldn’t be too difficult to have a healthier lifestyle than fuwamoco kekaroo
the mask came off hours ago slowchama
there's no fucking way you can predict and plan around food poisoning you retard
and understanding your limits means fucking nothing in the face of food poisoning

it is all encompassing and equally shitty to everyone
it can't be planned around
Are you a newfag or an anti? they love the ruffians.
>equally shitty
You cheeky faggot
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Isn't it kind of weird we don't get more off collabs with their local EN senpai?
Yes there is just practice good food hygiene. I've never had food poisoning in my life. And yes I eat out. Japan is a horrible place for it in summer because of the heat and love for raw unprepared everything. Knowing FWMC they won't throw away anything even if it went bad
>Noo you don't understand!! they should have predicted that they would get food poisoning this week!!
This is how some of you sound. Take your meds and go to sleep.
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sex with mococo in any and every form
fuwawa too
fuwamoco should sleep eternally tbqhdesu
>go to sleep
It's like 1:15 in the afternoon here
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Taking on so much work that missing one day puts you weeks behind is a poor understanding of your limits and a bad plan. FWMC consistently demonstrate that they push everything to the edge with no room for error. They're the equivalent of those people who snap their legs or arms at the gym trying to do too much weight.
Mori would rather hang out off stream since she's autistic, she had a lunch with Biboo today
Japanese has way laxer food safety standards than you would expect for a developed country. Basically anyone can serve food with no oversight. Many streamers get food poisoning there often.

I've also never had food poisoning in my life, but I don't eat salad or meat and that's like 99% of cases.
Yes, and? Take your meds and go to sleep.
Doesn't IRyS kind of hate them?
Yeah I remember her weird friends-vs-collab chart thing
Food poisoning is their fault cause Mococo drinks mold and Fuwawa eats chewed up food Mococo spits on the floor.
do they hate us?
I did it last thread.
Mococo escaped the mold with the move.
No, they love us.
is fwmcmorning postponed too?
i was here also doing my part
you need far more work
they can stay off the shitter for 30 minutes so probably not
If they know what's good for them, yes. They will stay and chat for 2 hours tomorrow though. Gotta milk the pigs it's been a while.
>missing one day puts you weeks behind
Have you all stopped acting like faggots yet? I'll check in again later if not
you’re free to return man we’re all good here
Thanks for all the support everyone I was considering deleting everything and "fucking off from the internet" like that person told me to. I'm glad I decided to not suffer in silence, thanks to y'all I will keep BAU'ING ON
>Mococo drinks mold
The ruffians told her to stop drinking that and she loves us so much that she listened to us and stopped drinking mold.

>Fuwawa eats chewed up food Mococo spits on the floor
True, nothing we can do about that, that's her way of showing her love for Mococo.
Nah, eat shit instead, maggots
I'm not acting
lol what a silly little polar bear
stop trying to groom polar bears you monster
Like, imagine if you had several things scheduled and packed in one day and you missed them all. You have to catch up, reschedule, contact people etc and you have to move shit around
Like the other anon said you have to plan and leave room for errors
i’d rather groom sobbi but that’s not an option
>Fuwawa eats chewed up food Mococo spits on the floor
Is this real??
¿do you forgif Fuwamoco?
watch streams
I would l like to watch a Fuwawa and Mori collab, and a Mococo Bae collab
Are all the antis ESL retards?
You made me check who this was from and I noticed in the replies that the superman ruffian was a miofa as well
Now I'm wondering if he's the miofa ruffian that's frequently here
I mean, Mococo's a brat
i am erect
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Mococo is a princess
can't make a collab vertical
>207 posts
>16 files
>10 of them aren't even FWMC
How has /baubau/ gotten even worse? I thought it was bad enough as is, how did it break through the bedrock?
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Sorry, I was watching the Boys with my roommate, otherwise I'd be posting FWMC pictures.
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>I was watching the Boys
I hope you enjoy it. My friend likes to talk about it a lot, I've never watched it though
they keep canceling streams
Did the Red Menace send well wishes for FuwaMoco? Pink cat, CC, and GG did so already.
Who do you think has been shitting up the thread for the past day
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I've mostly been absent from the threads lately, just been playing 14
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>me reading threads recently
Alisa-sensei's lesson for today is over. Chrono Trigger on JST Friday 9:30 PM
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forgot to buy the concert stuff and now its too late
How did you forget? They were retweeting it almost everyday
also she raided us into this JP artist's stream. Her english is pretty good. Better than Ririka's
There's going to be a 2nd wave of orders later, you'll just not get them in time for the concert but if you just care for collecting then it shouldn't be an issue
I wanted to wait to see if I was actually able to go, also I dont pay that much attention to theri tweets specially if they are just shilling stuff
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she's suddenly singing an English song right now
only makes sense if you submit another sighting 3 days later of Pero emerging from a cave
why is it always bae, mio, and now raora?
Always look on the bright side of life, Rufferan.
Not gonna lie ruffians, Ceci is really fun to watch. I've tuned into almost all of her streams since debut and it's been comfy as fuck.
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gn ruffians
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I shat myself!!!
hey Mococo. Is FWMW-M canceled?
Don't worry Fuwamowo Mococo is still going!!
I wonder if Cover can force them to live separately so neither can get food poisoning at the same time
Yeah, she's pretty good. I consider her Ruffian-approved same as Bijou was.
They hate HoloEN.
Baused. So do I
BAUSED. I do too.
New hololive shop update
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i only renew my membership a few months of the year because i'm low income thanks for the gifts <3, but i'll renew it for the next few months because their first 3d and anniversary is happening soon.
shit happens. wish them a speedy recovery.
how do you copy paste spoiler
So can you guys finally admit that they were retarded for even thinking they could get 1m subs within a year? I had to deal with delusional simps who attacked me for saying that it was literally impossible for them to hit their goal once they announced their move to Japan.
>EC renewal
Cool. If only I knew what that meant
does this mean shipping will get cheaper?
Is a hololive account different from the old shop account???
They can still get it
Cumming to fluffy and fuzzy makes me happy.
get in bros
>welcome home master
>Fuwawa's maid cafe
kronii cute
Maid cafe on Tanabata?
>Festival date with Mococo
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>okaerinasai, goshujin-sama
>Fluffy maid cafe
Hmm... clumsy maid, very nice
>Fuzzy festival date
Gosling fuel and cute as fuck, the usual

I can't get them right now, but I know it's good shit
>ruffians are always first to post receipts on the VP tags
It's a really weird way of saying that their online shop will be updated.
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What happened to my mocochan
The signal flare has been fired. Abandon thread.
>no FWMC morning
Yeah, I thought that might happen. Food poisoning doesn't go away that easily, never did for me anyway
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Time to act like antis because our oshi is feeling unwell! That's the ruffian waaay!
for the love of god.... cancel sc reading stream the paypigs can wait to hear their names being read
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>only the SC reading is left
>if plans suddenly change
yeah, it will
i won't get my hopes up
Expected at this point. Did anyone think actually think it'd be happening when they didn't post a reservation during the entire day?
I think they should just rest up until the RnR mini and Q&A for Anime Expo
It should be obvious that only one of them is sick, but they use the term "we" because they're twins and/or they don't want all the blame and angst directed at one person
The rest of the week should be fine
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>Abandon thread
Yeah, it's already starting
I should sleep
Probably true
Also probably true, but less important.
If I'm going to believe this story I'll need a photo proofs of their toilet bowl
the fireflies..
They eat the same food, if one of them got food poisoning from something they ate they probably both did
Sobbi drew it already. I never did save that pic tho.
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baused. fuwawa would rather die than not give her paypuppies what they want
You didn't read the full tweet findom retard.
>if plans change
nothing will change. we need to make the paypuppies happy
How long until the discord ping makes the threads unusable for the rest of the day?
sometimes in the next two hours
Don't blame me if they are feeling desperate to hear sweet words of reassurance and praise. I will continue to give FuwaMoco what they want, as I always have.
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baused as always mocopirate
Too late, I guess. Anti thread always and forever.
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thanks mocopirate
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>welcome home, mast-
i hate it
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I tip my nonexistent hat to you
Thanks friend
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>like... give me headpats
>uunn uuuunnnn yeaaah uuuuuunn yeaaahhh uuuuunnnn
what the fluff
I love their reactions to headpats in VPs. These dogs REALLY love headpats
Why does Fuwawa sound so lewd in this.
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moco-chan's was more intimate yet again, especially her final 'i love you'
the whole "master" thing in fuwawa's kind of took me out of it a bit even though it was still nice
They should rest until the convention because that is so important.
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Mococo likes romance stories
Moco-chan's student one was not really my cup of tea.
This, but unironically. Go seethe somewhere else.
What does she think of stories where the protagonist or the heroine dies?
Was the seethe directed to me? I genuinely want them to rest until the weekend and con. A superchat reading and the other streams will always be there in the future but the con is only happening once.
They must be proceed with the SC Reading no matter the cost.
It's not food poisoning it's anxiety about all of the deadlines and the grave they've dug themselves. But I still hope they get through this rough patch eventually
True. I was one of the people last week calling for a reduced schedule, they have already reduced the schedule anyways, might as well have had an empty schedule up to Friday and a busy weekend instead at this point. Well, it's not like I don't get their motivations but still. The fact that we have to deal with their antis screeching isn't their concern, and we just have to ignore it I guess. At least we have the VP to listen to today? Makes me feel a bit better.
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I love Moco-chan
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It's wild just how many voive packs and other weird little shit is coming of for EN. Just look back a year or two ago and you'll see how little they cared about this shit for EN.
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>especially her final 'i love you'
That did me in.
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Rufferans have (You) done your
>Hide post
reps recently?
Only (You) can ignore bait and help clean up the thread.
Just used to people saying shit like 'that's so important' as a way to sarcastically shit on them. My bad, here I am assuming every poster has the worst intentions.
the chatting is gonna be cute short even if it does happen, won't it?
>new vertical superchat stream added
Even when "sick" they have their priorities in line, huh
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>please be gentle with us, these demon dogs have no energy from food poisoning
Yes, thanks for the reminder, Pero. Once again showing that you are better than half of the "ruffians" here.
You should unironically post that every thread
Voice packs have always been free for all, no? It was a combination of both talents and audience not caring that much. Seems like the big turning point was Advent saying yes to all of them and Advent's fans being on board and buying them.
Are they actually retarded? The description even mentions they'll be too exhausted to stream well. Just fucking delay it. You're risking the rock n rawr mini for something meaningless and not time sensitive
Most likely.
It's just gonna suck all around. What will be surprising is if they stay and manage to get through half of them.
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>these demon dogs have no energy from food poisoning
Then don't fucking do it?
Baused doggos. I love vertical streams, they are comfy and I can watch them from the bed on my phone while I eat snacks like a fat fuck.
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basta finito
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i'm starting to believe that fwmc are just greedy
I do every time, only makes a difference when it's doxx or someone joking about being underage, those always get banned.
Kind of tired of trying to make the thread usable TEE BE EIGH. I'll just leave it to the "people" who think their oshi isn't even worth 7 bucks.
I just might, I've been getting real sick of what I'm seeing in every /baubau/ thread the last week.
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>More vertical trash
For fuck sake just write off the next week and get well you dummies.
Fucking retards. I hope this bites them on the ass even harder for being so damn stubborn.
It's the talents who decide whether they record a voice pack. It's not like Cover tells them to. FWMC have been in almost all of them because they accept anything that gets offered to them, and I guess the rest of EN joined in because they saw that the VPs actually sell
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>something meaningless
Spending time with the Wuffians is NOT meaningless.
>wishing worst on them
kill yourself
you should hope they get better and finish everything they need to.
anti fucking behavior.
I will send SCs on 4 alts asking for screaming HBDs and battle cries. Their voices will be ruined for the karaoke but maybe they will finally learn their lesson.
>wishing worst on them
Yes I am. They will never learn unless their bodies pay the price. I'm praying for it.
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I love them so much, I can't wait to chat with them again. My most anticipated stream other than the Good Smile panel this week. I hope it works out.
It's ok if it doesn't too, I trust them to know when to cancel streams if they can't do it. One step at a time.
I'll post it too. It's a good ritualpost, we have too many retards biting bait that probably don't even know that you can just report and hide posts
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>mfw i see anti behavior in an anti thread
>replying to bait
you're worse than the antis
just report and hide retard
what do you even report it as?
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I love FUWAMOCO! I'm looking forward to the SC reading stream!
Mori said earlier that the onsen hangouts she offers to everyone are on hold, because she doesn’t like chasing after them and offering more than twice, feels like she’s being a bother. So the all-advent onsen trip is probably not happening this visit, will only be when they come back in the future and have less shit on their plate, AND someone takes the initiative for it.

Apart from that, I’d like to see them off collab with Irys, that might be fun.
It's just a hobby
You're going to receive a warning for 'abusing reports.' It happened to me.
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>I'll post it too.
would be very appreciated.
Trolling outside of /b/. It's clearly an anti trying to get a reaction /here/
I can only laff. Whatever, why the fuck do I care about it being vertical or not, not like there's much in the screen for SC readings anyways.
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Baused FUWAMOCO enjoyers.
why do you all hate fuwamoco?
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You won't do shit, poorfag.
I don't hate them, I hate seeing them make poor decisions
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But I love FUWAMOCO. Yes I do.
I want to give them my entire revenue.
I've never seen such cute puppies till now, when I see them I shout BAU BAU!
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you don't donate in the first place poorpuppy. who the fuck do you think you're fooling here?
What are the odds they still have the '1m by July 31st' still scrolling across the screen and a counter in the corner?
Wait and see. Gonna be a suspicious amount of birthdays again today.
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arigatou mocopirate
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God... I need Fuwawa to laugh at me for being poor...
one of my birthday supers will mention being poor and it being my birthday savings from three years. I'll send it as an orange and if I don't get a song a clique member will send an aka requesting one for me
I hope they can bite the bullet and give up on it. I believe that Fuwamoco can accomplish anything they try, I have a ton of faith in them. But that’s the emphasis on ‘try’ part. They’re not in a position where they can actively do things like marathon streams or explicit sub-chasing, I think they could hit the goal if they had time to do things like that. Right now it’s all passive growth with small boost attempts like Verticals. They’re running out of time to get it through that method by 31, and don’t have the energy to do a full sprint. They’ll just need to accept that during this heavy work period, then maybe they can feel better by pushing the goal back by a month or two and having a marathon period that accomplishes it. 1 mil before the end of 2024 seems like a perfectly respectable goal.
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hag heaven...
That's why all of this, the vertical streams and sub counter stuff, is crazy to me. They explicity said they were going to be even busier in the coming months but then flipped the switch on running vert streams and 'pushing' for 1m subs. No one would judge them (well except for antis) if they made that a 2024 goal knowing they were busy. Instead it's just one more stressor for them to think about when they turn on the stream every time when they obviously have enough on their plate as is.
>the fucking listener-san and onigiri
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They probably feel really needy and sad for having to cancel streams again and nervous for the Con tomorrow.
I hope the get better for the SC reading stream, I want to cheer them up with some supportive messages.
New Kirara out, I love that she draws Fuwawa slightly chubbier, this always gets me.
I'm about to astral project into their home as an avatar of listener-san and unplug a part in their computer case so they can't stream for a few days and can focus on themselves, their health, and all the homework that's coming up.
I'm dropping 500 for em
I'm tired bros.
oops, forgot link
uh did you guys not see the stream where they said they aren't worried about actually hitting 1m or not? it was a while ago and i want to say it was one of the member streams, but they are pushing for the 1m in 1year like their debut goals say but they know a lot of those goals are not possible and have said as much on stream.
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>I'm dropping 500 for em
Why do they still have the ticker up on stream? It's a degradation fetish at this point with it being less than 4 weeks away.
fuck off agri you attention whore stop encouraging their stupidity this is not the time and is more hurtful in the long run
because they are still trying for it, even knowing full well that it was most likely never going to happen. like they explained forever ago.
kill yourself you namedropping faggot
Why not? Why does that make you so mad? It doesn't affect the streams at all.
If that were true, I'd expect things like one of the two VN's they're playing on the docket at some point in the last 3 months. Instead they moved half of their content to vertical streams with the number counter in the corner and the scrolling banner. While I have no doubt in things like their appreciation of the Ruffians as a whole, their work towards their goals have had them being conflicting recently.
It just makes me feel sad. It's like the 2 views that have a donation goal on screen but have $2/1000 and rent is due in 3 days. Maybe that's the angle they're going for though
Actions speak louder than words. They said that but keep spamming verticals and fotm games. Where is White Album? Where is Sakura Wars?
goodbye sisters
>brown skin again
into the trash bin it goes
You are too white for FWMC.
>Where is White Album? Where is Sakura Wars?
Dead and forgotten like the old FuwaMoco

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